MI i 1h. Canadien Champion Wednendoy Aprit 2 1969 THANK YOU resi etCe Dean Mr. DJits: mat We miah ta thanh yoa for four posa continuail support of our Rapi organizatian. The Jotie Milton hbec Chapier IOD.E. has for many vont years reporsed their fear's morE ail and yau have kindty pahtistred for our prageesa. The puhlic has in able tis may keume of oui National nie and Provinciat inteest in suhi edacation and aur ailto, S Commonwealth tics in vaios N faris. aiea ia oui "thank fou's" maf me hefi inclada Roy Domni, who han gis phaotographed oue annal aor meetings many limes. May me fou 1add hae han hadt the patience of a the: saint in performiog his dury. Do Aey man thai can facera cowd chdl of wmmn ai meattimne and stitl toit hriag aidai oui of chaos in a S morth y n euws pa p er f05 photographer. fan We appreciate your support 10 oui arganiration. Thank yoa for your genr us space you gîve each yer and your time speet in raporting. Ynar staff han almays hemn mmit corîrtrous. Sincerely, Lillian Gomtaad, 0 Echors Seceetary. HELP WANTED Me. Editor: On Match 18, f969, a D!egtion composed! of Mi. Patrick Redgrave, Mi. Lloyd Chisholsa and mynrîf mît Soi Municipal Affaira Ministr, Mi. on Daecy McKeough, an su6eîit a.o 1,107 signatures hy vsdnso s Nassagaweya reflecling their v is oewhrtming denies ten 8e madei knwn, tn oppose the prnposais sa un it nar tovely townshrip. Ru Wr frît the meeting mas Vii constructive iii tuai usnîiveyod ani a desiro 10 termain as a ait setf-govrrnad rural aras aven if ton me had tn ha incoipnrated ento a me lorgne unit ce me coutd hame Ap repr en latinn. In reflfrcing the aru halance of iniaenet ihat Mi. on, McKroagh mrnîioned in his propnsai, me, en the roral aras, dit mould have nrriig ii coamun Va mith large urhan ventres, escepi vo f0 amaume respnnsibility for .L detînture dehI mhich came i ahnut hy poor planning or to 0 mari eising tceation cosin whînh S8 undouhtedly wili ha inarrd by reginnal contents and sam Pr administration, ti0 la ordr for thi provincial of govreemeni f0 cniy oui tîrir ti large developmrnts, in the ara hu of sevices atone ihef mustlhane M a igrat dral more monef ced de tis miii comae fînîn fou, the pi taspayer, in ono formn or w cnthar. Sn 1 sîrongîf arge yo Ki dents f0 cnntinue youe tests and nappait your ninipal leaders in maery ie way. Thase imo mords, lonal Governenrt, shoiatd orme the basin mopm of esainn henause il is againsi principals of hamait riglals, the aveage paraun slîoald ha toaexpess his wishes hf ns of the hal lot vote, on a cft mhich derply concerte; f ua. Omi ia he limae for att rural s f0 lai thrmselns ba heard are ihay ara splil apari hy the t farces trying tn lahe amaY righs Ihat nue foefathers g8t s0 hard to pans on in jr future gearralions. Think! you mish 10 hand foui den a ncs tn ber in the ai of siaggring dabis? a, sit damu loday aed Write r lattais stating youi viewn or of rataining raral arias. A nerf connerurd taxpayer Basil MnDnnald, R. R. 6, Miltron. I RIDURSWRT*Halton and Peel acquisition boosts Huron and Erie year coesotidated netnacumigs and assets under administrationowe meportedl hy The Haron and Erie Moîlgaga Corporation and uts sshsidiaaies for the fer ended Dec. 3f1, 1968. The Corporation's consotidated annuat report mas reeeased tu sharehotdees this meak. The 1968 resats inflect the contînsed gromth of Canada Trust - Huron and Erie and the acquisition doring 1968 of imo On tario hased i eusat companies-The Waterloo Trust and Saviogs Company and the local Halton and Peel Trust and Savings Company. LOWVILLE mas a record $67,734,000 ($51 ,826,000 in 1967). Consotidated net narnings ie 1968 mere $3,f517,000 ($2,965,000 in f967). eqat ta gt1 cents par share o a meighted average of shares oatstanding dug16,,(74 cents on four million d iesn f967). The tmo trust companies, acquîeed fast yeax, added ahout 1400 million ta the parent coepoeatioo's assets under administration. At year end 1 9 68, aasetts u nde r administration totutted a renned $2,232 million againsi $1t 677 million in f967 (hefote the acquisit ion.%). Il join church at Sunday service Bf Mes. L. D. Smallom Me. and Mis. Robert M. Pion achieveinent day skif model dresses, By Mes. Cecil Patarson hae srsth meeting of Hornby ath 4-H Dabatrans mas held Saturdaf Match 29 ai 9.15 s. ai the home of the leader. 'enif thra mrmhars and one .10e ansmred t8e roll cait, uond posture. sriing and rnding." Prasidani Danie rnzigvconduciedtherusiness, niai Fînnie mas the saviataif t ',baron lunes markrd the andance cari. Due 1018he g kasiar merkrnd the rient ating milI nol ha fid ontll 'rit 12 ai mhinh.timr members tu present thair recordhbooks r ave them af 10 date. Achievemant day plans mare conard. Karen Marshall and tarir Grain volunired to ha mnîreraloîs for the abi, rue and nolor tu suit the lividual.". Mas. Kiarnan assisîrd 8y aron il demonsiraird frrring dras. Tlîe modri was Nancy anonk. The girls main shomn wto mark the correct pianîng buttons and htionhlroes and ertechniquerof sngori a nIon. Violat Finnir assistrd r.Pailaîson in tis monsiratroîr> Loinr 18e girls actinrd. Srmrng on a zpper as damonstraird hy Me%. sew on boitons A snack Was panard ai the fine minuta rani break, autr the membrs morkad on thaîr dresses or books. Omagh friands are plaasrd t.n tern thai Kenneth Gilet ES vonvalresnrng ai his home afInr suigOif and a staf in Oakvilla Hospital. Besi mishas foi a spardf recovrf. Me. and Mis. Fred Lisnt veturend afe dafs ago fioma monilis holiday in Florida mwhrre thaf more guesin mith thaîr hînthar and family t8e Humilion's. Biîthday grertîngs ihis mark to Mes. A. A. Galbraithr, Donald feanock, Jeffrry Bohh, Ida O'Ronika, Roy May, Dahia Bobh and Pool Roman mi tmo yeaes nid Mai. 31. Two hurt Tmo local youths mare slighvly injard in a one-car accident on the Fiesl Lina, Esqursîne Saiarday evnerîg. The driver George R. Magar of 253 Woodmard St., Miltonra lreraid ai Milton District Hospital for hrod nuls, and a passenger Arthur Stokes of R. R. 2, Campbrllvilla mas also treated for head injurias. Mdlton O.P.P. invrstigated and report $150 damage to the car. McDoagall from Blanhrimt and hie. and Mis. R. MvDoaald fromt Rrdgetomn mare guesis ai 18e R. Coullees. Scott gaines is nom home frn the hospital, anjofine ice-cram and "pop' afinr o lonsit opratron. Doug andonnauMorden have tournerd feom a holidaf visiling the Southeen Orales. Mi. and Mis. Harîf Richardson have jusi retrrod front atwo wek viit inMiamii. Lunkily the meaiher conditions mare annellent so ihef enjoyed everî minute. Me. and Mis. E. Chaclaalk sufferd a fie in their rahhii-perîs last mark. Lunkilf it mus rsîinguishrd befoterilvoutd spread tothe bouse. On Sunday Match 30 the foitriming uniîrd miih t8e Loonilir United Church. Mi. and Mii Jack Gîhson, Mi. and Mis. M. Lowe, Mes. M. Franklin, Mis. N. T. Omen, Ann Ramsham, Ada Malmsiîom, Shelîf Nitssen, Esther Moimsirom and Rod McAvelia. Brune Mutlai, eurdge Gunbf, Eriv Gudgroo and George Cnllrng assied Rev. E. Bankier in the service. Hilton Prashytrf mal ai Cooksville United Churvh on Aprîl 1. Dînnar mas srrvedl hefnîe rire meeting. Will fou ha sean ai foui nhurvh ibis Oundof? BLOOD PRESSURE If foui hlood pressura is high, foui doctor van hrlp fou hring t domn and reduca four rl5k of heart attunh, thr Ontario Heart Fnundation advises. Coeonaey risk g nas op mhen blnod pressure is elevaîrd. New role [orne Scots The Lame Scots are nom pans of Canada's Mohile Command R e se rv e (M O B C O M ). e l e n s co.manding officer, Lt. Cot. E. F. Lisse, mode the annoancemeni and said it mas in tise mih Depaitoieni of National Defesce plans for a moderniesere army. t mitt mean more active participation foi the Lamne Scotssinregutai forces trainieg. MOBCOM was designed as a combat-iralord rserve ready ro mose wiih egotai aemy antis on case of national emegesof. The Loroe Sotas are tooking for young men. -Terra Coira Conservation Aiea hosied 75,0000 vîsiiors ls yeae and 15.000 camprs osed the camping faciltiies, tie ana report of the Cicdîi Valley Conservation Aoihoîity noies. Corporaion and ifs suhaidiaries badl 78 hranches acroassCanada. Daeing 1968, Canada Trusi--Huron and Erie "entranced ils position in the top rask of Canadian trous and moriga ge compaimes," Mr. Taylr mente. Pari of the geomih mas tetf-generaaed bait "mcrah of it came about ihioogh tie acquisition of imo heaithy and nigoenas competiiors." Speakieg fariher about the m ergers miih Canada Trust-Hueon ond Erie of Waterloo Trust and Halion and Peel Trust, Me. Taylor noied ihai. "There are, of corse, cars attendant opon iniegiarion. These hava had an effent upon consotidaied narnîngi for t1968. i is tikety ihai sienîfîcani nareings adeaniage of the mergeîs may not he ion apparentionti 1970." for Repair Service and cable location MILTN PHRMAC (~)Bell Canada 246 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2343 aaamoodYCOie SO SO SO 50 SO - -- You waont f0 buy a new car! - -- You want f0 trade with a dealer you can trust! -O f ouwnt a good, fair deail. - - - You want good service! --You want weII trained mechanics to work on your car! 'Everjhlepositnade befof-c.54pM l2% 1969 eaifisinteiléstf,6me54prillst. CANADIAN IMPERIAI»BANK 0F COMMERCE S O - What are you waiting for? COME IN NOW TO - mi~ 7! 1À1uyi MOTORS, F O0P CO. LTD. 409 MAIN ST. E. MILTON PIIONE 87S.236Ç NOW! PLEASE REMEMBER Insa of Q ZERO Operator Assistance 411 for O ectory Assistance (Information)