riî taf 9 a fia M * TuE GOOD OLD DAYS ~ - Baok in 1912 Back in 1942 Tahen irons tht fills of The Cas- Tales fren lte fie et The Casa adieu Ch-npion May 9, 1912. adian Champian, May 7, 1942. Burlington,'May 3 - ,The-.new George Ing cli and re Bat-k, King Edward memaria ourotoin, lcal mn, naretml escaped ereoted at thefaout cf Bt-at tStreet death cohac tht-y oer trappt-d in by popltir subsat-iption of [ht- ci- A. S. Malhva\ grcacvei pi Wedca.c t it-ens of Burlingtn, as a t-ibute- dtv, Apr il 29 Buc-k a si 10. the humanitatîit acts of Ed - Igi. his t-at-k cvhen a Ward VIII, ttt-o formally dedicat- ploc-ioo ola boravei pl gove cd ta public use tncy by Sir- John u-.y almt u hocyng toth mnc Gibson, Lieutenant Gant-t-t-ocf Dt-. C. K. Stataccuson ors Milton the Province. The businesso places a-at calid and tuand] Mart. Ingisi anal cienoan alun0 Brant and t led sokanbrieaou Watter sIeeets werc]ost in fag, flic legs tt-InMr. Bck wa round and bun t ng the sc-out. tra- to h.ttan inlotad knec andbruis- clairnd c hiall holiday, and busi- t-c. ness ceocd acnaon. T. J. Campbell, or Moffat bac Tht- rlt-atnh-t ht-ughc out been granted adiptuma front th* I~t t-ht-t-trv httosotttc. ot-at- Ontario Vetertna-y Cottege, Tt e-a at-a u c h ca-liet-c route, having sccecctctiy pacocac 9.G arai-c I-two cvekc ed the esetctinaîionc folot-t-- cat-li-t chctaat and ecteryuclai narycaurgeon. haoccctthiîn ocht-otontt-oc1 llegal Ballplauctng - Lcco coi tinc THIS BIAuTIPICATION SION, erected besideMlceFeHa, Tbcrsday tmo boys corre paraded Wc tcad al bot tinte in tht- otd points out Milton's Cbemkcr cf Commerce effort ici pramnote, belore R. Campbell, J. P., chat-. cotte tact munth. Herattt-al th, May as olear.ap month in Milton. Ail nilizons are urged te, ed bp Constable Chapntan ou tht- sctoud tcart-c April on record lake lime dorn0 May to clean-up, painl-op, plant-up andl comploint cf Chas. Jfackon -itb -l1941beinglhe wat-ment..-,the fîc.op, and meke Our tcwn a prelier place toi lie. playlng hall "on a public bigha-ay scpet-ctitiuc met-e ccnfuvded coithin the ton ut Milton t-on- -ht-n Apt-ît cama i lulet a lcmb" t 5n Ott'~ tacln tOnt#9~ icc trartB-l 5- No. 1tt' Tht -t-n td %tttot flcit calie, ctat- Thte v. , illa Fat-mo Ld., upet-ated by Pet- ntcble ccd the cumplainant scut- met-t-at- bit 85 ou Apt-i 21. Piaci. Maltofl Holstein Cl.ub leîîet-ia Bt-uc. This a-ut bc a ue tn the halliaving and Townc Clark lait hi-he.ci lit 100 yaaro: un Apt-it l dcv ut-ugrant otarting ai 10.15 Hentotreet cwore that tht-c did 22. 1842. Plans Jugîflg Sciiool ont. unta 3.15 p.m. un Tcecday, nul playi un the stacet, ha itng Hic Eut-tlit-u-t- tht- Muot Rt- Thce Haitn Holstein Breeders' Monac 15. lnalded n pcti yee heenntrnedct todouhîîhtth t-t-andiJ FRcct .C. D. bIt- Cluh hace planned theatitCun- meandicuin f icl at-lice contable, thol tbey ploy*t-d in tht- cc ant i aie t-f-ati theea Roman t Jadgiug Sctcaul tut- Haltb a-ditacocllctc as yard cf the Commet-cial Hcclt, Cathuli- t-tac-h aa Milton Heigbîo Holstein hraede-. At a recan t Acsivîiug miîb tht- pt-ugront ila, ccd the boi mac hattel oui ut tent Suai ccd tht cto difi-a, exutolice meeting, tht- precidaut be offcisl lt-onntahe Holstein- ahefyard tatI e-otrtadhbod OuLat tt V \-tat - ita l club,-ii J. C. Mat-chah,ý au Ft-ieiauAssociatiuo aod cd inlc the ccntplainoctcs yavrdlt- tt-acti dut-lot- tht- tc-t--- ilc cat hata arr-angent-t ba- h-Eccin totb ai Tht- magistroa bond tht- butat mocto. luIb hatit-cc Mr. ee 'omlad lot- chic cype ut Dapatmet of Agriculture and guilly acd ltthemr oIf un su- Tuartc sa Chelf anthattbliiîla pt-athato osen rees cpended ctent-e un paymnt of acuatlo lic sitatu of ut at- lt-tt Tht- iadgingporm st o lb the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It octs 4 o ilnwhc h iniidt HuItceiu type. hînîla- pt-oct-amy have been The 11 it-l - l,~ Bacadîc~Se t-att-bt-th. it t-tt-d-t- n b ecuiny at-e btid hi th- Hulsteic-Friesian As- Oit Syndicale has had at-tat diffi r oito fCnd u bswl tcly in geltn ap tht- brukan Chat-aitcat rut at-t al] chat t-a- ftitcchu. ta lbý flt-ha Aat-c caaci vnu r f o nta ba I bis .l tcie ac dt-ial Ifrnt tht-li-ct meli mau ttt ettyoî ua Tcachttccih tI tAh1haacl etr u- oa lb in nth.cb tht- tt-ike mac mode t llapoi Rt-t-t W 'S *Halaitui nonetfitne ago.Sccral pieces~~ tht-i 9th Lire- Tht-t-out-t- tf-a caile eregotup t-t-es aocraý fit-a acoc bvc c tht- tit-i and yecaecday and il ic hopad oîia c iliinc Oakc ili thut the dt-ill wilI couric hetaicaaî acd tlht- uco and pt-acaiaîy ait Remfinders abouit your ccd put icu opet-aaun c tht-th-tcntsî mat-a decît-ovaîl. The andpu lie peitonin herie , blivei a biefist ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSIJIANCE tht derr-ick bac bet-c t-t-d,; ftt- t-aaaî c stnuu hd sontt-finte.Mt- Ctihht-ticouicth tb bock or the-litîlotaudflicu firaI of tht-ole uta-prt-t- auotaîit ct ac îai EFISR at-tt 10 mrk: Ht bc hc dt- t-y Ww ,c o chn Sp t-atfaî Ibrught lu Thoc. Hucadn' u lSrelx. .i uIet e prP-entios arc e-uina for tlortl yecterdai - ncce wago %*<ts-Isic u p&Ler n yot nsaceo lt-ont nowu un. Obtain lads. He maltllhaveilti per- vlaedp ope Ille AU<f apprliaticsuuonfr tabtk, chbas. taon within il a l-t dîv. 1othe hume c.n BJrt1ey? ptoi nr the Cam.ssioatn. EBENEZER TeaA~ Prehlems Outlined ue ubn n ie elyo llctcnded for lcsîwokt Joi haiewr hnded , i iA c Mrv. Sheldon Taousdolc a mc c pps aPulid 0ti kuntess fut-tht- Ehteniset- U.CRW a tiavbr% h oil u hl IKEMPIonSUnant May menting. Mts. MHactc do th h grouds on ueFiocrrlthinrcinsnte prt-ctdent, npeced tht- ntt-o ut- I 2 1-1 1 faely k ciiat-ecofient b a-itha deh4htiol messaget- J Ahvn A.loe t-am at- , wlheCccitouremloer ad Sprit', hlec tarned the-1.Mr E.Wal h t-hu ut-mr te goit-yormplyni met-ttc r f t-tt tdot-îocal led ntu'cls« A cititt-dtnciot-t-lobs, t-t- fri E. uarat Tht- devt-îa F imlý. H a Iberntt-aas"The PuctttofIG.d ed b Mi. FIA d Atý,ng etl halltec pwroct-act- i R"c pEl.t Aandy asp yccce1 ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION ct-o queted. Mt-ckiod ht-c ht-at Chat-th Meetings Hospital a vîcrceo 2195 YassE STREEn, TOeONTO 7, ONARIO acceedinfly cevt- in hct-uacicg The Yt-citg Pt-itli. t-ot Cetifilttu dy thlc frcesclontu-e t-t-ct-ehic meac igoîcscvoit atîî-dt-d oncny ed, bat be iv stil amuat- ornuil J. a,cccarnt-aîcheahcc 0tto-t ai izut- tht- spiritul tt-cuOt-ct ptacîaie Hat-old Wa,ctcc. îobich ac- at-attable oa fim. Tht-tt-c ,a, fait ,cttacaac-a Cnt-cladicg, tht- speaker caid at lo- tht- secetit-'o medîtaicî uni Calcary tht-attvît acacted bat GauîtFridialaccEhent-c- Chiccît 'N t- lg0 ( cd ti cruaifyic Jecut, bot in tht- 'Tica Pcaa--Of aIlia CIcco, li-. atclrreotin, uïdt-catit-ai Hic chitai Ourtiaîtctalctclt a I«es 1 - Icirourh -use üls mg ilg panwer, t-t-a oct-t (Ialhi anctdcc ait eict- P ruved Hic omnipotec-. Mam '.ic ieJi Std okli- E, ti- cccc Bright and chicy, like a neco eprief bonnet - Mec. R. MaLt-au t-att- t-iau1 Etn,Iitt-tirlit-. "He c, t- thalu bau' aur kouce lut-ha Ihece daya. We've bouok,a-hih had ta At-at %iii Rat R. Hadtitak ava lc-tt I.i"uraIv--Odattîn-e t-en-cg- pîchiento. Cccucyaai.oc ttttcit-i iccchenc lour chic arehrryinc uycvitk éi. The coat? Wel - .ntch au mode a-h ct-So ititn,.t letitvai. lt-a thon yoa'd thinh. Wr finunoed the "mat-ha" itn ratajucuaat ol o glci a tit ba B ofM Homte mprvent Lan. augnees sieîccc tcaNEE LiE ACKE Thutaý bave yen t-an gel oua honte intpravcntents Th-- scontothint-i lu uu- Tht- Octait- Scaît Lt-aguci IN N dunc uit louer tcnst, Talh ta the people cur flint gloriie tht- tas[ct kt ccaccc t- -ltcnai, utîît MYu neihbnurhond B cf M alnd teen-aget- catt-ottcac ai hazac.'itAcu licn g~t aîîthccaccuu itLaua an c ut-ri- hY1bega toc cry ou age ta cet-h jobh. ccOf th- ct-at Cccd wttt--c, icra-inhao oc byi eg Theospeaker suffecîcd that-itait-i ttt-aItc- and lît-ott t-lothittt ccc tattell uall about IL escclcuhavelclleccshotinachz il at-t-ar ta take ectra pre m. Li t-ont-et-n let-the yunt pt-opie a tons. Appracd tata jat-katoilB N O O TIE Final delcilc oct-te made tut- guod concdition tut- t-at-h pacc- A K F IV O TR A tht- 'May t-o and articles tact fitac t-t- - oad ccar tht-m. TUES. and FR1. MORNINGSÇ EVfNINGS tY APPOINTMENT M«TON Tif 8-9972 OR TR 8.9678 184 MA&IN ST., MILTON In Lloyd Danis Jeweîlecy Shop TO THE COMPLET! Service Facilities 0F MILTON MOTOR I SALES Drive ln Today or malle an ap- 30E KOEGL paltment fo. dependable srie. Servtice Manager CalI Me--me Rat-gI aI TR 8-235c5. with performance -economy-v (iv ig r P Lu wtith Cet-ado's pruene et- n leaderl Ftat-ccon covut-y starîs aime nu le, cat1itt Falcons tua price. Octaiccutti urnoioal Fait-or t-ces mites tarîtheron rcguoac aoc-av tau6,0b0 iles belaoon ccitchanges.t-vdnaausace again oye st-l tl hooaose Falon buasîs c hagh trade inct-att-ct it tItis. cotabir racm lut- six c..nrim style ahi the an. rit-e ma lu thause Iront.. there'svn compact ite Tne Ltaely Fat the Jiveliest features corne from *Dancing to an Excellent 12-Pince Orchestra *Buffet Supper *Entertainiment by thse "Jaclcson's musical Rascals" f Hamilton *Refresisment Bar ADMISSION $8.00 COUPLE Tickets Available at Ma-q's Restauarant and Knight's Ment' Wear Fairlarie-the new standard size rard-nets a raenté standard nt value. Oereason islueFarc nyaa Ticeo.Year Mantancn ttcive the lively Facnane u a6.000 mies betenuîiîohanges, p ta30,000 miles bnloeen chassis Ichninatians. Beakes adiost themselves aatcmatically-viîta undtrbady parts are specially laceset resist rusI and corrosion-. f l n 'ta ftiamonciLdetn 4irauts stalys'hbrdt' liniaalyrs t8illa the Livety Fairlanel Falrl.rtaTudor Sedian a lue! thon t- Ot- t-ta o c GejI1ltai7 Onbehtcd the obet-yut tacal Galaxie ptdu-at-e ; l t-c-c t-huely utt-int-Pce .. i n it--t- caunc e-nianc t-i s crtt-o tchc f ir c . lit bigt-ar--tt ticm Li--t- ct-at îaactaAt-t-Iet iiuîauin t-a-e ic t-oct _«W TRAFALGAR MOTORS m a AI T COMPANY LIMITEROsD A 409 MAN ST.PHONE TR 8.2369 ANDtjtcm Miss Summer? fte Candian Champion, T-horsday, May lOîk, 1962 15 îlhcc th- t-cen distributicon ut th- CORNY CAMPAIGN Sow Your Spring Lawn Now 1to-l ecd i, noiW lit- t. Alrt-c, Couvid ht-t- t-ccicg whcch ing fil, . i tt irram b,,at-cc 1872,caoit-lt Oua ut the- Fothuct-Peupl-mhoiduet sed hed cet-ds tu belfine adata-t O t- ttit getî t-colo iaacla tadtfastt-,te atithtioi ital-iIicau-i m -ci tit c- sammer, bera ar-scontae sugtge- Wbechavyiagîflict-ed,bkeep in Rae Il Main Oni,-~~ d -,,.tti ad tiacîrnt ottitallrihcttthmid chat cou- laoou tout bt- Il icucoimcc tac, Kaa-p atai, Ktim ct-t-t-t- the Ontari Dtpatment of cAr-tth-t-ote - cacvveà, rudtotilt cat-a " aI vott1 rati ttt.itiiattt a tht- lita'wn,,of[cpo aalhomucunohumta rdot- at-o-alhauctyac.uuachecseuilhiai elil tut oait. Hacatat îttt-v aatA caie dati-d dt-t-ta cpring laa-. ct- c iatath. Ilîsa pour- caaitrtn cf ha Ir ctitc at- ti i gc îtcan ofacott-rrcttetla, Therlit-oîfactor t cohatuuiîatý-,umr ca hv tto.alahapt-t-almc i fita cPta, ai' cat-i ai, JikatN ttt choi cita litad ait a ct,-i r4à,i the-top-coil. If you atoluît1,t-t-act--inlikt-1,1h^1ýytot-et-awdlau uach tht-ui aoil ch aath-e ifat- end up ia-al"dilacn, filai sadonth land thtfbl at-t cuit alc- ach tnt-tal ntilliolat-ethea-t-, oa muicttt cofftt. Te addittlonzi -l ust ofuntr euht-cut-t- thatuaha t-toaa-ohtau icct-tthctagef Thiaofgrmatio,ccccîîlî ma ue t-u t-u aelatf.- eo i cpet tt-d bath ccn rpa ct-- t-sS dt-pth oh lop.csoitlu cta t-ît lbi, cs mont-i 0vUR prt-ft-t-ahiy ~ ~ l lM, loonu-ctat-- ByAMsa th- a-aihet. Thtr *-c act itai Wuthîuî hic. therte inficit-i W,,ht tit t Ion qok-t-oca -acai plan[ food to maintaina o levi bua dctlt--cî r -t-t c v camixut-e, ancai ai od TO stanad, hali -c a ab om-o iîcici t-tacccseds-co alc atv lyiilccca toc cc ual.ý1inýtr osmo a ct-a , itsc îsthesaillai and ccaaahchcomap-ohîauî Iv bacctu geî a p-apramixtr- cicocîldpal ly.in tt-cactî nei 3y Tht-ct-tozr gas atheubasicoKty, bit ai tod ilt % lîîhaîata,îtîCp If eedar geel ice. ct-ma at-t- tion oft hasciupc nd t b talai ic cîc tc-ta- A. T. MOORE Weilîcît- macr ut- aile! ctatmu-ta lîcaî-aoîîaou se amixrcîadn t vcaict--citt INSURANCE cluoi tht- iti. uYo ushoaota uJl I,cicu t-a u cîtut- cyt- i t ur -- a da -c ict- c i tIait,t cacae cit CAMPBELLVILLE adal soune tat-cilicat-, tha amoont Tht-y ciil tat-ithil aud typa dapeudint- ou tht-catit. lufici s if ot- anatacti ofchad- augh N titi cia'aata Phone Ulster 4-27 Ona acv cuit out- a 4-l6-lb ut- 5- toata 0t-tikeltu lit-tt ait ___________________ 20-20, anal un hecocat- sout sch as toit wt'th th- sal-cmau ccitt- cou ba i -rchoya .20-20 i bt- . t-oit t-lat ut- ct-t-a mlitre shula apply Iti ai thet-t- att- t Thea avot- e -t- ctin u t- it- c, 29 1u 4it pounds pt LItIuutlý chr i und peo-poc-c C liD A n square ht-tt, anal ct'uk tutu tht cuto-aft-t To appti vnvC A R E sait. t-c a sc-altt- ahic .r i Bittura cmicg, t-y lu gel t-idigbut ava coco oct b ail , cf hampc ut- utc paîtt-c tic tIlt-y Iditt-t-c anal the t- o iatht- o t-accaus prohiamo lait-t-oc. Th it- c t-att t-hi lotit , ndr- botiotil bi t lub A>, vrthecdaIo% l c'ait-t ana ibahuttc D A N C mili aftIflc t-c la -tc ctitta. Tht- t-t cati Io ao thit SPONSORED BYMILTON GIRLS' PIPE BAND Wbita t-ou a , duîng cii, t-ak- is o t-t-citt rakiut- lesrfc 0sS th- califacet-t-tr-mar cand cut the c-at bcd. Wbac dca-j tittoA _________________________MILTON ARENA jj WELCOME! FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1962