Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1969, p. 1

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rke ftniau i VOL. 110 -No. 7 Ming tecomtyrta for 109 Vase Rxmmend 36 lot subdivision A 36 lot, eight acre soubdivisono Couanil dealt mitir wiether propoed for tire ores of Ridge tirrp wooid prter tond for pariro Drie: ood It H igir d Drive or o ceosi pepreent in lieu of this. extended ootir ra e jo It mai coicoiated the park ares, ini irordile Mooday. Milton relation ta tire total area of thre Cooniciliors, anamerîng o pion, ;maidire leas thao haif an = o oe tosr tram the ace M tieoareed tu diactlis prietfMocipai Affaira tris witit the iairdivider ai the agrnnd to recommend tire plan. fimie of compteting a iabdivider'o agreement. Esthier, Planning Board Tire atreeti, cooocil frit %vere io mamirera irai reviewed tise tire proper location and memirera propo@ai and aaowerd a oumirar declrd 7tîs on antrwer ta tire of tireostions on tire two page quesiona "Dort yaur Couicl questionnaire. recommerd tbit plan?" New weII in offing drop delay on dam n Milton Commcit witirdrem its iang-tseid imsistence tlit tire Hilton Pells Dam poojeci ire praceededmwitirirelate tire Scotcir Block Daim, miren it pasmad eaoletions Mandey nigirt. The cirenge of attitude mes apeny ecknowledged as neceusaey ta clour tire way for nie toma ta airtein permssian ta canstrct a000W 2,000,000Ogallon mailat Keisa. Tire tama preaentlp ires a 1000,000Og&%don moUl titre. Deieye in tend acquisitian for tire Hilton PeUts peoject ire irat mede it poseiirle for tire Aatisarity ta praceed. Miltan conaiders tire projct essentiel irecase it eugmeents tire ntreomn flaw in tise $000n, ita micir tiro tamnis trnntmrnt plant diacirerget. Mayar B. Bust aclasomledged tise Aetirarity coolli jest nat pracerd mare qeictdy tran itmwai on tire Hittan Patta prajoct and suggestrd tire to mitirdrew its insistance an tf precerding tire Scatcir Blockr Dam projoctmirere tend acquisitions seemrd ta ire peaceediag more eepidly. Couoncitlet C. Pay, acknamledgiag ire ird ourtier Stol readis g wuiter mneters tStertlsgseuttndny, Jane 23. tia Miltn Hyline Commission wiii b. toking nae tiresedins of boit eer andi hydre mortera in tome. Fires bilting for thas nom maes meterins sysaen miii ho on Auquel: 1 andi ahu senond miii ho on Septenebse 1. The nemi bltinge miii ho aery tmo menthe. Commission mager 0. L. Hadisy reporteti. meintained Hfitan PeUt miust ire pcadnd mitir fient, rrnirmed te praieais tire Autirarity mai ireving end reporîrd on discussions midi tire lamas eutirority repreueniativo. Dr. C. A. Martin irad suggesled nie toma acrpt tire AIl tilrnit ys erqoiemonts for tire resolutîns ai a candition toregraalag a nem site for a second metl. Councillai C. Sîttiltir ramard fi and an a rennredd vote ire caliod tue, ire mai tire only une ta aiotain ltsisitlrcr flra tire Hilton Patta peajont have priaeity aner tire Scotcir Blockr Dam. Tire resolttîns appeaved: a ag r erd muir tire Coanservaution Autirity peaceodint on tire purcirasa of Cramford Luire and ira fiaaacing over aixu perriad. * agreed t0 tire Aatirarity prnnrrding on Hilton Polît and tire entra tMp tirai mould ire roquied. e agrred ta renciad aIl prenions eesolotiansand nam go in tannent peaeediag on tire Scotcir Blonik dem idi payaient aftie entra trop iftroquird. Tire noonncil aiseoegreed taihave lir marks staff conîtrunt a ssone drain tram oner aftie toma's test metîr irrlom tire [Dai et Kelso and plant trams arouad tire pump irauso et Kolso, in tire taîl ut 1969. -A deper eithne hme ot G. Wriggimmwoeti, Miii St.. cauglil lir on Pridap eflemon. Tirere mai litlî damage. Il mas tirr Milton Pire Brigade's only fore naîl ut tirr pait meei. MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 SiiSrid Cem Mail Regisirstlne N.«",a .0913 NDTE TH-E HAPPY FACES? ut's plain ta sec tire Milton Renreerron mater. Most nf tirn airete younemers bot a Ian edults more on baril Committee's ouldener pool in Rntary Parkir laopen lot enoturer uousy te cirristen tire popalar pool's 1969 seasor. Tire pool romains opn seisor. Satardey elternoon's apniag tare a rowd o abeout 260 for tire sammer and lestons miii iregie tire lint meoinl Jul0. Staff tisile clotires for rabhiot attire andl e cooling romp ia tire ponirs cean Piratai Iornf orik Protest town apartment delay Aay drlay in tire imîingof ua bruilding permit tue an 83 unit aprmient biulding on [Oataria S t. mas peoresîrd iry represeniativra of Toretta Corporation ta Milton Caunicil Monay. V. Hiadr ot G. V. Klrintrîdi and Amsociales. cnsultats ta Torilta, bold caunit iris clients irad mel aIl tire eaisiag iry.lems ut tire lama and ail ther terais ufthlie Cuaimitîr O of Adjustreent denisions. An application bil hemn toemally applied fat, tire capital Irn Ood hemn paîd. tire necessary derds tue o strip ut land for road widening and for a nrm 66 tant road bil hemn depooird muirh tire toma. Lest aierk Couacîl intouec lire bruilding inspecter n0t1t0 issue a iruilding permit ru tire Oira mîtirout tuetiser direction tramt councîl. Mayor B. Brsî euprrssed tire couacil'snoenceea mîtir tise drainage in tire orro and tiret peapased for Torrîta ireld tends nuelir ut tiraI peoposed tue Toreta-ireld lands nortir uf tire praped apartirat rite. Mer. Hinde rupluiord entgineering draminga had irera depossîrd witir nie tumu outlîaîng tire proposai fut tire mu tee course un tire opoartn inure site. He sugcesled itmould nul ire possîil ta drveiop a plan for threarea nartiîoftiatutll mas irnomu mirat iid of developatent mouid ire permîtird. A66 font ruad.erequrerd bytfice rama for possible future devriîrpmett avd P. Joyce for access ta iris land, mus tire sairject of consîderahle discussion os memirs mondred ifît mud ire in lire propr location tue fture deelopairat. Me. Hiode propoard iris client consteoct tire tuadt ta lire standard aftie preseal land and part a bond ta euueonter its future devriopaieni la toma s Irret s tandards miro tlire lcto s posîtiveiy delermiard. Tire consultant aisa agreed tir client marmiltng tncuttsttuct a sidemalir along tlicesireri leuntage Oui peapasrd a onad ire posird to caser lire future devriopnîent snefle sîdemalir canstnoctrd num wouid goutraîrîvamirerta namiiere. Witen o pilae and grades more estairisicd for t sidemahir an flie mirai estreet tue fonîds naild ire avaîlairle toi lit portion. Arked ta driay development ai ire site iry Cauacdluor C. Saillir, tire consultant asired ifcaunicîi wnuid gumranleer trot prescrit zoning mnuid reeain on tire rite.' Itmmîr idicated conci cudanet gine ibis assrance. "Toretta iras a legal rigiri t0 birod or tire praprrty". Mn. Hiade declared. Ho nnted fliac tumars etiginert liedt assured caaniciitdictemmascapactytintfile euioting semer syutnm ta itandie tire prapusrd apartment bousam tl mas agreed ta o wat erir trnoocrecring rire toma enguseer's sîudy ait tire drainîage dîtciî furthrie area michr lias ireev andot uiudy fortw um nh tii. Iilurde mas also askrd un lookailef tire draintage pli relu fnt iuscliunt'u total iroldiîgs. Crack dlown on hooligans on area Lands omard iry ire Hai on Regian Conservaion Auha iy, pertiecularly tire recroatian centresiat Ralernaire Paint and Relia are ireiag iradiy airsurd, Autirarilp field manager Dune Murray eeported t0 tire HRCA enenuline meeting Tirrday eaening. At a full Autirtitp meeting Jure 4, il irad hemn noted a maînenycie gang Oad diaterirrd a panir of CaO Scouts in tire Batinanake Area. The cycle-mon rored tiroir machines ail arooad tire escarpairat until nearly damo. The proirlees ird resoited n tire Aotirarity osiring Burfingran Police Porce for co-aperallan in koeping tiho partis stle end peacefol for iicensed j Locol supporters of tire Califorie grape monkets hune renemnd thir e ffo rts ta stronghen tir trope bocycottiun Milton, and lis meek ir e ni sux Milton mercirunts miro seil fuenrm promninel supporters tOry mnuid seU no mare, Murtin Coputo, mira virited vinepards in nie Deleno and CoacircUa naliepa of Calitnenia tma mee elge in bli capaciny is secretary-treasOrer ofthlie Canadien IJAW Coonicil tend Monday tre pickera' "ntrraggie for justice" ba Botdingmwide support in Milton. Ha vleted aU aix local conservation parks compeen. la tire part mentit, sevenroa r op ad onflskWi, charter for ilegai ose of lîquor boe iu ad be ote i have heem laid au Rottiernaire byOver e sgnandpc M 1 L TO0 Borlînguon Palice.talsb bigaotnth k Agate lart mrrirend, a grnup oftyjiio Girl Guides camping vn Kelsa piictalsl Ratenk *REIP Conservation ara more irararsed haeagre at..teye 1 7 0-0 b otoccit.tse vr lcpeiiet rs At a reguao meetîn A soleil cor overturard on a bill unota fle rocks ireiom; and Couacîl Monday. mesl Tirursdap, ieaving a sceur mili samerne even toit oiriiged ta Oaek "hiood and tire salilt of hemr ail a houe un tire ceaient an Wene advused iry oser," and on AuthirîtY Rottiernaie nu maire o barecue no progress mas hrein ompinyrers eau mas strucir tits pîr. rogianai gaveromneit merir. prvince mas con TOhe unrulinesu of people. Au uddîttonul Bernes guord iras fmcanciai study of mnostiy yauag people, irecauns b hemlired tu poaie tire porirs invved, micir moulu irontin Thurrday officiais ut Keisa durîsg tuec niglit: and irotir meris. emlr =ieprk of peaple ai 4 Ontario Provincial Police and pmedl dup for the doy B urlungieni Police have agreed tO nRecrîved tlîns Tis came an e resu of e mass stage a maejor crack-dama on Humner. Head of flue "ihlraisiniir" mici irciuded cars offendets un tire punr. Departrmeat ut iti outlets tis meoir and fivr pramised nompiene enoutporato iry refusiag t0 oei O1ny mare Calutoesîa-gnamn frapru as long an tire matronrs' dispute mith il geomeuts continues. Me. Capota irad heem part af a delegatuon of 32 Canadians mira Inurd lire feraili of Culifrormia eariy in lune. "We are gning ta gelthlie chorcireo innained next," Me. Capuoa id. "if arpane hua any dourts in thirritamid airout lire saery conditions trese mookees face, i miii ire ani ton irappy ta apeao ta tirnIn. Ho bai Poauoid piclnooa, manie filmn and tape recordinga taken an tire boycott Catifarnia trip mincir are avaîlairie for shcmutg tOoany local gaoups maritifgt c atti nmcre about the Gui tiie nwci.cid Mtr. (apuo mas asnsg 3110 deleganes ro tire quaeneriy mreeting of ther UAW Cooncil ai Port Engin, mire ire and otirer local unioniîts miro nisiled Celifornie gaeou repart an tiroir trip. Tiey irtoogir a young girl op front Catifarnia te npeair ta nie UAW geoap and Mr. Capulo said maf grama mon more an barts mien tirey ireard irer story. "Wr are goint ta ireep gaing mini tris iroycntl il's rot orer yen," ire added. gfaf Milton the ccuurity g made on t au tire ficun a ILaire ouglît frrnm Joua Geograputy Higir Sciroul for flie ramn's cn.opertn in tire study an shopping habits caruas.d iry tire geogrophy stadeair. Councîl eupemed ils tiranis ton thremaori and for tire useful information oirtaînrd . Complteresuits mmte anrîuunced an Tire Champion last * Agrred la appeau a Conmîîîîttoo cf Adjoctoient drcusuan requned ai Idwiti Baiey a sevn foat unrup cf land for fturc madl mîdraing. Tire Coonndi underslood a 10 foot srip mas required along lire coud evon tirootk une connoyance irad opperently heem eliomnl previoesiy mini oniy oenon trot ireing deednd ta tire lama. *Ceilicieed t0e delay finim tire timo Camimiller of Adjostient (Cmteirned an Page 9) PROUD AND HAPPY WINNERS nf e irrad rom. cemplntely eqaippei bticycle et Searday'r Oplimist Clair bire rodie more lo-An Sclisiezi, 11, of 389 Broadway St. end 11 .peer-ald Bett Cronlrs ni 317 Quee St. Rodeo ludge H. P. "Jairany" Jonn pesenteal tire bkes et tire cnrclusion of lire regeler tests andi e double runani that wasanedod tobreakea eriesnoftics' About0 nirilden pertitipaeti n tire rode tiret ceppeli tire twn'soannuel iie licencîag monli. Optimists irelpeit Milton taurce irp inspenting andl licncino 458 ires. More pictres ami stoev elsamirere la lOis moiras Champion.-(Sltf Photo) To'enty-Six Pages - s5ifreen Cents Okay plans for resource centre buSketcir plans and a proposed f orsrtinfa e hard idget were approvrd for the op pakin ra ho h addition of a Resouror Conte at presurit auditorium. tire Martin St. Senior Puic Arciairot trou are estinmaird et Sciroal Tirorsday iry tire Board ut $3,500. The addition isesiooated Educotin. at $20 a square foot for tire 2,000 foot addition. Tire iesuice irolir wîtl ho Appruval of sketch pluts was lo.caird hetureen tire imu prescrt alun gtven un os addition ta wings ut tire achoul wini Centennial Puirlic Sciruol in incorparate tire industriat arts Gergetowin estimalad ai and home ecotomics sections. $170,000; a nom publicîschool in Estimaird total cuit ut tire flie Monte Park subrdivision ia proiecî ir $66.000 wîtir Georgetownt estimated ut constructlion ettimatrd et $643.000: and addition la $40.000 and alletationu to tire Ryc ruon Pubiric Sciroul, euisting huilding ai $6.500. Burtiiocton, estimated ai Addîrîonal equipouent is ailed $200,000; and a 00w pubrlic foi a $10,000 and a $5,000 scirool on Prospect St. an aount is încluded for site Bon ingtun estîmaired et doselnpment mii wil prna do $598,000. Wants mayors county council The first sîpîin amovetoiave would bhogîse atesxtra vote tfa tire mayors of mamicipalttes as municipalittys peesent nnting mrnirrrs ut tire couaty coanicil in power could oui ire divided. Tire addition to tire terses and Ou milIle deputy. tre depulîrs mas advanced at inurti etopiasiard il would net gine counicil Tuesday. mote unies tut Burlîngton and A notice ut mutin oilling for a Qakirvlle. Unras munîcîpalities prîvaîr menihet's bill in tie wîitl oîily mo notes mouid ire provincial lepusiatue mas refrerd 0cre a lird Io ilium tie myor a tu a comnîtec tue dis uio uoîcr. miii tire county solîcitor.cuso Il %vas ntînid Peel Conny iras In'yors as meinibrsouttirecounif Proposer ni' the tiotie, c..Iucil. Memrs agreed totefer Depuiy-Rrrue W. Gulte', Illte ntie ot motion lu a suggested is mas time action in commutter lt discussion mîtir tlis direction mas inîtiard. lie tîeusoicior andereportirack aî propourd mayors appoirtd tlicneuî meeting. Approve water for annexed lIands A mile and a irait ut nem mater srerd bireng cirged for ire nom main mîtl ire oddrd lu tire Milton seevice. systeor tu seeve arras ut tire toma Thr ptopeeiy omners' diare mll rrcentiy anarued. ire $74.230 mule tire tomais Couacil Mnnday pasued a skate miil ire 45,409. ry-lam prnvîding tue a mater mata Tir peogeamn cadis for 4,450 ut flie Base Line Rd. ttom ttet of12 inchmainaonteBase Ontario St.. rosi tu tire tomo LUne Rd., costtng a total of limit;Sh69,15. Tue toma skate milI ire * on tire Tird Lino, actu ut $28.071 and tire omners' shre tire Base Liar lu Highwmy4Ol;and mîlI ire a total cf $4.65 e foot on Ontio St.. huom tire nid true toge speead cur tht 20 year tomnlfinit soutitte erryRd. petmid, ut 51 cents a font Tire $119.040 projeci milI ire annuaily. carrîrd out on a local The Ontatto Si. installation is rorpeovemneat irais miti peupeeîy estîmaîrd or $21,630 mîtir the umneesuon rotir vides cf flie road tomo poyîng $4.743. Tire feontage chîatge titre mil ire That's ~ ~ ~ ~ O ah lat at! 04i ird Lice tire valuentf Tire 1 7rir avouaI Rotary ln u e aticrk s euuînîated at $28,860 Peanut Day ciralked up aaotirer miti tire tamn tiare at îuccesui eent as tire clubr sold $1 2,594.d0avd tire omneis'share $685 mortir of pravuts na $4060 atfout ut 50cents atnually. ae-eigirt mlile ut tire toma Engineeiag teruts ale Tursday uft ii eoi. supporîrd a pln to defet tire Amoui 35 Rotortanu and installation of a12 inchrmain irelpers comired tire tomv. district iretmers Maetin Street and iry district, oe dîsteirute tire Onteto Stteet fartuns yrar, siace peonurs and peatut irutter. thete mould stîd ire adequate Chirîmanof the projecîmwas Bni pressure to seeve tire euîeaded Reed.lies Charges regional committee inactive Cals fr te cunt coimiteecost figures onualocalhasis. "Tire o etinlgvrrnetI mivîteruuisudy mvill toit tire irecome more active mere aunistet brut nat necessaeily tire sounded ai itîitov Couttty municipalities,' ire conc'aded. Council Tuesday. Miltoa Deputy-Rreve Roît Nu action mai takea un tire Harris eupreared cuncers about discussion Ont ir mas proposed tire cummittee's progreus, norîng memirers of threcommittermaould is mas srverai nînnîhsîsnce brediucussîag theesituation. Halîn hadl drcîded ru seir rire couaty asausingle umt ratrer trn o e m nt mereedmwilirPeel.He puiniedou>t A s sre t Nassagameya and Milton iras suirmittad irriefs outtînitaf ure viwsan onerd hl oudthe prem ier ire dune ru encourage utirere muaîcipalitis todothe samn. doesn't know Rerce G. Gallagirt repoeîed tira inier oi 'toiicipal Aff.îitt A loriot Ir.ir Prenuer Joh anniiiced aî financial iîid> if Riiir1tiiki îidiiMtirar's threioacal impications of tire o.itlieriiuestioni ori hethrer tire propourd Hultua-Peel merger. assessînrut ftonice b mlrtuiuea Tire stady mas taire compleird i over ry lire aem regioae eigirî mees. - goarormeats ne iry a depeetanent "I'm-ancemed lire coatinittre ut die guveramnent, didn't sired irs tdoîng ton munir." ay igirton tresitatian. Deputy-Reeve W. Odlies said. Ho "i iii ire glatd ta moite aou in tuggeited if tire onty mai reuiiy gmater deuail otter disceseangila unaius airant marsng Heln as a wiraîe situation miir tise Mii.nistr mdl.tropairoid ie prpuig canoerred", tire Premier meots. tireir case. He poposed meetings irorwren staff momirers at tire "Ho daeso't rnom citirer", toae municipalities ta provide Coanciliar Syd Cirlds mudi elî io Banned in fi"e stores Strengthen grape

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