Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 1969, p. 2

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- I t'Non se azy il 2 Tie Cenadian Chamione Wodnesday, Match 12, 1969 Whilt hoe sooud Milic in a nambor of communiay oudesuors durng is eungor yeara. Albert L. Chambers sf62 CharIot St., usho quiealy observerd is 90th hitthday su Suday, Marck, 2, chinan bis greateot oujoyaveut in lifo bau hotu raasaug and traaiuig race horsts. "l'm ustt horst crazy, 1 guras," tht octoguoarian tuplains seath a maie. Bous in ou ora ushore tht herse anas kiug, hoe maiutained bus loe fer good herses threugboui hie. Mr. Chambers didu't meise front bit full lime hobby util hoe usas past the agt of 80. Bous fleur Peterborough, hoe becamne a baker in thai city and moved te Milieu on 1906, ushous bie parcbased ou ouaatiug bakory. il usas eu Main Si. setr tht eosi end of tho pooseut Ltdseit't store ow stands, and hoe operaied it for 30 years. Mr. Chambhers sersod atuseal years ou Millon Cauncal and in 1939 ieeb aor the mayaras chair for a sue yoar teesi. "1 could hovo hnd it fer a second toean hut 1usas tes husy seiih the store and tht horses," hoe said. He o osotually reaired front ceuncil te denolo muse tot te, bus horsts. Hia wook with harnoss hersea muai havo paid off-in 1926 heoswnod and raced Je Gtatian, tht biggest mouoy LZÂTHEATRE- Ampl e Fao.Ie Show Place Peebîna 1 854»5553 1 g Oabville -STARTS FRIDAY ameana Mid Totos Spedol CONTINUS PERFORMANCES ...IEOIJLAI PflICES Peidoy - 7.30 p. Saourday and Wookdays - 10 arn., 12.30 p.m., 2.45 p.m., 5.40 p.m., 8.10 pos. Sundoy - 1.30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6.40 po. KIDSr Se en eédy bled. Atond 10 s.m. porformnse. Reuseuser te, Bring Aloog Vour SHOPPER'S D5UO MARY Sales Slips: Eocb Enrry Gîves Vos a chance on a "Staey Talbing Doîl" fer rhe Girls, "Baseball - Bat anal Glose" for the Beys. DRAW SATURDAY, MARCK 22,td Indhad Your Namé, aud Phone Nambor os Ail Slips Aise Bhosuisg at Contre Twia Cinomea. Htaliton Faibruios, Kitener lit. PAULIS CHURCH of THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , * Main Si. ai Jamnes Sa. Mlnister: Res. C. A. Itaier. BA., B.D. Organist and Choir Leader: Mes. Harold Maese. SUNDAY. MARCH 16th. 1969 11.00 a.m.-Alorming Woeabip. Seranu suabjont, 'Wtay GOd Hides StimsoIi." CHOIRCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.m.--Sunday Sohool foe ail boys snd girls over 8 years. 11.00 a.m.Infant Nursery lu charge of rtgisaorod narse mnd nursery deparimoul. 11. 00 a.m.-Kindergarton mnd Primary Depsamont. aget Initation To l NIOHWAY GOSPEL CNURCH A local assonsbly of THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEBLIES 0F CANAàDA Pasaur: Ron. M. Chriatenosan LORDS DAY SUNDAV. MAJ1CH 16th, 1969 9.4S nam.-Sunday Snhoul. 11.00 amsa-Moenlug Wursbip. 7.00 p.m-Bsangelisiic Service. Wednesday, 8 pan. - Bible Sandy and Prayer Meting. Priday. t p.m.-Vouug Peuple's Service. A Cbarcb Vu Cmn Maire Voar Home A Warin Weicome t0 Bueryone EMMANUEL SAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Street, Miltan Pasior: Res. Claytan CuIs 878-4473 878-3542 Tht Lardas Day SUNDAV. MARCH 16ti6. 196f 9.45 a.m.-Sauday Scoal. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Wnro6lp. 5.30 p.m.-Yeula Time. 7.00 pma-Esening Wnrdalp. Wtdnosilay, 730 Pan. - Bible Study and Prayer Maet' ing. Nurasery ai Suaday serices. CIMON AND OMAOH POUYTURAN CHURCHI Rev. Stanaley B. SmithB.A. SIJNDAY. ARCS 16M,. 1969 lO.00 a.m.-ornafi Wcedslp 11.15 a.an-'Osnou Churds 10.30 aass-Dnofto Ossrdi $CDD Ros. J. 878-60 buse dus the Lord SUNDA 9.45 am 9.45 ae Bibi. 9.45 a.r 10.50 aem 11.00 amo Res. S1ev ,Pros Cour 11.00 sam 7.00 p.e Veui ORACE Rectue Assistan SUNDA 8.00 a.r 9.30 a.o 9.30 a Se 10.45 amn 11.00 a. and .WEDN5 7.30 a.o 10.00 a.i 8.00 Pi CHl No. 5 S SUNDA 10.00 a.r us fi 11.00 a.o 8.00 P.n 306 Ovn. Christ anenof SUNDA 10.30 a.0 12.15 P.r 7.00 p.o Wedntsi and Ail ai fcdn iasg the A.L. Chambers la 90 ARCHITECT 3 1 b DONALD B. SKINNER î~vtesBAOrcb. -MRA.C 17A Mil Street, Suite 2, Acton Teluphosie 853.2740 ar 20 Stasehauk Rd., Part Ceedit KNsOX 274-3428 ITRIAN CNURCN Office Hours by Appoiuiment Ministeer K. L. Mallous, B.A. ACCOUNTANTS 6878-2632 ut ltt uas snnrsbip and ERB G. BLACK on; lot as iriaio bdfoee B. Cous.. R.IA., CA. oah Maker." hree outan V, MARCH 16t19 t9 163 Main Si. Miltoa -Sr ChrchSchol. Phoe 8784542 e s-ng epl CHIROPRACTORS a.-"The Itinkees." A .KNDC t-Jr. Chuesis Sool Docor of Cbimopractic sH .-iMoeison MAl. 237 Kinga Court Creacent Socreisry. âogasil Cerner Martin St. rrdship mnd BudgBet, PHONE 878.2031 hyierimn Chus'ct in 8V APPOINTMENT ada.__ _ _ _ _ _ î-Nursery. .-Kunnx Preasyttrian, INSURANCE vo Peeplos Socity. CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ANGLICA CHURCH Aulo-Homoe,SPrAelotione-Accid- AitnOnaN Hrio, eut sud Sickness' -Pamily tiIau, ntato.Liability les. R. W. Poate,. Parus Liahiliîy t: Canon P. H. Mamon. Voue Milaoo Agoni Mes. Then Kueo Y, MRCH 6thig6g R. R.' No. 1, Milton V en IACV10s.16 Phono 878-9741 m.-Holy Cuomunion. p The Mutual Lite e-Jr. Cbarcb Subool. .....c- --- m-Maltins and ROBERT S. HART son. Agoni s-Se. Orcs Sehool. 341I Oreille Read. Acton a.-Hnly Eucharini Bs.485136 Sermoes. Rus. 451-3452 ESDAV, MAROH lîtta s 1985-12 n.-Holy Communion. FUNERAL DîRECTORS u.-SOolIY Communien. m.-Lenien Cemmun. MeKERSIE andDicausson Ç3' Poes Home 114MainSi. e Miltn URCH OF CHRIST Osr ISib yrae nI heIphal, iideod mnd lila LIno coOCiCOOs service. Trafalgar 878-4452 .V. MARCH 16tb. 196f OPTOMETRîSTS s.-Bible Scboul Clo. or aIl ases. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0. a.-Morning WaralsIp. MILTON - t184 Main Sa. s.-Pracbîng of the 870-9972 Pel. Tuesdayu sud Pridsys ACTON - 54 MiII Sa. E. 'ON GOSPEL HALL 853-2020 iris St. N. 878.2022 Wednesdays andl Saiordays ias gaibeed in the the Lord Jesus Christ. Lard's Day V. MABRCH l6ts. 1969 r.-Bceaking of Bread. n.-Souday Sobool. n-Gospel Service. dny, Bl pan. - Prayer Bible rnadlng. ne usolcoano la asm services. ma ln Christ, recoure' usorll na Hlossaof 2 Cor. S, 19. Resideuce phono 878-9678 MM. C. MILLIGAN. O.D. 111 Trafalgar Rd.. Oabsillo Office Hours Daily ineluding Saturday ame. Call 845-1511 for appointaient LîBRARY HOURS Tuttday, Thursday and Friday 12 noon t; 5.30, 6.30 tn 9.0 Mondny, 12 nao toi 530 Olosed Wndnesday Satueday - 9-30-12; 1-530 usioner un the circuit, and hoe cao tflt name stme of his other favorites. He alto served touerai years on the public school board aod hecamoe att chainnan. For 58 yeara hie bas heen a momber of the Oddfellows, hoe suce held the top chais ina the local Oraoge Lodge. hoe soosed on the t5wO's humour aocioiy aod hecause its chairman, sud hoe uorbori for arooral years ssith lhe Haltes Agoicultural Society where hie was preeider an 1930. Today ho is stiIl an hnorory director of the fair board. "My wife uneri tusayl1 voiasa jsinor," ho admits. Mo. Chambers ha secs aslt of changes in Milteu sauce hoe came here an 1906. Il us a seser of ahout 1,700 thon aud it oemaiued thai way for mary yoaoa, grswiug vory stowly until the hoom yoara iu the 1950's. rig a faorrcsunciller, hie bas watchod wih iterait as the iswe progiosted la ils presnt stae. But hoe feels ioday'a wortd as msvng proiiy fast. Ho still runys meaiig, and likos bis pipe. His seifo diod in t929 and hoe linos wiih bis son Witlmeit at thoir Charles Si. h eotho third home ho bas susurd on thai airera. Another son Lewis lîves in Niagara Fatls, and ho bas lue grsndchildron. Theosciogoosoisu soya ho doosu't gel oui mnch in winierime, but oninys goiiing eut fer somo frosh air en the niceruteathor. Heoiabloaediwiih gond healih te date butl boa usi tutt if belIl ho aronnd 10 yoara from now for bis tl0otb hirihday. Hîs birihday a weob ago Sunay waa a quiet celebrotisu. Tho U.C.W. sf S1. Paul's United Church and smo roighhorn sent pstiod pilat, sud a few tinonda drnpped si s o etou d congratulations se reschiug ibis important milesiono in lifo. Tho Ontario Municipal Board, reprotouird hy chairman A. L. McCrae and usoushr J. V. Laadgsao grantid an oppesl hy MilIeu Council againal a Coanuiiloo of Adjoalusent decîasuncnceuing prspesed expansion by Maiu Si. usorchaul Joph Criaci Taoaday moniug. Mo. Criaci bad oigiually appliod fer permisaso frone the Cousuitte of Adjostuseut ro build an 18 by 20fsoutexension 10 bis ptomises. plus a carprol. The comimitto, in a Nos. b decîsion, goauiod bts appoal wiibout tho carpnoi. Csuncîl appealed 10 tho 0.MB. againni the Commilleo's dociain, on the grounds iboro wsinsuffacieul provision for parking facilitios. lun granling tho appeal, chairmant McCrae nled iboroîts prosesily, wilbsui an addition, provsiaisaforslyitwo cars by the Planning Aci's defioitiena. uhoro ihere sbonld bo provsion fsr eighi. The addition, ulule uecesaiiatiug euly iwo more spacos ibas are prosenily roquiroal; seoald make il logally deairable for thero as ho 10 parking apaces-aud oves afier Mo. C riscias reosaiios, proviaion would rrally be fer snly iwn or ibote ai tho cenai...... The board, ho usîrd, must go largely by proco denia 10 usunîsin anlformily nf dociaisu. B ocouar a poopeoîy is dosignated a logal nau-csnformiug ase and allsued 10 continue praciisea il began beoor paaaîng of tho by-lau. it does noi usean at îbonld ho allosed is oxpand ibose non-conforusing poaclisesaofior passîug of tho by-law. The .M.B. psnel oecessed for rougbly 15 usinutes is considor the ose and ono'bsfbhours of evidence. Municipal Council seas represo nied durieg the procoodinga by tous slicitor Thomas Holden; ubilo A. J. Nichols uas legal coussel for Mr. Criaci. Police Chief Ray Andreas, Coimsîll of Adjusimoat aecro iory and soniso adnisirator E. R. Poaron, Town cleok-adusinislraior J. McGoscbîo, aid Mo. C rîsci <uîtb bis broibor, Ben C rîsci isiorpreiing as roqoirodl urre ail csllod as usituesses. Chiof Androsa descrîbod îoaffîc andl parking conditioss sarroundîng the propori n queation sud eotod theîeaof tbe proporty, sear wbero Mary Si. cuives, re "naisa goori He concoded. bouooor, tbe deusolîtîse of the sging building Mo. Cisci plsnnod to roplace wib bis uru ostension wuld îîîcres trsflic vîsibîliiy. Mo. C riaci staird bis inleni us 10 use ibe-propoard addition asa walk-ie rrfrigeraiîr aed siorage spaco to rduce tbe susouit of stock usage be sou faces duo 10 lack of spaco. The scisal aquaro.fooiagr oi ia store open lo consusera would change litie. Ai proarut bis thîppîvo and iscrving iscarid iniibrougbia ,idr door facing the .00 .f. unicipally oporuird parking loi. The addition uouId alîsu ibese sporationa t lbe csrîiod on aI the seaibeus. or Mary Sa. aide of tht store. Mo. Hstdeu peont out the -Damage toialled $700 sen cars drivnu by Jamses T. Fisher sf R.R. 3 Geargetown, and Robet E. KRouer of Lambeth ccied ou Pifth Lino Bsqaaoaing uoar 17 Sideroad Thtarsday. Thero sere no injuries. parking space availabto if the propoaod construction sas cousplelod would. according 10 the dimensions laid outi n tho Planning Act, accsusmodaie only twocars; andwhen alarge truck usas usakiug a delivry, these spacea wouid ho siriîîally olimîraird. la usas usted tht usunicipaliiy -owned parkinot ni asthe oaît of tho Ceuuly Jail uss stithin 200 feet of Mr. Crisci' preises. Tht docision of the 0.MB. ou maltera of ibis natoure can net oodioarily hoe talcen te a court of appoal oscepi ubore a point of lwis insslsed. PANT SUITS OR RITAIL PRoco OUGUSTED RITAIL $$19.98 te $29.90 SAVEWAYSEV IN THE MILTON PLAZA M Foot Offico 0 Opon Thums & Pal. '111 9 Mo. - Tae&. - Wod. 9 o.mi - 6 p.m. - Sat. Uotii 6 po. St. Patrick's dkDANCE Saiturday, March 15 8r30 P.M. CANADIAN LEGION BANQUET HALL MUSIC BY MARY ANN RAU and THE RADIANTS RERRSHMENTS AVAILABLE Admission $200 par couple PhRMe RE TAOS 878 l043 LAKI R AGE S .... ---- d oz.$10 Tuip BandMRGRNEenb PNEAPPLETDIS, 6 5 ourt Baktin -------- ... 9 NeAMll LUCHEOS MEAT pg . 2 n for 19c Donna Grad "lAd" n LRE SDE BACON. ............... 49c lbz. MAlPL LEn M A R INE ......... 7.2c lb. Plssmp, raob KRYE LUCHENMA ....2tn o 8cb PRKE CHOPKES ............... ..3C lb. uew By.lnw 11-69, whicb is ou improvodi and clarifierd Bylase 11-67; usas 5fivn ils thote teadiugs ou sent te the Municipal Board for appronol. Na"tsagawtya Zouiug adminialrator S. W. Savagt noted tht amndusents soeman]l clarifacations of points alresdy lard oaa in tht original bv'lase. or Official Plan, ir bath. Cleor minor irregularities Nossagaweya zoning by-Iaw * Ooly lmuai Ontario Municipal BZurd approval as loa hofoce Nesugausoya's longthy bout with tht Township eniag By-law quitteos. Tht original hy.law suhmittod ttht Provincial authoritios for approsal clse tihoisers wiih the Official Plan and usas tht hy.lawu. iuctsdiug these irrtgnlariio for approval. hofore tht O.M.B. îsuggesiod amentdm uta cou Id ht ro-auhmitted; since auy sibor procedure wuld bave oouulted inu otiompta to ameud a hy.law uhich did usa tuila sfficially. Tht original wsea approeod hy the 0.MB. in Octoer, seith suggestions for changes; and tht Ai tht cncil meeting of Tuesday eseuiug, Match 4, tht A. L. CHAMBERS AND HORSES have toue tognîber for musa t of eckes team Mlonmi i the 90-year-oiO's lite. Ho as pictuei wiîb une ut tht herses ho usas hce em ean i teaiintahoi 1 veu ac, a MiIeuFai tirunis. e. hamors contention for Ontario tilles Ibis trainid Sboun 10Mar 2-Soî aPhMiton arGgns.M.Cabr yoar. Tht Ed's Wtldiug Proe Weoa turnd 90on Mtch2.-(taffPhot)sud Legisu Baulamas are awsitiag wîuuers of ether stries hofore Cuu t ap"d stoie ouîeriug tht all-Onlario luata. OUM.B. grants council's appeal REEVZ A. L Protidoe Special Film Presentation Ilj J O Y se LEDWITH MRS. JAMES SPROAT nt socretaoy NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of the Milton District Hospital Corporation wiII b. held In th. Clinical Cîassroam of the Milton District Hospital on WEDNESAY, MARClI 26, 1969 at 0.00 P.m. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO AIL Dated at Milton, Ontario, rbis t2th day of Maecb. 1969, by oder of thre Board cf Otroctors. D. E. McQUAIG, MILTON 878-3272 Bu.t5h s Th m. 2p. TNiJR..PRI.SAT.MAICH 13-14-11 00BARBAftELLA - Color Reomesssentid es Adule Enooain~sn «DM SRA NtlNr »SNOO flY" - Camton MATIN7 SAT. MARCN 15 "SWORD 0F LANCELOT" - Color SUN. -MON. -TUBS. -WD. MARCH 16- 17 108-19 "MADIGAN" - Color Rsaoesmedsd es MAis Inetniasnt RICHARD WIDMARK TURICIY A O0 0O' PFUNNY IS PUNNYI - Cooloon INURS. FRI. SAT. MARCN 20O 21 2 ONE SHO0W TH-URSDAY AT 8.00 P.M. Fridlay-2 Showings, 6.15, 9.15 pm. Soturday--3 Showings, 2.00, 615, 9.15 p*itI THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD 0F DIRECTORS 0F THEt CMI.LDRRN'S AID SOCIETY 0F THE COUNTY 0F HALTON ordialîy invite ycueand ycur frienda te attend tho ANNUAL MEETING ON TMURSDAV, MARCH 27, 1969 et 8.30 pusi. in thao Auditorium. Malice Ceeteenlal Manor Ontario St. IMighway 25), Milton. Ontario One permit .nly cone hoding pnt msa io.ue in Miltanu dtiuwig Pnbonary, lbe building iuspontor's office reports. la usas for a S6,00l0 storage building and worksbop orocted by Bine Steel. -MilioneuFblic Bchools ae Z cc.ogisteriug next ynar's ourgrenetrants. Thuo aged l'ave by Peb. 28, 1970 are eligibît. th ith

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