Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 1969, p. 22

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r -~ -~ ~---'--~--~- glo The Canadien Champion, W.dnsdy, April 9, 1969 OUR EAD RS-WRITE: MAKES APPEAL FOR CANCERN FUNDS Dear Sir: Duriug ianoary last, i represented tht Milton Cancer Society ut tht annual catupaign meeting ultIhe Westbury Hutel, Torunto, and thruugh your papr, mould like tu report on Chîs meeting lu tht peuple of Miltoa and district. What imprestedl me tht Most about Chîs ,eminae, mas the rnlhusiasm of the delegates-Chîs s the uuly provincial meeting held rach year, uside front executior meetings, and more Chun 400 attendrd. Worb commenard Ftiday enenirg at 8.30 mîrh a fund tamign meeting. Soiueday murninga begCnnets breahfast mbîch 1 altended t tarted at 8.00 and max meil atievded. By 9.00 me sere do to setiaux business. Dueîng the day se attended lectures and discussions with doctors. social murees. chemîsts and anyune relatrd tu cancer seorh, rexocarh and titatinettt. Satueday luuch wsa a group meeting uîth guet speakets and, althereeînghbanquet, e ee îuteuduced îo "Miss Hoîpe" and Chu nom famîliar faces of those wocari say: "Cancer tan be beaten"A unique featureof the banquet mus a "nu-hurt" cochtail boss in Cts 31 year hîstury, the Cancet Society bas mode Cl a rule nul io provîde a bar. Drinks sere avaîlable. but il seas your cash on tht tint. Sunday mas agaîin breahfast ai 8.00 se ith Ilectures and discussions until noon aidfront 1.30 tu 3.30, a recapîtulatian oi tht sehole semînur. Some stondut olîy tie Cancer Society dors not loin tht Red t-ruCher Campaîgo - tîn explanalion ts simple and convincîng. Due lu the muuy vulunleer muehers. urly h pt cent of ail campuign fonds collecîrd haut te, be used for uveehead expente of tht xocîety. By fat tht largtst portion tues to medîcal retearchi, tome t edlucatior and tht remnaînder lu patient cure, muîntaîning tht 1 ldg es autnd p at ienilt transportation. There att. ait present. ilîrer ludges -Turonto, Hiamiltoni and London wîth plant for more at Windsor and Ottawa. Tht ludges peovîde a hCome aseay fruse hume for Chose seho are tahîng aserirs of X'tay Cretmrnis and seho fîsd t ravelling t0 and frum the trratment tente not practîcal. The patient puys for tseo mea1s per day -tht test of tht cut I part of Ch e cancer ptugram. May I ibm., tir, thruugh yu papr commentd Ccte iiz of out conimunrty tht support of thîs arnual Cancer campaî'go for fonds. The campaig is sonder the vety capable urganîzalion af David C. Bîush -he and is assistant, Mts. Walter Wilton, have superxitd tht assembly and distribution of tht 400 bits nrcessary for tht caenpaigu and alto tht fînding of 400 cauivuxeret. If by chancu, canrasser misses cullîng un y ou or if you sih toncrease your douatioa, then our reasarr, Lloyd Davis of Davis ireweiiers, ian accnps your donatiun and give au officiai receîpt. tl bias brou iruly stated ihli "Sis.hnest is a sîrauget, unil vne knucks us your doue." Wbrn a volunteer anvaxert hrochs ot1 yuur door, muy t, un behalf of tht Milton Caucer Soctety, ash yuu lu pIeuse contribute Co this murlhy cause. Bruce MacNab Chairnan, Miton Cancet Society [bT'S SEE BOTIi SIDES OF REGIONAL OQYT. Der Sir: For Chute mbu mîssed the Aptil S issue of "The Telegtat", once tegatded os a bastion of Cotervatitat, cornes a sîgoificanl warnCng mbîcb sbould cause îhînhîvg peuple tu tbînh. The leugth of the edilorial ptuhbbts cumplete repruductiov but Chr oliomCg exCract thould suffice to stit a fluller.- "Citizent of Peel and Haiton couuitiet. . . cat expeci subttantial tas incteaset undet Che Cmo-Cîer Regional Govrrnmevi mbîch. . .Mc- Keougli bas oedaîued for theCe "Durtng the rutaI stage, municipal servce costx can be kepC to a minimum. .onset of I i g h - d r il s i t y developmeot. ..... muuicipal services on a large scale and the upmarditspiral begius. "Mtuoicipal employers... pensions, lrîuge benefîtt, o ffces .. . .Ctransport- allous ..computers. Cut of bu reauctacy milI lîhely be douhîrd... .uoiess Chey taise Cheir vuices, titi trot o f Hallon aud Peel are about lu he hurdeiiedmwithani expertive aid self-pretuutîng syslem mhich mîlI be pleasanl and benefitial lu putîticians and bureauctats but of dubîuus value lu tht averate axpayer." Thr "compatibîlîty of Chnking" expressed in areceni artîcle, coupîrd seîth Esqurting Reeve Hitls obsetvatiion Chat McKeough "is hiud to lister, bul he's made plans and is goug to see them Chrougli" to me a least, srem to undîcate Chat altboogh seîutee is over me are getint a suom job from the Ministr. Natsagaseeyo tesîdenis bave iodCcated by petitios Chat Cbry seant uo part of debrstuee dehîs îucuered by 'plauners' elsembere anid pulitîcians mîlh insattable uppetites fos future poweer and no regard furtCh e expetsed mîshes of Caspayers mhose buyîng pomet is uum needed to furîher Cheir empirebuilding schemes. tl s my opinion, 00w Ihai u reseutment of the piauned iakr-civer lias bren shomo, Mt. MtKeough should hetrequested Co pal bCs cards on Chu table and furmard a brief outlining ire advantagrs of le uvdet lusi dîctaiursbîp-aod. sîvce i e has doubtlesdonc hisxhomeemîoro this-the disadvautages. As the sang goes-"1 a dreans, cane t?" If this la traiy Dnmacratic reasoaiag, then either McKeoagb or i piayed tecant i school sehen Dnmocracy wsea beiag explioed and when thn sabjncis intended Co train us to trson sere heing taaght. Hn ahoaid suhanît a helef under oath ta aur electrd Coancil. they shoaid cati a public hrariatg and aIt planning for the talir-over sitould cease until se have made aur desires hnosen. Bat no, unIras me rite from our compiacency and "ia catt't happet here" attitude, se shall tee tht veto of "dentoceatic" dictatorship under the gaise of "progeese". If se wanîrd aIl th eatarvels of Rtgtonai Goverttment me seould louve 10 Toronto-but me don't. Another dtsturhing srgt is the cumplete silence of CIre politiciuns-you bno, Chose gay people me tee immediatrly prior tu au election. Why donCt they stund up and hr coonled and if they fret ut me do, support us for a chunge? Tht expressions "political football" and "100 bot lu handle" apringti 5 mind as upprupriate for tht occasion. Rumor bas Cl Chat tht nese Rtgtutal Educatiun affair is aur eeaping tht alieged advantages: fuct bas t Cthat Torunto's ropetiments, flot Cu mention similar ones undertaken in tht U.S. are fat from heitga succetss.. .in lacs, a faillire. Why Chea do we have tu he buliduzod iCilo the cmu grave of fuecical errors? Tht U.S. is busy uodoing sehat iC did in Regtonal GovernmeC. if Canada hud tu term the bard may, wby can't me wat to test adequately sehelher tht already enforcedl plant setîl seork Cu tht adoanlage of tht peuple who ate paytng the bills? Is Chat su unreasunahît? tl ts commua hnomledge Chat Guvernmeat is utelets an tht business field: Chey stambie bliudly, uperattng on tht ' 'h ol1ietr- thanil- thiu, no-explauatiou" hasts and tht myth Chat tbeY car always du i foC lest. [iCtialty iC sometimet murhs, then aluug cornes tht self-taused inflation, giving Chcmn tht ready-made excuse tu haal on more Cax oe fto l fred iteit m onsters, deprisîng us and covering ap Cheir errors of judgment tehile tbey bide in their bureaucratiecoas For my monry, McKeoagh thoold prcment hutb oides faicly, alluw us time Co decide by democratic means, duriag mbich time me can aIl tee hum tlmiar ruforord "beorefits" have morhed at il seems hypucritteal tu gise more funds tebere ircompeiency already exsts. l'on for heepirg out area rural, mauaging our uten affairt, the' recognCtior of bumar rigbts, for Me. McKeough to realizr me'rc tich of being Cold mbal's guud for us mîthout ptouf; sich of elettai empire-building, bureaucracy, deceit, iueptnest aud abuve al, Dîctaiotship in a couutry mhicb prCdet ilself as being lstrd amung tht "ftee morld" counties .... upto the ime ofmwritingi Overtuord bolt 1hope oi Oermhelmed. -Pleoty of robius bave beru sighted, 00W thal spriog is officially litre. -Children enjoyed aaolber holiday this merh, a four-day Eatr meekend. Sanitary Land Fill Site OPEN FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL THIS SATURDAY APRIL 12 MORNING 9 AM. to 12 NOON. * FOR THE CONVENIENCE 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMERCIAL ST. NOTE BRUCE MCKERRe PhSamclewthbuld.aaeoat WORKS SIJPERINTENDENT, * . lofer disposai ame te b. uslsai OW a ML COMPARE AT 498 - SUPUM DEJCIOUS CHOCObATU ISCUIT MALLOWS PKO 39C COMPARE AT 33c - Ufrli WITH POUR DEEP BROWNED BEANS majz 32i89C COMPARE AT 2 FOR M5e LIBBYS 14OZ. TINS A&LPHAGHETTI 40i 79c COMPARE AT 45< PST10O.P. ALPHABITS 3 5C COMPARE ATr MC FIVE ROSES FLOUR L"77C COMPARE AT 7 160OZ k CHEESE Ic WHiz 69C COMPARE AT eft - MeflARUS RUSH PACK PICKLES 79c COMPARU AT $1.1U - SICIM MILK POWDM VIAM S'um 8 9c M '~ I

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