-I -~ ____________________________________________________The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, Febnaary 5, 1969 iton Minor Hockey Ho use Ieag ue happenings MILTON LEGION RANTAMS endad af 01.22 for tirst place in nhe Baer, Haraold Merrp, Mark Grenke. Phit Collen, Joe McCarthy. Tri-County Hockey Association's regular sabedule, bat lost thn Kerry Kitchar, George Hood. Garro Gooeling, trains, Spd Dance, o-own to Oabnitte wbsn the nsrnber oR goals scorad ov2er the 0222502 Racby Rarber, Kim Moantain, Rich Jabb. Greg Chanhmach, Hugb were coanted. Shown la front are gealies Rrad Rvn a622 5222OSen Marshall, and moach Gîso Dance.-(Staff Photo) Turner. Standing trom tettota rlght are manager Bill Rowney, Wade Piro-Arn hockey report Car raliv nasses bv Ry Jao McLean Rix playersecacb scoeed noice as Thompon edged Peddae 0-7 in the apeoer Turnday. Arn Braoks, Dame HughIes and Ken Thompson were dha playero caoting daubles fan the wissaers, white Dame Laskie aod ruce Findley scored singles. 10 the assist caîsmo, Ken Tbompsoo, Gaery Mauntain and Aet Melansan bord a pair eacb and f indley, roaoks and Hugbes belped aut ance. Dan Learmant, Tam Ramsbaw and D2ee Moore weme the 00 gal men far Peddia and Nerv Flrtcher natched 'a single. Tam Ramisbaw addrd hbee ansinOs wbite Gearge Priao, Syd Harris and Lreay Rbynold had single ass52,00 Day, Hugh2es oas tbe big gun, cauntiog three time22 as Wilson homhed Lawrence tI0-I. Jahn Heipel scared twice and singles came fram PelIe Watker, Bruce McDuffé. AI Reid, 0220 R2rbauo and Bruce Fitrdtey. Jao Heipri bad 200 assists an dîd Varn Crucial gam; FIy.rs voi. Hespeler Nadalîn flyero Javenîles face a crucial test2 beee Tbursday nigbO, oben tbey face Haspeler Juvenîin tbe tird and decîdîng gama of Ibeir Tri-Coanty semi-final playoffs. Ta date thbain h22ave o22e20222 pie2222and2bthe31222222 of Tburnday's tilt goes on2 20 me22, Streetsville in the loop fin al. Soe Aagee's 222222 bad no0 teouble besting Henpeter 4-1 in2 tbe firit Ramte Tbsrsay ai Hespeler. tl oas a chippy gamne that vient2 a peeiod and a liaif olohaut tally, then Miton startad 22 click and banged rn fou, goals before the hasts came hack with asingle ... and only a defensîveearroi allamed Hespeler ta get on the score sbeet. Keitb Higgn fsred 000 in the in with siogles creditrd 20 Rod MeKersîe and Daee Catro. Gaey Nayler bad 20.2 asoisto. PhilIip Martin and Roger Rowley une aptece. Monday's 2-1 Ions here Monday tbreeeed ta break out inotuwafae when the referee disalloed a Milton goal ojoli 30 seconds lefo an the gaine-the goal that coald bave put the fOyers os an even bais witb Hesper. Milton badt an edge on2 play troaughout the Rame and Trevoo Robeets was calledt o 20 make revral key saves ohen the pressure vies on. Cmowford tiat botb courters for the vtnitors. Gary Nuylat cuntd forth06e Plyrs oitb Rick Cotkecb and Keitb Higgs assinting. Milsto collectait neveo aI the Rame'O 11 penalties. How about tbose Merchanîs? They 000 bold sole possession of fiost place in tbe Junior C loop aod there ns only a eek ta go in thesr scbedair. J. R. Cunfie, OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL TMWHON 632-77» Wilson and Pete Wulker ohile single belpers cume fron Bill Rarbaar, Brnce McDuffe and Bruce Pindley. Tam Ramsbaw scored the ]one goal for Laweence on a pass front Wayne Hoden. Tbe apaning Ramte Thorsday nigbt endedi in a 7-7 deadtock between Cain aod Champaux as Watt Kelly led Champoax witha five goal outburst. Ron McHugb and Bob Lainooicraeacb fired ane. Dave Norton bad 200 assisto wbite Bob Lahieowice. Tom Eeo and AI Norton added single belpers. Teeey Caiens and Cael Hymers counted 200 eacb for Cain and singles came feornt Len Appleton, Andy Reer anrd ruce Galas (0h22 tying goal). Assîsts came from Roe Sullivan (2), Andy Berry, Carl Hymnees. Tom Sargent and Trrr Cairns. Peestidge sbaded McLennan 6-5 20 the nigbtcap a'sCarl Smith tired tbree goals and added aa 200222 ta pace (lie attack. Jim Donaldson scoaed twice and attdfad a pair of ussisOs white Jim Johnson added a single goal. John Hopkins (2) and Gary Mountaîn assistaid. Barry McTracb and Paie Massey soeed 200 eacb obile Wayne Sharpan added a siagle for McLeoraa. Single assists came flrm Massey, McTeacb. Sbarpen, F raser Hans antd Narm Flemington. A carrtally orginating in Toronto wouid ils ay througb somne of the rural roads in Milton district Saturday. Members of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Uiniversity af f0202220, orcanized 2the rally and sent 40 teîms of drivers and liavigators o22t on the 120 mitle course. They iravellîrd lbroagb th2e Credi Forks and Relfountaîn arear, tben ino Halton Coonty and aftar truversing the Sixtb Line of Nassagaweyu headed bach oathe city via Hornby. frateinity past president ia Pigott 0t22 oegaeîeed tbe ealîy sad sorte ofthe drivrs g2 bopelessif lost. and 2022e Mohawk open for Il weeks The 1969 harness eucittg dates for Mohawk Raceway ant Campbellville boye bren annouaced. One four-oerk Sf2100 race 222222 oi 62e beld feon Maech 24 20 April 19, and a seven-week wîater mret will foltow fron Cet. 13 20 Nov. 29. Lant yeae Mohbawk hll Obrer 22222220 each four oecks long. SAVCMPE ELTI SERVICE! an Othe RURAer oE LrINOS and uSEl rVS e Mlon Cae a e s 388 Ma i t. M iltonRa ag oses vourE caD fr ljueSto iclMATE meea t yourenew CHAINN SAWO DEALERTD e t, tsa r ou b s a r a or Olpbr okuee p i b I 3 M s 000 ACOMPLE SALETR SERVICEAS CHAINSR A 0 C OAATC M MI CERIL EA LTREWT PUVOCEI esparirnced trouble with icy driving conditions, He sprat pari of thaday aia chrckpoiat setluf on rhe Sisth Lina 00e of 10 points oh ere cbec kers recordeS aroivai times of the velctes. NOVICE Tus, sbutauts ctimaxed Novice $222222 tho meek as Rebekah Lodge hlanked Cet Hardware t-lt, Reecb Bras. ore-upped Little Firemen I-O and Little P2222acs dow2ed Mowbray Fuels 5-2. fPontiac goals0 222202d2d 1 h20 fromt<Kevl22Howden and une cachr fioul Duvid Low and fai Haggart; while the assistanc2e came Ihree limes f22222 Peter Rota2 and once22cadi toi Leslie Car, Doag lieipel. David Lco and Greg Emms. 00222 hIowh22 goals came front Paul 2t2Cav22. assisted ecd tinte by f232rr2 Galipeau K222or Ki22202222 sent2 222 hurrling 22220 the Cr2120222 for Rebekah Ladge, 222222 irff f22222, Robert Burke and TodS Corradetti gettiag onecali Asss w2232 hy F02222. Kitch1e. and 002222 by Robby Campoux. firemen's onty goal agu22222 Reecb wun scared by 0<2262 McCoy, assisted by David Sales. PEE WEE Thn ligîiiv 5t2200d 4-2 on2 202 gaines2 in the Pee Wee community 20222 week as McCuuig I nsurantcc topped Milton Luniber and Hoodrs Chîcken 0<22225 picked off Canada2 Tire. Faf Plumibing hud a 1-0sOioutoutoverMiltonl fharmacy. Tuvi goals for McCuuig 022222nc wer cked up by Jensen22 with Claer and5 Leslie getit2fg one22 eacli. an2d assins wcre 2eo-rededhf ensven and Maboa2at2. B2221 Lumber goals2 came f32222 MeKi<222r0 u.rtb R2oley a2r2r22fg26oncean2d t-arlonce. StcKino and lh222prrn S2plit tire 02022rr 02202 Iwo goals eac2 for th2e (l2îcker, K222gs. assistan2rceca2rne fronn Tlromrpsorr, 02022, 2cNeil anS I-rame. Canada2 Tire norksr2en wr ChlraI2o an2d Smithl 222002 Nova Fay's orily goaul was by Bob Lagrdg. both Paul Stover and Terry Douglas lelp22g out. IIANTAM Hrllmer Real L222ate an2d Mrilton tepartment2 Store lied 1-1, Local 490 dumped tire2 flopt. Srore 7-3, and thre Hîlîmer c 2220 put Brronies Bourbiers 56,2 32-1 in2 Raotaor h2appenings 202222277k. Thomson262 go62 lie Hillmor lighit-blinker unasristed an2d 2h22 Dept. Store's tying goal came front2 Fuller, a2226222d by Cairnsv. l22 2022222 la 2Cr 2222gle w 2th Loc2al 4970, 2h22 Depav2ment Store 202022 0222 fired twice2 hy McCar2î and once2 hy Fuller; wrrh Davis, tlyat. Alcock an2d Robertsonr gettng2,one as222 622220. tour of the Locullihi!sivere madeby Howden, with tringr sc02222g twice an2d Brown2 getîjaR one. Assiu2s carte,2 fromn Ford, Rhynold, Francey and Haodei. Hilnrrs secon2d baille 52w Lyon2s. Lawren2ce ard Roberts score onceeuCdi, ith th0e same threc sharin2g tIhe 21222222. The Ronibers' lors goal was1 by CIa rr2 dge, o 2ff Afe MO DCETS An 11-7 0222 by Iedwitb's Super Savers over Harris Statione2y. Park Farm Daîry's 5-3 122222712 wiih Rillîs Auto Body5 and22a 3-2 wi22 foi Ki, 2ghtis M12222 Wear2 0272 Pigment2 ard Cliemical 2020222d up in2 Midget S2202i22g forr the Ledwitlis crew 222222d2dfofr Dunsmo22222re, five from DavrykEvans andtofor Malcolm, wrtk Da22smore, Hanoîn and Malcolm rack22g 2f tlîree assisis euch, olîîle Cookso2 belped 202222 and Yemmi and Hob22er g6222one22202h. Mitchll gave Harris iliree o th22îr goals. oltîr McKee and Evans ucoringiowice cch. Har2ris assistarts îvcludrd McKeev rlîree, rimes. Tebow twice, an2dMliorn, Smithl llopk2rs and2 M.itchrell Two of ie Park F-arlu lins we2222 made2 hy Clarke2. ire 222022s by Saler. Neîla2s and McKee. Oliile assisis ivcloded three frorm McKee an2d one 222226 front Neilans anS fenson- Bill'% Auto Rody scores came 122122 fromn Gibsoo aod ooce front Rnd Thonoas, white "sastaoce came frum Johnsoo, Rerson and Dance. Duoante and Nyboîl gotone goal aod on2e assiSI eacb for Kaigbts while Sales got th2e tbird goal aod Ferrier 2222 awaoded an 222220. Pigment and Chemical goals were bath hy Treocs, witb Emms belping ao ononoaf tbem. Soccer gang toasts bard The xective and coaches of the Milton Minor Saaaer Associ22ationf beldi a highly 1222222252fut -Robbie Burns" damce rccentty a2 the Legafl Hall,' complete 22ith haggis, hagpipes and biRhtand dancing. Joyce Wayne of the Dew Dmop lait2 an2d the ladies'auxiliary of M.M.S.A. put ap th2e meut, and the haggis was piped in2 hy members 22f the Lorne Scats Pipes und Drums. Highland dancers ferf22rmiflg inctaded ch2ampio0n K2rk Brusb . Tom Ford an2d Nip Maskett liandled tire refresha2ents, and th2e Debovsaires prmîided the music. Officiais 0222e quite pteased with 2he2 crowd that attended an2d immediately decided ta muke the Burns Night danan annua e22n 20 us22t in th2e fp0omoti02 uf soiccer in the Miltonr Area. -0Milton Leg2u2î Rmtams are a0222222g a winner inth Heape le r-S feet svill OsSeries belotfestartng tirer Toî-Caunty teague playoffs. Ci IOS lui S Top-quality, edoriss poinst elqual ta national loicda super. Luest, @snlity lateuabr Sup.v.LesRk, Uxterlor Uup.r.LesRkc, Sq-quliOy SEMI-GLOSS HOUSE PAINT Quick Dry ENAMEL 7111T11N1c "US FINIIinS WRITEI Toi4NTI SASE FOIMIINO WHIT WINIn" sa"E nuImimE WRIT Réplo, $7.65. 0.92.. asasa, $8.25 G.11., .O $7.5 G221222 blm0 $2,25 52-11- Roguam $8.55 Galon Regalor $9.25 Gallon id.S3 GMA. À .13 GAL. 8. 3GAL. A .13 GAL A .28 GMA. .63 G-Ai. Ho us ~ 10 .'Z QUA 1.?',20 .?'n 133 Aleautu-Io1o182..c i f "2 2.222 2.,» 2.46f222 Aa22thr Sape. La2ic a PRICE SPECIAL! A beau- 2222126 2222ai2222222222222 rmout2222 225h g222.. odr2,1220 alkyd enante fai ýitei 22522232.2222222k 222ful25222-os. 6222222 th.ltoC fe222226221222a2122- th 16002 ,.,po 2 2e 2 b2 o22202r 222222 Cl,2h2f 222222f22t -rit 0. 22h22fi o oir .2 md0pi- hre E X 0.E90.5 R a 1560 225 m65 à- .O suro00a PR.. SAVIE 112 Mu super.Lagkf Priamr, Alkyd Ml and olulas fuES IV * * * 0ggS PàINT-UP 41b CAN-CNARGE SCHUYOLBIS M D q2 2 A ceTCi -a9 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2f49