4 This Canadien Champion, Wadnesday, Aprîl 9,1969 Windsor, St. Thomas, Woodbridge - cams i lthjuvonile tourna-ment c h a mica teain1t n ttasn luietscnti t fjs 0o snt aae By Roy Domns Windsor, St. Thoinas and Woodbidge mon dit A, B anil C division chai.i.nhip; in tht T ri-Couniy Minor Hockey Association's t tth aniual juvoisite hockey tournaint i Milton on dio meehend. Tht Windsor club tmecged the hig minners of t mrek, as diey drovo haine midi a total of diret trophits. Defencernan Rich Kehan's siellai performance i nhrt toucnsnt gaines eucned hui bodi tht "bint defencoman" and the "ainsI salsable playec" amardn. Oahvitle Bomber netinindor Brion Carter, aiho helptd his club 10 the 'A' consolation litît, pickrd ap tht trophy foi inost valuabto goalie of tht tournoy. Qakvitte, Napanet and Richmnond ctaiintd consation victonies in tht A, B, and C divisions. Each of Ihese beains toit thoîr firsI gaines hut ment on to min tain or diîoo gaines ari t consolation toies. Tht wetk of hockey foalurd 36 beains in 48 gaines, and aime of Onlario's top juvenile hockey playors. Bill Rowney and his Tni-Coaniy organîcation hadl tht inhale aieek cunning alinost on schedule, despite o pdle of ctoto gaines which rrquiced avortant toisions hefoce thoy ccatd ho aittted. Five gaines mere mon i suddon deolh 10 minute averlime poriadi, and six inoce gaisos that couldn't ho settled in avecltinse ment inb penalty shahs befartmwiniitrscaiildhtcsamed. Officiais mort ainaztd ai tht closeneai of mass of tht gainri. Tht 'C" chumpionship and tht championship semi-finals in tht aihot tain divisions aIl mens inIa penalty shot sessions. Ose of tht gaines, a 4-3 Hagtrsnillt nîctoîy oser Actas, requîîtd foui penalty dhols hy each eain hefore tht deadtoch mas hvohen. Windsor hnoched off Peterborough 3-t ccd Tcenton 5-2 hefore meeting Richmiod Hill in t final, handily wînning t last cotest hy a b-t scort. Tht St. Thomas tom cappes( Napante 10-3 on thetolarney's mortl one-sidtd gaine. Iben up Byron nul of the runnîng milh a 3-t - min. They defeaned Thod(hill 6-4 in tht final. Bolh Windsor and St. Thomas more ceplacement troins. catîrd an ai tht lasI minnte 10 lake tht place of Rînersîde and Tillsobîrgmwhomweeforced to drop oul dur 10 Ontario playoff coininitaris. Si. Thomas manager Boh, Poag îotd Tht Champion "air have been tryîng 10 gel ino this Inurnamevi for four years nom. but each yeuî ut mas filled up and our application mas rjected. We rratly esjoyed il, this is tht Oils lournament foc us,.and ne are att tbrilled in ho minners.' "And aie aould lîhe ta om hach ogai,' ho added aiîth a gris. St. Thomas juil a weeh e aîlîer hadl non their inler-caunty beague. puttînt out St. Mary's. Tht Windsor crai was eqnally happy aiith iheir ainfal of Irophies. Coach Linoy Bornis poîsted ont they replaced the Rînerside eain. a Windsor suhurh, hecause Cliingacou>ny and Rîversîde airsameetingasi playdonns. It mas the Oirsi min in Osve ties for tht bîflu-flysot Woodbcidgt ornai Cach Bah Tacnbul Lreporîrd tht Alderaiond tram bad put theai oat of the innning fo s6epî four years, bol Wondbridge îurned thetlables as thein otd neess dhis year-Jahn Little scarn ao goal midi 40 seconds cainainisg in their key 2-t min on Tuesday nigbl. Etcter Woodhtidgo hlankod Hagermiilte fr0 and in the stini-linal, edgod Fecgas 4-3. Tht 'C- final pitted Woodbtidsi aatainst dheonlay tournament, Port Huron, Michigan. Aldiough Wandbridgt had a dtfiiiit estgo on play, diarp goaltnding at tht U.S. end of tlie cinh kopt the score domo ta a t -t tir aI tht end of roltutatioa aimte. An avettiait 1-11- FRAISE, TO A GOALIE, la ofton recovded on the dressing ronin seont tottomine tht final sirtory. scareboard bat Woodhridge iminetendor Keith Tht scaroboard showei (ast five goals seitina pain Tiotrar sot bus praise in a nomber of mass aihev Keith un four torntO gainni. Ho rngaîrdqd ona. bis inoin touk the. 'C" division championship atI shulout, and the final saient ta onstib on&' the juvenilo rournamont. Hisa mates haust the thon ponalty dhots beore it mas decidmil. (Staff troghy-boaring goatto inta t6e air in a typisal Photo) Windsor defencoman OakviIIe goailie MVPs RLob Kelîne and Butan Carter, tain of tht oser 700 teenagers participatiig in last meek's Tsî-Coasiy juaenfle hockey toarsîmesi. aient haine aiearîng big saules Satardoy nugit Rush was cittuva muait saluabit player asnd mciii valuahie defenosmas us the tonsy, aitle Biai, recaîaed lue amard atht taet-v a nit ouoîvasdusg gttalte. Fnld I-Iiintund pravsîrid tbe dafautean a uu.d tut Windsor rtaigoatd t-alit afîcith lt ciî.tsp utituh teant Wind- titi licol boas deciarail 'atatday tgi Tae tfats and Ruokis taînnatan. afiready lîepad ap tvr(le r -l Wn oset NAMEO THE TOP GOALtE of the 48-gaie Tri-County lunenulo toarntent Saturday mas Oakvillo Bambins' snmide trias Carter. In bis seomi pair of îOvndeil play, trian belpmi bis eain ta a cionsolation aictorp in 56e "A" division inith bis daut oui in the Bombons 4-0 final nintory. Eti er Oaknillo loin 2-1to1 Richmondl Hill sdgad Gaelph 3-2 ami mon a 3-2 osactime dacisioe oe Welland on the may 10 the trin, Jin Marray prosents the Miltan Mimer Nockrey Assoiation Umapy.-l$taff Photo) Richmond Hill, aient mId ai the annouaiceinent. Rîck mas stl sectising accolades fromt bus maies aiben Marray Whistlet of tht Miltron Junior Hockey Club viepprd oui ta prescrit tht MVF amard. and Rtchs saine a calied oat once mate. A vieady defensve pîtyts snw ta buis second ytar wiuîh Lanny Bornais' Windsor club. I 7-ye.it-old Rîch short t rogoaitheiootnrey as bis eain elimînaird Peterborough and Tressas froin competrton hrfore factsg Richtoond Hillin te finit. He scored ibree goals and set up tain oubers in the 5-2 mus thry posîrd oser Trenton Fruday, and added anoiber usrieri Saturday's final agaiusi Richmoînd Hill. A bey figure is Oabsille Butabeit' "A" consolaition vicioty. gorille rtan Carter only alloweid vs goals paît buim un the futur ganet Oakaulie played. Richmond Hill, edged Guelph 3-2, and shaded Welland 3-2 in an oseclîme content. ln the consolatîion fisaI ha helped Pont a 4-O shaloot oser Peterbotough. His viellas performance heimers tht pipes mat sttdtd, Oahaîlle monacal Dase Rabertson saîd ltet. Bombais bad oaly tighi players ta dresn fat tht Guelph game and 10 made ir ont for thensvectîmemin oses Welland. 'And ha teally rarard bis shatout Salaîday," addrd tht proad manager. Ho iv the osly neiiidrr tht Bombets hast uval aIl seasan. Btîasaiîîrbedwitblthe ombr tain yeatî agir, Ibmn sat oui last yeat ha/oct comisg hach inia tht fold Ibis seasoît Jim Murray, past president of Miltîon Mîsor Hoîckey Assaciation, presesîrd trias mîtb bis topby, doaed hy M.M.H.A P.. W..s set sights on Ont. championship Etitriaf lia iaurib gaine ai lueur Ontario finaasv Miltin hd's Weldg Pe Wesiravtllto Bowmasvii iontgb(foia 7 pi gaine Tira Weiderv wn Sasday's tird gaine here hy a 3-I scoîre tut heep ilueur irupas tuf ast afl-Ontaiu chaminshitp olive, bot vtil vend usa aiotre aîctieev iorng the ropty home. Coacht Bob Collans crai lot tha fisi nwo gaines of the Boîamanauie serurs ii an 8-7 ovriume iovat hont. thencame ot onteshortiend of a 5-3cana Linfoeface. Sasdayithrynrre tome in Milton agaus ad a vtiior performnace vain ibm pot a3-b sucîory. O)îe mote ut,ý nti h eufI-ivc neo and ilu-t ..uiuiiii p itor bkat or lute titi-n fin alc r tiiu îu.-tiii Sr[ It uuoic teai affucuias econfiudenaie uuaiti aul tia inav Tonighi's game staris ai 7 pin. and lue Weiderv aiouid tht ta set a gond cromd on lîand rto cbeer ihoin. If rbey mis tht fifîh meeting uti bc un bultor Frsday audlit ai 8 pai. and raery hockey far in Milton and district shoutd he in tht rink ta support ibem. Rîsky Bridgman put-Milton on the scaroîbeor in the Oirsi persad Sunday, sel up hy David Roberson and Bruce Elîson. tommaundtle lied it up ltiocn the pociod. In Ibe second Bridginan Ocoed again, uoaasssd Ibis lime, ta couuni the minoing goal. John Tanolli set up Ken Fay fin an insutanco goal ltaler in the perîod. A scortees third poriod ended tht gaine. A gond crnaid mas an hand. the penalty ahot sesion, players froin bth toms boat the opposiag gaies on thoir finot iry, thon Litile farad the tolonint mathor oa bis second loy tohile SoeKtth Tiveron blaaknd thn ar',tHuran maurtanien. Toatney officiais juhilantty prcaed the weok af actian a dtcdtad succesni tohen the final scores mort tatier! and gare tnceiLts cauntnd ap, loto Saur ay ht. Paid atteodance totatttd juan anar 2,1 00-a stigt dtap fraint Lait year-and with onver 700 bays participating it indicates tht toumtey mas toto hy nearty 3,000 people at toast Refeteting was headed up hy Murray Mconneil and Doug Peddit. McCanntl reportttd tri-caonty officiais froin Bramopton, Georetown, Guelph, Acton and Hespotor jointd tht local T-C staff-Waynt Tisohots, Latin Stichtt, Trovor Houston, Stevt Gervais, Glenn Dance. Gotd Hasselfttdt, DaOg Ptddit and Murray McConnell-in handliot tht 40 gamnes. Tht Miltan crei mas cillaid an for mate thon their share of tht ga=e, dat ta ilînesses and cce halions by tht out-of-town membots of tht striptd shit squad. Seneral scouta ttpttsooliog N.H.L. clubs moto amant tht crawds malchiog tht gaines, and dicte may ho same concete offees fordicansing for saint of tht participants. Probabty tht spunkitst teain in tht week mas t Oakvittt Bomber sqadi, mhich wan ast gaine mith juat tight players in osoforin and anoihr milb a staff On penalty shot Dave Robertson said moek, sictcness and scisoot kept sarit of bis playors at homo, but on Wtdotsday nigbt ihey odgtd Guelph 3-2 it juat ilit players. DouSg iaan, matth n y d e f e n s to n n b n d a n d b ec ~ p'Y.d tht fait gaine mëdiut a bIankesd Petttboitog 4-with just tO dtsotd, 'ta mi th A" consoltion cromo. Toronlo Matîboro Juvenites mort noticeable by their absence tis yoar. Tbey have beon quitt a drawing card for fans in tecent toucoaments. But thet lmth mas, tht Macllos weeen't inited ta the '69 toucnoy. Last yoar tboy f lot a 3-2 decision ta Whilby and ose player tank out bis wcath on un siena dressing cann donc-to tht lune of $40 mncth of Rît dainage. ras Bilt Romney mas the dicecior the of tht tournoy. tilt Buroît of Brampton mas rogistror and Laîry Aîbic of Milton socrotary-tctasurtc. Aco bicDuffe is pait dicectoc. Assisting moto co-dicectocs loi Fced Hainiond, Horb Robinson, sus and Nocin Hart. cefecr we convenecs Doug Peddie and Murray McConnolt; dcessing canins Bob Collon; equipino Pote Gates; ficsl aid St. John Amnbulanct; playor crctificaticc Fred Haminond, Hocb Rohinson 0/ and Juan Murray; ticket managec Ha Hech Higgs; timers and annoancers Murray Hood, Clay 2, Juhh and Joe Wilson; chief goul 4, judgt Don Wilson; eain standings Lachie McKocsie; ond os publicity Murcay Whistler. Wi Milton Optimîst Club bandted ch the gato foc the wooh. Flyers bounced vitory in sheir loarney opener mode Mition's Nadalin EtecOric Flytes tank tiko dt toam ta tahe the "t" division taurets in the T&I.Cody juvenfle touromntnt, btith8ey Sui doitr Waterloo ai the bonds of Thogohil in their second gaine on Fsiday morning. Coach Joe Auger's boys nearty had a Wini, but. a pennty shot goal hcoke ap a 2-2 lie and tht Thoarnbill squat! sob the gaine 3-2. Thoînhill ment on ta eliminato Simo 3-2 via tht penalty shot route, thon tais the division OsaI ta St. Thomar by a 6-4 verdict. The viclors pîcbed up seves penalties, inctudîng a miscanduol, ta Multon's fove in the hord-hîlting gaine. Tinice Thoînhill meni ahtud and sauce tht boutls taon the score, but the penalty abatr session spelled tht end of their hopes of minnîng dhiu Ofth ohampîondîip in tht Registrofions continue Mon. for mmnor bonl M il tan Minor Basebaît Association held a registration of players foi the 1969 seasan on Monday vight, aid mail of tht boys expected ta participat sîgaod up foi the satinas hanse beague bams to case anynne missrd tht registatin sight, anotbor iuI hoe held nemI Monday rit tht Fine SI. Union Hall, duîîag tht ose haur precedint the ansuat meeting of M.M.B.A. Boys aged seven in 14 yoaîs aie insiied ta came oui beimeen 7 and S pin. and aigri up for tht sammer seasan. Registration fe is $4 for eacb of tht first tain boys ta asy famîly. St fat each boy afier ihal. Presîdesi AI Turner says aboat 250 boys are enpecied ta parlîcipate ibis year. A nom bouse league fac hostaus (13 and 14) mha don't mahe tht toms alI-stat toain may play gaines in a faurtman beague iîn 1vlitrg Btampton, Georgetomn and Actas, bat ut depenson rgitraioav Ali porens in tcîsîed oi itact hall are urgtd ta attend the annuat mering, .wihecetrepots iuI be tises. officerseclected, and plans laid foc tht cnmisg soasan. Tht esoculivo especilty invites tht inothors along, as tbcy bope ta gel a ladies' auxilinry forintd ibis yeor. Tht meeting slacts at B p.m. lit the Union Hall. -Don't forgol Mition's minor socer registration dates, the mmlt tino Saturduys, t0 anst 1 pi, at the LeioiHall. Mike Sicalton put Thorîhill ahtud ai 15.10 of tht openînt perlitd, on an unassisted play. With Miltin a mas short. Keith Higgs selap Garry Nayleî ai 17.40 ta tir the garie. In the second, a 4.40 goal hy John tetis put Thotahill nul fiont agaîn, and Mition's growîng faine for lait-misat goals mas sn evîdence once mort as Higgs set np Ray Tonelli foc an equaliter ai 19.29 aihile Tbacnhîtt mas shorihanded. A 10 minute overiîme sessioîn pcoved nolhing, thon Rosi Johnson put tht garie in tht hag; foi Thornhill mih a penalty shot. ~K KEH-OE, dia tournoyas moisi ostuabta player and top-ranklng rguard, aivs a toothy sile as ha oyais bis oton lio rophis ami largeoana bis Windsor clab eartadl homo .-lttaff Phoato) Tournamont rundown Here are the scores of ait gaines in lasit eekis juvnio hockey irnament aI Milton Acena. (O/T inea tht gaine ment ino a Ides doalh aodrirne pecind, P/S aitans a stries of penalty shots ce needed la break the tie.) "A" DIVISION Firsi gaines-Bramplon 3, Wellond t; London 3, Burtinglon 2 T; Oshama 3, G.uelph 2; Richmond Hill 2, Oakvillr t1; Tresîton 3, itaio 2; Windsor 3, Peterborough t. Consolation eonn-tWelland 4, turlingion 0; Oahviltt 3, Guelph Peterhorough 4, Hamilton 2; Oaknîlte 3, Welland 20O/T; Oaknilte Peterhorough 0. Oahvitle miss consoationi round. Championship- Brampon 2, Londor t; Richinond Hill 4, huma 2; Windsor S. Trentn 2; Riçhinond Hill 3, trrinpton 2 P/S; ndsoe b, Richmond Hill t. Winsor mini "A" division aaipionship. Firît gaines-Thornhîtl 5, liopelti 0; Milton 3, CFB gardes 2; Norîheen Etobîcoho 5, Paît Ferry t, Simoe 3, Streelmîttle 2; Byran 4, Bommanvîlle 0; St. Thomos 10. Napare 3. Consolation--Bardes 3, Hespeler t; Stretiit 3, Fort Ferry 2; Napanet 3, Bommanvîlte 20O/T; Sitetiville 5, Bardes 3; NAPANEE b, Stractsvilît h. Napane miss consolation cro. Champîonship Thornhilt 3, Miltas 2 P/S, Sincoe 5, N. Esohîcoke 4 P/S; St. Thomas 3, tyran t Biaicat 2, Thoenhitl t P/S, ST. THOMAS 6, Thornhill 4. St. Thomas muas 't" champnship. "C" DIVISION Finit gaines Aldermood 3, Actas S; Woodhridge 6, Hagersvitle S; Petrolia 4, West Rouge 30O/T: Fergus 2, Richmond t; Port Haros S, Oak Ridges 2; Corusnn S, Arthur 4. Consolation--Hagoîssîlle 4, Actas 3 P/S; Richmonîd t, West Rouge 0 O/T; Arthur 9, Oah Rîdges 2; Richmiond b, Hogecivitte t; RICHMOND t. Acthur S. Richmond mini consolation stries. Champîonîîip- Wnodhrîdge 2, Aldermood t; Fergas 7, Peirolia t; Fort Huros 3, Coîuna 2. Wnodhcîdge 4, Fergus 3; WOODBRIDGIE .2, Fort Huron t P/S, Woodhridge labos "C" chaaipionship. -s-4 w - ý - ,.d00 WHOOPîNG IT UP in the St. Thomas tnm manager Bois "Red" Pog. ise tîrmi four of the tresinsg nain aft thni "B" division six goals as bis inam alouimi Thornbîll t-4 in the championi p ai tho toa namoît arn St. Thomas dinusional championdhip Saturday.-(Staff Photo) coach Fmid Ducheso. player Run Wise and Planning Junior bail for MilOO Intermediale for Cmpbelrille Junior hall eain ibis summer, aile Campbrilvulle plans ta reun ta the Isioîoueduata itagua. Officiaiv of the tino neighburng clubs hast agreed short us a shaciago of Intorinodiate dlais ploais far a toa in boih centros ced aiih Miton dropping out of the loqgue, il toavos tht field open for tao players to boy out mitb Ibm village sem, Red Son prosidoni tilt Carne promises a siroag Junior oniry mitt ho filded in Milton this Cmpbottviltt ctub prosideni Ken Maure said! tht viltago's Junenile-Hatn champions in 196B aiere sIc ong envu ah ta stop ap ia Itermediat ranhi if rbey couid counit os support titis on-Mitn yayors Rural bail Tht Hatan Rural Sofibal Loagat mdl boid lis annual ineeting aI the toyno Coininnity Hall ut B.30 pot. Monday, April 14. Tht purpose of dhis meeting is in organize for the 1969 stfbail asas. Il uts enpoctd ait tems mitl ho rolurning frotta« asI yoai'5 play - Lotovitto, O maah, Hornby, Hatton Haot, and Procor. There bas been interosa dhoms by odte trin ta enter t larguer 13 injuries, Tht esrr-preseni inembors of Miltan's SI. Jobs Ambulance Brigade once ugain sol tbroogh 4 gainesofbhockry dusiagibhe sevn dys of lt-e 1iith avouai rru-couniy Juvraule hockey Superialenden os Millet reports Brigade inaffers mort calted on ta assist t3 injvrod persans-mini of diont playors burt in the fait-action gaines, and a coupe of spectutoro hit by flying sticks- and tost pucks. Sevon of dt injured had ta, ho transpertedint Miltnn District Hospital. Cuti Iapped dia injury lisi, und one player mas suspected! of bating beoken rsbf aflter bailg abtaik by a gaalio's stick. 4m