691 accidents, 1 on North Halto Motorista thagde ruade in point where il lu casier ta North Hulton continue ta pile raeater the bigbway. The driver Up erble trsffic tonl, yea-ed iolcaokeaneye on te furs on meotor vhIe =rfl ta m-alta sure bûu re-euty acidnt releosed tii week by isto the deMis8 an dors fo tIhe Milton 0.P.P. Detoclaoent cause probleres eto other carre tube saying. motorisîs. Duriug 1968 the force Mohawk Roceway traffac, oua investlgoied 691 accidents which accouaiti for mcoy of tbe brougbt deaib to 14 rple, occidents on thit section of the injurirs to another 33 ,and ttgwu. ries ppocan couard a total propeetr dorehgwy Divr poain Ion of $438,929. q The Milton D.P.P. force R a o par I ls toade i tse Noths sy e r o Halsonis a nords of Uic Bise Line at Miltua cncepting ruade widsi Use toots bousnderies of R Acton ced Georgetown. There ore 246 moiles of Esqueting ced R cor< Nasugaweyra Township raie, 80 miles of Halton Comnty Dur ton, dorant 1968, ruai, ond 40 miles ofprovrincil coçsprised I,200 acres, 29 miles bighwaya in teit jursdiction of public thSoroughfaiouad ..for o grand total oif 3 66 roughty 6,800 people. miles patrolled. Aftee six appointments and Their areo inctudes 183 square fOve teparotions oor police force moiet and a population of about eoded the yeor witb urne 11,646. Therearem 27 men in tht emptoyers, tncludig Chief R. Milton O.P.P. detachreent-O Andress ad itenographur Mns. sergeant, thee corporels and 23 B. tiymitra. Sice both Chief conslables. Andrere and Mn., Dymitra's WiUs rncteasii travel by daties kuap Usere pretty seil reotue velticle, O.P.P. officera officn-bound, Use patrolling note an increaiig ccident rate, force is raduced ta seven. In Use five.ynar prid 1962 ta Atlow for one tesi .. dot lu 1966 Use D.P.P. bcd roogbty the ilînetss extension courses, sinerer n ta caver and Use vocation, and Use Ince ... and average calantty rate for tht rive you bote ici men loollin efftr yuits secs 496 occidents, aryen Usose tw0 square miltisAud itis deaths, t92 persans injured ond icreosed aince Use New Year to $268,931 i propety domoele. a total of oeorly 3,000 acres. The 1968 figuras show an There seere almuat thrne INCREASE of 195 accidents, occurrencrs ... .happenings serven deathi, 145 rnjred People rrquiriog police attentiot ... for and $169.998 damsage ovr tht toch of tht ocres under Use pravios fivt.ytor avrrage. forceisjuriiiction tait ynar. Tht 3,450 occurrences wtre Tht itory of accidenta is not att. grin-ly portecytil on 608e mops Tht force alto fournd 349 of North Hatton griccing tht isecure properti; gave 940 stenographets' office in the warningi, morud 723 sommons, Mito detochreent office. Each serveil 68 warrants atd chrcknd tire an accident repues cornes 625 propertiet for vacotioning tojgr mne of Use sienos placet owseri. o pin in the map tai mark the A total of 1,702 people wrre location and typr of queîtionrd, 1,448 personiotre accident-rel pins for fatals, checked duning shift duty, 5,065 blue for accidents whert peple vehicîts orre mrtbodically spot have heem inîured, ytllow for chechril, and a forlhrr 1,687 accidents seit no desti or vehictes were invrstigoted effer ijuries but ever $100 dameage. oroatien tht suspicion of tht and white for non-repertabît effacer (dut te limie of night, (ander $100 damage) accidents, location, or tht like). Tht blot pins predomieute, Tht force oorked a recordrd although thece are plnnty of rads 16,109 houa., Foot patrot by the aimie tht end .of..&qeu. aeasttd. fou.2c33.hours. cor. toil aoond. pateet for 5,844 boots, and 547 Look ai auy of the accident boots ivere spent sopervisinfi tht locatiot mapa and you'tt imrediotnly spot tht locationis . a whttt cati ond tracks are pfiig AidentCR, pTOpety op tht mojority of tht occident statiîîics. . figurez iucreused Ote point on tht reap bai pins clasnoring for ipace. Tbey att Tht 244 tiaffic accidents in seigeilfoia tht map at odd Milton dueing 1968 coused angles, deneiing oe itrttch of $73497 damiageq ea tht ttighway where tht D.P.P. inraeoe tht gt621 qaitha have dtctaed a "trouble spt cae $46216 cr sth and plactil etra cse patraIs prius ye 07crar s h Thisîshort stretch of bighoay Ont of Iot ytar's was a fatal, whece se mauy ef tht occidents cousina tlit deoila of one porion; are happtning an on Highsroy whilt tht 18 personol iojucy 401 (Macdilo nal1d-Carîier accidents injurtd 29 people, Frteway) betwttn tht year-end accideot statistici fromn Corephelîville Rood ovrrpass an MitnPlcreo. tht Kelîo Conservation Area. n dMing P196c rtor. a be Tht terrain la ruggtd flhire, 13 injary crashes caosing hodily and tht bigbway rnginterî ha vo barre te 27 people. developeil tht coud te follore tht Non-injosy accidents of mort terrain. Cornes andl hilli ahouod thon $1 00 accounird for 123 of in this Ibret-mile atrelcb of 1968is metor vehicte incidents higbway-a perfect spot for tht (96 in 1967); and Usece were welt-knowt "occident lootdng 102 accidents caoiing leis than for a place te happen'. $100 damage on 1968 (98 in One constable explainrd finit 1967). mmny reoterit gel ite trouble A total of 1,440 charges or on 166s ntrip of soad hecoote laid durino 1968 as a rest of they are s'poltd' by the test of traffis violations; 1,269 in 1967. tht highway where long, stcight No offences invotrint criminal1 stretches of road "Loîf' a driver ntgligenct casing death or mbt o faite tense of secoritY. hodifly borts obire perating a Saddenly 6ie bita Use bili and motet vehicle wrreported. 1 cottes and ie 6eriter paics or Offencet involving fadare te faits ta slow his speed and stop or remain et the icent of an icrease bis oseareness 10 cope accident, dangerout or cattîtas t with Use différent situation driving, andl drtving white bneot hdm. disqoatifird or license waî sospendeil or cancelîrd tetalîrd Another offacet explained 85 in 1968, compartd te 96 sn reany cars gel ite accidenta ai 1967. tis îtratch becasse ont or two 0f tht 1968 offenses, 64 orre seuls drap over the "hp" of cleareil 6y charge and 10 were Use pavtd bigbooy onto tht cleareil ottwist. gravet shoolder. Wtten Ibis Charges wtre laid againit 63 hoppens, many molotisîs malts andl ont femele. contiue tir sperd and try 10 Tht previoos year, 7l bad rare Use cor bock ont" Osle bren cleared by charge seith Il highway. They crank Use oheti cleared etherwise, remultiog in bard ta, the lefI and uaUarng the cbargiog of 68 malts andl happent then naddenly. Usey 10e femnales. jorep aver the "lp" bock ente lu other provincial violations, the pavement mnd go tan fat te exctuding parking and Uhse the left, catlsini Use cor 10 rither already spocifird, 743 offeocen bit another vebicle et go were reported, compartd 10 674 complrtrly eut of control. in 1967; andl 17 moicîpal Tht proper method an fr1 hy.law offvcva (rxcrpî parking) e bock onlo the highway, tif terpassrd 1967's total of tive. y course, ia tnslow yout sperd and Tbere sitre 593 parkang 9 continue driving widi two violations, comparril se 491 in wheclî on tht shoulder 10 a 1967. New chairman Clark J. C. Mecîntyre' Nasagaserys, sies ns metd chaltuan of tht Hciton Counly Industriel Devulopreent Coamsittee ai Use geoap's finit meetig an. 20. Deputy Reeve R. lierris, Milton, ws elected vice ~ciffff. Soiurday sea.thUe moît C popcicr day for motar vebisle F .:isbes, seith 48 occuraing onp tat day, and 45 happening Friday. Sondays Oece gesord wi16 J0 accidenta, and there seer 31 on Mundepi, 38 on Tuaideys, 28 on b Wedeesdeyi, 24 on Tbarsdays.T ItIs interaatiag (sur?) ta note aciy 63f lce ers seere ivalil in crashes; sebile 305 moen deave ita mncsb.ups. P 14 kiII.d, 337 injur.d The Canadien Champion, Wedinescday, Febray 5, 1969 n roads during 1968Ekmpl the Campbellville catoff on 401 Severcl ather placet on D.P.P are calîrd la annesiagate. offtn fled Usereselves inre t Hîghseay 401 are tht mot Police tay tht Sdvtrcrtrk, fa wr an o for Uetarcn o p u I a r s p o t s fao r Norna McCattougs Corners The* 14 ifiiaifiles... Oseftl a onR tcleit bappen when Usey try etne- ners, ton. Ote is ai andl Crewson's Corners areas are Pearson of Milton kilîrd in a tsueezre cithUe right lane. the Seveotb Une (Trafalgar the wreact. b oorîetn livra wereaonuffed Maloney of Orlon, Milford ont-car occident on l-ighway 25 The conjlornemtiua aof normal Ruad) OcIrnile intersection, ont Tht Speyside carnet on ana in traffis accidents in NorUs Morden of Fergas and John near Spopside Jane 30, Lewis 401 Irafc asnd the bundredi of aithe CNR overpass jost tous of Highway 25, tht Stemarasoon Halton lait year .. font ofibher Hanter of Eloca died on Jcsno uîl aîda cari cthempsing ta enter tht Millon, and ont aI Use Town tilt on flat Ses'eth Lire, avd the osHaltoo's "kiîr slrap" tht Highway 7 oeas, Ballinad Ms io.rck collision oo Higbway 7 treffis mane hen Use raceway Line intersection west of Milton. Canaphellvflle Roa in lb 0 iha rMco-1 weacrad(ukclie n rteBliaa odJ clons eacb night cao accoont Highway 7 alto accoonîts for a Caephielvi:l acta are 41 Hga rMco 18o whnaccar stoc old ed rrttBlia od for onny of the accidents there. fait sare of tht accidents tht popolar spots for accides a ald.Cartitt Ftttway. almuat htad-on and the vetniclts 31, and James A. Guyeti of Set. Milot O.P.P. mere calîrd out broke nie fnaimes. Brampton kitîrd in a one-car to invessigaîr tht Il fatal Tht year's only double fatnhty accident on Sevevîh Lise ai ilton Police crashes which claimed the 14 bappened Jan. 13 on Haabwav Sttoatltown Augusl 19, i3,450 occurrences radar tquipmrnL. Courtroore appearances cequied 528 houri, and 307 houes Oece spent in accident invvtiigation. Tbere orre 1,552 heurs ef criminel investigation, 99 houri speni on liquor investigation and 318 hboots spont on spot checks. Administration requied 1,800 houri, mnd 2,781 bouts of office duty completed tht figute. In aIl, Milton Police Perce made 17,843 contacts with tht general public in 1968. Thece bot hemn vo capital reurder in Milton sisce 1965,1the saine yror of tht last attempted mutiler; and vo tape or sexuel offenses eeportrd within ai teait the loilfivo yrars. Crimeinal offenses koown or eeported 10 police dursng 1968. hoorver, totalled 679... a0 jomp frore 472 in 1967. This ivcluded incidents invotvang other trouaI effrvcrs, wousding wiUs inient and iflictisg bodaly hatre, assaulîs, tohhtcy, hrtaking and evserivg, thefa of reotot vehicle, thefa over $50, Ibefi avder $50, possessiov of siolen goodi, fraudi, prostitution, games aod btttivg, offensive oropova, offencti rather thon these under tht Crimainal Code, violations of Fedetal stabltes, provivcial stalutes et municipal by-laos excluding 00y traffac Df tht 679 ivcidents reported ot kvown iv 1968, 52 proved te hie unfoanded ... and on aclual sumbet of 628 sere deala oith, compared tu0451 rn 1967. Cle a rri g o f th e offeeces... .235 hy charges andl 181 an other methodi ...rtait- damnuge Miltoni ais havivg aI bore crashes totalltd 194, oitb 174 potions front outside thetbown becoming involved. Tht lae nftersoov frore 3 pre. 10 6 p.m.-accouvled for 52 accident. Ther 12 mideigbt 10 8 a.m. shift investigateil 22 accidents, witb 95 occorrig beltes 8 are. and 4 p.m. and 127 capping the lit hetoren 4 p.m. and 12 midnigbl. Too d rivers ivvolved in accidents oece over 76 ytOtî of cge, 33 Oece hetoeev age 26 and 30, 42 oece betotro 36 and 40, 144 sere betoren 41 and 75, 61 seere helseen 21 and 25 and 86 accident drivers oece betoten 17 and 20 ytis of 08e. Driving epeience oas directly relaird le accident rtte s- witbh 1 37 accidrnt-civolved drivets haviog eta fIOve ytaru' expetierce, 61 drivers claimisg six 10 10 yeaes practise, 40 had held ictoses for Il te 15 years, 34 liod 16 10 20 ytars' expecience aid only eight drivers obo bcd oggtd betottv 41 and 45 yeata ere involved an tmash-ups. 18U caRuoSs ,oerdd by polioe Tht yrar 1968 0010a busy ont for the cramanal divsion of Milton O.P.P. 8esîdes invtstigaig 691 accidents and porforming regelar office duties and bsgboay putrols, t6e 27-mav force cecotded a total of 683 occurrences in tht ccimival log book . Thete included onetcape, ont otb et sesual offroce, ove wounding, 51 assaulîs,on obbtry, 45 hreakîvg and nterivg 18 iliefi tif motet ceincles, 45 Itlia of anti $50, 18 Usefîs of undec $50, fout aaving stoten goods, 17 fraude, nie offensive orapon, 156 other tireinal Code offenses, 100 edieral atatutes and 242 under Sovinsial itatatti. -Il's playoff tinte for minor ackey squads. Some tri.Comnty league pua have egsin meeting tivas, tnera haeu bye for Use second round and se .speidig ibsa wak i rcaitcns eil exshibition giamet, ed iv tht chaeging of 293 adula malts, 10 adîlt femnales, JO juvenile malts and sevesîjuvesale females. The previous yeac, tbete bad bers 160 off toces cleaced by charges, 116 othetoise; and porions charged ivcluded 180 adoît moles, vine adoîl femnales, 15 juvenile moles and to juvenile femnales, An rotrremely admirable 66.'4 pet cent of cIl offencra an 1960 sere cleare d (brought 10 succensful conclusions). This inctuded 37.4 per cent by charges anil 29 pot cevi lhrough othet means, Stolen propocty valuetlotalîrd $23,917; oitb $5,018 oth recovered and unother $500 of properly rcovertd foc other police depurimevîs. Propert damage ... tiougi hrtok-attd-etvil8s, vavdalism and so forth oas evaluaird ait $3,611 ... someohat mort than tht $2,020 in 1967. Friday oaa tht 0011 active foc tht force, oilh 591 occurrence% reporard; follooed clnsely by Saturday ai 585 occorrences. Ocscurrences repoctd o Movday ioialled 489, Tuesday bad 431, Wedvesday 506, Tbursday 459 and Ouvday 389. Thece Oece 1,505 occurrences cepocrd frots 4 p.m. 10 12 midvighl lhtoughooi the yeac; with 1,326 hetotto 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and619 fcom 12 midvight to08 a livra (Utre mev dird in ont accident, smo men in ceother, eccoevrivg fit 14. hives in 1l accidents). Tht force also îsvestagated twe fatalities on privat property, ont where a mon' Oas kalîrd hy o truck and ont wbere a farts tracter accident cloimeil a fle. These two arr vol fagred in wîth tht highway traffic accadents. Thrce of ihose who died wr podrîtricos. Doaglas Avderson of Gala oas ruv over hy a simili truck on Highway 401 veat Milton Jan. Il as hr sîood ov tht toad assastiog a molerist with a stalled cor. Brion C attitre of R. R. 2 Acton mas hit hy a con white walbing on Highway 25 soolh of Acton Match 23. Avd James W. Price of Actov Oas crossing Haghway 7eon faot Oct. 13 muet a cat slrucb hîre do on. Jais 16e ove triple fatalily oas recorded last oea,. Joseph 401 otar Hornby, oben a car centaivivg Rodoîpho Focchivi and Abele Pavoi of Toronto stock an ahulmeva. Thee oas one child in tht fatal accident statstlîcn for 1968. Dovna Luxten of Kitchever, a nive manth old girl w6v oas a pansenger iv a car drirev hy biei father, dird in a ove-car accidevt on Match 16 on Highway 401 near Compbellville. A passenget iv anothet cat, Robert Alex Scott of Torovto dird Dec' 14 in a one-car accidevt on Esqottirgis Ninîh Lîve vontîl of 27 Sideread. In ove accident, tht driver of a cor lay arcovacroas for veaely 100 movîhi hefote 6e dard. John O. MacLeod of Torovto oasîvnvolvedîin anaccidentîov Highway 401 vear the Nassagawya-Esqueing Towv Lise Jaly 20, oaa hospîtalizrd witb setans head injuaies, and died on Sept. 4. 24Hour lApprovlsl &3sd Me. iNsTcle sIeon LOANS tu. aeamu. s PesMt Ic.1t, rere Lfit 366-9586 EVOS. 239-4913 110 SELECTION 0F lad IWALLPAPRI IN STOCK AT Oa -Qeej Paint & Wallpap.r DAK - DUEEN MALL DAK VILLE - I -I simpsons-se c*i 1 *S1,