Thte Canadiien Champion, Wednssdcy, in 1l, 1969 McKtNLAV TRANSPORT'S New $750.000 heat the frnt oi te oew buildiing. Tite mort intues oflice aed truckt terminal are alto antier cte office, terminai, sernie sitnn, ani a sml construction , on Hioitway 25 ortit ut H ititay airstrip.-(Staff Phto) 401. Jit supeententient John Gibis picturet i u CONSTRUCTION IS BOOMING cn Miltonn again services are beici instalisti for tseta mnre nortit as cern bnmes ecd indiustriet timelnpments cpen oi Higituide Dr., ccd jr titis phito turne nf cte num In one Engiish city an olficer up toina leithuier boom pninti foe cte cnwn. itomes are ttkicg sitape. urnesting a femuir fon a traffîn Titre. csm homes tee untie cnstructin aed uffense may oi ait bier age. lie must estimait it. Ilrod 01 linkering? / Quality LA Wl-BOY There's one just right for your mowing needs! Wet2 rluhaerwf e ana lit- of gus Leen-Bun cas ---i à them uentrlyrn idS a YeulI hke the tingertip adtiîatnfflt - .ysuIil ikae.r-Bun -the"scîet cne'Stsoîrsen - irnefine ofLa«n-tnru 552,25. ceigh Lawn-tut t,re Fo! RItES 11551 M."i 8228 USE ON A EWSEL PAOPELLE5uODEL AT Hornby Ga~rage ONTARIO STEEL PRODUCTS plant, Octarin St. couth-wist corcer cf tite pirisent manuactarint attere cn parc ni rte cuerece construction boom plant. Tite cnmpiny cupects cte addiitinn wili ecd c largu aedition is iteiri ereeteti et te meun mnre jnobs fue Miltton. Report f rom Ottawa '-m i ity rud whiting Titis week the Hon. Mr. lenson, Ministr of Finanece, inroduceti his second budget of Itis session of Parliament. It bus been described au an anti-inflation budget witb an expected surplus of $250 million dolars. Tbere mre nu cbunges in corporation ne peeconai incume tus atbougb tbe 3 pe cent tempuruey surtux un corporation und persunat corne tan is extended lu tbe end of next yeue. Substuntiel cbunges were unnounced jn turiff reductions. Tbe gunetument undertoouito2 reduce tariffs un a wîde tange of ruw materiuts, semi-processed exemptios woutd nul be products, on compunents anti combined fut tbe same trip. final manufactareti anti Titis Budget. as mentioneti consumer gonds. Tbeme tari 'ff preenoutiy, is designed tu btelpi r edactionsmere planned in combat inflation. Titere is no stag es witt te fnal dutiainflation is one ofthte iplemenlatian tu be compteted muat pressing peoblems facing n tit nent211 y us.Te Canadasanti tite otiter teading Minister annoainceti fuî countrie of lte muetti. If we are impte mentation woald tube tobe tancesfnt it wîtt t equie place immediatety insteati of tie combineti bellp anti waiting te 211 yemrs. Titese co-opeenîlun of att tenets of reductions sitoutd ite of gonemment. lu addition lte importance to consumees peina te sectuer also ban a nery altitougt te main effecl w-iIl be important tote tu play. t0 reduce peoducees cos ts. If My wife Anne and I itad a nety teme tariff cote banc a serions pie asans enenîr g lest Salurday effeet on any business in Hatton, nigitt in Mitonriwtere we I wuuld appreciate bnowing atlended ste Itatian-Canadian about it. Clnub Dance. Tite capital cmst attowances for tas parpotes 5s 10 be deferred for tenu years un neen cemmercial buildings in majut centres of Ontario, Atiterta acd 8 éiliisit Colussitia. Titere deremette ap Py to cocenities witit a population of 50,000, or mure, as of thte 1966 census. Titis moutt nol apply to any form of itoasini, industriel buildings, ntitîties or public institutions. Some ituldici-tacit of cemmercial building in tere centres wdl ease thte pressure of d emand spon construction supplies and sernices anti sitoutd btelli lu divers mure fonds and resourcen lu esseniel itousing, scituols and municipal worts and lu industriel plant and factories. Increasrd expenditares on thte cun rstraction, equipseet, uperation and maintenance of airpuets and retuteti airpuet facffities are nom vcry targe. The revenue front user citarges, rects, etc. of une bind and tourber nelstrd lu airportsancd air transport factilties is fat Irts titan pem t n. Reniseti citarges fo=irrcue'ots witt bte instituted, along wîit a tax un air tUnt icbets. Changes ment aito unnonnced an Inuelut exemptins. Effective lut January, 1970, it miSl bu pnsuible ta b anc s $25 exemption afller an absence of 48 bnuts nul of lte contry, on c qutietonly liais imsteuti of lte çrnet eney four mnts. cemill bu a $100. dollte exemption euhi calendar year for Cadians retuceiug fîrn abwott afler an absence of a mintimumn of 12 tinys. Theun tenu PITtSuUItraI Per Galioni S and5 aa.c PLAT LATX SIMI GLaSS ENAMEL NIGN GLaSS NOUS! PAINT ais LATEX ENAMEL RIZ WOOD STAINS Aoaileitie et LJm DRONTE ST. MILTON 878-2391 *OFFICES *STORES SINDUSTRY1 Window Cleaning and Janitor Service Cati Us For Coniaue MILTON JANITOR SERVICE 878-6388 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Destroy Weeds Nette s her.bp gle 5 tai 81Peraces ln pessession Of land, in aceordanse vith ste Octario Wood Cantrol Act 1960, Sectisse 3, 13 and 19 -Thot acless cecicas meeda gruseieg on thete lands, n'iitie rte MUNICIPALITY 0F MILTON are dIsteoyd by dace, cf Juns 9, 1969 and thesauch. thuseo, the munisliaallty may enfer upeal saisi lands end have the wseds destrsysd, chsreg the cette &gais# the l ln aces, aa se out la ltse At. The. os.aperation ofs ci eess la eestly uslleled. WILP PENSION, Wood leapauter, Mualelpality af the Town of MilIeu.1 cm - BRAND NAME - Vacuum and Floor Conditioner USED and NEW For Free Home Demonslration No Obligation CALL 818-9514 .2