Decpssr a bes prriudirad, chu Jactes Meechauts succcocbud te chu Lindsay Cie oues su Lindsay, reapitg chu short end cf ou il-S ducircn cn chu tbssd stroight lccc cf chu focs cf met suries Meudo>. The fluci feus goalsit suich Meechouts culumu cocu su chu fluce percd cile chu Cluars gorerd culy ccc, bas she ioccic cre beld sceluca su tise cond Outshoot Lindsay lose 6-4 decision The Meuchaute cutchut chu Linsay Clu oues Sordcy 43-31 sud chu scarutg fan occred chocntce, bat tise CIcosseca souk, hume o 6-4 duec su docaimt chu seond gocu lu the fuof cecut sue-fl tercet. Dccc eue gocedulrody su chu suries, te Meecbautc c use oct fer the udgu ou chu> kscked off chu sc arcg chut Raufi Ccir loch a rebeard and chspprd tl past Broun Davidscu su chu Cleuart rut. The humusow ccccocd crut cdld but chu ceci thre gols cre feu chu Clears os Wdlie eachud su ccc souccsico cotutere sud Abescrombie claomod chu thced cbslr chu Meuchauts halbod men cru suthu sin bis. Tise second pesc'd ccc Wiias open i up fus Lindsay and Chochmach froci Toccuel and fGogre rugicterd eue furthaie Merchouts chute chu Cluatus core ducuune. Dace Burnscand AI Becns ccchcsed te coke chu Linsay rdge 5-2 b> filr end cf tise sucond fuone. oais b> Tocicuwli ccd Hurt au the third fou chu Merchoute sud by Willic for chu Clraurs cud OP tbe scuesug uitchu b64 decisicu, despie suesal puai chues b> tise hcmutccuurc. Lindsay set-cicdeu Broun Docidsonthîbcoed supucîrd attache b> chu Meechats ac bu frustrourd thuis ruer> attempt lu ocre the sures. Tca major baffesircrsptud su chu second period chatsawc Chaîkie> tringle csth luff Scuart afcet Stoart hoocîrd chu poch as Buts dree flghtctg penaliesc. Les chlait a cinute laser Duc Heruc and AI Burster tatngliand chu sefuerae tied in cois for chu supasattot. Botta dsec accsscbchstkig msucu and bctb gui huve cmnte bghtceg penalties. Mous> Serda drer o cssccnucî fus cegug a decisier su chu fluai thru mintes cf chu tbssd fuome. 9-2, 10-2 victories Pee Wee: Milton Peu Wruu won abrts chu> ourd Steochroy su smo ateocghs gcmuc cmusung 9.2 su fseraibro> Wedccsdas and doccseng chue viscion 10-2 hure Frido>. Buocudnie and facacoque are piayiug off su cru cems-hunai roud, sud Colliugcucd and Nemmarhut su aooibr. The Edas Weldiog-cputcouud Mdsuen club case cout ai rouit o cruh su meut chu ucrutuol cactus cf the suris. Noe meuh Bob Cclieccs crrc cill herp su practice as the testmai fcdrch toauameus. They faceiExeterinthecpumg gane Touda> a c9.20 om. tnd if soccucufolý go 1, sus Fuiday gacru and so Scasday fiealt. Ittc c huochoas tooreocuot ce eue lest and chu tram ie cat. If tise Pro Wouc are staccusofoul la Fuidoyt goures uboy'll ste> oceueigbt it Oodorich fou Sotordoy's sidnnalls. Coach Cuites and manogr Bill Rolisi tee confideot Choie club wlll malte a gocd ahewiog ai Riodoriol. The> mec finalit laut yosu, and tise et> tise ruile itsa lias bora playltcg laie)> tltey fait ste> coutl go ail tise g w!jç fari. aquad hl boos Semni-final opener 8-4 Lindsay win The Lindsay Cleauurc teck au mhsle chu Lindsay rucuy tohk cal drcissu cur the Msltcsn fouar couusuers. Milou coauted Mechauts au the trams ectesed ocly c lue goal su chu thcrd cth s-fsaseof theflobcebc chslu chu Lsndscy tramt prieri osp teagau iii Lindsay ou Fsida.y as fve . c hu locals failed lu match chue Bsg scores toc chu Meechauts opporuts afcet a cruh-loug 'vas Marty Surds chu coucîrd case fus opposstiou. ccc cf she fiss persd goals. He Haudily ulsmsuatiug chu cas clo su forsan cscsus cnhu Gergetocu Reidds four finit. Siugle goals meus fucm chu ccrcight, chu Meechaute bcd su utcksoh cf Jsm Cbclklry, Don maie cas chu Lindsay-Ajax Huarsan cudlshcm Hure chu cuttesi chat tanuturigt grimes. alto coucuid au accest. Oshes The Mechauts' puces play oueists cee regostrd hy Ted cou ic flue fuum, accucucscg for Hood, John Gagne, fleur chu feus geais; but chu baud Bcserd, Butre bluets. Reci skcatsug Cluacurs gasurd au udgu Cule sud Boh Ruhucu. su chu bursc hosse chat chicy suese Jim Cuacfcsdccas lysutfor lust Ccuuig forstherMrchat thu Clu acrs uackugoup a prrfuct cesu Marty Suud,Graham Her, thseu-ic-a-scc cas teick ccd bue RscisCole and Duc Huarts. mac alcu cn ce mc ochers. Tco goal scrtsu fou bue Cocntig ccc goals rach cre Cluacucu cee Dcsght Bircitt Cou Stuphuts, leff fSuart, acd sud Juff Stuart, csth sngles Daur turns, Ssnglec muse sulird rgisterd by Dole Lsucou, Sic su by gRo Willsams chu alto Csacfcud, Rucc Scephue and AI fsgorud unthe ssuosbeu goals, and tutuns by AI Battu. Thefitl13 miutesofplay Scciutatsuudsunthe flrst ccebflrdc and Heartt cumbitud cacsthe MurcbatoutOfront aoctheu127 markhbutthe cith theur goals bufucu chu Cluauersccar bock as h.23, 18.27 Lindsay bosycamne bock forcr on ccad 8 40 te cake chu lucd. Humn Mslton sucipsccctrd sud Lindeay eecopturud one su chu fluci fuamu clourd off chu puccod as lim adCl pnduputhecsecond Crawford~~~~~ corir i is.Te i hu fiss minute and a haif. second peruod bu oprurd citb Lindsaycocsbcckcct tO more tomuse. Juff Scuart ccd Roccsu cnhu sconud. Tbuy cousiuued Ssuphuusccoued! ccc mure. cscb ccc mure su chue peusuf cf Graham Hurt uprurd thr chu cbcrd and chsie Huartis scuoirgein chu tbcrd percod fou ecreudocnothuer Lindsay cloced it chu Murchouts as chu msd-puuscd cff su, chu ast mue cf play. moarad fissrmud torggec thse Lindsay club as tbey potbud Lace su ch e second perod, snuhe urccescrve goalsccocddoup csth tbhtrrcbtcocnu5-3,c theucucmaudccg 11-5Susctosy. goal by frahsamt busc cc Nrcmiudes Bilan Daciscu of dicollccud as she sufrer jcdged chu Cluccursccsstîurudintt hu b hhd burithegoalcreuse. histpuiod andRo Wrdlsc ManagrsAluFPatonhatdlud replaurd hsc fus chu rumaiedes chu ternm chuse Coach flic cf thr gamu, fsllsug bue rut cn H accoue scakuap cocu Soth flue ctyle su bras off bue Carulissacousue. Murchauts. The 21 csucs pecaltie sccc Lindsay bcad tbe rdge ou chuc chu Mucats ccfaimcan play au rulectrd su bhecs 37 ubuaithy 14 su chu Clueutrs chute ou goal su chuc Muuc.acts arut. corui Eiosti drcuhcri 26. Penaltiecsuuruvly duîdrd minute tsrt acd Ket Fastur ai13uach.Otlycmajorcs eto psckrdup hctrscond micuduct Het ccd Blucuts cn flc third su smo gucru. fus b gtiug. Hl awaii film shown Lions Fucu musbrs cf Brampton sudmcaird a portableu V bac brut Lions Club uiscted chuete Milton precued su, chu Chîldreutu Word cffliatu las meuh, su enflce as Miton Hospital and a club support feu Ruc feofîcu su bis tcophy ccc pueceusud as il race fus chu cocu cboccraneuc c ra secrut Hcigblas d DauIlcccilg fou ibis oca. Acsasito compuiisot. Feucisces bîctu chamanu Highlighs cf chu cueeting caca Albet Subaou sud Lion Chief icm ou Hamacs, chocu hy F-ranh fecuge Ciemeus auccaccued cl Cbouley cf Cacadicu Paushu c wsu inuadsuucc fus chuc cale as Airlhuuc Nec membre Bill chu end cf thc cousis, and saud Caccon and ic Laugrdyk mece cbuy cold arrange uadcse crlccmrd, ai] pst preurdunt deisuuy fosayoecwidttus(0 cee uacud ascacomuaticg gulic jur1mp ontie gccsg commttrr. ccd reportscceacut. s in Ontario final tosuti g sul e r u asha ble peformanceusui h 4 relt piayoff suries aod manager Rolltes colis Peter Cisacimacis, Brut Morray, Tlty Salusa ccd Cou Tcs chu "stucuguci dufrusu lu tise ieagu. Tise birsgoceai tatso> Wrdcrcdycwaccastatdui effort ice chu frontcin ou f Suots MoReucîr. Rut Fay and Jobn Tourîlsi MuRucie brd a trio and one acuit boy acused once and ses ap four, ccd Tourlil addrd o goal ccd ibsue beipeus. Cîcis> Bridgman ucrd a bac trickand NormanuMocbsaybcad c goal ccd ancasusi Brut Murray, Audr Wysumau acd Brce 1-lisucs cl bcdt single -fic scusu suc ed bue ssssssg bue Fuiday cn chu 10--1 uscuy. Mcesze bacd a 3- Ial cci> by 2-I, Cbucmcs 2-1, blilc 2-0, Bridgmtau t-f, Dose Robsetson 0-2, Mucisua> 0-2, Tcisc 01-2, Muera> 0-t, Tordul 0-1, sud Wysemsr 0-t. Ricky bubh in tise Miltas net held Stuothecy scerelese lu chu rirsi ccc pediodu. Tise cisiters' ced> esua geais more seoced ou Revis Heod lu tise lotal stouoa- Checiscaches tcc geais ccce icture geais ho tout cn froc ste hocae cteb' se hicblelisoe, cach Colles reports. Rotary hosts Midget squad for cii, film Tise Rusas> husdget sucre garsis cf flc Rotary Clo f Milton ias ceek to ua peogecut chas incided c colos icm cf bigiligis sou tIse 1968 Ssauiu y Cep playoffu. Ceprususic tire hiapicls muse Richsard Ceoccrfl and c ue>r liccus. cls cc aasdod Lif pufs lu Ray TucuIels. Stewarti lsiccssissd Pai leicils Ar, cissgsc>lsud Isschu> ncsucr o Case> Young and cuis cit photos cf Luafu meus su lic M arshail and Mihu F race Retorsen Dich Fory reprpted ut tise tract s15 gace scisedole ccd paid cihcle teManagrKeu Morshsail, assitat lic Mussa> and coachs lue MuCcut. A telegucc fsoc Tscmy cou tise ueod doesug chu meting, anouccsg therMatchS5epesisg cf ehe Bosser Oral compaign caudocirdl tucoil> b> tise Rotas> Club, and ilg ail membrs te wouk ru meach lise $ 1,900 objective. fuasisl eutracnt, euserged susulucu fromt tie day'u clsusty. (courues Hesb Hsggs. cisc hraded cp a lsaud-cushsug saff cf Msilion Msuou Hockey Assciatlon corsets us bcsiug chu all-ul.y soucy, jcdged il a Ail teamurueteeedsinsliesuuuuey bcd ru bu deousu frocs tise l ocal bsouse roagues. The crcwd. tilese ot orgauseatios and chu gale seceiuptc ail] scspasced preusuas seccrds. Fou mccc cf thu day a Rebukai Lodgr servrd dulsocos blot toast bref diccees co the picyrs ai she 00.OF. Hall. Rrfrre-su-cbirf floe Douce scprcsd bue ufficsatiug staff and reports oly minimal bit by a seray pcck ood reeivrd o oasty cut ocr ber eyu. Bbc cas eosbrd te Milton District Hospital fus teeatmest. Here eue the tccres cf the day's gamoes: a. 4 Tiie Canadiean Champion, Wedneaday, Mercis 12, 1969 M lt n ,G o g t w h r Merchants down three game Big clasitonigmt !our Town Tourney honors Mitus sud forgetown hoge stces cher tise derial 3herde cf cherinugfans shýuted praomsu Jstt ose pityr mas N Tise Junior Merchoots ciii bu fsghitsg for corescal trrîgist as the> ceet tise Linsay ru.t au tru ehohme sec gories more cvrc ecuagemeut le tise PIia s lins isd cutis a asiscendeci Milton -Cluosers is tise foureis gousse cf lise seausi-Caccals at Milice Aruro. Lindsay luods lise suries uisOPicsuiip tepies feecn tise "Tise piarpese cf ibis Advac csket sales hcd o lut Roforeos, mise ait coerio tise forgeotae cutis tistue cicloscus cr4 fle Murchouls ciii mird uts tisre suacsun, urless tise> carter a isul ceu Milic A ouracee> cframn Nuc te, eteu W bo ys tdtoduu ard tse exell edn Oa s > osit o cmuat n Bars> oleatio2 eicts'ry froc lise isurd-ehatirg fluctues. Milice clisced top hisu su tise Midgut cge raechet mise hav nc t cc ulecsee rn uacis suc e ccruacis luscar frem Actas, fes Gergeowncu Tise tcc luocs seu-cocud! for tise icguu leadershsip dueluf tise reular ceaoe and chu e W d Ba tat selersi tud opouiyd eto cf suledi a eortis ot catch ofi Aciui Gehogto a nd M uee rray ibrue goures to for ce chu esi-ficals havce iedicotud chu stregls cf botlub.Nvc adMde clubs.sbcd huchas uctsutducs ce tise appusttti>he bu ircclrod lu o eficets. Beeti Legot csfAcer feegsu e, rd rd Muet cf misu cee mot b> ployer shows uxcupsical chraugs 49 bouahs. luff Fuecu cf Hassuifeldt, Gos> Naytrr, T ed reo A mit touigisi for tise Murciscrîs mould just bu chu isugiueirg cf au upicl boucle feretown. puseial al ibis agu, su dures cci Milice scid 45, Bill Buadley cf Hlood, Treoc Houssa to le r ere bucouse te gel te tise finals it miii lobe four sîroigist mies -isegicucug Icuigisl. Aclor enîranîs mute hiud su aimasumurr bu cii bu o top fergetown 37, and David Daecchs aud Wayne irmisors Milice S, As tco suolation ci the chu ocke> ployer. Mary boys bacc Gramoicf Purges 3S. Admisson froct Milieu, masters Act Nouice and Peu Weu divisions, rut her ou ail star ducu su tickets cee aise gcod fer tise Milltons St. luise Amhulance champions Fou suppcrt bas cucsroed and a occl and untuîsiostic cromd cf hume-tome cisilu Georgetownucaped tise lhiser ersi yos, bat lucre guru dccc ou o portablsierea phase brigade mas ce isaud ail de> and fGeorgeo t supporters lu uxpuctud bo bu ou isard tocigist. consolatiourelus su tise ou su ccp iligsu hockey louer rn suc, mue b> T ou> sac Leeccru uepceted juoei urs neoded - -. - -s1 c,. ' a . o,,,c, ferecso attenticon IStuedar siah5 Mec. 41 hip 0;l BANTAM Multer 4, Guegetocn 2; Actar 4, Forges 1; cosolation ceotees Georgetown b, Furges 0i; chacpcunship Milo ut, Accun M -<eà DRIVI.IN TO ACTON AND MILTON BANTAMS suareol oHf sn the Bautam cbampiocsip tamu au Saterday's Pu Tome tusacresi Mietn JackRICHARDSON tsliiernier vcories user Georeotown and Peras. Tise Miltue rewu mes tise troum inu tirai B-1 aed climed th ubo pb'. 1cr CNEV.-OLDS. MILTON PBE WBES dompod Acevu aus Georgeownm teoms us daim Wilson, limet sure-presiout et Milton Miser Hoche> Association, 6791 fligwy 21 lilIum shises dieisesers usacpcsssiig sn tise Pour Toms Touort> ou presucus tise Gleorgetown Legiantr5opis tou Maltes captait Manien Saturda> . dcc Marra>, peso precîdue et Miltou Mireor Hockeoy, Cairns, mite Artuns raprais Baud> Cuber lrookco aas rigise. illeaf ___________ preseves tise acard su capsair OStue Mrsbal.-iSsaft Pisoto) Photeo) Ail fàIIiSf in foumey Milton teams take two trophies Milton ieacc fard cuil, counciug li usrec Milieu goalis lu os the scusucseut ceish a pour. putisg ail] foortecacu it t chu chiacpisuip. Ascuctc crut Tise cistcs csuuiug geai cocu scouuincsapisocis and su Jensen (2), ieff Srniths ccd au chu 8.40 mach. Milton cocu umesgsug cci scsssrsyhi incs Becd Smiths. lest cee cf tise bock lu chu tiid bac cold cul> flturdavs F outl Tuwn ganecs six penablt mac lrcid scut Once. Mdcccn pschud cp TourauaeuosinMitn.ur.usca agciucus uuuewies. fluve cf chu esgisc penaltisc. udocucc ,icscc ise Miton otseupas scou The game cas cul> 15 seconds teccu did sut cîcuc gantus. gMlt og iuc sciu, e o ld chut Pilipc pupped one sut goale Dug homsn, oug for feorgetown. Mdltccs second Brown, Rcbbce Feccne. luise pesud cailces mer b> Cossdy A N--0yOVICE Roskoc, Roeut Lacsgssdgu, Paul Hannon truct Bru Nijisol, Bod AItIccory our a muais Stases Scuse Marshalfl, Dan Tisomas fecut Wayne ficce. Fesgas eam ccascud tie day Off hEmin ccd Ccc Cule. Art Breaks James, idia> ccd Dampisouse ssglst hsr the Milccc Novices. Bac cas coch, Doue Leslie canager. cuasced fou feorgetown. b ey ls 4-2 su fcosguioct sut Bob Thomas addud Mlt't tie cisampiscip hunaI. BANTAM sisd, uassiscrd, su chu fluai Tccs Keuccu led flisc Miltonu Thist opucsug 4-2 ulcoor> cf statua. ccoscug. Keucu McfOY f"isicg Gerogetown ccc a quiet gante, Milton liîuop alto incoud dccce goals and addccg ccc cumpcued so Mltcnst5-1 uictcey Harlcy Psic kursiug, Buis cc isc (le ceguu gamni. Resun our Aucu sut tise fiscal. Tise Moutusce. Steur Scîîisl, Jliis Houdusi liîd a tis ci ucocurs chsmpsuudsip cas a uippy, Huphat, Sieur Clarkse, loch pilas au accst, Roguer Deic Iwo puuclty-scuddud gace and Duante, Cîcis Mitchell, Ricis goals ccc acsis.s Pool Mo'Cascu a Milieu psuhrd op cgisc cf tise 14 Arnold, Audy Trucs, 1cm Salut goal ccc asoctus. David Lccaud aussed. One Acicu playes, ccd Dose MuRer. Ves Revin Sith agoal cod aisciput Roger Swan mac bouccbud clb t Bridgman ccc coachs, cstb Tom apuece. Michael Stafford cc d uscundut Mitchseliasmanager. Ruusss Rîtciu hall tissee accsc nRsch Muluacis led tise cctauh uacî, Futur Rosa aid Dcreh su tise ccc our Gseorgetown, Grirfitsilouce apicu ficung tcc tuais ccd additig one lu bue fissal gasnie. Hiowdru acucst Toc Wiicccid ti hssir ccsrie fiu Rtaad Lc, Clausidge acdded sitgirs goals aorid D1i i os addud cne cilu Bob Rock and Gceuy M 1IL T O N ooaucuued. Lawrence hadla pairufhepes Ocisors ous chu bisisc ua d uaci lu chu sunaI Racdy A R E N A ciolued goalsce Teus> Hccduu 1cm Cobertson, Gary Ftscpcsscck, Sos Rsdduil, Gre Hunt McTeaci and Rock hsued Enocs. Richardu NOI-Ilsoctu. Fat oungiés cisî assista cecit su Hcggasi ccsd lIais> Sliia. MuTtaci, Lacwceeue, Wiles, fccacli usas Is bisot. cocuages ilowdut and Doue Roberts ccd TNUNSDAY, MANCN 13 Bisll Mcl scîscîs fisc Iîcclu pîckel Maiceu Cusis. 4.30 - 7.30 - Piqure Shaeirg op oneut ir cis cc penalieos asciuud i, tire fis gclle. and fibrs su tise Milton lcceop 7.40- Pro-Au, Proeidge us. suro c isial scospccod c u fe lenn Turner, Martin MuCluccer, Cain us. Chsam- G ecosrgoe1( l 'cc t ccc Cairs,RKenu stin, and Daryi pue. mssdcmucsuso. Grahamc. Tise troc cas cchud FNtDAY, MANCN 14 hy TedRennedyoand muged fil Eibi1 by Roc Fhdllis. 7.00 - 9.00 s.m. - Milieu ' iltosco Feu -ce sqoad Mirer Huche> Hoso Lot- hlaîcked Actot i',-0 tIses MIDGET que. dumped Geocrgetowu 3-1Io coic M itou's 4-3 ccs suo SATUNDAY. MANCN 15 tise Peu Ilcu ciîaccpccsîp. Georgetccw ccauaoe e lu cisc Acicu face Juif Smîih Tise tracs isad eccred au erdie; Pique Sisariq Carrival liad wo goals ccd Rocs Rodle> toutd roi tu s cesses ccd MONDAY. MANCN 17 cn isl Allanu MSiauRsou elimsuacud Fefasus chut'l sigis 2.00 -4.00 -Public Sisaeiuc reiieig n assi and Kiits ccentersbhefinal. 20c ic oî i iltons cas cussed Georgetown led I 0u fil se ecd 4.30- 7.30- Miltce Minr lo lu slis, J c lis , ofs ill cirs uss d dissî Xhlcs ci Hocbey. Hov 101a SA=E TUISDAY, MANCN 1a 2.00 - 4.00 - Publie Sheîiuc 4.30 - 7.30 - Fleure Shaeinq. 1 0POOL TABLES 74 - r-An Peddie. d'8 eu Wilsou; Thomoson vs $12 WIGNISDAy, MANCN 19 Pm*a Ieehe, ArilleS.11 2.00 - 4.00 - Publie Sheoiuc MhTI PAIEUOUIUATSM25c uee SWIMMING MACH APTERNOON 1.45 P.M. TO 2.0 P.M, FOR9, 10, 11, 12 VIN OM 3.00 P.M. TO 4.00 P.M. FOI 13 - 16 VIAN OLOS POOL CAPACITY 60 SWIMMEBS EACH PERIO S CHANGI IOMS O COMPTNT LIPQGUARDS1 * Insstruction, Not Arattable ADMISSION 25c BY TICKET ONLY FOI SWIMMIRS OVIN I YEANS 0F AGI (Parsiliess for nou-swimmers are ot avoulable) Tickets must b. obtain.d in adlvance from Municipal Office, Town Hall MTCKT ON SALI PROM 10 A.M., MANCH 10) Dive fF«IfrAvmiIablej This progrann spcnscrerd bp the. Milton Rscuesatlcr Corcctee ln co-operetîca witls Ontarso Schoci for the. Deof Blow fint period kW01 tdercbants lose 11-5 decision 'e. - _ï IL' ---------- OVtCE t2, Forges s 4, Acton ciorers Actor ;ch amion bs t, Milton 2. lE WEE il 7, Forges toc 0; cosolta ce 9, Forges bip Milton