Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Apr 1969, p. 16

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1he Canaen Champion, Wednesdsy, April 9, 1969 Vour hospitat auxiliary Hairdressing service is big boost for patients By Ruth Wilson Il mas jart a year ato April t. that tht Milton District Hospital Acniliary embarkrd or an laterestint praîect. Plans ur mnde ta, hegîn a voonteer baiedressint service for pouins. This peojeci war iaarchtd mainty due to tht efforts of Mes. C.garres, Mrs. J. Ptddit ccd Nis. R. Ettîs. Att ibrer are qualîfird bairdeesseis uho vol anteerd to sperd cnt a fie rnc camekty ai tht hospitai, mashint and seitirg tht patients 'liair. Each uetk thebhead nures are consalted in tht mcmnirt tose hou many patients are to, bave their hiaie dore. A patient must be metl ercagh and aiso must have hem rn tht hospitai for oct or tua ueeks in order lo be eligihle for ibis service. Tht narses uash tht patients' haie and have ihem ready fer tht hairdresstr. Then tht hairdiesmir completes the set and alto dots tht comb-oui. Haîrcuts are as giren. ta an afierroor they usuaity manage to do thret mathes ard sts. and sometîmes four. Shampco, biaie spray, setting lotion, ratIers, clips and ait other supplies are parcbased by tht Htospital Aaoilîary. Tbeee are airo ire hiaie depers. car cf uhîch mas donoird by George Neutil. Mr, narres, Mes. Peddie, and Mii. Elis ecjoy their mark in tht hospitat. Tht compliments tbey eeceve are very reuarding. It is alto rite for ihemt t, se tht hacri tu the patients' morale ihat a cru haîrdo tirer. The Miltonr District Horpital sa a fret bairdressiot service, run hy tht Hospital Aariliaty. Tbey bave rectivtd mary anqairies fronm other Hospital Annitiarias or bau to set ap A sîmilar operation. In ils firsl year tht hairdrtssing service bat proved tu bie anoucastanding sacceu. Mis. Barnes, Mrs. Peddia and Mrs. Ellis cari idd hie proad. for it is tbeir thiti and dependahie uork that bas made thre servi ce sncb a saccers. Women's ecumenicol panel wiII discuss many topics Ar ecumeritai panel discussion miii take place ai St. Gecre'es Anglican Church. Lousville, or Thursday. Aprît 17 hcgî:îvîîîcai8 p.m. Speakers ri the panelare Miss Ruth Chaici. Evmmanuel Baptîsi Choîcti. Miton; Mrs. Marjorie Powys, Si. Paci's United, Milton; Mes. Margait Wiilomhy, Grace Anglictan, Miton; Mes. J. Lewin, flt Rosary Romcan Caiholîn Jones - Hardy Standards cf white mumis, antemute. and stocks deccraird tht home cf tht bride ai R. R. 3, Miltonr for the cardietigt certmcny on Match t, citiitt ini marriage Brerda Joan Hardy, daugter cf Mr. and Mes. C. C. Hardy. and Richard Liemeityr Jontsm so f Mr. andMrs. W. R. Jones cf Belleville. Rer. J. R. L. MeGour officiated ai tht double ring cermony ccd David Élcuder playad tht meddiog music. The brilai, rives rn mariage by litr faiher. more a tloc: length A-fine gour cf white satin, wiih high round reckliit, as d long bell steeves îîîmmed mil daîsy tact applique. Her long oeil cf siik illusion frit frcm a beadpitct c f matching daisy applique. tht ccîîîed a cascade cf whbte aremune uith pcle ytllom centres, and daîk gîern salai teares Dess adrtvieitr made hy tht bride. Miss Judith Acre Hardy, mrarmng a tlour ttcgth tour cf pale yeiicm ottoman tord, uith biaJr rctied recktînr irimmed milh applique. Site cre a matcbîrg fiai hou for a beadpiece, and white îvory rose earlags a gîfi frcmn tht bride and caeried a crescer i bouquet cf vriegattd mauve and purpie msiniature carnations. Tom Bennett, freed cf tht grocm frcm Belleville, mas hesi The wedding reception mas heid ai tht Mohawk Inn, Ccmphciivîile. The bride's motie, rtceived mering adrers cf paie aqua trope. a maichîog tloute biatandcacorsagecofgcid sueetheari roses. Tht groom's mother uas gomcd in For iheir horrymoca trip to Florîda. the bride more a thrcepîete mciii suit of rosi and tcld herrîcghcre. mîth rosi accessorirs and a corsage cf giern cymhidium orchîds. Priai tu he, marifli tht bridt mas hcaored ai severat evenis. Frieîîds ai rte "firton Cccniy Adminiîstraion Bidg. rave a îisceiiactcis siicur. A preseriaio mcv mode hy tht Haicoîî Club. Mes. D. E. Martin hosird a miscellacecurshour assisted! hy Mr. Dur Matnrand Mes. Jack Hurdy. Mes. Pauline Anderson heid a tirer shîîur ai he, homne. Tht hride mas enîerîcîedicaiurthtccait Aherfcyie Steak House uith members of her office staff. A presectciior mai made to the groom hy the staff cf tht Bank of Nova Scotia ci Biamatea. Frierds aed relatives oi the groom erîeîîaînrd tht coopte a t aiack and ill shower ai the home of Mr. ccd Mes. May. Belleville. A daînce mas heid ai Ligny Hait uhere c peeseniciion mas made or hehalf cf crîghhors ced frîecds. The bride and groom ait cou living ai the Scoiîucod Touers Apts. ai ut Scott Si.. Brampton. "EW BRIDE'S HOME et RR. 3, Milton mas tht setting for thse Mont w.ddlog of Breeida Joan Hardy, tIaaghier of Mr. andI Mns. G. L C WottI, ta Richard Ltemettyn Jones, son of Me. andI Mms W. R. jusaltanltlse Cbcrch. Miltton; Mrs. A. T. Moore' St. Darid's Preshytariar, Cauphettrillt; and Mes. M. C. Cheistensen. Higbmay Gospel Cbarcb. Miltor. Tht questinns that mdll hre ccasidertd hy tht parti are: (t) Dots tht cbarch diserimirate against ucmrn? (2) Shoatd tht crgmniztd charcb speak ont more strongty againsi gorerment poticies uith mhich il is nut in agreement? (3) Sbcutd me sperd mcnry on fime churchbuhildings uhite mach cf tht mortd is bungry? (4) a. ts it possible ic bie a Christian mithut goîng to church? (4 ) b. Are mati/att chaîchgcers gacd Cheistiars? (5) a. sa pour chcrch toc ccmfc rtahlt in bier oser traditions and relactani to more ahead uith tht times? (5) h. ts t ecsaey ta keep pace uitb tht tutus? (6) What is iackirg rn car churchrs that peuple are rot clamoringt ru brcor part cf ihem? This is an open meting tu uhicb tht public is icvîted te, attend and particîpate rn tht discussion cf these pertinent topîcs. Two chuces loin at day of The Wohl' Da of Prayer mas hîtd o. Fidy, htarh 901r 2:00 pan. at the home cf Mns. G. Camapbell. The ladies of Ehanizrn United Church vini oresent as gutats of the Nasaaweya Preshyterian Churcls W .S . and tht two g groupa joined tn prayer antd fitlowshipi for tis far retching occasicn. Mrs. J. Beoton gave a thcaght-prorckirg address and a musical numtîor mas sang hy Mes. Hayward. A happy social hour follomeil. O Thursday, April 3 the Nassagwiya W.M.S. met ct tht homne of Mrs. McLareo at 2 p.m. for their regalar meeting, wilh Mrs. Veima Norria presidiol. Tht ladies were invitadt tu the Brampton Synodical taries cf meetings to b.e hetd April 22,.23 and 24. Afttr husiness mat completed, tie conveaer Mes. Caupet quottd the vers:" miî"ý whic was follomrd hy - ~ prayer. Met. Coertead! front Sceiptues, Matthîw 28: verset The peogramt was an Easter Mtditatior in four parts, takrn hy Mes. Campblîl, Mrs. Cargill, Mes. Rcberts and Mrs. Pyatl. A short discussion tuock place on tht mianing of theta mords. MARRED N MACH 5 wet M. ad Mr. jsephAntony The hyna: "Christ the Lord is MARRED N MtCH 5 met c. atI ca.toasaIsAntony risen today" mas sang. Thrn Wrirgt. tht is the farmer Mary-Anne tait of Toronto. Mes. Campbell read an article hy the Rev. George R. Gilchrsst of ScoîluatI on bais janrney to Corinth la soatheen Grieci, W rin e - a it alhing litrally in tht footsteps la a double-ringcrremniay ai irirnurd in pink. of St. Paul and standingwer Our Lady cf Sorecus church, Harey Hodn mas neganiat Toronto, Mory-Aiire Soit and and Patrick Pnwer, cousin of tht Josepb Anthony Wringe werr groom, sang On This Dny. mairied. Thr hride is thr John Rawsan, Toronto, mas daaghttr cf Mr. acd Mît. E. J. grccmnsmari and tht ushers mere S Sait, Bloor St. W., Toronto and Guy Baller, Bellenille, and Terry the gom s rite soc cf Mr. and Wrîrgt, Bellevillet. Mes, Maiihvw Wriroe, James Si., oasaeddfrmCig, Tht couplr cri ai t Ontario Burlingror, teettnilt, Read,- School for the Draf ai Milton. Drîrron ic, Belleville and The Rer. Rois Wagcer Mocirrol. officiairdi ai the ucrrce ai 12 Tht reception mas hetd ai coca r Marh s. Holiday Inn, Tht bride hadl mode hrer oma Lraning on the hontymoon, white flocr-ltngih gcwr mît6 an thr bride more a wlite voile insert cf lact rn the front parti. drers with pink appliqaed Tht cathedral uran mas timmrd tloters and hillomingtlreens, with. the saint lace as the gour. cc-crdiaing daisy bonnet and Tht briders white trirsai mas whiite tont. drccraied wiih siepharotis. Thry are living at R. R. 2, orchîd ccd pick roses. Rockwood. Tht moitI of hocoir mas Miss Shcmers for tht bride-to-ht Satan LaHarta, TiJeo, and mee giron hy tht staff at thte tht heidesuacds vicie Mass Mary tchad, for the DaE, Milton, by Acre Wrirge. Belleville, and Mes. thet uaitd cf hanor in Toroto Patricia Carrîrre. MonteaI. They and hy the uciher cf tht groom mort greer shantung flace lrrtth ard risuer cf tht groom la dresser ih miatching capes Belleville. Electrical modernization can work wonders in the workshop and Iighten the Ioad-in the Iaundry room Woutda't a woîkshop be merdeifut mibh lots cf tîgbt, ailthie cuits ycu rood and ercugh power for ait yor touts? Rt-witvng van make it possible, It w:II hnlp te the laandey ceeu. toc. by itting Mcm irsiati the tincirte diper she's liad hec epe on. Tbroaghoui our hcme, aid nutriton; tee, ie-miiig tan pat tht fait power cf electeicitp te work for yaa. Taik te a quatified etectîlcai coitretor about ne-mviring in >eoaî home. or ask poar Hydro. The Hydre Finance Plan con hetp yea gat staitesi îight amay. MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION. 258 MAAIN ST. E. - Tetephone 878-2345 your hydro prayer Pautpabtl he Gospel and se ffacted p=o d change la humon reationships. Tht meting cosail mith a verse hy John Drlnkmatt " Grant as th. Mes. Cargilt chaireil the Ladies Aid meting mtdcha fotlomad. Aftîr rtading tht 23ed Psalm front Scriptural, the wttl tovad hymo: ,"Ahide mith Me: fast fallis tht evantide" mas sang. Mrs. Roherts reail the minates and thesa mee diseumsei andi nem hasiness consiteei. It mas agrea to taki a soall cateing <oh in May. Tht hymn: "Nom tht day is ovr, night is dsaing niau", mas sang and prayer ted hy Mes. Cargill. She tbanktd tht bastess, Mrs. McLaren, andl those uha belput mitb tht programt andI a pîtasant social boar mas enjoyed. Gld Easter Banny mas bssy in tomnovaer tht meakeail, detivering smiet goodhes to tht chidder. iphnnln Juty bibi. achegil Plan are woni aadeemy for this y mi' V c tio "i Schoo tae f.ihld finm .4Y 7 tu 18. Childeen cf Mâtoa mnd district Who ara va as of tcemer 31 through 12 yes will lbe welcome tu attend. Tae VUBS. wttl bc dlrected tha yar by Msis. Adrienne Rama who tu îad dont mach in preparation for the fiest exacutive meeing tsttd Wadnesday Msrâh 26. Ttsort are t, i thret departtnts-Ba- ginnr, Superlntandsst Mes. Carol Brîatcm; Primary, Saptriatendtnt Mes. Florence Jenninga; Junior, Saparinteadent Mes. Veina Cattan. Mes. Susan DeGraaf, as assistant tri thsa director wttl took after pubticity. The overafl thet for V.B.S. in "Betirving God's Bock." Ecch deparîmnt. witt hava a différent ssthreme Beginner, "Wanting 10 Measse the Lord", Primtary, "IRe Lesaocf Godas Cari"; and Junior, "Pinding Godos loy."1 The V.B.S. Executives fiel vtry confident that with mach prayer and preparotion, alcng with many willing workers, ihis yeae't tO-day programn wtt i a grear succeas and heing mach honor t0 the Lord. 4- SEIVICINO 114 MLTrON AME LuPiR - SERE 0 ELECTRICAL - MECHANICAL O mi Te@§@ Lw M-we e C.aasasaedsl - ladusala S LEs GRAY, 82 Charm Si. Ir 878-6617

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