RIDE CAaEFULLV. OAOOV'S WATCHING-Patti Ora rides ah. tabalatina aIre ratonts. Tisere more about 60 idars paticipating in ahe narroon ciraI. aetisae Healtis Unit parking lot, on. of ah idina thili rodan, and several mun-offs mec, necessana mhen fine agis anti our tasts, tahe bih, rodeo, sponsored ha the Milton Optimist Club on boyst aloa for top marhs. Tono siiny nom bakot mare pronenredt t Saturday moaning. A group of onisea rodao participants lobks on as Berry Crooht andi Jo-Anna Sclisiazi, ah. ovonruol inaaas.-liaaff the nanlgates ah. tinha iraI.. Hon ftaisa, Opriatist Ken Oe, mat one Photo) af tise club membeas oho assisaed rodeo ijudne Johnny Johnson in Optimist Club bike rodeo Close race for top prizes TIare are a lot oi expcat icycle tand fan top spot mth almoat idera in this toma, the Optimasa perfect puant tots. Cluh of Milton menheas dncaded The n. gafialists mene calted Satunday. back ta the rodeo site aftr lunch The pnntha' ramas anataal fan a final tnof. and anothen tie bike rodeo ar the Health Unitresulard as ahane gants and ana panking lot for hane houas boys anmaaoed iv firt place. Pasa Satundap mamang, and paacesed pin ain bth boys' and girls' an estimated 60 cylists thaough divisaon was a shaay nahbihe aid an inspectian ad a thacenpat thean was vo ay ai spliting up iding ahal test. Wben it as al the pize. su a thiad unofi mas over and the marks mean totalîrd necessary. ap, fve girls and four boys badl Fnally. close lu alre o'clock Sister, brother of champs dlaim second baud bikes Nt al tise "wners" et Satardoy's iho rodec o tic su th itenaeat'ciacte. A brasser anti a sistea of tise rodeo, champs mre also amang thse pizeicceat, in an sndirect nov. Frnces Sliizzi, iter af redea, girl' echamp J-Anee Sliezi of 389 Broadway S., andi Martins Crooks, bthor of tisa aode's ceas boy cyctit Baray Cracks aP 217 Oaoac St,. oaa aise aid bikatsa. enJo-Acto ad Mai, mre prasetotti iti van bib,, for taiico f irstapizoin tise rotia. Afiar al, miat cac a felfan or a gaI de inIs TWO bikesP Niss.yor-sld Mais Crocha prabably tiamansnratadth ie mata othislnanti jap misa.hi, i 1yeaaaolti broabea Barry mat The ioliomavg s a aist ai successfitcandidates an enaninoriova hetd ncnttp a the Royal Coservatoap ai Musac ai Toronto n Mtton. Theananes are arrangedain orler o ai t Grace IX Paano, hovuru, Nancy Mabon. Grade VIII Piano, honsars, Mary Wdtn; Lois Pop. Pav, Jban . Smith; Goendlyn V. Pana, Thelmna Caney; banna L. Hunana. Grade VItPano,. honona, Marlpa R. Martin; Susav Peance, Sosan Vanscbte laquai). Grade VI Pano, Haons. Leanne Macruvnon. Ps, Susan Anic; Mchrie E. Hae; Maaaane Honis (equai); Cetesan Sciofintd. Grave V Paa, fissa ciasu buons, Mary C. Stanson. Haons, Kenvrrb Pay; Kareno Wcsov, Tennp Douglas, Pas. Larap Taeumth; Anne Mahon. Grade 111iPPano, haon, lo-Avu MaKinvon; Donva Hurler; Kan Stosba. Pav.% Marianne Lapa. Grade I Piano. fisa clas hnrLneRobrt;Babr APPOINM WILF HAGGART Sach Richopasoa Chas. Otats Lnarad is pleasod Inoeonouoc thre Y 01"tmmofs mtt F FIAGGART an '811f, viso hubas n o pronnm Citizen in aise ton or Milton aoa anY Yeam would Hire oaikre th Lppoavodapan la ivite bis nany Osdoamad aqoabtaeen in corns in nid sal ave thele atmotive raqsdremmut. aesocdtheominnerinsthe boy,' secian f h. rades. Barry smilloti bat Marna braise aat into ea.eatr'ta'aor rinanastileopet op aod dawnsa fen ime. Radea officials oaapacti he at pretty shilloti ta aao hi, big bratisar wnatisa caveti honoma Later it tuasotioua Martin iat boas peomisati Bacys aId biho if Ba"aywans aie vnw0oe. As wonas a Barry pst hi, aId bib. dawns teaccapa thae nwaoe, Martisaseis preu otpasan.. Tisa bretiseas radaeihame, ide by Ratiaa chsapion JO-Anne Sclaeizes repantd ari hn dter Frances naulti alao bo a pnt happy girl athes s. oaa hame nids hea tnwbib.. Fronces mwu lated te gt he second isaad earce. Honora, Wayne Whaern; Ano Lamsov. Fats, Shanon McPhaat. Gaade i Piano, honors, Kanbeaty A. St. John. lt ime lo Go Wit GFOI ON JUNE 24 VOTE in the aftemoon. t t-year-cild Barry Crooks of 217 Qurro St. and I l'year'old lo'AnneSfclisizzi ai 389 Broadway St. mer. drclared the champions-hoth by a nonrom mancan. Rodeo judge H. P. "lohnny" Johnson presnted nactaof aielachcaaps it a staao vem bab, couutesp ai Canadian Mter Comnpany and Ontario Steel Pauducta. Eachbibah. as futty ourfitard mith a bckstand. maman. toum and caaayang bakets, coutesp ai Tap-ln Tre. The tisane uons.up ahu tasted mth te champs avait the final roand mena Patta Oaa of433 Kaogsteagh Ca.Fraank Hume ai 141 Bell St. aaad Pattit Southa of 228 Bell St. The othen fine finabisan oho mre koocbed auraf competition in the fiasat uyauf er. Afonso faisci ai 73 King St.. DonnFPope of 410 George St., Date Stark ai 450 Kivgstaigh Ct., Babara Barr ai 25h Hstop Rd.. and Joanne DeGraafoai70 Brote S. Att the fisalasas er. gavet aa chaque ion $2 irota alae Optamasta. Tiae Stunday rodeo cimaued a fuît mee af i bahinsprcting and icrncivg. conducard by the Optimisa Club as o community servicr paojnca au cid ahe Mlot Police Depantonent. Each naroing of usa meeb Optimisas gathnned ai te fatr grounds ro proceas clildaenva babas and ahen h. meek mas att aven, a total ni 458 baad been icenced. Oniy a ira mare ejectnd as unsafe and meea icne eea mtlaetd untal i nooaepatas mena made. Rodeo format nctudnd a saiety check furanay ikns tiatmnaenot tcenced nanier iv the mrek, plus a thnee-patnidng skilt test. Cyclisas fint hadt ta novigote their bake dom a long staagbt, vannom staetch maaked on the pavement. Tkeno t as a tip titane tanna aaound a amati ciacin mthout touchag nytlins, and the final test mas a tuataous joanney rthaough a nana ai pastcpytova. Basa quota ai tha day cane faon a iaeckt-iaced t0-yeaa-otd lad aho tad jasa nanaged to pass the third test mtît fling colons. "Boy, tlaaunsurensnparates the mev rmntheehoys" hemas oveaheand sayivg ta a buddy. WE PUT OUR REPUTATION ON THE LINE e... EVERY TIME WE INSTALL A CARPET. THATS WHY WE DO IT OURSELVES, MTS BETTER THAT WAY. LET US ADVISE YOU o ou souclectin utsnuotb .%urface Ilooa cuaargs Wn W O TAKE ADVANTAGE bave the ot complote lin OF OUR in toavn -Domcu. Armstrong, SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Rabbins - and Others. ALL CARPE? gEOUCED TO GIVE HERE lB A REAL BUY YOUI EXCELLENT BUYS 50 REMNANS LOOK AT TIS TO CLEAR Caravelle rranadiane from 50c to $5.00 10 Bautiul clors3 EOLLS ONLY Intle ý th /,Inh Rabia Uadrpad PRINTED FELT BASE FULL flhIIV9.9iSq.Y. Rg .4 q d t1.95 SQ YD * L .5>S.yi Eg .9Sq d O VALUE iSaira lacepeadi CPWO1.19 CLEMENT FLOOR COVERING 123 Thomas, St. 878-2194 Discussion By Mat. Cecil Patteaton Mat. Clarence Ford entartaioad tihe membarn of Bethel .C.W. on Thuatdup, lune 12 at 8 p. Prasident Mat, W. Hart opened ah. maating mith oa rading "'lh. Church". The roll clt word proyar' mas onnnnrnd hy 15 membars. Thr tecretaay read thank you ntets froin Mrs. S. MeMitan, foaflianara, and faon Mat. Bill Study fan the wnddiog git cf o pair afblonkats. la mas dicsted and decided thot a social avenina b. arangad for Ocînher ta antnrtaonlnadins froon Hilîcrant ad Eden chdrch. The L.C.W. voted tu boy ian cromnuandaes as aspecial treat for att preent t tha clos. of Sunday chool classes n Jneva15. Frnantian Suvdoy, lune 22 wili hava a combioed cbunch waaabip and Sunday schadl clans at 10 Mat, S. McMillan nos iv charge of he devationat pragroon mhich ceasitard ofa o par"Thisn t the way ta tant ny day" and o euding froon thn choacîs Observer, "Get rrodp ta ha norpried". Shn gave an exptonotiov of ah. LodaF rayen, straasieg that ah. nord "Me" in nvrrrntioveditathe prayer. Mrs. K. Hawkes led an intnresaing discussioan on the chunch and iasimponaoncr this in a vital materaiv church life mitb cavnegaticat iating amay fean negutan marship. Queations discurd meea, 'ta the chunch marth i tasait?", I"it marth attendiag?" "Why go?" "Were yau conisnmed?" "Were pas manned in church?" "Arr yasr cbatdnen haptszed?" "Hava yoo nana aaknd younanfmwhy?" Thene iv a feaontest mny countrypctunctsns mop tare ta close for tock of sapporavd attendance. The district israpidty changing wittt many seting thnir fanons and moving ao ther parts. What s ttte aamen ta this important matten? The metng cloard mith the Minpab benndictiov and a deightfot lunch mas snnvnd hy the hott.s Mra. Ford and committe. Mat, loba Picheta Sa. aid Mas, .Alfred Bail. Mn. and Mat. John Hanah and faonilp arttedd a.annual Peacack famiyr enonaiLa Salle Faak, Hamlano unday, ion. 15. The annual gal'lcgeaher of the descendants cf the lte Mn. and Mes. Homen mas betd at Hoonby Recreation Centre on Sunday, lune 15. More ihan 30 gatheaed for the barbecue and picnic dinnan ut voon. Conunittee in charge mas Mn,. litu McDougaîl, Mas. Harotd Wilson and Ms. Paul May. Litte Carotyn Marshall, daughaer of M. and Mas. Robeat Marshall Jr., mot celebnating ber fourah htrtbday and rcaived a cake, gond inhes and the bithdoy tong nung for ber on ber speciot day. A g. a-r ogather of supanmntendents and Sunday nehooltetachens mat hrld at Hillcet chunch on lune 10, conducted hy Ms. K. Hawkes, oho had on disptay many bohs and tnaching aids for Sunday tehoot. The goup coanideaed on church reboorcesandmatarial avaitbla GanfiraL bren-Brook ' Dck tu teachera for varlous clasaes for Cou Me, chael Hems, Sherry aext tarin. Me,. Hawkaa Daming, Maria Saqaeas, explainad the book diaplay and Raymond Villa, Staphen gave idean, suggestionsa nd Cochson, Larenca Johnson, interestiag helps for the greuptouBen Morey, Gaary Gocding and ordaaasupplies. ac Schubeàt Nent Sasday, Ion. 22 as Mr. and Ma,. EBhson Bail man, promotion day when pins wM lbc guesas at the Younga-Nor.t aaded and Sotsdoy echool wedding in Meirose United clutteswili clan, untit Soptamiser. Chuacis, Hamoilton on ltriday, Attending faon, Betiani mer, lune 13 at 6:30 p.m. A dianer tuparintandant Mat. J. Pickett, recaptloo and dance foiiowed the tecreaay.treasuror, NaranoJ. ceramony ut thenbundas Goifand Bail, Teacheat Mat. B. Bail and Curling Club, Dundas. Mat. Stuart McMittan; Ai flta it hod been o mottintenasting meeting. The choot yeaor ionearing on MILTON and ond staff parties and TE PH N . gttogetltaatare in oader. Ma. and Ep ( E Mas. Ray Shica of Claaianon l i enteatained i thair home ut a [ ANSWERING heef barbecue for the staff and SERVICE their spauses of Percy Merny School on Fiday, lune 13. A CONFIDENTIAL delightfül evaoing non enjoyad by COURTEOUS ail ttending. a PERSONAI.IZBD RnVondar Marel, Anne Hilacta 878-2020 Mr.N. Firmington, Ms LEADVIG MAINFACTURRS' WAREHOUSE STOCK 0F 1969 '"j I~flfllI~TV871 2551 UUIFILLIUERETW SAVE Hundr.ds of dollars off list price FIAT 124 SEDAN Cout the feutures: Rg. lispin, $2346 - nana Haidrati, *4 doors* 65 HI.* 4 miseel disc braka, padaed andi finished interior* fancastic oaa *Reclining buckat seaat* anti-smay bars mitl * 5 main bearings inaise motor *permavenaiy ealad radiator * beautifully * he lowes prie you wilI ener pop. igg Westside Mofors 135 LakaheaW. 844-9831 j On, Block Weo af Kear OAKVILLE 12 Announce resuits Conservatory exams HoIy Ruwiy Porish - Annui GARDEN PARTY SSaturday, June 21 ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS 2.30 P.M. to 11 P.M. 0 SUPPER - Served Rain or Shine 0 MAMMOTH PENNY SALE 0 DARTS 0 HOME BAKING 0 PONY RIES 0 BINGO 0 LOTS TO EAT AND FUN FOR EVERY MEMBERE0F THE FAMILY