r Il fiThe Canadien Champion, Thcrsdnay, May IOth, 1962 Couple Exchange Rings Saturday In St. Joseph's Church, Acton Pink and otti,.. icatfitagjn- IThe brtde v- gient tn al d.corttedhti. Je-etph-. Chorh h.tigoht Set aiie.hei ohthe,c Actoice, ce &tUedtc tctttctg. Mtc Dtt-tce ýMalheon vvir grooms- ring cteonoh.h ttt..ed in anc td Etr.c Htlts. meectt.5e Rtt.het,, M.1h,,ttc ,ttot flonr ai Hotel Jitet Watotto. TeS btide ic th, At dettec inthe, Domtinctc Ho- dacothtct* tt Mi accd Mi.. Itt ChI, A.t,,, th,,,c ttc lMi,tttctt. 13 (Sot..h St. E_ A,- gentctl cdtg Mic, Rohottien toad thegoomithl"',cet 1 ,,,, Stgand. Mr,. HetorttRttt, Mnt and MI*,. t-l.%c Wectc tocei ,J tt brite traint Ne,, 93 C hU,teh St. .A,ttt. j littttct ankdti. andiMr,. Let thett,-tttg Ott Tht' Datt O F11-t, T,tt,,ttt, Giltch, Mtttttt, Ge.otge- t.!,.! Mottel. Atotttg tei, NIa". tour, andL A.,,,, Prinscs(ess e finTh, ttt vtlt, A g.,.t t yezittltttit, ilk.iI eil tcicttt. tt htg.Žtt'c.t- vvii.fi tttong , tkt tiJ p ttin t ,, fit,,, or-ctg SNOIN NOW, MIE KNOCK Charlthsotfistpetie on dn ,teHc.Lse fl.cetII ktnit A LielneMiltes B. teersen ooke ewig a egecd pi hWednesdyaftecnot hecbhe seppedet the Ceene ycc o,t,t n Trie lte hcct,,, liton Pakt nearBc neo tucatnh sone bebel players The "atcer isRed Kelyaronto ccqccc. heih lTi tt t,,cLp iýi,, Stte, andttitOth ;h-oit rdg Lbeca cddeeeadhe oypie" cO . Hery HereyHcetn's Lbeeacandidae coi,, . hicn t..,,- , ttgh (il*c Pink Pao',.,,. l Mono Dtce I,; 1,1 a'nik, tckfl . L c ' %~'e tttl ttStet"I ce!At, > i.ttt,,ttci Seek Re ii n of irucmk Legids lFUUo I tciu , etc 'la tcct ttiler,, , 1 S Cil, e er ett t*iLhe ,.1 -t vvlina'ir, 'te ci "l Mett Hctrr ,tt~ ;I f tttttqotN..ctttcce,.t1ht Soi h, gictn tctitg,, liedPink i'ndTo Ad Divers, Make More Jobs, Taxes AIt. (tti it ccc. Actcen gciltoiamda iccsn,-h elcino lewrie toncCocne.soandmtll bcfoemod- pt(,iliiL beÉ,rýhou, i th ian an auomo ie te ail Ltbec Cocnets te Os- %1(lkin co diton, oi ru,,t-,, iitrspot ii(lutiy tu 5 h r ,t as cceli as the Ontecio Fcd- ing sing1 fir %ýck. he Crnicl clinist ,t,,ttec et Labcclorcosder- zigs hs benurgd h (le ak-hor- vociv ie uie om G. G. Hcyse peessteet cf the Vill andDil-iciLabr Pl()%iicizl in tht Okc.le tc ricte Laoe Couc l A bre! ti ih nitll- c! i]',ottitht e Prpec a ls cccr cru. ýMiion Acoii Ge)igtoiiOak aLe -aitinc-eac i hihwa jtfeoc ccclsce cf ocsle.gbsc y % il,,Cli, k.i an P. 1 i eitbV ale% ,and 'lun herempocent legtclali.o 1ýOffices Ifiere. -Mi.iiui pelasspr- ýTh,~Fo 1h Flee CIlItae Sorclosin laa Cýht it"piM"ý lICEa PNONTR 453 MARRIED SATUEDAY, May 5 cn St. doccyhos Choch wccc Ro- chelle Maîhecce, olaoghtec cf Mr. and Mcc. don Mathecoc, acd decc WtSoc son of Mc. acd Mcc. Hatty Metechoose. They ae livig cn Milton. ASH Many Visitors ln Week's News By Mirs Geo' INltctteclc toc hi, ctcogttec, ln N lttoc Il.,pta ttc,, 1, . ,c Atlie, t o Sttt,,.,t, f. c,r holdz, ttc h t i,t Ai. lotd MI, c (,ctic (Oece andt,-n ar.kt ttctcck Aocc(ettciiot c' etNr.! ndt c. B l., a,,t go h' Ai. n MtiA,. Ro,ASoh,,, thi tt..t,'ttig on Mc eAe 7. Ait, I. z,e ,-,,d ,,, , Sit,r act Mi-,, C,colAicco Ilu,, Knklan L,,iaktce. gt Le, toc ..c ritreet,. \col, ti, yq- i . t,, c i1' 1: e P ]II1 ,i ..ettt.eenl, - iet,, goect,or,1 te,. i,tet M- ,ooî. t, Ai ndc, ct.il LAJc OeoCi[, loi a oct, At, otI Nltc Striait Nltct] ettMt. , E.AcJt,'e t- Att, progressive în a progressive ùsdustry WALLACE GRAY -lO7 Court St. TR 8-2421 SNLiii ASSUSANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Studded Sure-Grip Truck Tire Pere fic top cconomg tie toc tock on- acd-offithe ceai eyccteco. Ocp yci tcctd, l rui nottty on ebccccoocct. I j Traction Sure-Grip Tracter T'ire Thisc cractioce mastoc"' has fonger, dneeoc4 g savans yo fuel and precteos tne, PHN USfR8 FOR ON-THE-PARM SERVICE Psîraleam Prodoctn MILTON FUEL SUPPLIES FRED ROBEINS Bse Lice aI Thirl lin. DEUMOUIN, Invite Vote Local rlerces ofîtheEBer Wc M rs. E. Ford Leaves District (Ibere aet r ibc n leMiltes lcdey) U.C.W. Ho>nors Hier for Work J52rne erie nddZia lice cf tbe Socth Africe Wer Dp Mcari. A. 2.11 edelice fer e cereloker foc the Bcof Remcmhcaece te Ottawa A large sombr attened thr chechl. May 3l. "Telent Nighî" sponcered hy the Fiee! acrengements wccc mode Boye Cemmcsisy cenee t he for Ihe hloscomn lea bcbng held Thecsecicc, dedicaîlce, and ess Peey Mcccy Seheolr ce Fciday ite hhcch May 16. officitalgeCtcmeldineecai te eve0t05. Tbe meeting coeed ith pcey-CacuLrirwlb fedt Glmweil misles aecexelededltoecandeaîocl lime fooed - observe the 60lbecciecs->.eof PerceyMeymwhe basceenco. . h lboieaicuof thePeae ofere- lied le ics home this pest rneek. Congratlaetios le Mr. ai 5Ies. eniging tobiob eoded the Sdctb Prier sel leecieg for hec nern John Heecob os the biel, ti a Au-bc Wec ce Mey 31, 1902. home ie Oekville the ladies cf sec et Oebctlie-Tcaialga Mcmoc- Bethel ohecch preceird Mes. E. tel Hospital ce Selccdey May 5. Ford mith a lite memhe-ship ie JACK HALL the Uited Chuch Womec. u ma Ck. CereCleBngndIo Mec. Ford hed hecen e ry Oc VOiIfg Sh p CrielCrdr igadSl lice etocher te the scemees ce- Ed Teeditf et Miltce bac foc.- gerieeliecsmwilhicîthechccch and chsccd a 10o cee ie o h LOCKS the] U.C.W. Wr aIl] wish her hep- ccccltcg a cern moidieg sirop. TIc, J. COOKE (caner.s. Eleek.> piness te hec secs home, end hope constrction bac ctactcd, and the LTD. hecctisiîsîeî heommeiycbl coofts gosg onethsebilditcîb he fceqeot. meeb. NE 4-7763 U.C.W. Meeting t is ioceled ccltt ci trfie The efleccece oeit cf the Be- Copelaed Lombetocacehooce and EVEMINOS bhel I.C.W. met et the heme of store, ce tho coolh tdeof cI ho MILTON TE 806365 Mcc. Teck. Wededey efîcecceo. maid. _____________ Tbc coneee. Mcc. W. Feethe- c pcecided end gave the opesn-_________________________ ieg îbocghit. The colt catI wrnod "Chcrch" mes ecmeered hy the The deccliecel mes gices hy Mis. E. Bell1 and the eheptec cf the clcdy hock c'as pccseeîed bv Mcc. G. Brnidgc. Duig h hcsiness peciod il tees decided te, 1< cudn hae5n lo ei ârirr irrt AM$ab For A our Srsve Il's gond 1DM ido eeee' cne Flc o Ail Yor ervie engins sons-up and b. sure of l ,, iký rrcr heodn-np service. Thoa' hers. Open Aien ch beve teoched the deytbrs et eovecty acnd DoIly 7 ana, se 10 p.mn. degedticc, c.tttec tactttg She relound Sandnp 10 ana. t, 10 pet rnoîhethced cbtîdres esphae r msratdt tbeseeandococgtess cstbers The Satinarrybi ** * reliecad tropethroogh ilsbave o st oe "flac' aI DIGIVE FARON TEE MEURT TO TE t CHAIC RE HELD APPEAL * SIMD DONAIONS aO ME. C. DOSIE m mtCanoi.t Impert t!l Bantt rmne I Milo REMEMBER MOM THIS SUNDAY Y0U'Rf SURf TO ARE MOM'S FACE 0(0W WITH A SMIfE 0F AFFRECIATION WHEN TOU CHOOSE bER REMEMERANCE FROM CAMFBELL'S CAMPRELLA SPECIALIZE IN MAKING CUSTOMERS HAFPY WITH THE QUALITV MOMS L00K FOR. CHOOSE MOM'A GlyT NOW AT CAMPRELL'S ORLON CBULK< KNIT CARDIGANS Ry Regent Koit f rom $8.95 A Lingerie KAYR Qoeliy Tee SLIPS S Fcrnm $3.98 APRONS By Rîtedcîat f rom 89c NYLON SCARVES ........ NYLON GLOVES ----..... ATTRACTIVE CORSAGES -- SUPP-MOSE BY KAYSER _ . NYLON HOSE BY WHISPER BLOUSES BY CATALINA . STYLE AND FASMION HANDBAGS $2.98 - $3.98 - $4.98 tramon $1.0C t.ram $1.35 _fram 59c - --$4.95 from $1.00 t ram $3,95 -CAMP BE LL'S DEPARTMENT STORE MAIN ST. MILTON TR 8-6021 Knight's Dry Cleaners FUR STrORAGE * Fur Storage... * Fur Cleaning... * Fur Restyling... PHONE NOW! TR 8-9941 KNIGIIT' Dry Cleuners lji 30 MAI ST.MILTON 1~