- ai.CeOoens.t... ii-A 16 Thte Canodian Champion, Thursday, May 3rd, 1962PieB dm n Hurt in Crash ', Friends and felleyw orne Stcots Pipe Bandeinen ini Milton anen I sarin ta tearn of an accidentI fastNvenk inwtiich the bandt Ppa Majta Joe Satines and dt-am- mSgt. Jita Conn, hoth ofP~ Branipton, were injueed. Sgt. Cann isfstiIIinl a coma in Oak- ý ville-Ti-afalgar Mamrnal Haspi- tal. The two %voe buildting tar Oak- vleta take part in a parade a-elcanting ste Jelineks hante tram -Pi-agate, echen their car a inaa head-an callision scith an- atier car an tha Secenth Liai. lasnarthatfthe LsseBase Ltac. Qakaille. Palte fait a me- chani-ai dafectint the athier car rnight have cansd tha accident. The nerthhaaund car apparenît]v si-ai-d casaofi-antr-at in frantaof the baedsmn'n car. Sgt. Caln saffered a fi-acu- cd skuah and fi-actai-ad rihe, chile COPR AT9c P. M. Sellai-t han mulitiple fractttr- CO PRAT9c ed tiihs,aficti-ed ankie anti kac c-ap, and scalpa cats. The GIRLS 8 TO 11 had a Inagun in Miltanes Junior Bowtling graap, heakca hip.l u and itis tearn coaashcd by Mies Carai Rai-dl camne firt in lte playolin . -fronit fi-att lait la i arn Gail Geist litigit S "'h ~ double), Patricia Saceisnld, Nancy Martin, Gannoa Wîigg Inn- Sa Deii S ligit snglal, cacit Casai Rundin and Jackne Cmîghill. Nothing Sinister COMPARE AT 75cI aui-ng the nesî faesteeks yna aie ig tnheat-a giadat of sassanse ahout deiticits fi-rn1 peuple eha Ne-l sagget tha the ai-ntc el tu fost. atas iand Mie tan ha1-tc halanced hadet. tc ittard tee what~e-an sialistainl a dettcitP anc nmare thon thaca e ai yaar VERY LOW PRICE P nav, se L it pai-nnai c-rodit ta hay pi-acide your lbatte ectil astnyM %ts iIlthile adavanîagen. Vani- anusef M R B T E i-adtedt depedsauncaurntreudl and caa lirait ynai-tsIoi tyani- vnecc. And Ihisninthestary of Coolt Afford Dislocation COMPARE AT 2 FOR 63c! Thi s ceai-c Fedcral Defict a hertetitated ai 187455,0,00f inhali-rscrdc vaar gari ahsv tata asvnu fi- s ta, si-vctinai aie ahcinanth THESE FELLOWS WON tep hanate ia the baye' S ta Il leagan dafisi couid h ittan afft COMPARE AT 31c! - STAFFORD'S of Mtltn'sJunior Boling asntup, and recnsnd Canadian hy highei-taxeseforinstane, hp Juior Bowleing Councl tphseattthbnnnd and peen- attlotutininepesdittsi- latin Salcîdmi-. Fînm lf ta tîgit, e-sth thaîr cachaitaan tlîs ai-na ari-n that ana, hut se Marei. ane Sîepitn Wnllc-nd, Naorman Kent, Alln Lea no cati- canld iic accais-et BcmenBeenenyand Dncg Bosfldd wltasnninyai-sosncneetayu R AG MRA LD ains that ai the nation. Sach dis- lotation le one ai tha thinge an t-acieg athiccad one of the Compare at 31c1 - HEINZ highests ntads ai living in the hseictf mtanitc, CasadiansFR S M 4ltssld nas rinbn hepecird IoaO M saifice- part cf it.n pctime U NSE T S E IA ST M T aanciratelforthcrapcli-t- ....... .na ceorame. BRSPEAMEAL 30 Wtlh.u caln inais menai-c de- M b natal ni Iar-an e sles ail anok ai ansi- g rew Tht s cats aais n:itet~ COTTAG E RO ILS *9 Compare at 35cl - Rose Brand ntatisonal i-ahi cstns ai a pt- i--pila ll f$1,asia ta tronnat. su n e af thears M IX ED P 1 952 se 95 l i nclutsive, anae'l i lai-tai-r lhai-al Admnistaion vvsi aloet. BROILING OR FRYING Li-in tank a[il t s a pi-i-i-tage litt ai tisa- grotct nattacal pi-nat w m c - lier;iaps a murattira c1ic- 9 l-a'ue ai tit abtlitc ta tapas. Tis C K Ner tii net ncaional dahi ctandc Uý ai 35.9 pi-iceti f i car., a H i leatiaa pi-adars. And agiebi Compare ait 85c[ -1 SALADA - ia suscaslial pari-antîg-Ye MIXE LEAUE HAMPONSare his rou, wh reei nanal noi l ta yca-c 192 ta 1957 21/ Lbs. AeaeEC MIXED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~(li LEGECAPOSîettsgnp -i ncd tcLitai-I incilusie, e a hait Ci ai-ian Junîi Bowaling Ceai-cii ti-pis Smtcîday ai [titii-ai Admeintistratin,a ls stsebctileadslptctatonI-ci frotnttareMoira Keaaa N. icti-.S leagne si-paritn fi-hi Cidc, and Diance fienn in ltae tae Alltime Record aie Seita Zi-ilmnn fi-b Bascir, Dan MntklyandGeorge lhis ci-ai-, Canttlt- Naloa li-ineait Alla- ontes Stîni Chins e-ha halpnd delta7 ltae iett is 13.2 hillin dallais. Ytt te cast f thebun-fed, las pr it is itnip titenigitant tha 196 i-lone Canada's fi-at Na" Compare at 25c - LEE BRAND dollrsin ltie rcor an anGARDEN IKt>I1 tii-iici ftotis-al i, 1956, CRU SHED PINEAPPLE 19C hýa ai ero Ltibl lad-99 Lcis cai- nadstpa FRESH TANGMERE W'o eSle t stshiicns inacasaitiofîflt Compare at 2 for 35ci 20-oz. tin nittionas ahititi- ta repas tc dthts ti-lied 5.7 hbitin dalla-c tg nal i i la in- ]*o-e, it900 nitho lars cie CREAM CORN 2.025c MUSHROO~ Si-ch c fliai-ai-n fi-s ief- Compare at 73c! - DicontSecial enitikai- ftsccintn ci- tha i f Dson * titi-siciret nid adinistration it-I D E A CONTROLLED ATMOSPNERE FAN * EoenedSpent, Savn - Y L Bsii lai- a fae muare coart- c M A CINTO SH ta -.e - tu Ladsi-arci Casaian coai- t ii- 21.7 hilioan dllaric 1956.ica Compare at 85c, Gallon Size cîîcard tsi 18.8 billion ta 195f. TA If ~ y' - - - ted t- 1,cu. hilli i 19 -6 WiîhIbo Diefenbaker assaie-n mnt, Cctadians fast ycarai-ned- mrsetmrand caed mrhansater hefare le hictttiy. - ee il ii-t vavt (Pil-t it-t-t CONSERVATION HION SINGLE AND DOUBLE linalae in tit niora Bowluing Thînapheat the s-cas-, affic-r leage'smixd goupwer hih doble Do Gry ad hgh af the Ontaria Deparient af inogestaiae ndapk rnndhigdnnb lranGîandehgh Lands and Poi electuraes siagnr yce Gadiait, tan, ait tigt sîgîn Seon anc on cotnservation te sahani pîîpjte and high donublnr Miria Kaan, rnar. Jack Citîtitan, aube aunea and lte genai-al pubhic ta ait onenofithescittnianianls ai lte juani cagne titis ynoî, mtade paets ai lte proveince. Attendane lte amede ai Sataîdoa' bnn-fnnd. Ail the cachets and lead. in Octoher vrais 8,437 ai 168 taeet- er es thantmbd lac their woek. ings. 32-oz. 79 32-oz. S 59c sUND FIRST GRADE 53c POP-UP 400s 25c Afi 79c hP ICK E 'i 9cI 69c f al 69 arc Ga(