VOL. 109.-No. 40 as e s se Mcsss e s n U . Ferguson resigns Couscitice Bill Porgusos cubcitted bis rosignesice te Milton Couecil Mcsdcy and il secs accopted witb "deep Ceuncliss Peegrases bcd baens ce louve cf absence sissce etid-Nevecbes beccese cf ill beaitis. In bis lester cf rtsigsreticsli ho stod thet duse ccntinaieg dl becitb bie fois ccmpellitec resigei. Elocted ic Decemer 1967, Me. Peegcsn secs se his fist tere on ccctci~ secsl. obuirsece cf tise soeer end limitation ccsssssdttee. Mayor B. Beet Ilc the ceercil oas fidl tise voonscy ce cocecil and it cac be doc by cppcistmest. Ht scggosted momrbers give occe ibcugbt te tbe eppelescent befere discussioes. Tbere ia sns spesified preedure fer fitiing tbe vacaccsy but soctetimes the reet candidate in tbe test etecties is cbosen. In 1967's etectice S. Chitds oas defecsed as ceper, C. Meeefy as R ceve usd C. A. Martin as depoty-reeve. Tise eext coaeti ie tise otd be M. Wl ID CANADA GOOSE horsts ire flighr as nh Kecigbcs, wbc cas jcst to approch cf a Chamotn phetegropher. The b votes betose tbose pctted b' baid, oh eh eitho orteil the ft migrat ceuo Cocscdor G.Krcst. ordeoidedstesavornteCandaaci e reyth N assagaweya at plans for re The apparent ceesideration cf she Township cf Nessasvepa as us a core "neotiating tot", as Ceenculer Art Bigsen pbeased it, sn csp discussios cf c hHelses-Peel regiesul goseeecesiet cerger; os sieil as severat cirer essayer>' aspects cf 16e Tccsbp's future, restîd sn e secher cf proposais froc the ceescil et Mosdyrevesisg's meeting . . c il unasiccesl>' cpposed te as>' dissotutios cf Nessegaeea. Reese Willicc lise>' seseilth1e Drpartcest cf Muniicipal hffcies' testatie pics indiccîrd Nassagaeep cill 6ie dîvideil clceg Ceesl>' Reai No. 10 ..a roai cbicb licos set eves exîst sn t6e towntship. Cocmusicatios cîsb M.P.P. George Ker, the eeereportedl, isiliccîrd Ibis cecel the iviig t ise cetiilecideil. Ms. Kerr scggessed t6e Township effet 16e Departet teverat attersatives. elseesasieve t cd A ol eknteTocsship's bNsaaey utle kept esca unt ihrepresesitatios as rgoa Nasgwy sperhcps the onl> cuiialt ithie Hlsse wih asn largetîhean cet ssiad lner the rpeetio ypopultionc methd sugestd byMisister Dcecy McKeeegb, coctld 6e et the oec> cf the urbain aeas . . .perhep s ees he Extend term to 1970? Te vote or set te vote. That sa the questios fccieg Milles Cosciieors sebese to pece terni expires aI the esd cf 1969. proposait; foc regiesal goveinitiet ondicete il cocld bc le ffest 6>' 1971 seish electis beld the previcos Septeober ce O Ocrober. Council i rndestng if a sole oholi 6e bol on Decerober cf fibis pear rtr elccescil fer cee yecs, or if c private cerubers' bill shoclil be souilbe te ectenil tise flfe cf the content J cernicil fo es c Municipal etectiens bore tee le tise cff pear with lise Board cf cccsed oece pechîcros lest pece. Mortises cgrccd te apprccch tise MÙnsscr cf Municipal Affales ce tise subjoci sbicb cnT> affects so ceussils is Haitlon. trecsferced entc c grecîblesi, osdevelepieg 'pîoygrecsd' for tesen-hoctl rtoekctders. "Mr. Mcffecegb ropbosîced the rep-by-pop systero ces en beepisg cith or deroocrotie histor>'," she recelîrd. "Sot there is ose eteceer en bis decocre lic itnin oissieg ..osion fer t6e cisorit>'." 06e alto raller! for the reetios et Hlctes Coasi>' et a regietiai coit.. ibort certes oîtti Port. T6e Coosi>' cdl, b>' 1980, hase e population lorge esioogh le warrant ils tecognitons a singlesnt,tshrtcid. Coscîltor Cotdeon Agoern cîse ehjecrrd te tr ersnain -hp-popelerios aspec.t et McKroegh's pIcs. "It's lest repbypep aed ecpe-hp-pep", 6ie stoîrd enfl Toerey Pages.-Ton Ceets. CniMpt ou S1-o$Q000 May just instail Iights Tbe tctess intersection eltererices reqiied for installcationocf reaffio signats et the Main-Ontario corner coctld cost the tocs 5t0Obhsrllersthcs the origisalt$2,200, Cooscillecrsrd Mosdey. It ces poineei oct the Depcrsoesr of Transpoert and Htghccyo sere sec reqoirisg cidesisg cf Mois St. ecot froct Ostevio St. tb Nipcssisg Rd. obich wcetd iscitade rfirg the ditch os the socrh oide and porcbcsisig more pscperty. Ceescittor C. Fcy opposeil theroxped pregorro "The Depericesi bas toc rocs> brais>' people rryisg to c ihîothi eccl othes ie pottiog thiets entc thîs intersectio". He propoîrd the tocs boy the beaffie tights acd îsstelt thent, lhrcselves. Eîîieicted cosi cf the tighss atoer rocs $5.000. "Tbe ceets have galle cp live tices cîth the ltert recccmesrdactien", Cosrciller C. Sciltie prolesrdý *'lThe Depeesceet has bec plcyrsg tartes cirh os oence ce queerrîced theie oeigivat dccisorr os deiiyisg thr lighls", hie erciorciei "Wrry did ihe>' apprere the entlesection in the biris plcce if il casert setisfacory" Cosciller Sciurec ceoderrd, ce he sîîrrd tl cao Great Canada Goose back early from south te yert, bas bernstaying i sthe Sinsoos Mite Crack ru ocllty heleo Milses fcr tho pass orrb.-Scft h Photo) balks gion p resestto n. -'ly 16e departmcotsi cîîlerioe for reprsetnicios. e forces and his cite living on rhec orn 200 - 300 acte tctc rneldhaveeOrly csr-seoesrti tbe sce et e coupleblivigeiîoaredorndîeck wih12 cbîtdreo." lis sred Naîsogornepo bis n pet-cepilo debi escepi for sebot *debeîîtrcs, aid (lie Mclseccgh plot coulil place rocs> township rooideois osile Ie îorsodicùos et local gosereslîîeqciieg epprecirble tas popîseeri 10 trcol atreail> ostabtislbei redebterinss. itoscdeonselcssioosesearch et statîs tics, Ms. Agîîcr dosiseil a tregicol rodes" by rnhicb c eiosicipolir>'steprte ilio ceclil 6e selecird aIes îchîsg ict censdeîatîee 6bt populotion asd ecteage. By> bus fige es, 16Ile 'rcsssssvb THoINKINUt- mcate rhase pros se se etsecsise assit Santioy cher tl cen a srtev, britite anti saile toi sireyert cut Koish Tiobers cf 7B Faites Rt. Milton Jn. Moîshacro hoske>' club hati a deo fer the pus>' an Saia's gari asti as secs as <cr8h sac the pet>', ho catie ap his mis if t as goisa se Se hos. Ories bers hasging areesti thas gos>' att afttresce, taikivi se it," raid Marchast ererasiso moner Des South. Whoo reforre Butl Dieerbi catie the rirase, Koitb'r tisck e casou asdtihere casest a happr boy iii Mitons Ana. A qoieb rats te bis Casher Dccv>' Tiobors ges hic permission te bnep hic nes eea.-(Ssali Pheot Nastagacepes iodes cf 49 cool d 6e the basic etnit . . alotlwisg cne representative. Other ceoicîpalities' indices, coder Ibis proposai, ceold isclode. brqcetisg cisb Rt 97 .. .having sco represesitatises îsctedisg cse tes Ceorgetorn cul cor tee Acros-atil-cral; Oebsille cr56 as iodes et 134 bcsisg a represessalise fer Milles and Irno or hree fr te6 rrat l orhes-OetciSe eres; csd Bortiegîce ... regrosel isnde cf 125 grsîsg te titres rrpreceotctiors. Tîrere ceouli stîlI ho lise reprresrclaties troc Hlhn Cocos>', s bkerpisg cîth 16e M isisler'scishes. Ceosciller Agsec loch entc ceesîdereties tses porets, ced copoîrd 16e 1980 population cf Halles Cset>' b>' et leasi 400,000; pessihi>' 600,000 if the iscrrese en imcigratios continues. Threc peers etter, there cectld 6e rhree-qcarcer million people living ie the country. ie poîis roSes rno coosideratcon rectuedi redactros cf deorh, rate, iscreese in footi> forraoncs due 10 otfsprîsp of the poil-cor Bob>' Boco, in-migrion et 29 .5 pet cees pet tise-peor perîod. greoter cpperrcîîîrres deselcpisg oend bliglerrisc oce penspecîr, occesribilrtp tc marjor cilrer for commutcers, oeil e gecd soti t>' fcixîeil bosn 0Ovaesioabie. Preseototicos tlrc Cooscrilloro A. Cîbses asnd J. Watson ogeed en psîecîple cr16 thote cf 16e cihr ceobers cf coosicît; bot Mr. Cîbcon dîd sole soror opoiti>' 10 ho seorîhers secticn cf 16e township ...cand c feeinsg 16cr perlîcps lite os Ccetphises os Weiligtoiaos cetld soi le etciel>' uneatable. "Thtieicoi gcrsg te cece the lime t soty rn pecple en Nasagaccya are gogiote v te siate e>' fier credo chether et m.t tris cliii te kecp tire tuilic Ibi> obwole.' liii. cerf iiierrer n i f duc'y bi or ý ase in o repaici le ifiitIcifrîroîr heliet. lie aie deahsgb eîc cirha powerriiet is quite capable et rirormdatire sceolgrocpseo tresaesee local geserrent. t teet if ciras is apporeît>' tibe unaniceets cish et ALL coccositiet cn liaire is sot listseild te. ce cap have te tendl sel huedreds, bus thoosanils cf perses se Qouees's Park se demosstrcle ous ilisapploVa."ý Ose large Canada Ceose ciitaer dide't cakre tbs lccditieool trip seetb thiswisseror he'shcck erlier thas the ret. T6e big bird 6cr spet the pet cens is the SisseenMile Creek a oile or se bclec Milles asnd seems qeite ceerres se ste>' ltere. Deve Sargent, ro lises ceas the streero, spoellr t6e bird te the creek lare lest ceek ced colîrd ir a "shrillisg sighr." Tbe ganse tcers terI> tanoe bot Slec off, cecîred dlwl in the air andtlasdedoaquartercmile decesirecon cher e Chaopion phetogrephes gos cithis 30 fles cf bicu Mosile> ofioreos. Ir dores sol sero le 6e rojrd or rieS, Me. Sergent seul. Chamopios pisesegrapher Rap rsat goote pcddheg infl crerb, 6ctra sec oc f ficm je 't as irtteapped ilsciegtandcmadeoa picroresqe take-off rigbr before bis ryrs. 'Whcr c theil Io lete ose th6close:" 6e ted. T6e bird lias abot c bsve et sixfoutcigspaseandecesly Slec into e stresg hcdindsi as il cîrcleil abose the phetogtaphiet. M r. Sargent teid iserci years egocatleckeofcabout 15Casada Geese tcned vear hos bhote, asd bie has seser forgortre the îîgbt. "Bot i hoscrîl sero ce> geese tise thes, cetil thîs ose coco elosg'" he odded. T6e selle>' et 1he Siores is freqoroîl>' vssîei b>' cigeatieg deebe. MARTY CEEUS SKATES IN elss ee the Dakeitte ors bus hir scerise arsropr feiletitiorisg oeilc4s icnior gace haie. The Meesheers tamaohce the aotttrcted est>' to or ier "ocre .igc. 'Tbry'resout terrvhirrtss the tocs cf Mltones, lie scggosrrd. The clorh wal iestrctd te obtis ccos ontrr istallatios cf triigo.li.iloee.sibeotprocincialîcubtdy. Ceesctlliasheeh citig tafficoignsltiiiterserctfr erly icri yt.io. The crpai fer ligliti hrightesed toit foul ches cel Oahoîlle mricri kîllo i thle corser. Backlog since 196 Pay $3,659 for overtimne Piprsient of03,659.60 fer thesolyceayircolrbecleaerd 1,010 hecto ef eserliete ces op "bcio eied. opproe ot Milles Poelice deming C ecriciller ICiosia alto Mesdiy's Miltes Cescril ebterseil mcr oef 1he eserecee nelii cioccrrod incourc ppersces. Ose dcy, lie soleil, lire local eCoîler G brasie deporuesi hl 28 reccndo sn espliied tIre eserOrne lied becs caesobetere theceut. betît cp tsco 1963 cîli mccl Maoer B. B est caiscsggeted cf il hctsgmetbhy lalin ie e oec lceercîse ccrriîey off, bot the siging e ois crwresnetreqtsng constahles 10 agreeen ool ct le Police spesd ail tlîetr lice flllisg ect Assectionsoquee ilebc pad reports andi irrvegcas clrhi mesihly. rallir ltas policecrn. fie alto o oggeîted flic corocîtree Ifet cire procîseil ihl codes censodet aîrsoloties te the ec e i greemct lioere ceoul proincetserisg e bomit cf 6e tigltlercotrelsove tioe. dc ernsu n n ae "lie administraties cre lie scîd lie wci awrn co ncs dide'ttlskrcclrefthbe idec ot 16cr bcd olteoil> bl sese peyisg il ail et osece bot ol ces reerans. Customs port, terminal suggested for Milton A sipec ir hîcI re-is l t'eFor represettisetet scb.ceocmitteorns omersIlrby inducstries atrened e special Milles todostriol Ceoirote and roeeting of ibe ceocîrrter. cafleil lecal isidosteeal roproseslaosves cfttoîisephbSbeof Ceadice We de c da>' let insit oe Metor cocploîsed ico ree difhicolticsinscatgt anrd tioigbt ogo about tbippiog dtfhicolrie thippisg en Mitre. and titisf 10100. Depory-Reese Res Hlarris, Mi. bbee and F. J. Gillîcuofe Mie Cerporation <e Discusstion etrire oeeting rtggeted itoni sbccld hase e cois peort ret>' iod a tercinal careliecte. Bailes 13 3 inSesiay'sgare Momenselser his ast i ppet il v-Staf Phoo Seeks twa inspectors Fire calis, losses increase Proert>' tors due tu fise qoîdiopteil troc 1967 te 1968, 16e coscet report cf Pire Cbicf A. E. Cleroet sorbhe Milles Pire Arec Ceoîmttre soies. Lest iloîieg the prevous per ces escloîrc i et 18,300 choIr ibis per il trestisatril ai S72.342. ie Depoîlceel respesdrd te 119 chicas sn 1968, 54 core ibes the 65 tored sn sn the prevooo per. 0f rhcsr. ibere cre 23 dcellinsr 21 sebicter, 28 grets, bor cîdostiel, croc bari andi 34 nscllansci tocclreig faîte acrrni bis! aurl.oebbih andlire Altiougl o shat>'nresei fiai! Oires acerored for serr cf tire recreare en ectoat alarms, se propert>' lors cas 6e ettribored te the grass Ornes. Apart fîo she ebsior bras>' wrck-load creasrd b>' the adiîsîcel atarms; there secs aise os eppresiahie volume cf ceetings andl othes dues. 16e Cbief, fer instance cas forced te log 235 beurs cf evertice te cooptete ics dulies. reclodedinsepection ci s ilcelrogo, Il stcres, 9 pobie bcilins, Il ocheo ol thier offices;hfrebhallopensbouse and ilrcesreroos for oser 1,001 cotizns che vsitei Oct. 10 anil Il1. frrr preorseen eccrils p rereoredi tc foot Milles tcoels; the Sprreg ciras-c>'. lialtoees oeil Cbhrstmas tire preetiee prognoco; preseetros pester costerso ino ih cheoir, dills oedinrspectionsa r hos inrstitutions asti Milice District Hospital; orrîrs e rire fic lirait h>' groopi, andl a schsî rut ratr> sn aditirîon t h(le ibis e atresilei saite liaI ion Cty> Osre ptesrsios cmeetigs.si Hltes Ceesi;' cobol cil meeting%, ric Pr, ergecy Mratorte rig 24 fre depertror prectîces, 10 deperîcrent cretins, 63 effice ceetings, 16te Pirc Chief's tsaining Coursa, Ouie cbot's ceeferesce oeil the Ontarie Pirfighterr' Ceoentics en Wellanil. Cisief Cleceet tbeekedtih1e bordi for tIroir >'riic et a oochlie peoipetlessiin'o.Itl.va hot r tresteil ie sîcidlo ici; tolI-ise rorpectets tu ait it the iespection ptcgsasr. t rîebigter Gierge b2igiaoris îetirîg troor t6e ileparîrsei fefr 40 yecrs, hre soteil Peur firefigbtetr cere repiaceil fottrrrsrg tut il rtiresiesi, and asîrihen bar bers giastel a ce-e er estension in service te tire brigdie afreroaiecrt' approsot. iete is ce hachtog et opplicaioneir ic iiiclierlp il, lic trgade lic. tr riristance tiare alto bees n actie orsile tie lcacl hrigsde. Pirocco James Cecheon ce etecteil 1968 presileot eftshe Haltes Cecet>' Pon Presectoe Bueauc, Ccpr. liarold Ccctoon ws eletei piesileot efthOe Onstario Votoc teor t-irerrghrrrs' Association, aned Piseca Ciesn Stirger c as rirletil presideet et (COstinuant ors Page 2) Special sfudy on rural area in Burlington A speciel tise-oas corrrl serti be sared te srody 16e preblos ocf Betlrogîos vst rural aîeaî.ccorcrflortcagreedcon the rneehosd. Norih carl cosrcdlcr W. A. Reese tard "ticodredi et prehleroi'seed attentioneibte rrlareaan osdfcclor Wesefl Call raid the problrrot of the rural arroi hase bers "igsorrd." 16e6 oeil tbe trirl aiea cor neglecird 6>' beih cosrcîl andl the torner deparicreor srtfs. Protesi $15 garbage te A chre et $15 for rarli goîhage prrkep from iedustries in thesîtow' rsesrvcdereo and treO ail insîtîtîtios dîec prueîl torom bilitinsrterse oeil lepoiy hceîeteoercl approed the charge iotia>'. Dcpoty-Reese R. floreis, e>rereg rie socer et cocos>' bcildings offecreil, cosdered if ie cas o core cove. "Wersr bers pickire gp troct cocet>' buidingsral nochacrgerandleoc ne're feofn 10 otk for St5 c pick-oup', lie troteil. lie soggcrred il cot oct cise en tire Sigb et regiceal geserocet pooposals. Ceosiciller C. Pc>' soleil 16e rerns ogreeet cr16 t6e prc p ed tegiosci desessios croire ceo fer $15 c pick-eut. "Itosjott thira ce cresse-attessisg er geshage colcincrîests. O osve becs presiding il te te .caiey.tee csr fetaasomtber Pirott iliat rircrc octe a sooniboer t reaiisreiossch as 16le ttecltb Unit, 16e Childres Aid, the Peseil>' Coart building aed others cil] in ose block, des the scggestion tbep seutil ail place their gaebagc ait ose poins for ose pick-up. Rerro A. Ledseith's final proposai for oece lied cf c package dcci for the country gailei se sapport and ceuancl appscvcd the serte.