CAMflU.VIU Tise Canadian CisamRpQr Tis day, April 12t1h .1962 AIR Mrs. Webb Institute Presidient From Ballet to the Twist. By Mmn Ç2norge Peiîotterli hadly eul fasl week wohile playing Ladies Heur W inning Speech Ahesocii Hum anIhoir aishol Assciaiio Homo aodi meehoog cI da s sisol r fMr n Bp Mos. Georgo Inglis .o son Lit the Joseph Braot Hospi- ore, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude olto on Wednesday, oison Lady fast Wedoosda nIl in the [crtin Mrs. Robert Wheeliscod and faim. Mrs. George legli.. was hostes, lif, w linglon. logis oho presocîrd tho hoid d Baoin Powell of' England won li of a talent nigisi, ssl osiy MereMs. Allait Wiseclband te ~ ~ ~ ~ M .is Apanotn iIh .op ocd Mos. Wasllce hLo in- and groom wih Il cofc tabl nde l0olcdo.too'oOgcdsccOhPO pu soihoiscpo, iselîvillo Womoo's losîlolo, who tol taid ct ta a0 pogresv . cod slop eod-tables ou och.lios, Sr.o Cadets ood Air Rangors. cipa oiog. Theo prograim ronsisord Mr. asnd Mos. James Gollagiser of Mrs. William Webbs presided aool parto ooo iS.olrd.os ocing soilis Ech Iliconked 1 fr thoir kici 1o1 h work uf'Gcides ail ovec. of piaooscias and due, solos Hansilton. openod nish a p..mcclilo prizes acocrold o Mis. Roy Don- n.,,Os. Psizes for tho progressieliho world. isfoc Iccoing for and noelly acîs, balleI dance, O' -Miss Anne Miner of Wood- 'Ch.ucsingw yoor gardoen arm occ, Mrs. Roisert Lokiog, Rdi co oococarld1 Engi.ond on Friday. cordico solos cnd tise "tws .hridge and Miss Alion Keay of Caialog". Mo-l Stewart Cramp ertInlglis, aonl Neil MoFiscil. Gc, o Inglis, Mrs. Campbelîl Ag- 60 Yoats Earlior Rocs Colling was masc fcc Osisawa spool Toecday wils Mo gaveth siscrelOrs 's report, Mns. Mo. and Mo s. J. K. M.too oisi-leu e00 ool ilsc ociosO osr manies. ccd !Mss. William MoPisdden. A. TMoore theliacicl rport, ci heir ldlv. Mo. acd Mrs. hoi Icoohv'r Och cv i as acrory enjoyahle ecen- Bols girls arc nuros-in-iraioiog Mort.GPetrg Anegav hohoîror-Dand J .ohovor cool sosoosd Jcio Ms Affin Mor cnd Miss ihoad ofGorge Robinsont cnd I ia n osco1 ledd ois îelscHciaiTroc nipoli lspedechs gc hcis Radio ccd Joo 0rh ohodO Koliscrico McPisdran ut Camp- Gloria Pordv. Wosaisnooololrale Les, orango drink and cofic e mot Mr. cnd Mos. Suart McFaddeo oio poslc secis cllicl Rdi Kiolor.islîsillo wec gosîs as lise Nor. Aprol 10. Grrolngs aisc Io Berro-isood t cal] al lise close af lise aod Soute visiîed Saoday wilh Wasos, and Mrs Nelie i loo Mo. ando Mos. Hosoun voo cr- ois-Tosis osooldicg on Molîsillo loy Roiserts, 'Mcrc-Holo Whooli- meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Brocs Howard and Loosis i wthabokt o Bruce Bocos sa confined 10 hic Shacon of Harpor's Corners. diesoWI o r his ffots. ohlrooo , d homo foo Fliodc Lin UniteodChoooh al Forgusoun Sc- han. Joonifor Aodoosos, Howson hsomeoibisocoohilh chiohen pco. 'Mr.and Mrs. L. Sccland and tieW.1rhcofrs 0.Thoorscver f% vcso al udy ahadMs ife re J. K. Mction preseolod final pîco- d.oso 01c F lo sosocoh cI ie holi ofrar Loi .sodell Mones. Woleicd Goo l. Mr. ccd Mrs. Wiilliam More- fcmily and Mos. James Van for 251h .bcniscrscoy tOc h hld' Flroc rhias Ell L)Cmiol Aoioor 00io Mr. ili chllondod theo hokey gaine ai Sichle aîîcdod lise Ail Nigisi on Mcs 25. Be Propared nol ilGiocd Gcii For cdMsEgrco c c Mr, oofard on Moooanighlscilh Sing holdcaîMassy Hall on Sa- SI. John's Amhcccc fine om Would l] residenos or cmp- rior of Ist Kilhriolo Girl Guides caod Mrs. CcmphcilW Agnos.. ' Ochrilleancd Bradford playiog. orday nigisl. tn amieiil coo o ohc i hollili ccd .srcc ho propcrcd for mere on the chcrorod bsss cool Mrs. Leonard Wookm. isGciles oiisc72cr. Pros[om iisdîio ai weohlocourse for locil oesodens tho Boy Soot [cpr0 diso% on ,ollcoded the Guideo Ralîr aI the spccding c soco h oioh Mrs. Johns Bad Cal leoded opesn house aI theo Thom- ioloolod c cor f 4 AocclScîsordo Apoil 14. Gco Elizahi Bicidiog aI Tor-, Giimor caod Annac. Dcooy Gowlad hadl litis hoce as A. Blaholocis Higis School. repocrtssooore oison ho the choos SsoopcîhN issocodol Oc tho e- 'cl room coonooceld fast Tisuosday and Friday afictrs, cnd cil osore pl-Icitooil.o if the laicts, Mrs Jae igiss. oiîhtholi paco ycr's k0cr hMs 'Robert.ssohoo.oasd coscsi cMi]- Albsert Satdahens lis Mere- Leossa1oAndrews go careportton on Fisolcî,ootov cdnV. il4 -lu dso.tSna it h tlie Distriot Dieccl moo îo osholrorMr Eîî .di00ch s Mîneroos. Watîsoon.,oo an scol liooid cIl lier oghli Officers liliochistlrict. Hor amilv î ' ~ ?:Y Y o oooo acMos. Gersld Riohert(ay Mr .Gmar VanSickhiogave theotTooo Rov of Bo rlinon 650 cnooiicommiolrO report oroldof 'Tcoonollia o tho, 19623 officors: hcooorcrs Ccoo thil lIil grcndo.hoildr o.oLT FRE prosodoot, Mos. Looocrd Anodrews; and1 ,venogroco grccdohidren aFTLIYFE presodent, Mrs. Willicam Wohh: Shoo socs in her 770h 00cr, stl tirsî vico-proosidool Mos. Rogin îîo och cî DAYS IN MILTON cidnsln;s0cc5t0O~p05ioo , aloctscshond ondMcfllos lé Mrs. Jcki Wheclihco; seocr Tes, nra trom ho l o n Koos Mos. Stewart Cramp; assistant mooilc.olsolrso scoolcop. Mos. Otocr VcnSio.hleo mei itn wt nem sooccooco, Mos. A. T'. Macro. in Carisclo Cemoloos. Boacci dirootors, Mrs. Russell Greroc hanges cr0 Io ho scon Decorating Hlints HcoOooMrs. James Waso, Mrs cI the Bankh cf Nosa Soloc cn Chsarles Mitchell, Mms Noal Hcl- thc tVillage wohoîo two moren o By Aies Camapboll stead; finance cmmitteo, Mos. ac hoicg coidod tosoard fullini Jacis Wheolihae. Mrm Tosm Wat- lncohiog onoce more. Ahout $5,000 Caris of yorCret sone,Mrs. J. K.MotionMrs.tOmar Os hcing spoot On rcpcirs. yu r VanSicklo, Miss Kcthcrioc Mo- Showor for Couple .i lo REMOVAL OF STAINS Pisedrco; cheer commotoo. Mrs. The toi-mer S.S. No. I sehllnt o Douglas Inglis. Mrs. George In soection meto aI the homeofc Mr. Fr bes glis; district diretoos, Mos. Loo- cnd Mos. Caompbell Agnow cot wioos. spirits, nard'Andrewos; alteroateodstrict Soîrdcsoocniog tu o llircOl 1 'v sorilOog fiho.a direcîco. Mos. Franh Goicico; Vd.,l Mo. ccd Mrs. Andro Bco 1ielqad e poblic relations cffiocr, ccd pres l (lotre[% Holoo Agsi,, srne and Mos. George Ils poccost, Mrs ~ otcoscoM clsoacho fonds, a Lloyd Cranford: ocololors. Mrs. Mos. Sttolhoo Cootolo oood Kcîhco delergeot alooe Nellio Wclloc, Mrs. Chacrles Milt- shccld hc adte chell; scoci convenir, Mrs. Toom ~ . o. quaco. A warm Watsln resoitutionîs, Mos. Jackh solion of 00. Whociihcn. Mrs. Nllio Watson: alicaaos .oiacidscilh frclcooorinsiOg Tsso-dmnor hisOorv. Mrs. Lecc.oooi H MLY RO~SA Y sa hc needed for li.k, copvtef Anrews, Mr. RogiocdAusot and..sao.o red chk r-quoro mosîhylot- agricultureo L aoo codscc InooLos W cd spirits nias c ite cei try. Miss Kaîhoroco MoFic roo, Idor wt il sogar whio.h shonois Mos. Rap Parkeor; ciiienoitpcnd hc sors' qoichis hiltd and foi- odocatico. Mos. Tom Watson. 1 Escms cre 00cr. Il05 cf sh cics . Ino aod Mrs. Douglas loglis; historicilcs fslns rn n rosearriscool etrrortentccMrs. Bcschilosoiifl swing. The stachv fonds one cgg copfci Alfrend Ptetosoe, Mrs. Howson classes hae piolo iliult cIjý o whoo s togar sltocid hb- cddf- Losh; homo ocoomios. Mrs. -Thoro ace two Hcmilton cd t0 oooh pictocf delorgeno. Omar VanSiokle and Mrs. George TOooiheis s Coiioge ssodent tc -r, cigretdtei shold frite Black. ro os oihigsico dosnd pil sold mil Mr.J .Maison coduclod theiso inh isisssol lsssavdclw adth.edw installation cf offio.ors. Moombtistist. c detergoO. Grass staios sncId ship ws Ichon tc tho Miltono -Mcn% if the o h ave soi boo oe n rcidsith dotor-ta Childoon's Aid sowitv. cnd theo scwd soOooor prcOice.sprt hiteaclwt Je- ro cosceood sis the p.os - gent. Fruit jicc shold ho ao- mentof fes. RIEF tOhod if i h oooossr e andmohy Mos. Hencry Rcmshotc presocrit DI¶i.n1E13y it, eL ed Mrs. Lemncrd Aodrosos -II -hc Molton. cois monli iehceCOd spirits. Rosi roqoiros a afe sra appclicao of he c - Whoolihco pro-,colcd Mrs. Hccnr% 'ooo.oOrrol s%,hie carscan dcorcoIrJooitoIodoîOicPo nl .olo.0cpiooic ftooo Ramshaw wiiOo aP.nd Ls.occco.Mao rKOs oIGuelIph andi Iva cogoco, hot if flic maorh san each 1cr effort .forded tlic logoclti u R.R. 3, Ccmphelln ll, oAcoshOcoiold grop., anoi o Mos. Rooshcso ssho cooliild als te Bcse Lic-OGorio an exsert cSalstr alicg cmocssr bas mo'od tc Booston, Onts i hintersctoion Apriiif10. hong swi sitrcigdmns Aflor tise talont rcorner saleiocf: îotclled $275.adsodbctruglv. gonds, theo GCln cd firo c -Pctti McKcv of hpoxside socs TWO PRODUCTIVE WELLS have heen doiled on the Campiselloillo harness raoing Stock prop-armn sociail h osr isoIisoo. inaonol junilor rserlo îlampeor. be I Christenlng anol Rosenorv Campbelil ci Moi- erty and crer 200 gallons pot minute are finocong loro the two digs. Soif testings have heen C.ampls ...parii Mr. and Mnr. Edgar Ccirns an- fat sson tho Il tc 14 vearssooJnllol takeo or tise prnperty ion proporotinon r cnsstcon oi a $3.000.000 rocetrack schedaied tn ar îended tise chrosloong of heir tion clcss in the Cccdian HorseoOpensin 1963. Terderson thseproiect are epnîtedly beirnsiaied thismweeh. TheodrilliscgrsgStr graoddcoghtor Kelly Marie, iShawo 1961 ohcmpionships. tf socs aisoce mas morhong on an 85 foot meil on tise foromer Hal siead property. Tise track takes up TE 8.6021 228 Main SI., dooghlor cf Mr. and Mos. EurI anorcco iis cooh. a 400 acre site norts of Higho-oy 401, or tise concession ocest oi tiso Cnmpheiloilie od, MILTON Cairns aI Booltogtco fast Soooday. -Roger Ercan Roberts cf Rois (Guelphs Linel. Mr. ced Mos. George Inglis cnd date. ocrreo liv nctthe homu., Lois votedinner gaosts sstth Mr. ity planninghbrachof tOGntcar-e.50.o and Mrs. Willicm SIonsart cf BelI- ta Depcotmnt oi Municipal Af- ooood Doive, Ohsille, on Sondas. [cirs, ho. hoonchosor for the~~âé...fâ.â5i* Mr. ansi Mrs. Joch Rnoertson position sol losn aI Burlinon I W SOTIA PLAN LOAN TALES No.3 day goosîs ,ii Mr nedlos cocnimitlte. Hs hiring is vet îo' (~o James Roiserts... Mr s. ý11bRohooln bcs hopprcod h v conoil. I N ...j on Thtrsda for the WstCost Iohepîthe blocodstwhitelo r for six scoohs. osi polic cusors. the ensfer ie Scout Fathers lot- osso rmer Trcfaolgcr Town- Roger Mcin soc 0SI t0 Ihooi , tios. orecr Oavlic nom- April meeting of tho Scout FcOh- ber, on oconoil bore ashicg she, eAD e 01,1, ers.and gcsethe seocravssre- coor ho chcoged ta green ic port. white Jack Dcoshoosi Pr0 otchoi [lie fosrser Gchsilio color .ided ccd final plcns ecmil for tise fcther nd ssoit h.îît 1 as Scout Papor Driv o sn Aprol 14.f $1000 CA R WA SH $1.00 loglis latlondod tho Lasîolatcoi er ad so Scut bnque un WR'LL CLEAN YOUR CAR INSIDE AND OUT ored gest,,.Saturday, April 14, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. M AT NORTH END CITIES SERVICE IHigissay 25 ai Bas Lb., Milon SPONSORED RT THR COACHMAN CAR CLUB DUT- DATED... but Who knows it! ioko i d c.r, ,o«L 0 nrne prooroos va hecm ut-0 dcl for, flo hilea o id car Lo s obslscence, i tzl ostody and 0000.0' to iiic,)c oIt-,lotcd insurac. Goc yOin prograicoroaetetin een nuac 5Ompro Oit whichotoke possilaprir ore eoo ca prtcin fnt o' o wcflt â0sce us for a couspicin Rohert ÀK MctCny 160 Main St. E. OR 8.9281 Which car could a Scotia Plan Loan help ylu buy? Amp one. Large, medsii or oma!!. . . coitsolidatingdebbuyingnowfcroitcre Canadicc or imported . .. slow or uscd. -anything mcrthwiie. Scoldiaah Seotia Plan's 1cm raies are the camne for lewbomer or ccl, hefore o icorroo oneg, ail codmcof evnry malte. What5o more, coU ni yncr teretb Sone of Thse Bock of you con arrange your Scotla Plan Loan Noacotmia nd cusclagSculiaPlanLRlll. beforf you cscop for your car. This goaranteco ynu tIhe adivantages of Seohia Plan's law rates and lets you malthem deal the moment ytifend tae cor yau ABFN mach. Of course, Scotta Plani Lans are THE BANK OF NOVAI SCOTIR abs avoUable for payiog medlan bÏ11% mmTsB Efl orff= AMUos CMS iliffl Leak in Dom Rumor Faite MItean lle Croqk ffflerva- m flaon AutheeIly offlolal have braatleas anilea fhe rucent ramars Ihai bhe consient la lIse ralKelan Dans bal craclSea. Fielsi Oficer Davisi Murray saisi mhem the maI00 renocsoa a 20 font levei, annse neepage sens fauanui bai mIn lb was chechei Il sens tian lIn soL, pagn sea canslng Ihogis a ser- ies ôf ilieos, s nas-nal eccar. ronce PIs ne am Tison sean nogi aig of eriar senkolan. nip Or POor onnerOe, ho aaid. TIad meek lise Jadio oacliet lise 2» feint leOel. Maximuman sieplis la 30 Net. With a check-up and à chqu by ARNOLD BLACHFORD yoar lelepisce manager à IPRINO FEVE - Esch year aI Iils lne o Mst of an fail vîcli n fal sîrnag nsalaiy hasonans npolasg fover. Thns Olympienne are asy la sielecî. Mens- bers ni lise fairso seaîy cdeveop a keen lIeront la coliai anw cilhlng andi se oaa ganeraliy ho aeen sport- lng fol noeu creatlOos cailasi Ensîer bonnets. The mentalk, on bise allier hond,. is ait aroansi ansi dreans af i staant boal abreans. Asaabernîorange effe ai ibis dsilne nslgbl ho a siesire la obean ap the garden-paînî the isoan-Inspoe ansi heaaify aise hanse lnîde ansi out. Ansi tisaIs ecaclly ealiat a bot ai people la Mltobn are cancemmle wibislieuse doiya. Hase do se fatal Weil, a-evc nabîcec a groaler lalereal ln noir cobaresi exbenion phonea As a nsaîaer ai faci, liseron a siecleol looreaso la the nansier ai osiors morve recoîroi ln rectea meeha. Sa. If yoase suiferlng frontsaprinte fover, jasa relax and enjor le. Rensener, yaare ln gacopanpny. What happetîs oison if raios. well normally solsu let il rcio but somnetimuessse have on do somethiog about il. espocialis scîen martialesget Ilcoolool hyrcinor fast moiltgog Shccld ntr cibles fol soet lhev han-o ta bss driosi ont soheîhet ithbcolcsor ight ssrice mybc rstord as soon as pos- Onthlie lofI helos sco sec oohle spicotr Bois Grocto- il lost ad o he right lcching dlossn faot o machole cs attnter of BELL CRIME Here'n a new sond fr yfr h=n -BELL CHIME. ia' a ielghlaitm-II I I aical chitiemo aanalc yoar tliephone cls... and It's avalahie for Individu- ai and two-party fine costamera lan 7 1 roaor assyshere eine yoa liko fi smosyoa gently la theonarest phone. Bell Cisame corntes la two boaa- tfui coloras - vevolso aaid or soit lvory. Tlorea no dabe about et, ibis haadaona litlo Ionm wiii comaplimnt anp siocor. A handy nsitch lots yos soi if for n toute bell le reacls youai aa distance. Or you cmo sui i for the lansîliar, renssiar lolephone ring. For msore Informsatio, tile saacal]. Wo'ii ho glati la misk le over wllh yoa. MILTO k2RMILTON IThurs. - Foi. - Sat. April 12 -13 -14 joEItroi OL LMiSljo.ROCYWLSOBOI IMs IKWs55 L4ý ADDED CGLGR FIATGRETTE andi COLOR CARTOGN 2 Shows ech nigisi at 7 p.t. ansi 9 p. MATINEE - SATUiDAY - 2 p.M. (cdlais open 1.301 lz Tl EDGAR ALLAN rOECS pi16 7 "TELL TALE HEART" lOcomcildei os %oduit Esîsietsonslnt STAfOING ADORIENNE CORI - oasi or tise tomne progtamn -aTHE DEVIlS PARTNER" JEAN ALLISON STAITS WEDNRSDAYs APRIL la ,,jOUBNEy TO TRI SEVENTH PLANET" 'D)EERTl WAERIOR' Ri flo Il, Di iMot oil osil. t u . 6& FERTILIZER SEEDS TOOL RENTAIL AUL AT YOUR HANDY HARDWARE STORE