57. TON tunty MILTON TO NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN 'i lu. oe M INu 30 &.m. (D.S.T.) Lv. Seelingien 9.45 &.m. (D.S..) AETURN MILTON 4.15 P.M. (D.S.T.) ADULTS - $3.00 CHILDREN - $1.75 Cblldrtss Under 3 yeues Frete 2 r. FOR FUBTHER INFORMATIGN CALL AULTO#4 TRL SERVICE Tel. 878-9211 ce C.N.R. Station Co69 cl unes eessam rail fea and bon troilder Mt 36 isaara polls ta Usinbew Bnige ed rîteuar Fire Brigadeé Saves .Russ Kwng Barn Cubi, Scouts Collect Botis,, Papers By cerL Edward Robeetme lasI Wednesday afterneon howl- TheHornhvUtcilCharchW- Th fsi acion of the Milton ieg in Gukville wifb their felloso men had asdcces9lal rammnage Plie Departmene la crediteal with Guides and leaders, sale and baime buking sale in Mil- the saving of the lag brue ew. Bottie Drive ton lalt Priday. ediby Mrs.Rssell King laelast First Horoyby Cab pack fiad Canner Fond Wednesslay aflermsan chen lire their meeting as the Harnby Coin- Mra. Lew Sampson and Mrs. af uownsao origin -bursed to snanily Park lest Taesday. They Jack 'MuCarroe score the canvas- ather Iseildings neorby ta the apens the evening picking ap pal> sers for the Canadian Cancer gruee rs and doisg their part ta dlean Society ln the Hornhs district last ,lalawere actaty os the the po- k. soeek. es4 or, thé bare sohen tise fire- On Salsrday the Caba aod The W.s. ot St. Siopheo's Angli- Mesp grs'ived. Senerat Imptemesats Scoats scitb their leaders at[ an Charch hield thoir meeting as soore bat-sed instlie ire. Sparka saome parents biat affered la drive lie home cf Mr. aned Mm. Howard spreaod ta ofield of grass, caris- Iboir tracks or cars collectedl paf- Bradley last Tttesday. Thc- ladiets ing e large grass fire ton. Smoke ors and botties thrnaghoaî the packed thle hace ia (li to ron casafd-bcseen for mites Oroand district. Tho amunt of paliers Korrie Sue icarmonl and Laor- and troflir soas heavy for a snd holeos collcted socs îorrific. oc Maxwecll sud thocir tonsils e white. By es-coing soheathe papiers moveti darn0 the Easter houi Iris Croco. Rsatl MeDsnald, Dar- were lied andi baIlles sortnd the days. lente Leslie, Noascy Robertson, Ro- hoys and lcaders serc atired Mos. Jobn Bradîc's Mailhor, borta Murdack. Bradit ansd Ele. groop. Mts. Lcctsard of' Wellaond esvst en BrdI. Hosty mgmhers sf Birlhday grretinga ta Mrs. log at then-Bradley homo. thePîrsi ne= tqdin Guides, spent Floyd Dosons un May 8. Edmard antt Jack Robertson ____________________and Dave Leslic trictIsmeltîfish ee'tcnrcteioielt W OSing Sattarday nigbt. The ]fitle flab are on ly slarîiog slc ras. 'Non lw. Week, te Sirlp 20 Mfiles cuihsh many. Mos. King cf Belfast, tretand is N&Trc MON te iGeorçetewnl visitinýg svithlirduhean N ~ se-tlao- Mr. aod Mrs. William C.NR coneeionns heto-eea arceriver the Haumber ris-or and sa -i. Georgetone and Miltosn bavc been stbers are as the C PR MacTtnr HranhyNrh -HHmmk stvredontl se lti. subdivision, Wnsdbridge Rd., and lot Clab 'Thle Cuisine 13" held A construction cres. sorkieg Woodbine As-n. Buhaas are as îhoir cigbth meeting ai tho homo n tetsing ap the tronk bossonen Woodhridge Rd., Jane ti., Daff- of Liotia and Paisy Wilson on lb. yonds ueucised the George- nrin 'St., twoa aI Botharst St. and yauru.Teralri osa tovm yard st week, leaving b, one at Bayves Ave. As vielI, wered hy thnnommbers po bind il a miniature eacaepmieet track laying in the yard will het- sent. The leadcr, ýMra. Hill demon- .bore of tien or roa. It sok cas ie nest sonnk. Sinty mites tsf track stratel Io the girls stuc te pro- fbuhan o-t weks to strip the 20 are ta hie laid thin year. Pcrtv sol tire table for breakfast, mile stretcb. Fish le 1% laoch uod cimtier. The girls prr- Usig acrimeeand aforsllfî * Both yard and accoss-line pareilbuercvi upr aenbr oftliesure taken oat 1 ae partof teboTroenoTerminal tosstpr finit, ihe ils. rails are remosed Proiect sobicb is slated for colin- and lesrded ]tri bapper cars. The pletian in early 1965. The tard BOAT DANGER trgkb. s be ga e pr-silI autillue tho latent cloe .nie A tcurniog tc early fi.shermn praeatoey is then uigrofdhe and raitsoay technolngy la mabe - tho fir-,t boating tnip of th,- tt-e.k eas falt, an freight trains on an almost soasn issýaIIy ire Mest ha,- aalomalod basin, finas eliteinat- ardoas stles tbe Gntario Safety Uqaisl 177 ing much waste time now spt Leaue. Bc sre vur boat and The line freont Hamilton by cars on sidinga or sbsoîic muter ie cin gtted t.tndiîion. lhroagb Miltan to Georgetowon oporaîlans. Simnilar yards noso arc Check csoipment stitb speciul at- nriginattd as on independet fine, cynralionat ut Mottcton, Montreal trnotu lite uac/sus, mecring the Haomilton and Nartb-Western and Winnipeg. (The Winnipeg tics. bailing hsc/sct, anchus- and roilwap. TIse first truin ta go yard i, to bo efficialiy oponec littc andt paîddcs orcas tbreagir Miltn n ibis tise did Ibis yeur.i a on Octuber 3. 1877. te t888 the 0 Mr. Cane ailla reported bult -The C.NR. lige te George. Grand. Troask Ruito-ay rsok rie by o-ek's end, on an f tfi f oi ok nkd ih h Cansadiens Natianal gained cont- for cars on tbe foor-lane bridge bced. rl in 1925. carrying Higho-uy 7 Irafficsr -Tbe setrn n n Elsesoerenthe project.-te yrdotroce tracks beîî%ecsr imi tn 0 o eConstruction cresos and Jane and Reeto Sîres P Maig nti, ute h riogiog hotme bcshcls trees. avig fll r te iicy dltuccs fruo nqaipmeeî have heen anleasbnd on the titiller latnes s ta hoe cuom bu lant-tt on fine bridges and ais sahsoays fileted! socon. lelkfo sobh iboll carry Canadiun Na- aOGradiog on the yard site tional trains ta Ibeir 1,200 - acre bas rossamed and clearingthIe JA K H L freigbt classification yard in rigbt-of-o-ay bas hegun on port- A K H L Vaughan towshsip, joat eortb of ians cf tht Humber river and Contante, Chader, Btag ond Bile Torono. easî Don . ver. Thé, -f.ine j 0 John L.~~ c 4- tr accrlnlob e Keessi. KSi ecîne, said toonte bridgen. DutbMn on the eat. tAMPIOUVM. LTD. Freelton Guest is Speaker NE 476 To Womnen's .Mission Society 1 miL TEN 365 Ép m.. Il. C. Mirclesi losing monîh is t0 ho Miss Bus- bOra, A. L.-Moure sous bostess t0 sie Mcifcrcbs-. Missienuryofar- tbe Women's Missionary Society teugb frent todia. Mrs. Cratie INSURE of Ss.-iflavid's Cbaeon Thurs- fard gave the secretary's repart. dayfierenon. -Mms. Moore gave a splendid e- O A Tht, prealideos, bOra. R. Parker pors et the Syodicul mecting uA opened the meeting souk a short field in Ttoonte roes ntly. The rell il's the ictlest prayer. Tjsebymn, Jesssbep me eutil o-as anssooreri by an Rustor ear chu Cresa o-as saing. Misa K. verse. In the Cross of Christ I WO>5* MdPbedean tond the staripture Gtory sous sang.A MfE D tesn e a-.E Cia ofr The president cosed the meet- eprayer. Pine meeshersi ufthie ing souk -frayer. Aftrr Graco o-us INSURANCE Grat Misaion Band C.O.C. sang sang, ail onloyed the social per- Gad fa Love. The cbeer secretary iodt shicb tlooori. CAMPSELLVILLE Mrs. Menzieoreppriedbhaving sent Il Eaater curdis ta elderly or chut- Fi Itoon soombers und Ibroe Phoe UIcier 4.2271 ina, and reand seseral lbank yaa tisters seru proesrt. l'InsundaI Report The trensurer, Mms. Greetes -Tire bowoling basnquetseason grove tht linancial report. Wben t b.'suarrivcd, as local relims o-bd screey l.1 Wandcoaa Crues o-as ap the pin-tasnhliog and euert sol President ietrndaccd the 1 um-tfig giî 4peobto, Mrs. facKentie of Prtelhp o-hoa tank fnr bier sob- jeçt, Eluser la river but o-e tl bdvt >tht risen Christ o-itb us.-' Nc I bOra. hMnKesmie gave sacs a soortb- o-hile îptb se the resarrection nf 1 HAR WAR or Lord, pr7ovieqf il by rtading a.pusa5ace of scriptore from lirai Corinîblans, alan a teso verses front ilth cbapîer nf Romans. Ail Élie ladies elijoyed tbe fine adt- deese. Mis, Matr tbhanked Mos. k8922 MeRenzie on beblf of the ment- bers. M i)N Pi-s fer Mleelnary The pruper purînier far the fol' S C A N A DIAN NA TIO0N A L Fam'lvD Dv Snpria Tr&iin Propos y-Law Thte Canadien Chempton, tsoesdey, Mey, 3cd, !961 1 Grass ries Plner Base -tht Chamnpions aii uusu st Csanetis fra e d t ..ai. jon"The Taisai Psit' by J. O n~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ Grs;Frs 3n4re ,M aýTev . Soute i& asapearien ins tise Wat' Tht rabh of costly, tannecos- applîtd, Ihet fattsMrs tattet ptid iesrio-. Revico- satii ii tory grass fires in ibis district More -,han their'ssare tif munci- _clgIi ise'tjslalitulprabnmI oo ttccatsi ha uconversionsail-c/s figties Pronnm earn fasnai altualrnlnehtllh ttt week aiasmeetingof te Hubr - Ied hi l'ar-mers sotlal stuppta P lok Credt Dstrct ireighersAs-planning if .... sallockt. soito nGogtw. botter asderstood. n Gergetson. The resais of Ibis tin'g o-li Campbelli Ail assaciation membrs - ro he ccrreinîedo-iîb peisîs raised Mnfcue-e presen tiog 14 moaici.palities-re. in puaI and fatare Worksbops fur HIGH GRAturr MEofI pcrted prabiesos soiî1h grass flous lter stadv. HG RD EOLL Mosobeos îiiscusscd propoeod b:- The seat Witrbsbop wiii hie MEMGRIAL ENGRAVING lwsIocrsirict the harnisg obelhi on Thoonda-. Mas- 24, C 2Wtr eNeiGI toua nndrobhvh. sîedy the raie of the ceent- in Telephece 621-715M Gecrae Alexander of th, Dcli- planning. aria Pire Mjarahali's Gffice o-asa gaesî, and shaonal films un (figt iog different types tuf tires soiIh maximumo safoty. Mcmiturs arc, hopiag ta showo rire peçciaii W.M.C. MILLIGAN, O.D. films ut meetings in their s-at- P O E R i cas -This caming Saluoduy aboautRHN' REI EELR f50 Toronto ScoutsCols,Gids, ACA DSCEI E ELR Bossnies und lleir familles o-i he comingtIhraagh Miltan n a MONDAYS specini CNIR exclusion train. O tho Miltos stcp thes-li lobe limeFo cul faoiaunchuandsnnpect the F r Appomntmont Phone TR 8-6541 diesel cogîne. bISliE BAIL EQUI PMENT For JUNIORS, TEENAGWR and SENIORS at c LESS b~ THAN CLUB PRICES BOYS' ULUV ES 'cempratj -u Compare aI Bi. 2.69 à FINGER - BLACK.2 COWBIDE. 3 2 Campare et $4.95 ......... TEENAGERS' 3.59NER-BLC O LOVES RUSSFN',Eut',"OT a COWBIDE - Horsebide lii&,- Rawhkîde lIacia. 4.69 The Soeooth 'ROCKET' Spincast Dis Cecisîsser 11k TRAY TACKLE Canillento tnap dînîded into ti parîmrents. fls into ild ton et uge. spue% Seamiess stel cns Sei-lo. tsanstl finish wilhe vnnting usdernout. Hsndy 12" lid. Cbeaese-piated loch end corepint Meidle. c11 x5i" TACKLE I '- Spin Fisha dît. 6' las MERMAID TROUT NET- 10" x 13' haop, nnly fTIGER" fNYLON 25 ydis-25- Test ....................... "ISTRIE MASTER"l Braided f 15-lb. test - 50 Yd. Spoot. JIiNE BUGO 8PINNEES Gtslp 61 Outstanding Reel v Value - Complete with BOX 100 lyds. of Quolity Linoa! Peci- ý asocae Mermuîd Il S ýoolet". ClosedI- tanstes- Putae. lieceesiblo soif 239pre leov.TumcntCTeen THAT SPINCAST 1 ETS 2-pc. ROD let Aneiben C.T.C Extra Velue bein- -Oie Memaid" 5% Cam- fi frp 5 knatinnSpiv-Cast Rod - 2 soder pie ta solîd gîna sortallie. B.4 bant hiade, nstcsat eoclt gr, tip Goadateal Geides. a MMEC T.cý .45 SYLON s- 15" LIVELIER LIVE SAIT COUDR TIRE' SCI4UYER Bmos. LTD. r 459 Main St. M"itt TR44M3 MISS JACQUELINE BERESFORD, former resideet of Milton, and James Dean mere mprried in St. Murs Anglican Church, Dîîbinfieid, Evgiund. Tht groom la thn son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Duan of Dekinfieid and the bride is tht daghoer of Mr. and Mrs. Herry Beresfnrdl, alie of Dekinfîeld, fnrmeriy nf Milton. DANCE AT THE:,BEAUTIFUL HALTON COUNTRY CLUB GOLFING AND SWIMMING RESORT Sixîh LUne, North-West of Milton -SATURDAY, MAY 12 - Daeeleg:9 te 12 REFRESHMENI.QO &6 90) CHESTRA DIRECTIONS. Ton weut ou fEle sidereail ut Hîgbay 25 ne mile nerlb et Miltiee. 'hn rIgbt: on Sialls line, te lefi Et tep et biB, L 4 iJO fi J)j D L j C r_ý Ai IN J,