AROUND THE DISTRICT WITI4 ROV DOWNS I GEOROJETOWN - Did tome truoker get a pile ai teatak wbsbe fo bram sot. bafore the holiday a eaah ofh 4aa-n. nettn ShOe nmltruck tires ad whaels, but patinea aan't btaang .i ClaXVLa - Thoghout the holiday sana delivaryme land truckt drivers heme arc saearsng the palir «No thano, tm delv*Ina" bottons, ta stard off mny offeriaga of altohotit beveroges. ahoTnON - La it-tacttn ranger, upposedty uncovering an stloa arm atmssdot ~kt, betka oaldent 00t of $850 here lit WSk. Tht non mon &atd that for an $850 daptost he stoold rm- gaver an eqoal amnount ho clahned the realdant bai onas'patd for bts nw veindas Tht mon ad tht mtney were out of <to balte tht Iona maident realiomd ho bld tht ractipt and began ta inventigate. t TRETSVILLE - A Fedlerai Departesent of Transport noise atsdy on- Moion atrport Md distriat sbtsdd bc aoîulîed hefore, nesa suabdivisions are tptntd optan tht vicinity, township couSlotrs sacre tgdThe noise survey ptoits out a lrge reostbere jet nis wud haostdtred abjecttonabte ta restdentiat areas. BAMPTON - Nurses at Peel Memoriai Hospttal, dioublea jahotogesphers saben nom babies arrive, ta tht post twn yeors the sbattts'aaspping toasts bote ratord aver 00 tahiag <test-haro chit- -drans Icture lad seling <hem ta prtod parents. Tht mney it tsrneotdaar ta tht baspitot ta furaisb sttting ratots for patirnts and nuroseseIn the obstetrtatsin. BOLTON - This fost-grtsaiag aomountty ta ta recette a nom 7 atftt <t salt ho hotît tna oreeldenttot orea despite o petitin by basintateses ta have 1< ttaated dostaton on tht bustestsection. \LBESTýWISHES FOR A RAY OLAN CCMTS TI - * CRUISES - TOURS *PASSPORT APPLICATION FORME5 LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR TRAVUL NIWDS MILTON TRAVIL. SERVICE 217 MAIN ST. - MILTON, ONT. office filon Casson - Proprinine oi.2 870.911 8822 BAILEY FUELS JIM BAlLEY 50 YEARS AGO -Tohts fria in h ai ouht caa ta" CSmamSs, Dmea 21, 19t1. The cannasai oit 1hostad a ddéornea oInte 1901 ta the rural poputation ai Ontaeioon o sabota. bot ta Hatton thertje att oen a inareane. Nasa <haro Sfraob est- denca ai increasa. Thin year SMat- son had n deputy-reevt osting ta a decreane ta tht marcher airate» payars dot ta tht annoiaion ni o popuons settita of tha towno- ship by Bortiitgtts, bol tht as- nssesent of 'loti shosrad as In- crseabave tht nomber naeded, and o deputy - matve stns etectad fast Manday. Mdilton Marchants report a large Cheitmoas trade, targer thon tao ni 19i0, bol they figure thaore thon 110,000 stas trot tenon 'Mil- ton to Toronto dept-tmenttores durisg 191i1. Had this money heen speat sn Miton, it saoutd hae added greatly ta the prosperity ai tht testa. PStthing con ho agoa-n st cittaons trdeeiog gonds tram elseabere mbtah thley connat boy at home. Nothing sn gained by orertng staptes tramt the chties. They tan ha gtt as cheaply here. offert more cheapty. Loyaity ta their toma thould prompt ci. mns ta spead their mooey at home as mach as possible. Snch tIyaity Pays tht sponder. foe sabatever btttfits tht husinets ai the tosan os a sabtie, henefits eech individual citizen. Detémnber bas httn nsally mild In Ontario. There mas ne sos hemron taMtnday anod ,sbstiag or curling. Par the firat time inthe memory of the odets inhabitat tht ice ta tht pond 5005 ot stroaf etough for shat- !mg asd there wsal opea watae ma ne places. Ther stos an at home at the toma hall on Friday evenin, givet by Milton noctety people. Il wsta stel atteaded, cbiafly hy residents an as aareat totemss ti eey stay. The fisc montc ot tht Milton Orchestra mas great- ly appetiaîed, evideace af sahich ws the presentationof ahouquet af choict races te Miss Lelu Hall, pianit. onreiré mat cm mh *x ai< velu mat md - l s end ymir loyal palsasagêt MILTON LAUNDROMAT 198 MILL ST. Opmn 24 Houri, Holtayp Tou County Pension Plan Delayed Untfl PoeerMetWith Co. liaton Coonty's proposed nom atade administration and taOitor pension plan fora=nt employdts stfst h pa and in the bas baen temrnely delayed, meanitn thte compoty reatid he Standard Ltfe Assuance Co. m. maeeting sait those objecting Io peeesntotive Lloyd Eat ttd tomst- thetS crhem cember mseetting. Ronds litweký : ment and Heotb Unit.emptoyeo have protested Jointng tt. Tht pion was originaily tsabgt uf ta replace agverruten anamties 1 peogrnttbat dnotîsuitsometf S-R W R the snor employees. When att aounty empitytes vated n tht pion, o majnrity vote aPProved.ý Nasaver sinc tbtn tht heaitbl and rends empttyees protestedi they shaatd bava vtted atoss sot mi th the administration ofi ce ondesattraemptyaat.0N Me. East soogetted cncit coaid pt-ceedsith plastain. MILTON SPORTS & CYCLE ùfNF,-e46 May 1962 hr a yt of afnetaiatd progress toward tht goals ai athiteemnt and hoppitiss ciasasi ta your hat. LED WUTH'S FOOD MARKETS 1. ar BASE LINE MILTON