MERCANTILE BOWLING LIAGUIES eighi teamts waand 011 a su qani and presenîsiions Saturdap in the Legion Hall. In front son, high anerage AI Penioli, high single Don Collings, and high in file Legionnaires leam mhich malked off mii' te top siot fi mere AI Skinner, Dave Lemis, Harold Agnem, Murray Grenke, Devlini. &RE VJ K. C.ikr&clWN 4mîcîalWf fiorFrshleia Church, greels Milton Legion Branch 136 presidoîsc Fred Johnson os he louves Sonday mnrniing's Vimy Ridge annioersory service atrche church. Il mon îas0 45 peurs ugo mocy Canadians dici n the bloody batlle, and Soodapus parade t0 Knox paid cri- bale la chose wha cst choir lioes fighcicg for Canada' s cause. soy a . m io oasaeim Fre Nurerui t RS oniin If noui liod oul as sS e irS re sona osbe ha Ontario Lisidalo Bijou Liai - 12650)7 - haIleii Leagu roonimeods. a Jersey houl ioed hn Fred AWhettl0i in' tho liI or oul, il' Nurse, Gnorgniovis han hen uc'lti' mii goul ina tu hc sara s.ignalod a hiiiiriar Sui lii 11111 nIll L.11L Aisaisili e Canadiao Jai sas Caille Cluh. npooî,l Iodiin negeii Ho ina.. biai hi Maurine C. Chant ii car - heck aci. Boaiî. Miltoni. deAntn. Camr loii n,,ar car - il yaa This bait nua., quatlituod as a. cai for sale it ing. Stprir Siroitih theraiin on hin iir..i son Aaajgimarn of 912 1hs oftmiik,471 lh,.î.1 iii, %itsihi aveorage test of 5.t1;0i, His tiîs 1000n ilanifiiia il.aalie iaim hua eo f 8.58-11. RALPH & i Lindalo Bijou iud is ficiofa ueSiiinr MeAal il.iiglioi. ail thn t lousn ilar nliiý ed iain:i 1. tun111CIii Ilin. haohmîarA 000 hus Sisiioii. asplainAl his %%as hourdIo hap-i fin ot hali 011 ian eule ailON PA rouiiis 1000 apr. MANAGEME WILL PAY O i. Relaie posuomo. Eni sony haoun the short a it miii pay you te dinide tise plante. This wiii bel oucyur anaible peut 2. Mow puuluceu, asfos ta gîet raok, sa tise proucing shoota cao 3. Plant or hol alttude give oarcomsoanopo i. P"pe uiater teyoarCOn sfprg ne sources are ne ahomo tisot pieoty of iocated,puremtestr rill givre los more refils. 5. Spray cons moebiy SANDY BEST Doiry Spray Concentra mater. This miii fflve yi A, square deais fcom flies uni permit f ornveters pasuro. *for the aged B. Supplenten yosr psi *for tise uoeortuate HUMAS DIGNITY DEPENDA UPON ADEQUATE PENSIONS 1157 OR HLTO? Caradans Who Want biggi Pqbilshed by Haiton Cosoir 'Âm,avse Association ........ &W do silaased, lied flet thse ad- Ppily %Items St. AN AUTOMOBILE 1S ONLY AS SAFE AS UTS DRIVER. ... US TRAINED NALTON DRIVING SCHOOL 878-2051 00WT. LICENSED - GEADUATE OF a.S.. . DUAL CONTEOI.S Brille ihis id for FREE eolaie lassn - caîl collect FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN NOW -W. Nava - iDUTCH SETS SEEDS MULTUPLIERS For Yoar Garedn Needs R. S. ADAMS STORES LTD. 264 MAIN ST. E. MILTON TE. 8-44 IUNT Ltd. TURE NI THAT IVIDENOS en tsoagis you tare dame contoa nutriental, bat it aise ide of pature, contaioa a biigba peoentage of mater fieldsatuo"et" and buis. Yoiae cama coo't eot ail tbe p avoid biliog- paatore tisey nead te obtain tise asatri- mi. enta tbey eqwere for tep mllk produc- n asatbay begi tion. Wbyanot give mlea cail, or drop tender milk- in ai my Store mush tise Cbecborhoard onon. Sigo, I'd like te tell yoa isom yaa cao ia posure tei supplantent yooe pooitoo mitis a little ortuof te ce- Pueina Higis-Efficieacy Milking va, ifncooatuel youe souk prafita eeom. air. Tests bore conveniently- for font, efficient feed service call iselpyourcoms texeci wit Raiph & Hunt LtcI. ou coma elief botter use of E. E. 1, Oîkniflae se.Your pas- TR 8-6449 Ir profits tomorrow eedPURINACHOWStoday! 'iWas8suuduW"Y LU marOite a S ( FeNK lutin Leabing roof, peeling paint, aagging walla. .. leore tbem unattended and tbey just getoee-and more and more espenoine tu epoie. But sanîctimes the coash yaa cocA tor cepaicainea peohiem. And thatos whcn a ooiahanb Farîn Improvement; Loaii oaId ho tho acoinîr. A Sooliahanb Loan maybe aronged qilly and eaily for repairing buildings, baying nom macbiceey, opgradiiig liveniooh, and many other wocihwbile prajoette. Don't wail to get yoae iarm ta the ohape yaa want il. Visit yoexank ofNva Sotia branbmanagersatn. Find out boum s Sootiabank Farm Improîement Loan -ooi a. -- .. ec0w&5BRNK THE BRNK 0F NOVR SCOTIAI A NETW0RK 0F OFFICES ACROSO CANADA AND 611060 L Crop. De-monstration Program Outlines Improved Techniques Durng [le pntweek the Hal ling cri crp domonstratonn This program is ariooutlhl ton Soi and Crp imprcnemenL Th, pupos ol thes ilemoansîi- thenassocitoi. oopr As ltait na.o-peaon vmbh lns s Iaî ine mprîi.d crp.inh he Extension Bianch On- feamers inHaltnhas been set- pingtechiques. iioiDearîmienîi ofArclue aol the Satin and Field Huasid- w m o a a a o Deparmnt of ethie Onrio Odds Against it Agicltrl ColUqg. aeoc reuls t1he Hallon oiandC Can Ligfltning Strike You?ý Iiipron'e Aoiton is s. What causcqilighing? Ii sae na car ifi' itoav opeaiig ssiih assoiations n inil lPeel, Wetoniîrth and Lincoln really dangerou5? Whai can you ut ndir ahigh aoe ii Nucriti do about fi? Oddin enoagh, as Aon ouoh ilsmetalparts. Fil simpleoas thequestionsseem, fe Iv il vouo. cuiin boat, lie VarlaaaaProiects of us kowthe right answners.Aownor lnoao.esiiîg Iinlmdd iiîhe demonsîration This n probabiy berause the ove Li nraks, he.Ad for Proir arc.0 1 pojec unl domon- odds againtibeingin the paihof shîllir onmlan iimndiaislî. îiiaiaithe alue to illsigiîgn a ligbining siroke arc about a applioig commeorcial fertilizers. million tu one. -OkvlloBoarddoftParles Man- VaoilAamoo.îirsioof bar. However, Ontario isrecivingamnt bais deilard Msv as lev andsa>î01h1ihave umîetap, tu moreitha lis usal shar of iiaup, fixup, paintîn .andlompare the USCfLilonof cch eetriical niorms tbis semer0, no plini up Mardihio O îkvilin %iii n o Halson cotin s. Othcs iiis dtiîous fihl howener rare, liihtning la a detinite danger. Dl'a Blatîn We can boni onderstaod il bv _-u boong ils cause. Llgbioing 10a discharge of stalle eieoiricity, ocesafol firit anason miii' bani whicb gradually buds up wiihin are lthe high rollers of the sea. a oud ontil il breaks ihrough triple Norm Pocock In the rar the cesintanan of the air,an ornhe pear. Mambers, from lefi jamps beimeen eitber cageîl Bob White and capiain Nesi pars ofthe cloud,or tbeoiooud and tice groiand. Nine out of 10 of tbese liebining dincharges never ~ aeacb the ground. Bean sproun îimporied îngred- Ligbioing tonds la siribe bigb, lents ot chop suey, are Ille isolated points in te andsap sproal Sof ethe mong bean-unîl - s.alitary irors, tonrers, buiid- re ety regarded irîooîpalîvas ings, and ot coorse, people. A *oforageoruop ennepi byoo7ire, boman boingîcan boelecrocoîed *fthe Orient andthe West In- iloîen anvervysmaiiportioo of a- dies. in aies are legion: for iigbining disabaree pasnes Bu ld n s flour. nouie,, vermiciili,'boled ihrougb the bodv. or rassied.Onoun d ofîîaiotoa- Danger on Water - - S -*na dark place, wiiithe rigbt Waican yoo doaboutîiigbî- itemperaiore and pienîy of scaier ring? The Ootario Safty Leaguo -wjilyield six to.eigh poundsofadiscsour gratestdanger is rep ir spol na matier of dayi. in 0pe0 space or on vraier duriog _______an___________ siorin. Tal baldings. on boil 0op armas osualiy pronido -Worbmeo bane siariod ereci- protecion. Wben outin the opeo iog the nom Limeboane pobio dariog a siorm. oner seeb sheler scool, Fifib Lino ai 22 Sdmd. ne oiavIc.Ha o Eîqaesiog. Sierad ide a noiiiarv ree ead orl Then it's good business AALBFAT MILTON MILLUNG CO. Martis Sa. Milto TE 8.2311 Friend of thme family. Bricssaineocas hnoeandiehen'iieoke W lis W n th e fre c lme o neaceao uol filon dai, three rowng Iakti.thedoaand th. aloaoro fltrpiswihcs onvnticîla sc tisa basana ali in cootbly. A VW inisos aure oi poir ces. Il nu'recue.- baisset. hoase oued hans, 0is n ouetsea Voliano. fol pou migh eoc gesi45 mis outlofoa galion. You onetrust a Vnlkswsgen ithpsaur nmop. lNothinformo. Jaoidrap in and geqointd.) buteclaiicliout pnaou orexetaslier3. botehoboutepmrnwilfe Who knonYorfamilymigh eide tsa Itseunenaeier iha iti. Nver neda drap When sfio diseonees the ohin ni deining o gin. one oi nor bcars aqusi hon. betIinaohaneos no, soi hu. a..y il la ta park, th.p se liklea Anoehor chus0. Our car la verp ensn on is c. r0 io a snpogochor. VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD. iis. oaion' a effignisss eodsif pour Incopiteofapporonmsce tecnr, lest 40,000 ellee. ehereo a lac oi eomn le o nksnogen thora ar. 346 VW dealers ocrass Canada. eoas tis. oe. neorsll te yens: BOB CROSS MOTORS Oalo Sf. #MbO Mu 1.2M7 The Canadian Champion Tourlsday, May 3rd, 1962 1 programos incliade wed 1îo hî lie assooiation is nws.ý demnstraion, pastueiom c.e mno-pigonries in pasue man- mentand mrp mangement. agermentompîahLon. Informa. Pasture management Is unei ion on his piogram Is available the os i imporistan i laesif Iomhe tooBanch, On. llisock Prducion in Ha lîon ario Dopai mirn ut Agriculture, Coooiv T.i lou llion (In Minm onlypu-0W7 stays potent longer to f ight CR0, Stress, and other diseases Voure sare of a patent, Iongar-laslleg disease ligisiar in Tarramycin Poalley Farmula miih Anlî-Germ 77. Tarramycin's I m -Iuniqae polency-prolacad molanala gions pralonged broad-specieî o actian, filett lo«I n solution eoen le ailialine water. vent orareal CRD in brollers, iaying hlocka and loîkeys; combats Stress due la mealhee changes, vaccinations, debeak- hrg, etoullieB halps mainlaie high egg prodaciin. Il is aisa voly effecioe for .1preoenlion cnd treatment ni Bliseeombh Infectious Synoollis le chickens and lur- Bol a test p5051 kays and ltooamiiiasis in liirkeys. and s0e 1 f lO Siart chicks andl pofeoIhe road la lei star le alla- healihy, unilorm gowlh; slimalla appe- fine. Ifii sa, yaa lilaes. promofe early maiarily mls Terra- lisai Teîraoyn, mycin Pouiiry Formola wllh Anfi-Germ 77. the illllblotlc trust Comple diractions an package. saayapofantionger ln alliallne oalar. Oîhar polani TERRAMYCIN Animaol Heallo *0aC.d. Prodools AnaofFemaof s LifudFormufa fàshma. fareaalllase A à D Soua Tabfets * #n. t.eîn Iupl.Il jaeabie Salallon. SP CIAL $4ac Rechaieablea flaaOOli ONLY Qnne. Sica Vmes and 0inforimto on Tericeecii AniHial afhProduc' AVAILABLE AT HALTON CO-OP SUPPLIES Bramae Bt. Milton TE 8.-23911 a-.