Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 1969, p. 7

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Lessons on China for Bethel women By Mrs. Cecil Putterson erios A social hafuif .ooo tice meeting seith lunch Tht Match morting of Barthot srvec hy Mms. T. Aldeeton, Mes. U.«C.W . wus holi ut the homo of S. McMiflun aund the houtets. Mes. W. Harri on Wtdnesday, Match 5 ai 8 p.m. Tht preuidoni The Woeid Day of Prue Mts. Hurri welcomed the ludies nsec wuu hoisi ut Eden Chutch aod openesi tht meeting seith a on Feiday, Match 7, seith tadieu ceadiog on tht Wonid Day of frtm nuciuu charchos gatheting Peayt usevice. foc a joint mteting. Ahout 40 Lossoos on Chinu mas tht ucîcudesi sith Mts. Watd themre of tht denotionat Beowntadgt key ludy andi othees progeum, contotd hy Mes. E. tnicing part see Mes. P. Mecey Bolit, aod showod tinit tht feomt Bothet, Mts. F. Huil feomn Communiats urc dedicutesi to Eden, Met. J. Cary of iteresiting secys of sciiing thtit Hiliceut, and Mes. Ottiphant of ideas in dlogans and folk songs to St. Stephon's. Met. H.-Losen thecpeop1t wseat tht otoctric oegan. Mes. T. Mri. P.Vne' usstn Aldorson ctndcred souo. Mrs. N. tht ttsson. Rott cuSi, answeed Ridtoy of Notnut Sont an ihy 14 tadits, sens soWit5 inlcresting talli, "Brin g Human". articlts feom China .n Me. and Mes. Ridtey wtme jewetlltty, a Chincte papier, chop miuuionaties for sentrot ytaru in sticks, dicc, dithts and doilits Japat. A fclosshp and lunch setr ditptuyod ansi admures. wsea httd in tht husomont. Ptuyer Mrs. J. Pickttt Jr. thosed the seevie seul hoe httd otot ytar as fitm st.:p ýCiina in Rcnoiotion', Hiticcest. whticto itdicatod Liat the peoplt Tht Young Peoplt of Hoenhy havt thtir indeptndtnce, chasueo met as thc prsonge un social iy, poiiticatty and Sanday, Maech 9, to pmeputt and economicatty. China ia the manst pion for n fan nitc ai Hitutosit posecfst country in tht seorIci, auditoeium on Mnech t4. Ganes seith history rccotdcd for the mnd othte progeum seiii ho pas 4,000 ycnrs. 10 sens in 1921 fonaturcd. that tht Comounisi Party wsea Fricnds tend go et l mithcs to fored. Geaup discuanions secte Miss Manyson Sutiha seho iasutill hetd andi a question mnd anser a puticnt in South Foot Hospitat, ptriod fottoses. CoohsnüIei. Thc pot tuck dinter foe ait thc Thc Notth Trafatgar %finttes ludies of the chutch huu heto ns met on Mondny tvnnog Muech for March 26. Miss Mnncttn 3, seith 20 indues attcodiog. A Ssecctmn mutl lIe gucsl speakee. ne mombor seus seccomesi. The rcmntty poechascd stetco Speciat dicO shects mnd cccipcs recotd pnyer sens dissptnycd and sete givn oui. Mrs. George oseos lue cmceting, and is Hisiman sens tht hcst secight quitr satisfnctory. Invitations toscr of tht secci. Mts. Pao sertcrcad ftom St. Andtte's Cinyton sens in ctharet of U.C.W., Georgetosen, ta thcir exorcise mnd gases. meeting on Apeil 9, mnd feoso Tht reguine mecting of the iltctcst U.C.W. foc a mceting Pcrcy W. Mctty Home and on May 20. Tht fait hazaar dot Scheol Association seitt he hctd sens set for Oct. t8, and a hakc ni 8:i15 p.m. in tht auditorium salt seitl bc atrangcd tattr this on Thnesdny, Maech 13. A FOR THE FINEST IN DIAMONOS RE-OPENS MONDAY MARCH 17 SIVACATION!B OUR F000 1PRE R O CHICKENS ..._................ 39C lb. CIIICKEN LEGS and BREASTS _.-49C lb. CHICKEN WINGS ---------------2 Ib. $1. PORK CHOPS ........._........ 69c lb. PEAMEAL BACON .. .....----- 79c lb. SCHNIEDER'S BACON .... ....... 75c: lb. BIEF LIVER ......... .................. 55c lb. RIS ROASI T 69c lb. RUMP ROAST -85e Ili. ROUND STEAK -85e lb. SIRLOIN STEAK -89c l. Maxwell House COFFEE ....... 65c lb. bag Homestead White Loavos----... 3 for 59c Unico TOMATO PASTEr 13 oz.----- 3 for 99c 28 o. Unico Peeled PIum TOMATOES ----3 for 99c Unico TUNA FISN, 7 oz.------- - 3 for 99c Unico VEGETABLE CIL, gai. tin ..... $1 .49 Gattuso PIZZA MIX, 6 »Irving box .... Sic Carnet Pefse, Jamorean, Sno-Pfs Daneol' COOIES.......... for 95c Dnting tht montty meeting of tht Connty Bard of Edacalion's Milton cuonmitttc Mondayonvening, the cosemitor. *Rceincd a report ftont attondane otticer J. Elslcy, shoseing nu truancieo. t Geantod $125 foc the Noethetn Halton Music Festival. nWas asktd tu compile a etpot on recol pulicîrs to br ahitted lu tht Connty Board's assistant sopeintcndtnt of husiness andi finance H. R. Lishsan hefore Aprit, su the Board cao estahlish a cuunt y-seidc retat poliup. speciui sponker and social half hue arc plannd. Get seîl seishes tu Ross Neesihase, connoicscing freise an cmtergncy npprndctuse in Milon Hospital reently. Congratulations te Jack Simpson un his tanding a lare fidc (ct 14 punsis) oite ice isthing test secei. B i rthdla y retrcetings tu Knthotsnr Ayes Bruce Bailcy, Geant Lee, John Course, Paul Dtming ansi Snsm Brudley. Congratulations t0 Mr. ansi Mts. L. S. Morlry, crlrbrating thoit seoddiog aonirsaep un Match 17. KILISRIDE Women hold prayer dlay By Mrs. Williamn Watson One 30 ladies attrosird tht Wueld Day of praycr service in Kithridc United Chutch, Ftiday Match 7. Mes. Mcl Danits, presidrot of tht Unitrd f huech Wuseo tuok tht rosier's part and sprcial ptayrs sece offreds hy Mes. Case Watson, Mes. A. Thusepsos, Mts. Elser Hratheringtun and Mise Nets Bnrns. Mts. Fusert Eatut of Actun dclincrrd tht msersage takn frose tht these "Gsoming togrthertinChrist." .Shareon ansi Shclly Thuopsun rnttnod seilh tseo spccial urgan nsmhces. Follosetog the service a short hasiness meecting seas brîsi and final plans see maeat for tht avuat pot luck sopper tu br hcld Fetday Match 14 feose 5.30 to 7 39) Mts. Hrory G otter rotrnded a uote of thanks lu rnrryunr sebo Souk part in tht sernice. Tht Ladies' Auxdiasy of tbe Firol Kdie Brusenir packt, Girl Guisits and Lansi Raungets set last Tarsday seith 6cre prisent. Piano serr fialized fot tht roche pacty un Satucday Match 22 in thercrntnc. Mnr. Jue Piukett is a patient at Milton District Hospital. George Ptgg is home after speoding a secrk ut the Josepb Brant Meorial Hospital. Ms. ansi Mts. William Bdilng of tergas, Mns. Ena Baluh of Sisceu and Mss. Violet McMullrn of Milton Heights Mran Mrs Wila mWasn A. T. MOORE flttau.MttCE CAMPBELLVILLE 834-2271 28 Cosemereal lit. 8784961 Mîlkon Dueing discussion, tht cummittot indicatosi u feeling topats semonty had attcady recîd h genrral purpuse rouses aid auditoriums; ansi rectal féescs houlsi hc kcpt tu a minimum mhercct possible. * Rtcricrst n $50 cheque front R. Fitzgrald Insatancr fut damage tu a plaque ansi tahlt on J. M. Dcnyrs Puhtic Sehoul due tu a lraking rouf. e Accrpted tht rcsignatio of Mts. G. Rohhins, a icachrr of 15 years' servicr mtth tht Milton systnem, dur tu ilîncus, effectine Junt 29; and rxprrssrd their apprrctatisn of het wusk. * Grnotrd permeission for rstablinhment of track ansi fitesi training in tht Bruce St. Pubtic Suhuol. n Approcesi payaient of n Rruricrd a cupy of a lrticn sert hy H. R. Ltchman te Milton toms cler J. MuGrauhir uunurrning tht Milton Police Forcers intentions tu ptohihit parking on tht nossh sidr of Jasper St.; and indiuating thr morr practteal place lu pruhihit parking mulsi hr on tht soath side. Lowering age for Credit Union Poesident Jiso Lasgcdyk nd secrttay-nogter Joies Frijiers meprrsonted Mdton Connity Cttdit Union aI tht asosal cuncnlion of Ontario Credil Unions , hcld in Toronto last seek. Oncr 600 gruups wr trpceseslcd and thctc sete 1,600 at a Saturday hatîqUet, You can save as much as 45% on special equipment packages that in- clude such extras as whitewall tires, deluxe wheel covers, remnote control mirror, bumper guards, vinyl roof, rear window defogger and even air conditioning - ail at greatly reduced prices. There are White Hat Specials on ail the Dodge cars Iisted at right. mdl 2,600 at Fridny nighto cntootainmcnt session. Imuportant mntcrstaised includcd nesoltions tu allose mcmhcss once 18 tu hold ttutint positions, and sodiumo memhets unei 18 ta ubtaîn boans seithout a co-signer. Prient regulations staîr dittutues and jean applicacts must he 21. Atouul durs are hning taised ftonc Si lu 51.50, tht finut ,cesn.sco 1958. Pulaa 500 2-Suc, Hardtof Curocet 440S2-Door Hardtup and a Sou, Sedan modris. Your Dodge dealer wtiI show you Spectals too. OeTHIE BELLI DOOGEOYS DudgeTlraimsman- 90" andt108 whhethot mosnl lodgeas ni BROS. LIMITED 405 MARTIN STRET The Canadien Champion, Wednesdey, Match 12, 1969 Curry home a new room by mobile Latex ilta9 bý ' c moffNl, o ye N Odot..u W. Je KOSKI LIMITED 2703 DERRY W. MILTON 878-9452 COMMISSION SCOLAIRE DU COMTE DE HALTON AVIS AUX CONTRIBUABLES FRANCOPHONES DU COMTE DE HALTON Election des membres du comité consultatif do français pour tes écoles socondairies. Avis est par les présentes donné qu'use réunion des contribuables d'expression française de la commis- sion scolaire du comté de Halton aura lieu le mercredi, 12 mars, 1969, à leécole Martn Street Senior Schoul, 184 Martin Street. Milton, Ontarioc, a 8 h. dusor Celle assemcblée est cocuon ée en accord aven une récente modification apportée a Secundary Scitools and Boards ut Ed ucotlin Act ot sur'la demaende du nombre requis de contribuables francophones, selon la Section t1ts dudit Act codifié. Lassemblée a pour but l'élection de quatre contri- buables francophones du comte à un cumitoL consultatif de la commission scolaire du comte cie Halton, qui com- prendra aussi des membres nommés par lacommission scolaire du comté de Halton. Le comité consultatif fera des recommandations à la commission scolaire du comté de Halton en ce qui concerne les moyens dIe répondre aco besoins éducatifs et culturels des étudiants froncophones de la réqion du comté. M. J. W. SINGLETON M. F. ARMITAGE, Directeur d'éducation. Président de la commission soar F D P t 1 V F R Y JOES GROCERY

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