Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 1962, p. 11

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bers of ai St. Rturday ids Mr. relu ant nsented r whleh siacere sva Mid- Ceulter, Feather- oped hy E' tbe Fae-icmcst Beildingst. etu hai t ht u ontc tu ert hibc geocden summer dat. Wc bat-e loted ecuntry fromt the Nezis. es Étuvre sn the Aotemn sohen Film an Flamers the amples settt efiame soith cet- Tht' net Natiusal Film Beot-d orsad toe batte se it coeetd "Ottawta - Canada's Capital" s a eith amaodetoalsneo.Buthttst charmisg picleerotakeseaîFeti tî ltse have sisited Cactaa aiTe . Anaexcellenttscond Capital dae-tng the Tettip Festittal Pilmto 1 cceopOny it is «Spring- te May. This ceterfl ceent il ti.me in Hottusd". Titis takes the ueofPCcsadcat- geetest toristIt'ieters onataour paoîtheNet ~îtacîesA s~pon~ ~~pta Nia et-tends fieldsof nP lttsriag hotho *ra Feta 1 - W - il clsn bo orraoed thruugh There soo saut many ttf the mi - ary Pitm-CcudEI!fs - Chartees-. tien tolips in hlom, the targoot AssetciaeBth t-sestle- pehlic disptan en ibis contincnt. tend. Thcre ce-e 211 main bedocîtîng One thisg flie dee.iisg hecots Otteeses Tetip Roete tel 33 msiles Toli Otsita ha ît-rougb the hicaet et the cier. dtnetis that il bsmade Caad atusg the Driseecat pasi the Gov- tees seat-e fllecnsctoes. The orner GescraeUs Eesiecttnce, in Ri. on1It'Pýý plac sCenedc1 et ot- fIote chiPfe Park atnd out te theesxperl- ee-is heh t'ab h produced for mtl Fctt. etommet-cial marketing sl in cee-- Named Il Turks taett arees tel Be-Pise Columbia. Tbe eic toui is eccetted thee- The cee bullu of cet htîths te on naie eaesc le the Tur-ks thet pterted frot the Nethertanett. te eesembiodt torhens. Tite Federat ttc Sp-itto. Ltcer the lottg teinter. Commoissiou bas pleeted large liîsî, dilPadils. eivecinths. ce- beds artonl tlc Parîtameul dises. seettia ge-cle hycintho ce Buildingseand monuetsuand cr t mee ce the stepes a-td cee-ses et the m-aids A eiit tu oue- Pederai Capital. ,ota lic>pcttt heeesilvseeu 1I curicilt'te, tFestiv'atrmov. Pelh andieste pedestricut. anceet- lu tee' Igtien et' fttr a Tbeee -eaetse busdreet-ed teiteatec Dvaeekl it ies of teîttps. The etîe- ilowe- tee. lup or daoite"- teetit ru iug helbs, ha-le net heeon lergettee1 pe-ettectal capital! Semo fitme aud li io are ailiot aund bellfi vtt-eiîe, iltal potssible, plan Nouresm o et Iese. I m cîttlatteledls te malle ibeis Oit atta ,tisie îstent LondcrocsestIllesp-ttg tioecs ce-e aiethbe Totipseecre piattted et Oltaesce bcdt. eteer 60 t'eers co. Bîttilecas nt Take Chîîdren eoutil aller Wee-d Wet Il flai Whou weelted inCheEast, Ne Caneedes Cepitel biclore ltîtteet ltotk teor- tPec chditecu ce- hier Totip Festival. Coce-e Jua teey cc-ce puhlic scîteet ail te liauacorthe Nete-ttes sett ai ete it 1lest theier roincialiecapital Pitt nI hoibo te Olttetai tes e1jancd Iel lu Ottawca. This wsts tIiankseou gilI Por ehe iîae titisjte-e eth etîite eIltbacdbheur tuet and elet Thte Etttitpol, . E. H.cs. atout derne the tsar. Site pledel tla tttete in et-uLaet Peenîs rd aedditioaaihctbsetch vcat(lut'J itese lices e-e-Petring tu e l eeg lier litîcftnie. Tîte peuple cIf Pitteseuts "Aned sicc tee teck et ibis tee POET'S CORNE POET'S___________ COR iNER Springs wee. liffleetuti APtout Ille ecettaui t \,filigt SLOW DOWN l'ie diets ac fîtteto ly se at tl ticl i a cie Phet ece uceeretter bat-e eutglt 01 bhat pteeieos "tbittg catIed lercn , clue. Becau ttc tre altettet in Li Were-feieeer u lcrn Etes eue steckly pîpets Ate ietteral detp ebead, Wltcteece laetu ees bact a cbhelce Tt, get Iatt tt'ech'ts tarpet i*eatt Ticn u te htve ctayligh t satiug Sul ecen belt etîtetl belp e it caueeL Pto make tile mat of il. 1 canei bellp belttreutet', wtlty tee berry se? Wltt can'î we te Ie a lite-le caester?* ptt euo the btekes acettretel Il tcel uetit steep andc Ilettek We wud sec il doesc'i pet. SeevhYnetre-laxeted enjey your Ild ho moch l'arISer ahcad, Why bore-y te an earîy gratte, Fer voeu kuoto tscre a long- liie doad. -Edtth Sherpe. PLOWER POT APRONt Here is a PrettY apron fer gardeniuig es mail us for the bitchen. les confectien rnqeires oulp one yard ef cotton fertheaupren, 4 yard of green catten fer the lettes. Tfueepatteen Motus pou; te euact odze af thne appliques tei fattilitate peer more. Jest snnd a stempnd, self-addressed envelape to the Needlemurk Oepaoement af The Cucadian Cheampiou and csP fer Leuflet Ne. E-1 169. Locals Going Niagara Rail Trip on Sundaly Thitstceekeud deceeteof Miltonî trip t, teazlleL .c te îieu et faiisacespecetut bc îtet.tl ai ittteî.A dîîikm,îJ 3 ieg Niagata Fallt, cvtî te-anspert- ltleu lget 5 tu 12) tie.keîp alice sepplied Pt ti tpcialt Ct . aI $1.75 Lire att.tlaetht.igh Mtl- racdianuNatienal Railtsaes lamle'îtu Ttt.eelýevIfî ttoclie dc excursienttrait. leet vou'eetetedcr l relt ide Adilectickeet salespatedetq i to e troc. t es eectr qotte tmerttt en Mil- ton, CNts pattetcee-sa les repte- sciaie Jim Bttcklet titI TPe Chatmpien. Resiettscof MilIon an itit v ic, % l ttkle th, tri Éonboea 9.30 t.ut., vl be jiiec bv escusieus rul Bee.liteîe aud Hamtiltotn Itittte t tt-titiug tt flic ftl lae it fliec5J - CNR baspereetflieccos dctttt fi) ti miium beeacte te recrttn 5 Te sec flie chlerry eletheet in - Pitteept, il he hacl tepileci Ott * f teL Mel c teMilte lette subpti.I, lee oi lc ( t tfies et s sething like biis.,~ci "About Élie Ont ecet t %t01 go, Te tee Élet t llips \ýet eethetv licesi wy!e WEEKEND SPECIAL GOOD MAY 3 - 4 - 5 LADIES' SEAMLESS F15 9c Reg. 89c WATERDOWN TWILIGHT MARKET OPENS lOth SEASON 1952 -- 1962 FRI. MAY Ilth, 6 P.M. - 10 P.M. OPEN IN TIME FOR MOTHER'S DAY RUY YOUR FLOWERS AND PLANTS AT THE MARKET Samle Reservations wiII be Iseld for Regular Stand Holders N NED TO PUT OFF NAVING YOUR DREAM COME TRUE. NOW O N ED CAN APPORD THE QUIET, THE COMPORT, THE SREATN. TAKING EAUTY 0F LUXURIOUS BARRYMORE CARPET, WALL TO WALL IN ANY 80084 THROUGHOUT YOUR HOME TOGETHER WITH CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES ESPECIALLY SELECTED FOR TOUR PIRASURE ...ALL THIS POR ONLY PENNIES A DAY AT CAMNPILr OSepurtËwent Store We Guarantee Satisfaction TR 8-6021 228 Main St. Milton Eiijoy crip CriLlClly French Stick! au th Iý -. n . i, tlid .--t '-- I l-- et - -I--...I - t l >ttttt Itee tee j-1. 1,' ed - i EveingSta Loge r. acE che Sp aksThe Canadian Champion, Thurroday, May 3rd, 1962 IEvening StarReea Lodge To a E ch nS e k S MtBazaar is Success e onC cr By MRS LIL HUSTONNo. 79 heid a soccsfol baaar To Ladle n C n e . l... on Saturday. Miss Koy Porrin Mes J. E. Whitelock oyponed oppetnled the Holton Music Fest-P L DOF.I., officially opened the bazc- lie- hoe for the monthty meet- ival rttprsentalttoe and et the R IG H MT A RO U> HOMI~'It '.i~ E Itemos for th s sociai news columau are or. ing of the John Miton Chapter Fetia held t-ecently bcd pro - -welcotrd. Cait Mrs. Houston ai TR 8-9284. A dclight ut disploy of home I.OD.E on Thorsday ottdh. onMe Chpler bakiag. aproas, caady and vct- Severl iems ofbsiess utere I.OD.E trophy to J M. Denyes ~ t BySHIRLEY ietiet was welt patt-oatoed. Thedalt 1ih and tattoos reports houttl choir.Mrs.A.D.Mcer Con rarson oM.sCa MsEMcb RR. 2Camp- teo tables core dootily docoroî had. Me-s. Robert Bornhold acptedlthecppoittest as the Rod it, nnaer of the looely hellvtlte, retarned hoe loa ed ad o delightfoi lunoch ws aeo ceto o ro cCidetAdSccyrp.so Boy deps make lois el extrat LEMON-COCOANUT SOUFFLE blekiii- lt-h. Comtbine suti bead qoit and Mro. Mortel Cootsoa, weekend oPter socadjuag ffire sert'ed. cool aetllenobut clmefîto Clen'museotc lttolckt SoRiety reJUDINSi Ltnt, lttttttt.tt.tand ca- mis o teoot blaket and months with ber sistert ok h olws cr oh rme h eetco perinD. B finiee aoc. ce ergy. Spe-ieg lieut- akg eeetpdit-e e.tdttel trpdtt Mrs. Lttliao Gtbbs. Mottot, too- wood. minset-ot qoitt Miss Carol Rus- hodf etltaortrt the Auvnil hpe ittitctie T sce rcinete ntem puddingttg gadeete i nuiie andet Dt l e r pucddiong lier of thecasseroletf the Pasthl nHmlo ale nte A niainwsrcoe ntepeteln %o opite and bake luea md- Str obeko Lera d u fe. ei Btrthdoy greeliags ond good deit. blcoket, Mrs. Muriol Cool- month.- At the opeotog ceremea- the tIelîtt Coocît' Ttttercuoetj cre-se in stcial ctivtties ]cave, 2 cggt, -~ea. t.tte o (3.,Ï dog. F.) util tep- NtaebellaitLclibfe. iaamtoesoare eoleded toMrs.ord o. casoetote, Me-s. LorraieoesMttO le Hom catied the Aocittnad Mt-.J.Vero lcst iotcfor tood ppartettbc- . whiate sgar ping et lIghilt broutaset abuot Th 8AtyRtkr eotgHadtey. Etmw oed Creoc., so Gtibos. Standard te the proceosion cloog and Mrt. H. Mcoee socre askod focahmli eevnubso 1,s. %tlL ea, 5 Th 8AlyRcesbwigcetrbrated o bit[bday Wednsday. wtth the 72 osandard Bearers tttprese-t the chaptet et flic pe. l3etmttepeelu cep, f tel \,fite tlle httdLli t ild et [ t u 8 t erv. ctlub enjoyed a buffet sopper of and te Mrs. A. -Death. Broate Satordcy socs the holtest Prom oilher cetres in tlte Pro- ditet meetling tle fi eld in Oak. cttds atttuet dessert.Andhfel t becad crucmht hi-ý "Stete, ta ttc eert er- Chiarso food ai the Grange ta Street os Thursday. eprte5 doy thie year ecith lemp- vince tille un May l6. ted teut-teng lack Lhettctiuaat.lectd 3te betetet Ittdî [tl ltît t an( ltted Hamilton Frtdlay aight. Elecîtio Mr. and Mrt. G. F. Thempoon. orateres hitliag the high 80s. Mro. Dick Martin was agoto eportet. eaterele puddieg. /3pekialit et efft!ero r the cemtng year Thomas St.. ototîrd ever the East- _____________________ _ Mts, A t Meetce-, Services-ai Lem.n-CecoanutSoufflece Bi, capîtel ctttttSLFAYRDNE look placeas fellso; prsident ormweeknd atthebhomeeofîhetr ittd Abeei capear- tee bottergtmd or mîttiE AYR I Fat Marshall, necmetary Jolie daogltter. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grole- vtd a rged tee memhert% antd ce foedts A pcckagcd lemee pudct Il- tP Goold. treasorer Jedy Houston. netoc and graad-daughîer Katbht- lc amillestu etce advaeetcge ttc becemet c letoe souffle he Peear puddingtltep i ttt ig etc ta' Congratuolationo te Mr. and ean ta Ottawa. bnei Ciec al poth lite tatc-sdn bouton melet ettt and tc.dn t pakg iecin hnt .zt Mos. William Van Gruattet, R.R. Mro. Sian Price, -R.R 3 Campt- cne ttuh bJ.M.enythehchettettth te Thts biiractope n c, og tk nficli- 1oi 6,.wso celehraîed their 301h med- hellviîle, betd a famtty dtnaor feld iMtheJ M 3 ne S c lcecrlectemhtt.d bettb ub ec tre îtleatutÉlettllete it- 1 ding anaittertary on Friday. A Saîorday eeoiag tn henor af e.tm bM oatebttttttgtre-ett.pof ilqttei Pamity party etas bold te mark Statut hirîhday. Tw eenmer Te antderoveltlhtttto te baktltt ultee- Ftt'l ttttotl tttc l ttttt theeoccason. Mr. Gordon Lucy and Billhav'e woe ([c(med intclbtecthaii adsertn etttttIjll putddtitt. Pttttitj'lle Fric-udt tP fimi Bell. Martin St. reîorned home aller vtoîîtng l'er an fet Ibet- bd read lb thegenughter amtlyeor gelon xuceel .c il'.t oj sotleoryohcbe :,ci afmdustssoc-mthr and tigued the ril 1he1to enl ia Josepth Brant Memeriat Ircn Hcyter alGrand Bctd. %v teuetedcitlhc bdge BIfe t l k. tt I' te 2 Hospital, Burtiagten, and bcd an Wtt are sarr te report Will- th ltdr. Au epplicct ieu Petan. i)ot a n tr oerottea ibis soeek. tam -Fael of Haltea Maaier is a me ltrsip tvos reccived froneme ilai i" Miss lady 'Frice opent tho Ecot patieut ta Joseph Braut Memor- Tuta L a. o ttpt o it or helidcvs milh hier auni ad 'tela tHosptital, Burliagleton.e c ebtu eHt ttacle.Mr.candMrs. William Ham. Mrs. A. Kiervin and Mrs. R. P laatitruea hs1 eal ttet o ttte in al k MnJ.Venrait atteaded tihe antttal tlitre l oinîctdwen Il K tttittttt l tttpita Frieadsofa Macer Sid Cbildt cde Nourpos Association inTrntu aceompeniod oc th ttili hoc pleasod te kuetc he hcs la, as doloegates ef lthe Mitone Dt- Mtan c JIIH Se a eîetoclt. - rsre hme afe 'n a stritl Hopital. III J potitolcdIl on nMlo ititHsia. Mr. and MsW. P. audrye tf Iluttettp.'ak-Dr. D.AG.htc Mr n IT .HthnoMeatreat vssted ai the homeofN% ri iP Caco ttt R.tb ec. ThmsS. aerlre oethoir daghter andîuanlatc Mr.'tliCuctR.e afie holdavig inNew ork, ando Mro John Wrtgt.tenut.erîhhe spleu teea Mai St. jtte homocendtttd ef the great pregescle 11 crb th eegb flie pet e-. fontt tucinformtie, taM uI Pestcerbler twetlos and t Ottawa in Tulip Time fl c . hs efr lier betpitaltiî. Asci ltclP hteur eco eu jev- -Stg ereutdp dtd soecidc-salkj bNancy Cleaver c nrettelittttutre pce-td scleîîîig sthe uraten % a~~~ ~P bcltt Rishettiy nuelitee- ceu. cd btheetIChur e-s e Otaaia euiu c tî tei Nelîterlautîs etc acoit-t oet i .dy anyfiiein heyer.onc ethol te liter gift, ta sheow tbctr mtrdtrulilale iiigappreeitîon Par att the Cettcd - - ------ --- - 0

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