Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Mar 1962, p. 11

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SANDY HEPBURN of Cannpbeffoill o h eIIv hminsomnhpaada h e ont.. Coffege Royal meek <>t the Onai Agrclua Clge Guep.H sse i h Aberdeen Angus bettes Obot befpe hmwnleonircvng cogrtliosfn P- fessor G. t. Raithby, nIi beod oth leg O D rmen oAnma Husady FA LOUT SHR IERS w ihwl oils la 10t ul hav ben ecl amoncd y te megecyMeau Oraiain ainCut' EM.O MoodntBueI Ggor adta ln o h std w "setr ilb f shettet sho on obonon hon o an ons >4'8 higf ilssIe Os Halton juni Top Ontari Tton Halof o C s n t t-sotmots dtobstiss-o -ILIsttofto t on son ntn.nnnt sots til dJI.t M'tIl .fsf. i, ntssf tl Ju ,F arn r Mabtcht , 0 , and H.ntnf-'fns OnotssFnn a Mins 91ho, Cstfouni meosinffnli Ir Wnon so tisns titl loi ltsn b.- nsgI onoonssfIII y nfooittoaf tbe H. J. Wsffsots. tL snnno tIIIIIonton Onariost fgiutott Scofstns. Ritf gowfl' EIlo Btfgn, t-n.f055 55sf ciPtsn. %t. Es f polsfi f n 0igii .A.C, GLtofftf, tt.tIn.t man col Ii 0 Il on i M lo pnotn Etst.nttt.n InI0 i lave 55 ar stotof.t lu, ,tfi, 400 Bt tinfsottt t 'ttttOo t if0 foongftttttttttgitin Farm Forums Find Want Freer Ca Ca'nln Fttm t-osrOms wn totot IIdo oo mus on mdtc bout a dmit flthe sh nitt noonts f0 o bcn gradouai ona if indostsn* il t go n ibi ohm n trv ans. Halton ~ Growing Animal" Tbe Catnfiat Chaompifon, Thotsdoy, Marcb 22nd, 1962 i Pt na supisooti oo Osiso Lostonr Juoo caronn Auxiliary Needs D ef in ition of a C ub h.stn v pintoSh andsh:Ille indttt,it e uso mig nntSn.ouafsnt Guisde Wn.n.bl tnvs IIbs tno obnllfot%,iL ,n .to pn Pai fout* h.turibnsnotl 0i 1- JI tild a galamos.ehaoo H andicraft HeIp itn'tfbnraliertoni Mr. rnstotfr t orb Iling: tIon lI l i cII "l 1te' Then preosidont, Mrs. S. Alla donftoonn wi ibufttn.s al f I nd set i flicnBiflD.n.5oSoon oooitofnt sn torogas.noot l rclfc_.JI wsrgt pnsisfoaoothe Mahmetng CFRB, wherc il was il tai. ,tonn ontttts.op ntl lieo.fo.nntsooindtIwonsquir of th Mot son Monor Auxfionay crtononfhi*ct, nntifl itntonsi t W' p is.tt lui tolte nbd tbo ooditoriom on Wedsnsloy, DEFINITION 0F A CUB d thfbm,,, fntiotto.nfn oit ILI -It', os ftftntsitb Morn.s7,oand roodoas anopeio Onetaomillebavbliasngoso(juitof stnssonnd ttt.solgostsn toI .tttt nd i te Cltnfpct11 1n,21111 I olt.tlo .ssf0,sf hikoy poom nrom Sifoor Thooghts "on b.tn on.qtttto panftis,obo tstf and sot nuc stfr ffit %iltto anof jtt,. lI Groo'ing Olsi' Mos. Altos goa duoootd d tnis nobfoooststso'tfnilto.ooonc CIt un iotonnossîng report of the Rn- A Coblisi, Itnnsn.nto ototfilat fallfiboftfffstftns.Ili-tsi giasnal Cootonnnncaoh hd iniGuelph stnastsosoooso ostiojtn. A Cnbn.oo soins ik fWifnf toni fsk, ttt Si. Josoph's Homo, The vos t afn ofisnl b fia t noof tei, fo'f fillba omulse, bttlssss, fsfo s boti, calt ionsstommffoaoonononns gaveon k fnatpig,sto atfsfneajakbss. 'tanosdttbfnit. lft n itiosstn' on.ooroging reports. 11,oinoapiotoci stnkinfntfsf nston anpputtttusssso.o SUN 'oc, Mrs. W. Bell as onnntaimnt t4 i tssfbunntgl t-On in Motf iles fsffabsfpti tXtd'n buonnst, flairns LIIE n.onvenuronposond gnooass-openo- polios, Abea's onessts* fooodachebs. tion t-nom offlfa ioefp aossg titis fnsf' foifh bf ifs sntoto tfoofn aon n sst U nsfosf ,tff elfttttf ftt fine -onfp istIIIfneedd n LI ftn o d mrinirs. sA CIb.il no slidtuo ,adi fsndfn.afs, andonymonsswhoo sonfsIII nit otl, qil laefllf. ac stoisnacicnfaof.o sI nsnsiofossfns giv aooTossdoy otron o nce000 bonon, ftton. s, ssttssitog totlen, fsgfofn, ninst foot ptng sf ofo pi'atssftsso progressive ino oshin lossond ibfs et-foot cnos otton Cab fto'toftss ood bcgriaoppeated. A At camtp, a ob s nons fosonnbfonabntttsnntt em any ~ o III ffopsnontfonfad anod au- Ic- rn l zh up h edr n h ol n.ptnd by the Aulasffonol ann -sos i, lutsnhfi,,fon'lfstscilefo lncliJoofto ntflet an iotanastosi p'ty. Fonshon plans ftttffotctt, fili sfoot.ooftsotttfottot" At itfnfn.stn bc],pi n areostinder 500 ion tise bozoon fil ock nt-.tfnN.f etoUIna,dtft aile tnMatfionsotiftofssnfot on Maty f - at peonny sale ns to on innint, tt is epingt bog. progressive bcottofoosi.aod doonotions nnosod A sins cbom ttf w nofti t noo..nloi otlt bu stofoomn ond appnnnfofed. bn'ttnfgff s totnful Pott.k nc to t fis pabnttnosottn ns.i i wl Att fadions fond gentlemen) ifl nons Pacnk tiffl %tthant fils ones Abeas, n sft il wnoo". idust7 theoMnotirtanbmombonn mt5O bnns il ntnt openn.s 3 nfttonpn, tonlos inntttoggf 2flove noteon the gbirl W ALLACE GRAY -lO7 CourtSt. ntttr wkslobftnotannstil tnfftno5s.snkusstfosntnnsstf lie TR8-2421 IfLI sonfoth qa aies Enoon Cob tonstont ils otidenooottt footo aiso stifi c.tton SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA mmodity Trace kcu rvn if orialtntot- hes YIIlfi iai E\sans bnnn bnnotn ns pttoetn Cto, n nttn.ft. cu.otttt \in FOR YOUR PROTECTION ALL OUR PRODUCTS tu n fonts carlty stagets of ue afotattt ( nttfinnso dnint.ootaotfn(flnnen.I obngiLPS lul iit'tts'ffs C i, t l tons.', n tfn ra .-fqo 1,f ..... N.ftooIltt ano bnyosnt. pttnto ont, utsi ops lms,~n Ali tIn ut ati.ontti. 1titno n CANADA STAMP 0F APPROVAL t sloosto boonon tbenic snson.nsoon if.etaisnt'Ilo posoasstotlion. Atgutntts n'tid sonI b. po odosont nlus bosawashd tons pso. Tbonotntoo sbo.o xcptiono tntf.sttoon toidstsO. Ronfoon tfl n.-i ite doiso pnodon.n tstfnt.qosffysant tto ofithbtol gttnfon stops tnd cerftain onn t ompt. f«ýue tm sgoonts obit.tle ciiesre ortof protectton ns . HORSELESS Cnd.Att oilber items, ttoay bots 'fonnn atc g.tttn osu no r i evsotd bon ablen f0 sompell di nKamloops, B£.,.'atsttbtho on f.-d markeatsntitboofu st ti*1 ndinfn Dayn n.ommittoo fo'tn stit- prsotecntion, if tbo transition ns ttnotîn tsnttngt enougs ton. flic tl tidttsns n os A thonl t n s ttfWsI Asossmtnonof gssntnnntsot tstt-oon Sgtltttstsg pari ion Obo tbfe ftolds. Tfsoo dto not pson nfstilfsn eanfttfonso I sOts Catonda bas fic rgs Icl One,,bt sunpportovonts ilelofa% CLntvi II a il, nil I tulnoi ls ficn st tnt 55. sf 300,000 square in neleiedonptecotinlotomllorf-nnabot7. purntofot1f, illil winch il ft bo aot conitttttotl l flsaeof 80 squaren fnet 5. l sutefr4o 5 popl. Upper idudle Rioud Site Oaikville's Largest Parki A 0 tcr par b us f ont lt of basbal nt p sbi -vgmnasin onIll fii U n O dn.oslu \%p o l tc. lc a as Dik oetso, e an Onto ontsi tn Ok. paristinsd Su perior Sire Tsn [Inittierflsospn.o. foonssoon 60 and 70t ars tuonba AttsonuaStt,.ttss's Reo.dsf- sestfino ILItonosnt 0sf- P.ttkliopresrit tnu .aftyri Ott.t.tna tfitfJ, oý ul 1dt-ciopoononb lle tftnn totntott T int lusliefsos n s Mun t fin non EX,-i-tfffo Eio . tTa lg , O.foM tt he .nCillS eric O Ottn ftf Parkp. TnItoen.tit ttssiottnts. pu t1Ont.ttbassgalfttttt.tto.tl t fýI, ittisOtntsf»I .noaiT hfoittf ,a fs.ion Onre, tof ftn(il ote\ t,,tttsfClu b. ..t.t Wtttt A.i J.ns limitte tnt'n Etosln ýlc Rtttt s ifs ,snloo. buon d ha e t3n.tnsssts tiennt tstnn1ot.1g toon , f0 sýci n f [lie Ontariso js io.fo ts isin ti..tand rcton.ttsnftsi ff8673"o. He as atfnsny %ot Fi lssos Annn.'tios.so ttittdtst totonis, footbal,if. e Oso nila ct ottiicn.to. Walter B. Job Ltd. TIPS ON HOW TO FRESHEN CALVES AT 20 TO 24 MONTHS! tTbe sonner your colonen ore bred, We con't guarontne tbot ysurnolven salve, fnesbes ans tort te poy tbein wi Il onfont rigbt in fnesbening <>0 2 oms way, tbe onnoer yos'l stort te yeono, but we'd like ta toil you bow troite o profit on tbeao. doono of ynur neigbbours bave bad Oser 2,000 overage caonen born ond strosg, beolb nolven that freoben roiesios sonno' DoonyRenoroit eonty ond stant produssisg yousg on Form bave hetped on deveiep a Paina's Caif Feeding Prognom. Puritta Catf Startisg Porai> thot Wby soi. stop in somnetime ond let's bias gives un hundonessof naines tisot tatit it over? have freshenesi before ttey vere two yeors otd. For faot, efficient feed service cati Tise mnslt important ntep ts te feed tem pnoperiy nehes they're young; WALTER B. JOB a aproperiy baianced ration tbatcapt- tIMITED ittlioes on their eanfy onge.to-gnom. 72f Plaiftns Rt. t-., tRi.. 1, Burfss0tost Parna Nusng Cbow oand Pstnitoa NE 4.4211 - NE 4-4352 PHONE TR 8-6538 Calf tateoa dn nuppty tiisproper 40M0.tttstsMill Fur the Flnmst Citins Service feesing prngraon.40MiStN.MU973 M IL O FertsmPoU EL Canadians who want bigger profits tomorow fee d R INA CHOWStodaY! [SUPPLIES W BUSINESS OPPORTUN ITY Soies teptesentatoon or dealers requtoed for top fine of windoms, garagen doors, omototgs, ond insolotion on thse North Halton areo. A persoo who cnsl ad supervise istflltion and oonovtson ca build op a good buies We are prepooed Io train a man who monts o job mobh o good future. AppIy in writio>g te DUNCAN FRASER LIMITED 453 Plains Rod West, Burlington, Ontario 110W MANY BANKING SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE HiERE? A complete rmnge of banking services - because this is then site of a new branch of a chartered bank /Future customers witl comte here to do ail their banioing because only in a chartered batik is At poonoibt for ait bankfng to be done under one roof /Each branch, large or nrnali, offers a fuil banking service, from canhing a chequen to financing foreign trade. Each has a staff trained and onager to render the high standard of service that features chartered banking in Canada. THE CHARTEStED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY They are Gnenmn Inspenind and Gradnd THE RED AND BLUE BRAND MEATS ARE FEATURED Always as END MEAT WEST EN MARKET WHERE OUALITY f5 HIGHER THAN THEI PRICE OPEN THURSDAY AND PRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. WE SERVE THE EAST END, TOO ROSS HEOLMES, PROfOttEtOR DIAL TR 8-6501 o. a1

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