Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1962, p. 12

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12 Thse Canadian Champion, TFeut-Ideit Merch 22nd, 1962 Blame Heater Elements For Two Fires - - Bureau Case cbaed clOolt-ic h1e a i * -bit-I Douglast Wil-o,ot Oa.c t-lssttit,icoltoctl llmocllfccc ai ville oetostcacld bocboccI ,Cci'11 ,i lire,î tîoccc Hcllot 110 tho Buacu',ccaima tic-o pt-o- Catisiv c.acd the illon ture Pce o cslcccatiide oricc SciBait and aciltethco icclcccîb ortiîof aI ciii ller îlt-hic sîcîccth He bt bo cliccg eluiîsocîlu\ bee -id lIcoulci oiiis %r choitai ian et ors inflc d mensin cîîîc lis cloîsocî ccc tha\cî Hcliîcc 111ac11 (le lîîcl ploIîi5,î. Iccoe pipes, ad ccîiciclc. Suids Proestar il uoadcchiv.ccloect, .tlfil, k *Mombercackai\,cleleectcicth ietscls Thetocpen olcmen c.as I n ic the ibo l"e 'un îci a id e ht-etc ietoa tîralot- ,îcîc ct- se picoc. lt-cal o ho Ockcille Sale- tir t caet-bvaitictcoo.ctilt. I CIiccil, Fuor Heatern Only - Pln %it, lI-t- maho lo- ac fl Alltaougi tht-v ae CSA-Appt-oc -ui Peitlcic iii dc o%,rccsrgCan cd, chetse leeisare .int tlode peaaz ta cui dicta et ltse smbot- fat-se lapc ebt yo itlot-rsc cct t-t- ilti thici0 etensksii sgrslhBoc-,c or t ic st-t, the ntoypiî i t-t- îspotimentst CORRECTION Theo Chaîmpics on ttc ac crd ci lot b% M,,c Lccrraineo ,Nziticlt ts n l Cicaipîoll li cciii casthot,.c ai Hîgbcc,î 41 noir Mcl cuti T-h, ici to ,cc c tlii hth ectrof the Mc. Icidi Ztas oc Th, Clhacmpion cogrcot, lit infIoo- ih.c i. M.\.cigltý NAMES OMITTED) Trittd freot thec caot-tcatioit cia Pageo?20îcl l,cîe' toi-c Th, OiIctlocîîa Bill PîcItý Jet co Bccaac Johnt Ambrisae M.îrc Anne Fot-cl ht.anlo Mîcîca tain an Cîtî lîI BickCî-, . cl tui- Retardclot chllîîî altffie tho' stiocpo, tcche locail Rc.ccî% Clîciti Elseriot ccmpig,i TIc0 "th,, -do, ,tlling ro holiclto INSURANCE R. R. FORD MILTON, ONT, TE ".357 G0RD NASSELFELDT i Joins sot-clt stt-t- lio frtse bol in ct-t-tice ccitt tsalit B.A. pradocit. Got-d iv ittaîc ccc mes ii i the titc.cctndu miii itlo-me Ilium cc Daeoi S.A. Sot-tîco Staction. Our Newe Phone No. 878-6741 Ft-ceadiy B.A. Set-sica as DAVE'S B.A. SERVICE Ontario St. at Na. 10 Slderoad MILTON 878-6744 OSundap 9 &M te, 10 pin. Opeon 7 amn. toi 10 Pms. AN IRISH SUPPER that fnac sd psspayf deliseos Irsh ta mre St Orc'sDya Dads PesiyteaCbh nCapelis smsee Wairse Mg Bak Mrs Jm Rabeson aSile Ea and tida Smh aresbmaiepig omv gue Mr M.Cusn Mrs T. Rumbha Mrs Gorage Caoulnand Ms VensMaArhurwt ha ancus n deset Stili Wanted WimotDgon Sck C.otadicc Chtampiona oatticlt lm tt " og o e ik in hefr' oi n l78-iTe'hreatens Resignation BCocTrait cclo,, .cccae t CstilîtJaWlmttcr TIe Chit.pon paioi ac stp ci oe t-Cpcocsi(acitc at Qavill ,cî ctuccioiccoco ot oocl . s a ciaggasa cîck Niacgara Fc.11, tc Ttbsc-tscc vj i t 1l11aicf thictk l-Il ravigs îcvkinp ccr copieotho pacpcc- OihtcIlecouatcil hi. a prose Thisc-.ook iecit-co-tc i trois clialitî procdtac for iîs ad- Islcino, obtourgTorontto, O-îciiccass,.tial Ilock. How- c.co.ceandLcltcilc. Th, pct*ei.tcote,-r ]i[ w-k Coticillo-McLas of A nnuai --k- - --r %er ec d -romAndeurson ht-ougitcp aquestion asl _;a ,Ot , For Col -acocig Iloaclitg cocnditios btiSari n Monal ta Oak% iiIs. C Near Deadline Tis qàtteîve teicCava MILTON DISTI Orumpton uuruge clo ottcec lor- secot-l mis- CoeitructAwurde coa too. tiCsouniliîtcWiliattt Tke noticethat the atsc l'- al Fui Wrks Mins. n booccctcupeovcieil.il vas Milton DistrictHospital on 1 ciRcc Connell Tesdav auarcolc-u iotancict.Cctiliet-tF.O0 th lI oiisictusoictitg i t a .lIltoccoc plocl .i hall bot -scr cghihcaN pacoal stot-.cf gacccg ptossiblec, h ing thoe tor 0fr TUESDAY, MAF I- Ille Ap vcoý ral-tgotc.îcclit-. AT 8 aiSBropotot l Rasa% cConrci- Coucil adilcctd citîtouttak ng Co. idu..Toroncto, oîtaao tid in af cti coo , vt ho- question. ALL INTERESTED PAR oi S2,715 %,a-, th, Ictof 131 chocI eooe1l hccd c-vCh.acges. Dated us Miltos, Ontario, titis tor the oh. _ _____ ords of the Bourd. The garageo cccli ho boilt ait cth- noctcc hsceciornetr ci 1ho itloc, -iliam Met-chall. R.. I. Mil- lo ighLtctct 401 aci 10. Iltn %as aO. uficecuie cilIhbcovcaoc.I 63itîi\ 4t2 of the Juict Fetaccat Assaci~a- îcet aniht-crck, otcretcitIeck lios ai Ooct.-e h co ,astif 11 cciil Cctcit-oti.nstccth ba ons anui meeting ind can- 1-ct ccci and cctet toda, iorcin laci O.A.C.. Gueipit. i ton. Tacttt uotkcsos havec bicot Ccctaciisfic stccuctu ,llîcleariicetcnd vtcct t-ccm dtch ot-iseal cocctviocad tcagiegcottîcTh coeam sott.cstland t-cccmt. lîtachicisat, clokr-oo scica îucil dclîtocs machtines icle an itoiitscton be bttct. Build your bank balance.. Build your peaceof mind CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE OEer 1260 brvschoa to amre gOU Larçftst Adtoyim Plainn.d in Oacville GuEt-itle anay get a botlt sstth Cunadu's lut-gmt auditorium. Oakvitie saunaeit meeting in cammittee last week ecomssnd approvat ot a hylure ta hoiid a $2,5001,000 contention hotel os Hcghway 5 aust ttest ai Secesîh Lias. The hylare miii go ta Ont- at-le Municipal Board for ap- Jackt Huddleston, of Dixie, and Thoas Hayc, ut Hayc -Furms, Gebvilis, at-s, pramotisg the ite li. 'Mr. HuddIeslone suid last sigit they httpa 10 procsed as taon as they gel appt-osai. Ha cuid sthe auditorium could itcsd 2,000 miticit moutd moite il lthe largastins the aoosty. Thap %eeplasnisg to bilid as 211 ast-av. The umesitias ai ltae hatl cceîsld iscludea swvimeisg pol. Thea ht-lare cca origisalît suh- milied a the 0.MB. hy flie aid Tretalgar Towship coucil but il ccac aaersed lo- uppracal of POETCS CORNER SRARCHING Yet-sîsg hceat scithis vau- g-Ocp, Weiîisg asîy ta ha asit, Lie laves masde-v oseedisg, Faritiddenscat-Idy hv profoesd- Seeiîg aeoc- ta flic un- Bitiac-iytsccpisg %%,hen elase, Searciig, ceercciig onscilseni hope, rICE IMeeting cf ICI HOSPITAL cal meeting of The Miltos nid ta lte cafeteria of ltse ~CH 27tb, 1962 P.M. TIES ARE WSLCOME 111h day ai Matcht, 1962, h11 E. B. Clements, Secrelary. 't- EVERY DAY YOU DELAY IN VIEWING THIS CAR 15 A DAY WASTED --IF YOU INTEND DEALING THIS YEAR TUnrivalled 1962 METEOR The Totally New Sized Mercury by Ford Se. this stri king 'in-between' concept of Meteor Today ... B1GGER thon a COMET *SMALLER thon a MONTEREY $ ~ Includes ~~7~[J(JLicens., Anti-Freeze ~~1J*WWAir Condition Heater, Gus $2675*012,000 mi. - 12 mon. Warranty DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE AT REEDm-REDFERN LI1M1T E D TR. 8-2393 No. 25 HWY. S., MILTON "WE GUARANTEE OUR SERVICE"i -M»dà. 9 Horticultural Notes Ftowersng butha soch as dat- tolage a chance toi make food fodits, tutips, ityacinths and ta store in the buth for nest crocuses, that have btoomed in- ycar. dloors this sprisg, cas stili ha Whes the bloome fades eut off ssed agais if gtven a littie care. the Otoccer staik andi sater t-- The secret here is sn giving the galarly, opptyisg soloubte terti- ____________________ once a month, or bette, scratch hone meai into the soit. Dispay craboo 1-ave ia a cotd windam whý Displa Scra book he temperatare is 45 deg. ta 65i On Fre Pevenion deg. In 6 tu 10 weeks. The foiage Scitoot chlldren and adatto iota- Nom with-itstd weter titt the pot rested in tire preveistion wili ha dres sout, then store tn a dry ioterested sn a ocraphosit carrent- trsst-free ptace. ly os disptoy in the Miltos Puhtic In Sesstemhsr, ctean off the Liitrary, Mais St. hoths dots crith disintectant, osd The scraphooh is a record of plant thte pmpes, tlrmest ors the 1961 acticities ai the Natas outside. They oow are ready ta Costy ýFirs Preceot jas Bureau- htoom, again nest spring. Thae their psograms,.reports ofmeet ccitt sot force agais isside, sue tngs. photos ot file preventian eacs them in the gardes. o-rsitactis.itiss and literatare the mermisbrs hase distrihuîed. The Buaas aoat e saopaif BorsoiCoont iefiers r o Pollock and spcod tares-pare tiie sach moath planning a tire precestios a pb l tha coosty. Manutacturers of 'Miltot Fire Chief A. E. CIe- HIGH GRADE MEMORIAIS ment, pohîicity stirector of the MEMORIAL ENGRAVING Bureau, said the booh tcaatd ba 62 Waller S., N.,qh, OALT os display et the ihrary fat- one eolo.e617 CITATION. M r. Kean.th & iIey 339 NIOHSIDE DRIVE ON SUNDAY, MARCH i8, 1962 ai hEM. ME. BAILEY DID COUEAGEOUSLY RESCUE A FOUR-5 YEAR OLO BOY FROM THE 16 MILE CRERE AT MOUNTAINVIEW SUBDIVISION, THUS PE- VENTINO A DROWNING. IN rIME 0F tMERGENCY THIS MAN DISPLAY- tD QUICK THINKINO ANS HEEOIC ACTION ... AN tXAMPLE FOR EVERY ABLE«BODIED CITIZEN. I CALL UFON ALI., THEREFORE, TO BE PAR- TICULARLY OBStERVANT AT THIS TIME 0F YtAR THAT Wt MAY PREVENT RECURRtNCE OF THIS TYPt 0F ACCIDENT. Èh S. CHILDS, MAYOR, Hstorary president, MILTON SAPETY COINICIL

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