f HoId information meetings big -Halton rally is Frida-y Haltoti fanerwna t r urgad to puotuotiaf tht GIaO vote, but Mr. Poser mas optietittic make a spta fott ot carl etnsa on htmn o e rut ideut thair bltatthe Ontario Centre in Oattvile on Wadaaadoy mare battue ocquamoteli mih the Goera Parsu Oegaulzation vote andi Brookyjîle Hall in porpose of Tuusalay's election. fluxa Tuesday, Jua 24, at two Nauoyat on Thurtday, to A big uaiiy for Chu auhole S paiInformation maatings tha http oquoint auto familiers with roonty in being hulli this Fridoy =ato GPO conunittea huld tlut tht isuea behind tht vote. evanief, lune 20 at Stamarttown wauk. About 40 attandeli tha fit Hall, mith speakers expectuli on Tom Fotr of Buellagtoa, meeting andi a smafl crowd of bahalf tif the provincial GOO cbalumant of dia local conunitte oaly t0 sbowtd ap on Thuuaday, compaigu commeittee Tht Young Scoiiish farm visitor sees Ontario's agriculture A daiuy fariner fuoin Daluy, Aprubica, Scoanl, la currenlly about hslf'may dieough a 'e diue-aad-oue-half moadi stay in Ontauio. Roberut Lamant, mba le a psrtner midi bit fadier in Cacheria Paia, 30 mailes soudi- est 0f Gogow, aruiveni ins Onte Apu* 23. Siaca thon ha hou stayerd fou puoda of ie in Duffeuin, Elgin and Haltoa Cooniies and Temislcaetag Disatuici; mith Launox, Addiagion and Reufuew Countieta too. Ha is axe of tight delugatus, including four fumna Scattand, ima fumia Nouibeun teeland and 0" each fumat EngJand and Wales mho att absauviaf Canadian farin madiods ilsroogh a to-aperative peojeci of the Oitarie, Junior Parnaers and dia Young Parinars orgaloatian of Britain. The Young Pannari granted die pule of the 22-yaar-odd Sotmail plane fore avaiu, but dia trip home and axpens i 15days "free timte" wilI b"uam bis amn pochai. Accommadation durisig dia ntajOoity of bis Cour lu suppliad by Ontaria Juniou Paumera la Chair on homes. Ha hou aotied a numhar of différences haimman British daisy fseesiag methdiand aurs. While tha majoulty of Canadian dsiry haros ara twoataeey, wiith diatmIle balax and Chu hay abava. British suthouitits peobibit Chia type of structure ou sanitallan graurda. Robert also uotad Ontaria craps gro- hightr. aldiaugb Extra riders Every tier yau read cf childutu who have haen killadte inurd mbils rldiag on a tuactitu. Terdadiaamd injurias oue campttl o esia ry. Tiasua'y la asly ane sast an a tractair mnd ibis la for dt oerautau. Ha hou no tutile ta mh children whee bt's parasgeqime. adn a schneo yaecid' lif. Mlea"aelei ae vnrfsue put"Id t#s Bp E. Estabuobi Be ialactiva 0f die lime mhea pou applp peaticides for iattis, distant sud weed contrai. Pestitidas oue onlp laed mhau tisera la a peut peobtatu or pteatisi puabimat. Disaaes tan batexpected ta ha a peoblasu ou msuct planta during wtt mouCher, mhla inas commoulp shom op duulng hot, day maadieu. Weeda, rit sasua.ts shawsuap any dimt and oU the lima. Once pan have eatablishad Chu aeed ta apply a pesticida isy ta tapply tha spray in the maming ou eveuaing whan dtre la gtnarli na wmmd. Your speay roveragu ahanld impeavu. If apraping is carried oui during Chu broC of Chu day manp of Chu spray deopleti miii uvaparaie before ruaching Chu plant. Thu pmsihiliiy of rousing injuiy t0 pour plant is alto inomeaaad, pauticoarly miasu temperatoues are veuy bigla. Chair Scottish roonierparis, have a bighur piald-pur-ac. v a e i t tasih vante ta Cana da. O. Cackeuzie, fou exemple, 60 amuis are used for grain, 45 for hap and die eesl of the 200-atme astate for grata. Thuua are no miln quotas in Britaiu-a daiuy farmer puoducua as moch ou hu miahus, seiiing aI puiros eîtablishud by Chu Miik Marketing Board. Thia varies, Mu. Lamant ueports, htmun 30 and 45 routa peu galion. The Buitish prodocuu is paid on soiids radh itan Chutteufai. "Pdining la a uitile mort intensive in Scoiiand dian huru," tht visitor re otudi. "We ram 50 long toua (2,240O poands) of furtilirer on Chu 200 amren." Mdihough Ointariouexpeuiencrt higbtr Cumperatarus ihan Chu Aprabiru area of Scotiand, thuir groming tsson is longur. meeting satu ait 8p.m. aud is open lu avuuyouu. Parinars, thair wivaa, childeen over 20 and oupane activuly engagali in formng art uýligible lu morh o ballot on t propostdi teutrat farmn orfoaizatiou. Thup will face flue aepaiae questions, alI on the ose ballot. First question il mhethur ou nui Chep favor a gunural faimo orgameoation midi o compuisouy chuchoif. Tht second qustion ditais widi giving Chu marketing boarda of Ontario a vote on thu provincial GFO council. The aust itCres questians dual mith Chu finmciag and give volera a choice butwuun volnary memburîhip popmunts, automnatir mamberships rovrud by Chu checkoff, aud a combisalios of mtmhtrship asd chuchoif finaiscial apoosordiip. Mr. Fostur poiutud u lst wuuk's meetings ChoC Chu checkoff would bue a maximum of $2 pur $1,000 of goods aold. and oulp goodu sold Chrough a gosuunmunî marketing plan mould hae ciegible for Chu novuent. Tht eheckoff figure mill bue set hy tht provincial councl and mili prohohly bue $1 per SI,000-mhich mould gmte Chu GPO ou opeuating budgut of $1.250.000 in Chu fint year. hue said. Tht GFO would sut op ahui 100 "Cotais" coveriug approxienateîy 1,000 farmneus each, and uach local would have onu dimector on Chu provincial couucil. Dincussions aC Wudisdap's meeting smung arooud Co Chu consumer boycott on huef puoducta. 'Yei." said Chu chairmnna, Chu containers woutd lihu to sel Chu prives of huef nom, buC Chuy didolt mant ta do il a fux years ago." Hu CarousCed whal seumuli today t0 bu "'a proucîud sociuly for uveryhodp eite, but a freeuuuCurprinunsytm fou Chu farmurs." Ao odivanro poil (for Chose osahlu to vola ou Joue 24) miii bue huid Comoruom (Thursdap) fuoteta.m. to 8 p.m. ai the Ontario Dupattmuni of Agriculture and Food office, 181 Main St., Mâtou. Nome Rosemary Booth 4-H meeting delegal. By Ted Peluk agruntCural mumburs front Miss Rosemauy Booth of R. R. acroastChu puovince mill atend. 1, Milton, hou haun choseu The puoguami of Chu livu-dop Haitou countp's delugaCu 10 Chu conféetur which begis ou Juar anueal puovincil 4-H confurenro 23, will incCude grup discuion OC dt Uiniversity of Goelph. ou leaduuship, effective programn Roaeaiary has rompletud 17 planning, Chu fuCture of 4-Ht, and puojects aud hou huld Chu office rtlated probluns of Codap's of Pruaideut in the fihaiCo 4-H poudi. Individual involvumunt in Siuamherry Club. Roaemary bas Chu actisities of Chu couféruoce purCicipatud in 4-H for sevuu mli bu umphasirod. puars aud has suuvud ou press Coofuruoro duiegatus have repore for Chu HalCon 4-H beun chosur by local leaduens and Forage Club. agriculirral rupruseuCaCivus fuom About 75 outsiauding 4-H uach of Chu 54 coanties and disCrits of Ontauio. lu peuiotu yetis stiecCisa was linniteri t0 Sonu dulegale peu couuCy. bol Chis peau each couty haviog moru titan 150 merobtus wiii Ctud Imo represenCativus. -Policu in Avion have laid a àý nomhuu of ioiCuriug charges in Chu pasC fum meuhi. Tht peoalty i $30Ota $300. -Thure ia joît a wuukand a haif of achool iefC fou uiuonuntory schrol aludeuli. SCOTTSI4 YOUNG PARMER Rabet Lamnunn, niait ta Ontario tais. Bill Sinclair shls hi algu, speet sonna rima oC the hame of Gordon visiter aue ai the Sinclair Haistelm.-iSittf Photo Sinclair oald Sans. Bariington dauing bils aatended -Peuple reod a9th dit d*l The Champion, aeu tittia anas. A. I. MUUKE #UPIce CAqmVmL 854-2271 Th iiFarrn SDepends on You ON JUN24 VOE ce sJ MIDI LAWIORNAT 1$ Of AGAM SF0 VOTE NEXI TUESDAY TOUR READERS- WRITE: drap il. Rumumhuu Chai me can votu ti GFO oui uvtry two yuars if mu donCt lku il. As thup sop, 'if yoa haven't triud il, doolt inach C!" 1 moaid liku ta maiseose final point about my omu position. 1 Chai oot stand fou uleciion as a driegatu to Chu foonding cooveotion and miii, thurufor, 001 he eligihie fou uluciion t0 te provincial coancil or Chu esuculisu. Tis is sot bucausu COMMIS ATTENTION FA RM E Strong.emno5Myrunningtwine wappad sn potentud papr au Chas puevunia esîlapue snd tanting Fiait uhuise noi taans fou ave 70 ya. AUL BAB WI R W SOLD BY MAUTR FEHS IS MADR IN C>ADOA OF 1 HUMES OULIY MADIAI "Chetk Olur Prîtes Befara Yeu Boy" M ASTER FEEDS D 1AÀI 877 -35127 G.o r'.t owna URGES 'YES" VOTE ON FARM ORGANIZATION Duar Sir: Wr arr 00w ils Chu liai meuh of Chu campaigu 10 huîid Chu busC fatin organization in fanada Coday. Wu ho Chai faumurs front cr011 Co coast arc machiag Ontario and arr plaoning to follom ur iuad. Tusday, Joue 24, mili bu onu of Chu mmit important dayî in holh Ontario and Caaadian aguiclCure. IC is Chu stautiug peint fou faumurs t0 baud a rualiy effective provintial ond national farm argauizain. Aitu 30 peais et Chu O.FA. aod 17 perau of Chu, O.FU., faim oncomun arr moch Cao tow, Anothur 17 puars of uiihur of Chenu Imo argouizalions miii noC solvu Chu puobleor. IC il Cimu fou a chaste and il's Cime fou Chu fainmers 10 make Chu decîîaons. Thol ns whaC wdi happen on Junu 24. No fauin leadur is foiog 10 Crl1 Chu faumurs whai saut of organizalion hue s goiug 10 have. The fainmeun mi ducida Ibis hy Chu may each onu couls bis halloi. Each of os hou an eual Say. Thuuu have huen a nambr ai mimd and iuuuaespansihiu accCusations and claîms mhich have cornue and garu lihu Ibis meeuh's speci'ais aI Chu iupermarkei. Homuvur Chu liai of Chuse, mhile it is iypicaiiy mild and irresponsiblu, îhould bu dralC mîlb hefote valu day so Chat mu reach Joue 24 miih Chu arcleaund oC ibis red hurîg. Lui's hu dlem about tis. Tht O.F.IJ. maniud lugisiation, Chu O.FA, mantud lugisiation andi 0005 me have Chu lugiilalioo milh lus s govumunt iotuufuruucu Chas mîîh asy othue lugialalios ased hy ony other gruapin ar nociety. But mhai i much moue important, Chu goverumeni roosot dissolve Chia ouganirolion au rumasu ils check off pamuns miihori goisg back ta the legialaloru t0 omund ou removu Chu Act. Cas vos imagine tht upuoar in the House if Chu govuranun meru Ca Cry ihat? t hope Chat Chu fainmers arr sot confouud andi scarud t0 Chu peint Chai Chuy laul ta lahu tinis opportonity. Let's Cake tis legisiation and aie iltCa aur advantagu. tf il is ou hod ou &omue mouid have an helievu. mu can Smooth unloading WORM-GEAR DRIVE ... safety bar, tool New wortu-geur drive. New piate-choin cross con- veyor. Sofety hou protection, tant GehI forage boxea mohe umooth, positive, safe onloading o muy of life! Set the onloading puce yoa oued, get the unlooding pare yoo suet. Gehi hoxes have o ful1 ueven-foot inuide width with "groin-type" uslouding. A standard eight-inch rnlouding extension moken it tonier te direct mua- terioal where yor wont it. When purchased with a apring-loaded rear door, unloadut huleu, too. Gahl forage boxes uuel! Sue ous today. Moae us provo it with a Deanstratioal MILTON EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 3163 Baoue Lie Rd. _e MsILTON - 878-2121 ANfEXPRESSION R OPIIO POUL RESPECTINWG TUlE PROPOSED 6eneral Farm Organization In Ontario WiII b. held on Tuesday, June 241h, 191697 5.1ween te heurs of 8 a. m. ami 8 p. m. At lie blkiwing locations in Hait., County BOYNE COMMUNITY CENTRE STEWARTTOWN HALL BROOKVILLE HALL LOVILLE UNITED CHURCN mi The Canadien Champion. Wadnaadasu. Jonc 18. 1969 S.Y ThO Canadien ChamPion, Wednesday, June 18, 1969 am lryiag to ovoid tomne future rusponaibilitp, bol niauaty huroaat t hope thot tblo wttl dispel any idua Chat t am tuying t0 create au empire for myttlf. Tbonk pu for Chu aparo. 1 hope Chai evuiy former and bis mifu and ait otheus aliiblu to vote mili gui out ou Joue 24 oud vote for o moch helter geneuil farm ougauiztion mnd a hrighter future. Yours sinrorely, Malcolm Davidson, Chairmal GFO Campaign Conusittue. Brorofield, Osi. TRADITIONALLY NEW... FIELD TO PEEDLOT