*Change permecates the air. [nattas aires change ta so dramatic and constant 1 often nri what je would ho ise without it. The railroads are involvtd en change. For Milton Sl mornorsunject te the appiovat of the Canadien Transport Comooission, that Short witt bie no agrot as tht C.P.R. station. Dota; it reatltr aiter or woutd a ght to retae an ageot here mereir' he a nostatgic atttmpt to Shinatt what il taheled as progula? 'd like te gos salre totters on thse CNR thire. It was sttcctssfot enougtt te taspede tht motve aed tht ralwar' now * In miid-Jaooary. inhen tht Haltot Coanty Board of Edacation estahlishtd its headqae ers in OSceilte, 1 catted editorialty for tht board Sa roSale sortie of its metings through uShes meoicipatities. Tht Board han loin aeeounctd Chat iSa nonS meting wilt ht ie AcSon on Fthntary * 27. Os Match 27 the Board witt mret je Milton and on April 24 in Georgetown. Theres hieue su mach taIs ahout the County Board Shat tl wtl n0W hie intresting te set how mnyr ptopte are intertnted eectgh Se attend a meeting arraned ie Sheca harck yard" ta se tht Board ut work. C hople people in ail tht commaniSies mre intettsSed enough te do mort thae tait shoot the Board and ita activities. * A recommesdaSiee that tht Victorias Ordtr of Nurses ho expaeded Se north Halton siess was formuSattd for Sarie randam questions on heing stucS at heme wjth a hoad cuid: Hem comte 1 can ho iis sic-S miti a dhsease that duece't even have a national foundatien? Wsr de al tise easy TV movirs thow up or tise dars 'cIC homo srcis, wisilr tise geed shows are ait scisedaîrd fut tise rveeisgs C have ta mors? Have r'our erer Ceri ru test quirSîr' je lied, lirie att tise aspiren commorarals sar you'rr supposrd tu, minis tino roungetrer ptur'ing a comhinod gaine of comho'e and Cedrans aurd mrtnstee te tise sent eom? Did r'oa Snom most of Canada's industrai plantsrerpert thitr werst peiod for lest Cime tistougs divrcs jr tise tino monis pericrd fottumrng Chirstmas? It serine ererr'uno gele marte rua frazzlo hy tise aime tise big ceteheation comes aloeg, and mosC of Sisrm cutiapse ith a cotd o tu asesourinseit'r ovr Hoin come thor' can shoot a stan inSua space, split tise arumn and send a inessage around Cthe wueid in seconde, r'et Chry stilC iaen't drscovred a cure forethe commun cetd? Do r'oe iseoc hum manor'ee mords yuu car fouma fromt tise sevon leSters le thr word "aspetin"? Fettoin Scrabblte gaine deruters muti du moei at tais une, tO gtvt Cl a wil. Come un; tr' C and write down your mords 'arfore you louis ut my ansinors heloin. Wisat prompts ail yoor long-tort frends to caltry'ou andrinviter'ouutfor the evening, misen r'uu'r hume suffrring feoin a coîd? And mhy du C aimays hart to gtt sicis onieisond, and net rhrougs tht meois inhen iny jnfirmity migis rurant a fein dar'a off mors? Çgna/1il~ e. An mver iscrraeing part of perronal incomne fore to support activitie in misicis tise tuxpayer is bitle, if unr' intereet, and aver misicis ho hue nu cantrol. encepe in an S indirect mur' ut election tinte. Taise tise National Museuin of Man, a typical product of suientan ut Ottama misa hue a isohhy-isore and liSes su ride il. Recentîr' tise fouet of guveremental largesee amarded $ 300.000 je vurr'ieg amuonts-a retativeîr' emait sall, but euhl money- ta cartaie peuple je Canada. Araaurg tise mho recerred dlicte of tisa melon ara: a lady mhisi ta -pruduce a poppel-csain iluetrating Canadiats fuIS-taler for permanent exhiiit" a mon inio ir conducting "experiments je tise ' effecte of vocal und instrumtental marie on tise gertmination and grontis of plante;" and u mue mhisi maising "u compreirenrive storir amortg Cunadian Eskimo groupe on man-dug interaction in ils central forrl Sgran d Spice Jim's ottin J consideration of municipal couacils meetly. It stes, me as one of tht mort werthy services that ceutd bo made availahît and the cost is minimal. Hew mach happier maey would he te incuperato as home if Sl was keowe cempeSent nursiog service was avadrahît on a visiS hasis. How mach meore ecotomicat it weauld hie thae huilding and huilding and huitding hospitai facilities. Hepefulty munictpal counicils mutl taise a reasotaiste appreacis te the suhject aed ils peissihiitits. * The three mon HaSton Couety Couniciltra naintd te mret with tht Miniater of Municipal Affairs catry a tmrge lead en their thoutdtrs. Tht difficulty ceuancillets hadl le arrliig aS any appoitmeotnta ilCuastates tat. Ail are cencernedr ahout their municipality and its future. Witl tht represeetatives chesen ho hig tneugh te ceesidor tht whole ceunSy, een ever Sheir owe municipality's intereats, romans te he seeil. It's a hig lead Se cmrry and tht ed teinltais houed le tead te a meare ef anhaappiea. *Do you have hard hacis hookss, geod paperhachs, National Geegraphics or Reader's Digests tduaS ceutd he helpfut in stecking tht libhr' on the Othweken Puhlic Lihtaay ef the Six Natiens Reserve? Te tht ed of Fehruar' Ory, yoa cee tract Showt at E. B. ClemenSs office oe Main St. or Mos. A. H. Tafford's aS 146 Mill St. Last roeSk ie repertd tht spoetaeus effeort of a group of mrea womee te mraeS a need. Pethapa r'eu can help, le tht -nert aine days. Down a courntry lane And wisj it aimar's a mce, iseer', * matin day vilt l'Cm sicis, whiltS est . about washing mr' car? eitu Whr' dois; a doctot sur' "Chic ino hart mach" teer' rime lie appraachrs r'eu initi inhat apptarr 10 bc a 12 iech long needîr initis a tip a quarter of un inchs acroae? inhat maises hushcedn protosd to hoe mort sicS Shas tiser' realir' are? Ce jr hecause tht lijte inomun suddeslr' sures into aneofficient ised sure and stands rradr' ut trerr' itai and cati Ce carter to r'oae emalletC derirer? Afttt suffringCthrougisaurr'ftrish dur', C:m prompted Co asS mh' ther' colt t a "cold ' and sot a "trot"? And iniy, miser Cmn cupposedir' incapacitated mils this dreaderi diseace, inas C prompteri to rit up altie iichen Saisle, ctuthed je pr'iamas and housecoat ansrtounrird Ilr plis aed hashrer, and grind out sacis an idrutic columo? Hote arethCie ansinors to tise Scrabble inord qaiz. Rememiser, le Scraabble no capitalitri inords art aitomeri. Score pourseif ose point for racs inori rou gut. Cf r'ou goS 40 r'ou're perfect; 35 10 40, excellent; 25 to 35, just so-se; andi if r'oa get lest; tisas 25 mithaut peehing Cdi tiSe CO plar' Scraeaht inith r'ou saine timo for S 10 a garnie. isu!r.tdIi JO uuttoq t Ct gitre 'pruij to at or alqeun 'asarle iuldÇI 21,1ori 059 op eoat osai mia tenu rnq 'rutls Xîrauid seu ame atij j.p suri pIp ot-t, JOr 110 troB sttttiI 'celi put 'sda 'suici 'sied 'sed 'Saed 'sured 'rate 'sdra 'enid 'rtiu :spuo usant jo îeuuuAas atrzeeid nori jr« 'qSl s'm snuoq iusas atl url -ders pur dtms 'doa l'rnde 'ursri ais 'dru 'dru 'ur uird lute!d'iud 'tard'u!ds «i i'IldSa'e 'a rsCSt 'ds«ej d e u drat uc arpi souci rites aqî use toC ,1qeqoud no Taise tire change oCt of r'aur pociset rigist om andi reulize mistre eonne of il ie guing ta tend rap. Ce tise big teaue of gunerementul generacitr' ie tise National Arte Centre in Ottama, misici heure a price-tuf of $46,000,000. Truo, tise original etimate milac a mere $9,000,000. Saine mur' car' Chte emaîl change for a national oreifice of tisaS nature, hut il je sut a trifle un tise tue hbis. Ce June a feetival mil ho fiselri ,t tise C'etre. tire predicieri ccet oaf wiia.is t'S65S,000i, cf miu la 'ist hoperi Chat $125,000 caoi ho reconered ut tise hue-office." Anotiser isaîf million for misici tise taxpayet murt par'. Tise peuple Sur' a fein Sere ut tise inteienr, Tise govereiment duee liisemise, Sut ils "Seere" are aIl tua fair Ser'ond tise "foin" of lise ordisnry citizen misa Sassae couant hie pennies beooe going oul on tise ton. for cultinutian of lise devotianal spirit. Tise stance of meditatian and prayer rareir' muSes iseadîiee, hut on tise firei Fridor' in Marai comte ino its 0,.5n. Tise World's Dur' of Frayer je exacty misaS ils naime ruggeete a lime misto in Canada about 150,000 momen and girls of muer' denominutiuoe fjiied of latt hy Roman Catisolice and Greeis Ortisodue) gatiser je came 3,700 different locales ta eing tise camne isrmne and prur' tise samne prayere tisas mamen an cie continents ad ut leurs 147 cousnrer are aIea uciof dorief tise ideoticul 24-isoor period. Ct isegine je tise Sauts Se and movee meelmard finiehing on tise St. Lawnrence Cslands je tise Arclia. Eucis r'eur tise eervice ie prepared je a different part of tise glaise; je 1969 Africao momes from Souris Africa, Zamisia, Kenr'a, Nigeria, Ghauna and tise Congo meute thisaraterial misicis mue raheequentîr' tranclated resu 1,000 lunguagre and dialecte. Tise cu-ordinator mue Mise Cou van Heenetra, a etaff memiser of tise Ail Africa Churcis Conference. Ce Canada "tise dur" hecoines EditriaPage r'eurlr' more inclasine. At Hugrrille, Ontario, je 1968, 45 momen front tise Six Nation Remerve purticiputed utoeg mitis tiseir Caucian cooanterpurte. Ce Secheît, B. C., Cedian momen tuais part l'or tise firet rime anri Cedjan chitatren cang. Dierilie, Queisto. andi Norton, Vermont, misicis lie on eitiser cide of tise internationul houndr' joined forces mitis Canada as iset; tiser' iii rerere Chie ceucson. P r epa rua t j ou jis r settleri communitire are made hr' un inter-churcs commttee, and on big crtiee services are urrunged in districts eo tiser' are reudily reucised. Tise offeringe misici luet r'eur mere mure tisun $75,000 ure uced for isumuojtarjun andi educationul morE jer muar' p ar te s of tise mortd-Ceter-cisurcis aid anri sernice te refugere; missions ta lepere; booke je Braille. Ce tise midst o' international tensions mils nuclear pomer ail 100 unuituiste, Chie conecroue linising of muer' dinerse peopiee je a feiomehip of tise isere sttrs tise imagination uard givre rice to isope. Wr nar r'et reare ta tire together-inderd, me rouet, to tivrt ut ail. On t/he i~t.. Ct le comucsmn keumierige tisaI etudente h msa mut tc, humr dams coilegre, Sidrrap ricane anri tise liSe represcrnt unir' a erait riertorlî' ul' thour contempraries. tBut misen cunfronted milS tiraI tact, tirer' elrug tl off S' cur'ing eruet etccdeate haver heen hrainmusised hy tire eigia echoole anri neeri unr' lu he entightened. Sunrehue hiriere calte tire argeumente of tise agitatore ut' tire puet. Mach of tise camusrpc dreorder ucroce tise continent us mourr agitutur-inepiet tisas tise pubic realizee. Tise dieurdere on unrrersity carptee are p retradrrg tiac n 0rIn ni ci eele icia thir ltal'Cee opprtcnt lu gain influecs.t. commOniem mient jeta riecline ae a resaIt of Stalinicer. Tise su-culleat recuit of r'uuth ie giving Commaniete a chance lu renieur thistrenglis Sr' aanipulatiflg a mare movemnent, juet us s genorution agu tiser' ttempteat te use tise Caisor unions. Most of tise etudets are sot innoîceat in tise, jrst as a generation ugo roet of tire muehere mare sot. But young peupla cas ho exploiteri nom juet ns Cler fcties e mre lises Some peuple etanri in tise prescrit anri match tise future ritssolve inCa tise past. To ha cuccreeful tudar' a man muet hane tise isoreepomer of un optirriel anri tise eurergencr' hruke of a peseiit Il seeaaa tIrai a aea.eeeiy te a lunur' lIrat ise lutreses hune. Mort peuple have a gamht ing cIrruS in tisent cumemiere-purticu- larîr' cigarette emoisere, andt driners. Tise Ontario Safetr' League car'e hat in an automobile collieion ut 20 erpis tise odds uguinet eaffering a fatal injary arr 1,000 te C. At 75 mph, ille odate arr redued te 2 ta C. My mjnd js e sceumhiod rght nom tsar l'tt ho tucky if 1 car mritetbrute undrstanduhie sentences. Soe isern rryrng ru nupuain tu m' daugirtor, jr an houe t oru, cuci singe ut Marurute and Comntrerrrr mis Ille Ruscran and Cis tr'pce are risiferet. whoac Fidet Castru flirn, wtrr, cehere and wisn Ctho natroe of Icruet wasceuted. and iniy tht Jtnce, noCahtr' eon-hettrgrent for ahorrt 15 centures, have a chrp rtesrcoof a brick un tir csutdors tise dar'c Frum risore me mundered ru Mahatma Gisandr, tise Congo, natrunatrcm ie Africu, sepaeatrem on Canada, tise Btack Powmer muomont in theo States, grucrang anti-eemjtjcm among Negrute. and isor hrotugr' test un tht drsecorn of rate. mirch talses place tumuerum mutning. Guttr', rl mutr be rrrce tu travece agate a lttie girt, mis ausked cucs crmple quetiojns as, 'Dud, rimes Gud harete go ru tise satisruum?' Ir ait heganmtisaadrscussion of the studaent mititarts ut unrreerrtec. tshe je appalird ut tise riotence of tise isard cuo of 'pacfriste" mis, turisingrin tise furefrunt of al tise r'ung rdeatrcte and tise middit-agtd "tjhotats", doiiherutetyr'eeeurr ru rrotencerin Shtjr efforse catch isoudiree, ho martyre, and docter'y an idoa misici huaiso luimuct 1,0100 'eaee ru hurid- Tise Univrtyr. Tianisfuhir', mie agrerd tsar rvience hogete vrience, und Chat neitiser of us cunCe uer' part of tire misuir cruprd husintess. Admjttedir'. tise unrrercrtjec arerstrrng ducs. Orer tise yeurc, tiser' hart grumn ac seepr'and fatrantrarrcuitrsan oid Sum-cat misu se isern 'tted'. Thor' hart aimust tuisen perdo je their administratire inefficrencr', thir murrisurd Sradr tiens, thiser cucenoe ithi Tisa Estaishet. Writr a ltrer ru a unrrorcitr'. Tstet meois latte r'ou cent receler a rrpir', eitiet a tferma ]cterr sometsing cumpiotrir' aion tu misat r'u asistd. And udmrttodir', etudonte. utranorsalir', hart aimar'es eon amueg thervanguard of resets aguinet Cise er'eetm, puiticai or scalu. Tisates iecause they are rdeatretic, watactin, and arr iectied ta set thiegs in hiacs and whites (or today. hiacis ced rode). Eut tht tact rermaies that tht unirsrttrts, onte tho r'ears. thave hocome tise unit' truir' frot contres tethoit tinis) of soued cri trcicm ut eocietr' and itc rite.in additiontro iscr normal foctioe of teuctrreg people o rutis and/or rarea a profecue al i ha. And another fact remares. Tht univtertres, onre iaotrle, undet pressure from authin and u'rthout, hue madie a treemendous effort ta toue thisemves froru ther etateir' tuepor ced sctumhtt re tise tmontttth century. Evn thoughisr tmo-thirds cnet. te tise pIcol ttrey havotteaned ovot hacismarde ru fret tieseettt of tht rrgid. pailltat traditrons of erre 20 yrarc ugo. Whon S mas there, living ie men's residence, vreinote allocedtri r ng gerClsrutu tht place once a yeur, un a Suedar' ufrernoon, fotr a euvrly cuporaard cocosuand oosie paety ru tise commmon rouin. Noce, wouc! liet advocatieg a return tu rhume days,erhen unrrority menand wume cete treated Iise bithtt juertes misu WOtO hasrcutty cen-fiends and alcoisoics. Eut t arn dismur'od ru set the unce-groat institutionc cumrrieg and cet eging undr tise attache of matcuetented, Maturer moif-cuhe misu reprosent a fractron of student opinron. Ar Mordocai Recister puintod out rtcentty, tise tee yuk of tise whoo affur is tsar cehito tise student actirrets enduese unyrirg, up ru tise hutnreg of huridings, tiserae ccared strff test thor' get a police reord, misicis cutd hoe a seroun dotriment wisen thor' try ru get a robis n tise tyttein tiser are tr'rng ru docter'Y Tise sotution? Krcks out tise isatd-euctd boys and girts, for misuin demucracy is a csam enymur'. Suci ter tisem matis theo lar wisrn tiser' drsturh tise pacr or commit nundutrsm. And get hacis ru tise busrness of tdratrng, or toacirg ru tiei, tise nueS maret' inhu muet rhume tiinge. Su nom l'm a fascret, and a tout of tise imperaistic preer. a knem jr ut inait. I -Pages of the Past I s~ from champton files J 20 years ago TaSen fromt thissrue cf Tise Caouriav Cisampion, Feismuar' 24, 1949. Tino Milton peuple escupori serrour rnjur'y l'eum an rliumrnating gar explosion ut Gurrie Lunch Rouin un Jane Street., Toronto, tuet Tuerdur' murning. Tise re Gardon Hill, pruprirtar, ari is ciete, Pauline. Tise explosioun accutreriaboutuan hu, aller tire mmnd sari hien out tise gar flumne le tae ccerr ute rea oucf tire store. Pauline lit unethSer jet anri retuteri Cc te feont cf tise lunch ruant andi mie ruling ta tise pattons Ciseroe u a eemendoue ilshue. Coffee capes huncori, cisoccluto hure frit front thiereracs, and a largo glace minduce cf tise ste mas hlocen aut. 'tise tino employers and fane custumeer ceerer' re srigstlyiranured hr' tise explosion, tl ce o repured. Except for tise ceredae, eaiued ut $200, tirre a, nou tiser diamage coused Cc tire store. 'r auckyr," Gardon Hill rurd lter, "Cl guets if tire gas isur hors or ronger, tisere ceoîri hart heen mure i thseuomuardcee'dihavetlgernecut itithet mindati." Ar a spacrul meeting cC Nasagamtyu Townsip cunctl rid Tharsday. Fuis 15, 1949r, a reeclutrun moe puseil apyeratrnd George S. Fulton, assistant usesccer ta usssrttin ccatpltattncof'ssessnerttaaarid tise Permeanent Plan. fiCher mecehers cf Centennal Reurrur Corumttee mot maish tise counicti appaintret cammattece restemisg matis dune h' tise Haetcricul Commcttrr, anri decadeci or holdding tise certono Juty 29 ru 30, 1949, ut Brauherita. 50 years ago Taises from tise ise f Tise C anadrar Chaumpion, Fehruarr' 27. 1919. Mayor E. F, isuri, Jurige Filiat anal C. H. Stuart uddrere tise cuunt' counicil on Tuesday un tlira cuhjtct cf Cire Hadtutt'Peel Citdron's Sireitor, anri tise caurii pueseria taseiuturt.cctpttng tir vrinws Ia as errierrtteala eteresthlhe.atard tara a ýsel tac taataaI t r.'îa( M te Ilm, taa;'t Refuge, matît àr marron rat chlarge, taci cuunty payaro tts cintra. A atomiser tol branccs cf tise Chidren's Ard Society' cent hcourgaeized. Tiser' miii e Chat neglectei children are son t ta tise Shoiter, peavcdo tisem minis ciotiig andi louis laCer fat cuitahit homee furtChein. Tht maSter of tise camptetion cf tise Tueder' Bridge came ce for a tut cf discusseon bhrrse ccuntr' counicd un Taesdar' sftereoan and scgist. A sein conteoct for Normas McLeod LSd. mas smitted, but it drd nut ratifr' al] tise eehre. It mas eeferred hacis for sarit changres or ariditions. Whien these isave heen mode aother meeting miii ho cattei and, if tise conteactur dure nut ohject tu Cisem, me mu r ecpect t rersamptron cf tise morS mis e eprrng aopens. Accurdrng to tise engreere, Mesre gril aod Cunnor, if tise cumpietion ol'Ctheceueiscere tuecgiven tu noew contracture, tsal mouin adri greotir' Ca tise oxpendatute. 100 years ago Toiser fronm tise resue cf Tise Cunudran Chrampion, Miltos, Fris. 25, 1869. Or tise mcenang cf Wednsdur', tise lOtis test., ut hall' puet fire u'cocs, tise large frume huse uced anri uccupreri hy Mr. James R. Stecaer cf Narrai ceas destroyeri isy frre. St as rappueri tisaS tise file origrruter ian corne aeses misicis moto iept in a harrel lu tise siseri. Tise oatam mue giron at oece, but isr tisa Cime assistance urtrier tise dlamer suri marie thiser peogeesse mucs Char Cl cea l'oued impossible tu euhriue them. Tire futre mac purtralir' caceri, buC astes uruali' aise case, ceuc hadir' anjurei winhle hetng temuneri. Wr regret ru adi Chat tise greuror pat ut Mt. Swrtzeres hodring dritwariag appatl was edtred hr' tise lanars. Titere urs no ancurance on ertier isc or l'urniture.Vr'e arcureaMr. Scerteer hue tisa srmpatisy ut tise entre cummantty, as i i seuc a eauycone,te liese htng ant af tise l'crct in tise towncsip cf Esqueerng. Wr undretunc Cti tise rishaiante of' Narrai andriecrnrtr' hure indir' offeed au rohurîri tise bose, but Me. Sceitzer decîrars e Caucctpt Ciei geneeouc effet. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION rLL aNTN AND , Ce, O e. uni.a cet cýC,, SI-, E-~ Ph n.- 87 2U 1,.Wr n ,, rc 4r ., O . . ttcee,. a ,tc,,,t , -~t .A Nc Mc " t "Ileu a etr , tae R ,et e ,y Ece tee.- N- t Ed.o, uaa.,,ceýt cc.tO, M'ln"I teto . n.aO " e,'5m