The End of March Moving7 SeUl Your Don't Wants He! j *IRTHS N070Rm05 - Mr. sud Mns. Otarie Achesan luee Ridon of LE. 2, Cantlefllfle. soe pleasedal lu noane ste lrt aif teir son, saeljst 8 Plan., 11 au., ait 'Hilton District tos-pî- ta on blarel 9, 1969. .Bsllwc lac 'Hilton ait Cra4s -- BERRY - hMrc anal M". Ronald Berry lare Anaiiof t E. 3, Brampton, are pîroacal ta an- souace the birtb tf their sou, %bichaIl Stian, sanglaI 7 lOrs., 9 Znt, ai Miltou District Hospi- lui au Mardi 5, 1969. Brulter For Tina. BUNCH3 - Mr. anal M". G. ýusiocl Inne Neettttt tf Ont. tria Seboul foc clu Deaf aie please a vo.n.c the blt 3- thair sors, Hattonw James, oegt 7lbs.70o., at Oak-' cille - Trafalgar Mornorial HS- vital on Matchs 8, 1969. N MEMORIAUS 500,45E - In bsvlug ntsnoY tf a don 'ar husasal, fsolwrmed grssstrc Lawresnce Sbsesse. us paeal say 'MarchI 19, 1960. Deep lu aur buras, Yen seill ai)ways ntay. Loald anal rernasuereal gay by day. 9 ife Edith anal fantily. 045-46S STOVER .-- On cgois nt--t'Y of a dear bofbanal, fathsr anal graudfathor. Gayalan Lia- net Stocer, mOno passtd away Mords 16, 1966. Dmep lu osse Osats, yntar tonim- ory lu kept, Wa onit saith cte maril, but wenvrforges. Sadly toluseal but alsays on- osonherel Isy salle Miargaret anal .fanily. c464631 RAGGART - Mry. ait Mes. Rat- sell Hoggort tf Carlisle, OnI., CAROS 0F THANKS be plaseal t0 annosome the _______ ictl tf tbheic daabter, 5resgb soretnsofti 1ilos', 15sors..aMiltonuDitrict Mytsincr tak afin ilospitui on MorrI 7, 1969. relatives, Canodian General E&- _______________ otric anal the Holtan Sports- LOCKfE - Mr. anal Mms. Donc uten's Asseciation lac cards. Lockia mne Robertson) tf R. fItseors, gifts anal visits wibile R. 1. Milton, are plaseal to an. I mat o patient in Miltion Dit- voance tbe birto tchair daugs- trct Hospitot. Special tissots tee, Margaret ERath, meigbt 7 so Des. Legate anal Aikenbawad, Ebs., 10 ors., at Hilton District alto the nsursintg staff. Hospital on 'Mardi 6, 1969. A c45-f664 Marion Rearury. baby ssstr foc Bruita and Cor- sI. iMy siocere tbanks 10 frimads ___________________ait neiglabrut Milton Senior %&ARCUoeI - 'Mr. anal 'lOr. Citisent' ClItb, St. Fouits Unit- Joha Martocci tf 7365 6t t Cbssre ULXW. anal Ecemesg Uina, Harâby, ara plesta1 Star Roebeba Lodge No. 79, fac anesase the birtb ofthseir cacas, 'giets ana l Iowers I se- teteelicu. noeiglot 7 1b.. bit, ors.. coica il 1at Ia a* pattent lu st Hilton District Hospitl ou Hilton Dlistr-ict Hiospital, alto YlaroOs 9, 1969. A sister lue Ri- osy thanks to tha nursitg staff zky ait Mark. anal the Res. C. A. liler foc STOKS -idr-andMrs £o bis vitits. Siarerely, STR S -Motoke rse . m Lett c4-*5 gals. E. Pay. Cotopbetivitte R.R. 2, are pleut, Me moula tilu e cb tank evecy- ,al to anonnie tbe birt of onet seo vante ste fOUs birth- tbeir doriotter, saright 7 lbs.. 7 day porty lac lOrs. Sitest Sirop- as., at Hilton District Hospital sun, Broabsitle, Ont. A opecial a)n 'MasaI 9, 1969. A tister fo cotEks seta ta sebo arrangeal Entily, t.enm, Gardon, Daniel it, alto for rOse havely gilts. Os mal Evelyn. milI 'long le rentoubcreal sand approriatral. ___________________ rauces Bososan anal iatilly, Lasorance Sitopsen ait fansity, ENGAGEMENTS Allaan, John ait Mes. Violet Simpsaon. o454715 ,Mr. ait 'Mes. Pater Jaon Den- Hauy thanIn t0 relatives, haer, 'Milton, Ont., araausme dma trierais ait nieigliltaro foc cela- engsuaaelnt tleir das0bter. bmîlung uy 0f t bit"y par- Jaiieje Lents Anna Qenotr. wy anal har sesdiug eseils ait anal Hr. Peter John Hston, son n tf 'Mr. anal Mes. John Normon y lovety prescrits ana lion' Gatn BiOt. TIse saedding esc Special tbaxlu ta 'Mes Wal- date bat bren ont for Atn'ut 12 Mmr Dovma c Heialetnpt i- 1969 aI 4 o'taek in Knox Pres- folO. ad lOidrsn Jaf Rcrrt- Isytria Otafls Hilon.Ont suo af Milton for organizins the Party. ___________________ Mes. Georgisa Vitalt Simsp- ses, R.R. 1, CamnpbedtdlHe. Ont. DEATHS c45-4720 Tbe ffaniy tf the loto Stel SHEPHERD. Euby - At Toc- Osekeuson misb to taula relt- 0ol10 General Hospital on sites, friands ait oegosdazatitns Suualay, HMarts 9, 1969, Rsiby foc cards, gifts. flamers ait vi- Warsnbsgtos. sala ai Everett sitss seite tse mas o passent lu Wilson Sbe1set; alar Maoller Oahvitto - Truiolgar Hospital, tf Betty Ann lits. Peter Ac Halos Cestenoisi Maor anal humensi anal Grant Wilson SIsals Hilýton District Hospital ait foc bard; sittr ot Pearl (Mm. Geo. their ntany ocls tf Eisaness os Smit), Sorts ESsat, Jamsie tIse tiose tf ber passiag. laycer anal Hugli Woredngton; lavng tIsanEs aise ta the staff ait nr- grnitoter tf Apr' Liait ses af the Haor, Hospital, Dr. Reneet anal Riskey. Aikeobead, Canon J. S. Han- Panerai service ws ebHld orîtl anal tIse MaRectie Fssoccsi Wealnntday os the 'HeRersie Pt- Home lacr teir Isirsa attention verti Honte. Interesent in S. at titis tinte. 0454712 Johns Anglicaan ceotery. CanapOselvi)le. N MEMORIAMS MOIINTAIN - la torsng m- Mw of a drar lsdanct Syd- ney Charles, wo patsedotway MassaI 13, 1958. Lavisg thastghss td yeass loge' ille, Holal momoties thas sait lasI locevr. Sitiy stisseal hy soie Eliza- beth. o45-4673 mDuNTAIN - la ioviog ment- ory tf a dear ftclar oal gronalfather, Sydney Hennitoic, mIsa pastit asoay Moal 13, 1950. Me cannas bois the hait ti vime, Or lite again the past. Witis oc hearts are en1=11- TIsar miii fartver baât. Sadly misst hy lire, Hildo anal Kim. 0454706 QUINN - In Iooitrg mesnor tf o dear 'bubat aad falter, saha past oaay Morris 13, 1967. Il sas Hos scll tisai b shal die, His sit tIsait shail lt himo go; csAd me mst avec basa tu il, But, ch dene. Glt, me min ss i soi Sadly mnti hy bis siae Dailsi anal fastlly. b37-1532 ÎEOOTEE - Ia ioviog tMet aay ti a alear Orsbasia, foîber sud grandfather. Jack, sabo pansiea away MassaI 19, b968. Ju as yen see, you saini aI- Trasarêd bravler in Ocr rSn- Vu. intaW Plisuc hué - - 044660 COMINO EVENTS ioga goas eery Hoitay aI 8 p.. Htly Ratary Parisit Huit, Milton. e3309ti Socre in Paiermo Hall, Pri- day. Marais 14, 0.30 pst. Admnis- sion 75c. Luoch provileal. o40-4626 Estohce, Friday. Mords 14, a1 8.15 put., stemarttown Huit. duscsytof t te Georgetown Fair Boatrd. Prizes. tLunsIs. Ad- mssiona 75c. t45-64562 Milton aitl District Siartiesal' tuao Society mdll tonal in tIse Ostos Hall, Pose St., Matchl 17, 8.15 put. Dr. Jobs Browen seil speak on ontoll Irees anal frusits- Ladies' Curtittg Club dessrt ica iat party as HIl Co- ong Club, Mtdnesdoy. Harda 12, 7 pos. Admission $1,25. Tiokets avaioabte fron any club en- 1cr. e454701 Sachre aI Bosse COostoosty Croire, Tlaactaay. Mords 13, aO 0ý.30 p.;m. Adsisos 50o. Laalies ytvast pcavide. SPnoeal buY rho H.lot tcCoovty Piosotott Association. L64245 Canadian Canor Society, Mil- ton ait District Unit, invites yen ta an evenoffils, dit- motsions ait refcetbmnvaus. aI St. Stepyhen's Chusrds. Haxvty. Mminsalsy, Moimb 19, 1969, at 8 Pmu. o45-4670 414 orgaonieatiau mneetingsnt Boyae Comntoity centre, Moalnesalay. Hardi 19 ai 130 P.nt.; Aetou Casnity Ceintre, Wa.duendy. Mardi 19 ai 6M0 p.m. Tlaon at lent 12 and mloo oider ldan 19 bey JaonaY b 1969 ore lmlted to juIn. bi$47t0 SPECIAL 10W PRICES ON USED TV 1s lst pstrtales anal 21' blsack anal sehite ai RICHARDSON'S RADIO & TV 201 Mois St. E., Hilton 878-6949 leOS TIP-I N-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MILTON UNIROYAL Tires andI Batteries camne lu anal tee the nrsa UNIROYAL MASTER Thse sire foc lire mortiers USED PASSENGER anal PARM TIRES USSO TRU0CR TIRES in AIl Sires 878-3131 ANYTIME Il bssy CAIJL 678-2367 24 Hour Service lbf ELECTRIC Appliance Sale Ionly iloils aleyer. Special aI $1,69. 1lanly automnatioseaslor. Spatial os $199. i anly Betongor otecîrc catge, 22",' glass oves door. Spectal aI $159. STEREO I sttgIstly useal Glairtone ntereo A beoutilt set. Eeg. $519. Spornal aI $349 FERlaS ASSANORD RICHARDSON'*S TV & Appliances 201 MElu St. E.. Milton 878-6949- COMINO EVEITS Dance ta Ose beldi at cte Ooyne Cosnntuty Centre, Prihy, Harts 14, 9 fa t, spomsomi hbs tbe Ontogb SoftOsalI Club. Bel- aires orchstnra. Lundi proavial- cd. Refreshmants. 0.aeky cas anal donc priant. e6466 Reguan netaeing 09 Milton Seniar Chieas' Clusb sail ha beld in Knox COsurch SS. on, Wednesday, 'Match 49 aI 7.30 p.nt. club Na. 71 front OsEville wil1 proseide the enOertaiantmeut. Refrenbtoants saill Ose secrel. c45'4709 l'se 196669 stries tf Travel- ogiles, spontoreal by the Rotacy Club td Milton, sIl continue saith te. nekt posg aun Ta- csae, Maart 18, aiH O p nl tbe O.S.D. auditorium. Tleusas ject is 'Islands tf lte Great Lottes". Admtission: 1.0 aduls, 75c stualeuts.* .45-358Ï Hilton Cancer Unit In sponsoring a lois tour fa attend open bouse ai the FPrimes osa goret Hospitat anal Loalge, 5Sun- dey, Moacb '16, 1969, 1.3604.01) p.n. Bon leaven tosan hall at 12.30 pas. Anyaue luleresteal lu touriug ibis magufficet oaspi- tl is asbed ta phone tors. Wl- bars Ford 0704070 or Mms. John lacCarron $78,M79 fac oe- tercatios. Anyone sailliato ta provide cor transportation lu reqoesîeal ta leave lhir nane aond phsone nusaber sai one tf the above. c45'4722 FOR SALE CEDAR post anI fiiosasal 854-9964. 1Os464567 FIRBWOOD ont, split and de- liveret. 970-435f. '1c46-4k. RLECTRIC guisar, vlarator cd etc. 054-2340. 1e45-4?ll FIONEER ehain sasas foc suie or ta cent. Caîl Hamhy Garage 876.4790. 1c33-S3S-tf ELECTRIC lamodr; alsu0 sebeat straw. 2ea bale. 87f. 4960. 10 6 1 MA-PE of Hilton nslosg Use nonv boundarias sabicb taire ef- fort January 1. Singlr copies. 24c sud le tan at The Cltantplu office, 191 Main St., 'Milton. boO 9-tf 1 FOR SALE i FOR SALE WESERN lacE, baots, saddl- nt and bornas. S &i B Sadalle &i Tarit SOu, 854-2360. 1047.4554 2 MARNER Wratlaec Mastoc oluntinsast storts sit sceent, 40.sý" Osy 214W". 070.4524. 1045-4703 CCm. RAMBLER girl's bu- cycte, 26" sabeels, 3-spenal, al- mess nonv. $35. Phone 070.9701. 1045.4633 ADIONG MACHINES, type- sacitees lac suie or rentot. Pbone 078-6962, Harris Station- ery. lc-t-417 COtTGE on Georgian Boy, taishted, steve nal roleioera' sec and sceentd porcb. $5,200. 870.6677. 1045.4657 MHEN tstyi ng non drapes. thiil tf Jane Draperies lu the Milton 'Ptaoa. YenS hae gîati you did. 876-2513. 1c45-4652 VOU MILL LIRE boying yaac buitding asatetials anal coal aI Craseford's Cantpbellviltr. Guida service. Higla qualty. Phoue Catophelicille 84-2232. ctI4l6 CLOTHING, Eviset rsosrty rosa lanity cloating, alto set mns aversise ctotblug. 13 Chartes St.. phaone 878-.51,12. 10454660 CHOESTERFIELJD suite. $65;, ct and al ttresa, $16; playpeu. 5f8; junior bedal na dresser. 515; car seat , $3. Burtornglon 632-7551 'Oefore 2 put. 1045.4632 I U.S. CARBINE, calibre 30, MI rifle, I 30 catibre Brownuing autontic rifle; t microphone sot brou tnai anal gesa- nocE. 076.2369. 10454634 CAR, TRUCK &i TRACTOR TIRES, lios anal usual, avec 2,000 Ketly Springfielal tires inostock, ail ties. losa peices; fiais fixual, 51.50; sabeels balaxceal, $135f. Wr bave batteries for utas cars anal trucks. Hilton Tire sud Radiotor Service. 191 MilI St., 878-2711. 154-1983-tf MARCH SPECIAL RONGSRLIDE DANISH CUIT. tS% Off list front crae 25, 29, 34 T.H. naitels MILTON EQUIPMENT Company Limtical 3163 Base Lina Rond HILTON - Phone 878.2121 1h46 FOR SALE 1 GIE. eleotrlo range. 27' talde, libe non conditian. Rest al- fer. t aMder uttet G.d. reirigemîtor, in eccllent condition,. $25. Aise; TV cbinvy antenos saist TV anal FH boals, $15. Orly Phone 878-6119 1045 TV TOWER SALE 30Ot or instrlett a- Il chan- io had 350.50. 140'n amer inýtattea wth att chan- tl hEral 72.50. 50' tescr instaiti tih aIl cItan' ne] bond 107.50. Entra hads lfor second TV set). I"tsti. t 3 .d 0.00. 5 tr en ral. ensttal $20.1.7 5 etacctt calot brai. istatoal Aotamattc rotor. Instaleal M69.95. Repaies tf ail tMpm. RICHARDSONS Radio & TV 201 Main Sbrest Ras Phono 878-6949 11014 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE S HELP WANTED CLASSIFIED RATES TullOnsO lie Canadie 191 Min Sm. 5131fl Chsesplon NOtas, Onmario cume e ,uis Mreao rnarecoanro àasasaxUM as. o a!oP e r - e e r . S Ud M -Srrea tbr.r aeuert t- an ..aoc t coamo uos.canas or massaIs - #.25 9sa fin# ise lia«. IeN Muourxa - 15t Pr.. 10e per une. c ctanOric u1sPiAY. sJEAt ETAfl - $1ite ver totee inch. BOX !fisi tetai sOui - 25 me k-d DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY 5 The Ceamam Champion, Wednesdmy. MatoIs 12, 1969 'EUJECTRIC slove; dieliter- -field anal chair; table anal cbromte chairs; lansys; salent; bird balth; doutle porcelsiat tintes; vacuunt cearr. 070.9560 oltor 6 pan. 1c45'462 PIANOS, liquidationsande, 25% cil non apartmntt pianos; aise Hontona organ L102 sit Leslie cabinet, os cn;w bhntid- iior; oppliancet etc.; ceouatel TV. Ookvitle Piano SOP 845- 3579. ic45-4366 LARGE glossy prinîs of Cana- oa Choapion staff photos, 5a 7 sire $1.00 , 8 n 10 suze Il "0 plus tas. Cashs musI occontpony or. dec. Enqaire nose aI Champplua offlice, 191 Main St., Hilton.. lc-2037-tf LARGE sabroleal Thistle carc- ruage, novy anal sahuas, utatehine parasol. bldtokct and al trenis, $30.95; padleal vinyl ond chtromte biga chair, brige ait brosen, $0.95; largo ossartmaent tf lu' lants' clotbing; 2 21" Admiria telcoisions, seluint or ntnhag- any console. lOvas nasa pictt tube. $50 rocb. 076-3406. lc45-47l4 wxM LYýS MFÀATS, boute freezer sales, custtom csacting anal sappig. Cotoplate bie tf fgrain ed Ibref, binids, <touts or tiales or onaller quntitien. only rrd ait blse branal; ulsa vrai, para oad lotol. Waity Otemsuan, proprietar, StOs Lior, Dokvitae, junt sortIs tf Decsy Rd. or seuSth of Upcr Base Lin 878-9887. customn billig. 1045-4600 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE CLEAN ferd aIs anal OarlrY. Burlingtou 634-3963. 2c45-471O CLEAN oal andl sbaot strase. Ken Young, phone 070.2707. 2c47-44O4 HERTA borlry grosen froin tcgistcred tord . AtfrealFord 070. 6327. 2c,45.4674 2,0f0 BALES aniseal bey; 1,000 bstshrts Gorry cats. Floue 853-1289. 2Os574545 t1000 BALES gooal yosr - ait! boy. 10e o hale. Net utos spoco. Cott 0542304. 2454599 APPLES. Moîntosh; polatars. Drap in ory day. Cbudlrigb Bros., 2 miles nortb of Hilton un Hsay. 20. 874-2720. 204311-tf HASCH is Honey Mont. Have a pore. ouruft teait, liquid. crrassed orsolid.l1.-b. 40;l2lbs. 75c; 4 las. 31.35; 8 lOrs. 32.50. H. R. Doddls, 25 Sidamoal anal First Uinr. $5366. 2b3941503 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE RA1BOITS anal cages. Pthone 076.9662 aIltee 5 put. 3c45'466 HEEORIi casa. S yars cil, dae to coilve satin. ApptY 826-1897. 3c46-4704 WANTED To BOY, large hoatby Hotstein cottes, 3 ays otld. Sort linosa 8784406. 3c44-4517 2 REG. Hotstein casas anal t reg. blier. atl dur in Match. Homard Gomianal 670-6456. 3c45-4719 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BADGER X.P. silo unloodeet, auoatic. Fealtng ait Moter- ilts bonalting rqoOmnt. Sort linon, 'R.R. 1, Hitton. 4e52-4,5% SVEHICLES FOR SALE 1%67 OEAIJMOST 396-330 hp., posi, hyalrontatic anal vtnyt top. 878-2349. 5c45-4656 '1963 PONTIAC bsssltOP, VS., autotasie, c-an. Cat Gar 878-3233. 50,154666 For Voter Nuxt Car ... TET SIUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS7 n87943 Md FURNISHSI) moin for mork- tsg gentleutan. 878.3135. 13o45-4716 - BEDROOH apottont, Ml tan Court Apts. 070.9795. 13c44-4591 2 - BEDROOM apartnent, lu Milton, stohîri. 878-2416 citer 6 1c4442 BIG lsrnishral roua for gentlemaon, $10 per sarek. 878- 2016. 13c4-475 FURNISHED man omfaglande- mtan, 247 Etnmwooal Creseent. Phono 071P2622. 150454667 ELECTRIC HOT MATER HEATERS mith free serce. Phase Hilton Hydea 070.2543. 50 ACRES utf gardenlu o fianig tond, drive shedl, bara in tIse Hordhby ara. CatI Hilton 878-2255. 124454663 3'- BEDROOH opsrtettnt, cen- sratty lcot, ovailuble Aprit 1. Wri-te Choampion Bot 362, Hil- ton, Osi. 130454713 'DEFSIRAIBLE location, 3-on apartosoot, qoiet renpoasihia adlts. isse possession. Write Chanmpion Bon 363, Hilton, <Ot. 13045'4716 6 -ROOM bosse Plat finih' ed rec. monos, office anal 2-pioe txtra botheotan. Early poset- sion. Phase 05549513, Adtos. 13b37-1245 14 WANTED TORENT 1 - BEDROOM apacîmient foc coupte. 878-2247. 14e45-4653 500H anal baca for cingle girl, sn HMilton. 0854-2302. '14c45-4623 PARM mostoal, 4 Oedoos anal acreage a ntusL. Occupaatcy passible mithin 6 sareks. Moula cossidr option 10 boy. Write giviso pocticalams ta Bort 354, TIse Conilian Chamtpioe, l- son. 14b4656.f ELDSRLY couple respire 2 forvisboct moins. baca anal sort, prelorahîs in s sosatl toms ot oiiy close 10 Toronto. Reply Bas 337, Thse Geosadian chantpion, Hilton, or phaone Toronto 247-8577, 14c46.4243 16 SERVICES GARPENTER mlises repaoc mark ait ai jobs. 0702926. 10424 YOUNG muan rvit haV toe pick-up sait do odaljta v enio«g on Salars. Phom a7 2430.56045 INOHE Iaut retorosprpe cd. 8704277. 60546 DRES&M-AR3NG ait altereft- taos Phole 870-4696 atter 5.00 put. 06074248 INCOJOS T AX peeparud. Prompt anal efficient asevice. 976.-2692 or 670.2720 s6tar 5. 16c444537 HORTGAGE PONDS bat sud 2sd,' avoulable, aieo equiptmunt Isauis. CatI Glenn Dansent, Oakawa Realty Invenlenente. Oakville 827-5713 onytnse. 16b47-4117 Septic Tank Pumping BLUE SPEUCE ENTRISES Dontentie and ndastetaL. MILTON - 878-6869 16a1741 ED. MCMAULLEN Coattractue * Cemntolnes, Sidewaikesd Sloops * Cbintney di Plaaterlu Repaies -fISto MorE * Pirepteers Phono Aton 853-1818 *i CLEANRD *i DEEPRNSI3 MILTON WELL BORING H. Peltier - 0789552 Henvry Gockuk - Meler Dlvlnmr Tarants 3664390 CARPENTRY K & R Lumbers Gaureml contranting, remit- ctting, allocations, rec. roont, trios, moch etc. HILTON 878-9937 ACTON 0536l3 16e-tf Sewing Machines SALES - SERVICE RENTAL PHONS 078406 Milton Fabric Centre u Mari etrm Services sud ipaies on ailmk et c in - shb 1960 PONTIAC Peilsime bardtop, needa saute saurk. Besti dffer. 0426. 2645 1960 CNEV., encellent Mtac- outraI condition. Body requirs sonte 'ant'k. $150. Phoue 878- 9102. 5e65'47il 1965 FORD Galaxie 2 - donc bardtop. power steerlng sud brabes. radito, whbseaîls, binue wtb *ntcling intcrlor. 51,50. Colt Bob, Dinan 870-357. 24.454M6 7 WANTED 'FI3ILS t0 Intra Highland dancing aand bagipes. CatI 876- 9M0. 7o45'4627 PARTY saould libe a secondt saurigage for 15,500 front pri' rate pas'ly aI a reasoneable rata. Ruplp Bon 364, Cassadian Ctant- pion. 7e.454671 S HELF WANTEO CLBAN, capable aonten for booteosork, 3 boums a day for 5 asys a saaak. Give phone nont- ber tb Bon 361, Conadian Chant- pion. 8045-465 ýRENOVATINO a honte. WWO senti o carpenter delcîrician, plasterer, sbeel utal saurler. PIcote apply Satssrday telau If ant. 10 4 pan. e 56 2 Hsay.. pbone Wston 249-1660. 8c4S-4672 Salaried Sales Representative An olert and able person 15 needed ta represent CIAG.-n Milton. Applicaats shoull Ose cuorgalie anal interested lu nteeting peuple. Thse Associations 'training pmograzu anal afflue nappen malle sales or jusumunce espereun unuecessscy. Startlug ealary up te $100. per weeOr plus a trining allosauee. Iu addition, sac offer production bouuses plus a car anal/or uc allowneace. Fuit enapînyoe benatts. FOR MORE COMPLETE DET&ILS, PLEASE FPHONE- OR WRIT FRED J. M. MASSEE DISTRICT MANAGER CIAG INSURANCE 441 Kerr Street, Oakville Phone: 845-2863 8M47 A fMANi waeteci, Umsespeed uchange cantes veacy ilums ares, aiilaon or In Milton, Splendid sspporlsanlly. Yen a' toast lnomne. 'Pur aletilis, wrtu Rssalelgls, Oqot. C-2S440. 400 RkeLles St., Idomoreal 207, Oue. 6044989 C6JFtIANOON for s lady, lu ice lu sud bue s ntruder of tise fantily sit so doidren, No 'bousork or conu nos&- sac5s. 'Non onueutive honte in Ibe comatryside near Hilton $160 par utonth pls rman sd boardl. Cuit Mes. Leacht I To- routa oleat 416-763-3671, toaa 270, 'helsaen 9 ant. sud 4 pan., Mauday to Frlay. fc4S462 Real Estate Career WANTED A F1U11 TOME REAL ESTATE AGENT For Milton aras. Experienced utanager ta lsalp yen plus entre sdvertlsng Ou upenal ommnissions. Medehr to muant Seal Esîste Bourds. Contact LLOYD G. LES, PLRI. Vice President H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR lOt Eglinson Ave., Taronto 12 Phono 487-3333 ke47 HORSESHOEING AH I) 030615 IRA MURPHY R. R. 6, HiLTN. Phono: 878-9581 PACONI Dead Stock Removal Nlha cash - for esd onr CALL OpBRATOR - ASK FOR Zenith 9-7950 Uce. Na. 1689W 16o44 ONE DAY SERVICE *Rug, urplslstecy sud WaOU cleanlug. Ail wor* gurantemd. Dluneslic asal comunerelul. Phsone day or niglât 519 - 822 -4712 or vvrite tu PAT SHEA 46 Ruons St., Ruila 102 Guelph, Ont. * Pirae esîlusales 16e4tf INCOME TAX EXPERTLY PREPARED loc "P]AMERS a BUSINESS MEN - TI Generalu "PERSONAL - Tl Shorta HILL'S BookkeepingSystems 420 Pion St., Hilton. PHONE: 878-9762 $.00 and sep. 17 REAL ESTATE 200 ACRES lu locku ona pavea mual, 193 sces plawed fer Spriug crup, base ansd bilan on eads 100 acres. HOusns ise modemu tacilitles. Faimo lu ood slste af ndltivatuas, teml kan sudl ideal for putaIn, On graIn crup. $100400. Teessus. Passas- sion lu 30 days. Rols Mccunel,. Reakor, HÎItltlsst 519«&5 44111. 17b364i522 cils Pur Service anal Satisfaciun Canasit Besi Realty &Insurance Limnired 310 'Main St., Hilton, Ont. REALTOR 878-6292 878-6592 "COUJNTRY HOMHE" - 3 - hart- morn oane, sitssatedl ou a 1%S' n 104 lut, apaeitsas living sud dliiog mont, leltuisen tsa wvalk-aut basassent, Mty e- Ires. Taxes $202. Pull dou payasent 16400. $23.50 - Net aiend -laite- moin hsome lu MsOllcn, 59»e- bous 'L' saped'livose sud di-e lui; moto, moderu Icdon, fr0 trasemnteu salda retrea- lun mont, pavel drlvevesl anal patta. Terrils sallahle. JUST tISTES - ONl storuy spausotas firane honte omialt. sng uf living montu, dlsslu morn, faodly and utademn kitelsen, 3 0.03ge bedreunt salOOs salk-lu closels, electrle lteacing, close Ou dowsnsuw Milton. Askiag prIce S2n"0. EXTRA SPECOAL - 3.hsdroeut brick bungalow, laeatedl ou a beamllisill .sudspeal lut rit patio, barbhecue ete., dose tau alosatowu, utany enitras, re- ration mon, ultiy ruons anal carpuet. tdit price P0,000. NEW BUNGALOW - Wtt large, bcigbt livinag rmn, coabistatian aliug anda kit- oben 14' n If, 3 large bed- caons, 2 balsmessu, attado- cdl garnie ald nusp enri. haul- prIce 129,50. Ten avalaale. "LIST YOUR PROPERTY NOW" For ail your Reai Estato and Insurance requirermnts Cail 878-6292 mIff -S