Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 1962, p. 12

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-2Thé Canadien Chanmpion, Tharsday, May 101h, 1962AtR in'oo THE TURNING POINT 22 in Profit-Sharing Plan by . M STRRMilton, Mat' - Tht prafit-ubar- the qaestion hy empbusieivg that by . M STRRiog plan for emptayens af Mitton ashite mancy and machines are "Atthat t am. or ct-ar baya ta ta- ls hiacc tlatcatdci rclvat Mitlivg Conmpany, Divisian af vecessary ta a gain g cancrnl,a ba.taaatacs.ttgittîttha aatbatcatbara aditaci. ,tattRohin Haod Flaur Mittc Limited,capys mpye rct AbrahatmLincoln patii the high-tatcd.ars cts mmber. Thect arc- bas brc anothervaccesgul Ytar, Mast imptartant asat. etttribate..c e nitatyaNulle t lbctccme'cshaotatttttad man accarding ta W. J. Kennedy, Gev- Hats... hui Io alt mortiersa vt- t. i te: s-a fhcu ctairocak, eral Manager. At theavatmet- fllawer on Trucks schatce scith btls [Laiig, simtple liea cade i hli hand th.t Iulcs ivg for employees, Mr. Kennedc Other campaut' actit'ititscverc aoliiono tch.i acit h ct uoId' id .aaotht caid tbc campant' cavtribatedi aise discased as the meetivg. W M'il"le or woili.coule ait fe olli$184,835.69 ta the plan dariug tact J. Kennedy aattined lcacl Il c i mpacabla ta lactîlithlt Dat. J. M. Batre' Iamu f ,ata ille: tiscal v'tar. pracemeut pragrants which con. dattea the ivcard ataothei" in si Tiha Gasi ta %shaut tilt bacc Rabia Haod bas aperated tht tributed ta tht campavy's graacth a uat ît of îttt rat sa muclb is sa% Ilion- tttca saa fa.ace ta- -s ' - Milton plant state Astgast 1960, ta Mitton during tht year. He ait- cidta cid ha tlieat nar. "Mec lifte tllatt niuatbttc This scama . . and presto tly employa 49 peopte' cd thr vew boiter that had bten t', rapt cstci t.amilc atîtý sc attcppi ia %te acs at îmaac- - ith att avasatl payralt of Livel tnatatted ta praa'ida safficirat cotitane cersed tadton beila sîe l 10,. . tam fur the pelleting process -ast îaact imapor-ltan tt iltt- $2 Millian late cnvrin of d lv r ttab.ppin,andttl ft Companyvcotribustionv ta the ha tc-ttt td. infl ttnce Harness Waste Gas ' -pcafit-cbaaiag ptcn toatat marc Mathat-- tat Iltaa % tielvtA CLI' D t.an $1t373,245.84 d bn henn Pollockan 1 i i on.Thotfison e L][ iie ii, A Shei'sRefner Yeas lraitheptan bas been in fi g, lbi chîldre iat tha ta 1,k bt'alit 1ciccîiitîc cbutte tîti alitai. "Theca Campany' cattîri Campbell ahri ... - Ii\ ci Il it Iiaî .tC ts.tc ýa ll,ttta nt t-t- tatin vaste bationa, Ptas tmptavetcaCntritea Manufacturera uf eya II ,thonal1 .îî lît. f .îctt, î.C bvt taitat and facarabla tsvevtment ingc tnua ahittiatî a aatad- Caap pataatcstim iaradco-c catIccai e'sreuts, rciaed tht tatat annoait HtD9I GRADE bIEMORIALS il ac asd t-icmp, tiar TSblOt Caiacase i- bc utd in\n ba h accaas of Our 822 camp- MEMORIAL ENGRAVING disoteiesindtrimI ', heu1 ý Sell. Or Cmpay o Caada f aon. Profit sharers ta acer $2.000, 62 Walter St., North, OAI.T teian thon h maI îccittrat-s,l Li hntstcs% refiars t Oak- WITN ONE SEASON JUST OVER, the new enecaSite af Mil- 000 ai tht ytar'c end," said Mr. Tlpe.6173 tOI [ iaelcs and ctîacacr c ci clt. white cu tisa lcoamplcîiaa tns Juvior Bowling Leagan mcsted va tima gnttiag damn a Oc Kenneady. ______________621___7__80 îht-atgtheîapaîtgccaadlaandc in Aprit 1963. battantss and vn0tang ap plans ftr avathut 'higger and butter' Tscenty-twa Milton emptoyeta MuItiiih arc ,the t vutmen cho fl'.s and catvîingaorlin, svarcafrot faiti acte ari çprinq Aboce treanarer Marin Ir.aassProfilah.r. raaricipt î.îbaîîacaîaîaad icct.ivboIkîîn PraacstiscarridaautautShfIt tfatra '. anvidevi Keith Bartit and secretary Rahp Chtids iag emnPtat'cutam ave fou o Lu u aCatctt,îcMaatreaatEasîtt ia ice peideayRnGrawas absent)goaoavra paaed pro- moretvars of.service. Miton cîIhitî. Hrxiac la\v l imeitalaîa nd ttitheUnitd tates.The gramafor aextyear. tataye av bac eco gicea crdt iîttlctîticîi r prhahtrta tnbe %vast cae arn t unt ti-scr the plat, t'or aii t'ear audgt hroug ilin- àcatallic rackr telie hrnes- seviceprier ta the parchate af E g r H lan tu iager h tha iîotaiaai hî acîc m aI ut L cpcialtv-de ' lie plant bv Rcobin Haad Fleu -ntepak..tm litan clt ct"as-tiattaltclcpat-,ttr andt N ote lls Lmië tc.din danîautîlctitth atain turîiiîe, t* di tht crattkert c o tc lu a o e Avîtîbr hiailight ai, the Cl t .hr tai , hî i - %Inl .oin, Tisa dat' tillac iHem roalit - HilIoý Ilnl,,,ýh tki a pi a catc a s ilc ,îCampant M ih ait hacîîccc tifc.htctlaho a-ccc caad filmcaie( calat os ",cte".g l iiitt ii --I e ,aacmaaaraag ifs gractiagat th îccatîccima.ara ICapacît" Tbeîfilm aaie - Cal Cracher ruaîsat adca F b- htg a]- c tiitcch,îaie,dliccchaandtnî fnr' M-cscic-tltîcat-a %, act tpradaceaaatly cvat- Ocataîha ttratca cîîtaug hil.tanhaarîtd htlla ticin" atolafultot the P ' l ictaa*alrs.This plant icca.'tIv MahctFa ilartastkiais pari cvivnpahcîiai agîiittttiîtîc-c hI icbIiCZI% atLCI, U i t anninga tatreoial harder. Rhadac inki _ Mission Be-lt, chlf 10 Ral .i.t- Mull, FLAppt t e ra-p,,t IIC Cr\lha ctid lack i t an tat onepantes,!, t t .R . F R pIic a d l\n ii i- ti. -,. lt t, eaacp i t . l- a .c fatîsi. of tln on n a I H.do it talit- . te ta IT N O T T .95 hr r nn aad ltaacclairttheita-i.iadttit t i . lhae te %icoris c "Or a rc toit. l 1anththe Witti catt aa ae ct. lsiati But~~~fu Ilalerl ilat bciu r Soc rpr derthllar,. ii n îî ke ai- lg racel- t t cil l Il ct att fal-eati, e h t ,,, t a t n , t an i t- B b t i l . n o a c îti li a i t h a - t - i t a q i t i la . t t i l ii a ti t h n a m a t g bith c iatl ca lit a . .boîîtcacer il csth mursAI aî a mia att ri at-h lait ia ý h e utmliI PobumcpiL, gti. tai au,' mii, la citai% Flrcceiil u thwl in t t plataa aond. lite et, mA ' aceECI H M S RE 't-a i iis tîttî,tLdh ichb, e jeu 'ut,. cal-tt Il t piadt. SAVe ONif RE M NNT . ANS LAB5R cre, oram trediatffaita I h i ri t .-.îc l" itar -a t-t o f l brîden B it reth i atge ] i e , Iio om th cotacptilt m oultngn utiti tatîîti ut l[ pttA t he Il pln liii tîaîl Aof ilu plan tic thcpe Bts titinno thclcitcaasi alwav,~ri butter fol bu!l trothiofth h.iktuîtul~~ocO hii s a t ' l t 8 b ca i t i c a s a b t i l fie, art- ar fal pi1 taîlî to a Tly - hi a gto adi i u tu .c-tsh- tac\ ccar car- li.t crdca aAV ONRN ADa oleyorhnch forin Mate lia lîttia %oi liai thîdîc 'de !Mat'aa taîlNaMhaaa-ataur titThe faiiallait~ hie lit tîtiti tttcaaîcad laEi aîcbt L ahttii t 'a iii tht tea Js ti 9h. lîrîct tt-t-t 27 9 tilsp a nt $.9 -hr ONLY $15 DOWNvi panchue rp rc e ai ne. îhah(ieu'ien î i ekîîî.-u ixad M io lH sial,îtîcît lit- n citt-t ou il lrs LLLhIe U infileSuiCattagat.at«bite, ticttgod b hit ct.licat Tii I ,o ah pt.ct-,,a M iti or Fal HALLInAV foDISPLAVi bter oldP fo talv th icaat-tr liaubc bit- C UR .îttththicilicltt Thrit i0 ai beaut-Nh .adin hui 7s Oaa.Ti cnito cn tititt't.tttcp îîîcî îtît ]ici lim u .. m u . t h tvi t-htra ltt g ir, L -t a tati, ai-t lictii. e M ili l TE ren in m -9731tencol oa t-fat, r,1 s th catidealla tr Catr Mil tat. "he Fî-aug it-caak - htkfrMâtt tati'Îae btaet aiipe mar.tt li al tht- f tur, . i r c i.tt l titi o n u dNelMc a 'e tht-- h ii \% tht unea, paît[ cansp~~ hi a tîat a it i lit 1 " i o f fiu h a n da.l 1an C tag s l s' the ai t -a fli th listît ii Tht gititt il lit% ttîî anis j i' yeac famtylL r hante ak buses JOet os kavs. aagr PH N N .73 h.,mi, iteîccLIa iciill f - , ,en cn rdPhn itnTR893 ae tao si eti tht - gii lit n Ecc a t, il th br moall t l 'u ne t . cC u tht-rt' II V . , i n t t t .h s a l î * tt t a l e r h i t b ui l it t a t ' , 6 M s n S w tiat-ttt- tul' r i f t, lutb i i ui, m- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tic cib ai, ic.-aittt,, ci. m '--t v II re t-, et t- Lit i VALUES GALORE IN MILTON HARDWARE'S SAL E BUY ONE - GET THE OTHER FOR ONE CENT REA VAUESYOUCANT AFOR TOMISS DO' WAu, -u STO - S P- AV A MILTO HARWÀ&R trucks ta butkr blower units -ta ?NIuRBD' 100 C , apred ap and protide- thll mast A Hamitan driver, 'PhUHpItab- ap oa date methad nf delivet'y veau, 26, rrceivedi alt cats cf bath teed ta gromers. and braises Sastday when hia car st uaf contrat atd bit a Mr. Kennedy ment on ta say ditets an Five Sideroad a mite tIhat ethere arean'madnfroe MIi- west oarNurssagaweya's Fifthmine. tan aperatian; saine of which are The driver wav trcated at Mit- atready andrsay, athiera witt bc taa District Haspita and reteas- undcrtakcv tater in the year. 1cd. UDMRL ASSOCIATION DANCE and EUCHRE KILBRIDE SCHOOL FRI., MAY 18, 8:30 P.M. DR. NARRY HALIEY WILL $PEAK AT l0tI0 P.M. LUCKY DRAW REPRESNMERTS wden's ING IVOUR nattai an yvae off Bav'erais in nare a fuet o tlbs the auj ceadt'eeaitage n bat' or paa. or ahat' hatère rom vert' high dicte ateatite tatwapor ran. cftcoemiag, by Cour ntit haine expoired te duytiaba Il, up mca>p rrmoaeqaipmnt -hmam ust e t tiaing. yold flle ta inratiels or ihpodu- tien, mhy net mit mn. or drap ian t y Store mitb the Chatharboard SiFu. I'd tille ta tl Cao ut Purins a high Egiciuacy Mith Chom ChSeraidsatmuru iantad agniant ordiaet tac oaiitt' mnitb- inos notinan d gave au avueng of 3 lb. morre ntii par Saw pue day. for fant, efficient feed service cclil ce by an idi- EDGAR HOWUIN racteria, diry & SONS FUUD SERVICE nanrd. Caed US. 3 Milieu TU 846258 r profits tomorrow feed PURINA CHOWStoday! maamrUU-l MUUM UU.UUUUUmU ~T ME RC URYli Itseven nicer to drive! Look atthose fast, classc Unes. Inclividualityl Trhatas Meteor-from front, to back, to profile. Step inaide. It's aven nicer to drive-there's room aplenty for you and five othera. Nothing compact about Meteor-except Ita handllng sasie and !te '10w calorie" appetite for gas. Goes Up to 25 miles per gallon on regular... .wlth a cholce of V-8 or Six power. Sound nice? It's aven nicer in person. Even nicer when you aize It Up feature for feature against csrs in the nSxt price range. See the new Mercury Meteor. But don't juat look. Drive It and sîze If Up for yourself. 30,000mile chassie lura5ion.a3ODOm a anni-'-nnau.6,OGO)mile att et'anga cycle -doualeamraed atauMtnieed muffcr .osa iauttc . cldutigbrau.sasupr enam.ctciairi.a45 pVca16. h lOvVO'* or 10 htc'""yaemSix uraita.MuancrMeteorCustomaor Maet -33asth backtsaue aduencal ntmuest.aaa4caaaa .dualeiar rne l,0 mocau rt i lias crace ul yaaa mt'îat'uauaana -s a a e, ces vileva ties, eadtemama ceci erre tiýeat trat. - Te get ai the faots, ask your Moreuiry duer for your f.'u "Oontparism Q,1dm"l REED - REDFERN LTD. ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON ila sea.tnea =a=à=nou rau TR 8-2393 'I I - 1c ADMISSION FUR

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