T-hie riing I iras aonfofinîcîi ha a diffit-oli daririon. I lot-oit- cd ýmekisg a choira hoîcroco tira way s of lifore.wnder crhat you-d haro daridod? Oh, il rrasro'atcr-hah. ing dcisieo, tiha gît-to0 ep t-rokting et- dt-ioking, oet-er togea mianarîcca. et- LUtIo as sosa ce ta. Bei il diA t-oqait-a merh maulieg eai and lId eragar ihai tha OIA Oit-t and I oat thaaegiî abhout 400 caps of train theo tea of makigopeeor mîodr. Il rame ahout liha this. An etA arqaaioîacaa aod a vrt (Je- cool rhap, hc oticocd me an or- rei -tit ioiaîrîsiog johb i-Tho rat- ai-y i--s a big imfi-rr-mont et-ci- it- ptrscrot oe. i-ha hotidare and ft-ht0 jeohcwrrt- asgond. Mr training ced harckgrund fitîrd me foo the joh, chirh iras a aha1- teogiog one. Gi-arn light ci]lihe' !wap. 1ýr atoractiveo oron osait- N h didoi I i-aht il? Weil iswsa matir et iiiogiiar onIhe rraias - an adiaotaea bai-c, a dtradt-aoiagci taie-c and in tha prae, mit oita and Icrainaît a loi ahboet ithai ira îraoid CeL of lita, fror tait-ar and Deur chiarn. I shooîd trenîtion tuait tahiof ha joh meant -maria te a larfe cita I raoî fihr-taraid majo- diriîarîîaî of oui. ihitd 'rî rOtirggoued ao Oct- tindi mce had madr-, and riatihtig dlia pr rctrs ai et-ai- accîn. Thora mai-a renta of hai ihie-S blat Laah il luttae orf ile ahilt r'i f ie ir-ti position. JOTTINGS B y JI1M D 1ttLO -erWar lodiay) »ciae- dodica- at Wat- Ottawa anA an hield to sar of f Ve e- 9D2. silo O IT'S DIPFICULT oa romp- htend the eosmity of huilding a $30,000,000 refine-p. Att the sem- et-s and unsdet-groond mater spsloms haro ats-tdy heto ocstet- ted. Tht mater sysîemn han heet Iticonoetîtd milh thet of Citios Setrceontit tht bsc soppty fil cnnerted. That steos t0 ho roethiog of a to-y in itretts- florting a hind of ro-opos-atio that ks vctomo on tii age. o 1 DONT KNOW hcaux ahoout rnet-y anod thait Positioo k pr-o hahty in ne irai- aniqoe. The faret that tho t-cfioes-y, ospecîed Io ha oetiog n001 yca-, miii ha an ail criiaI t-efints-y paytog Oak- vilto P.V.C.'s hbiggesi hydt-o hitl decrot t-el-y moao tee morts te mc. Mort important thoogh ks thc indication thici gs-ounds wil hoe rodded anA laodsceped and the dock Shahl Planr te hottd miii tir in iih tha laodrrapiog antd ha an at-raction in irait. o IN A LHT hca'cd crac Sv- Mot-o iotA ts iri that ihroulA t-y te srtparo Citîcr Sotrire who 1 Bat thara oct-or ma tiotier fat- tha alier rida of thic sres I h ara nelhing agatori laîge aillas, and mycrife lifthes them. Thot- haveculaturtal adrootagr- the t-malt ot cent-ecaraito pt- ville.Thos-eis crtinoexit- ment in the diy, with tir gaula cnet, lis maoctsortir accoirs. Thara te a dafinito feel- ing, hwetrt luttae t mai- ha iCrtiid, ef halo0 ai tha ceot-e ertihiogs. i-akiog tha joh meart sarieg monc. Iî Carlt ha long ooti tha hiAr ai-a t-cadi- foi- anivrrnila. Ti-bio of' chat mc'd saca if thai- rood trveat hue whdte atteod - ing roltaga. Right rota it crotd rata me ahout $t a mac, hch al orte te gai m ton te tho ahy iîîr a music lcron ct-ai- Satet- (Tay. Taig hai ehl maot high- et- erprogae. Parkipg, touches, gdages--ptht leotopos-tmtioa, Pme-tonch matîlots, more rost- etranen:ai] thora WroaId ratite nacit-alie thor a sr sarera satadi e hlast pet-a- gt-aph. Arrapig tha partta nîcari met-Irig tro i-a aose ta ir fil ha ict- l'loch, t-rl in Li itage let rtili- lasiiiiioad eitit clips and dat- todili. shaed ha hue, sre-ading ah. Wr shoditli ai tha iea etr- of cli lhoi rea icfai. fiiea in Ce-r, tout- tor i-aCt h-at arCar b- eiit- eaahpai-. ,I ra.eliou iarcoreeidi-ad rtl nic lie tait, ýtethai 1 Cota itopotad hy i-tyt life. Hama -o r' etio froCm citerh OhO YOU 0-NOIr.. - I I u illitaiet c ia i t e hic e lial ao.o.ot-car tich ai-ccicit-î I itat- meatr,a1s le ookcaî eat ings i-ar tlic. rat ai Gavi a- t %ilat- Ili.htal Caracitîtîr , !I" te - han Stti-ff,-i rtc hi t1,145.800 rani hteet. antd $h19,t- Cah oinuoe. . . . lt huae tirait ai [lita liaci bis lia fat- haioic c oeirhaiu hll i-at-s tota bu gavireail iiiii hae pat-s lot- tomA, riloi- arcd shah att tisa Taato hu as itlli i-tut 20 t-ri? . . uSai Cacadîaes cer ai- i-îosiîuuch tA iioiniuîatcrîîî ai ietchs toit Ja,e $4 billiti jAt-roegh prnvicial i-%crat-oacii thahi, andt $77 millioe liici ci cAdrai goroimtent thbt? i-ha fat- rapila t-tarc. ais --dat-i i Juan, etîman and at-li te Ittt0 hai ligutres. i-bruir- pîchahu dgt. i-ha t- c cillait îront a pair-blet hiarid oct rn Miiiaai ibis ucch ha t-c Saciîl tareda faut'. fuîtut-i tlicLba, u Nc'a Denircaia cI tir l "I fiu-ilic" da", a j'Ili, rarc1 l fl-c lil Lle fara il, ginil ildh it- an erai-tait afani ic lt-ali Ccoeitiar citizen - ce malti uthat tai-ta rs te po- IÉ Ou haut-. Bot the figuotrs i-c i-uaiy rbechiog ho mc , . . al rot- ohic ilt-crutia-c-detin ichiaoleî- til h lt-oaci 21 lita vrairs tgtu, tratinait his franchise, ga a toi CHIAMPION CLUMtlhgt Oui t-îuîic'u fasiu'aritt luiitlte ailnue itho li e,-CCk at--tin tai circule0 Caraai i-i-- hau n hd fli110 candi- rait"Lil andut [fi, lochirri put- t-tir ica abt lict- Canadai- avidac 1cniilcapras hea,, tli uie lit. hic i-ain 0l-. flait u--che tan i-attnt Mu tira ut teck i-t ottu.rJoi if cieLtico as chrihitl.d cria ii- Iail baoi-g ht-eari-ui fl-ah. bine fl-a oie t-rais ouata ai- fita Ic ,[ t' et- ur fai aot-oc. Faaa.ai-% if trais ha tee-ti- i-cri i-ge. ihueheNlo-I1 indepari t-aen aoi mach. Ditua wirah \in i-La parlti tai t- L t-ai a iC, -ci 203 ac ha , ocin, [ii .sti ut-oul hlase cati-e hatrut ulh flhr Consarit- mares teemnogîtheshow les- 20 t-rchr. tfoucrid ha 0riv tracEr aftihearule t-and ueausrho NDP govrt-ot . i-hie is hal enta ii- st-c i-h irai, hoccon a country. Aftc ail, iuîgr le Ciada %at-tirA a Lit-nui caccîolnetoland fit tali-r t-taCaeia-caiiter.tiiiii, luuit- tac font- t-Crt. i-lim at-, aliISr a hîîl sn li- sl,,l t-rcata. hA oi ais cîa Cadiaei a01 pi ail ah rtae. t-t cap cice ii ail flia pi-iii, pic- 'nssnrculiilaire miit rit-r, d v.Ti-tlt mii- t-a lst fl t1-lai i- ithd wuuulit Tarît ta r lch avlach i Wll, a irît- chat Alm andi h atr- %o a-iot nu%%' ou a ira st-tain- crmltic. hi-chu' 1irg ilMTaiit-Catiiaomk Cariadi fat tiareîuandî lucr hic L-'ia it .il- fli adr Il ut ' ci t bitai, îî Catsce alLe- t- Vir t-ri ainacc aeîaaeîni-ai-al ftCarr' actail Rai Da-ct, tcelideri et NCMFGCP fUT c/e i-ha Chamtion, andîtl t Ni MLRfAi-OS cii iallîd înloca iritizrn,- fil lil hei Damescr tocha r-anie0 riartice lacii rfs-a-oai Te have bai- eantoe inatuiedi on tha iris. h t-Clers hae chiai-r trnotbas halA a kir- sia gi-adgr agaiosî ail goecn- oetani, ano itAut plan hu oti furt-cyoyfhto. "May Vista" stock thoir efflent cith t-oct, hy eolitieo mot-maidor cthse Shahl offliteot taoks. o GETTINO BACK te the cml- ptoymooî featet-er et Shelits oo rfioet-y ai QeEcille il i ospertid thero cr111 ho jo fot- chout 170 te 200. Haif crotld ho local hcip Iccined te tht met-h andhliiftreotdrcefot-emmuh, in Shahls otganieciet te et-orida Srot-irien aod oeotatieu Airc- o YOUNG O YS te art a tachoticor.s lah trli-o aod in ethot- riparitios miii ha reuphi, crith et toast a high raheet cite- cation. Thaîrs chrha- the adran- tagar of moire tachoicat tt-aioing ibch fait. o THERE ARE reutittorit- eting fac i obhildingracre tioct-y. Tho rafoty pt-orauone, tha fit- oectoan ryrtot tha mira- mentaîion, tho ocm foatuet- at-c ccir concepts. AIT go te makll cl t-wrfiat-y as does an ioircrt- io'rtcre f pepl. Ceaunigty iofeusekeepin. rack. rimpit gatiog te w and homoe Moi-a hoars of o'- fii-a-htiog aod pcokirg-fo ii-atîosaîire nlhdrom te laiscrei-nithe pt-esr ofgr-e li-g i-tece., irhathai- ir te vi- fîinde aiori tIo choîah ai-r orltiog at- te ta a sheow. Stra, 'a minimumr eflimae wastA in hai hoiig hesn' of gaule0g ohîr voet mari te g t'm lira minutes frot mo-k, go crse, auinig itk: tht-oc mii oIes frot chat-ah aod shoppioî tira minteTran oîo ud rmimo rilg fer tha hiAr; 15 toinutes fi-e -ahiog tha joh rîclit t c ig acrat fi-ot tho ha ct-y end dotep ceid of monter i thora pa-te. hi tcani ec-apin hai long, criog At-ira te th rut-, ta affert oraosea-ay. On hi i-vrt- rida et thr cten i meaaoîrvcring sramcsi-t ai-l c ole'th xtnt-et - aod tha log,iîcaiodîk t- Tisreut oal icktig aveitci fo iveekrch. tîrai-. mc taeed hli trot' ihat tippr ic racles W, Arcidrd Ihait lita l-ohd a ltl hciieIil ciei land ai- traou, rt-aioe and i-uc,. ai- hi.catro taele,îîc hier tioaii-. eIT lt-irrit anA i-it-n. than il Aid i lie ciot anen anA [taieil' ctniiseegihcrrk D ulnaWi- o,'VII t ira i dt c laIL tarbia trarie-- rk il f- os- tir go i s s s 0. 1 f n- ni 9 Le e Mayi-s Oeetiticahion Mooth on Milton. There miii he no thanderous applaese aI tht sCugestion kncaose met-e att ginen tafceiog a luttle apatheoir ahoot the spociat daps and months that hosot oct foot-, Bot Mitton cao do îith sorre, hoatitira- tien. T-ho tield is realt- entimîtod. tl coni ho as rirait ars por hac i-at-d et as big as oea cconit- hot tl t-tati deponds on the tei- diaidoals woth mahle ep the cemmeotit- toi Tht tome has hoon se hes- goeio5 and t-tie9 i- îp ith that gt-ncth that thoro t-nat- il, hare't heen too mech time foi the uitile touches that sot ani- commutp ai-a-t ttei the aithoîs that mat-e ap this gitat big Can- ada. Floîtîs o puhblic piopeiti- have keen inat-oasing, a toto ptanbing polir- koing totrm- oloted hi- t ht coonicît and noidonce et an rn- oteased doohae t ocoan ap geealp at-o ait golodi rions on the pt-ogt-t Or Milton., Orgariaing a Beaetitication compaigo le Milton has koon don hi- the Milton Chamo- berofComerce. i-w etfoît made hrs math cecrntishotonts at-es me hope, tht piojoot- The Soatticaîieo piogiair har hon e cniaîg excoloent ce epntatien. Fards foi tho cerecrttoor oeiatîee hae hon con toihued hi- iodost- and comerco and the ai-i-et- acoe hoogiog hashots on the Main St," aine miii coîtaiel- serao t0 hîightoo thînigs Oct OCot-foro har te got loto the aci te craho h tioti- ettectiae. A cocritten moi- pi-onde leadership hat ocoti-e har e i-ait te fia- or his ecr i-roi-oit- arA pothopo in soe nrigohhood itoioct, Multon's cloan-op cati he complote tf each i-tops his paît. Con i-ou ho coonted a on toi-ess, throgh cloaniog ci-l, foot- pidt in yeat cecrirnit-? PeEeton Ftee--I YorCandidates SpeakI The folocing si-ct as eoit doated hi- The Champion taI th hm ederal eterrion candidates in Stalton Coonty, s0 topy mai- pt-tcoit their alis t0 the votlers. We hope t-cade-s mili tind their weehlp columi-s informative and thoiight-pîonoking. If pou crte to comment on their atîcles, tietes tb the editor croulA ho welcotred. Malien Censercation Candidate SANDY BEST SAYS * PRBASL il a igo of fhlimes. Tht-er t-s neod for techoicat tr-aining that pt-o- rides somethîng hcyood high schoadhloirUniversittlev Thot scar une cf the tacts tri- phased hi- Sheti Oit t-eprs-o tires cchco tho met mith pt-esis t-eps. fromt the sooîh Hatoo at-oc. * WHY SHOfiLD ihcy ho onie- t-ertedi in oclocatien on Hclioo? Wrtt tirmaii hecoose they' m rpeodiog $30,000,000 to hoitdi tho wrtWs MONT moder-n efic- t-gt rt doos' to the Cille sSer- ricet-efioot'yoeot Branole. *l PROORESS ki erideot on ii tht-ced of edoration thrat roui- ton ht-ogh the crhol tc rsy of thic Shal t'afitsary ai Oohciltc. Caoadiao eogîners and tcchni- riant haro drrctoprd roffiricîîî keoictedge of tha remptiraird oit srilmentaîion aod cahoirat rafi- ,lt-en Of-rfinct-rrontrction Thrat ahoot 90 pet crnt of thc mos-k eriti he dont ho Ceocdicor oriog Caodia compoot-crs Noations Nonr M«others .. i-ho almost onieisot cetokion et Mothîr Sai-, os-oted tir i-tai on Mai- 13, os a titting tiihte to tht insitatienal lite et a Pille t-rein Sondai- srhoui toccheîîwhe Aie in 1905. Miss Anna M. Jarois, feander et Mothet's Oaa, gi-ni op in Otetten, Mess Viîgîrîa, ihoto her noothot- taaght Sondai- scheoi et Saint AnAei's Methodist Chai-ch, hi iras Mis. Jatas' csooca eai-ta hoasii cierona on honei- of tht mtesofe hot stadonts. Attet hot crother decth, Mess Jaraisre relatA te earr- on the tradîtion anA te dodi- cato her tife to tht estahiishment et the second Seodai- ot May- ncch i-ta- us a dai- roi aridle foi honohing taitheîs eCeti-ihoit Acceîdingii-, le Mai- 19i-, sihe ai-iengtd the frst cremoriai servîce fus- methors. t mas houA et Saint AnAtoîws. Tht friloîîng i-oct, Miss Jeais Perseadned Philodthi-hia et- But Defiaiey. .. A leadig ledoustrilhi cammeeting or the toit et ceoputoîr anA other eiecîîonio oa l hn busînoss lit0, ohbsoerces that: 'Man ia slom, sioipi- anA hîtituent thinhe- ohile the crachine rs fart, accatate anA riapii. - At teast one othot noncatiat teetalut agi-est-eroi-t îîîh Éhat "ercrae iht. Mis cemi-eoi-comi-t aie-elicesed aeomhti-of new sier-heiders te ho sent "soui-t-ohecr. i-oc'îe ieaîeg-ar" lettîrs instocd et tht itielmn' tirA. Otetees eftihe oleocr ia-s, of cre, roatd no docks i-ot ihet homano, bilitiint anAi otherwice, aisoerr... fît-ls te i-i-oder flht flirt cii-mie Methor Oayu. At bot aîgîog, West Virgînia mode Moîher gai- e ste-mîdeoservoance in ti9it and Pennsi-vanie, diA tht sani the fotiowig i-ta-. Ei- i9tA, lors thr hi- i-tais aflti- ber mothe's dAoch, Anne Jari- airbd i-eiradd tht Cogîos et the United Stater te i-arr a iointtreosetio which ' "eaihorieand i- qac-secd' Piorîdeot Woedîoî Wdrsoetoasge a fîacicraior ostaht-rhîrg tht reoed Saon- dci- et Mai- as Mothor's Day. Miss Jeais, iho evat mattie, cntinr. oit hot cruscde foi-mate bern 40t year Whc shte AieA l i 194 i-hieitiphîa et fleo 000 et Oit Methor Dc- bcd gi-or fi-oie tht htirt eotici sori-ate ai Siot hodrîws te aninrnionltraitiAon. otodsanatCdnd tht tIf.,ihe custiom is nocrbsoîed in Lot-o Atott-ca d cetienropatidthe Net InDouhêt... a Nom Dnîelicruc Part- Candidcte i-ho ilarraeuîneil if a caionial p-oiitîcai O L A i-art- no aa0atocl mît-en lIP cortitotes n - CARL COLA AVC citrait-ces nsterithteai todorcmcretcgoî Pt-d ockeb Mr. Haen Argde, M.P., il, i s Th i-uccuîriutauuurrct-uha \ fuucalia fondamental prn- staeocrot o et i-ontimo front the Newom farr' fl-c Cacadiai ai al leuli i uiitrgticti.ih t-tata tcarty. huai ahîclitîtir t-c hum ofutoror1Iiglr h Jeep cocran tfai the indi-idual w ela r ( a l C anadia or a d i s racri-A te hald ai ociai jt-t ce Thar liar brn emaihd in Canadian Hirtait T-ha riitno ieih Diefenhahe- Goerarece on hai field f rcial ,jie.nlaril- ellomanco fay- matir. on asirrstarce la eras Cî)thai aged and te tha efet-e kaei ara bhai rpcahr fo- itreift 2,30,ggtiog p-oc dcA alten1 flic t-ot torst fart. aompact-d ta i,3g.000,0gg ie 1957 - anA atl îritboeî aorîonrt-ac in taesr. todacd 95 tr-ent of thîs cut ii\rf' Lxar wiii noi pay ters hie ihat- Aid in 1956-57, the fii -ast- iiri Lîhot-a mirdiorltioo. Bct lotsirte a lok c ihist-e- cor 0i Halien alert, rhe-e mie cncut tho dollaors ar tl we-e aoid airlato tho mesres et hai- contitiotal the otoot-et c ortrit ot Betiitogin, Oa- V il. Geiirgetowno Actan, Miltoo, riit Ain 1957, liheo tht con sra---ira Govot omool toek office, cet-t Matrh of ii yect-, tamii- altewcre patmootr in Hatton toîclrd S9,708.00 te 260'100 chfld i-e on sue 11t50 ramifier,. Meliten Lîhetat Candidate HARRY HARLES' SAYS Ocaîial, ont., Mat- h-O.aada tir high itandi-Ar et hath cira. Tht-, hemacai-. don roet lallTrcfi ait Caradiare ha- ai otha teriof cri-rota in- catirAd. fone et thora people i%(;d hei- inertarro hut fo- a n-carea.un at-c excluded. The Likalil P-an5 }lealsh Netn rs Acrîgorl ce irmoe foot-. of cariand mahîhirePlan aaaî aui-i hut creitcitoi- aonie Hc -tarpta tneet-aecr Arc ra lit ilaîhcarîi hi- hai Lihai-al icai rt-oitîri il tort, ced neî til Iîîrr silice hal Lîhea frIclIcroctit attuirer-Atomes-ta i-li Lifteril haciîlui ra Ard Aiud1 -e art-o and dia- iiatiic te-ata ini attira, honma ai IlVt ltiiiel et i-h tpa aiti Ilne ita ilitrî i-i-a aThcLa.l Il, e-aîl iladî pt-e-aiiri mli Il i l I l ritî i ci tu i icarc ai lb. t-, rat-i t-C irA i-r-cila aad il h a t-ineci plairA - ibis cleai- pîcîiarlu tared badin hâtnrai itîc 'i e d cal al A f- pî' iaeîî, t-aiwl t-rt l'Ji do ici 11-l"- iitiu uni- il cii - aIe- ha' hai iu seaie w ta%, r-e ici ua - o i-ha hbit-, hliai- t-i hc pi-cl i g a" i ii i-lc iiii, l a tet i ri tti ail' iaile. d,.llc, ha e i au niliai%0 aiaahl aragd ,tl lii pri-esr. Thar li-c otipected 10 cra-i i-achat- ees han hiait of the coalot of credica ca-e. Thre trAct-ai Gornirco mdli Pay the t-eîaiodai-tt-em ca-at-tatue. hordeoo0e1rceoemp hoeuse skis rs ait-oadpy heIn0 paid for tn one M-lat Ot- aucîhe-, Ie an expasdtng Lihe-al aeonmt,irtrhud ho chia te affet-A thc hart. i-ha-a e-il ie ne iotet-ftt-nce Viha dariace, ti-cairnnt, or o lth i-i-a rac et modiatot o'c bchoerceadr noine- la i-ca aith pi-cicte' aheie et dunesr i-ha Lîheai feiicy on srhoaaîhiprs and falli rt-Ai hetp [lii a muatha eomhci- et dot' tai-t. sui lti ai-casr nodiee meda. cal raLi r' ahoud ha Aeccarcd. Metallaah le tha mss im- i-ai car aiOidc cicat ai- illoasses On i-Ctlic triti. Thor ehacid ha Lad heaie Peate as cii tiai saine beihaphi,. t-ri- dior-tair litiiicariogcspese, Ar il teiraia parsihle, th, plan ai ha iodanrdw te irahodr deot- Ad Lar c aiig ai-ri-rie and allher i-oclil ieatriaia rih t-*ýiýiiri -i-artari the pets- lii- faeic-i cii-ent ocade, tht Lri Pl Gaitînicti IL tai-an. e ta- a-a aeahk- t-1e ai t hrrcor-z cirretr.ihi obt-ie-ir a Giins ra- dîffo au te ihouhot Mu. Arguerensr ayog mas emrng c hi- lac. Whet acc nei dou i the icigtîieron anridiul t-t-t-t cci sac h oevtoan mould hae ecooedin sort qdutrers hadit u beon mco The Canadian Champion tht-,,ý vev5i.,Lva Mai i M l o AFùýC t-iiie A i . Li~- or en cecond Lais' Mail, POT Ohhu.c Dauu tr t OIicia.e G. A. Dlii, itle-inChint t-cumuurturi on tho Heurt of Hatton Pabhlshed bf the VIlla PeInais0 and Pabllehlng Co., Lsd BUSINESS AND EOtTORIAL OPPICE TEtEi-MONE i-RO-2341 le rîtp cil ota ile ord i ii lit e «%aIrtie aitc-iici citioe aitlit f i har luttait. i-t-ca un imiia Th it noi ,\il, hlroui-g'r 'abot l arce" lait î,ck~ icui i tlc , i 'itci li-cii cl ictrinal pe rssuc- au ic Il-c Caeidiaidoar aIT t2_ Gn, On.. feeide. hile' " uhaiciu-u ndecîa bci in ehsluci tui rlîe i a-lu lion itîîîul Li *ti , lita h i l , i , liaio il ili ie Uir, ai i-i .. i tl-t t h eati- . i- ah cltt 1, I r d'itgou cra- ut i-Icrrihii et Cbaro aheospuim ail Canada bu hai United Staîes. Ultiunuîto il uecr te me it Éliaeh o- arw trae hurle te ton- mel' ur Caoaitia ira- of lita lu hY ailinhg hai mai-tnloocr anA tiengthcniog et the Uritd araýt îacirciii- atvittheorl- phiai i-tyi-ni t-us coutryi ut li l rîuîurîeuuîi holistr hsis Wr ta hlic Necm eOrath i-auu bat-cia biact th- Unait Na- eil' cini traihceuna a foi-ce fii uuîu lieiara anA lair ortil Il te i-ae lt-c ito en I tutN cii tii-a cuiaw-that 10 .an icitialai- mitseicties vil il iilc amy, ocra .and ah-ltcai ,uIlle disposatantit lmeflita cîlihu ai etle United NBtu[ te iidNtincno eau la , i-rt-- Naeornno ct-.adc, ici, m iraunhbi-. if tcbut- 70.f.ggicîuîIC freott ri-s-nrcta truc inaros-lit rrunhp Mieun the o ri-dr popote. oil isi ha t-tamis- of 2ki Jog- lise,, Ohet Ina ron tht. risE of ire- lg rponçibir foi- short petsplt o(l ui ritting ho interntionael hait-. Ilii for Tis masont lias the Narw Domoîs-atir Party itsistr on the admission of Redt China la ha flottait Nasiots MI Poibe rootiîhao-t penrîiors at 'cilgsati onee fee in iCanada.aitc-istthoei thecLig gi-Cep ccci 40, wiii hami rcrîei tho-il- hyt-ha Cooteva tu-in- arsroarheoec out.h This osai-O Lige greefba har n fîniig il terariegt- difliculi te raera e sitahia ccrctaamn ,impit- hccaue thair aga tee carnet ho fittcd lotoa hc ptir et oemooeru, indopendant pn s ien planr te ha feeind toAayi businesr and loden-ry. lt-enic if,. ronne et thoro pople ie prohahir hrtirr off hrfo-c p aion Ia kird haïd hao iade -Poob strTyor i-ha introdutien ef potrtabe cictiihter' pensitons fot-afl rtif aahih oncecagainteriossi - titi-ta fokhtocampectefocrip- ,teton thc htrsiro etîherit- OJ-eseu îîar ala (hem ou prtofit tht-oughth andrsoe o tsao ricaîtîncrr and the dogt-cor iii cisie. Thir i-tai ma1tat-it marc at-ceft-cpared eu miiitnaotaoheoe: ig to ajoh. wil leve urter viýTi r-forcit lgirlion rs het * ci-te an imponssiro a oihat-afctoo of the pariy' BW BILL SAML DowN(S IN THIS CORNER Wl TtI R OY DOW0NS