Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jun 1969, p. 11

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JisottingT' byimndilzJ *With tht Ameiat arroercemert hat tire U.S. iS rerraS25000 roapa foes Vin NNes oeid il he fait to lokformard to e a issilar arroterementi toes Hanoi? Is ofit te prmisthtinitittive foc peaetea aleasyt uppoard to tomne rom tire US. mhiie Hnoi roneincues tb ase igtii'sat support errenir e US. foc ire "detteode". t Arsonereet hat Teuas'e ias ptet to hild a nowretfineey i le ehoto tarer off'cilly oser lire eeerd. Witir s $400 milion pice tag, tierefeesey retard covre 720 actes. Gead joh il dide tcomne to Milon or e ould hase t aseanter tneeatiat and mirera heore ipieg testisn chat meurd hart tourbed off. * HardieS ot tire Eesey aards fot televiior popeesns tire ocrer tighe made il lotk iBe errereste a pletifat sapply. Theersermed rote, t atcgory upre categoey and if tiere asel ocre tee e pareicularstuaion, sherermat a perial ciatio. Somehom i jut ra't artept tirt telesirot la of cirer birbe calihreryet. *Feutre editobehnMorris et Prescot mas ilemed recetly and uits iai ie cotcleded: "Pcoaaly tire most sulgar ic of seestirtalises te hic Canada en the pat tseai yeaea a the "lie-i" irit cictedcinitMottreraI triraeerir iy rtcof tht Beatlesantd it it. Thirstoupie mtp ho haitg heir printe ltsie jobe about eue matais le thiracauntry, irai eeli aget eue dollarsagairt tieir eaijaa tatsireeu lires arr munir happier and ht me hase ferere hastg-ept and petoral pohemsta re chia pair of eede lied bhep. it'a ime me aetthees patiasrB irtri r itie isi a heaishy puf of DDT." #Tierette tirestryabout thr marbre mir a matore dllr short i itpay ettrelopean td tomplained le tire ratire. She looired astirhe retardsantd taid, "at weer e oseepaid yoe t dollar, bt yoa did'te remplace aout tirt mitabe did you?" "Ar orraital miscaire i tee ovrlori," tejlird rire mocer, "hutrio two itee to!' i 1beep bopire, tocrirhetaire of tire locel idealir uperitecdeett, tire tomats menteatreriii ire tartieg stort et raonsrtion of tire ruei temer. il's oerd te ire aiig atraction chiasasu et ted if yra tiroir yo're sersstme deep holes en orec and orne big pipe, tire speiiratiots or hat pre>rrriedimrr youaiturctaee tothitg ye' . its a 42 i pipe and attire eoetir edrire bo i miii18he iBfet deep. Wbrr tiratrssete ieMaie St. it wmlii eed plerty of sideesalir aperitedieg. a lte srt inthrie tome's erreoffiria] pte seema ro ates argely frees large lard emeert-deseiopets. Tire irdiriduai ireee-omnere mey deelrp steert arme day mbee tht plar is parsad e irelids ire mont deomiras ire arramith hiraprrpety. Tirn rse irowmues eri iedeltyrd sterrt mviii crac! Ae ameedment 10 tire official plan l at at titepesteriar. ST. STEPHENI ANGLICAN CHUBCH t ard orestra eofiis ebserhmiro proided Hresyhyieid its arreai Memocial ard themusiclfor theservice, partrofmirichwai Deoatior day SasdaY.BRv. CanoneJames ireid outeide ce tire adjoirieç Maowell of St. Stepiers irir rie choir srmetrry.- Staff poo)r Down [s] in this CornerEImpo esit roy downe Tht Bihle daer apmiai Esc elavetoday. So de Ciilears, oathsie gounde hat Adaes et Patirs Day bires l ruld sery*"me lose oat pacresath ie pear long ted meli base brrr a peset to r iig pleature dor't rerd special depe b rswit." ad releaxatioc he esactd's flied dd. Tirets b arel tirtttd har marir ted muile four miionee thetsa arrea Catada mais aterty tac Jase 15 te opethele prets, tie chances arr tirer the traditietal gsf f irs iiil brirg a road seile otattisfactiar. Wirttthe Ameritansregmprd erge Washington as cie "Fererr et iis Country", idt s relIy Jlies Ceasar mira deservs etir itie. Tire ord "ther" is tae rotramebc ame gier te Rmane acetos' "pates.' Tire dca fr a Fasiers Day rtreetîrd i the United Stades ted as irst meeaird ie Spoae, Warigt, ie 1910. Ms. John B. Dodd eisircd teirreer ber fther, william B. Smatrt, a Civi Wee vedrar mie hied ietad sis moîericos riridre. Ihe eroard tire eccasioe ar a ray te mîtl attention te tire mlipe tlcetfratacher as uarad, dad ted ireadrirere. Witb tie r encouagemet of e eministre, sie re eee a leter ta tire Spae Mirster' Aliance mhircir recerd er suggesctiontasecaily. Is mas her iroghtd te rrateicnofethcie Spkaee YMCA ohir Iraok slcps de mabe Ms. Dedd'a idea effetive. Peeidet Waodcem Wilseniad a Fathers Day irtter peatcd ir tie Whit Heure ie 1916. Eigirr years lete Presidees Caine Coolidge eceremeded sacrerai obseraceetfFthers Day. Whilt Feres Day ias reset ired qide tht tarer impact as Mthers Day-tee ohsious asetimenetal reatac-it bat ersetheitesiecoes rideIy peptiar er tht peara as r mears et payceg trihate 10 tht baedwraeieg mthe-rrbute. le Caada, Ftheces Day is eherved iy tome people mire hasteethieg ie Ibece trdiiot equisaleel la Fathee's Day, hec miro ase abe up cire "reine mar's" way. Theirorquis bdiar bete, tee imtne, ase eaesrd tac tire ocaion "Bt Weraese." Bucapeat and iat cruetrira tend te loah or PalircDay eiti a emixtate et suapicior ted siepiises. Frenherirr, toc cutespîr, toerasu the pretite wmle addieg: "le Arerira tiey hase a day tor reeysieg." Tire Bitiair egprd tire eset as "reeseivrd coesmeecialiam" wmule gieg aleeg mur lire ides. Tire Irish, irdepeederi i ail sirop, settet Facieres Day carda te irehw ainomrsirops hec dees de esytiis atirerlrbredieg. le italy rire people releircate rire day esaciras brr. Tiremrtbicea rp rase, ireec, liras "il asbar ierme lise Christms. Up te 15 ycars ega Ialitos haugird cira tee Chitasr, tierrie Anerittet ctredered Christasa rers, se eore ebt iycres" Rutsats regard tire prartace as teether ige f estcrer decadece: "Wr de sec relireale tarir dey, erlprligcees iraiedap." There s snteobserancee nCina ted laper, ted tire Thialaed epeearcatisr as sndigatl t tire suggestion: "N, no, Soese ird et gifi'gsrieî tahes plate in Beipur, Mnace, Sritrtiad. Seede ted Span, betr t i errgrhboritg Petapl, nrcie Gre Ceesaey, Austit et Demari. lenPoreay sire rastcme a te ase cotter eadly le thteorieg ted tht rirideto gise a presentd etsome ereli piere etfirtediwrei. A for cie iriar- "We're heaed about Fahrrea Dy ht me tirer marrer teeb har oser ce!" Tht Dulcir sec tire wet thesa as te "expoitation et semethceg hat Tht Eskimios, onte ie eerr ardase ee ace a bou uch coaly-büts fartily ier tirt idtee ire ge s aiglaer lacI-up aid they celehate Felirs Dry and smeaitrrg irmr1 es Mthee's Dry ery day et their lires. snaks tee pisoes ai th Tirougisaul matiret Sutir Areritra rehere Spaniah s cira largtagr, Fasiers Duy is talird "Dit dri Patre." Junee s tire tasrerd meesir bulie tome plaes Fathers Day comaes ahttd et Mthers Day, ce kempirgeitir the lettereimportance ut le MastIplaces the obaserne is rai ofiiai beltitht Doime anRepublîr id mas Trjillo hitarit hmiade tire public areaucmeut icr1933 ated cîbairer bapt siere. Crier cosntrites mhircircrinirate the day arc Hodsras, Ceeta Rst, Breni, Atgeeins, Venezuela, Columbieard Panmm. le EI Salador andGCaealaie h cilzeer go alorS ith tht day bel, ite mary Srepear conrie, hry blme Ameriar maatsla "iro oly arIta uS more goetda. l's rt ba, lcs rt good, Bl depeda et mhicir way Yeuoakie it," Beuadotiasualetht idea igSodc humer: "It'a poplar bullen fana rsecy day batt la Pathe'a Day" Haii igores tht Tire mar teit tira Gtant jarsune lcieg ie cheir cme the par dmees' lvs passes. Wic rrrpompird arr pipe stp, "Wlt, nta ec iresei t tht tomer hen?' A decceestal esaresage tort mary cimtes, almar perser. A Martiage CoumseBor monar tome quetions dispostion.t "'Did pou mat uprtas "Ne," aire replied,I loeri conomieS oopenctiont?..- if lire peeple ut NocrhBseliiegcu musc a ire statonle lcaîrd ce Kiliride, lhey iad ielîr e recpaced le rbouidec lire added turc. Rigirc eues cey are grllieg service frm Mrilos Ae Fier Depatmeel, oatr ct o allemurer liras $7000 a peer. Ferorec atmuery cirey casuel boy irrIter ire proectcio. Belif tlir ry forteea seighbrrbud tire stadesn tiey cas ruprcl hir tlusbili l e bep gisg epesard-erimatore r ejeci uns asymirefrotres$60000 le S$130,000 athe ieort mustloigicallY fou usn cire eeuider ut tirrer moire ii ieerfit. M ilîrer 13cr depacîmertisi admisistered by a cucntecof u rrpereelalivs o tru cir oess aed feue erigibriesemericipalilier lire brgoadr aire seret-Brlirclue. 00kvsie, Erqersirg aed Narragameya. Facir masiciyliiiy pays aa rrerofutIhe ttclitortu uneeieg lire brigade. Tire tierfigirler aer efficiet, lhinerespunser iralesayr ryccdy, and lhirierqipmrsl o mmodere. Tire dirtaece lu a fierr e flera peebleer, or il soetelicterloes 15 or 20 miesor tue irlucbs fr00 Murern le, eacir rume fiers ie erîlpiet arear. NauuaiIy eereyiredy weeld lîke lu buse a firerballi te urebath yard. Bol arc lbry eiliseg lu pop tue cI? Belieglue could tube user fier protecieon ie ils nrercerea, and ,4 doice on t/ew i AI lord Halles, or t Irant a pece etfi, isrerpresetîd cenlire peoincial cabinlet fulliuieg thrapprctietl ut Ceurge Kerr lu lire portolio of rarement oee ast Eeeegy and Reorcer maeageet Lie Grand Jury lst eer. pIceses, piped-i Il is 011 smprtant puortolio and leges and bediimee th Halite lJait in e eed centidentt Halles bar o eseryrerpreelutise mire mili peusidr reptile iraderhip and ld uey ad misad adminstieseoiility. opaige ta spice up Munir irs bernsarud abuet tir s:fret etbted portfelir iecladieg repueibilito tue aie ted mater pollution. Bel il alsu etou stoateres te isole de errpeeribiiity toc chics tee a short conservatien and as a former rermirofuthlicSriect Cummitter us Cunervtien, Me. Kerr bar a guod backgrouued tueibis reyoesiiliiy s requirers tatlirg se As close observer, lue, oflflire ets iti tire tarner pejecîs uand peegearer ut tire Hollue Regue Conservatio Aoirity, ire MeiateaMdLauhiBe muir bersly familier ilir irsefile tiret actretfeues werliseaged projectteas mcii os cire impedimesl le chir extensies. hegatocuasE t Amosg cire pejerle eshicir liosr cl cotcrntieg her frretIbis reeigirl ie islereraed le pp hireorit?" esrid ira tome artiste us preleed ire tieep" precetionfrstcie ercarpsmietl mirh puta o ore aestaire ut Kilbicde. Bel the tests esruld ave lu ireborcer ry cire 3,000 esidrots uf Wacd Tireer. And Ibere ir stili uaccu uaf Belisgcee atup tir esrtpmet mincirmilI hase te contieue britrg rervire r teuhie Milles lire hall, or lirere or accers fcem lir esm. Or Milles renld sec ep cire Kiliride solies. Bec il esuld ire ef se usetlu erighbbetstg musicipolilies and lire peuple of Burlirgîre mreld sili have lu bror te sts. Cerlaiely mier fiee sribes mirotersauer preneour, ber il ir rcuseesiczally impussihir e oprside aches ype lireeprtecion inrurai aracs miere ppulatonr and tue-heacitte asesmeet atee rctller. Wr wsiirBrlieglus mlini decidiro eshetirailrbold eterd ilr fisc prtectiee tereice chregi rrtablishmetofeta sees bail aI Kiliridr. le tire meastime mc rirjecl lu ruggstirnr char Millens rirrld fer ettrîlepetectione. Tire Milles Fiee Are uffer lire isd of peutectionrtlire ereseelalises et Bocliigîre, Narsaguweyt, Emiuerise and Milles jrielly agree opuy tue. A sombere et sai-balîr bar eut ycesieerly beer rueridered by lire gopous mincir Beliegtt bas leas a roereertacise. Ectiool rupprtcfer os isccearrd sombere utfirerhalls cor ire aidly geecaîrd, bol ecusumit rupporstfar lors aidly cite' weseils may hregir Halles and ulde ten imporetontscesirctuecir ru lire lardecape. Acotleif oesre rf ibis piesoeteereatd ils concribocire ce tire accu, Me. Kerr may fied il pessible ce put irle secte correcte teem cire rarlierepectiserufthlie Peremiire oarsred protectire frr cier ecky idge. Gerge Kermas rîrrîrd le lire legirlaueris 1963 b her idieg liraI cies ircluedliail ut HultnCouety. le 1967, ufrer cier idisg mas splr, ire srerd tlire cperellies eof Halles ilh ir reSerreand belir buse filled chirr rier mlli. len rire tield et regireal goeremeet, Geerge Kerr iii ire îabcrg srerg local vîrm o luthe caciioei cooel.[lieliras boe ce outspobesupprereof utlicccglor cemaieieg icir Halles ache r as birig raeeleceed le Hamilten. We bepe liraI siesilinielio. Bacbed by geed legisialise eperiesce osvrflues cremillers, me secCerre Kerr as a mueciry addiionso le recabinielted icle eecectragisg cru ciraI Haicus iii base a voire eihiistlie cabitciecie t long liaec. Wr ai] beeomirer bapper tengond Samartars, dor't me? Tbey ed up heidieg rire iag. Reorrcly e aeqesscd ao irrtes t mer practicaliy oser my sofers dead body, but Kimmiceesîrd sire mer gorg te cratck ap prythoiegteaily f rire ddrI hlase a ltl brochet focrcumpny, As mul, Dod wm tire aalyrr. Ne pur. Ir rured ouerte c ireatldeitrer, as lv meeteerd, but char was t c e reprod. Sire wtt a litie beauro and tmmedsateiy tarir oser the brute mi hoc amixtrouf erarm oand uerarr orgace hat otiy a temale kirsîer tas marrer. Ererire Old Barrie Aur heaume fond ofet irig, dcsptc rire uruol losoceg of tareituce and dra pes. Ktm mos ectatto. F'm cire eely use inte ieamily miro tac arly ire cii te cts. Id as ruer hast a baby gorille, octa pet anatoeda, as tscar. Pip, rire ktcre, iad bers rerained, afcet e rumatte lapse sobecire pairters sorte brrr. Al mas terer. Sire bad rier uretftire brause, lcpt itir Kim, andire gar spedcrcg erme tsmc playieg cenrire botE yard maieg ike a tigrrsr ili irtete ad o rmd Tragedy strucir Sueday aferear. r1soas 'eitirgortssdc, tcodieg, mier I beard rire uneartbly bar urmisttabile streas ofetas animal ce icr deari-rtert. 1 toulder beieeour lttetould maire surir a rosse. But it as drettely trisse, and ab'd brrr playieg aceerd te the yard 'I eoly a liche mwirle betece. Leaptrg up, 1 es tprtcd tire drection oethlie soils, and ras g eutc rtirte rod. Thece mas Pp, hcad doms, esaiirg mldly, creucd ce the middret cire rod, orsrire tact tpcd by. I pttbed ber up as grrlly as possible, Ctrcets se'd ireer u ov, or t IcatIhic t iy a tac. Sire squcaied pieertly aed riurcbcd my sweater. Sire mas cbuddrseg eith rter ted paie. 1lcarrerd er ilike a oondcd bud and talird my ite. She mac irecefrcd. The itter ws oebsseudly einoti, cyrs glaed, ircad rhabteg. Hec hirîd legs sersord paraiyeed and I heeghc ber bath musctire brosen.crrdce irwestieg. an hl le Wr petlber itelber irx-ebd and scerd about, mrgcrg eut haedt. My wfe shiceked. "Shesshtbetkisg!". and i agrerd. Crrarer serm te do hat sohevt' hryre dyiso. My sotte aird. "lier eyes art ferry, and ber cars are toteteg omite ot.- t agrerd. Ther ocrer hitterd noto itobty. The drtcb carde wttimiet "Bercer ellcime," qtaercrd the boss. "Sbe'il reset forgtse us iftPp jus diestand sbr t te'tbe ce.- Oece agate 1 agreed. and raced upstairs, sobete Ktm wttsatbtrg Hamtetcor TV. Myfateoas log arafoutr, 1ite d,"Kim, you'd bercer tome qottb. r1rtrbnkPtp's brrr rus oser, ard sbe's se badl rbope." Sire ioohed op, satird, asd suid. Dodi, sobat baeyo ber elut? Hee she ois.r brrr." Ard sure erougir, tire war Pip lyrt sttooz g otrherceech,uasrirtontoas Cieupacce sootisg tue Mach Anooy. Weil, yto dor't hase ru ire Sheriocir Holmes, do you? i'd esuerd the wceeî blasrd car. There mas toms roture. MY teeder hrary Theirslsg mas sreamtea. And mt as eooctiy tire ramne tlerg s Ptp. Tiere ceoermy wott heugltthirrarl mas tbeikrg mas har cr's ireur a murth yeeeger has Pip. Tirerasonses e w dellise har cr's rcrdrd, l'mr sure. Km pcamprly pcedesced a sauter eof tmlb.Tieret ubthe brukes iatirand paralyzed legrlusr or pcempty ttdbed oser ru r ted drarki c, heugh stil thveeeeg, thcir ed ep ard srpt fer tsoo heurs. ira ilerdy rose mas pcroiriy herm grarri sparrersrg ordere a cs sbeis. Wril, sht de yee dut Tirceo rbath or rire cead? Ptp and my ite are fureuruse n at iaieg as seerleper, rire erber aI hasceg rsoects sobe sire did't a one. Kim is deligirîrd and derermined rubeep frire ugiy, srupcd liccîr mort, who crs lise alin And , or errai, despcrr rire foot char chic e oa tut stsry, am se the dug-bosr, shere gued Samasitars tequrstlyiy hd chrmrsee. i Pages of the Pasi à' %, feom'champion filesJ 20 years ago Tubes fteiseorutTire Ceeadcue Champion, Istor 9, 1949. Arcthe eguier meting etfPanapsorpa Couarrl May 30, 1949, rie ruud stperircerdcr3 meas cscresîrd ru ubtair apprusai efthcie Depatret out Hgbmeys tac read constrctionueaI loI 29 iersoen Conessceesfouradrise, and proerd te irave thr enrih ed et ruadmay resstrstctcd, ted cal[ tes cenders fer biolding bridge ort arer loration. Tire ter oftche Cou Constructon Ce. wst accepîrd tut supplirg, ccunbrrg and dcisrtguapptustmattry 6,000rstbrc yards otgraerrucTeownshipcetads. Werb is apidiy psugrseeng aI Mlton arne, mihcescretefouur litd, and rom wmeearete usiy escaerd ce crecirg tire bunir mal, fer tire neroextension. Thirecc iras becs rmued preparateef te tire iuyrrg et tirefCour userthcie pcpceg. Nom tiraI tireares earber i supoe as 3ate icI us rut forgerpouer Deggce's cuesoter. Tire peur telieso s tîrd ust iese bat deys. Sec trot ire hs ire esh mater ce querth hIre hrnc. Jutthce tireday ce rem a et rriend et mire sted sire irardua peste deg cryrseeat cgblted il bepc bier testEr. Sire sard i bed becs lier dugrihe mesldihave goeIo tesce miaI met thec scanble. eehops ticpouer deg at ioecy and perhepr hecsatrd o dcrbkeoeme ecold mater. Hrrirastptforhis cumtett. Haea rg otthccithsime,ifaterlustopedeo id se ire car eue a hacle. Bcdcertstiii, bhase il se b c car ceramlinoste rme shede. Remeeser cdlsoas tire degs ht bad comspassuion epe betteus mire tepattire icir mates gale. Area tcceed stys, tie re m His dercees. 50 years ago Taeesfre tire issuer utThe Cuetdier Chmspion, Jute 12, 1919. Tire crusdp bp-lamsecscabiitg rugir scirosin ceMOrutenad Briiglu baieg irern approerd by tir e Opurcet ut irducaccur, MlOrues btgh scireel wmd ope uftor tire holicdsys sotir rrer eaeuicocr. r cnetood chatr Boioctccc'c loghc c110o11 miiuope ettire rame tics Attentione s dîrecîrd ru tire advertieserd enri te scond page et tbe big fildO day tut tldiets in Johne M. Rairtsens prb, opposite Ligny Scirari, drea mles met et Millet, orsI Wedaesday. il iS ire fourdi atteactise, ibut te addiieeai fette bat hee addad siere tht pettes meergelstut. AS ptitsicire Brant Mibcty Hspital, Suliglr, mire are itrealeasel, iii hocciera, eurersg perirapa 300. Tht affale is maeaped iy a rormilleret resideets ut Ward Ne. 1, makia cd e Tire polite illage ut Campreilsilleirs smid t c elrmerproressenOntario, mira inerc casof utibldnsrand mate teserd asothas eey cler Ontarie viage oe t rs star. It ir rom necgeteg toc ciertrîr irgiriel. 100 years ago Tabe r teissseofetTire Caradra Chaempon, MOdesn. Jure 10, 1869. Tire Gergtown Fatrsots rot ce> grrot ruttens. Tirere wmsaegoudi emeestoftstck us cire grounds, mrlotinrather tcirc condtion,hoeerc.Wr brrd oforusle et suid by Mc. Smith Besy to a Me. Themprur et Haredres tue $300 tashr. Usroes es re aire cbogit serf ciapeai G. Sesilirs. Heu sgig 20bs.eof gerd cereets tacr oerdroar, 12 hib. et raiistfor oedollar, 201lbs. orce tfor e dollar, tcp top Ierem 6Ocets truner dol r pr pe!ad caieilO0cetspet anmmemc t ih usaccdent authdie peper estls ncrcGeorgetomn ts Tarsday lest. He hed becs putirgonu a irct, sobe irosirce s cughr bycthe shattandirc wsaradeedaouerd i, hir e ter tbteg. Hc wtt mati riruiscd rourd rire shouiders an etr,ibutenoboessmere rtbe.HecO dureg meli. Au Iowa mas reierapheli choc teor [llitreis shett.f "Arert C.A.W epseg mir my mct. Drees me $100. Irebcpays, lad hlies g." DcDrearmscu biasrerfusrd c cou tramn Ceitemnia.. saicty, $7000; tisoe e ram Chirago, $8,000 a yceead tre maete, ted bts tergrgatiee ir Hamiltoe bar preserîrd irm soth a pard ap LUtc Asucante peliry tus $10,000. The datores emesal tramt Canada meeid bire bercct fegret de aS,. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION acces Retet aN atsa ADpnfl ne et. t1r- 9 .',rt , MeSIstca r.,e,5ct. .eta1, cete DrOKen. rier race was Diocruy anu riaii rier nose seemed to be niissing. not there be ore.

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