HamNy Dave Bousefield captures Irophy ai Cayuga Homnby defeats Orangeville 1-1 in basebali By Mos. Jim Hamitton The Startight Grmap of Hitlcres Untited Chancis hetti tttalr Jane meeting an the csuecis Mondcy angning, Jonc 2. Mes. Jim Snow, tbe prasideat, wctcomsd membees to thse meeting, mbictt mas oponrd mitis dur singing of the tisase song in unison. Dueing tise business isour the Sonday Sîhoot prasentationa more announced for Juna t15, thse congragatinnat picain ond ouldoor chuonts service for Juo 22, ut tise McDnnatd Farr eat Acton. The genteral meeting oaf tise U.C.W. milt hc o itd Jne 25. Thr Starligbt group are ptanning t0 bave a day fnr s bus tosd of ctsildren fr Toronto again tttin year. h e deoneion, Forgvenasa", mas given by Mes. Snow. Progrsmt petiod! inchtded a baby shomer for Mrs. LestS. King. Mes. King, reeined nssny lovety gifts and entended hor sinee thonka to, att. A doUtcions pot-tucs tunchs wss sarvei sod a social houe enjoyeti. Tthe nont meeting witt ho haitd in Septembr misen D. E. Kennedy cf tise Ontario Scisoot for tise Deaf miet ho theo guest speaker. A fsmity shnwee mas hctd et tise home of Mos. John Brsdley Sundsy afleoon, Jane 1, mn bonne of ber clore, Efleen Bradtey, a bride-to-be. Tise living raom wss decorated witis medding botta and spring flnwoee. Tise shomor mas a eesntry sisomer and mas attended by 25 guosta inctuding cousins, aunes, great-aunti, gadmnothor ond sistere. Tise entertsinment inctuded a gond otd sïoings fottowed hy aone gamtes. Tise bride-to-be wms assisted in opeing ber gifes by hor sisters, Brenda, Susso and Jonice. Mon. Bradley mas assisted la sorving tuncis hy ber da ughters, Mes. Tom Higginhottom. Ciseryt ond Karen. Mos. Mary Bradtey, grandmother of tise bride-to-ho. poued feom tise tes tabte wich maes decoratod mith a centre pioce of Spring ftomers. Fottowing tunchs, Eitoon oeended ber siaer tiasho 1 att hor retatives for the usefat gifla and hoantifut corde of gond mishes. The annuet Memoriat and Deorstion Dsy of Se.Strpben's Anglican Cisueci, Hoceby, was bctd Suedsy, June 8, at t1 a.m. Rev. Canon J. E. Maxwett was in charge of tho service. Tise choir tead the procession 10 tise Lycis-gate were tise service ms continurd. Fottoseing tise service a buffet lunch mas aerved in tise cburch hatl. Mes . Elmor May and geanddaughtoe. Sandra Frutheratone, Mes. Muybotto May and granddaughsee Donna Jackson, and Me. ced Mes. Jacks Ninon reft recentty on a trip 10 Great Britain. A miseeltoneous shomor ms hotd ut tise bosse of Mes. Arthur Plont Thursay evoning, Jane 5, in bonne of Eiteen Bradley miso muti ho ossrird 10 Randotph Daikens of Oakville Saturdey. June 21. One 50 friends ced neigihors gathered to preseat tbeir gifts ced gond misises 10 Eiloen on ber future marriage. Thse tiving monm mas decoraîrd mitis pink and wite aimanmera, medding bruls. and a seheetharrose for thse gifes. The bride-to-ho mus assisted in opening ber gifta by ber sisters, Brendu ced Suan, mite Judy Pemîress drcorated an umbretta witis s varirty of cotoueed ribisons. Theronrning mss ptonned by tise hmstess and Mes. Cliff Hunter. Mes. Ronald Plant mas in charge of tise gamaes and contrats. A detrinus tuncis mas served hy tise bostsr, seho mas assisted by Mes. Hanter, Mes. Ronald Plant ced Mos. Jim Ptant. Eitenontended ber sincere thonis to att attrnding. The annual Hall reunion ms iseld Salurdey afterennon, Jane 7, at tise Norths Trafalgar SIs Our Business MW crs AsseSesC carner t FEATHERSIONE ELICTRIC 878-6378 Recreation Centra mils ho descendants atlendlng. Tise aIdera mecahor attending was Mes. Frank Bartle of Vienne, Ontario, mis a i 82 years ntd. The yoangot mer prescrit mas Piatria Tyrrlt of Ctarkson, sevra montha otd. Pneloming lise sports sclivity mnd paul scramrbte s dolicausasuppor propcred hy lise ladies mas -oyd hy ail. Cte Norths Trafalgar Eachos Club brld thIb weekty cuchre party on Sataedey nîgist, Jane 7, a lishe Norths Trafalgar Recreation Centre. Thero sera Ira tables of ruche in play mith tise prices going enlise folloming minors Mra. Ronald Kiognsoîl, Mes. Olive Ramne, Mes, Jus Samomil, Harold Rerd, Wilfed Raine and Frad Workmun. Tise tucky drama more mon hy Mes. Fred Workmon and Arthsur Burton. Me. Josephs Price of Hamilton, and Me. and Mos. Willis Hamilton of Millon visied on Salurday midi Mo. and Mos. tan Break of- Nindi tUns. Me. and Mes. A.J. Atisinson of Boulder, Colorado, visited midi Mes. Atkiann's modier, Mos. Victor Hall Se. ced odior mecahora of lise Hall famity. Me. ced Mes. Roy Sou of Brampton, and Donald Shea of Milton, vis.ierd Tharsdey evening mils Me. ced Mes. Garry Hamlo.. Me. and Mes. Axai 'Pateeson have tnt on a trip 10 trasd, Scoltmd and Doamaris. This mli ho due fOrsI lime Mes. Polerson bas osmot ber sialor in reoland since due lofe duere. Heraseser mss a baby in a pramt mien siso tfItretmnd. Mr. Peteeson ba nover sera bis sister in Doamiaris since ho camne 10 Canada aI ugo 21. Mes. M. Timminga of Barlingîon enlertained 28 guras at ber home mils s iicisen and bsduroom sisomer in bonne of Eitren Bradley. Deorations included a large umbelu decoealed mitis orange and mwhite crope paper honeeing over tise bride-to-boa bouad. Mrs. R. Verhoise of Oaisviltr, miso milI ho maid-of-ttonour, assisîrd Eileen miss tise opening ofgifta. Lunch mas served hy tho bosteas. Pottoming lunch Eloen exlrndod ber eppraclation mad 4Imelu 10 mit. i,ý A miscelloneos sisomer mas' hold rocenly et Peecy Morry Sciscel by duo Ise Drtamquin Bromnies misen 30 girls gathered to shomer Eileîn Biradley mils gifîs and corda of gond miduos for ber future marriage. Lunch follomeri tise upenins of gifts and tise bride-to-h o extended beuety tisanka 10 ail. Several memhors of tise Suechors Car Club utlrndod deug races at Cayua Sunduy. Tise 1966 Hemni Belvodere omned by Jim Gray and driven by Rundy Daubera mas in compotition for due OirsI lime on due strip. In lime trials il rmne asapords in encess of due N.H.R.A. record. Tbey tan nine tentho of s second off the N.H.R.A. etaped lime record, going 123 mdrsan cebout in 1.77 seconds in lise quarter mile. David Boasttrld euuning a 1964 Falcon stock mitis a time of 16.33 seconds, going 84 moites ce houe in a quarter mite. David mas a teopiy minner. An eniibition softhalt gume mas played on Wednesday evoning, Juno 4, holmeen Huenhy mnd Orangville Juvniles aI Hornhy Paris. Hoenby defealrd Oragnilto 7-1. Fottoming tise gumoes tise Imo eas, coaches und managers more teated 10 bot rings and hue cisocotate at Norths Trafalgar R ocreat ion Centre. Tise Iter-Coanly Juvenito Teopisy mas peesentrd tu lise Hoenby Urge budget review board to controi educatian cost leam by Jacks Barhoer of Oeangevlte, champions in 1968. Ken Maesholl had due bonne of presenting nom jackets to tise boys, lise coach and managers. Bort Stemart tisonked tho ladies for pepaeing lise rofreshosents. Amninerssey greetinge 10 Me. and ' Mes. Cliff Hanter miso cetebeatrd Iheir medding unnivrary Jonc 9. Bieduday greolinga lu tise folloming miso are celobeating tiseir bielisdeys, Peter Hall on Jane 1l1, Mes. Elaser May and Patricks Dontin e Jane 12, and Sîsphen Conisson on Juno 17. Annivrssey getings t0 Me. ced ra. Itomard Specis mio mili cetobeate tiseir modding anniveessry June 12. Me. and Mes. Harvey Dunn spont tise mweek-endi ut lisoir cottage ut Blst. Aoniveray greolings to Me. and Mr Sturt MeMitîce miso mAl cetoiseate tiseir medding anoiveesary on Jane 10. CANNERS EMPIDYEE HONORED. .. Jacks Stnisas, garmerly of Campisellville, an employer nf te Canadien Cannera Plant antseeteriard receineri. a raId match in renagnielan ni 25 yers of continos srvine witis the cmpar. Mr. Stoises The Hatton East Progeessive Comservative Association hon urged the Ontaeio Governaent lu establiaht a Budget Revioe Board "mith pomers t0 reviese, amend ond controt the budgets of District, County and Deaigoned City Boaeds of Educution." In a brief suhmitted tont meek ru lishe Hon. Ch art es McNsughton, Ontario Treasurer and tise Hon. Wiltiam Davis, Minîtter of Education, the Association suggests that such a Board shoutd inctude enpeeienced cors accountunts seho woutd ho tndependent of the Boards of Education sehose budget it moutd rentese. Tise budgets of utl Boards of Educution in tise Province would ho carrfutty acrutinioed peine to upprovat. 'Such approval moutd ho neceruuey hefore tise Boards could roceive fondu from the municipal ities', suid John Kilmer. President of tise Association. Tise Association alto urged tise Ontario G overo ment ru ranrinra tisa amerr frase C. E. Pinnamare, npeeations menacler oi the Hamiltorn office et riche, white tmising on et tait is Harvey Charcis, Wseerford plant saperintendent. âprf for Mur Three hurt ini towai collisions Thote peesons more injureti in insocure peopcrty, 58 peesons three personal injaey car maraed, 100 summons and accidents in Milton during May, marrants served ced 182 pesoms Milton Police report. questioned. Apars feom tise tiseor injurins Liquor charges ted tise bal crashses, tere mere rigisl midu 11 laid, miie lisree charges collisonsa midu more duon $ 100 racis ni comun assaut andi property damage ced six mils hy.lam infringemonti more mode; tom duhan $ 100 damage. and one charge rocis of mex No fatals mere repurîrd, bt offencra, feauti, offensive due 17 crasheos casurd a total of mespon, dangeroas deiving ced $4,905 peopety damage. impired driving. Elsembee in lise force's 347 Parksing violtions totatled 28 ccurrences more 15 fmndings of ced 59 peesons mere summonsrd under tise Hfigbmay Traffsc Act. Sîten prnperty value ms mltimutod ut $288.44, mwhite $40 mordu mas recuvred. J UmCwwe# aD. OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL, TU.8HONE 632-7788 IMayie shes theSeth wonideof the worM. Seven days a week. shte given Ihal innocentlIookiesg, refreshiesg, satitfyiesg, powerfully esutritious food aesd driesk ... called MILK. Real milk, firm Moîter Nature and the cow, is recogesized as oese of the worlds mot esearly perfect foods. There's the ever-imporlaat prolein and calcium. There't Vitamies A anad C, thiamine, riboflavies ... ail recograized as8 important to, health. In a socicty where all costs kecp rising, the dairy fat-mer has esot been apared. Nor have the costa oaf all Ihoce worlcing to make fresh paateearized milk complelely avoulable. Aesd les lise con- tainsers and quanlilies people veacl. lîrs alto a fact that, ounce for ounce, freth milk continese to give ,.. more truc value, and moore truc value for your moesey. Ihues aesy olher food you Cn esame. The cow may be the th woner of the world. Thiesk about thal, THE ONTARIO MILK MARKETING BOARD ... rasking fer tdi aày Ouser f Ontfffic imptomont ils ptans, as aonounced reentty hy Me. McNaugisson, to inces odaration prans tocuvr h60 pet cent nf the costs of etementury and mecondary education. At presrit Ontario pays appeocimatety 41 per cent of The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, lune 11, 1969 "You connut huild churactor ad courage hy tuking awuy man's initiative and E E iatdependence. You caceot hetp wleai m mon permanently by domsg for nhem what they con and nsoutd T ~ do for themselves." -Abrahsam TO HEL Lincoln .1 cossing fross peoporty ussetssment mitin tise W U jteisdiction of due local Boards "One important luoction of sncb a Budget Reviem Board WASHER-SPIN IIKJCK mould be 50 intare tisut any savings efftcted isy i ts eevirm ced tise increard prans moulri be pasard un 10 tise prupety tan payers, sadt Me. Kilmer. Copies of tise istief mero prrsented 50 Me. McNaughton and Me. Davis by Jier Snnm, M.P.P. for Haltonr Est un Tbursday, June 5. R. R. Ford S &) O MOO $15901 Washes and spin dries 24 Ibs. of cloihes in Iess than 30 minutes. CAN GIVE ANY Spin dries one load while CAR THAT washing another SHOWROOM. Some clothes are dry FRESH LOOK enough to iron. Corne in for a Sec these on display complets appraical nw today. BILL'S HARDWARE & APPLIAN9 AUTO BODY DON MERR5TT, »9 878-2721 Buy on Easy Budget Terms Mata 878-251 136 Main t., ilton 878-6011