BUY - SELL - SWAP BIRTHS GA8lMA1 - cbio andGen n Cargant (inte Stark) ng R. R. 5. Milton, are pntessed 10 an- nonance tie hirttt ut teir son. Reinduepi Grant*gt 8 Fmi., 5 ans., as Miltoa District Hospifnl on Ftihrary 20, 1969. ELLIOTT - Mr. and Ms-s. WAli. EllotI fnoe Brown)l caf 40 Woodwanrd Avn. are pteased to ancnethe hirrh ut ttseir daugbter, Cliartette Leone, weigi7 ibs., 2os., aiMilton District Hospital on Fcinruary 20, 1969. b PALSER - MIr. anti Mr$. Ltoyd Patter flnon Stonheral ut R.R. 2, Cannntbettvitte, are pleased to announce the birthofir teir four-th son, mecigt 9tbs., atMil- ton District Hospitat on Febcta- ary 21, 1969. A brotr foc Lloyd, Michaet and Rosselt. RICHARDSO0N - Gtennt an- lune Richardson (nec Campi- belli ut 4464 Walier's Lin are pteased 10 annouon'e the bis-it ut titeir son, Davidi Camnpbell, weigt 8 )lis.,7 ozs.,t Jose*ft Brant Memnoriat Hospital on Fntsruary If, 1969. A brother for Rod and Donna. TAYLOR - Geratti and Maaitpo Taylor Inen Langton) tif 404 Grapettill Ave., Eirlingtots, Ot. are pteased Mo announce thtej arrivat of I Etizableth, weigt 7 tbs., t4 oes. ai St. JosePlts Hospitat, Hamnilton, on Fnbru- ary 10, 1969. A sister for Met- ody. WINDER - Jon ami Sandra Wiier,(nee Grant) ut EJR. 2, Mnilton, are pteasedti l an- nuonce the birthu ftbeir son, Robert Scott, weightt 6 Ilis., t3 ont., at fltton District HosPi- Wa on -Fnlruary 21, 1969. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. aad Mr. A. Ltoyd Fisher, R.,R. 3, Georgntown, take ptea- sure ins annooscing thse en- gagement ut tteir daaglstcr, Marjorin Doreen, t0 Mr. Ken- ttetli Lloyd Ross MtiLean, son oif Mr. aad 1dMr. Lloyd MnLean, R.R. 2, Acton. Wedding tu tale place Saliarday evening, Aprit 5, 1969, a't 7 pot., is Boston Pme- hytnrian Cliurch. b COMING MARR14GES HAIRKLEY - LYONS - Mr. and .Mrs. A. H. Lyoms ut Milton are ptonsed to, announce Ohe Oorhionag nsarriage of teir daugbter, Sharon Gail, tu Mr. Jeffrey David Harkley, son ut ýMn. G. L. Harktoy of Acton and tbm ]ale Mr. Hartutey. Wnd- dings 10 take place 4 o'clork.1 Mas-ch 15, 1969, lu Grace Angli can Churtil, Milton. WUOUN -SULIERE F - frU ant Mn. hnC. SoofIere. ut R.R. 3, Miton, Ont., n'ish ns announace the forttscoming mac- riage ut their daugtster, Loar- raine Ann, 10 Mr. Wittiam Ern- est Oubonran, son of Mrs. Anti- rwKingofu Milton and Mr. Wit- lian Otiboorn ut Torono. Wrti- ding o laake place aI HighnsaY Gospel Churels, Mitton, Ont., aI 2 octoc, ýMarci t, t169. DEATHS MAHON, Olive - Passed amay at tee Grentitt Convalescntt Homn, Fritiay, FebruarY 2t, t969, Otive duahon, R.N., in lirr 90th year, loveti sister caf Nancy fOOrs. James Hfawkins) of Gu- ettlh, James K. Mattos ami Ed- mard D. Mahon, bolh of Camp- hntlville. A memorial servic was beld aith1e George Wall Fctnrat Home, Gaelph, Saîurday, Ftihra- ary 22, 1969. Cremnation. RINAIMD, Gtno - As MIt -District Hospsital, on Wes- day, Fehruaa 19, 1969, in bis 72nd ynar, Gino, helovmi bas- ,band ut Marna Garton; dear fa- titer ut -Mrs. G. Sr.ansnrlto <Dor- nthyl of Guetph, Mm. R. Perriat (Mary> and Aagolo cof Port Cre- dit, MrS. M. Krylik (Verai ut liorlinglon, .Mrs. J. Dol Nin (GI- gai ut Milton anti Nàno (deceas- edf; and brother of Mci. A. Cas- aria (Olga) anti Mrs. A. Gactn fiezettal ut Milton; anti sortsv- ed by le graastictdildrett ted amo crat grandctsildrrlt. Mr. Rinaltis resteil ai tise -MarNali asti San Chiapel, Mil ton, ýfrom noon Titassday. Reci- tallas of the Rosal'y. 0rtday cv- ucinf ai 815 and Requiemo Mass LnHcly Rosis-c Charl.h Milton, on Satsrday. Fdlsroary 22, at 10 a.m. Intermenot in Fvergreea cemetery, 'Milton. UN MEMORIAMS purFBATHERTONE - In sut ted Ioviug mennosy, of 000 fatilier, Charles Ement, whe panseti away on Febtstaey 28, 1968. and Our olqn-nnothtnr, Ada, wio pa- ad away on .Decnnner 14,.1967. Ste Pealtieristole PamllY. 040-4486 CARDS 0F THANKS COMINO EVENTS Many dianks to Ina anti Mac Ambrotsise for tbeir gel meSl card to Msr. Fred Jeffrey, a patient in Weston Hlospital. c43-4511 May îdffrey. I wish 1 t tank t Senior Citizens' Ctlb of Milton for te gel 'elcard sent tuoMr. Jef- fs-n wbits a patient in Weston Hospital. c43-4510 Mrs. May Jeffrey. I n'lsh 10 ebanh 1he Ladies' Aeneliary, Brandi 136 Canadian Legioa, for gel melI misbes, also, the 'Royal Canadian Legion. Fred Jeffrny, Word C21, Wes- ton Hospital. o43-4509 ,My siscrre -tatOs 10 att mnY frisnds, seigtlor ami relaive for caedsF floers -nI glI e vvisbes srnt 10 me doring my c43O507 Bertha Harms. Ourvsincers titanks 10 frientis anti relatives for nords, gifts anti flssert. on the occsion of aar SOrb medditsg aneivarsi- as-y. Lillian asti Bert Allen. c43482 I ssaalt likn 10 sincerelf tisanli frientis, relatives, neigts- bons, Rtibekab Latige anti staff ai Haiton Manor for flomers, cards, visits ami kintinesses shon'n 10 me mhile t mas a pat- ietin Milton Oists-ici Hospital. c43-4523 Dorolby Nayler. My sineere tisants 10 friends andt relatives for ciels- cords, -lomers. messages of encoun- agement, gifis anti visits sobile m as i.n Milton 'District Hns- pitli. Special 1hanks o -0DIS. Aikontheai anti Legate, Rev. Hatner anti ail te nurses andl S taff. c43-4239 Leila Broun. My stay in the losspital -mas mosi aneopecstid, Andt thanks 10, the staff, nom the trouble's eos-seeteti. t uns-s-bd ai liss Itos te famnily soulti faire, But ugoountienAi anti neigbors s000 li6fted thai The flomesand cas. gave a lift to1 eait day, Thonk yo for speeding recovery tels may. 043-4514 -Joyce Benion. 0e scinh to exprs-es Oars- ces-e ihanho anti ataprecintiofl 10 our fricotis, relatives anti neiglibors for theis- many acts oif kitstness, floral îrtbotes anti cartis durioc lts- recent lie- reanement ut oas- boloveti bro- thler. 00e espedialîf mite -10 thank Ms-. anti Ms. W. Roszell, Miss Donna Eosaeil anti te siaff of the Wellington Coooily Honme . O 'Brien, the staff of Os-oses Memortal Hospital, Rot. Herlihey anti ltse Loras Parti- son Fanerai Hune. JackRictardison, IcanERich- atrtison anti families. b341 ANNIVERSARIES Ms- anti Mss Asahel Bates, R. R. 1, Freelton, soill cslnitsatn titeir Golden Wctiting Aotnicers- os-y on Masrit 9vcitenthey ill ite ai itoste to relatives anti frients rom 2 -5oclock in te aifternoon. No gifis. pînaso. c43-4512 C.OMING EVENTS Remembos- tee St. PatricliS Bazans- asti Tra, Knox Citu-cli, Saturtiay, Marrit 8, 1969, 2 tu0 P.m. c44-O44 Eoehre ai cho Pales--o Hall, Friday, Fs-lirsy 28, 199, ai 8.0 p.m. Admnission 75C. Lunchi pro- cîinti. c43-4476 Otacr Citasrils' Asoilias-Y Carois-al, Masrit 1, 1.30 10 4,00 n lte Pars-mi Hall. Cosse anti scOas- Hors-or Hoso. c43-4494 Halton Citapter Na. 280, O. ES., are hiolding a Eoclire anti Biridige ai union Hall. fine St., March 1, 8.15 Lunch. Fric e.. Admission 75c. r43443 Frîday. 'Masrit 71t, Worlti Day of Prayerservices sn Highway Gcspel Citorch, 2.30, 4.15, 7 anti 8 p.m. Wl-d thieme, "Growins Tootite. on Christ." c43-440S Attention' Milton Figure Sa- 111f Cluit areliavinc anoters Cornînal bat diffes-ent lts-soc, i bs-tc "Tite Magical Record Shîsppe". T-n show limes, Sat- Mrsch 15, malînce 1.30, Fioal srvicen An cnvitatini een tim mail friends andifo- mes- mnmbsrs of Aslscrove Unit- mi Glintu v tee finsal service 10 bc beldti iere On Suntiay, Matchl 2, 3 Pmn. Speaker, Rer. George Ledk, Sinacoe. o341 Univer-sity Womnen's Clob meeting T8turstiay, Marh 6,6.30 p.m. Milton Hospital lento- rom. speaker, Mms. Elsit Mr- Lendl js-y on "Ot af the Asia- e" - renonnssrtion, Of Sintor- ie Ontario sites. Gnu-t mils Cg" ffI9 Bingo sain nvnry Monday ai 8 p.m., Holy RosaryParish Hll, Milton. a3309-td CIWSL. presents Rpring Pash- ions y 'Milton Dnpartment Store. Hayly Ronarv Hait. Wed- nnstiay, Marrb 5, 6 pin. Tickets Si1.00 as Dopt. Store. Limited seating. c43-4501 Ladies' Curling Club dessert anti card party at Mnilton Curl- ing Club, Wedsrsday, Match 2, 7 p.m. Admission $1t.25 by ticket only. Tickets available from, any club memnber. 9644-4010 1 FOR SALE SMAIL traiter for haoting. 878.4758. 1c43-4477 USED steel and alumiatuo rooifing. 878-9843. 1c43-4498 BABY catrnage, lu got con- dition, 025. 8378-3662. 1c43-4475 GIRL GUIDE uniforno, site 12, gooti condition. 870.603. lc43-4479 SKIDOO, 1968 Super 01ynpic 16,bp. sncbh coner. $573. 570-3508. tc43.4529 PIONEER ctsain saws for sale or ta rent. CatI Horaby Garage 878-4790. lc33-3935-tf 40 CAN milh cooler for sale, in vesy gosti condition. Pione 878-2638. 1c43-4241 TAPE recorder, Flerîscoot, 4 track. Nem $375. Aslin0 10 878-3488. 1e43-530 2 STAINLESS steel Chora Boy n'ilking units, complote. 878-4869. lc43-4496 WO0005 ehest typa 25 eu. fi. fTeeter. Aslitg $80. Caîl 854-2410 after 6 p m. lc43-4SfO CLOTH-ING, Evits neas4y ses, family clotiting. 13 Cbarles St., phtone 878-3112. o2-t ADDING MACHINE, 1typr- soriters for sale or rentai. Plions 879-6962, >Harris Station- nrf. lc-tf4l7 ZENITH digli masSer. Reg. $249.95. Speeial $219-95.1968 mn' diel. Buadget, Crest Hardware, Miltos. lc43-4449 WHEN ituying ncvc drape-s, tbinli of Ions Draperies in te Milton Plaza, Yoo'll -lis glati yoo did. 878-2513. 1 c43-4504 CANADIANA eneyclopedia. Cost $600. Will ssII for $300. liaiy crbi, carrioce. iran, bird cage. 87-9382. c34490 LASRGE babys crib, wite,ex cellent condition, ns-m MattreSS. $25. patidet cor scat, $5; strol ir, $7. Phone 878002. lc43-4484 THE former Asbcrove United Chas-ch building lo be rrmovsd anti left iceam by April 15, 1969. Contact -Mr. Ward Brosrnridgs 878-6730 . c43-4471 SEWING machine salss r viead rs-ntais. espairs ta, ail ntakrs andi types of sewicng ma- chtins-s. Milton Fabrie Centre 8784861. lc43-4497 19' CORVETTE PortbleTV mode by G.E. Rsge a 1 189.95 Rcpossesse. Uss tl 1 onîb- e duced 10 S169... . Butie t Crest Hardwarr, 'Miltont. 1c4344 Washing Machines Falîf recontiitionsd and eaaranteed. PRICED FROM $39.95 GOODLET'S HARDWARE Georgetown - 877-2551 lb35 CARPETS Gooranîseti fîrst qoality roonn vies anti runners. 20 - 0%9 OFF GOODLET'S HARDWARE Georgetown - 877-2551 TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MdILTON UNIROYAL Tires ond Bofteries coî n an.,d sec the newl UNIROYAL MASTER Ths tire for tire moers-ers USED PASSENGER ted FARM TIRES IJSED TRUCK TIRES in Att Sionu 878-3131 M4YTIMR If basy CALLt 678-236i7 24 Hour Service FOR SALE VOU WILL LIRE huying youe boildiing toateriata anti tat ai C .mod Camphettvitte. Qaick serviee. Higli qstatity. Pliet Caanphnllniltt 854-2232. lctf-416 PIANOS, liquidation sale, 200% off, anm apartineni piaos; also Hammond o-gan Lt02 val-h Leslie cabinet speaker. Oakvilts Piano Sitap, 138 Thomas St., 845- 3579. lc44-4447 DEESS fabrirS, Siplinity patterns, Singes- sewiorg maehin- ns. Everythiog yoa nami tu S scith. Drop inandi sss us so ai Jane Draperies, Milton Pla, 878-2513. 1c43-4503 LARGE glossy psintsnof Cana- d ian Champion staff photos, 5St 7 size $1 .00, 8 n 10 site $1 58 plus tas. Cash muost accampanry os- des-. Enqaîre non' ai Champion offire, 191 Main St., Miltons.. tc-2037-tf hiAFS of Milton nhoming -1he neva itoontaries -mhicb tale ci- is-ci Janoary t. Single copies, 24c anti lr tas ai Ther Champin office, 191 Main St., Milton. lc4019-tf WINTER PUN! Gel in on snom sports n'ith a Botens Sprint anti Dialilorouge, Wol- vernie Anommobile. For iuta-hes- information, contact Bob Davis 878-9972. lc tf-4119 1956 INTERNATIONAL truckl n'oto, s-car enti anti transmis- so in gooti condition; alto 4 lires 825 o 20. in excellent chape; also 1968 Citcn. cas- mo- tos- plat parts, i n excellent nitape. Wilt selI reasonably. 878- 2516. lc43-4493 CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR TIRES, nen' anti oaed, oiver 2,000 Kelly SpringfieId tires inttock, ait sizes, tom prices; fiait flued, $1.50; sciteni italanceti, 01.50. lie have batteries for most cas asdti rucks. Milton Tire anti Sedat rvice, 191 Milt St., 878-2711. tc4-1983-tf WALLY'S MEATS hune fs-eeasles.rsomrolting& mrapping. Compisl ti tisaea grn feti bedf. hintis. -fronts os- sities or smatier qoantities, aI- 10avisa. port anti lamb. Waliy Stemman, proprietor Sîli Lise, Oaksîi-le, josi nos-lt ai Drry Rd. os- south oi Upper Boss Line, 8789887. 1c43-4535 .22 REPEATER. boit action. itox ai sitolis, neas-iy nom single sitfun. itox oi siteils anti con case; ciris bicycle, gonti sitape; J hîtys' junior 'bicycles; 3 h.p. Briggs anti Stratton lason vw er, oars-y nesc; Sinsger sewing msachtine, vs-lino oride-; sotali tcoot slave. snw pipes; t Pair stitirti snotc tires, uss-tixl oeks. 878-3845. 1c43-1524 ELEI2TRIC CLOTHES DRYER i ONLY - $39.95 GOODLET'S HARDWARE Gorsgetown - 877-2551 1h33 ELECTRIC STOVES AMD IREFRIGERATORS Ail sizes. lallys-ecotioned anti guasanteeti FRICEO FROM $39.95 GOODLET'S HARDWARE Georgetown - 877-2551 t 635 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE BALED stram for sale. 854- 9964 2.44-4385 ('LEAN 11.1 and sche sra Ken Yoong, phosne 878-2787. 2547-4498 GOOD qaity batei boy, ntrasc ni bara or detines-et -Mil- ion as-ta. 878-9046, 878-3000. 2c42-4444 2,000 BALES mineti Say; 000 bunhels Gas-ry oatn. C. M. On- nidson, R.0.. 3, Acton, 853-2189. 2b3541479 AIPPLES, Moînnlosh; petatces. Drop in any day. Chualleigh Bires, 2 milsnt of e Milton ou ltmy. 25. 98M6025. 2011-4 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE HAY anti nts-am. 8784880. 2as43-4525 GRAIN, rab corn. 878-u873. 2c43-4534 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE I WHITE gantier. 8784754. 3c434l551 20 9-WEEK-OLD pigo. 854-9923. 3o43-4528 I BELGIAN mare, 5 ysas-s old. 878-6350. 3o43-4491 t EEG. Holstin rom, second caîf. don -Maroit 8. 878-356. 3c43-4492 WANTE57 TO BUY, large iteallliy Holein calvet, 3 days aid. Eas-l Snon' 878-6406. 3c44-4517 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE Con You Afford fo Say No f0 the Following Sale Prices on Thoroughly Recondifioned, Lofe Model Trade-Ins? OUR ASKING PRICE 15 S HOWN - WE'LL BE PLEASED TO CONSIDER YOUR OFFER You Con Buy Wifh Complote Confidence FROM MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. MAINTENANCE SERVICE 388 Main St. MILTON 878-2355 Evory Sole we moke cornies o money-back guorohfeo, eliminofing ony possibilify of dissofisfoction. 'OUR MARE 0F EXCELLENCE - GOODWILL USED CARS" 1967 CHEVEOLET HALF TON PICK-UP. Lic. 79891C. 8 foot box. Oas- price - - - - --............................ $1490. 1968 VIVA. Brand sn'w iith aotornatic. Soggnstmi tit ps-ira Our pris-s- - - $1,987. 19ô9 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 0-DO0R HARDTOP. Lin. 90931N. Astomatir, cadiio, mhitemntts, chrome whmîl diises anti customimnn- - - --..........................$3040. 1968 PONTIAC 2 + J 2-000E HARnDTOP. Lie. K19645. Yeiloîr sith itlack cinyl roof, tisteti mindshietd, penn- es- braIes. powes-r steering, pusb buttont radio, rena seat speaker, premion' tires, bigh performance en- cine. Our ps-ira- - - - - --...........0........... 3,480. 1967 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN. Lic. K18913. Auto- matir. schitemalis, mbeei envers anti 2-tone finish. Pos-chaseti (rom, us anti ses-ciceti hy s. Cacoies 24,000 mile gasantee for 3 years. Os- price-......... 2,075. 1985 FORD LTD 4-000E HAEDTOP. Lic. J82864. Original ivosy goltifinishtn'ith cons-asting black rof. Equip- pet ittlaotonatic power string, punen bakan, pash hotton radio, mhiten'alis anti delase vahenî iisrs. Otîs frire - - - - - --............... .......... 1,765. 1968 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON. Lic. X17217. Fna- turcs powe'r steering, aOtnmatic, 8 eylindnr engine & radio. Tremendous oasings ai ouc price of -....... 2,60. 1965 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE. Lic. 346346. Power ssquipped anti runs as smortity as a newone. Taied iosa ne' '69 Cadullar by original uwnr. Our ps-ion 02,585. 1965 Bf lICE LE SABRE SEDAN. Lic. J76410. Automntic, radito,pow-er steessco ndib-akns, originaltblae fin- ith mill matchs-g isîdrior. Gar prise- --.............. 1,50. 1964 CHRYSLEE NEW YOREER 4-000R HARDTOP. Lic. J86989. Gleaming black finish mith hlack vinyt iîcolafadi iiriîiîaoaîiiîil [rio trim. Puwer indogs, staes-iog anti itsahes gise easo of handling ith Chirysier's 440 r. in. eogins. Yoa'll enjof top modet ioosry ai a ion' prie -. .......- - - --.................. 1,675. 1964 FORD COUNTRY SOUIRE 9 - PASSENGER STA- ION WAGON. Lic. X9572. Eqoipped with 8 cylluder engine iutomaic and roof rac. Finished inred n'itb elaborate doos- aod fnndsr pantelting. Ous- price 01,550. 1968 BUICK LE SABRE CUSTOM 2-DOOR HARDTOP. Lic. 28894. Aotomnatic, power- siserioz, pomver braIses, pusit iton ratio, nititen'aIts and n'btel dises. Bacbsktn inierns. GOs- prtce- - --....................: $3540. 1964 PONTIAC STATION WAGON. Lic. X9478. Serviceti regolos-iy by ouvnier. Oour prie .......................... 1,275. 1965 DOOGE 440 SEDAN. Lic. 730497. Auton'atic, ecnnom- iclsiant 6 engins, posh bilon radio ted fait chrome mite-i envers. Our prnce- --................2... 8l5. 1966 MEECUEY PARK LANE 4-DOOR HAROTOP. Lic. J87727. Pomer eqoippet inclodinc neat- mintiam. Goti valoeali or sale fs-bce . .......... - - $1.865. 1964 CORVAIR MONZA J DOOR n'ith buchet seats anti 4 on thedfloo. Fo te yong aheastaianluom fu price - - - - - - - --......................................... s 965. Vour Presenf Car in Trode ef a Fair Allowance Even Though No) Fully Paid For $25-00 DOSAN - UP TO 42 MONTES TO PAY MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 388 Main St. MILTON 878-2355 CADUL'C, PONTI0AC, -BUIGE, BEAUMI.ONT, FIRBI ,O AGAIDIAN - GMC TRUCKCS n - SERVICE SVEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES Tnlqnlnana iln Canadm 191 main St 878-2341 Champion Milton, Ontario MILICES, OnoTSi. MaMAtntn . FonTnienObffl MiatttAnia Mt- GDN - No chanOsSnnt5n. tnaaettennltn -1:1t.00 Johmn noluna tnr 13 -ffl. lie "rc -Mn Uts.mes coMnten EvaNce. nanan o? TntMatin - SsIM to ard iien nOn. enaAtrSSI DISPAYns. n1AuL ETATn - 81.4n cn« anoon tnS. De.dlIts O,inliuufetî-sn- &P.. Mn" DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY S The Canadian Champion, Wednnsday, Fnbcoary 26, 1969 dasîriot area, acrass fsotta ait', port. Office boom, 8.45 n.m. te 5.00 p.m. Woti meet ei 401 anti 7tb Lins. Contact 878-47f7. 7043-448 L7SBD nen style Brownie & Girlt Guide uniformis, paysng half çnurtbaue prisse; alto requit' etd, otd style for ftS distribut- ion os-dera areas Phone 878- 3152, 878-532. 7c43-4520 ORGANIZATION or service clubi to Sponsor a 90 minute amateur os- variety show, Pri- day eveoing, Septannier Ï6, mn port of Milton Pair. Contact Mrs. G. E. 'Readinati, necretary, 8784895. 7043-4461 JOE'S COINS SPECIAL 1958 unc. net- 89.95 1960 Une. set. 0600 -1961 Unc. stt-6.49 1962 Une.set. $425 Aiso in stoek, 1922-23-24-25-2- 27-30 smali pensnies 1926 nenr 6 Sec ptece 1911 - 1931 IOC plece Trio Smnolce&Hobbies 'Hopedale Plaza Om inc ned Rebeoacs Phsone: OAKVILLE 827-5473 ,fer leforesadon Optn Saedapa Il tu O5 7b«4 THE5 AD> in dia OPte thW wiau n'" asoppotillorm t hPt r&. and& ea ONE CLERK Required for tocal Sand & Gravai Company Appresionatnîy 8Oame lit. Appicants CRUI PERSONNEL MANAIiOR Oakville 844-1441 maO YOUNG LADY Required, Por CESAMO C PRIING Nom oiperathng tin te ue plant at Moitiail, Out Gainerai duties & tplin Reply Box 353 Canadian Champion M04 Mechanic5s Apprentice and Service Men Protn benitta gond wotng conitions. Trank anqiestm toi asunt but ue eum*&Ia Apgtip to MAC HUNTE Halton Truck Sales (1967) Ltd. I4ignn'Y 05 M., lac=ten 878-3121 amS 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE t HOLSTEON tinier. i Bol stein con', both due Mardi L. Johm M. Siampon 878-6220. 3c43-44"5 3-YEAROLD cegeceti quar- ter horse otallion. grey - ruat color, brohen to ride. taenity 878-4740. 3c44-4519 NEW ZBMALAND and Calillot nia red and wNlte truck rabbits. youttg and tsealthy ansd ready for hreediag. 877-7770. 3e43-435M 30 -WESTERN Herefordistear calves, weigtsing appros. 425, alto 20 Iseffers. Thene nati-e are atl lit show qaity. Boy 0050. Don't n'ait tll grass tinte on these kind of cainle jont wn't *be asaitabte. Free dnllv- ery. Pthone cottect 1826-478, Streetsvitte. 3b43-4552 5VEHICLES FOR SALE 1967 V'W station wagont, ion A-41 condition. Phone 878-25t16. 5b42-4235I 1969 CHEVELLE 4-door, 6 cyt. automotln, radio, witte watts, discs, 4,500 mtites, '69 pin- tes. $2,525. 878-3020. Acqaired conspany, car. 5c43-449 For Your Next Car .. . BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS* 878-380 Oei lI HIRE - RENT FOR AN 0K -USED CAR THE CHOICE US VOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limnited 66 Oldsmobile Detfa 88 65 Dodge Polara 2 Door Hardfop 440 iiiated in -Meadow Gren eitis Fintlsled in Tcnpic Tuarquoise ataihing intentior. Eqnnlpped n'lth a nntchltto inurler. mmmh a V-8 cisine, nutuaie Baquitqned isOti 6 cyltnder en- transmission, poner b,15025., gêe atatomnatic inansimuSalS powner sieeriaag and radio. Lic. andt cao radia. Lie. J 5464. 361841. 66 Chev. Blscayne 66 Pontilac Parisienne 4 Door Plintteod In Cameo Belge midi 4 Door Hardfop contrasing red lolntiror. Fininltnd in Corsez SOlver sainS Equkiped miti 6 cylinader on- bltack top and matchiog int-r Sine ahd analontatin tranondi ior. Esioipped olith s VO en. sion. Lic. 42M08. aiue, aotomeatin trannnmissio, power brakes, powver steeritsg 65 Mercury Park Lants and custoin radio. Lin. 704793. 4 Door Hardtop luisedI Mediums Turqui8a 65 Plymoufh Fury -Pilit a maitclttg lnter nd 4 D)ooi Slactk top. Espslpped mits V-8 Finished in Tanedo Black witS engion, autontatic traansd acontrasting -bo snefr ion, power stecring, pow Equipped muth a V-O angione 403ecstr ai. i.24 aatomafic transmission atnd 43 costoan, radio. Uic. 652554. 65 Chevrolef Biscayne 65 Chevrolef Belair 4iihdl Door Baibe n Onsn WhiSte satn 4 Door connrauting red linrlor. Finished in Witîow Green with Eqnlpped wiils V-6 euine, ana- mateioig intecior. Equipped tomanti transsionlo and c mvifh V-I engine, atatonatln tom radio. Lic, 18864. transmission and cuastomt ra- din. Lic. 672644. 66 Ponftlac Grande Parisienne 66 Ford Cusfom 500 2 Door Hardfop 4 Door Finished in Maroon satn black Finislted in Mediumo Turquoioe intecior, Elqaippedl witi 327 wirh matehing interior. Eqxtip- V-I etgine, automatin trains- ped with V-O engine, notomat- mission, powter steering, palw- ic transmission and radio Lin, er bruites, radio, bueket saini K10729. andi contre console. Uc. 188. 500. 66 CheV. Impala 65 Pontiac Parisienne 4 Door Hardtop 4 Door Hardfop Fininhed in Mitinigttt Btue minIs Fininspd in Glaniec Bluie wit matctting intirior, Equipnped matdsiog innierlor, Eqsnlpped ovith V-O enagine, atomatic wifh, V-6 engline, antomatic transmission, power steering transmeission, power oteerfag. ponter Orakes, custona radio, ponter brakes and radia, Lic. Lic. J55-960. J65166. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING FOR 1960 - 64 MODEL CARS AND 1967-68 MODELS USED COMPACTS - ANY YEAR EASY TERMS AVAILABLE, ALL CARS GUARANTEED JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Open titi 9 pan. - Monndnal nouga Ptidy Satnsrday O t. 6791 Higlnsay 25, ilton Scmnts 878-2393 - 878-3812 5a3S 1967 MUSTANG oi 289 auto. matie, ivido ovals, radio midi 8 HELP WANTED -everb. 12,300 or ttest aller. 854- 2310. 5045000 RESPONSîBLE, woman Éer restaarant work. Apply ion pet' snDew-Drop-Inn, lsy. 25,5Mil- 7 WANTED ton. 8e3-4521 KITOHEN cabinet svilali.k '878-2990. 7c40-4488 MAN for ligWa jarsiflr work in CamptseUrotie area, Mont BOAT traiter, soitable for have awn transportatio. AppIy 20' rasin craiser. Phone 870 878-9375. So442M 6790. 7c53-1488___ _______