Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Mar 1969, p. 16

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Ma Thse Canadien Champion, Wedneap Mordi 12, 1969 ww~PffI Cancer Socie tas Daffodil symbol of hope "TREASURES IN YOUR ATTCC" mas tise vase ofa disaslay of antiques and lecture in St. Daoid's Cisarcis, Campisetliie, Taemloy. Marcis 4. Mci. A. Moorn shnws asiluer picklîraruet to gucOt lecCarer Miss Jeanne Armour ai tise home fornisiiv section aftie home nconnmics iseancis ai tise Ontrio BepC. ot Agriculture miie Mrs. S. Cramp, pesidenC ni the hasin g Campbise o0mev s InsCtie mss an.-(Stafi Phsoto) "Shepherd of alil is Knox W.M.Sn topic Tise Evenîne Department of Knox Churci Women's Missionaty Society iseld ili Feismacy meeting at tise home nr Mes, Donald Kennedy misen o pot Cacis sepper mas esjoyed isy ail.* At tise meeting misicis follosed sapper, Mes. Ivon Armstrong cead tise 23rd Psalm and ed in prayer. Second prize Guelph event Skip Jean Harrison took iser Milaon Curling Clubs rîisk of vice E. Cryderman, second Evelyn Nadalin ond lead Jeav MaDuffe Ca tise ses Guelphs Curling ClIso an Wednesdoy, Matchs 5. Tisey mon tisese imo 10 end gomes againsC home eamu and came home mîtis second prszç. Tise firsl prie trophy mas jost isalf a point fromt commEg to Mdlton Corling Clubs. Tmo 10 end gamnes oece mon hy sksip Ede Cryderman. vice Jean McDufie. second Jessîr Anderson and ed Hazel PorCer at Mississaugo Golf and Curling Clubs or Friday, Marais 7. Tiseir opposition mas fromt Toronto GraniCe Curling Cloub and ToronCo Cricket, Skating and Curling Clubs. An entra one-isaif end isad to bce piayed in Cthe lest garnie and a measore determined tise mînner. Tise Miton tink came home mush tisird pesar. Mrs. Robert Macisoy mas in charge ofithe study and enlarged on Cthe Psalm, isasing iser cemaris on a umaîl bsook, "Tise Shepiserd of Al"- mitis interprcsations isy George M. Lamsa. Witis tise isnomledge of misat lise shepisrd meant Co is Sloeis and tise posiCion ise occupîrd in iss community, tl s easy to understand God's care fousas il is sisomn isy tisis iseautifil Psalm. Cod is aiten picCured in Cisc Bible os a sepiserd and iss people as sheep. No oCiser illustration is more fitting tu iustrate God's care for is cisildeen. Just an siseep serd Cthe sisepiserd's guidance and protection misile they are led up to moontain patiss, manlnerds Godis guidance and care in order to ise ed in tise nacrow patiss of lîfe, asd to find isis moy in a naît usinerae People mithoat a spiritual leader are oftm depicCrd as sheep mitisoCC a sisepiserd. isrsel Mnt pIsCray Ili sieep misensvise isad no leadeleipicitual leaders, propisets, and apostîrs are calîrd shepiserds. Jesus said,"1tamthse good Shepherd". He înstrcced Cliv apoxtîrs Co go and sers Cisc lost sieep ofiiracl, Chai iv, Cthe 10 tribevmisich hod Fsneoxsay andmwere carrîcd capCiveisy the Assyrians. Aiter Hiscresurreclion He Cold PeCer Co fred His siseep. tt is, to Coiecare ofHis enCire Sloci, michis symisolicai of mewmnand cisildeen. Like a good sisepiserd. Jesos gave is lufe foe is Fatiser's siseep. Name 12 conveners Hospital Auxiliary Tise enecutive cf Milton Districet Hospital Aixiiary annouvard tise namres oîf iiss year's gscupeonvevees oat recent meeting. Tisey are: Gi shap Mrs. Wiiaem Rcmisottom, lisisasy Mrs. G. Varsiaiie. Slomers Mrs D. T. Gree. sewing Mrs.Geoge Dixn, special occasions Mrs. C. Copelard, publicaationrs Mix. H. Instail A.C.W. Lowville officers On Scnday. Meuch 2. Rex. R. P. E. Jeffares conducird t ie installation cf tise nrmly elected uficers cf tise Laensng Seeci ai tise A.C.W. cf St. George's Anglican Cisuscis. Lcmviire Tisese me s corpln a tse communion tas tise Aftmsnccn and Enenini Branchs cf tisa A.C.W. Sundoy aftarnccs, Marais 2. Rer. Jeffaes canducîrd a Chr'istening service at St. George's ohm Micisael David Matens, soofMr. and Mrs Gary Maortens, end David Andsew, sas cf Mtr. eand Mrs Wayne Ncisi mers icsscd Rer. Maxwrll if Hsernisy aonducted tieseurvea e St. Jaohus and St. George's an Sunday, Marais 2od. POLLOCK end CAM01110 IL L Knsox, candystriperu Mss. D. O'Deil, isairdsessing MS. Chuf garnex, pisavsrg Mis. R. Fdwaedv. Maytsmr hall Mes. J. Ccnway, J une supper party Mis W. Ramney. lame pasty Mrs. T. Matais. Tise lcai auxiliaryisasdecided toabiandon issannual carnation tag day end replace tl witi a csaskisassi fandseasng pecîrat. Lest meek yrsdent Mss. E. Josyce end secretary Mrs. J. Dlraccusi susrd tise floyer boaxeseand coiîn hases aves ta tise Georgetown Hospital Auxitory and gave tise Geosrgetomn ladis soetis on maksng the tissue carnationsuand sannsng tislaig day projeci. On n sprieg day many yeaîs ago, a groop ai Cancer Society volonteers decided 50 decorate tise tablies fnt a C ancr Tea with daffodils. Tisese early vpring blooms, Chey frît, ceprecanted a aenar of hope -renewed hsie. Tisis senar of hope and renewed Cîfe mas exactly Cisc feeling misicis tise Cancer Society noîuniers wanted to express iv evety lacet of iheir maris; Edacatton of tise paublic mîtis regard to tise necesuity for an eaely vistC to Cisc doctor misen marnieg signais are noted; Service to tise onfortanate persans miso ocre saffieing from Cisc diasr of cancer; and tise raissng ai fonds to supporC tise mors ai C ancr Researchs to find tise cause and a cure for this disaase. Years Cter, Cisc samne group nf voConCeers dsscnssed tise possihility of havlng a Daffodil Day OCrisc heeginning of April tise C ancr SocieCy's Campaign montis. An ononymous donor orderrd and paid for 5,000 daffodils Co ise flomn into ToronCo from Vancoover. A group o f arterans irnm tise Second World War sorted and cult Ciem and sipped tisem oCt ars tise City ofToronto. From Cisen on, MetraposCan Toronto isas annoally crlehratrd Daffoddl Day ai Cthe iseginning ni Aprsl. Otiser cilles isave follomed SuiC. Bcyond Chis, in cvery arge and small cestre in Ontario, Daffodfil Sunday is now celehratrd-iiis isouquaets cf daffodils decoeating cisarcises of ail denominatios, wstis pasCors mrnCianig tise day fromt Cisc paipits, witis genecoas-isearird louis donating Cisc islooms, aed wilis public service groapi disriisCting Cisc flowers to lise chCrcises, baaiks, stores and oCiser pCislic meeting places thcoCgoCC CCir province. Tise message of hope misicis eveey volanteer ieceeasingly endeavors to iseing CC hec mors is symisolizrd pecfeclly isy tise ftowers of spring of miia Sisakespeare serote. Today, tisey have isecome as macis a symisol of Cthe Canadien Cancer Sssciety as Cisc Cadoceos. Tise Mdlton and District Unit of tise Cancer SocieCy is asing tise Daffodil Tea ides Co good advantage again Cii yeae. Tisree teas ore ochedoîrd in Cisc Cosn and district dCring Matchs, icodiag ap tise onnaal Apsil campaign for fonds. Tise firiC is this afCeenoon (Wednesday) ie Si. tlavid's Charcis at Campiseilvile, anotiser milI ise held cent Wednesday evrning ie St. SCepsen's Cisorai ai Hocnisy, and Cisc third is sciseduled for Holy Rosaey HCll in Milton on Wednrsday afternoon, Marais 2h. HORNBY ladies from four churches join in World Day of Prayer service By Mes. Jîm HamilCon Tise fiftis and sixtis meCtings of tise Hornisy Actionettes mas beli on Monday evening, Morchs 3, ai tise home of Mes. Jîm McKay. Tise meeting oas opeord mîtis tise repeaCing cf Cthe 4-H piedge. Tise coll dcaii "Dne idca for tise alois exhihit as demonstration, mss ansred isy ait memisers ottendsng. Leaders Mrs. William MaPhersor snd Mes. iim McKoy discussed plins or doîng on eniîht for Achievement Day. Tise girls îltastsnted amwiug on buCtons mils a sisoni and o slip-stitcised hem.' Tise vent meeting miii he iseid on Monday evening, Mords C10, et tise home of Mss. MaPherson. Tise Si. Stepisen's Anglican Churcis Women met ai Cthe home of Mss. Lydio Royar of Milton, on Tuesday evenîng, Muaish 4, mitis cigisi memisers present. Mss. Firs Welles, Cisc presîdevi, opeord Cisc meeting mitis prayer. Minutes cf use last meeting oece read isy Mss. Ernest Puice. M is L . E. Coigan read tise introduction cf the bsok, "Fise in Coventry" hy 55ev Verney. Parts cf tise montisiy bsulletin orre read and disaussed. Finisisrd orticles err isanded in fnr Cthe spring haie. Mss. Franks Cissiolm oas appoînird os conveneraof tise reiresisment isoosis for a faori sale in Aprl. Tise meeting closed wiCis prayer. Lunch mas served isy tise isostess and a socialisaus enîayed. Tise Norths Trafalgar Eucisre Clubs beldi Chicî mekly ruaisse party an Saturday nigisi, Marais 8, ai tise Norths Trafalgar Recreaion Ceaire. Tisese were 13 tablsof eucsre in plymssls use priars goisng ta tise ilamng tin stsMs. Jim Hamilton, Mrs. Wsliseîs Nîx, Mix. reva Trîmisie. fs.sg JackssonCharlse Trîmisîr and Sud Leisy. Tise lucky dssoxorre worsy Mrs. Allair Bushs and Close Wilson. Tise cluii ectended a vote of tlienks ta Harold Rerd. wiss madesarshs tip home Ia gei csme extra dccks of cids. Tise Milton Siancs ofth Canadien C anar Society miii hlsad a Dafadil Tee ai S5. Stepisen's Anglican Cisurais, Hornsy, on Wednesday evening, Marais 19, ai 8p..., A filmowili ise sisoon, failowrd hy o discussion pessad and rerersisment. Ms. and Mes. Crvise Wallace af Blysis xssîted for a fro days lest mers mîtis Ms. amd Mss. Leslie Rutiedge and faniiy. iidey mîises are extended Ca lîtie Trrxsss Lee Riehos misa miii celeissair iis second irtisday on Tesday. Marais C8. Mt. and Mes. Bruce SouCis ansd sac Tommy cf BrampCon nisited on Satusdey misis Ms. and Mes. Garsy Hamilton and fomiiy. Tise Reareasion Commutter cf tise Scyne Ccmmunisy CevCrr lisrd axsuccessful eucissopartyaon Fsîday nigist, Marais 7. Tisere werc 22 taisies cf cachra in play witis tise priors gcing ta h foiicmsng minnrn, Mrs. ice Eliis, Mss. Roxs Lawrence, Mss. Alfred Fard (Wo pisyrd aagen t), Johns Lewrence. Thse lccky dreos mese min hy Helea Forîd, lmer Douglas, tira. Tam Heatiry and Jacks Raisrson. Lunch mas served isy te commilire rn chsage and a social issC enjoyrd. Tise Wasld Day cf Frayas for tise local cisarches mas belld et Eden Unied Cisureis an Frîday, Mercs 7, wisis 38 ladieu atCerdirg. Ther key lady mas Msrs. Word Bromnrîdge cf Hilcrest Unied Cisurcis. Mss. Franks Hall on iseisuf cf tie Eden ladies meicored tisa guruts ti Eden. Mrs. Pescy Meccy cepmesented Betisel United Cisuecis Mm., Edgar Diiphant repeesenCted St. SCepsen's Anglican Cisurais, Mcs. .tim Casney represented Hiiareut United CisCrai and Mrs. Feanks Hall, Eden. Tise guest speaker mas Mci. Walter Ridiey af Narval, misa used Cise Worid Tsemne-"Geom- ing Cagetiser sn Christ." Mes. Rsdiey gare a ry inspiring tlCi on tise people cf Africa, Cheir mays cf living and Cthe conditions ovrtiere compared ta tise g aadîse me eujoy in Canada. ho Africa Spiritual, "Kans Be Yak" mas sung througisoct tise terrie miCi music supplird isy Che argantît Mrs. Harry Looden. Tise gucst salist, Mns. Thsomas Aiderson sang "He's gos tise ohole Worid in His isands." Mss. kimes May an iseiaif cf tise ludiev thanked Mss. Rsdley for an inspiring message and also tise aChres ladies misa tacis part jr tise service. A short meeting mas iseldi miis Mss. Jase Wsekscr in c Isa rge . M rs. Clifiord Wsigglrxmassis extended an initatian ta ail tise ladies ta vîsis Hîlierest nest C ear on tise World Day cf Frayer. Tise offring mas taken up isy Mss. Pool May and Mss. Garsy Hamilton. A scihal mii as enjcyed fclicming tise service mises ses and cookies mere srrved in tise cisureis hall. Memisers of tise HoensyNorth 4-H Clubss, Kotton Kuties and Hrisy Actianettes, esjoyed a trip tas tise Courege Royal in Guelphs on Sasurday, Marais t. FLOO~ SALE ...at M4RC/I &AVINGtI Film on Ecuacfor mission highlights Nossagoweyo meet Thn reguarafemoonmening of thne on' Msinx Society of Nassagaseeya Presisytecian Church mas beli at the home of Mes. Johne Roberts seiih thn prenideni. Mca. Norrds, in the chair. The pem, "Faits" mas quaird aed Mci. Coun gave a prayer. The cnvnne Mes. Malen, rcad Che scripiares from John 111, verses 1- 17 and aise front Cihc haok: "One Way fer Modern Mac". From sisese readings resalted Cisc Ciseee of Che film "Mcci my AVCA fiena" which tld of tisc Ilfe of mimsianaries je Eceador and of Chrîr mars mus ihbis ackward irise in Cisc dense foresis oi Soauth America. Tise ofiering mas drdicaicd isy Mrs. McLaren and Mns. Pyati gave Cisc ctosieg prayer. Mes. tienderson condaacd Cise Ladies' Aid meeting, siareing mush the periinent qoCaCion: "Giving ose isesi Coday is Cisc recipe for a houter ComCrrow." Tise hyn: "Tise Lord's my Sisepiscrd, l'Il noi mani," seas Sang and John 12, C-CC read from Cisc J. D. Piilips translation of ther Bible. Mes. RoiserCs read tisc minates of Cisc lait meiag and arrangemcns wece mode for parcisase of Chlies for Easter, and armeraI qailCing ies ta ise beli. Tise meeting ciosed ush tise isymv, "Wisat a Tiscy werc accespanird isy tiseit leaders and wccc laken os a Ctoer of tisc isaildings. Tise jadging of catCle was qaite intcresting Ca ail. Some of Cisc Coîrege siadents preparcd a fasion show and modelird clauses isics tisey isad made. Tise girls Ccft Hocnisy Ct 9 a.m. and retucrd home ai 4 p.m. Biriisday greetings aie cxiesded 10 Cisc foilomisa Wiso are ceieisraiing iheir isirCisdays, PaC Fiippance on MCtchi 17, David Balley and illy Porter on Match 18. -The days are getiien langer. Matcis 21 is taditonally Cisc firci day of sprng. MLTON TELEPHONE Il ANSWURING I IcCONFIDENTIALI 878-2020 prayor. Thn isaeui Mci. Robescand convecer Mci. Malien wecm lisaeied isy Mms. Cou., and a social isoat folowed. SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CIKN& RICE SOUP sl 5 ROAST YOUNG TURKEY DINNER 12 CH4EF SALAD MIXED VEGETABLES MASHED or FRENCH4 FRIED POTATOES STRAWBERRY SNOW PUDDING FOR RENIIIIIIIIVATIONS PHONE 0784061 W. Are Open Éveey Day Thrlerahi du Yen LIDO RESTAU&RANT lUte Main AIR CONpDfONW M111111e01 THIS WEEK AQUAVEMX IceEIue 4-, 774 SAME ASPIRN Joo's 63,À DENYIN Cough Synip 8o.-- t23 DRSTAN Tablets 24r-O » 9 GILLETTE S oertNLEdes lodf 1423 GLYZE RO go#_99 HAPW FAC 4 oz. gg99 NWVR WOA ,wmSize *USTMNE kttîc 14aJ293 LYSOL SPRAY Disiîn$*'ïctant 7oaz__I' PE NTc[ideTm4&4'9. ELSLEY PHARMACY 22Maie St M. PRECRPTON e78-.rn AT RICHARDSON'S YOUR HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE (one high voltage rectifier tube) BY... 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