TeCnainChmpin, wedey, Fhw!Zy5, 1969 Nine ca.epematine narsery sîhoit lu the Port Cmedit-Oacvile-Milion orna have f ormed tise, Shoreline C o-operativ e Pre-uchool Balucalion Association. Chairman Norma Lepa Prrsdded over Are fii meeting held recentiy ait St. Hilda's Anglican Charch cn Oakvillt. Mts. Patly Huichinson cdll lie secrttary.ltcsurer. Each ifhA vine inm r r schoîls have thr e rapr enta tives iu the Asuociation, cimpriseti if one ieuchcr sud ici methr. MR. AND MRS. A decision cas rearhtd aitchas R. J. PODSIADLO meeting 10 combhine purchasint if certain supplies te hennfit Podsiaidlo-Johnson in a double-ring ctrtmnfy inl Toronto, and Roger Johnson, Grace Anglican church, Antgtla itother if thr hride. Mary Johnson and Richard John Mrs. A. Ledcach cms organisi Podsiadlî cerr marrrrd on and accompantird Are soloist. gl Octîher 5. The Kmv. R. W. BnaAh, who vong Tht Lord's Poster efficiated for tht Proyer and The Wedding Praytr. cedding et four o'clici, ciAh Tht reception and dinnerat candelaheas and yellom and Are Cambridge Motîr Hottl, hbronze chrysan thentins Toronto cere foiloced hy decoraling tht church. dancing 10 Ellis McLinlock's Tht hride is tht daghtrr if orchestra. Mr, and Mis. Ht. P. Johnson, 342 Mis. Johnson, rectaitrd the Martin St., Milton, and ts a guents cearing an emtrald geen graduaatr if Milton District High cool and dresu, matching School atd Haoailton Civac occessoriesatd a gardenia Hospataît' Sehool of Nursing. htadpiece. Tht groom, a supeavisir math The gesunts mother cire a Slate Fort lnseraoct, au tht vin cranherry ted dre and jacket, of Mr. and Mrs. Andrec matching accrntories and o Podsiadlc, Shawt St., Toronto. corsage if white and red roses. Tht hridt mort e full-lrogth Special gurits mtrr Mr. and Empare stylt goco in chite faille Mrs. Dereh Johnrson if Kent, with cathedra] traie, accents if England, cousinv if tht hride. crysttl and peait hradang and Oihers came frot North Boy, lacr appliques. She cire i Oshawa, Allisten, London, fangertap ttngah vieil and caraed a Tornai, Kingvton, Belleville, sangle gardenia surroindrd hy Hanslton. GOhoilit, Bramalea, stephanotis atd tîailang ivy. Brampton, Moffal, Milton and She cas given in merriate hy tht Unied States. her father. Tam Miiloy, Brantalta, Janet Sparling, Kingston, fornterly of Miltin, proposed acted as ntîid if honor; Diane thetolant te tht hride. Podsiudlo. Tornti, alter of the Tht couple spent their groom ; Suan Gahuon, Toronto; hontyntoon at tht Paradise and Sharon Daly, Toronto merr Beach Club an Bathadon. befote hradesntaadt. Thry cire returning lt their home ai 66 fell-lenth gomna in miss gretn Pueil'c Avt.. Toronto. and carraed houqeas if yelloc There cerr teneral gatheraigs anad hronze moins math sheaves te honnor the couple. A if cheot and eulentn Itoots. mascellaneous Aicier mos gavnt Thtir headdressms cere of ytlloc hy the grointu parents and p pont mants. fraends ai tht Wedgtcîod Tmo junior hîidesntaadv, Linda restautant, Toronto, chen 75 Pîdsaadli, Torontoi, sisiet of tht guents attended a dinnrr. croom, and Sheilo AnEiII, A mascellanres egwemr- cas Gaknille, cousin if' tht brade, tlnen hy Mms. Betty Mdloy and mitt santalir gicns in yellom Mtn. Margaret Beach in Miltin. math mots gorors rihhon, and A cane and cheeve parly cas smlr bouquets. Thtir held hy Mt. ind Mns. Gary heodpieces note if yelloc Gibson in Toronto. Afler tht rihhon. couple retorned front theit Gary Gihsîn, Toronto, iOOv honey mien. a surpr ist giooontsntn. t'vtrvn cere Bih hoasrscrming porty mas given Tsasho and Ted Schenaman, hy Jon Sparling at theair honte. Famity Counselling Service handled 361 cases in 1968 A totol of 361 cases cre teferrrd te the Halton Coerty Family Coonseiiing Senire durang 1968. an apprecrahir inraervr1967's 298. tl cas notrd an tht tenaice's annal report for 1968 vohatittrd 'o Halton Ceenty ceeracl hy darector R. S. Viviani. 0f these. 42 cre an Milton, 151 cre an Buîrngto, 82 cre in Gekoalie, 57 cere fient Georgetown, 17 an ArIen, rave an Nassagoceya and trne arn Esquesang. There cre 1,11.0 anterviews coodoctrd and 66. atveoae scil o riecord hy Dri. 31 Tire .addititoo the sto raff cf or .ourasoraap.ipoaihfb Couvrii dering Star.. and tihe Sentice ta trehg alire coarrect perraoro1 fr11 tht yîosition. r,' pirorti t ave Blintrrgir and Otahilervie iananafroc day-a-werk saffi tiore beranoin Miti andi f. rttrit orimuntitn it Aire arr rtre agena fatr 15 OUR BUSINESS Dons9 br . Tiektier igh Facrici iui. Cala an exert for *HEATINO * nesINO *NEW CIRCUITS *ADOîTIONAL OUTLETS *OUlOOIR LIONTS FEATHERSTONE ELECTRIC 8704378 oddresses front representatives of tht Provancial coutt (fantrty division), Heolth Uni,Children's Ard Society, taveoile huitaus, Otario Prohation senvice, Hairon Centenniol Miner, Socrol and Fentaly senvices and tht F.C.S. rtself. Judgr Kenneth M. Langdon hostrd aiunchron fotnttmhtis of eerhoranzotao to plan tht meetings. and has sopportrd the rollahortonoef aeroras. iteum tht econemnies of hulk purchasing. Tise Asociatio li puhiait a menthly nemiletar un the uctiities ef memisrr vihoois. Tht veut acheduird meeting ciIII bc Pris. 24, al St. Etida's Anglican Church, Rehecca Stret, Dukoille. AH nursery acheels in tht urea are welceme. Win two, loue two in provincial round Gene Bates riuk frutm Milivn Curling Club cen Ice sud, lest Ici in tht previncial curling competiteon eit Burlilgiies New SI. club last ctek. Her ltam lrtcluded Norma Harrep, Bey Gihion sud Adele Leslie. Menday they lest tei Mrs. While's Burlinglon Golf Club squad, thrn drfnotnd the gullery rk front Dukille. In Tutsday action the Miltin group con over m. Hates' rni front Hamilton Thistlt club, filon lest to Mns. FInIt if Burlinglon Golf. Co4per.five ury scIoeS bondfit frei bihk purchasles Place couns.Uling with weIfaro group Ai last ceek'v Sanuory meetinge if Hoitîn Couvty Councii. a change in t chiid ceifare comnttttet'v nesponsihilitis coa opprovrd 10 OBITUARY Mrs. Martha Jarvis Tht sudden paint if Mariho D. Cordivgity, midoc if Secard D. Sarvis. occiyrrtd uit Halton Centinnij, or on Wîd. Jan. 29. Tht deceosed, cho cas in htr 94th year, mav tht yîengesi daugter of Johv avd Mortaret Cordingity, honing hemn horo and raised on tht ninth five ut Honthy. She goaduated front Grace Hospial in Torovto sn 1899 and did private nursing until her ntareroge an 1912 ch iv she and lier hushond toih ep rtsiderrcr in Buriington. Lotnr that yeot ihey moord ai tht fontiiy fotin rit Tanîiry. She cas an octave menther of Palermo United Chorch for mony yeeru and mas prtdeceased hy lier huvhond 25 Years ago. Lefi te, meurs her possint ae hier son, S. C. Servis, and daugitter, Mrs. J. A. trechon, hoih if Burlingion. Tht funerol senaice cas held on Friday ofteînon, Son. 31 front Snth's Funetal Huma an Bertiragrera and intermeol toch place an St. Pauais Peshytetran cemetîry et Nelson. Fritnds, chu acted as paliheaters, wr lIn N. Fis, Martyn K. Hesiop, Carl E. Nixon, Lloyd Dryden, Darwin T. Watson and John Van Sichie. Here Front Meleer, i lettet carrier ftont tad Heibhon an hestting West Gerntany, recrntiy inherited an ncientpotael hrn on condition ihat he sourd i chale ntokrng lîrs rounds. The Uvaversai Postai Union hiadt a mtmhershtp of 134 coantriti, and as the lorgtst if tiglat sach pestai unrons. raiTRY eTONY'S RADIO & TV SERVICING Ineludes &il smati andi etti teatricui Appiianceri Toasters, Irons, tEsitte arec. CALL 878-6681 A. WI5J.ATS 239 BELL. ST., MILTON SUNDAT DINNER SPECIAL CREAM CH;CKEN ardc MUSHROOM SOUP $ s.5 tOAST CHICKEN LEGS and SAGE DRESSING CHEF SALAD BUTTERED CAReOTS MASHED or FRENCH FBIED POTATOES FSUIT JELLO Fou mSuvAnfONS HONO 87049061 W. Ane Oltan lverir Day ?ieuieth ie y-u LIDO *j RESTUANT àloi Main AuS cowONDTIN ih place the coonty's family coantsellivg servace ender this committet. Cutrentiy tht committet nttnthet alto sit on tht Chfdten'v Aid Society. Tht resoution seggeted tht committee arrange a mteetinag if ail tht prescrit coeoseling services in tht coetty t0 achate t o nte co-ordia taon. Depuiy.Rtet W. Giliats seggttted thero is o netd in ail municipalities fot this kand if te nace and tht rouety ntighi serve te co-ordiate those progransotitheoeenty level. Reeve W. Hoty padirahte to former Warden W. S. Coulter and depety riens Clote McKay for theit cora an atrangang math Welliington County fot als ctntenniat gtant totad the coînty's projecr ai tihe hMuseum. im as loornrd Wellangton mus notesng theiatS5,000 grtand officiais îgretd te, aiioc t te go tomatd tht Haitaav project. LOV.U Marriage course has five speakers The Milter and Distict Miolateriet Asseciatien 10 sposoring a Marriagr Consetloig Course for iheot planning marrioge in te otot vis menuis or morrird in racent meonhs. On Suodoy rorning, Marchs 2, o hatker sud e iocyor mii toast discussiens. The fleur Suodoy, Dr. G. K. Asuith of Ahe Childreo's Aid Society, ml consdercomtmunicatieos and rriotienships iv marriugr. Dr. t. Hunier wili speak on the medliii espects tht nefit week end ust atch 23. Rev. P. Cruwferd Smfith ef Knox Prethyleriaat Church, Gueiph, mil consider the spiritual side. Ail merrtings will he in St. Pool's United Cherch, aud thors iilie ha retîistrulieu fée ef $ 100 per persun. Thut ther is an rusy muy to conti seconds uccurately. us nonigtlrs must? Say, Ote Mississippi; Tmo Mississippi; Three Mis sissippi; Peur Mississippi etc., ut hrish speahing spred.* Tht fier sylluhie word correclly mneassis out a second of lime. KOTEX Super 12s -- 474 Lady Patiiâ MIAIR SPRAY IOz10 7 MAMLANS Toothpasta heiy suJIe 934 NOXZEMA Bath OU. 3oz. , eai »9 NOXZEMA4taMdLOtiDu.îî 6.30%. Mr, 6>4 Puhli SOAP 3 bars el 009 REEF Mouthmsh 17oz. Ae Ç>73 PIONTf OUAftêhbmt 7oz._ 2 - U7 VICKS VAPO Rus N oz. __P 7i aoîaaaaaaaasu ueJ WUI&aiNIW tS n çmm uuum 5's e'9 43# *LSLEY PMARMACY Schol wins accident-fre »Mot church honors Oive women wo#kers M«e lbitwg' ti 8 pas, ait tihe .is o et l uee U n. Mebû. Ieé and R. Pokacl wli nom formertschrsO tisa new dod Ste. Buornt Natie Iote mli h. oenas a esw stuadio titis week ou Leut S. tn Oscillation. The cititee ntsru Lounlie ovme s ouly Aie y.se. Tise iig tu the Don Wellt a mes sader mater. Hittos District A & B Mamcl Motsi end Wardoes Association iseld choir annual ladina' nisjv Jan. 25 at the ficuttii Rite. Tise ottendlag fromn Cempveit Loge wert: Me. adt Mia William Wingeo Mr. and Mi. Dos McMMlan, Mr. and Met. Henry Ramsaw, Me. and Men. Jacka Coultar, Mr. and Mca. GeaeRodseod, Mi. and Mns. lack2IcPholi. Mr. andMns. Prrd Auckland. Spetace tasa fanouelte wood fr iein makeet hecto. eof ils excellcnt resooace. Je IL (unie, op OPT'lOMETRIST SURULNGTON MAUL mtRowu 2-77» I. electric heating lets you match temperature to tempo ail through your home. When the activity is high the temperature cen be iow. And vice verse. ifs that easy with electric heating. Roomn-by-roomn or zone tempereture1 controls put comnf rt ut your fingertipe. tes just one more way electrlc heating brings you ail the comrforte of home. lve botter eloctrc8lly MILTON HYDRO ELECTRC COMMISSION 250 MAIN ST. E. 8U H 708.2 I. By Mns. L. D. Smallom Suam Gudgeon mil audition fort ihe Hamilton Opema Camposy's "Tht Suaient Prince," te lie presentad in Aprli. The mtli knemn opera singer Jan Robes miii direct tise production. M. M. Robinson mi produsu 'Cindy" hy teacher P . Chaot on Prh. 2h, 27 and 28. Lat yrar'seffort "Singivg Higli" cov su oatstandiog succeas and ihis yeat's musical promises te, lhjst as popular. mvlhnt Joseph Bravit Hospital last Saterday miAh o heari atiack. Unforluvately. thr Ard Jan. 30. Ethel Dent reaves hier hunhsud Nelson, 25 grondchiidren and Il gearatadchildren. Wr entend our syntpathy tale li er family. Anoual meeting if Hellon U..C.W. Preshyterial il iihe held at Clarisson United Church, 9.30 liS3 p.nt. Feh. 19. Mr. and Mns. D. Dieon have retarned front their holiday in Hawaii. They hroaghi back mith themt mny iv teresiing handicrafis fromn tht istands Faieniec's Home and School uneetina on Peh. 12 ciii posent "Edocation iv Action". Parenis ciii i avkîd to poolicipate in tht nrc techniques, hear about tht progoonts planned. and question tracheru on îuhjeci matttrs. Pupit ciii nia attend schiot if Feh. 7 as ihat dote iv resttoed for o teaciter 'v convenlion. Jantes Beecrofi. Sandta Odgen îaad Seffery Pooiridge. Fairniecas Young Safty Patrol Offaciers, accepied tht Buriangton Oplimants Acard for anoihîr occident-fret yeot. This is their i4th accidtnt frit year. an enviabhlerocord ai avy schiot ondione they can poant tocih prade. Rots and Soy Auchtand have returved ofier a thtee cceh vacation in Miamti. Mordi Andetton front Totonto and Iîohti Scott front Guelph cre visiros last ceeh te the G. Coulion's. annuel meeting Tueady, Sou. 28 meswo mailotaded. inuitin reports ted Are budget for rte mu ere presentedl ted vneid on. Sack Beiton gant o brief nanonry if srics perfirmtd hy individuel nsemhmn in Are chorus. Mns. Roy Coaltar mes proised for her anlsring service in hier chureis. Mra. E. Gstdgeon prrsentrd fifts of oppreciotien flrim tht cengregation te Mns. E. Bosier, Mes. J. Doney. Mes. G. Coulaun sud Mns. D. Scaow. The evening conciaded math Maurice Readhead sheming piciarea of fils trip, mith his mife Grace, te Are Mariimesansd Nemfoundland. On Peh. B ici handv, one aduit. ont teen. mli play fur fret dancing ast rthe Bartingian Mail as pont if tht Winicr Carnival Ceiehrations. Tht -Teen Tour Bond" miii ploy ait Lomnile Park on Peh. 9 coslinuing tht celeheations. Busev miii ironel fronm the Mail le tht park. Signât ai a local high schiai mead. 'Think Sno!" A surprise hirihday ponty mas hfid ait tht Estaminet for tht BOth hirlhday if Mrs. M. L. Waiker. Her sons and iheio mines are me. aMd met G. Weltcar, Drt. ami Mmt A. Walker, asnd Mr, and Mn. Willim Walker. Tise "Au BadIfnges Schocil Board Chise' sli formnan exhaa gmp miAh tht choir fremt Onigren, Verment the lasi meekend in Juiy. Lest meeta the choir sang ni Nelson 1111 Sihuol fer Are Si. Elizabeth Confirmation service. Lile Boot? Doa't misa Are Canadien Beai Shoet aihA C.NE. Building, th-n taire Your grs te the Observaion Goaller."y of the Torento Dominion Bank antd stop fer dinner ai ont ef tise Tomer'a dlniog rooman-li makesao reolly Impresive eveningl The fotieming ladies aileeded the Italien Pmahbyieriol U.. C. W. Executivt meeting ot West Plaint Church us Monalay. Mns. R. Ceuitar, Mra. E. Basier, Mns. William Wright, Mm. B. Gunhy, Mrs. H. Bamdtn, Mra. Gîte Richardson and Mra. E. Campbell. Zimmerman meeting if Are U.C.W. mlii hre ai Are mensi Wed. Peh. 5. There cll lie a 'Chinese Auclien", The Commillrr of Stewards wle