Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1969, p. 6

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*IIITS CARD8 0F THAIKS CAIJBERY - Mr. anid hms. luit Sincere tsas Io -0al8 my kMm Cnttbery libe Wtlgix of 438 friestds, neiglttors ansd relative George St., Milton, Oist., are ion ise imisy lessers. canads plaasi 10 umniaino the birti flosers, guIs and nisits aind t cg tiseir sois. wesgtt 7 lita., 3 the doctors, sirses and staff tn oas., as Mhlsoi Disrict IfosPita thi brxmhinxm and gaod Car onMottday. Allie 9, 191195. durana ey snay as Milton, Dii .-c 'Hospital. A very specia (SE FOREST - Mr. an M- esaits to altme Ctsief O Babe 'Date De Forest: (nDm NeffltCetct and Bil TigIs. Mos cii 364 George St., Milton, Oint., sneey are ffesdI nOIC the 0&636 Victor Hall bietts oi tlseir son, David Tyler, wigts7 Ibs., 6otir., aiMiton Disiot Hospital on Juste 5, MMRIM 1969. IN MEMORIAMS_________ HUM -Mn. and Mms. Peter LESLIE -bI losing namnry Htam ni 173 Main Ss., Miton, ni a dean hushand, tailler ans are pieased to annotitre tise gradahr Ge riEmer Las birrhof cIltheir dasigbter, Cine rnie hassd asroy Jolie Il Har (Annie), sceigl 6 tht., 14)4li67 ces, ai Milton Dstrict Hos- iscnote] ow e citari on Jstnn 3, 1909. (S O ipcanr mil hon n PHIOLFPS-aM r. and Ms. 5.arry Or hocars canos SelS mhat St Ottilis (ne Meoseni ali RE. say. 3, Milton, are pieascd ta an- Ccd alereon otis boss ne m dsucete birtts of ibair sot, lin. Jame Paul, weigt 8ibs.,1 o., In a home tisai is lnsm as Milton District Hospital on Sodas, Sanday, Jone 8, 1969. Lsstcîiy neembcned by wife STEWART - Mr, and Mss. Lar. Mvrtle atd aIl the iamtlY. c-5 ry Stewoart Ine Jackson) of________________ E.R. 2, Camphcllniltc, Ont., are picasrd te antotece the bietts PAITERSON - In lotisg inent ni ibein tlaughier Margaret ory ai Onr Dad, Hagli Palier- Aoo.scigbs88ths.. 7 oz., alMil- son, woopassrd aay Jonc 16, Son Ditirit Hospitl on Jolne 6, 19653. 1969. Soisily ehe leanes cf incionY WrLSON - Soin and Bob Wii- CetI son galber, treasore Son (ose Charlton) ofi 211 l'hein tqi Ctmario Si., Apt. 104, Milton, Some soay tOrgel, non ihat ampleased oe annoae the yootve gene, oirts ni thir son, Robent Johno Wc scii remeksn no matten l.Edbby) we'ight 7 itss, 13 ons., sots long. ai Milton Dits,6S Hospital o 84rsennsrd iy bis Joso~ aily. c6f64 ENGAGEMENTS ANNIVERSARIES Mrs. and Mrs. Milicird Wil- las arc pieascd tu an- Mn. andI Mns. Eeg. Stsermnnd no ic ongagemnt cal iboeir oi ooniingtan are bolditng (Spcn dasagbtcr, Joan Evalyn Ellos. t0 Hooso oe Shir friends and rel- Mr' David FalkostsLin, son oi ativs, Suodav. Jane 22, irons, Mr: and Mm.s s lcio Faibet- 2ito4 andS8t 10, on the ocs stin. 5 Ashos. Sossex, England. ion ni thoir 4OSb secdding an- The ssedding wiii labe plceo in nicnrsary. (Picasc n gitsl. Emainansl 'Baplsst Cbsttsts Jsaly 0&634 4 196.tO the occsasion oi their 55tb ___________________ weddiog annriversary, Mn. and COMING MARRIAGES Mns. Elson Coin scill rensave _________________ riends and relatives as thse hoine cf rseir dassgbier. Mrs. ANGUS - FREEMN - Mn. an Dtaag Masan,, 68 Latse Ave., An- Mms. Bort Freeman o) Cattw- sot, on Jonie 15, 1969, beiseen beilvlle, RER. 3, cists to an- 2 -4pm and 7 9pn. inly onoman the iorttscomnsg inar- acceps shis as yeur invitaýtion. nopge af tbi n sas60 dasogt- No gilOts, plecate. b0.186 ter, (Sînaa Manie, to Mr. Chari- os Bruce Angss son of Mr. and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mns. Carl M. Amgts oi EJR. 2, OIGEET Erin. Tlhe mncdting to taile, plase ___________________ n Satnsrday, JuJy 19, 1969, ai 4.00 olot in Crase Aoglican 'Bingo gain s etcry Monday as Chaitit, Milton. 8 pin., Ho)3 Ensary Panists Hall. BAYNTON . NIELSEN - Mn. Milton. c-407-tf aod Mrs. Chalet Nintscr i cf hobnzer Camcsery Renint- BER. 1, Cansçbed8n0t, wsii to bramoe Service, &anday, Jane annoosmoe tse iotslcoonis iar- 15, as J pin. b0082 nalge ci iboin daughtnn, Anni, se Mr. Afrt Baymns on ofS Mn. 5eb Miiton Coins andI Scouts and Mms. James BOcynton ofniltl bie selling freezer bagt and Caffrpttelhlle. Westsitg te taire g..rbagel bags, Satorday, Juste 14. plac Satssrday, Jsaoc 21, aS 3.30 0065f4 pmi., as St. (Savad's Prc5sytcn Miton Mioor Basehait ainnu- lin Chontsh, Camnisellvilln. al chocolaté ban drive, Saor- SMITHt - SALMON -Mo. and day, Jonc 21. Suapport tilionr Mmr. Harold K. Saumon, 557 hall in Milton. 0<.597 Valley Drive, GakiSe, Gon., Senior Cttioons' Chah, Jonc oish teaonnonce vise fos-Sicoin- meeting, Knox Churssd Hall1, isg inarriage ai Sheir dasagtter, Tbcrsday. Jtiin 19, ai 7.30 (note Heather Clisinc. to Mn. Brian date). Coint andI bear a gond Nuiosan Sanith, son Oi Mr. asdsai m.c&3 Mes. Norman Smith, E E J3, Caimptséflvilc, oni Satarday, sIenefit Dancet, Friday, J ae Jane 14, as Ralismide tjsitrd 13, Lognion Hall, 8 pin., for Churcb. Milton Lasmstrmnai and Milton Tare Ser-site. Tickets anailable ai theo dons or Honnys Hain OEATHS Stylit. 0<457 Locilie Manor Softisail ýNigbt STARE, Isahalia 'McI-ed - At tsttt ha hald in Lots-ille Parts, Hudron Mamni on Saturday, Momiay, June 16. 3 Lcagsae ga- May 31, 1969, in 'han 87th ycar. mos solS ha ytayod, slarting as Isaela Hagyas-d, toidon t) 7,p. Gnon prions andI reiress- Hodgkint. menS buotat. 0447 Faccrai service and inter- ment score sostdictonl hy Rot. Ancoprn Metcrn Horse Shon, Stne Sith aS Boston tPonsorrd hy Cclar Valey Bid- Charois on Monday aiternnoc es-s, on June 15, ait 12.30 pin., ast The Raptoot, 2475 No. 5 Side- S rond. Milton. JtfrsinenS CARDS 0F THANKS hasis and scrasoble ion chid- rots. Speooators sreicoinc. t sth tn exppress siacnre 0<490 thariks ta Dr. Sycrs. Dr. Hcth 'SSo m Dsrr Hrio and the ourses off Ose onnstcai itnadDsrc otcl floor oii Milton District tos !oal Society ssiI mont un Ua- pital.ion Hall, Fitié St., Jane 16, 8.13 c0.7S Mm sinc. pan. MT. Jacks Manin of Barling- _______________ Whitney._ So, gaest speakser, scili gssc on ,Mys istcere tisonks to friends iliastroiod talEk on lotnecits in and relatives for >vnas- nany ihn arnsae." Evot-yono ssci- sots of i himno and gst weil cuire. 0"531 messanges r"eseied sotiSe I ont l a adCee nS Hamiton (Scnerol Hospital. Annasa Meretoriai a SdCcn- ________ BertSales._ day., June 29, 1969. Il aan., St. I soish to thaok oay frieist Goruge's Charoh, Lonvitle. 2.30 ani relatives ior giOts, fiances- pr.. S5. John's C7ssssvh, Nassa- ansdIdti Il roeivrd sct.i1e I gasooya. Dssing Jacly and Aag- socs a paSionS in Miltn Disrict ust -sesvices 10 amn. as Lon- IissltaI. Thaniss ts Dr' Sl- v-iloe csly. 6&282 ards andl lr. Canpbs-ll ancml r aavnwld w sarsao3 stoli. OSpéci dscolcs teansCw as-a Mlon Id so Mot. Dor.tlsy Banns-kt for sactio aS OSonAna tceepsng Stosose an Sctt Tanrday, Jonce 17, as 8 piTn., 66-60 r~~-s l tsniuis pansared by Mâton Lions CSlsb. 015.66 _______Carol________ Advanice ticksets asoilable gront Mys,.oere thanka 10 alt omy Card's Barber Stsop, Murray fnital reIlsotiven, Million MoudI Drive-lIn, uhIao Cleints Seniior Citizeos Club and serci- and Scn, Milton Trawvis Servce, hart ion lte Clni&, floween,gin MiSon Gnotmane, MOlttai Au- aisd visits, ansd opecicO tlMtks to Body, Brion Sent RteI Est- 10 1Dr-s Alherdemd ana l oclafe, aie, Predricts Mens &honp or as wonla niurses ada staff of (SaNin Motors. Support 11 1400M District ttmspkd anl sois 'Lions' notimitY projeMS joltepis Brant Stenot6 Holtii- - lty an attirnce ticket frmos toI a Liois. Cildren $1, adsdts $2. cmU Dido ap M Mi4 0 t RANDOMs BLAGSTONE WALL STOE 4" LEDCE ROCK DOPING - STEPS GRANITE BOULDERS COBBLE STONES DECOOtATIVE STONES ANDS AGOREGATES REES DRIVRWAY STONE Wm. R. Bernes Co. Matendotro. Ontario 416-689-6661 TIP-I N-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MILTON UNIROYAL Tires end Batteries corneoinand scctheneo UNIROYAL MASTER The tare ion tare mortiers USED PASSENGER and PAEM TIRES USRG TRUCK TIRES is AIS Siae 878-3131 ANYTI86E N husy (MIL 878,2M7 24 Hour Service COMINO EVENTS Ons Jiase 13, at 8 part., in Georioos and District 8tigs Orisool cafteria, Mr. EnO 351151- ii, Mal'., solOl tis on tim po- puisait Miortiosi Att. Sposcoed by Aetin LlB1rds Woinen. It là, un pen meeting8 to allitr ested people. No admsnâs4oss c6417 Manossh Ohiohen Barbncue, Satuday, Jsnel 4, rir, i4 to8 pin., spoosored by Nsosal Un- ted Churcds as Maple Lode Farin. i mile nosh ni StestIns Ace. on TosonLin. Adllslis $150, childseo 75c, alse take-out or- ders. To be beld sain or osin. Puappet Tea, Janie 14, front 2 t 5, ai Knoxt Preshyserian Churls in aid of 'the Vacation Baisle Sclsool sqsoosoe 'ny Crase. St. Paul's aod Knox Chorches. Pup1pet shosws as 2.30, 3.30 aod 4.30. Fise prizes tacts showo. Admission: 40c for tell, 10c Sor shsow. c6-396 Central Fasot Onganibation Hallon aally and infiormation meestg, Stewusrtssooo Hall, t ont, Frislay. Jane 20. OSpcn ta aIl HalSon lament. Regiossl mecoites as Bton Cetre, Wed- tasday Jonie 111 as 8.30 pro. and tn Bnooksiloe Hall an Thursday, Jooie 12 as 0.30 pin. b6-598; TV TOWER SALE 130' losses anstclied msth ail chant noS head $58050. 40' toner instaîiad saitisalchais- 1nel hnad S72.50. 50' sosser instaileal sitb ail chans- net heod 187.50. Extra heads (for second TV set). Installeait $20.00. F.M. ssarec haad. Installeal 15 elemctst salon haad. Instalical $64.95. 1Automatas rotor. Instalieal $69.95. Repains oi ail types. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 2011 htoin Street Emi MMITON Phone 878-6949 104 i FOR SALE HORSE jamsap, standards Os obstaacles- I par ai girIls tise 8 icachon riding bouts. Phone 1878.2153. 10<679 30" ELECTOIC ronge, 565; Co-Op toig., $60. BoOs in gond sand:tan. Phone 878-4508 be- aasen 8a. nand 4p.ns. c27 3 EG; piasb rog, 11'6' n 14', dop srd; la:îcisn stoni; 3 crbriricotsier tops, 5' long; analci; portable radio. 878-4669. 10<-667 14' MOLDED pliascaod boot, coipneic soiSi 18 hip. Evios-ade inoor *soos aindahhidand trailca'. $525 os- bot taller. 870. 4869. I0<.592 3 h.p. WAGSNER elnstric mnt- on; 3-funcots ac bolltin nsec- national plots. 7' roas- inout International moncr. 826-2921 altcer 5. 10<0i47 A3aUOOIOUM asoninga, psd sanlopios, shoic of colon c design; alsotsindott, dours wid sron railieg Eeaosable. Phson 870-2719. le0.1887 S '" ;Blantk aod Gecker skial son, uscd 2 scetts, S30; 1 30" .Msiiiat rane, automatio, gond cosatatin, $60. 07646769 a<- ses- 5 pin. 1cb4tS HOUSE ion sale, prinote, J hedroons, .iaths-ont, roodern iilieas asdi.- Sote iig ronand botS on nsainolStan, *casenent, sonspietely fininshea rera nnri, seny large isndroom and secand haoloean dole garooe plot niorage aires. Phone 078-3917. 1c554-ii CAMP TRAILERS Brand on. Prom, $369. Rent- ais anranged. FOR SALE OR RENlT Bonis eurly an Riciardson'o Radio and T.V, Phono 878-6949 -TI RES- -TIRES- WE HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHI'PM'ENT OF TIRES (an seI as ruai good prises. Wn are ia'ily *sottsd m5 car, trckt ami Is-uctor tires. MILTON TIRE SERVICE LTD. 191 Mill Street PHONE 878-2711 i FOR SALE TAPE recorder; stove, refi- gorasor; coFtec table; baby cnh; slo*shes caphoard; chessoidrso- .rs; 1959 Fard. 190 Main St., Apt. 2, 8784k645. Ic6-b94 L7PRI(SHT freezer; 2 sels ofi chrcome sables and chairs; 2 chrome bigis chaiss girls tsi- cycle and 'buys bioycle; nîher articles. 878-9176. fr7446 HALF Sun Ford tracts sais- upy, iacSory hals, t loisg, app. 70" headroun, Sectsits dona s-car, ssindos in front, $125. 160 Main St., 878-3701. 10<677 Y(SU WILL LIRE buying yoac busilding materiaîs and ctal at Cnawiard's Camphallniîle. Oaich sens.High quality. Phone Campbellville 854-2232. IctI-416 C(SOD. snong. uti-lity traider; rosSas codas roais; nom truck aircs, 670 s 15, 6 pSy; tons-ist lent, 9' a 9', stonding om Phsone 054-2M91 alter 7 pas. lc6-278 MAFS ai Milton nhovng thse non boondories sehich lokt cf- lest Jastnay 1. Single opies, 24c ami bc sas as The Chamion tafice, 191 Main St., Milton. 1ss4O194d DON'T miss oon Somsmner tpe- oi n Crisplene, 66" scidth. Liotitrd amottot ta ha tsougtst 'os- $5.95 per ail. yd. Alto sec onno nensetion ni ssanntn ninsin Os-est Oabric. June Draperies, Milton 'Plazra, 878- 2313. 10<é637 ADAMS FURNITURE 88th Anniversary SALE! HEADOUARTERS FOR 3 ROOM GROUPS THE MELODY GROUP $499.95 THE PARADISE GROUP $699.95 THE La GRANDE GROUP $799.95 THE NEW TEMPO P'ýeROUP $899.95 No Doun 'Poymns Up te 3 Years tu lay ASK FOR 'PULL DETAIL-S NOM OSF OUR CONTEINUOIJS CEEDIT PLJAN Mon., Tues. Ittirs. Os Sas. Fiu9 am tepm . Wcdcesd-y 9 a.m. tu 12 pin. ADAMS FURNITURE 203 Main Gtrse Milton 878-6642 47 Osseen Street 85186 Brampton 451-2660 - 61 1e6 CLASSIFIED RATES Tuhl.a.. mau Conanul 191 Man St 87ý141 capo Miliou, OntasUs BRTHE, DEATHO. MARBIXOHO I5cTaOoItin M,5E5uAOU. M- y055 &AM& FOR KIM. 070. - M.1J in ffloi fo 10 a5 -d i. - $1.00 hnnS for 1. w5115 oc s"r tte..B.e C05504 EVHOTS, CAlOS OP7 51AJ1K5 - $1.25 for tei 1lf. DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUISDAY j The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 11, 1969 w USE THIS PAGE FOR THE EASIEST WAY TO SELL ANYTHING 1 FOR SALE 56KW cttestetlietdn, spae salir ers, kittteis suites, cabsinet, ne- ilrigerators. stoves, dhsBt of drawers ts. Manteod Furefs- une, Acton. tbeO76 *1' FIBRECIIASS baat, cois. cessilble Sop', r-tnning iigts, haro. 550; Viksing talles, $1415. BolOs in esceleet coonditions. Phsone 87&4077. Ic6-277 HOME anovie set, t min. el- etizoomi, 8 ini. aultoinatic, projecton,4 ight a t,~ editor, lese. $225 on bnst of1er. 878- 4669. îc0s.665 5" SCOPE, sronssstorized muS- t'meSer. electronii design con- soeand eleclconic baooks. At for $100 or tade fan gond TV ar other wotfassile itemn. 878- 3201). 1c043 DINING ste, solid walout, 9 pieces iosltidittg china cabin- et, butffet, large tablie oilt six l.gs, $250. Like nesc telen toacs- ed ap. 16 Main St., Miston, 878- 3701. Ic67 A PAIR of inodern drapes, t panels by 84" long, plat trac- ererod, 145; d4tnirg rooin tsable, 3 matoltisg Chairs, $40; plus ndd chairs; Thor Gladmmsn, 130. 070-4669. 1c6.666 LARGE glossy prnott ai Canae- atin Champion staSf photos, Sis 7 sire $1.00, 8 x10sizeS$1550 pls lant. Cash inost accoiipasy an- de.Enqaire nom ast Champion silice, 191 Main St.. Milton.. CUSTOM hut track cap to lit laie inodel Ford. !i or 1/. ton han, 24" big5t oides aiso boani ruisher mattre>ss; large ice sies; healer; gais lasoteroi and stoce; barhectie. Wili selS as meal bangain for théa Sot. Aise lange trock taep.. Oske nets; 1 girl's 'bicycle, 26", like ontw. Phono alter a pin., 8564675, on as ai 99 Main Si. Norsth, Roclcsood. I5it66 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE STANDING tsay, scano frst oa. 854-2444. 2s.4400 50 ACRES of iied biay. C. E. Hall 070-336. 2c640 ASPARAGUS FOR YOUR FREEZER M. TRAAS Second Line CampbelIvilIe 854-9952 2c6 3 ANIMAIS FOR SALE KIODS anad oittsing goals aand yoang calves. &76.9643,. 30<630 TEN choice steens, app. 00 ltss. 0760425 liter 4.30. 3c6.75 1é PICS, t weeks old. Phnone 878-22M0. 3c&283 COLE - SH50PHEED ps4t- pies, fre lie soucd hoines. Phtone 878-9349. 3c6-274 WELSH Corgi papls, Pinssros os, negistercal, 2 tiosstls, reds and Sicolors. Dakville 845-658. ,FREE, Border Cliose neods home citts carden or stseep (.trained ou morts). Lloyd Chosholinr 054-301. 30<4359 20 RANCH Henafard teer, calves, weigtsing 425 hos., n horos; alto 20 Hereford beifers, Red Brand calves. Free dliv- ony. Phsone colleot 0264478 or 82&118t97. 35,640 4 IMPLEMFNTS FOR SALE CASE 4 - barre side ratse, ceny gaod condstiion. 070-4702. 40<-46 iINTERNATIONAL tsay coisd- ionen miets Iydreutlic, tut. Phone 878-9021. 40<45 266 NEW HOLLANS ha-ler, 2 years old. is excellent oodit- ion. Cali Bunliogtos 634-0134. 4c7433 MdEORhOICK DEERING 4-tsar .ide raire, try gond condibtion, rtlhlse oires. 878.9946 or 878- 6375. &S0571 TRAICTOIR Csmksiatt 30, l8m poweer, froin etd loaern nso dose blatte, ctmin. excel8let condition. 8764725. 40<661 5VEHICLES FOR SALE ,1965 VOIJKSWAGEN, radio, mseo5soocatty certifflied. PhIone 8M0380 alten 5 pin. 50<61 19&2 PONTIAC Parisieisne, me huit inoie, 4 nell d4m Manti- tcdo car, in mainI nancdill M78 9274 or 87&M70. Ask fer TeOs '1961 DODOE, 4 nm tires and 2 stutided simin sires, Voittn a4teeln, numecal Iltieui car- tifinate. Phosno 878.906 atr 6 P-M 5cffl79 1 FOR SALE t DUM'P bas andI haist. M78 3629. lc6,687 S BUNE hrdý, 530. Cal aftcr 5, 878033. 10<587 OTACO boat trole-, $90. Phone &784077. 10<-276 PHILLI'PS sterco 4031 sapa recorde-. 878-6622. 1t6-673 CHROME kitcen toile, table and 4 chalot. $15. 878.2109. ln6-656 STOVE. 3 top cimnents, tsna- s'y ducy, $15. Phsone 0784680l. l50<490 HI-Fl rodios and rcord play- on conibination. Phone M7-3243. 10<-204 305 c. HONIDA, coespieteiy rdhatilt. Must sali. 076-4443 alter 4. lic68 TWI.N sSnollnr, gond! sndat- son. Phonse 078-2129 bteen 3 andI 5. 10<671 54KW ami ssd nototillers. Hortaty Carage, Honby, phone 878-4790. 10<396 WESTINGJHOUSE 13 su. Pt. 2- dos s-ntigritolr, 8 yeaot oSsI, 50. 878-2200. 5o6-632 4 - BUR'NER ecoSs ovi ascelient condititan. Lloyd Chus- hoin 854-2.11O. Ic5c66 ,PIANO, ops-igisa. $129, gond cndkitn. Mri-a Chamnpion Bot M80, 'Milton, Ont. lifs-M Sl 216" 3-SPEEU rater, J. C. Higigiat boy's bicaytc, onecl IreS condiion. Phone 878.9157. I0<,273 ADDING 'MACHINES, type- ms-tars for sale or rentot, Phooe 87"%92, Harms Stato iny. lc-ti-417 LARG3E bomo-nlade campe-, on gondi condition. $325. Ivan Armstrng, 110 Brunte S5. 86-0 9769. 1 c6-599 '150 BUNOLES of 3 an S shing- lot, $1.75 a bunch; 800 goS. sou- tes- tonE, $23, M. H. Desalin 870. 2211. lc6-69 PERSONALIZEG slationnry, 100 theett plais ennciopes. ut Son os 13.40 as thsa Champion Office, 1c987-il 1950 PLYMOUTH P-2O 4-oor sedan, gsraariteed onigial mile- are atsdcr 57,000, hindony ai csecrship ami teainen acail- able and nerilidisie, patned rond fitiss inspection lest titan 30 dayts ag0 and has hadt monne mors siece. Shona'd hae coltect- os-s item 50borîly. Needt taiS pipe, saine bsody mors ami bon- ing homec. Atk'ing $330. or close neosonohine of1er. Miii conider ts-adte arrangemnt. 876-90M8 For Your Nexi Car ... TRY BUCK H-AMILTON AT BELL BROS. 8784380 6 BUS. OPPORTUNITIES TAXI BUSINESS FOR SALE In Inwn Os area of 25,000 ppulation. iniediate Posessin Reqdy te: Box 190 The Canadien Champion MILTON, Ont. 606 7 WANTED TRANSPORTATION ion one home-a te voto chos throngtsout the Sommetr. Phsone 878-2153. 70<48 A RIDE to corner ofS BroMe Rd. ami Epecot Rd. Mnrkissg bous-s 8.30 to 5 pan. Phone Su- satFerpason 8784911 aSter 6 pot. 7c<478 8 HELP WANTEO HAIE stylit, etpnrined, gond scages. Phone 878-2501. t8&661 COUPLE or mâtusre lady midi i chid, to lins in. For portisa- Sans, noply Bon 369, lise cana- dian Chanspion, Milton. 8c6-591 MiAORRIED mon soitt chant- Scur's icenise, mrie bouse avait- able if desired. Cood seogat, steaatv eesploynteat as Tang- mes-e Maaitroam Co., 876-68. 80<-670 Maintenance Man Permanoent position. Gond wortsing conditions. For intervsiew plcase contact; 'ME. WILLIAM McGIOO9IIS Milton District Hospital 878-2383 6C5 STENOGRAPHER Gond natary plus hocits. l'on vasions dsota inss mai offie. Phone: 878-4441 L. J. SCHILF 8c6 SALES CLERK FEMALE Mits drug or varioy store Appc ins perlais 246 Main St. Milton sVEHICLES FOR SALE à VEI4ICLES FOR 11LI FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOICE IS VOURS AT Jack Richiardson CHEV - OLDS Limnited TRADE NOW FOR TOP SUMMER DEALS EASY TERMS AVA1L4II AIL CARS GUARANTEED JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open tll 9 p.m. - Mouillait t8seossg F.dday Satuailay 5 pes. 6791 HÂShway 25, Miltois Southl 878-2393 - 878-3812 Sn, 8 HELP WANTEO PULL - TIME eapereased weldnr. Phonse 878-6M4. A RAWLEIOH Dler seeaod as once -n Miltn or rurali nitomaie. Gond oppotun.m ity. Write non. Rawett, Depît. P-368-40, 4M3 RidseBlet St, Montreal 207, Osai, s0<-5 TRUCKE drivera, fit or pet libre, for nigtst pick-ip0 cf bave po0<itry. Moni ha 23 yeon olsI or oser ami hase ncasnt dnliè esperiene. Apply in pemson tu Mapic Lotlge Pbrmo Lsd., otta svai, 80<-272 'PART - TEstE driver for pick- a.p ami taile home ast thse AR.C. Indsdotries Mors Stop for tise Menlalîy Riscardad. Appention- aily S heur in lte mareiliz & S hoon lin tise ai tornoon, Apply Me. H. Itian 876-33» duraso day, 854-996 duanng omiW. 806M9 Growing General Motors DeaIerlslp Class 'A' Mechanic Gond nnetsitng mo6fftiom, Top mages. Uimait friame hamits. Aisply in pin-son tac JACK RICLARDSON CHEVOLDS UIMITBD Tomn Ricdslons, Ses-vica Manager RICHARDSON Chev - Oids Ltd. RL 1, Mibloas SUPER VISORY POSITIONS If you are Iaosing for a cOul- lnogtng aupereisoxy paêttltou w4th a large, mtodeme, psseigress- inaenmétal habeic86a« oDîqfop. Osen Souk non, Me hase neast.a nive positons oapen in lise ti liSesog geout- 1 - DESE ASSFJUBLY LINS FOREMAN 2 SISOELLI.0085U5 AS- ShSOBLY PGREMg - allso reqoled, - A SCttEMUJJO and a PRO- DUiNTIcgi EXpSIDJTE Appliarifia must have 1Usd l'eni atlity in îhs fi"i. itis Comopany OUMer id" motille conicimi sitii fad fime berandts AMspioim 10 ha difeetedl tu: Pertonnel Dept. General Fireproofing Company GEORGETOVM 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO WILL look aite, dshdà s by Sh day, an ny tam im aae. PIone 076-5868, *SS Il LOST OR STRAYED ILEIIl'OO tey Cas, 2 »Mop Ililagor l'm& on este>. plomo cm a, WC* MEnSd Miontu Lmoe, 3 itrlot oivn <ah toi Lot b, Cmo. S, tioneAvwo- Aaegmn,, BOg ne, caston Mo. lidim ait RI-66 S f- the d@Yý Sui r7Ba5 nm

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