Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1969, p. 27

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ïhrke rsntibituii ssevntthe Commtteay tar 109 y.., MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1969 elî io S.caed Cia. Mal RagiOstio NaeAali, 0cet3 The Canadien Chtampion, Wednesday, Jane 11, 1969 D3 Lengthen YourSummer Vacation byMonth "&iýc" aheaol andl monothave toaspenl t1he aanae thing. Asa sater iag baga, and bathlng Braits --e= 01e basuisgapplies tnchiste aaach essentlalas n d cana. Of Campingy oru Ranay :81Une 00n- venlence led wlaenever yau--- Can, nd H re ' lla tlne. Rave yoar goaurmet Can,<4 andneae H ta, darrin 01e Wek. Lik telenthn pastc :InA gad gta aieeep cea la- Le legtenyour Rom- plsi otlera n o 01e c0 rease camping fan no nva mer vacation ad Gajy a mot e waerlagg tf anseeping bacs faor1the awhale menti Of campig? ound lmn- Mate 10t a habit early eacia BIly.u mctn-anl- possible? It lmst. week ta get these aOdy lne able lnd,%apa mats ya "Th1e trick la tu mabe 1et roa 11e caaro Pl cam aylan masoai ourmeeend,' aYR thoan fadi ta allo fo ta eaa- =mi1y . Re= =aan simeaaln when the mater fr=e. nn', elrRd service directair tor the Ther- Ramey aeane ead ma iilnotKn-oly Incldentally, once the water Sissaoe ekn Themo C.,acmpnybila 1011, yo'l have a fine Rupply camPetR have their packtlnge K haaalead arethe cap- of gaad, cleasa drlnklng water. arganlsed they've net aalde a era, vacation time wlth their apecial closai t0 hald tâaetrgear wondertuilly canvenlent camp- Plan Yaou Weetesad menus se theytre alaayn ready te go A0OIE ing alquipmtent lhai; maltes at- midmeese 50ou cau ahop camping. Yeu mîclat lite t0 doMO RZE ting ap camp a breeze. Ftamt Decoratlan Day t0 Laber Day, there are tourteen BARBECUE weekando-throe af lhnm 3- day anea. I0 ail adda op tu a manth ai gloroua claire mode 24" deep draten bowl 00k t0 order ta, camplog." a led adge, adaaaabe grill Na malter whatusection of t" thea a for Baay the country you oail home, partabilty. laore are sure t0 ho ail sorts af caaapgraunds aithin enBy 15.88 drlving dintance.Tadoa' hlgh- maya and thrumvays have placed many denîirahle camp- ing arcoa wlohin. ceach ai th1e U IT A NC IR aeetond camper. OUAITY EANDCH IR Ideol DeaaarssrODS ED Ideally, pouUI leova rîcht iV PR Cw aiter mort an Frlday nîcht or get anearlystar on atue pakdTharsday aih r fr1- day mornlng for on eorly get- say. Ail yoa'll nocif ta slo SnmIJV aoy et the 1est minute are SADN your perlsaoblea ahlch you'll mont to packt ln on tce cheat.GO F S T For bes0 resalte, remember il fiOds nhaaid bc ell chllled 4 baera placing 011m, ln the ice I A chat. YonUt fnd block les as- 49 9 N sares maximum caallng taim- IoI AI peraturea becaae 10 500110 ai Hg h iio esnil -a-p.gti .aTc- nn mod ail ne ataff; drinis ohest ta rosard souishables aad lacet, lsemgrs a ster chîlleast 69.95 and cosed fruit julces ln yoar Ns aerd to warry »boat toarsing a boulie apenor -ibis les ohest cechata ou da1 ha. me hals-le oe the Lreoesed haOser. Sim1slst0 sacinc of Rup. treese mater in matertlght pîlea, with compars, airtight plsastic food cosaolen.1ral i I Ir à nT Today's Camping Equipment Even a Woman Can Set Up the Today's camping eqailpmoent Tent, an iloo-shapedl lent la ne streomrlinod and licht- thot papla Int poaition ln less moicht evan a maman con set thon tmo minutes mithoat O op and alrike camp. And mha poiles, ragea or ftates. Com- a neya tenta have t0 batk as If pltiny portable. 10 cao lie O they more surplus tramn Worid maoved tromn shod on even e Wor II? mhon il's Sp. ilsasd of momen aho lite to rearrance Nadaya lents comoe in ai- Samba,, lofato note. Don't maiso overy adate of th1e rain- atrap toa far Sromn the camp- hom. Wont a rod or orance aite. When yaa roturo pou maly O tont? No problem aI ail. Or findt poar mite has pictod opc maybe o Sancy blue one to the tent and monec i t ta o a match pour eyea. Thots pao- botter loaotion.). t: siblo, ina. Thone campera mho p mosre hbinai the door mhen Aalbel w ils h ouI micelbrt 110l tac thate Pop-Trot la ideol for merk- e oter eer t tan an Ihat end campera because it's ou dont rLire lnsaero itn compact 10 lita into a30" cor- don' reuir a dgre Inen- rpinc cane. The omailer model gineering 10 cet lhet op or aieeps o, ahile foar persans domn. con liod down ln the larcor Romns lento are se licht un aize.I inr con inte lhem aroand. In Another happy teasl chaico tact, Junior con eosliy pal op for meetend monderers la the bis oten tant if you get a Pop- Prairie Ochooner mhich bringa Give a Dinner Party without Dinner; Let Guesta Assemble Their Own! Dive a dinnor party alîho ony dinner, for a change . have an hors d'ouvres mer and lot evoryone asaemb their omn hainin and cr, theïr oan snacks, rightou Bide on the patio. An hors daoeuvroa patio pa, ty fi10 rcht frite the nom 10 Sarmal mode. Propare 10 "ixilngs" ahoad of tlane, the caount on the cas grill t0 prt vide ateady coukIng hoat ar tii ovon the haartioat eatl aayo oenaugh. A mono coni ho simplo or s tancy ns one's tnte. Ramne tipi Put largo, ahole, Ires mauhrtom caps on kiewes ,reee i b ie teir efforts ta sîcrsglbev tho grapr boyucott in Milton, and ibis cvcek fiveo0f stx Milton mecbanls wba sel! tbem promineti supporters titey aould Bell no more. Marti Capalo, wba visiteol evearda in tbo Detouo and oacteflo valleys of Cahifocola lac asobo sigo in bus caPcitY as sccretorp-toaasurer of theo Canadien UAP Council oaid Mondsy th1e picitees" trugll foc asite" i lflasoingaie support ia Iano. Ho visited aIl six locai Lit and gr01 about 12 mrina - turning once or taIre. 'Il au ran b1e dippeol in a eai le anlan dressing ar eaten plo Ri ruah doant aheimp a, f- meited gariic batte, and cr r- tarnîng occnsionaly. 1- A retIaserie attachment al oe do a Blaperb lob of cr011 nstomvera Of cocktail saaag S chicton Ilvera mrappod ln b con, or chanin oS coubed ha ,r and pineapple. Cook rurhtal-boe sneotba La viil condensit cream 1: musiaroam soap in a obli hl richt on the grill andl let e -seryone heip themialvos. by refuîîîg icu oeIl uny moto Califoru-gssicî gauuyc us long as tbc worters' divpute cilh tbe growcos continues. Mi. Capuo inti bero part of o tirlegattos of 32 C aodians wbo luurcd tbe f.orofu Califoînia uotly in June. "Pc are gainc la get thte cisarches onvolceti nr51." Mr. Caoato sald. "If anyane bas asy doubla it theïr is ttd aboalblie sa0o conditions tbcae workcrs 1ss wil ii1e aaiy tua bappy ta spR0at to tlsom." Ho bas Palacaiti Pictares, movde fIltas andti ape recordings laites on tbe ýo Handy Tents ampera tentliving a t, oaa, taites a min ifart t0 teret, yet 10 11oartsaofcreoture ach as ful flaaring, dl door and aindam. Don't loriot ta brin aiosvacuam 000010 aeen-meai collesebr Other voluabie til. poco-aavera are thr anternsaond ainvea t2 ny caoine. They a 11e oeed fil10111e, iaa enalor opocial ilet0. E 'I11 aimaya 11e at hant aras cas tant. tlia test. lmam of prooldes comot c a Ther- for Ire- eata. ne- and e camp bat harn liminate ci ex- stro tael liln pour wantingt lrt msure, about the Ou, tbe wncktd MIr. a.puus vias amang 300 drîciarru t0 tbe qatrly meeting of tbr UJAP Coooc a1 Poot lia, wbcr bce andi otber local asiosists aha visiteti Coiifocsia avc a rcport an titeir trip. Titey brougbt a yuog girl op front Calitfornie ta apcai te thte UAP geoap sand Me. Caputo naid maop groom mets aere sn tears ahca titey heard bier stooy. "Pc are goiog t0 teep aoioo aitb titis boycott-if's vof 00cr yet,'be atdeol. Cc uuilurrcc if ,tltficiri ticuisis on.ailadsiscyrssss.1 lie deussion rquiocti cf Eadwin Basley a scoro footlsltpof landlfor filat t uerat wtdcning. Tbe Cauocil undrstooti a t10 font sleip teas requiceti aloc the omadl eves thoacb une coaoeyaocc hati appnoeatly beo ailoacti previousip aitit oaiy arvea filot betog deedet thIe toma. *Criticizeth ae drlay trami thc fine Committee of Adjuaîmest fCmt0su«d on Patte 0) le i a ig Okauy plans for resource centre Sitci plans andl a paposd far constructnonof a ncabard budiget me r approncd far thboap paking arecu autb of lthe adidition of a Resauc Centre aI preri audtium. lie Muelin i. Senioc Public Arcitect fres anc estimiaîrd ai Sceel Titsrsday by lte Bared ai $3,5001."1 be aditilonis eattmatedl Edluca tien. ai $20 a square foot fot lthe 2,000 T foot atition. Tie rcsoure cent01re mu] bc Apprava of sktcht plans mas bacatei betwren lthe ima pleenl aise poron on an addition ta mioga of tce sctool misait Crîntna Public Scitual in ocoorpocale lthe iodusîria arts Georgetown estîmateti aI andbhome econamicsnsections. $170,(0; a new public scitollin Estîmatrd total cosi of thr lthe Moore Part subditisioa io praject is $66.000 miith Georgrtomn csttmaleti ai c onstructlion csîtmati uti $643.000; anti adidition la $40.000 ondi alrattans ta thr Ifyrrsoa Public Scitol, cuustng buildtng ai $6,500. Bralinglon. rslîmaied ai Adtilal rqsipmrol is aliameti $200,000; anti a ocot public for o $10,000 asd a $1.000 scitool oc Prospect St. in omoant us inclutict lot siter urluoclon oslimaitid ai ticvclapmcol otitich ittl providc $598.000. Wants mayors county council Tefntseinamovelob ave moltibbrpvr anrextra vatif dh maosf muncipaitios as munîcipalily's prescrit votif merm te lony counicîlin powercoultinntlbcdividrd. TI adto tetereeves anti Outvîllr drpuly-ee deuisws dacdal conuuyrmpluasizrtiiuotouud notgi cri, harîd coulclTue-tsy. more vaIes troSurlîngton an emauns open A notice ofmnotuon uslltng fora Oatvîllr. Urban muoîcpalti Jaiy. (Staff pricair inember's bull un fle wih oîuly ro vairs otould Ipoica tiltr a eerd ie hr oalwfl ao ta a comavîro for discussion 0050. wîîîîIlle counîy soîctor. scas ole Perl Couîîly li lupsr fte niQue. couîucl. Mmbes agred treft O p yRev P. Gillies fle noce cf lîciontu l cy mrgele il 10 -a ineele commiîîre for divcussion mil Ia v iecin a inîtuaird tir filesolicior and report bacts prpsdn Iyr pposoîrd fic nrsI mertung. lutpeci Approve water ctoil nht for annexed I ands pryM. A milr atnda baif cfnrot otîr servrd brinî carcti for thr ore ntdte main otîti br atitid ste htilton srvicr. îacisîue systern toserve arros of therton Tbe propry ootsrrs'sbaemt pcynte rrcrnîly anoretid br $74.230 otbtlr tbe bots nit ade Council Mooday passrd a sbarrottl] br$45,409. mnt bouse. by-laot ptavidini for a otrmain Ttc piograsa catis for 4,45 iltoneroteet on flic Rase Lîne Rd. froni feIof2 nchumainton theRa tberoto Onaio S., easîîtuîbneaon Lae Rti., cosîngaoalao lic drinuagr ilt $69,1 50. Ther to staît otîli b ichliabee o n flic5 TbucdLUne,îîcortlof $28,071 andtihIe onrs' stas uciuls. the Base Lîne ta Hipltoy 401;anti oi b1 a total cf $4.65 o foie su asteti 1o O ut, Ontario SI.. feom flic ait Itontagr spîcai ovet thc 20 yeî r palttrn for tootolîcoi saut te a erty Rd. prriod. ni 5i cents a focng. Te$1,4 rjc ilb nuly Lai/i PRDUD AND HAPPY PINNERS of a braod sou, completely equippoti bicycle at Satarday's Optimnisa Club bike rodeo, more Jo-Anne tcliaizzi, 11, of 389 Rradway Sa. sand 11-oosr-old Barry Crooks of 317 Qaeee St. Rodeo jutige H. P. "Jobooy" Jobnson prmente tbs bibs et the conc-lusion cf the regular teats andl a double run off tsat mas neadool as break a nerims of tis. About 0 cbîldren participatel in the rodeo that cappol the tome's anne bille litOOciOR maok. Optimista belpool Milton Police by inspecting andl licencieg 458 biles. More picaures ami atory alaembere on tbis masits Champion.-(Staff Phoo) catrrd out10n0 local tmprocrmeal bouta witl pîopety owncrs onabotbvsides of thecfosi That's a lotte nlutsl The i 7ib annual Rotary Club Peanat Day cbalitrd ap anolhcr successfol lrnathrclub sold $685 worift of prout on1 a0 aoc-nigbt bIlle of tbr mto Taesday ofitest wrrt. About 35 Rotations andi beiprs combed tbo towa. district by district, ta dîstibuir tbr peacura andi pranut ballet. Cbairmun of theprojrct was tob Rcrd. il e he o if Ture Ontario Si. installattoo ta cslîmaîcd ai $21 ,630 tiith theo îown paying $4.743. Tbe flontage cbarge thr ilîroîl bc $4.33 a foot. On tbr Tbiîd Lîcc tbe value of tua watt calesimaiti ai $28,860 otî tbe îown sîtaîr ai $12,594.40 anthe ootnrrs aiace $4.60 a font or 50 croîts annuaily. Enginering iet coa colier supportrdl a plan tu drfcc th1e installation of a 12 incb moto bclrcern Martin Strert andi Ontario Street for ibis yrar, aince luec would stlîl bc allrquale pesr osere the ruotentird lines. Charges regional committee inactive o C lIrefo r nhlecounvey ýrninmti eocoonl gures onl aloailbast Tbhe bccomr mate active oteîr nisr but nt nccessarily 1the soundeti ai Hallon Ccunty nunticipalilies," bc con,-ttded. Council Tuesday. Milton Orpuîy-Rccvr Rua No actin,00 otlakeon asthe Harris evpressrd concrrn about disicusson butlilccas ppoed tbc commiller's ploress, norîng membr of the committr vieildi il mas scral monlabstsinir bc discusuicîthe station. Huallon bad decîicdti l serkthe counly asasiogle unitralr tav A merged wtlbPeel. He poinled out A sessm enrr Namsagawcya anti Miltoo bas submilled bîtefs oulîsni îbcîr viwsan onerd ht oudthe prem ier be done tloncouracr obr municîpallîco la do ther saine. d e ntk o Rerve G. Gallagber repcrled d e ntk o the Muinisîcusof Mucpal Wirs Ar i c, i 'renner John aniiuced a financial iuidy of Robiirls, aksssclcdfig Milaon's tbr finuncial impbications cf tbe e.ttltr qurstion on oubetbea tbc poopoord Hailon-Pct mecre. aaseasmeal fonction wti be laiton Thr study ma brli campletdi n uner by thr 00w oegioeol eigbl weeits. - govereimesos or by a dopartmeot lImcanceroed thr commilsee of tbc goeuîînest, dido't asmed isns doisg tu mach.- oy iht onthtesituation, Depasy-Reeve P. Gdtiea ad N e Iatboltiaaneoun suggesled if lthe moany ws oeatly "rIte detbcgd tu21erit o dicsllin nrosabout watt10p050500505 abwoie situation mitit thae Mbliacr anit, they abouid ho prepari cooceread", the Premier tinete. Ibeir caso. Ne proposerd meetings belmees staff membeas of the "He doemn't keoa citlser", louai maoicipalites ta proeide Coasicilloir Syd Childs muassf, VOL. 110 - No. 7 Twenty-Six Pages - Fifteen Cents Koep this year's vacation ý_ Lot us. check ovrail of the items on :iiis liai. It's your best set 0, spark pluga plus waa- We'll check 1hat ail of your euer cilhar taee-ap items patt El COOLING SYSTEM-We'I ii huts are operating and chal car needs. We check point, check cooaot levai and ail blattes wlpoaithout straing. condense, roto, distoibutat tadiatot hases. cap,alooig and eictrcica o- E] TIRES-We'ii check them netin,1i and air fier. El FAN AND PULLEY BELTS for oear. Warn tires cao cause CI BATTERY-Wo'ii check it -We'Ii check adlustotoots If t'ul.nCtaaded îacation for ful paaer, moka sure ter- badiyaamr tttoyit be reptaced. hiabaays. minas an taitiaodaie,.C BRAKES-Weoi check tor minas ae tiht nd cea E CAANKCASE - Po'l te- proper adjastment -a alit [j VOLTAGE REGULATOR- place dirty ohitt tpopet psul ta one aide cao slide yaa Let tus chec k il. Oceraor unde, grade ail tt rsllmmner drivina. aff the moad. 10-25 SERVICE STATION lIWY. 25 at No. 10 Sdrd. 878-2952

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