HOLIDAY104G IN BERMUDA-Tsee coupls arsbon in tise bankground. Feom tise oCft, Me. and fnom Milton weee gueula attise Beemudianl Hotel, Mns. H. M. Douglas, Me. and Mes. Henry Ramsa on lsmilton. Bermuda, and se pîctoreai on tise avd Mn. and Mes. Wiiaedc Lawrence. hotel's front stees, mith tise uîew iacran Hamilton Thg gioninus Eaîler message oaa presenîrd in music or Emmonurei Boptiat Cisarcis, Milton ou Boîter Sundoy evenisg. The choir, directedl hp Mca. Fred Benao, aid wonderfuBp in tise preuototion of John W. PrIersons heoutifull contolo, "Nu Greoter Love." Il portroyed Christ' lafr, deatis ced resurrection as recorded in lise books of Mtibro, oins excerpis frnm Luke, John ced tise fint chopter of Hebreos. Solo ports ocre tobcs isp Joan Metior, Gordon Con, Norman Huer, Michael Bensen and Potricia Poris. A duel, "Comn Usto Me", oas îung hp Note Hie and Jean Melior. - Mes. N. Hare ous pionisi. Tise contoto contarned mosy musical scenri front the life of Christ, sucis us ii boptiorn, mioiîtry, triol ond crucifixion. The choir endrd hp sineing of the tiumpb of 16e Resurreclion. Thnoogbout, the brouliful Ibeme seng "No Grerote Lune" wai repeoted. Res. Clopton CoIns, poîlor of Emmanuel and noreolon of the coniolo, closed the reoirg oiih the berirdiciion. Loochs ooî served ofienoords for ait tise congregolian in the Fellowasip Holl. -Cons drises hp Salsîlore Gravi cf 203 Bell Si., Milton and Thomos Robsert Stokes, R.R. I Actes collided rit Milton Heighls Saturdopreoeing, cousiog $550 total damage. There orre no injuries. More n.w ministers loin Witnesses group M ore neo miniscers oi be oddrd lu tise ecebi of Jebusahis Wiinemcs Ibis oenkrnd. The ordinolion services oui toise place aI the semi'annuat circuit oiiemblp. in Burlinglos. Wiinemres fromt Milton oii 6e delegatri ta lise convetlion. Foeeesl Lee, preaiding ministr, sapi (sot Jebosabis Witneîses base not enperienced the difficulties favîng nominal Christian curches. He mas rrfrrîng lu the observations cf 'The Canadien Magazio'ofJUIp 20, 1968. In ils feature article "Wbp Clergymen arr Qaîtiing", tise magazine stated: "The hot ropie among cleries is oho i leasing thr churclr this month. For the euodus frum the parisb, a slrody iriekîr for 20 yrurs, is llrrralening t0 become o torrent." Not su o th JohovAh,*s Witnessoa, accordingtol Mi. Lee. H e roeotaed figures tiratinrdacato thep ordatord somte 1,600 minis tees each mrvb arr 1968; lobst 83,000 in total. LMBE ITR CARNIVAI, GROUP SAYS THANK YOG Deor Me. Gils, May 1, os belralf cf the Milton Figure Skating Club, rxtesd mosp thanbs 10 you and pour staff fut pour support durrng lte pont sbatiog seasoîr. Wr uerp much apprecrute the excellent coueragr cf Our cannisol, and the gencrous spe and pictures grues. Agoili, tu y00 aird pour staff, a dagcer'e tbonk-pou. Yours sery tmuly, (Mrs.) Bonito (ans Secreturp, Miton Figure Skating Club Ioi vurf bouts concer Elgisi yeaesa go Bill Stewart of Brantford, on industiel engiorer, was sure (ho piug bcd jusi becs puiled out of bis lé. He oui iold ho hall cancer of tbe larynx, bis voice box. Whes hoe braise tise nemi to bis mife Aima se sarted ru cep foc, lise BiBl, ase beiieved cancer oas the end of tie road. But rodop. Bill Stewart speoica oeil esougb to hâfo eoeoed io promotions os bis job. Hie brrr cancer. Adjostments in bis 11fr hodl to bc mode, but occordtng to Stewart, il mas rosier tn mobe use odjostiments thon ibo in thr aponge. "il sîaried off oith laepogitis ihît loured for about tbree weeisi", relatrd Steoart. "Eventually 1 ment to e our fomily docror mbo sent me t0 the speciolist, Dr. Terrence Molony al, St. Micliarîs Hospital in Toronto. Tbey had t0 cor oui my vocol coeds andi1rememhee ing in my hed ofier the oprtion, sot monting to ses my mife or the ebîldeen and oondeeing if mophe 1 shouldn'l houe let tbe diseuse robe ils course. But then tbe speech tbrpist fromt the Princeas Margaret Hospital come lu e me and she mas sn adamînt thot no ose sboold lose ibeir soice ibat she sold me on tnpiug to ream 6cm te talb theougu the orsophaus.' He colis tlie merirodan educotedhourp. Ever morning for fine weeks Bill Stemart drose to Toronto t0 the Princesi Margurel Hospitol for its speech lessons. And esery day bc oold retumb ome'sOl bamsrif in bru bedroon, store Scouts sponsor clotbing drive Local Scouts miii ogors be sposoring a clotbing drive for tbe Crrppled Cruclians Society during tbe mcntb ot Aprîl, il mac announcrd lait merk. On Suturday, April 19 îbry mil dîstrihote large paper bags ai racb home in 10cr. The frrlcmwing Satorday, Aprîl 26, îirry rili pack up baga mbrcb bomeomîrs bacc bopefolly, fîllid oth good used cictbang. TIre cloting collecîrd miii be turned oser t0 t6e Crîppird Cicilions orgotrirution for repoieing and resale. Ai Scouts lIn the Oaburlie Distiit, includrng Milton, wiii porticîpote and tire 12t6 Gabsilie group il orgasiziof tbe sprrsg "gond derd." irto o mairror and proctîce hrs irisons. In fOve weeks ho Irarord how re salis witb bic nom oesophageai voice. teo speak hoe presses bbs roogne os the rouf cf bis mouth te force oie bock rital bis ibrarat. The oie produces round as ili. releasrd oad lie forms tbe mords oîit Iris ot rn tIre noral wuy. Bdl Stroart helîrves 6cr on cf tbe couses cf Iris cancer accu cigarette smoking. He r nacakcd ehree packages o duy. lie sayc bu hope- bis oms thee leciafe cbilen ouIlnvrsat especiolip sisce tbey bavecaecc wbot il bais dose to brm. The meotol onguilh of icaaang cancer is jiOst as rrst t e pbysicol aspects, accordatrg ccc Stewort. 1i think Ibat 1. lakenacra enerpose else, ortociard frar tac concr hecoose t just dadaaat isno aoytbing about ia. AI ilat lune if somteone wo liad olredp gone Ilîroogi lice experîencs ralbed aune.i oould boue bern rî rolrcla Bill Stemoart belîrercs O strongip ibat feue keepi peaie fromt eeportîng onusoal lumps car bleeding to Ibrîr doclur. lie'c gicen bis oms casr bîcacîryîcciae Conadan Cancer Socirty (,lac oîbers tiîut icte lu rcPe. t cie Society is usingcluspcîareîand name on tbousoudc îît pacucacî mitb tire mesage. "Canîcer ('c11 Be Brutes." Bdi Stemartîbnmuliaat cacer caeb beaten, tie dîd tl. Along~ mitb Ilîcusands cf cluteeî cannassers fronm tire (Canada Cancer Society hellbckalccal on deors during Apîil[ lv lc ip meet tbr Canîcer Soclelfus Ontario Divisaon objectave oaf $3,200,000 lu support clcr edlucatton, srvice tu paaaienfc. and rrscarcbmwork. Gave grîîrrousiy whlîr yaaal Music The CanadianC Six Milton area studeots moe included ni the li of successful musicaans dormi;g te wjiier ssin examauataon of the Curadian ticademy cf Music, director D. Buttier reports. Thrcyaiiuded Tom Lamerence woth 76, pet contulo Grade t guatar. ClIvari..1 Raraicato cola 78 poecet niaGrade 1ltccurdi>r and K.culMctcýughiiu ath 72 per cent ir Grade 1 acurdcon, ail laacuar, st oden ta flaoau .aacarded paascecmcludod (,aai al.,lauta oth 1,1. per crot au Girade -3 acacdiact. Jarlan Tyuoaaohtc9 ,,lpecentccaatGrade 1 ccoraGcu ,aad Traady Sales , ith( ieru cent nrtGrad 3 aa ccri nc.t sccral oaad-raiaacg calatalorsatre tl.atcaced arali dastract fiaas SpraîrsTh ianuai' (IXEtFAl laaku cmaa aaf Sraaaptaar uaall parc alaraugl t.eaigetacut, ,acaalacal Scaaaascare aaauaadta caike-a ilr au G.aluiluaaaa Apral 19, a, irtne faar a sprataf clrcaa-aap. Ble cure yaon gel rad cf aaay fre aarda. CHAMPION CORRESPONDENT-Fondly refo ed te as "the eaue broyer" hy ber editur, Mns. Helen C. Gillies, Wasaaa Beach correspondent for (ho Stapser Sus, bas bran nameai 1969 wisser of the Osioris Hydro Award of Menit, for esreilencr in rural sema roporting. James A. Blay, Hydro's dirontor of public relations, prosenîrdi the Amord or tise Ontario Weehly Neoipapers Association convntion in Omeaw. sn addition t0 reporisa for Tise Sas om lise past 10 ueons Mes. Gillies hos a record of lise acisievoment for participation sn district affirs. She aise roners tise Waaga Beach area for lise Corlisomood and Midiosd meehiies, Barrie radio oaid teleoisios stations. Our Fast Drycleaning Service keeps You Looking Your Bright, Clou. lest SU THIS SPRING AND ALWAYS= 1 iSuit ---99C * 1 Dress - -99c *Ponts & Skirts 49c .%IiIOi r' _ i. 1(INSURMNCI JOHNSON, O.D. 'CVE. G 'uégday'l Friday M. R. R. Ford 1 4 MIN St, cIT# .1. C (Dvi IJw L TON ld. CATHERINE ANN WOODLEV, to peurs rId, of Burîington, hlas beaten cancer. At tise age of site montha se deieoped a Wilm's tumeur tsar dactors mere abIe t0 tresr muceesa(llp. Wiim's tumeur as a cancer of tise iidneps, usualip found le risildeen under age of O (me. A dozen poes ego, onip about 20 per cent of nisose tremnea for t6e aiassas suenuved. But tuaap ismusof utresearch, as maso as 60 noma h gis as 80 pne cent of tise patients sre cueed. À Awman is nover tee young te place her beauty la expert bonds. BRING -YOUR k DAUGHTER ON YOUR NEXI VISIT te i 33 Main St. West 878-2131 H-ALTON CO-OPERATIVE MIDICAL CARI PLAN PAYS ... *Ali Surgicai Operaions Individuel or Employas Groupe *Doctoe'. Ila Pald may ena'OI at anY <lun of tramt Pirat Viel thie Yesar. *Confinements RIcVISED RATES *Anautbeista' Services Mos.ihly - $6.61 Single *i X-rays Mosibiy - $1322 Couple ti Aise Major Medicai Moetly - $13.23 Fasfliy (30 Day Wfaltlng Periodi Payable Qsarierly or Yesrly IOALTON CO.OP MEDICAL SERVICESi Places send eellemus(N bgild Nsm.......... ............... Addest .......................... DisI 878.9712 University Wome's Claub ef Milles MUSICALE Sunday, April 20 - 3 p.m. Junior School Auditoriam Ontario School for the Deaf A musical progeam for (he entire fomily Glee Club - Piano solos by Jody Hunter Vocal solos by Lyon Brown Jazz trio - OIesi Wicbs, saxophove; Curly Kivg, drums; Bebecca Wicks, pisvo. Silver Collection 409 Main St. East P SAVE $$$ h1968 MODELS YES WE ONLY HAVE il 0F THESE 1968 MODELS LEFT FOR YOUR SPRING DEAL, THESE ARE A REAL BARGAIN WITH NEW CAR WARRANTY. WE'VE PROBABLY GOT ONE WITH THIE EQUIPMENT YOU WANT. DRIVE VOUR DEAL TODAY. ~SFORD e.Jil MILTON Emmanuel Choir presents contata "No 'Greater Love' PIhon 878.2»69