Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Apr 1969, p. 7

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OVERALI CHAMPIONS le te Legiec Eacira lirons) Tonry Grant, capeaic Jach King. Arn Leagao mata emardasi tira trephy and ice hochets Powell; and Irer) Phillip Ceulcon, Larry Dent and as thre Lague banquet Satarday evacing, et the Lee Couaco.- (Staff Phoeto) Lcgiee hall. lecladasi on tica Lemnilla teait are PLAYOFF CHAMPIONS et tira Lagtoe Eeehre Gowland, John Galhreich and catop e Senny Laaguae chic pear mare titis Zimmetoan tem. Erisigman.-(Stau Phote) Sirown with thair erizas are Je Rogers, Howard Tire.Caricas Dm1 Teutesmeent Letrite U l eete un Sttutday Wtdntdy CLIJBROOM NOTES OnStS yMdatclmh 22tamber of couples tttecded the creningcia l get.tethec and dance sud 1 wu ted tac they rotIt enloed themelets. S11C CALL cTht tetelltrg mecmbers am e hecti an d or cucerrîf wiahtthcmo ctTomt Perd en BaricOt0o; Leete* Simpten ie Ouasttte, Albert Charlton, Angur Macled andl Lerne Eetuaodat atMilton. Tht Leguen Eumutict sud mcmhers tuish te cstcod areiu sire cogratutltions te are Legior p Bototin hmckey teem cel officiels ont thir sjoeesaol pmrticipationcand finis ie tire Geretnse C Division anta Toueeamcct. COMMERCIAL DART LEAGIJE Sandings so of Matchr 28. Supettens 26S %tsIc T~sfa a - dte 254. E Re rffin 180, ith E atronttc114. Tthe Mit mhe Legone deuils tet thir Yete u. egiste udt ire c halIl et thr Chars S1 finis toc b esturdat hp thte perites, adr Satardai Doert L Sander at Mince memhecst and est Sturda Foyam FcrLta April 30 deadline N for studded tires N oies Although Springts hiete, the By Tony Math Hamilton Automobile Club remînds moturisis of Ontario that studded s00W tires tutti be pi.yuftttttrt ri'st permitte4 throughoui the in Atteil. Province until Aprdl 30. Match 31 tuas the deadlte last year utoiottutctt gruP.at with one montlt's etenstion. The hatetbttn butcttlannitt esîendrd deadîtine of Aptil 30 tlot seeaont A brg charigt tt boys etiti ht acctptcd bas 1<50 heen made permoanent. up te 21 ytan tf tie. Fîsesulereit n the cot"rY: in.frthe 199aene British Columhia, Maitioha and veptd inît55tttliont Prince Edward Island aiseohave :t e <t e tceo Statrty tht Aptîl 30 deadliie. and 2h. hetttttttthbut, Nota Ssttiia't etotoroits must . ad 1 pet. Regitatiun have tIseir studded unosu tite% tnt hetuetn 7 andi1brttts revioved by April 15. Alberta, i3; ttenrs.twn 1eer7 mtage 5. Newu BrunswiîckNewfouodluod, Quebec aitd Saskatchewant do net resirici ilîrîr use. OMISE VENTS The H.A.C. advses mototisis t pil Zonte B7Llug ta temove thirt vudded tites Apîrii It. 8 pet dance, hefoe truvelling ino the U.S. Loiec BanquetiHall,music Afier Aptîl t si, ibese lires are Drbucntiets. eftethment, poeiiîlly illegal iii nearly a chssin $5 p et couple ~ îîe fat h tts yApetl 12, inter Ceaety tido i h tts cagne, toaent i e c Legien, sauster Sueduy is a special Apetl 13, coe B7 meeting Letien; day je local chatches. Stasoial y Aptit t4. etenerti music and entra services ouIl tsp, nominattions, electient math tht occasion. lalation f ne at8arts y Apai 9, ZoeB7 eaclin -Tube inethefastiaction aithe et tt Geretown Legiue. javenîle toureameet je Milice moy 9,mteetui scilettiti10 Atrea ihis sueeheod SOCe tgi.n. top-eotcti gamtes art on îap. Thec. anadanhe Champion, Wadnesday, April 2, 1969 7 OU. READERS WRITE:1 ON G000 FRIDAY To the Ediler: May luen bebalf of the Ceuucil aed myscîf tltreugh lte medium of peut cetuspapet puirlicif thacir tht management of Ledmitite Super Market, Loblast Geecetecia Ce. Ltd., Si. Lawrence Markets and Alfonse's Fruit Market, fer their ce-eperatien acd compremise by agreecie ta close theit place of hutinets un Oed Pridep. Lt. RiddeII on NATO ShiP A vital part of the Canadien NATO force, a mhbjectcutettly undet stndp, has~ t eptesectative fromt Milten seevie on il. H M CS Otltamwa , a belicupe-aryteg destreyer slightly largerthibn tht Trthal-clece, bas et lis sePPly efficiet Lteutenant William Craîg Riddell. Tht Ottawta, tuhose 80 pet cent Frec-speakteg creet reets ce peohlem ta Lieut. Riddtll tube s flaeelly bu-ingual, is currenily eegaged en a NATO eseccîme je tht Carîbbeae Sea, and etilI vicit San Jute ted Guadalape hefere seIlng fer Euept hts sommet A. T. MOORE 9,uMlace CAMPBELLVILLR their colectce te me je respect ta cleircs epeeicg en Goed Griday, the meut impertant Christian Oay of tht year. Coetceen bas alun bren eupcesmdi i respect ta tht laa.h of ueiformily ecinstre cloutttg heurs, il is mp cînere hope ibal tht Ceuicdl ibis fer tutll ecthlish a neet store closieg Bp-bmw, and ibat the ca-eperalien cf att affecied etîll he fetbcemteg ie the brai e tecest iof tht wetor cemmucity. Yours stnettly, Bria et, P- Eeg. Mayor, Tome of Milice. SPRING TIRE SALE ... GULF DeLuxe Crown Tires SAE$21.70 7.75 x 14 - 4PUy Whlewalî 142.9s each )IJclad Tri. Onlyl OPEN: 7 &.m. ta 9 p.c. Delly Bxept Sady 9 a.m. ta 9 P. Sentinol Gulf Basa Lise ct Ontae st. 878-4311 MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION 258 MAIN ST E. -Telephore 8782345 your hydro Q * PRESN, SNIRRIPP, PLAIN POTATO CHIPS D R A W FO R EA 1E R 69c NOW 9 c GIANT 75 EGOTI TWIN PAK ONLY 49 FREE TICKET WITI4 EVERY CHRISTIES - REG. 43c PICO. $5. GROCERY ORDER HOT CROSS EASTI E SUDA BUNS 2-Î. 69c EASTER SUNDAY Ef - REG. 39c TWIN PAK AT 12 NOON BTRO TISSUE 0 FACELLE MODERNE-Reg. 2 l. Boxes 69 FACELI.! - SIZE 48 - REG. 2.49 PRO. FACIALc FLUSH-A-BYESE 1.7 TISSUE R NIW BORN, MEDIUM, TODDIR N EM 100% MACARONI or 3~ SPAGHETTI F'LUR TAIL TORE IS OPEN EVENINGS -YOU ARE INVITED TO OROP N Hornb Greoe ?5LlNe. 10 Sidered between 6th and ~A1k'rI 7#h Unes 7 0 PHIONE 87-6438 ANYTIME -, dIBiR PREGOTABLE IL ou*Oe Par 1 3 9 REHD OR ELU N RN MAPE A sLegs or Brests 4 5 ' COLEMA NS 9 READY-T0-SERVE HAM 7 9b PRES4 '1CHUCK STEAK 751' LEG 0F PORC HA 59c1 WUPENLERS MAPLE LEAU SLIED SDE BACON PAR P uO. FEESH INDIAN RIVEt (Pinkr et hiitel GRAPEFRUIT 1O 49c BAAASr FREIN CEL WHITE 35C I CAULIFLOWERS35 MUSHROOMS 49CIb r REýFRI Bring VOUE kitchon up-to-dato with a modern etectric range. Vou'l like ita labour-aaving features -everyone will liko the way it cookal Iv EASTER AMIL 6th Let grofessiecail bands- parlormi magie hY adidinq thal ccw EASTER GLOW Cali lia fer an Appolnett Latest Metoie Modern Equipment THE I4OUSE 0F PROFESSIONAL HAIE STYLING At 171 Main St. Phono 878-9533 r'ýL Fre. Pick-Up And %ýý_ e DeIivory Complote ESSO Service GRIP SAPE SPRING TIRE SALE GRI-SAFE FOUR-PLY TIRES $21.88 Whitewalls $2.50 Extra IUNTIL APRIL 5) JOPEN: 7 ».m. Mondair thru Saturday 9 &.m. Sundiy Clealng et 11 pcm. Sunday thrs Thuradav MILTON ESSO) Corner Main and Ontario Ste. - 878-3641s

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