CLOSE VOUR EVES and ht is the formulta uied sont oftihe entesiastic Cei hy this baller te, hepefolly ici a home roc. IHe as seot on thc backgound, ui piayîi in thc Millt micor softhai Ieaque and Photo) IOUR READERS WRITI:J ARE Vit INVOLVED? Der Sir: Il mai tocertird Mits Donna C amîoo's repori t on ou meicipeliîy'tîîecîeaton faîdîitira do nlot toit the veuts of oct youth of ieday. Miss Weidir't lcttr Io Youîh Front goeston i ocite ici pcovid oniy failitiit tcch os hotchoil. hckey, tîeit, bowling, curing, piaygiound piogromi etc, foc the vrry youog aed mtiddie-aged citizrot. tiomivir, oui adolesccnts, in hic woidt, are icfi aidi. 1 can agiie ibis staismivi appears io hi truc, BUT, i faiotitt io etl partiesîcoocîmîd, youtî and oid ahke chouid oîk tbrmîclvîc the foiiomîng qestion -m'hy is ibis myth si?' In the home, do wi havi chat togilisicesi? Or are me oeiy thiehing of oui owo tcifiih intiast? Have you cvii atrndîd ore of the foiiosvitg feocîjona? A hasehai], faîthol, pro-cm hockey or tennit match, bowinig ot curings match? How about a cberch oiganîeoîion tcmmii camp or iîeck and fid mei? et pehp a Milton Youth P mcî mino? Yeu baccn'i? Weil, I havi. Do you om, thecîiîaogeaî iboeghiiiiaccd ihiough my mied. Wby domwe 001 heve noire adolent participation in thîe sports? Ttc oemie of thi gante active participation. In otheî mordt, briomeiînvoivid. No butioess or oilsîî oigaoîooîîoo, hi ichai il may, wiii hi auccntiot mihout the ahoe iogicdiets. Nom comît the cliochei. Ado youisiif "mhat havi 1 ýdooe îecmîily to hîip correct the iuatsiov iiî,i cois on My Commooîîy? Am i iovoived?" Il la a simple mcliii to iCiticiai the teck of faccdîîtîo i coy commuiîy hbu, boit yoc rvîî attîmpiîd 10 play cvy of the afoicmrotîooid famîv hy youitiif? i egret, tl s most fiutrting. Mrntion has bien m.e of coffii hoccît, dîop-îoîcentres, etc. Havi thîti centres hîîo estahli slied on othîr mcOîcîpaliisi If so, havi thîy improvid the imcii of oci yosib and osi ,cmmonitiis? By the moy, ichot bappeoîd to oui locai tien deoci? Cosid t ib the ciry yooogoar eager to hicomeinîvoivîd on mooy Octivîties? Then comît thosi pîccioco aii-too-fîm adolescent yecs mhcrî mi aie oîîîî qoîti sure icct ichoi mi wn o do. Scddîîîiy, oîîe day mi îîaiizîmîeareîmcîîiîd wîh a famdly to thîok of ood pîîcîous lm spossiogaus hy. Vii tbev hîgîn tio accîpt oui ictpoosiiliues as a citizen and o fem ofs agaoîohîcomîîovoved to moki oui tocity o hciteî placeinombîch toliie. Co-oriîooing oui oa oîgooîzotîoot aîîd focîlitiîs sa escellent idea and wocid hi most economicci. As to Milton hîîog o dut], soîotîîîsiog, hockmaîd tomo, waiting to hi shomo theîihght, i mosid oniy makti tcommeot. Uîcaiiy, the eod citait of coy pîojcr is îovîîocd hy thi effort pot ino tl. Bp ticiolon O îOt io-cailed lijhi in oui ctmaîd commuouy, me may loheoit toe ofith, sic cach e Pechaps w dock. The youî' descîve mu pot etîdîco ihcm youî f Krrp sp Mecoho. Pir Ris, M. 1 190 Miii Townsl total is Value o Nesioga mc i3hi bu se noird on o Coonicîl hy z S. W. Savagc Prmîts fi voluc of $9,- cesîdencesw $92,000 or buiding, w, May. Te Peopli HELP, You PEOPLE SET THE AT MILTON COMMU: CREDIT UNIOE THETON F ILoh Sanitary Land Fi Site OPEN FOR GARBAC DISPOSAL THIS SATURDAYME1 MORNING 9 AM& to 12 NC * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMERCIAL. ST. L NOTIEBRUCE McKERR, MPlease clsak mIes lsssldese opermeer et WORKS SIJPERINTENDENT, thedm oi iI eu enli e le sd. TOWN OF MILTON D4> _ Thse Canaiîen Checplçaen W9eleeodey, ~Oue, il, 1969 Magie Tickets That maglcal entiance tick- et to Oncle Sam, paLrka, for- sats, and ather Fderal Secre- ation arae - the $7 Annual Golden Saule Paiepori - lu be mAth un ocly coul Match 31, 1910. Congreas voted to end the programn alter the 1900-70 rec- reatlon year. That mes=e the IMO leaiport la the laut yiu cea boy. Seglnolng April 1, 1970, the Natlooa Park Scrv- Ire, Flareit Service, and other Pederai land maoaglou agen- Cles wl» set recreatlon eni- traices Bcd uscr tees on an area-by-area baas. The catlionmde permit 0ys- temn mau eitSlioled ln 1060. The Onrt anncei permît mas loiced ai an automobile bimp- er stlcker. To make the permît more flexible, thc waliet-scz Golden Saule Paîsport was adcpted ln 196 and bai been csed ecîl year store. What han toc natonwlde anncel permît acempllched store 1060? Plenty, Ln tbe cyci of cooservatloisti and other observer. F1romn Jancut 106 ticrocel Derember 106, 15 million dol- lars' morth of thc $7 permît mere iold. Otoer entrante and cier feci ut P'ederal recreatcon areas, mlslcl alec are a part of Operatlon Golden Eagle, brouht ln anither $23 million dcrtog toc samne pertod. Money ralced fromt these sources mac depoited 1n thse Lansd aund Water Conservation rond. It bai belpcd toc Statos plan, acqclre, and devclop mcoy needed reereatlon sreas and farllltles; It ban provided conoiderable inunclal. aid 10 help Federal accoici arilolie needed National recreation lcnds and watois. Il yoc want a 1000-70 Gold- en Eagle pacipeit, bettor maire Oct a Cheik for $7 to, toc Su- reau or Octdcor Recreatlon and sendi lt 00w to Operatlon Golden Eccle, Box 7703, Wash- lnutin, D. C. 20044 Tipe to Help Anglers With Outhoards If yoc're c Ocsherman, yoecîl partecularly want a imootis ldln octbourd for trolltog. If yair enns le net ai imooth as It ahould hi, hccc are &omne conditions thut May cause toc rocclinese: s leeprperîr muisd, cr.e fiel " Carbirsisir aetis ton rie5, e Pisrhed or kineid fiel Iis " Fiuled ce iepreirly ap. pcd eeerk pilea i Defeesiir fiel psmip s Caretosr ce snee mei if i755C Tliese are somns of the more commun causes or recels Id- Unir. If altor yec've cbecked tocie Items and toc engins Continue& la art recule look deeper toto tbe cauesi, l~erk- lu thse feliowlng Items: " Snt eaeree-eeieebeia- Ms " Pobitsad ticag s Rends aid mced pIsse-ce. macs hoIsd bc est e fOi drain crecni c ecd Plie bae i Cirh eedie sud sce, and Slois mce i Coil-check for dies Geed maintenanuce almayi pays iff ln trecble-iree eper- atlon of year octboard. Look alter It preperly and yocll bave yeari af service Geom It. IN A HURRY Like to do thtogs n bu rry? There'c a forced draft char- ceai stovc avallable wblrh la no ellIient that a qcart cf mater belle in seven minutes. to U. S. Park@ On Way Out; Better Act Fast il t t I, i ti bi hi si Ji lt IN qi t le fi c ch Pl di s th dc i ru ec dter hit, Miii. pior Ceci Mer jusil J mut '----z