- -~ - I. No SNOW EIIIR lisIni clnrk [s Tnxan cara7ing skia; "Ssrry, sir, Ibis lit Plorlda. Thnrn's no snow hnrn.' Texan: "I kaaw. Il's csming with the mast of my luagage." a Thn SAVINGS FOR ALL THE FAMILY OMAGN Young People Heur Speaker AU a l.L Ai.. . M~ L.. Bp Mra. Cecil Paalarsen 'hayun Petople' a Strri a Oraai Il22at'e dits i Ter act naa ual Grattio l trir faiek lda tar i , trar i at il ir hual i,,t Tornto Sctet ara -m c Peoaple t'a raec r t'u tttaid at Mieii\\aIahrp rarh ac'ain, peoaple frnt ai tri te, a ca Pl a,t ra ata rt ia' r thearra " Roaact p tatacn Hoata, icttttettttta the urir tar es-a la% nrard Rat Bl Milie arartiat airta B.tA.'Ntr ttratl)arlroa A attatt ltril larra- ra r a nd teInceaiS. Griata. "Kilaea Katans" Ail r1 I ,tesah ta rai rir Hrtilt Sori t ilati ata jouaa i ia bhmu tanri, teii rat Aprai 7 i lie ,irrh 2aa aaaa 'aai- bu ila tI la a noi [ie antare ls" tt Ki ta-et, - it c il t:n o rir p-c1-1, aIir ti latin'Lh Ti, laclat M;a trtt -otta and at.Kira d ntarnaed tha iact<c tna a ni' td .taa pa a'r. cJa ipe aisi acc seodu" tat-aiat ,aas- l pait n -in rasa, p-lr, tard lattairppr. O t i.ars Na i , rt i r e tr l a peo 1 1 , -' i p Sheaser Bride tatate\l JR tho.la palta ll. altt tata t' ir aa a l raar 'ira anti tt ta aa in latperin t rac' te n Rat laaRrietra Oaa,,, a ol t. r te' raa a n aLke ahiaiea in rt1e . m tL taa, ha, taciacd. t7ied attraitpr' ,n itata tta]ittttt acta, ltul, -Smoke Beiches, Steam Ruses, Sap Runs for Syrup Thass'arkthchsepts pOnte-st 5 ar as anka of tde r c t riftis bcaaush eshbsans n yttrseeafor ,aabr aeakfast, dttredPteîa.t spiarc ..crash rpt cedthetbosela aisto aceIl o Mstht vand tcl t urth ed utlee the d eina o tp ptgrie r oug cihnathisalltiae wo .Lct h rses Thas icaraae con- the pce andcg a-cg ti c t. taLscteete apCa eTrire fer bile Hote a Sacenu e . o h as 4 tan fcpsi thpea antan? h. acpsac5s e 'ss 475pa Trrep Thi hcstar MaM thtedtecalia ae hieaaaheiscaed filaa Thdiaae~t'pr ae îehsofthe ese lacake.eietrsdcet Thi s cth Campion'arle etý,l ile h o lac M u. Msite bd . k s-odrbetis!Te asc p hlhe uin sad sane Tianarhetaldasetca aea vo tnore das tractî erse bask jetsce the bsshas t erse De-e a s anlloclrnesis sdfu tppn tshs ceasnid et in alc ldag tiresm hceatsmes asicrees ther > ithe rss hgh thebepin t ltinapillo aa cri h h [cnth woo, is ,tly tpoeabbctsttar . B bpse nue , vap ra in th s lerto cai- ar lv on eie Saso e tit.- t er e fo ea th s g pihe ns a m a bp e i' as S Ua b ppe at t Ae aalthe aptesr'ahiC hsldr.dstcaeat ftl eatten niasdtebisabcd paabenc. ig4. b rc ek pig lTareg, t heac sdsrcds thiae sictsatrc.aocwudfat mo e a eeuary-Oa a rc h la hau hss d'i yai sBeut btysg c aie tcsrgcs nlkafr nevoiIst telcd i,. s[ e ai he Sab:' e bou t aCh o pcotasineit ace2 e pank Sass tshee br Tbcu tteCtrin M rbs ofl u2 n xet i tcpps Po grers su e of diree ch e sii sg Fr rt s trchar te tmen r eScediegy an reeace an aselcr.a activ li ep Vi th rmk bose ar basetesc'eeb'Ssebe-sit eS in the ta[ssrcl foi , bc as 25 bprin ouediy tr galloen an adetfabeall scraVlat re aa e cicpitdb iltchseseateetcaR.R.2Nc' hlrog ak ssuraa' iecsaaedcrceaae ri cks Mr sTlrde d ateusc ou[d ritca Ma.li Mctt.atoe te a ns ira i ihe c a s rsr ce 2be tde. Lke ar sttr buet s Saik ecd re aaad acal tstlte bape kvuP crc oratcn iaaa eges aSacp hldinggrcdtrsperawethe ae.Stpan truc an maufaturd mple The nioe hu- n isci is a cabcper. Ac hsitce t e keepce iarthie oke bouseai c iliena 1% rup [o- ailevis 25 ars ri cuie p iti- Denseblac ge er smadeI the sal c seatr p front hi e abilb a llaeul thre t le lometea aiR.R 2,Nasag,- ulcicýlioi ile lio stck n a t ib o cn t oe d t-a e an baieti n Mr tis a t tbroce ab ried and niod t th Darvýajai.,haklebui]tinan stea ilwil i to orc inarte sacta c d hastopo tis inc th ense rte su the perets apustt eae-1 SSbanli.T s t chans th'e aaSain sag e le cited tkee as aer tcrSa O5 ge elet' teul Sahso fcle Ale hermfe r ustt Pouracontvrtinon dca-a ceddcvaet rde -edeat.reeaprlr li Juieaacsdegrc ce cpiercs. e thouh Hetrne r tîse io% l tcl finitse o si d wn I M.k ileo, a Cattibliale anrid ilace Ma. Bzrxta ci lac E-igia l Litre ta Ille act caia kea- Lita t'P W. Mil a sasciu tt repnace Ma. hararpacra taba antiteal. lIzappt a iict ta Ma>. Jarcaca Gti'ita natt ci t'alermec, ce lt-a ceetatidv Apti il 1. laontagtratuaton 'ath -n i the Mus'ac Fe'ata tatei lart, Tesava 'ai Marcnsa ha l cc. Spc and Span- 1 caoff C LE A N SER Pk. 73c TIDE - 12c aff DETERGENT COMET - Sse aff 2 Rag. taxa Banded C LE A NSER WHITE . YELLOW - PINK - 4c aff SCOTT TOILET TISSUE 38c 4 Roll Pkg. 39e DOMINO INSTANT AEROWAX LIOUID COFFEE FLOOR POLISH 6 OZ. JAR ... ....... 75c PINTS ............49c 8 OZ. JAR .............95c QUARTS ..........83C Califarnia Gardon Fresh ASPARAGUS Bunlb .35c Canada No. IGrade -Arizna L a ge AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP 8 tin 2 heads for 45c LADIES' DUSTERS $14.98 Girls' Spring COATS 2 - 3x $11.98 ta $16.98 7 - 12 $15.98 to $17.98 ALL WEATHER COATS $14.98 S. B. PORTER CLOTHING STORE 162 Main 9. 71 9.2633 zei DOMINO LIQUID DETERG 24oz. 45c T2 on PEARMAN'S PURE PC SAUSA< Ib.39 Wae'a Chaise APPLE JUICI 4 Tans *' Dalicias HanUap Chat PEACH 1/2%s 28 89c ENT 27e '1K IE c E 114, 1962. BD y, April 12th, 1962! 0 e Sprinaj Suitrg in Istported Wooi 4I ieSelection of 'olished ColtIss in Gay NwCeints and Patterns. IDBeccini Daeine ccd Culoisgb ira ret'es, Sa, 100'% Dacrns and Teryienea, Ettanes, y Arnels and Ceoo Sateens. * Daerrakers' Suapplies, Bullons and Trre- ra in g S. * ,,pýci g ta McCac I Pattrns COMEI N TODAY AND tEE ALL THESE PLUS MORE 242 Main St. Milton TR 8-686 1 Valus eft Vn M Aail clsn ieSi.Ar i DOMINION STOIRES IMI? ýM ýû0 b"ID C LLI;ýOJ i . N C, Grossmt "Su ysu dida't know liat 1 etean a Isaîpoe, squarnd ahestders aand nievaleir ihocs? Bride: "No, bul dent seorry. I hae lts or tiare surprisns fer yot'es le EAFO 9AL Glant Size 73c il (1fMýù iâ. uü