MIII Ditriit l..~g ,unuahm..kgThe Canadien Champion, Wedneudsy, Apsil 2, 1969 Services increaise, hospita finances excellent THE NEW EXECUTIVE ut Milton District Hospital Corporation mes Wedneesa maening fut lommngthue anuels meetng, sud named J. M. Ledmitb as ubsieman for 1969. Administratnr Daluon E. MeGuaig and Me. Ledwitb are rhume sessad, msrb nae otce-cbarman Refurd Gartibuse me DR. C. A. MARTIN, retring sltes 12 peurs as a diressur sud ebairman ut Miltron Dimtrict Hospital Corpnration, mas prsised fus bis pears oI service lu the busp baspitl during the annuel meeting Weduesdsn. Hs sud retirire dlirsecre A. N. Keiity, A I 2'yeur membes of the boa rd relired sud u ueo obsiemun eni tohe licim of Milton District Hospital board of directors, darint the borpital coepoeatiou'sannul meeting on Wsd.terday. Dr. C. A. Martin, forcedi tu rerigu fromt the board uwuing tu s recruny inîsodacesi suie ssssing no membes may serve longes tiran six years, raid bis gsudbyes tu the woek of the bsy hospital midmsy thraugh Use aurual meeting bie mus cbsising. Pour usos directurs mess eiectsd by the meeting tu fidl oual the foeced resignatiosuof ous other disectors, sud wben tlie 1969 dîrectors met ai the sud of Use armuai meeting J. M. Ledwitb mas selectrd as chahossu for tim yess. Vice-cbaiemsr rs Reford Gaedbouse, mitb Dr. John Brown nsmred sesre sud .' asimiuintralor Dalton E. McQuaig retsrned as uecretsey. Orbers ou the 1 969 direclosat sre Sydney G. CMilds, Williamt J. Coalter, Mes. B. Porter, Nlms. M. Powys, Mes. D. E. Stînser, Dr. G. E. Syr, Omar Van Sickie, A. H. Britten,' S. Edgar, John W. Orties, R. F. McCuag, W. A. epo onatv fZ CLEA snd tressi'er Dr. Jobn F. Brown innbing ou, tram bebind. Riports as thesannuel indicartd ube baspisslilr in rsy tiesucisi shape, sud services ta parieurs are graming kv ieaps lid beunds.-IBStf Photo) Increased services, an sucellieut finaciat positiouansd Use almsest lu -patient cars wee bigbtights of the reports preseuted daring tbe aueal smeeting of Milton District Hus pitat Corporation, beld Wednesdsy in sbebospil's clistical classirins. The bospitat celebrates ils lths anuivrsasy later Ibis year sud 19h9 su atse predicted tu become a record peur. Revenue sud pattent services butb reactred all.time Mighs in 1 968, the reports indicaîrd, sud Esel G. Black devisted frumn bts normal aaditor's report t0 complimeut the buspitul disscos un theis mise management sud tbe heulthy stase uf finances. Besides paysng uff tbe debl un the original buspitat wMicb upened in 1959, Use huard wiped nus the building expansion debs, sud added nearty $30,000 wortb of uem equipmneut sud supplies last peur. 'Thse bospitl bas $1,853,000 lu fixed assets t0 date aad retiriug cbuirmsu Dr. C. A. Martn noted tbese os s enougb muney sutted amay in the buildiug fud lt finance the boued's dssae of the pruposrd 50-bed, Usird stueey addition tbut will bie the omst ssep in expansion. The cbairmsu cautioned board, bumeses, Ita 50-bed expansion mia the attimate lue Ushe p rescrit building sud a second horpitul would hans tu be buils os the rite sehen mure beds are foud necessasy. Wbile services lu patints statistif s show s 300 and 400 per cent iucrese in son services, tbe per diros cost t0 patients bas climhed only 55 per cent abuse Use 1960 (firsI aull pesrouf opesasiun) figure. The forecaut of statiutics fer tMis year shows 23,000 patient days (up 92% oner 1960, 600 opeuliors (a p 57%), 7,600 X-say enaminutions (up 350%), 8,000 emtergencies (up 331%), sud 102,059 tuborutosy units (up 466%). Tbe pbysiolbrrapy depuelmient is expecird lu gins 6,800 units. Osîpatieut revenue is furecaust ut $114,515,san increse of 706 pes cens oves 1960's $14,200. e ethUe par diemn ruts for 1969 rs supocîrd lu bc $32,85 jars 55 per cent abore the $21.07 figure when tbe hospital, openesi, And it wiBi b a decrease of $1.43 wbn los seneral vaes bas besded tbe finance cammitrea, are picsseed iobiog suer s new cardiac rare uit tbe Hospital Aanîissry receotip presensed su the bospitai. Wiub Ibeos ns Aunilisry presidesu Mes. E. Jsyce.-Susff Photo) Mss. B. Frame and mcdicai staff reps Dr. G. E. Syer and Dr. R. B. Edwards. Mr. Ledwith wili citais the management conmtttee, Dr. Brown the finance, Ms. Gardhouse public relations, Mrs. Stînson building and psopesty, Ms. Ostier personnel aud Mr. Ledwith tlise joiat confence commisse. "Itam vey poud and ery happy t0 be nauted cisaisman," Mr. Ledwitîs bld tise gashessng. He uoted the disectors ase a -very cogensal and dedscated groap"',. lu bis pasting speech, Ds. Martin pasd tributs5 te l dedication of the staff, board sud auxiliasy members. fisey mre lu be commended for te bigb qaalily of patient cite." Us shanked ail fotr aiiomtng hum su serve 12 yearsson rte board sud hoped fus evesy sacces its flie future. Dr. Martin cassonsd the directors su keep an ctive inleress in Ibeir hospital, "su it mon't be eu as a usiiity lise bydre and mater." He ssoted tise capital accourirtis isfood sspe and baseoug insy to scoce tihe boarsd's onetttsd lssse ot &ENT Mg Use cors uf adding a usos 50-bed addition t0 the boupital. The project mas stili on top of the "sost is" sltbosgb provincial grants for bospîtal expasion bave been temposuriiy mirlîdramu sud bie chatlengrd file directors te make frequent visîts tu abs Ontario Uospital Services Commission "t0 hrep il these"' Herevîsord the "moîrderfai advancr smadie in putisent case" n Milton District Hospital, rspecistiy darsng the pars yrsr, and noird "shers are ver y feos horpitais shat bave dons so mach in justoayeas mîthout rpsndissg a lot moe monof'." Orbes dîrectors rrtissng as the annuai meeting inciudsd treasuser A. N. Keisy, E. B. Clemesîts, George M. Ueod ansi Mss. F. Si. McOuat. SELECTRICITY Is Our Business 0 À, . re a * nemeel ururs S ELECTRIC 8 78-63738 Revnue in 1968 musri aun stlltime bigb ut $922,034 whicb includes $773,759 tu-:patients services, $91,421 ,out'patsIl. services, $1t1t077 an medical and nurgical supplies, $28,142 iu drags, $172,981 in other supplies aud supenser, $60.990 in deprecîstion on equiposesrt sud building, and $25,424 in batik and intesesi charges. Receipt of fll accreditton by the OUHA. sud the Ontario Cullege of Physicrans and Surgeons mas another 1968 bighligbt, and an indication the buspitalis r psiding the boni possible medicai and bospitai cae, Dr. Martin poinîrd oui. Enen the neos addition mas "foul t0 oerfloming" bie noîrd, an indication the third fluor mus necesusy. Dr. Martin notei lte board's co-upesssiun in the Regionai Hospital Contigu auji the Credît Valley Sobool ofNussing. De. R. Edmards, chairmis cf the medîcai udnssoey commise, reposred on the compatesseation of mreils records, the disartes ruesc ire, advancrmsnts in chsouic case, tbe puschuse cf casdtac equsperent, the sys bank psogsam, the staff braltb pengesos, accreditution, nsm equsposeut ru the pndiutsîc de puar1et ment, sud the certification of the Mabosatosy. Tire administsator'r report by D. E. McQaaig revirmsd the growiug services cf the borpitai, the foul scale dirortes enercise medical staff has ssstiateda home cure psogsamt for the communisy sud a speosi cumm.illes s studysng this extensiun of treasment in other parts of the province. He liiened the hospstai "tram" of dissectots, physsosans and staff membets to a sympbbny orchsestra "onesysste marst b os tune"--snd ssid shis tram effort asmosphese has psev.tiied osves thesyeas lir paisi specisi teshute oe Ds. Mastsn os h is sesseemeut. Ms. McQssaig drmoustsated a ne h 6,50 csrdsac case unit thut mas sostalird that day, unothes gifs of the hospstai a u.iiiasy. Austitasy pat psesident Mss. A. Ptoirmy seviewrd thergroup's fud-aisng actsvssses and fird ananua report ofithe osganseatsosmsith the board. She soird a hmsr-dressisg psogsamt and tise Candystrspersecrvisc hace tests added to the lit of sercices the auxslsiary psovides. To date tise aoslisasy's ftnanctai efforts total river $32,000 she noted. Disectos of Nusing Ms 1. Verrait sensrmrd a successfui iu-servicr edacation psogssm fot 1he r l ourses, sud the accsedstatioo, the eacuatios drill asd disastes enesosse. She noted mauy nurses hace bren contsnusng ther education and training as moshshops and courses oulside the hospitai. Fine employers mho hace complted five yeass of servtce -I Dr. C. A. &Linu lesigis M. ledwith hospital chairman FLOOR COVERINGS PROM CARP!T TO CONGOLEUM * Expert Installation 123 Themaés lit. 382 meeting. Dr. Marin made the administratos and a profesusoual presrutusioss te nasses Mes, photographes, telling the stury Mary Bell, Mss. Alice Rorder, of the huspital's varied services and Mss. Yvonne Davis, osderiy sud follomsug a passent fromt James Gisou sud adminssirutor admission t0 dtscharge. The D. McQuaig. auxslsary servedl refsesbments to The progsamt erded msth n more han 40 in attendance. On behaif of the Milton Branch, Canadian Red Cross Society, may 1 extend sincere thanks to &Il who helped f0 organize, group captains, canvassers andi doseors te our fund-raising campaign lait week. DR. PAUL KENT, Campaign Chairman, Milton Branch. THAT WAS THE WEEK TH'AT WAS.. LAST WEEK IN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION N s tre eps you inlured of uews 124 ens inMtonand central Haiton Couin- 7SAdoretisers look disptay adeertisemneuts su thrkep you pusted on specials, bargais aud regulus items on sale lu their stoems.i:. Ne Nos psctures appeared in the pages af 21 Thow Champion. S S Peuple bac! thcsr pictueulu the papier. SBahies bon us Milton and District Hos- pilais Seere aneoauced iu the "hsrths" 7 Deaths scr recordesi and anuosuced 14 Orgauizasiuns sd Champlun "cumsug 14 couets' auuouos.s.messts to teit yeu about their opeomisgeruches. dances, sud jý special casions. Ciassitied odcertisements appered suai 66mcss three pages of annucemneutsin 16 cudssg eserythinu frotta items for sale tu help scautes, seul estate to aoctsou sales. 7 Merchauts zunouunced Easter speciats su their adcertisemetts. Regulue columuistu proeided shought- pro, k uiug and ne s style commentaiesuon t 1oe wurld arouwd usicldig verything * frumt thu youth scene oe activistes on par-4 liament bilt. 37Hockey gomes more rrported un Mn The 37Champion's sports pages. 3OHomees wm tistosi lot sale or for reti 30Championurlassitieds. 42Veicesfor sale score anuouuced in the c 42 casfteds 18 en ile eus cclcmsts anod storses 1cr :e QUITE A WEEK, WASN'T IT? A REAL NEWS PACKAGEj AT JUST 15 CENTS