115 in coire in Malfon Tise Canadian Champion, Wadn"ety, ApntI9, 1969 B3 Queln' Park Repot J ust six per cent need CAÂS. care _________________________________en ___ Six childeen la every 1.00t service front the CA.S in anc Hie has artempted ta have sexai msad sud hier csidreame Ointario are le coteroftheCOA.S yese hue anty 17,643 mere eut reiaeious wieh has t2and retarard ta her. lu Case 2. the (Sntendcd for tact neis) of mnafactired gauds iecreieed Agnin thin week the 42 per ceut fronm 1966 ta 1967. Legletateire apeet n cniderahta A depqertmeatat seady ai Onario arnuut ai its lime cuasiderlet Tende le 1967 indicates that the depnetmenaa estimitri fer Use maeafacured guuds accaaeted flscat yeer cammeacing; Aprd t, fan îppraelmateiy twmancd 99. The estimeate of thn cene-htf ilion i tse preince's Ptaviacn Saacrsy and Mlialer toals $4,500,000,000 in epurt of Ciianhp Use Han . Ruhert raralaga for Use yeîr. Tise repuot ~eCh mere hifore thr Eus hows tisaI the single muse and mece ginina litaipprunai important epart iterm a moter lite Tharsday evraleg. vehictes, oaiurd ait iE addition ta Use ritimatea, $t,500t,00,000Oin t967. tise Legisastuoe spe et caniidritee eime dehîtiat n tegisatii an cd durng Use mers, 19 ganeraimeut his and 24 Depatnent ai Lands ted pinnae hills rrentived îiid Fareete officias h ave neparted readlinan cd luitl ippruvît hy the anusurge le cottagie lt Houe. Lare Wrdaesday uqauiries as it s prrpariag tu sfteraaua, hic Hunue the sahdivide approuimateiy 1,400 j.ieateeantt2uverot atteded sitesiin varus parts ai Outario Use House sud gave Rayai Usis pean. Asnent ta 43 guvermnurn and Thene arr no sites avîlshe le prinnie hills. the muet aouth-easteriy aed saats-mesterty areas ai the n a a proiacr hut hrauy drmaed lu Yau mîy recuit mernepoetiug eupecte d tu continue la ta yau last Navemiser that an suatheru Ontio. Lues tu he 1'tevemher 25 t preseeted a ufferrd le tise sautheru part uf Reaouttian to tise fluor ai tht Party Sound district, ait of tisr Legietatar ciitiag fo the Lindsay dicerici, and certaie Çucverrnmeut ai the Frovincr uf parts ai Tweed district wiii he Outario ta adape the Mouoan hy pubhie aciun. Notices ai Co-ordinatiou eyetem le tise aciuos wiii sppeao le Torueto design aid construction ai sud local uruspapers shoot e averriment huildiegs Usre meeis infare tise date af rUseatiut tise province. te sle. preentseg this Resatlut 1 eople ieeerested in hayiug a pieted oue ta tise Legidlatate sommet cottage site sisuid ) ms y sdvntages and ecuaumses tnuaire ai tise District Usat couid be isîoaùis about hy Farrese's ofilcein tise ares of tise aniversai adopioun of tis isis cisaice. Sles are conucted nyutemn. eetieiy hy tise ttepattmeet's 1 Pnid er pteased inderd ou Field Offsces and uo appliscsttons Fiay munng Marcis 28, miseo aee takea isy tise ]Lands sud thUe Hue. Ray Coueii, Msusstr Foresis Head Office to Toronto. ufFPublic Works rose te tise Eouse ta aenouoce sisi n n effective Matcis 31: 19is9, iis On Tisarsdsy eoeuiog, i isud departeet osi sdopi tise tise piessure of asteedtvg tise modatar Co-ordtnation syutet a 1s sonua meettog of tise Haitue Cuoy Ciidteo's Aid Socsety, ptopusedl su my Resoiaitoo. Mt. aud moaid tisa to complitet Cuoeii ststed sisal as atil as tise Fresideot Ledmisis sud tise Board staff s toiitecta ai tise of ijirectoos, ou tise fiue report governieeteoveOtOf 10 tisis sud tise ftae mark the Society iv sysicut uf dessgn, effective tise doiug lu Httiou Couoty. Barbaea ssmedateoissdepatmeusmiii audi1sreooitgfoe std on also reqatre il thises associat Osards y eueosog su ugalu arcisecis or provinci proîrces stteudsog use snuai isaequet of au pnouce tiseir deavututu on tise Saeligtou-Gsisviiie ithissaie systetu. Traunsportation Sufeiy Commiitee, ut mictisime use 5 n a ssfesy amurds fou tise Gukisite Thsis meois iegtistsoo ma dlirict miii ho pîeseoted. leteadurd isy tisa tan. trusa tiasete, Mtuisier of Trnsport, to inreseth raxrný nEqunu'*g Councili payable fros tise Moton Vehscie Accidens Cliss Fussd. Thte ueo egisînîlue micis hecomes bi Or fin n 1f e ffective ou Sept. t, 1969, mi Esuessug Couacti isearda peomst psyatettts out of tise fod suaccession of pîs for finactai ap ta a total of $50,000u for ssss tuoce os thises reguise dsstaesecaased iyueyaone meeting tnucoaucii chumisers collision te Ontunio suvoiusug an Maedsy igist. uusasued motet ueicie. Tise Atu Fi ur S d prescrit maximum as $35.000. Atn Fl atBad Tise Mutai Veisicie Accident preuideet Wiimen Fîyes, Bitl Clis Faad vs a special fsuaucti Nielles sud Doe Matiiems, resenoe eisisaished hy tise spptstsclied use townsisip for su Ontario Goverumeet ta mie lecuesse lu thisel vues for tie ai psymeuis mstii spacsfsed îimsts comiof year. Tisey repooted tisai 10 usctis of usisurd tise yeuo'u fair souk la a record mo.to essis sud it-sudoso gute total of $5,000 sud paid U deivers. Thte tocrease 1o$00 outa uarecotd $5.900. Mt. Fryr j iserecogeserd as tise gouera' rise cuimmeuird tisut iso isoped if lu oasis suce uhe $35.000 lumit Esquesiat rasud tiseir gruos, mas set su 1962. Mu. tiskett Aciou ussgis Cool oisiigsled to ausd. tl s su iseeposf mis tise fuiiom suit. sn gie puîscy or mamiteig tise At preserit, tisqaug ie p ftoO a tise fand asa S200 to Actue and Georgetown tisoroagisly effective mettiod of dcid 0 tisa iltn t aseuiy1 peovidsug cosmpensation fer uhe dcuiden msatise is daeiooe innocentivicluus of cotllsiosaus iermkngadcii tisai are casedby astettlvtseed A secand pleu for fiusuciaid seisicie. came from Oeuuy Chareles. Tise liou. Lesie Romoiîee, chiustus of tise Georgetownu sud Miseet of Fsuaecsul an Distelct Hospital Boatd. He Commercial Affales aise isss oeqaested coussdeetiou se tise mers iusrodaced umeodimeots o eu hudget for a gîsut to b t Uste tusuosoce Act peavsdsog for hoptlfrcntuto of dtt au nctease su $50.000 so tise ne 1bd i. Coucsi sf500 msuimuem pahlie lisisisty ta gsve tise mssee soin( * covetuge su automoile attention. lesuasce poiscies. Tiss lans A oepreseu tattve af it iseepiof mits Ile Msossteroaf townsisip fne ures tepaeted tisa: Tisuspoot's chanuges su tise Motos oePssov are ueeded aui ts Veisicie Accident C!uims Fod. Geoeîetome'isused truai a n a mecisuotai psohieetis. Massa th tr se hr 1 yeass oid Ttude sud Deveiopmeut Csuai ugreerd ta pay th, Msuisteo Stanley Rauduti sias espestse ai paîssuf tise erucki eevesied dit Outaests'v expents top condstson, Wisat slnd ai hume condittions ctanb heu bil tisai tise Cisildrenus Aid Socsety is jastified lu eemavsag ehese cisdren? This qustion is ufteu asised isy people misa oightiy mne tisas ciidren csu br ueep hais hy iscieg sepaeasud front sdsen-r parents. t.ise musi oihne people, ciideea'e ssd muiseis aiseu iaid this usem. Ins Mast cases, it se't oecessary tu oemoe ciide freti tiseir homes isecase tise fcesity isas prahieus. At tues coueit, mure thoan 75,00 stiidran la Ontario neceived Usese, aven 5,000 mere infants ai uasried maotieri. Hiere se sonme cases misane cide caatd eut is eft miUs their faiiase: Case t: A neigihar' iad faand Mrns J. misa iad isisea an overdose ai dleepuieg pitlsa Mes. J. mas taises ta isspitsi iut tise aelgihaors caid netacote furethe cisildeen, misu mme taison lu s C.AS. restesivlg hsoue. Case 2: Mns. H. is appaoetiy meetitty d1. her saad is itteged ta, hc addscted tu draps. smay feues hume and isceciated hecame Crume Wsrdc. Tiset mitis crimiat eteurats. cuetiaurd le faster cane ses Ia haIs tiscie casec, misca tise isten mere ptaced se adoption. unves ure hriag deeteuped isp Uste aeisspplee ut flteess of thises parets. Tise commsusty, Itoag tise Cidd Wetfsre Actaif Ontario, isas eutmctied tise ciidreo's and uocieiy mstis the jais uf oescaiag scis cisdies. ta Case I., tisere mas pieeiy of hupn for tise fature. Tise musser mus restaned toa hetter traîne of Tise Chiidreu's Aid stands reudp Su iseIp chiidreu itou hrcukeu homes Saint, sinner dinner guosts Hiou ioouity Home sud Schooi Couucit miS haid its faOs sunuai diaver meetsng au Moday, Apil 20 ut 6:30 p.m. ut tise Johno Wilson Pahlic tSahoi. Tiid Liue Gaisviiie, ijasi iseiom Hopeduir Piasta). Guesi speuisers are Rev. Poee Moore and Norman tiickep, misa luise pars on a radio puoats A masooms passedisymwissoi tise Caocsi sgîeed so assame 7hi per centof ayucsta losses inuaîed oci pour hy tise DUHC. Senior Cisiarîts' Houssugausitsui Georgetown. Reeve Carse and Coaeaiiiur Lelie sosed utususi tise pnopovui au tise grunadssisuiiiseremwsno gaateof aihou mach lusses moud ho. Coaocsiiues tKra Marsall, Rusoell Miller sud Tom Hilli uased for tise moion. MILTON TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE nCONFIDENTIAL *COURTEOUS nf FEPSONALIZID 878-20201 csiied tise Sasne sud use Ssue. Did paa hear misas one toasti Tscisets msy ho ohîuiued fuas ssid su tise othet tood?9 "Yoa'd theu Assocsiat as hy caliig hetr get deessrd. Tise ducion is Mes. isveiyuGOates, 878-9152. cumief lu isise as oai tuuightss 6 pet cent ai' tise iddeeasnee isy tise C.AS. arc reuoved. Mauy fausilicu, oveicose iy deis, sais of hoasivg orsa seeo iushiity su du oedseuey tiigs saci s ioid a job,. couS a unit or peepaoe a formua, cao ho heiped hy C.AS. caoseliiig 10 do hettet. bust yeaî, tise Cisdreo's Aid Socsety ai tise Caanty of Hiaitue vssited 314 homes, snuutviug 870 ciideo. Most of tisese fsmiiies eeceived heip of sonne ild su îhise hosmes and ouiy 115 cisdrea mere tsiseu into care. Haif tise fsmiiies served ssked for ieip frout tise C.A.S. Daesug Ciidreo's Aid Wreis, Apuil 20 to 26, tise Hisitua C.A.S. Dsnector De. G. K. Aukwitinvsuitesyenato drop unta tise office sud plisk ap houisiets shoot C.AS. munis, fou tee care sud adopuloe. YVu ua aisa hauve a free cupy of "Gusde ta Buisp Sitters', puisied hy use Depsîtueut of Social sud Fsmsiy Services. ILICTRIC I A COMPLETE *LECTIC i S INDUSTRIAL 111 C j S iDENTIAis a i a Case& eQa Waoe Hooat n kt tales fhit many men to inspect Mhis many Volkswagens. SMALL BOILING FOWL 25' HALTON POIJLTRY PRODUCTS Down Garden Lane, off Mili St. - 8784401 HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATUION invites applications fromn PEOPLE PRESENTrLY ENGAGED IN BUSINESS, COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY interested in teaching mathemnaticse science, or geography in Second ary Schools Applicants must have the following qualifications: 1 . an acceptaisie anioersity degren, and 2. ai meat fion foul peurs' empiapueni or nuperience otiser tisue us n stadeet isefure or utter n tisree-yeur degren iseyued Grade 13 ai egouaient, ar 3. ai eat faut fuit peurs' empluyment or euperienre utiser tiser us s student uttr e a eu-peur degren iseyund Grade 13 or equivaient, ar 4. ut neast tise ul ai rs' empiaymeot or euyerience otiser tisse us a stodeot isefure or ctter a Master's degren. Wnitten appioatiuons hou id ise sent irmoediatess tai: O. G. GîLMGRE Superintendent ut Iostructionl Maiton County Bourd ut Edurutiun 166 Sootis Service toud Gaholille, Ontario F. ARMtTAGE J. W. SINGLETON Chairuan Direcor ut Educatiue BOB BARTLETT Ma '- nais nartet ce thIe eau aune, af Ir eoue na eahm ad eameroua n hn in e r ' e peieo a the s ho Ora eae d ' ea - iuuaa 0' of0 M A IN Ss - ' of 9 ' "A CAT MAS NINIE LIVES ..VOU BUT ONE" TAKE DRIVER TRAINING PROM A OUALIPIED INSTRUCTOR ZENI1TH - 61330 NO TOLI CHARGE ACTON DRIVINO SCNOOI.