Mffl 4 Tise Canadien Champion, Wednesdcy, Feisray 26, 1969 First dessert smorgasbord party sponsored by Home, School Association By Mes. Williams Watsn Matchs 14 mas Use date set ion lise enni pol luck sucpper miser Use Uited Cisarcis Womea of KIlide mes foc tiseir moetMly meeting. Tise tise s fînse 5.30 la 7.30 la Use Sundcy asento ranse ced admission is adalts $1.001, niildera inider 12, 50 cents. St ws drnided te cadr 3501 aniebocks and Use peine par bebn $1.501. For Use Manis meeting nacis member is te donai baby ctotising for Use bale seiich i li be sent outi n Apeil. Tis Woen cf Kithnide mi meei Frtday Munis 7 at 2 p.m. la Kilisnide cheecis for Use Woeid Day cf Pesyer. Mas. Famnasa Enan seli ha guers speaker. Readinga sere givra hy Mas. Kelly Sharpe ced Mes. Clif Frent entit5d, "Don't Quis" and "Be Cnrrfai Wisat you Say." Tise devalional baued on lise tiseme "Biessings" mas cnadenird hy Mas. Elmar Hentiseringien. Tise Kiibrida Home and Scisoci Association iseid ils frsi dessert soler gassoed pnrty Monda y eeniag Fais. i17 rince tise association sens forsed la the fali cf 19h60, eitis aven 90 parens, tennisees and spensai guesatailtendiis. Tise Burtirgtn Barber Sisappers entertard seiti several selrntions. Tise Barber Shappers sera ittedaced hy Principal Nenace Heseli and Usanbed hy Aice Shsaw. Mes. Garder Harris inîneduard ber son Renoe misa pinyrd fane seteciions on tise cagan. Rennie mas givra a vote cf tisceks hy Mes. R. Zseînker. le nemmemercin nf Foander's Day, a candleiighistng service mas isnid. Tisu takiag pari se re rendr Mss. Ronald Hankett. sîndent Brande Rasiserry, teacises Mes. C. Rogers, parerS Mas. Janck Inglis and fient rîce-presîdrat Mes. Harris. Ast lis mas tise 501h anniversaty cf tise Ontario Federatinocf Homne and Scisoci Assoniation, repeint guents altending mare Miss Florence Muras, Normean Homrl5,4dArs. H. R. MeDonaid . Me. ced Mes. Ralpis Gornen, Me. ced Mis. Frai Davins, Mas. William Transeitis. Mas. Orvilte Rasiserry, Mas. Iran Bennett, Mes. Harold Jackson, Mes. Walter Wilson and Mas. William Ailison. The aiteadance sid and aseard mas mon isy Mas, S. Bceks anîd Mas. Meorcas yrar one roose. Floral moen pinces mini decorard tise tables sere made b y stud rats anden tisa spervision of Mes. C. Rogers. Duning tise soci bout tisa faitosed gursis mare favoed selUs spacial ergan music by Miss Car Fishser. Curie Shawseaneratained 10 cf ber hlle frieads Taesday Fris. lis on tisa occasinn cf ber sevraIs isirtisday. Tisese attandîng serar Cîsdy Watson, Ana Loetse Fiocis, Sisasa Sanry, Karen Watson, Drisiie Maieisead, lady Joes, latie Bnackliig, Kart Gerais, Jae Davier ced Kime Ripper. The nssesebiy on Fnhrnsery h ni Kilisnide Public sciscol ws prerurtnd by Mise Filseces grade tree studeais. After tise openirg eerciset and bibte seading hy Cari McAveisa, Cns Saroabi itsroduced tise play, "'Tise Kigis and tise Dragon". It dealt sesis Usea kaigis mise ccme ta lise cardle ta dlay Use dragon. Thiai ailem'pis fait Hamever, ion, a funt, is chie ta put net tise dragan's terrible l'are. Tise dragon tuas oct ne, be ftiendiy. He baid hee tryirg ta salis la people, ban Use fie gel i las seay. He may nse stay attse caste. ice gels as a reard smo bags cf gnld and tisa pelacesa, and averyose hanes isnppiy evr after. Tise cas inciuded nneatar Peina Heywoocd, tise Page, David Stabat, tise bing, Keuny Basada (aci car). i nny Venstagen (ans LOWVVILLE 2), Use pticee Caroyn inyne, aise hie lags Walt.t lanser, tise whiite bsigist Dany Bogosinsei, lise black bnigbt Dany Cofilg, Pre Minister Grrg Guahy, Ion Behby Teenseili, Dragon Richard Sellerie. Me. and Mes. Pal Rebîi and Ctancy of Lindsay sera meekesd garsis selUs Me. ced Mrs. Rusa Roberson receatiy. Ma. ced Mes, loba Nykeais and famnly and Ma. ced Mes. Frank Hicks and famndy sera danner garais seiUs Ma. ced Mas. Art Filii cf Carlisle on Snnday Fah. 17. Mes. Ena Balcis cf semcoe and Mas. Violet MnMeiier cf Milton Heigisis visiard mils Mes. William Watson ls Wedursdcy afternocn. Me. ced Mas. Wdisrrt Fard have renurard homne aftee iseiidayiag la Fiesida for ais weeks. By Mars. C. D. Saralese knjeying a trip le Kingsten le attend lise "Spnrtamarn's Cerseetian" ara Ma and Mas. lobs Readisead, Me. and Mas. Paul Cculscaaand Mr. and Mrn. lise Meuniain. Roy Cealler miii go la Engtand fer a mark minis tisa "Farce Organozatio" groap. Ai Ciabsen, Mas. Read Smiths et Toronto mas gurai speaker last mark attsa Haitor Preasyteriai meeting. Mas. N. Langron. Mes. G. Malmtrrem, Mas. B. Gunisy. Mrs. William Wright, Mas. R. Coultr, Mms. Cea Sisapisrd. Mrs. R. Soeeiga, Mes. G. McCormack, Mas. G. Foote and Mas. E. ganier aiteadad froce riss ara. William Miiecy. rose raaîdaag an GaiS, calabraîrd is 93rd bittisdry on Senday. Ma. Mdecoy iised le Cesevilia for mary years of isis long lafa. Congratulations! Nelson Wemer's lniaure ili bnid a card purty ai tise Burlingran Mail en Fnb. 25 an 8 p.s. - gsee. Mabe ap a genep in play ced pirate taise year oser nord Sabir!. "Cindy" mi ha perfecerd aI M. M. Ronisn Scisel era Fais. 26, 27, 28. Cika masic and gond fer? Gel goine! Indiens cf Dasmaekar ara la rend cf gond uard books In Ci lisair liisrary. Cesevaia United Junicr Choie is ceiiacrîag an tise arra. Books may biserfI ai thea cisernis aril Matchs 6. Mr. and Mrs. R. Martiadala frose Sudbary vîsited an tha sillage ver Usa meekerd. Werids' Day of Prayar seîll fard rise ladies cf lise Anglican, Prenhyarîan and Uniterd cisarcisas joirngtlogeihar on rise avenir gof Marchs 7et Loevilia United. Mr. ced Mas. E. Hadfaeid fanai Toronto ced Dr. and Mms. Murray H. Milar mh is sators as Panel of members Iead discussions on growing plants Miresn and Di stricr Hortacuiraral Society maring mas isaid an slir Unios Hall. Pana st,,Fais. 17. Tisa presidana, Mrs. S. May seaicosed acerye. Tisa secrrtary. Mrs. W. Ford rend tise anales of tiesa lanancetisa meering and gava a reporr cf lise mark dore an 1968. Addiscn Woodiry aaporrad os rthe bus trip ro O'Krrfr Ceaîtr, Fes. 26. Mr. My read soeof tha camang evears ai usa Boanncai Gardans. Me. Kammer cf Preston spoe cf Use isorreneiteral seork in Preston. Dn e hiaf cf iseef ced Mes. Lenkia ha praserîrd Mas. May seitaisardmada gasai mals tisa initiais M.H.S. Tisa priagiai aaachtherfaaanof a panai disacusaian withith fo55eseang ceambrs tahang para. M. Readisaad, Mms. S. Cocia, Mes. Cox, W. I. Tisompsen and Me. Tinkier Quesains camina fnam tise audience seere aadu isy Mes. Mas ced tou on aise panel aasueai. Mn. Resdisosd spabe an rosea and explined base te plant by daln an Us te carUs ced MPianng wlUs gond Inant. Roses den't ise met ground. He aise talai us Usat by spnaying it la camio ta kW liInsenta cnem Use jeinms, Uas wlUs pauder. Mm. LarbIe sasd il as best ta 4" u In lthUe fais of Use year. Sia seantaoned diffetana sprays ahai noeud ha usait Mmr . Con apoka on arrangemses.aplaining iowic cuanmd conditione as flomars for shsow. Mîr. Tiscmpson naid misan gecseîng planrs ender liiii 10 20 anches sisoeid ha lie distance rsar tise lagis are cisosr rthe plants. Cagis sisculd ha îurnad off cf rer aight bouts. Hamadiay pinys a grai para le a seccasafal set ep. Mn. Tintler tois as bas sebjent. annels. Ha tcid os nos 10 csrr fertîliza plants, butl are Iisam cenrthe hergry sida. Mas. May îisankad tisa panai foa- ail rhr gcait uiica gaves. Paîzes (iir montahly flaissa (lass Onr, Wîinr houquet ait Wid Matarrai, i. Mrs. C. Tasisr. 2. Mrs. W. J. Tisempsen, 3. Mas. Ruthearferd. Cias Tsea, Danniailca and Despair, Psalms 25 Verse lis, t. Mrs. MnMiilan; 2. Mas. S. May-, 3. Mes. H. MnCane. Close The, Pal cf foaraid buiba, i. W. J. Tisampse; 2. Mes, C. Tanker; 3. Mise G. FesUserston. Clans Fana, Africn Violes. i W. I. Thempeen; 2. Mes. Damas. Lunby drame cent te, Mes. Nondisun, Mes. Geodais caid Mes. H. MoCan Usa home of Mn. and Mas. G. Coliig. Ada Malmatrose mas cisosen an anepreunaise of M. M. Robison Se try cal in aise typiris central as Wenena on Falday evrairg. Ada. 13 vears. is os a five yaar ceerse. L. Blake te la PeeliMemoriai Hospitlinl Brampton. Ha han speat Ime marks tisane ai tis lima. Wr miss ii c sperdy reccvery. Congratulations ta Ma. and Mas. Gien Richarsudn mise seanoced le tiseir fcmiy niante Uhs mark thisai nae son seises sisry have namad "David Campbeal"' Tisa Prasisyiery Re.Aiigamens Committar miii isoid iln finit meetingi Fnb. 26 ai 8 p.m. ai Losesilia Chancis. Edgsar Campbelancd Eric Gadicn mdll raprasent Cosesiia United and Zissearman. 213 occurrences in'" .osyinuary Milton Peline Forne raspcaded 10 a total cf 213 occarrences dermeg laraary, Ciif Ray Andransrperird racaatiy. Tisis inciadad 25 iraffan accidcats . . .23 oer $100 dansaga and il undea SI100 ,anda oe persen injued. ltaa da mage se vaisician mas astimnaird ai $9,840. Tisa force diseovered lis i asacuea prepertias, assurd searaînga te h8 people, quetiond 137 pensons and served 91 semmens and A tosai of 64i pars ons sera sammonard andor lise Higissay Tnaffic Ans and 143 parking violations mare racnrded. Charges sera laid fer a varîary cf incidents îacieding Ime for common assanli, ime fer auto teat, sax fer olisar criminel coe offancan. sesan fer bracis of lîqeer and provincial stalaien. smo for contravention of municipal isy.iass, imo for leasing tise scena cf ar accident. and one dangarcan drisirg. Stclen proprry mas eaaed ai $12,149.14; maia $6,h12 haisg rrccvarad MILTON TEEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICI ùCONFIDENTIAL *COURTEOUS * PERSONALIZEC HORNSY Colleci stamnps for India to buy hospital equipment Tise Febmrymealiis0 cf s NorUsth nai Comeeiy Club mas bnld ct tise base cf Mes. Maîssica Wiiiiamsca. Mes. loba Cordiagiry, tise prasidant, meicoed tise members le tisa meeting sehîci mas apernd seiti lise Club Ode. Tisa rail ccii ws ansmerd hy 21 memisers and one visiter. iMembeis sera remlanded la calieci nard stampi ta sead ta tise Capet Mission et Muzaffarpur, India, seiîcis tise fonds rrceirad front tise sale cf sisese siamps miii ha nard se purcisasa iscspitai aqaipseni. Mes. T. A. Lestia mar in charge cf lise pregrase misicisvmes isasad oa lise sisema cf Valentîne's Day. Gessing gantes sera pinyrd and a aery isemorcus readîng, "Tise Cisercs Buelletin" mas eajoyrd isy ail. Plans fer a Spnrisg ruchre pars y sere disçusard and mdl b h in tise Teinity Anglican Cisercis Hall, St tertssiiir, on Thersday, evrning. April 17. Tisera miii bse armeai lecky dreses made wisich seul inctada an cil painting cf a miatea sctne hy Mas. Mayisnile May, a 32 pince setiing cf fltae, a thrmal blasisel and aise; prizns. Tickets aiti ha availais5e front Club membrs and ntsc as tise dace. TIre Matchs maeiais miii ha field ai tise home of Mes. Mayheiir May mils Dea McCaren ns hostars. Mas. Alfred McCracken and Mes. Alafred Bal eit5 ha in charge cf tise pregrain. Lunch secs servad hy sise hestants and a social heur enjoyed. Usnited Church mill be held an SdaMrcs 2 as 3 p.m. at the Ashgrove Ustited Charcit. The garse speaker wil be Rer. George Lecis of Sicee miro vies a former mitrister of aise Hornby charge. Also attracisg wiit be Rrv. Fed Joblin of Ftrst Uited Cherch, Port Credit, seho is the (hairman of thea Helsan Prrsbytrry. Invitations wiii br sert te former membrs of the congregerion. Felloseing the sriea social heur wiii be hetd rn the chernh bail. The first service in the ram cbcrcb wiii be brld on Sunday, March 9. The Recreatien Commettre of the Boye Commenity Centre held a echr pariy on Fniday nigbt, Frb. 21. There were 22 tahles of eclîre in play mith pnizes getng te the foltewiag minrars: Mas. lacs Nenan, Mes. Vernie Bradley, Fred Smitb and E. H. Fier The lacky drass mena mon by Mrs. Gerdon Teaker, Kcy Armstreng, Mes. Charlie LaRiche end Tam groenajidge. The rnIx echre pcaty weill ha on Frtday nigbt, March 7. Lench seas servrd by the commîttre in charge. A nniveescry greeliega arr rxtnded te Ma. and Mes. John garanti, wbe wili cetebeate their werdding ansivrary en Tbaandey, Feb. 27. Mas. Jack Willsamsea is sprndtng e vacatien in Flerida seiib frtrnds and rtlatives. The North Trafatgar Eachre Clab brid nher weekty rcel an Sataaday nigbt, Fnb. 22. There ware serra table cf rachre tise faiiaselag sylasers: Mes. Wiimee Masea, Mes. Clase Wilsoa, Mas. Le Hamitoa, Jack Nixn, lMi Hamiltonancd Wiifred Raina. Tise iucky deaws mare won by Mes. Helen McPbersan and Wihmrr Msn. The Hamby North "Ketea Kulies" met an tbe bome of Mes. Rey Wilson an Saiarday moraing, Frb. 22, ai 9 am. fer tiseir third meeting. Tise seetiing mas apeard seitb nbe 4-H piedge. Tise rotl cail "Hase i cm gaing ta citer my patsern", maes cesmered by tbe 13 membeas priesent. A discuasion peeiad feilowed seben lise girls sere abawn isaw ta tay an lisnir pattrns and cas ans lisnir dresses. A rate cf thnisb sens rniendrd ta Mes. Haod Rebsenacnd Mas. Tam Baasfietd misa assisard seiis tise castig desails of tise dresses. Tise sens meeting seill be bnld an Saturday. Mach1e ia9 a.m. in lise Nortis Trafalgar Recrealian Centre. Mes. Gaery Hamilton enteriaisrd sonme little frirsds and maibers as a bieiisday paeiy an Saierday, Fnb. 22, la banne cf ber sas Kesa, misa ceteranird las fitsi biribday. Sevrat genmes sere pîcyrd and a social visit esjnyrd by lise adts. A deticians lunchis lciding a birnbday cake mils ligisird candies sens enjayed isy ais. Tisase attending sere Mes. Kerry lepsan, Sasan ced Siselley cf Genagenasen, Mes. lan Break. Babby and Damsy, Mas. lIce Hamilton, laisasy Ceedingiey, Debie Hamilitan of Prestes. Keadra Hamsiltoan. . Mr. and Mes. Waller Nornlagtan of Mâlan, Mes. Naralsegion Se. of Dassdas and Mes, lins McKay of Haeeby, niieasded "Open Hanse" as Cenreil Cailege ns guasts of Miss Elzabeths Narngsen. misa la iailg aimao yene course Usere. The "Open Herse" wsea beid or Wednaday, Fnb. 19. Tise final: ced second meeting cf Use Heraby Actieneties wsea comnblaed ns are meeting ced ised ni tise base cf Mes. lise McKay an Moeday evering, Febray 10. Tise meeting apened selUs Use 4-H piedge. The rnll cMI mas nnsmeeed by ranis girl in ducing iserseif. Re nieeas cfa membr sere atided by ais. One palet la remember miser buying natter fnbric mas dlacrssed ced misai tbey seere goûtg le make. Seme of tise girls morbed or nattasg tiseir dresses art. Tise girls misa are membrs cf Usis clac Barbera and Debbie Preston, Deoiisy and Marin Vanderiseyder. Gait Nelis, Pal Bousfield, Beda Bradley, Leudle Mmmweii, Herry Bakker, Pase Bercb and Caol Sciseniber. Anniversaey gretinga ta, Me. ced Mes. irise Fenstra mh issell celebenie siseir seeddieg ceniveraey or Tisersday, Fnb. 27. Blesisdny gaesinga ta tise folaseiri misa are cetebeating Usnir biniisdnys; Mes. Ocesi Sisein ced Floyd Hamilton on Fnb. 24, Clifford Break, Betty Iran INMODUCWRYOFM! L D '0 y BuyaBook-A-Week: v01 0 .1 D OR BU a voiumeiforONLY49e Ivol7umes2-21foronly$Meach ýe 59 elfandSAVE $;q7' y FORMER DOOR-10-DOOR ]PRIR 1 MRW your first volume this week-for just 490. You'il never find an easier way ta acquire the renowned ILLUSTRATIED WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIAI AVAILABLE AT THE FMOWING MARETS Announce New Ilealing Ssbstance: Shrinks Piles mncref n'"i repi aaged a'e. A . c rae .nrea,h rinstiet hec ceihth. bitity t,, chirk hre-t nisnani.painiew1v It areniaromtiim4 sperti. or hmaing ofthe iaaed, In eu afer anm, white paetiy rectaeleg Paie, annai rmlnluco leii IcrL c place. tect imporast ris cit-misa assme mtegbtbattbalcpmvn trient wra manselesaisaii ra sseelnd Thie w cc nmpimbmd wi a .hish ni [by bres bnci inlaa ncea& &mnlatmgirnslc - M Na, Bis-Drace i. nffeed in onta meent asdtM iasmtnmy ferm ceBosi Pnmstatln fiAmbCnefitcat5lide ctom, Bctlcfnetn or yoqr cucy r. Junior United choir collects, books hors 'I selS bc fane years aid an Marais 2. Tise Usind ced fasarli meeting cf Use Hrby Anfleceties mast beid or Menday evering, Pnb. 17, et lise base cf Mes, lise M cay.Ts meeting as op eed thlU Us H Piedge. The rais nais - "Hows1iamgaoing teateresy pattrnand a lire la claUses Usai aslta me," wsea ansseed by saine membors pensenit. A trip le Use Coliego Rayai or Matcis B visea discussed mils evoryce ageeabie le go. A qela sneel wsea iscedouat ta ais Use membees seicis cancerred soeling, paisterrsand catiing Acievement Day sel be iseid n Apeis 26, selUs ais mark ced articles ta b bc nedd la by Apeis 14. -For an ltine as Si yen con place an advertiermont in The Chbasepiee's prize.sinaing ctaanified pages. Have Your Car ITodavi *Byatry Traisedl e ciis ensat an mot« saiLts. CeeBilan Pontiacn Buinis S"amo ce serine