The Cnsan Citamp lm, W.kdedy, Apeti 9a 1969 89 1Open concept scho to ure* by parents Ey Mr&. Wlàaa Wiaon lin. Lardes, Assatlaa t tiet Fial Khbslde Bnonie Pak, Gid Gu"da amd Lanid Rasgtihsd nIcMMila tucetpatStad Man" 22 in tht centne ti I1 tablst ty Piatoln s t Mis. Frankl Pnacick, Mss. Blasa Biand, Malford Calling and Honscn MeAthsa. Doos prims tassa won 10 by CIiN Fnstz, Mas. Etasa Battand .and m t. Alan Shaw. 1The. rGad Neiglbin club mt Monn ad 24 intae lisntrne .ltit O e lbî Ofpnnala nadina bntng playnd. Fnat ws taon by Mary, Tank, Mas. Jack Robentson, t1ln. Ribet Wntn, Darwin Pansr, Ja Roberson and Bah Wnun. The doanpsn ws taon by Mis. Wltn Pinliett. Tht mannbens if thse Kilbntdn Homne and Sahool Anannucatton vistais Mohiawk Elementaty anhoot on Sptuce Avenue, Bunltngton, Mondny, Manda 24. Jmens Morrison, fonrmer principal if Ktlbntds semant oinalnly wtcamed tht mesaes -ami slong otth lta staff canducted a gtaldnd tans of the school. Thn tubolsanta open aoncept ddgs and ta coastnanttd ta pods amd gtvns nid apposntion of beins ammpîsitl round. Tht focal poit of tht sehoal ta an nxtsnsivnly eqnippnd libtant saintt cntren. On. R. Mutnseadi ixtnndad Ms. Masalson and lita staff a vte of tlsaihi. Caftea nd donati watt nevd by soiaal ainvnnn, Mns. Mtal Sut and Mas. Man Stokes. Sevan nannative niainis tif tht Kilbntde and Distic Cîmmantty Reannatin Association amet Monday nteitg Matda 31 ni tht homen if Jothn Van der Voont, McNiten Riad. Plans otan made fan tht dance ia behWldthi Stusday Apil 12 ni tht canasnnity conta. A apata aan seinbataai A prai 16 at 8 pin. ai tht homei of Garon Hasats. Att cacahas and tnteaasisd pontant ais itait! la attend. An anipittat scol tas tia hi ptsntied and the date ottt b hannaaanad Inat. Tht oIt oit glotes tai taake theïs annueal appaanca once apn dtai yna n te dantny niai future. its that tin nalat, a tsn ohien the baya faltoot suit if thn paafeisioat datm niath and taks toi the hall dtamondi. Boysdeaitlng to panticipat ta tht mmmo ball ptognaot dtai sinanin art asknd ta tagistat Satiundat, Apsit 19, ai ihn Camnanait, Canine fronat 1pin. Ralistatiion inn ta $5.00 pot playnn. Tickts oilt ha aotd hy tha tiltutita menothîs fan a gnt-iogsthna nvantag Sataaday May 3. An avantag of bowling, eanbnt nid othan gaines liai hn planntd. Tinoagli thani ttanngs oin ana haptag la oetan attthe no fainitiin thle aititaniiy and district. Tht ansi tas $2.511 a couple. Cnid coittilet Mas. Watson tend n thaatiyaa iota fnam Mat. Mangant Henry,, thonking tht ataocation ior tht gent wti ad ohia oas seni to han danng han Rines. Tht Faith Mi 'ain t Canada mohile anit lias baan ta Kithaida dt pont to weiks. Hagi Jamittan of the Failli Mission in Canada condicitd tht stations. Tht firtta otal tht Sinahian Iloat washbedliaiindiainly ata scial it tO a goad aiinndanao, Ibmn the second tanni immdataty afiet schoot a ateint oas field fon tht Tn ta Tnnns oiih a god atenodanca. Fanuttt sertices oint hld in tht evnîng. Ma. Ianînnin, a natita of Nonthan rlnand, otan raond ta tht Fitabytantan Chulih. Feetiat cnttad tn tht minittnt of Ei'aagnltti, ha eaiaand tht Faith Missti Bible Colinot, Edinbaniji, Scotlaad an 1947. Afian graduation, lia condaated etaignilistu oasionsin ta toas paits of Suotland, Englanil and lnttond, antil aoottag ta Canada. Etiten ans aoa Mr. and Mnî. inaminin noaie la Caada, otakiag theit homea ta Hataitton:, ohane ihat, noot hia a familt if thnnn girts. Thay contiian oth tht saie osgaaiaatto, tht Faiih Mission ta Canada, ta, hslp naatig ahanahas iat tht tonal annat and itoali totta of Ontario. Ma. Jamieana la képt taay hast, priachini In otany chiuitsin tcladinil Bapliat, Fnaabytantan, Unitnd, Attocaald Gospel, Brthrn-in-Chliit, Mitaionaiy Chutai, aid Tht Salvtion Aamy. Toîtta naoeatitt otîtahas ai thn Kilhtidt Homeiand Schaat Ansociati nia meast Thanaday ntentag Aptit 3 ai tht hoote of Mts. Williaot Watson ti Dt. R. Muithiod panîldiail. Plant tnne otadn ion Fao Nigot la b h ld Fttday Apait 25 ai 7.4.5 pot. ai Kithaida suhoal. Filais, l'uah pond and oatoat panna att planîned foa tht atosi fay and jancing la a lita hatd, progrssieitaahtt and tanious gant ant ta hn hntd ion tht oldîn chiian, teenagilrs aid, adalla. Adotission is adali aid teenagers 5F ceita, atd childn antan 12, 25 calta. Ma. aid Mta. Bock Longdo atndeit tht Van der Lilit Rushy otndding Satuadat, Match 15 ait Fl. John's Catholic Chunah, Banlingion. Raception and datn follootnd ai. the Taon anîd Caunîtry, 1159 King Road. tonlînglot Le g- Tht %lsa soan tia i la Faudat, Mata 28 ha tht aiahto a tatraoif1,Ia14o1d fuaitd Oit ta pitt'h ta . ih .5 0tatel Farhld and a aaathat of p"lpe Tint btittt iai-* * ea tataes aitt pao tai. M ý W « fati Meurttai, Jito . 1Onl. Milton, Ptaii Chny, Baanalso, Willian 'ilatod, Mitn, Piet Van don Hoatat, Miie, E Thomtson, Bramtpit, Josaephitt Raid, Camptotiill, Td Boo, Base L'ne Rqn Makn, Milton ood O. L iaaiad, DihiOta. Tht Eatoatita ojhaes ta ihatk finc ohian John Ketnnedy and ail tht Lagion naihans, oho woahad Fond to nisen thn Itogne ha auces Mooday Match 31. Faaatlîav ottothaît ChaiottO and Ofiotaa VLn ni' wem Pttiidtit, Aody ttohan, Fttd Johnson, Heny Allain liii Smtith, Lorane Schaltz, toi Keîndy and Tony MasF. Itm nthe agenda ond e Fbosiness diîaaasodl jtind pa=ttona fon tht totolo$ toit nntigFaooh étletin, Fiil of i na chier stewaond, membehtship. panhaatof e iood speaknrstand tht Fat dham. TheaEuchttLeaganaoianuetita and damon Fatd at tht Léginen Fîtoraît MatcF 29 at oint iaiaitthai. Appiosîtoataly 9F pattait atinndnd ta tnoot thînioltat ît tht évent which marks theiconluion of thèî taoa ipig naîhit. CLUBROOM NOTES The Zone B7 gtittaitandttnotitt oh offiias meationg oi Fn haid hem on Surdey Apail 13. Tht Pattîdoi t' toanaîl metoing stonta ai 12.30 p. and tht znt oeeting at 2.33 p.. Tht Milton itanah aitl Fn tht hust ta 10Fotherancaohes hiaouihth bi tait. ctoh club oi ho aliowtd Fi votes foi tht ectioof oofiotni. This i toit, imipotanttt hoen0 ihe Legiot aid i t la tiioeteIti FoIpnd ihît we willhavetaolargetpoialioh o ttetoi oaiodoo (Piton atteod iftoocar!) REMEMOFO; Moodat, Apail 140i vert imorotan, onthis tiht youthe _______________ hail of tha Rayai Canodlain Légitn, Chats Steat etant, on Sotundat, Arnt 19 aad 26 Fent tht boats of Je...nd i pot. Regnistraaion ttos ion N otes 1 ns à agettan7hitt By Tony Mais a COMING EVENTS. = ,ttthtt oi et a n Légion Fridit Apnl 11, 8 pot. doac, ca tsi youratnnonildity ta Ciidit Ltiot Bainqtuet Hatllmui attend tht mtangt and tenonr ihat hy the Dnhottatatt, ttttetiotnt. tis Brath ait hlate an effnativt trizet, admisatot 13- po couple; ornarroatiootu foncttion pnoptnly ai Saiodat,, Apn 12. . totnot adltitit. Fart Lnatat itoramttt t Furnitînomtitatos, nînýtiota aid Butitgton Ltnlot; Sutdat Apoil t3. tht intalaoiot of offiona' mttng Zott B17 mtteti. Miltot é,Lopot; will Fn chaiod 27 tht 87 Zont Moodat, Apttl 14 anoa Comanider Bill Shids. memoîthtthp tnotitionstt etim and tt,.tlatioo oh e ootatha,' a t a metting;ta.îtandah Apati 19, Zont B7 euchmttouramnttattGeorgtto SiCK CALL Lhniot; hîtondot May 3, C ommetrcial Tht holliong memtthn e tnt t DFut Lrigot hbtnqutt; Fndat May7 9, MonH spit al aon Etnceda unsoilvii u ruedei A;lnî Chaîltat. SPORTS Commerial Fait Lnaat, Fapaniais won flit Loau ille tub histoati and owothenhurnaitoon îi he playohhî. Plîalif standitnsan. Traalgar Matait 12 poit,Saltin- 10 poit Di' Fitpîtu 10, Baîtt 4. HigF tani, John Kennedy, 180. -Etia Hajcsan, 1969 Stoot Cattival Qaenof ah intonll, cotpntnd 0in Caonada Teaoagn rnpttsnto Bulntoa and Ilîn Niagara Fniua. The Lqa o-sponiortd Milton Muti cotinue toi Monuday evenrng. Soccer .iil bo holding tegitrations 7 to 8p.m t tihetPin t.lUnion for the 1969 stason in the man fl Hal There is pesr lgvsADfi Nothing prpryo tes(n h Like a -eto uoisrn o Car.. c lc oc 2 8 M A I N S T E . 8 8 ý2 8 9 Don't be confused. We seil ail makes of used cars at Plaza Motors 88 ONTARIO ST. N. MILTON4 Saine people think wo only soul Volkswagens. Not so. We also sell ail tho cars thol poople îrado tua on Volkswagons. Ail mokes. Ail oges. Ail pricot. Ail in greol condition. Test îhen 05V wO't yot wOtt. OUR lEADER LOSE FINE BANDMASTER tai Georgetown, Ont., M March 31,1969. Con and To the. Edion, ban to Dent Sir: catit ta thn pasatats of Ms. Alfred H. Ftntiii ai Bramton on Maaah 28, 1969, ta Toronto, tlia countay lia lent ana af lis abtiat and finet alnidmastas. Thoan olio liaîo bmna psonnlly oill moati tht pasatisg of tint gntlemtan, a -fsiaad obo oas kiadt, itasaasgun nd hltpfat an nvaat, occasion. An a muaicienand handatar, Mif as ot afnciionatlt, calad MetaIâ, oaa a reai tttiîaio on tht clasnt and ont of tht fiuat bandrnasits on tht coaiaent. Hia taaing shilitias hlpod atant, oid"b misictait on the -rosid to tht niastr ai thal tinttments. His inspaptnint tht apliart if muaic oas aloapa calin and tanaffid and ntttt hoatbaattc. Exuetiun sptaial classes, lis ntan singltd oat an inditidual Woa Mat, liate taad tn nandittan or tchniqae, bat aathtr tank tht grotup ai ainonnametaista ta obicli tse ptattn bttoaged oint tht part oich liad btsa enittnatt plapad. Mr. Fnaroit badl a long and and ia nd and Ban Hea ont r Syotpathy isîantnndnd ta Mn. s w Ri -mE and Mta. Andy Wenîlil, Mh. VV~U and Mna. Cliii Fnntn and Mn. andt Mas. Waltnn Wilan oan tht daath ai thnîn oncti, Georgn Casîck ai id canar nt ta usaic in tht On. and Mts. H. R. McDonald aond aitaida. aaa hoote aft holidayitg la St. ont, aoaada won ai the Petershutg, Flonida ion ais adtan National Exhbitionottihs. othat otsi entini by ts andan lia leadership atinsi lis capabilitina as an standing linimaistar aid thte II O H nte of masictan ha caaatnd. G R O H tangetoot, Acion, Milton Sitatstilît wil tîtatothi wok otith tht Latnn Scots Georgnetwn Cillaent tond tht Acion and Statatavilti 1 dl. His atant associatas il tît A tin tht paita oi fiis tait, AiE CHRNA [ytegaeat stophony on DAVIS JEWELLERS tan bn maad op ofaaah latd spirits. tunctatît, Ed. A. Plites, Fohrmer pnacaasioaiat ouFh tht Loant Scots Acaaan tao ion tut p AIN T sitto aatn nud atatv andl taNCsey itnhe' alanit i eer WALLPAPER iinteeeco a IN STOCK AT À ML Dak - Queen â IPoint & WaIIPOPU IOAK - QUEEN MAIL A . 5 005-Mv ou JmA tttalen $3.49 SIP5CIL 2.77 briae. nK.£- n 335 mi furi 2*is ...m rni S-ikUUII LSTL cai ouaa 72 p a wa c 321 " aai41 scona. , ~ ~ ~ $ PIA 9YP AIEWA *UPACEEN MOOMSTERs REPAS Rb âï "te AVE n o.aa - taiatii ltu.Sttt.1. aatniaa $1.79 tai satna sttaa as.hab Iohin . 29 r010L tapts.S . __yid.~ . q tatna vern4 14- Mor S 9 "n d2 eha mat . s OD VN1 .7 a aigg 23 eta IIpanhLOX Rel u. Sqo bk.$117.70 narRes 11 .411592LW . Tna psait . S 35 911 2 .7 7 E 511M9 .Jt- . oTaipletatais aaatts..OiontW aseaiqno. *X3AA op, E U -ONU= TirOGulePONS opa Air SC4YRBRO LMTDaa .CV av - CLEMENTl - FLOOR COVERINGS FROM CARPET TO CONGOLEUM * Expert Installation 123 Thomas St. 878-2194 --EANY DUCT -WORK PROBLEMS ? I~CALL US NADALIN IHating Air Conditioning (Hialton) Ltd. PR! SEASON SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE. 6,000 B.T.U. Furnace Buit-In AR CONDITIONIRS Air Conditioning .111119 - OASM@IY WIaaaf 0 ANY PURCHASE 0F AIR CONDMON- F INO INSTALlATIONS ORDhfD 1 % F hEFOh THE END 0F APUIL CALL 878»4111 For Furthu Information O QVhR 20 UNOTS TO CHOOSI FROM gg,