Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Feb 1969, p. 18

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36 TIre Canaiean Champion, Wedodey Peheumy 5, 1969 Hfait 4-H leaders proet elhab.tln of jiaii cla By ion Itottana coorty steflscsOtheunchaaaslt he 4- poroam tl Psihty thr greatesit change itn annoonoiced li rhey bicorne the 4-H ptctorr for 1969 wtt] hc avaltahte. tt nt eimination of 4-H Walter t4orrtngton of R. R. 6, iter-Cluh compctittana at the Miltor. twill head the Hatan 4-H Uoicrrsity of Goeiph. Thoir wi Cloh Leaders for 1969. Hia finart he rrptomed hy rgiotol 4-H vcm-prtaidont wit] ho Dtrtram ccnférencrs which oUI faob Strwart of R. R. t, Horrhy; piner doin sheormrrcond vico-pronidoot il John tnooeo -Hmtbr fron OdLion of R. R. 3. Iditon. or trrdos T h on- The repréettative ta the Haillon Cloh Leadert Coancit, howerr, Forim Safety Coonicil ra BUt frit thlle thir wtt the htgtittig Sioct alit, Borttngtot. John of o 4-H dt.tmphorir on jodgtng, Mctdohh, Georgetown, ts the acd art ttoriog a ltttr tar the tmmteditt part prefsidoot. HALTON AGPICULTUoAL SOCtETY, spoesors of thn Milton theot art Cîteto Hadîitîd, Roye Canote, Lloyd Stroe, Jim TeerecA.t prort t med O rfie.i Faie, teldi thcie ,teiiaal meeting recrctie tnd ce eloctred the 1968 eaiine aoc Marshall, Lloyd Ctintelot, Emmntt Aceth or change cn ttr axctie to office toc 19690 Sonîne arr stcretaov Mes. Lilliar MrGihhoe, titr Dcouglas ard Grrald Carton. Otar dietors ttis r og ibsra wl ei thr Ouadtoed. preoidect Geoe E. Readtrad, part pridees Archîr yenr irerlado Tom ccanîietd, Goedon Rayner, F. W.CihlJack prgo laitem ycir wtt] ht MeKinon nd ice-amidnt lfre For. Drectrs hownwith lychail Fre mMcKaada-SattPtotol im MKapajoctf Poto)lrhoc acoord sor orona G..toge R.adh.ad prosident Fair bocard reviews successfuil year Reorts te the acetal meting earerd incide his aile Ldllîae more recerded daciet 1968, ond A aommitite of Miss Ira art cn ned cf repairs et cf Haiter Atriccilacal Socciy ascsecrerary. ted rice-prorideels receipis mece 136,200-lcaaicg a Chishaler, Mît. h. F. Valet and replacemetnt. It mas scggrntcd tedicated tht 1968 Milton Fail Alfred Fard aed laces McKay. yerceed talaeiceof $342. Thre Alfrd Ferd mat e.treed la select sone greap stocild sot Op a food Pair as oet aI tht btîlc falts Archie MeKoK terrmaies on Atricullural Society shoed an aarihy recîpleel cf this petr teeth cer the cail harns tas cn eacerd. Ttc annoel meeticg theoeculîre as ast presîdorî. oeralieg prafit cf S8,074 le Agrictcral Service Dilleca. this toto mas ntervrcd hy food rreomeed tht iùhltyccccessfal, Tht meeting aise card 18 1968. Lst year'siaaard meet iii Mes. renders latt yoar ted t neade tl fair ted litote lapîca gîtes for dîrecters, 40 assacialoe dîreclers Assts toal $154,277 ahîeh Peccy Merry fer 35 years af dilCîccit fer caîtmr thawme oho the I19t9 vrsion ef the ted tic janier direciers. Thrr nclades $5,458 le îneeerry, assocîiton aîlhth lfir. had urte rimie o wntt ap te the 11th-yr ar-eld ceaety shea. art alce 10 heeoary darcteot $122,313 le tuildings ted Voriece directare foot regaces midmay fec asandwicht. Frtidocl George E. Roadtoad Fea changes atro mado frot $22,483 en treands. ae theu setionesofiasr yeac't Dirctert atsc agord ta tcy aas roicceod at preeideci fer the last y-cars affhcers. Gcett receî ptt ieclcdrd loir. Wif Cracier greesed the and chIais arn orgarizalion te second rear. Othecaffice Total tcpeediîcrer ofî$35,858 $13,404 te traelc fronm federal, Ogtimîi Club far ihe terce ht e al a hecrat the grovireial, ceaely acd manicipal "eccelleer" moceer en atiet graedsîaed dartcg tho laie. gacer moets asnd tcted tey hll taedied the ticket Abseccof althe troditional foul at.. sseciatieer; 1359 memtershîg selliet ai thtc gaies. Halls ooco coarce moal mas oce cemplairt O w ers es saIui iri fees, $1,47t ortry tees, 54,849 fairly meil fîlird, hiatr ouaglas tht dtceceacsrrecirod Irot odmictîcns, $2,173 batm cegerted. Goad laciacis ie btt fair-gatrt let year. Iss m .ie idmay eocessione, S5,012 licaav ond tîgli hiacses acre Hery Stanley edaclod 1he DOgS I i IIVeSTOCK contais, $341 itresi and eaîed ty dîrecrors Lloyd StoLes eleotîce ef t9t9 elficers. 17,535 mîsoellaneoas aed Roay Ccrrte. Haeary direclors arr M.F. Rel By H. J. Staeley Dîstaîsemeels ncioded lsoicy coille dîrecîir C. Whtiet M.P. John Mooscen, 310,228 en pucze maeey. S616 Morshall regrîed i3 eclîîtîas Hallee Wardcr George Care, As emare aed moe people more oat 10 ruaa aeas, tee dof conent ion fers and jcdgee, $91 atl 10h heod rn Histelet, Dr. W. F. James, Mr. acd hirs. tte miscllaceaus, $135 olîractîces, Seen Gaecesey breoders ath Lloyd Cawferd, A. O. peoulao capîdly ecgaedieg. These dofs hase ofîe eaot bin $ 1 , 138 races, $ 1.963 hO head, ond aboot tht isate oct Cthahbers, M.F.F. George Kerr, tere andcoîsed i e ura aco. andhs thihthat dmnti aes atfiiielaeeoas gîlce espeecses, olassiiersysAiJersey oaed M... Jamesînowand Dr. C. livesock arofor ctasig eceet $ 5.308 oeeattet aed ty Ktenllaatf lorhymwon lic H. Heslog. As arescit of ttistsonne fomers aretaufereg cenidcale lotor meaitenance, aed $16,372 înerrreed hes( itidder Dirrclerr front Qateie are damage te trîr limestot. This lots is parttlly cavrîd ty dag tas Cogitai espeese . competiton. Tam Boasfld, timer Douglat, lots coiiecîd ty the marciaîglîiet. Wîlh iceacefg inciîdeers aI Capital osIs îeclcded o A goad lneag aI heef caIlle Gordon Rapoor, Alfred Ford damage and deott lasses, mare maeey as aller yod out le $ 10,040 catlle tare ereoted loti att ealed hy Cloyioo May, and aed (ameoe hitsali; compensation ta he Item ers îhoe îsreceîsed. yeto, $4,000 paîd off a bank herieIl McGîttonrpi tted a hsqccsîeg, Frank Chishoto, lit Ttcs may maa coctîderatie tOroas rn do,.e. Atm,. a tanner i eta r te $lil S2.227 te Cefie eclry te dreey olîlcaîgli rlie McKay, Grold Cacton; can eer ty lally comyeeîared faraamuei;ral ce il lias died tirat imprareees ta groands ted gees are la, pour diage. Alfred Nassatamepa, Lloyd Chistone, brein asgnefree, n nc n nma ia e taady bildîngs. Ford sotd tht goal eclîttrs Jack McPtail ted Lloyd Stcos; tccoteglia goc latie. ad ae.taaetol ies rertady Ccreoary hics. i$eadhoad ltsted scero mcli pieased aitl theî t]aclegtoe, Acotie MoKiceon, maaled hy doge tl te rery escîtatle and offere fatlsîturodce. titorle tre i he (tic's vrcîcs accommoaons tts yeor. A ttg Ciayioe Hadtoeld, Goorgo E. Under telirestock and PocltryFProtectionActlaeygesotrm y classes foc flicedicectorr. Heretis golry eeîîy and air escellert Readtcad acd Fred Dimen; kdl a deg tha te friaed hîllîegoandîenjceeg tirestecl or gooltey, ar a tht lais, aith te pecze moeey jadgc acre reyaeted ty Citytar Milton, Roy Carnie, îlot dot tha os foced agen t pîcottas ahere tîceetocli or goaltr> art gaid oat etoae te trachele: Hadlteld. t]roaecidgr, and lotI kogt. Horsts 308 (S],993), caille McGittee. If dog aaeert aîsh ta) keg teir dag tas ai lie greseet lorel, 361 (1977), rtecp 256 114731. A gictlttrai îepîtsetltite Namcd cea arsacetîr dtroctcrs ted passrtly tare their pet frani tceg ehai, ilrey eliaotd loFe mcrt saice 17 ($55), eoaltry 488 Hery Staney saîd Ilicît atît are Rotect Moostall, JolI Ncrse, care la tee rhar the dag dors eal hoter tire farmaîs. Tlis ouîîd ($475), graie 26 ($335, 74 coivs te flie 411l dîoa iii ll Sînclir acd Doc McCaîg. tend ta greally taproet relationis litiaet raa1 farci and nîoa ir ai et geates i 10 f$465. fccruit 61 li6 aed thec e e 23 dîspicys Tiro ollier associate derectors arr (S51), focatie 32O (1173) giol ie te licagorîcltaral, salti, Wdlliaeî G. Bootht, J. A. Eliitt, cesîdeis. 29 (S74), food 2e2 ($167), liememokîeg. juilet f ariner and Aif Waldîe, E. MoActar, BUt clotlieg 130 (S166), aree and localr institutes tati. île $tields,B. Harris, W. M. Scoit, ralîs 2C5 ($198), altildcttes 743 soggestd tomne chîanges li le H. Armstcont, D. Ford, C. Ar (Sra a 12101 and Wamneos leetîlate iayoteolictcatilerings s Laaedor. W. Mcfomeil, E. ' A ' I I I1 dîeglays Il (1S134). ipectatore cootd tee tmure tilie Dosepol, J. H. Wilmott, R. A. S p e d 4 2 0 , 0 0 There arre 325 gaid-g oneetrredsliowai ia lime. Broaeeidge. W. Rayner, Claytoe meatersins 19li8. A gond echiîtt utl vegetaltt ttay, Art Wisen, R. McCotig. R. -Wchal awoderulyea lsi and alargofruidsowayotogliy Gardlitete, D. G.Wdlson, J. E. cal r a et oser t top, 0111Y tac eciiees atme hlleo, G. t]rigden. W. G. p u lc z i g makprsîdeet Readtread eald the aeporîrd or ty A. Fard. Creeler. H. Potteesen, L. W. gattectg. He caegrtalatod tire Womeees sectioe stcrttacy Cealsae, IL. Rieot, George ]y H. J. Stanley Dntrirt Mastîrîs Centce] direcîcîs and lady diectacsaan Moss lita Ctiela merted 126 lae, Rotert Lamtoe, Fratk Pcagrom. lac Breet, rsatGy tteico-oportcoanad effortsminmtries ici tahmg, 90 an fruit. Hall,A. G. Huer, CraigRid, Sgectai speaker aI ie Halltir Carreissioae Fîetdmae foc mahîeg rte fate o soccese. Thte pickles and tales. ty îîea Jcte Wlmoll, G. Ttcmgsoe, R. Coiny Mutk Cerîîîeîltee tetetteg laltor aned Peet sioted liaIat W eeaiy-ecected caille tari aas Caradîaes. Beer iîglîîîrg and Huttenrand S. Harrcp. ae tat Meccer. treudil ottubic eutoietol imPrace filie ilird lo cogocity. tlit chatoî îli backgroaund matectaliîmycoved Junior dîceciors tis pear Relattone fer flite Oetario tîlk qaalîty of 001 grodocîs. feecieg of tire fair groerds aas te loate showa, site said. ieclcde Bll Alectnder, Lacry Marketing Board. lit stated fliai Saen Harîeg as reeireed as comglted, aed the halls mere -a Searclîîeg. aout for eoal Bennett, Dac Hotteringtoe, $4,250,000 etai ram heieg speer gresîdeit or to.aii) w tt ac dîow iedoa fîr tlire fit" te featates of ire fur (lie dîrictere flryae Matrstall, Muotay Harois ongolilicîaîgîeîthoradeeiilh Atleandeasvict.predet. 2id. agreedflidtteypandsaaine yens andtBarryhiatoc. This ri a es TV . radia. urai. Break Mlarris i hîlihoards, magatînes. aa d receiii rereaseetoerce ta flie lottort fli pageadlsîin daîly lariraoety Coricil, aed Bruce ceaspayer. Mue. bore ls regcestiitatroe tu tite Orval (Guy, Vic- aedtia it Il atteroI F ed e r a i ' rtc Dntaîreo Mll, Marketing Agriculte. Board, die.utsscd y-ast acnt iîcclis cien o-t ta diee gcgecdotposedatv tri fte Bard. yoac terei cero Jalis Bed, Froncîs tledebmeîar. ire aca Russeill Hurti.n V. t. Lawrenece. Zone Direcor officoD.Nt.. Blruce 1 luro. Jantes Reid. cegiacîrg Marice Btaty etl Directors cootoeug fer tac Mibten, spahc hrîefiy. yers are Mac Alexander, latin Ld Doiecan, D.M.M.B. Kucing. Perd 'Aîckso. Codan i-ietdmar. îteted iliat lie a Mardhall. Brock Hoccos. One yeac aalhetIoaseert gradocersalio dte<terrs aie Craîg Reid, Soir arerli tou le th deeltt llacecg. Fred Narse. George Tesoadoiio.sgeieed liai Pcltro ad GodnSlair diec grodocers tahse paît ai the hEsqaesîsg Taaeshipg s offercg a fourpe crentdiscount or lo69toacxes regaid helir *e A ttentior -Thtr et ofyril 20Ot- 2f Aoiet y îlice iM. tYi iswe stock a f plaoneng t progrotn. A T Polok an ICampbelI j Mnfactoene of M AS E I4IGH GRADE MeEMORIALS S T UMWORIAL ENGBAVINGI(U5 T2ealaia St-. LothE.LT 2, O.ovgtn driegarcsIo [elie aieeri. co ilrec o flie Onrario Assocaonie AgriculuraI eL) alie flie rrear wtill te awhere do ar go froci litre'- The preeideet, vice-prerideer Alfrd Fard, Wrll (roaierornd Rey Carrir acre rarred deirgarri for lie hSoiery. and Mirs. A. Fard and Mns. Mary Marshiall ai represere rire lady dîraciars. Memlrrsagreed ta agaan sporsor lald coap eamprraîares 10 ies ofere ahcs. iFarmers l Ili lin, of à UIFEEDS m- DIS 0774112 on Tbarnday, Jan. 30, at the Caroror Rortaorant, Mtlton. Wariahg for leg dauglurs Bp H. J. Stanley Ttis et the ti af poar for ririgt or wagon ridos. Thir is oexcet fon, ccpocitily if the enow tanks are deop. Hootror, onew regulttont ttato thal il et tiioga 1cr ridors co tieight or wagons polel en tho rotels tei tare trir foot haogaog erer tte edges of tto rebatte. If pot ore traefling ttroagh a fart, itis is bacc, peocidrel yo do cot mt on contact otth a brer. gale pose, etc. Homevor, onco yca trorol on tte rcadmay nieak certaic tat legs are rot danglîcg orer tre edges, otteomîse itis neay tie a tostiy ride. The Prudkntiai of Amerlos Vair rodsataa feiana oasis ysn te uedoraad rabat pianos ait, rabat you're geng and ohise ysao rfeam Ina. CAL . .. BILL GRHENFIELD dl17 Woodward Ace. 1 784171 MERCEDES BENZ The WorioI'i Fineet Ue.d Cars 1908 200D 4 - dollr sedan, îqtîppod mt Blaaolanh rodia, nyctiots vnv] trie and cetitomali tiret. Tis giaoirg black hoaoty labtel crioirnalty for $5.271. Il can te Y-om naow fer crie 13,795. i.J, Orsi 669-738. 1906III 190D 4 - dore dan mit rad- ic. Tis icreir I omoor car is bette on ccior oith a spoolers inrerice. Pale- cd tai $2,995. Tht calae la ontritainr. Liceosa 321- 1961 1900 4 - dame rtsdan, finirhod ia teanrifal mediuam tino mith a wbite top, eqoipged mth radioanmd wtitewalti ires Itais tee- ly In excellent condition and seli serth the 02,695 price. Lirene 92513. 1905 190 We tare 2 cf lter mo-. dems to chorse fromt, 1 firthd in prey, theonth- eo in beige. tther mne of feten crsr are cester eongh to pet taeb falu the stomeoce. Icreri 12,695 and retire from th e arret fcr mmy pears. Lrsoores 751327, 747117. Inn faraler tefosrnatins orn aie cm, unI chris sieo collst et MOTORS LM. M Vag Ut SL n h.W Anh rosi Bp H. J. Stanley A. H. Clark, Georgotoon, plrccd hiih for Aprahina an .O.P.in Canada in 1968. la the mature clou Croupion Lady D. productif 20,153 r nds cf mrilk, 774 poonda orhottor fat, 3.77 par mont tort, for B.C.A.n for 234 and 217, tai win tii division. In tho senior four poat nid clefr Croupion Winoomo Bannait piactd forrth olth t7,677 cf milk, 637 fat, 3.60 par mont, for B.C.A.ns of 209 and t83. Arothor Ayrnhtme hmd ot Grampian Farte and nooawrcd hy Maurice Weber of Blair, Gramptarn itton Lirda oar inar 1 the junior to penn ctd Cltus wtth t4,999 milh, 594 fat, 3.96 par cent, for B.C.A.ns cf 224 and 212. Thin oatntandng herd af Me. Ctarh wan disparard rn 1968. bld on li. 16 a OciEI~tfY Bob PoNt]I. The the contyhoi - broogr! oap; lt thot amnsmfrd on thehck tilleouls, ninetoon of ofllert, anidt* rendI are: putonm1 y Mahon:, îige Sdtt Jacksn, .otrntary, n Mohon; trtaanrr, lJaet presst reporter, Bil Slatotur. -Roginalgnetm cate careot capot ofoanerunclon.. SAL te i Pa. 184 mmI ST. MILTÇN uau9m- INTEGRITY & SERVICE In AUt Our Doalinga bs A Muet At JACK RICHARDSON - CHEV - OLOS LTD. COMKM ïIN@ OFl OK USE C1tth ARelthSOUIL cereco te parste squeezeo nerethina. Yorrreý ccirtmorrrandecar patiecr Cnt ritettor oratl s n ikr The mairrea heeop the ntonrr deieinirthIe deioas Eonrettln etun teoe yor tie a ime we iouso Thit year. rta cmr of the sqaarzeou cafn prcdauctinreeidae n nBeattaeedno tin ohtr ccc oantI otenrnrouna il0. atnn rao ., wat lAdovieIlbecrarcenrnaruthépreeil- ira prie i the rti lotof delierye aniro Teon relnrlt ro sinei retasn ot0 t thlntr glati gcar codar co iettaed ofn thepiaift ernatoe Yoceininirn thelongamn. Là== conepltee cop prodaction pregrassia *ARLY SOOKINO DISCOUNTS POR DELIVEOO S EB o. 28 SAVE $3 PEB TON FOR DELIVEEY BY MAR. 29 SAVE $2 PEU TONt Yrou Cen cao eave witt Cash' SAVE d% FOR PAYMEHT BV PEB. 28. SAVE 2% FOR PAYMENT 1V MAR. 31. POR cOMPUETE INFORMATION CONTACT LJC UNITED CO-OPERATiVES 0F ONTARIO ALTO p I. I. PoIled ani Horned ilerefords RIDGE HOUSE FA»! Ownoe F- Et. or C. n. H. Muimtttp Foneten Faille Oon Toherrronrand Orucrottain nreredtd orna Vnrrtaatod Mmrd Production Sale Hays Salez Arena OAKVt]LLE - ONIT. THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 131h, 1969 lat 110 tA M. 2 FOLLED BULLS 45 FOLLE» AN» H1018MB FEMALES 16 footallea wtth Fait caloon ai foot .3 formattas frotta or rprbngbg at Sale clone t1t formiatta hrod for Sprtng calitg 5] opon trelfero Tle idge ttoîe Ocrd hat cocr saed tram lisrintaa porpoce carabhLird or 30 poes aoe Woi dorio n tnord saprtie et terireto acdcr ratorni rondittons. This tard tan noner taer rootd er hoarld ocd seotin WiH ocori eottr. The bond Ha cr docile ted trnltcy. Trar crlet ins f]ort non ltc and bety donnotn trtilit and toto or nettEir tbtr otons. Avenit yotrnrtr or thts optrortityr to atact toraadaOnon attM tona bords of big, nor, sflky mansarde dgOnetp@ ta tins rageas haut of Virtoria Connny. Politie obe a fera po btr wat Ctandtasg andr Attirnce Chah toinoia hltas Write n ton y«cauo t stele atomon»:as Ontroil 8484711 alle uer th ussU5Sm tr HAYS FARM INTERATIONA LIMITE BOX 490, OAKVILL - CIOTAJO

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