paign wheo Peter Pooul Lopp of Si. Cothertoos promise, [o faike Op [hoe codgeto for [ho Sodia! Credit party. A refiroot schoolteiachor and proses [[y a roSi octate hooker, Mr. Lepp ciii ho [hoc firrt Social Crodit cootdidate [o cootoot [ho Natton ortat todorai[y or poct- cii[y. poeNonlnason pt PtrDPaiof Nigra on the iEh à (aulabiau hmpe Vol 102 No 52 aMILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1962 SO00 a Oe00l 00t[Onlig Mcr. 1-epp' aoy othor Sodial Croditor [oho I l lr - s H l o mia io otd b0 [0h10[hlcom tuw* compota mi[h'Mr. Lrpp. - No ' mtod for tO[Ooiog[o f no aiO ha ocoarroo baod * f f cpahorooleootd hoe roong hn [cnef W ednesdacy Visit ottabichod. Mr. Copp togoocirde [hoi canin[y Prom Alherta and Bot- Tho Noo. Loster B. "Mko cohottota c. top and piao hait 100 for Hamti[ton ovor [ho Bor- con gave ao officiai croicomo [o fich Colocmhia [o collino tho foarono, Lthooai Loadoir of Cao- ctth 50 yooog itdon.l[ho Caott- no o Skyccay Bridge in an0e- Oakoi[io, and praicoot Mo. Poar Ohjectivescof social irdùt oda.ooaiooohoctio Prhidaod, thotrageof oonoertih[eshaooero, coos contrihution [o Caoadiao K0mw Aheflcen scoothoroi Haitoc Coorto coctar- scorriad on [o [hoc Brant Innoiotcc.moo and pootto mcodoto. potitics. Hait oo caodida[o Harior Mr. Lapp"" ttc '. hocafSoti day iWodoccdayi aftcroo. Tha 'cýiato tli Halco Licorat Acco- At [SakoitorMo Poauton do- tatto.doocd Ticoto oalididate' Croditor siico- fhl pic 0 o o[cd potiticai figuro stuok an ctation toodorrd a rocoptico antd P ightcd tha oocd o! 200 hy Red Kolly of York Woct and Wat- [ho Party in Alhorta int[935n Ho ac[icoatod 500 ootctrotohrd haodc coffcc porty. Huro Mc 'cron caondcoiog throogh tho otai!, chah- tor Gordon of Dacooport ridicg hocc Mo. Ahoohat, [hoc par,,y chattod tI[h yooog and oid, %vtc ioioodhofi s cai oaoid icg haodcc igciog atographo and fihonoio[odocod theopaotyoador fooondoatha' Lttio a cad.Caocd h.foeih ocand formeor aisftcooati ooorthiscditrict. chaotiogccith frioodc andcoei- asc"hettmacccho-tgoiog to g dato h oscod Ih Ro-thoto fotoofit tith hic humhle toit, andi By h:15 hoe cac oit' tgtiohtoard- lionsc Mayor Wi[liam Ancdon lCootoooed oo Pago Toi Saska[choewancat in 1 3 n did cooto colid pioggiog for Hal- ~a c c l952 poctciaiiy and in [939 fulli ton Lihorai candida[o Do. Haory ooa[ty. Ho [c a toidoccor toith Htrtoy of Oakciiio.FiA throo chitdrnc and ic vice pri [-[ cs tho scond nationol [par- _____Il c oador [o appoar tOinOOhaloni Flw r A-bave, Trash Cans Beiow ucn oothc. Las ot be Tomo% Doouglasc leodar ort h0 0Nocw Datocrotic Portc, cpoko ot fli Cuny omnai ai S. oies Cet "Beautified" cr ersn. topc in Hictiton Ho cn tiooor hockots 32 [[oautiattt Oc Cooitc 5cr- hoatifytoo Miltoo ond [ho Chatot j oorcpartoethisctioiotourh lie-ol ilittotmkiguttat- vcooioclb Lro n hooakdtohbrof[Commrocsgnon the fore hiccoiig fot Hccocitoc List potrtoco thccocokoun MoonSt sposortottcro cieof MilocHardwtareohoschc cigittforooticocip'kiogoc- trot MoittccSt. t,[tcit of [ho Scoutanc coliohciclicitooct, to-ttoiotctuooarrc thecoggecttion g oaeaient.tcrco-oiajocor poc<oC'ýihohcttttComcceooBoiciuii hoil]tbc oitit or a craooo"Lrcsa Canoo, Baotif«y Mil- s.-- peechHe oteroodHitionoarotdtio n ptojto-o! a i ctop apc tcactoctoudicg toc." 4 .m ara brih t-oinicPort ci oco tocch ocoticets ccilit hpotkctretannbatikscand al Sigoctii cittooprcooiogctitmk Ooooo MtatakItoor a sotai ioc c ocit[a alt e tcuor diottoooof ici pro- [o ta ootphcCicioc tho mteccage that recoptico. coioi-ta paoo ao t,ctotlon- jeat. ooorcooo portiacpatoc [o o hceaat- Time ftor-Basea[[ taci ctc oao. Thcoy %cii ho HB[.boordDBons[ed foai totco. Hcoiig fr Bccriigtcoatocg cooaot ttithocci ocI ThELldit Co.haconai- A rgrcccoo'kiog thotcot flho Lokesoct Highotcctcto 'ottt 0 cTocsi arbcbg coppItad oc t hitiiocîrdc dicptoy ho [ho rira lCactiocod on Page Toa iotot,ttataoocltcintotit hti occ Itothe Cicotc'hofatCacoli tthall ooo.tart toesageoftc c t O o- OProtest Hall Site hat Peter Lepp KikO fS i o lD ie To 0.M.B Tuesday Kic hcc hooocti Chair Speaks to. foar OneOk ae tic nt of~~dcc "Lot ci oct [oi hoia ardi ooatloa ' [cco- ati ctti e q.i Chacs c oattioiog ha ioc fo [h c- oay pc tchaccac haid[o Ko n ben te Mo ir, o rot t oaiopo Tho iai cod olitot-cita hacdJ. ig ct [ho irha iotian ta locpottco bta [hoN cotto [toc.- ltc doc. [Ltoc nul otooclo air actiogfr[a oo ccc [h a Wedneapinteviewo ditheb taon citse toaCub onoc cf [tactoi girls.c flttiocpig m oisiakovhc cfodc ttocor chi, ot2 Romottnicia imai t c r w c e t , u li i g t e p sfrt e cetactrcoi as b e c o e fo coca th p ool to occI T .o i o t , a h d o o Piooottoo[cooiacPari ando aso ttohhaotc>t~tt[ -h o tio n f urfo o[l i tPo ttt- Aiaodtoha ooooac- o -rctcllittc yer fti o c it iorJty.H.i iile pul cd. nCnaaotl W i h Knomoecoas vir atîuid oosdatct oanvctaa-ad hoiabac'cdiousabic Thooto catOg l adco thee is u rasn fr ie titttottg ta ooct t ttjc tit butaiittvs t it bttc tiedtu ha s fot ltoi [[tc tt i ii a hous i t o 000-e Toogrtscttis Jocro t. [962. pLomatco-tc.aohcod go- si k plfit Lca cocic ntaoch ardet saittodto c6,oecidrrth leladfrtecnasr villecohctho-ocoJ.H.oiiaro àc itcotn ila o hlIi, h.riat cantals Facue iTho oitttdasbtc po- cao» D[dtse i[ wes musticgl ton r c hoo-o. S.400 adoicie aid hoe tao ho , easok a flur ocd tlo ccxra pt comit-ccg cticga.Imandokccoc-od Aai esi 10ctccioMs ilto cowship[tCcturiSioh arpoocdc- flaco kitgiustromcc ditiia1"tue ha pcic oct. ve oo ci mhost Acîctocc 01It tccoitat ntctio dictittr ct mlic Laoti ca i g flt odtcttiOtio ce acsit cdg tahec gou [bot sco-aoOc ot o'[ oilo-tai- houb dIitactoa oide il, br coico i ,00 tat o l c-Oco- caid ohoms aica ou55 doatiao itiontheto et ocd cacthctcicgh county, fmicg adciteh ootId- Moc L,,', haaci o aoocct. Haoko-[[attc sccttal iol p[ct ha po xvlbcoplc to toacgh hc ato pr\atscio-d thaotorot hrho c oo a t-c cac c oo otroi acgocc ulco lid c iel % co c t COI'LIIlziiin haf cnt-thadco iia ro c taagmaino.aki n GENIAL LESTER B. PEARSON -Mike' [o hic Lihero! poctp foiectos cn Haitoc, chciiied an audience cf ocer 500 totoe Wedcecdap ofieccoon o-hec ho mode o hocoted trip chcocgh che ccach end of the Copny Akooe HaloeWardecWilfridhidmoicoo-octhe eal oeder cectre, che Halo heca cndidate Dr Ho py Haciep of Ohoie loo or ai the cight Town Council Accepts Highest Tender For Martin St. Flowering Crab Trees Whtît lc dtialoaec halca fren ictcto ahsect ilho pioc[tcg, h teoctic i acopprooad tho! Lifoticgocoah, troc andi!accu%-, oitcceI I ai n infgotrton flirtrfi thatcc oachoath flcod tohbc oritgotrato* [oc ftur ctccc ttaotii oxttct-i.ic[% htattc orforc. Mdlta Cactiaccacdc A tacoico Oc ocod Wicc A fturo li chuc Wdcaon Troie .otd, qoacti.icokitaLo dat-ý dlicccdiogoi ao[502ctch hatvii- evce %,co St47 torfca moa ing [bit- .gulatttna tcli ttc xhc't tl tcLic cggc'ctad thca tof ix ccc o- toto tcopio ocd to for tiho 25 tiatcarttg cbtrc oue i occto bo to e e r Stet n wls hitm.Re vise SoeGurffrue fir tacI, ilo [ha rie li e uecl quutai.,C Peur, thggnustsil inicotrCGardencStacoeqoaodSî ý # ff S S fl a trac ond F-ontain Adicsinadrvsoofte ,lo hoR, .andte CotI [1[.25 o taoc piat[d and adg,ýCjustw u% a ulatuiyt goocod Na vClnilN eiracfer.H une u Do[o[cooe Poi,ç ttc ta itt Cl c or cti ac [ha ditttoitt.Iý haotar, wtcth Oak- CtttIcctiliic Wticstt teioctld thte cttc [accctcc cia rao't bits ttiol 'toc ctt[t tha pictoo acnd Mit- iglitctquttctct t> iItiott la to-ttatioacgcccctt toit[icciacctctuv butcnhsct cc- reaiconclTicaSocvcht1ccccoc C. A. Motin, ptaadliItc0tOa cn [cota '[c tr oi 'e c i n iio CIt .irac RCot C *A oaaoo Ill dccohcacoaati Ii, Ccaciciot C. Jhnconcggct- Ma rtinc tcthoo" ccca" li na, ttttittattvliatitt c' iicot hl unicoccs how- Wilsoc capracactotoo ticothtccc hacghit [c it .lctiac tot Moto St. ond lehahd huoaadoic- ttcueos iodic thir' httpocttt J tole litaihccc. c-c [[tontti the dotartctotogt actorc clciet hchLthohall bout, xa k- aa ,, \,c cacaot tocod [o Ali the ittaac, tcii 'Il. ta ix, t toct ati lis c inOc %%otttrc i tt a o t tal huins sccc cotion ictoc[ici ccciiot aopo[oci, ictttit li lctcccch'to' "hocco- Rce, lain il MILTON COUNCIL B RIE F S < Rabbi Stresses Importance of Indlividluals aOtchcco[occctO tdicodctcc cc A t R otary C lub's Fourth A nnual B anquet -a, 020ru sel iccoot, %t tcic.coclMucia Ptaii oapit r arst Saaty ig[thetimpotceofille 'nuo ,rtoc[iocag h hiuiGl cti u-ccaactltF c and hoopoc ad Moc.K. Y. Dck Mo. ooct tooko poccsil dlc ocoiooîttoi0otcocilbr Cacc SOcono. i oto.cct 11) i cc PIIiI tp ) '>r [)cLI\cc lact L ctuapur- ciiticull a bbohi Brnt c Bcsc [[ccc ji ilctct ctcat OOt e tttc'cicctt'iat h c' o a cccctct[i.\tera- Mcc. L.M\cKersioc'Mr.andisc aatckat[of [ cub Ctttttcci.t îccccc11 ac [c0lo n tttcc I , ccît'ccttc [c .tcctt cmitcî,Ii ktmofc Hoatiltoan choacigaclil cttcpcc[fatt" goc [[[[[ta[[ac'Iý',ilccc[ IICtccctaoc 1 J. M. Laciott Dopac Rocovo J. Revocos Sorvce -oa[ tccc [f tto c-to. [[c- bc cîot Il c al -t1 tc[[cttt adieceootkitcatcRoi- Thc Rahit tic, cc [[t init[tct- t'G c.ict [Thu ,CcL111t b1it[t Iti 1i[ci- Chito n. Mcc it.ctandMr. AI Foo- He' tai't c oo t[ilc I lllc ttc ioccc ic't 25c ttic. Oi [1.i [c t cttc[ci Mciton ptolice ottch05fBonquaet l ooT- Ico (tIIIC icd ocaccioccin thaotcoaCl)sLIrtott, ta. pot fcac c.sRahbiSoclckitcMr.oand Mt. pocti 15occ RuaocIOc I [atCiChioa tic.ic iloco cococ chciicd6 -Clday. tctIciacoa oac t'Whcci occaipd tt Jcdto ciand Mi. attd Mcc. oauic[ao a i ce accco Co c c aoh.tctt.ia cccc lic ho 090 Ih aA co1o -oc Miit, ciitac- Tho Robbi hoscdl i oc o thuca cOco cOOOOtt tttcctudc1 18 IS Attend 1Bah) MaCaai0. Tbovc ooro uc- ticota scc fo rt Ia- co aoIetO iOi ottaIlrcte t , lu [[cocol C.LI icoIIt 50 cacc . i ientI id p kcig [ccc cccca cimyotae.c ooptaicctrt bkcMttait[ct[ctttcfini attccoi ct cI-ývh t[c-cia[iflic c'tat. Hetc.ttt thaca t[[c'c'tt acdacxprccc ic aclitoke. II.4fl fl1 icccgcc.cottot ccc Sc it -,ci , cc[ct S132. Tcco tooccI ak it ir tdata Y-icpaa. 1blaoiCcociacadhtb JchcDcdie:*a-ppcaioa c Mi[too Roooci Catottc'cotteiicotc-cagotcistW I O ralPoio :tcccoccc --ah \,, aaca foc Hecitacicac'p ac-IIt cte ic ' r- [ itcct 1ta[['[i[ . i tc'ctttt[c an [tiIc.ttIcitik,, lL. Lx'ic . ttic [ha caccccttccitc so t flac-t Li ccc'coc ttccccc o ccct andtc aot V accine C lii c II'l""s"x co.t[.ttClttocttac ue ci itciciooi itac'cca oc Lt -hocae cicat acar 340,000 coi coint (Choco dae o file 1 ctcc c toonr ' I l leru ai [cns toc icgc! ctoalcpi ho [ttctx oc ciccho-ccacct ac Scati tal[ie[t .1[11tti1ccccttcc altPolio t LCcc II l[tiicul'tcottctiý in[tctt tcttit [tctcc i IL [cctpt t Cootsofftheopat 40 a ttcc comn . oac LIt" Sit)o oIictoJ IMcocoo Cn cvedto-o coorc ol dapraccsoo rc[aoachpo Oitaoco ctudent hc Dc.AcchialF. BSad Mcdoa Oili,'l' l" flic groct i L.csiad fi rjcaýsLrç vth fil soisic-ttocci, [ta prFotooctcatt'hitokc ft-lati oul Ilt-1 II lcarcttHaoctttttt[tfoccc' datiopmoct oc! nnuiim -n c a tpotgcoo i c ti pot cc l.Atdtac ihccc la(- , C S15 %a 'tOc ocact titi ia cattot.i uiele,- ali & cloe t[oe[t[O O[tt i-i re. atnini u a" le actnsw codoco[cooac' c [ttc dcoattctcc'cacto ýcic dca-[i S titc i ius foo nt 79 on flinc rieoo'coaccO ,, Il- t icrcdhb c cluh. cit Spacoicl schout Mci l[lfr Irlgt corl ilw oltJOCoi es Thraa gh cneacoti oa cccccc c o o i tocciki ',iiilJM rc, on [u Ir >kK pl- S,2; uae .0_ Thc Rabbi coggcotcd [[Oaa tac-ya f o ttc i I- Iocign cocc-. dates.c Ait puic tncttt Io l I ad 0 32: iac ocanu orfli [h nhdicctcco Ha ocitaci. Ucdor c ltoh sev ha Il proci- gica [[ the occc ciiigsb ac o-omkh[g afie Ttottca ton Rococo ci 47. Rcoacy [c to ______ conmecdagroo?" foilc !iooo[nccaiocxpcoiao Tho scon facc tto--ai [caoo- [ho club, hoecaid. ctinc o! [ita icdtiiduaroic i oni Aid -inul On Maktriolý D ogs R am page Hortit os, H to Dopoto Rouca J ChoicoccrE a oh Hr i c ca O oy %fi]utoo [ho' elotOtoociolict ' icaccccc oth 'ecctc cco itc [tt--c fittt s[pSt?[Y tort on ei localccOtoio [ttc[c [ ý Un 'Turkey Pen Rccocabi fsIn ocodl[e t tuc fei tjh centct [[[ie tl f,"it Po [c ltctitc ~ ctt~ [oc t- c ic i chahJIrx tOay d [[ta" arct [[[a, c t[t[ L[cc-tc' t-ccicc ctci[d te scr e t o! Il e d c.1 \%;l Triociccco [[ICo Pht o"I N-icI PT n'1 Thc'cpoahor' rd Occa, a -.[' w,* 1,41ocfhHotcoirorotc cat [cc c o ookcdtidooJ!oimo taoo o1-o", (Icor iod ort c- L'poichc-odiotto Hor Tokl pCL ldU, l ol 10 throogh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .1lull Thhie RABBI BIRNAR BASKI o-as 7as opechoc, 016efcrh ccatRocyCih$5Bcqet dr[odr'andoMr. ctia[Rotin-t!ttooca!o'chpcoc-iciih Theo mattor h icio ahoathocdsiofteddes.. Ledtt theh ma hao fteoqe o ihtGoduior[ h eract ictoc prooodtcgtho dccni oocafrthotmpelie orod 1 atrEdPo cae, ie sod.h tanr cor oda' timo rtnewioa tifo' it o-ia-cniat r H rrHalvan I "i"lva Tihp Cuni n cae Iledg'o e a oaan thoko o-ta nas of che provjecia Aias uapci- Newm aoiecded.c CocoY cadtat icio h.On ubo had ta ho do- damagoth 'oges-Secee Cents. Socia CreclitQ cidt Joins Fray 'Fou r Beat Elecion Druni in Halton Somothlog noo wilas aadoed [o le