*y »Mn wlifn Mioin Tise adait eochoe graap haid n The Fient Kiliede Girl Guaide suaensfut echre Paey le jt Connpaetp anti local association bride cummumity hall os Satur. hetd their Cdtstmaa party in day ecesfice Ifigh ladis' potoe tisa nOsoul auditorium an -Mon- went la Mes. Ellenton; higis day emule Tise emona n-an mena. Bil Caninan; ladies' con- npesti oenlg aadp" yn naietian, Mon. H. R. MoDotsald; games, foilqeeat n-tistisle=dtle mens coolation, Cliif Pros. and motiers escsassginsg lita. cavâ in Village, lhnioestn .aee neres hy the Chlidrn aai adulas esjoyeil 1c" ansocintion. asigiceg Chrinstsas carois on Thse Taang Adufes blei a samnt- Chrisas Sue gin-tond thle vil- ggiodeye sppercin Wednea- loge. Carota more sang for ose dy e ug .la A- Sudai Anaor, tes eex7qee n-est. ta tise tulaI-nte mus a good attend- SanntiY scisoa roam n-heme dit- aits. Ginstu n- effl - i -- i. bad S chacas-i n- Chists eti woe snn. norsn-d. Kf 5 sceo uachanged! anti Reli. Chiies services wnmeloI 1011iasim -ade" the «wÈ4u attesded an Ssttday mornlag in mush prayer. Itifldste Uuiietl Oharci. __ AMr. and Mos. Eric MsAorlhuo Pa am pent Christmas witis Mr. anti .*a lit anitt ar ent i sia;t Mral Rd Watker and fataily os ft"&lorfinsD9"*er a" 'Mo. and'Mos. William Lepocil ft of tise. Atme anti Sco at iaanlly mpess Christmas Elay Adatata an hiurotAp musn w it',r. and 5dm. Alvey LanaS Iu~lehiS B ddiCi iOPI5 an d Lynne and Mir. anti Mon. amsuat a Ertasn PnWn' Arthrt.epaod al Mtount Albeteo. Sai orave& ai the concluins truir.g e lchuo id ls ilwnng antri iptedir had teie famlty mme for Christ- *MIDa M i atiddona Sympatey la esfeded ta Mers. Air. and Mes. Cnes Watson hâa "'nte Su -tea Mai ia-*y la tee famlly homne'an Christmas teelo.Vm esemne smna nt. eeie Uon. Roy iLevins la a p-atient at vepr . rsta Hne thn- JtIaa F4eue"n 'augam Mos. Ireoe Jarvis and fonuflî Hospital, Hamiltons. Ail her nf SMites and Mo. andi Mes. frieil n-te ber a seedi' recon- AM MoDmad and icmlly of ery. tcrsrni pa Christmas Congratalations ta Mo. anti Dcay mois MadM e.Sa Mes. George Robiertson on tbf whM andi a M m y. a hiote of tenir sMn an Decemiser 'Mr. and Mes. Roberrt AiMullea 20 atih th ilon District Stan- of Cedar Springs Road antI Mi.. pliai. ami Mon. William Watson asti (tisa for EMllet family nyrni Chisitmas witi The Fiest Kiliride Girl (laide Mr. and Mes. Rbiert McMollen, Company dinirisulet gifîs on Milton Hoeights. Sotardayà murning i t e se nior Billiy CollSng ai Losrcille. residents in tise village. George Cuicis oi Guelph. Mo. and Thse sensiersaof tise Yong Mm.Bill'ret and family of Peoptes Unies dislriioted isaked Millon Itengiss and Mar. ad gaui ta lise senior rssideota in Mes. .Aady Weteereit spent the village on Saturday evening. Christmas mitis Mr. and Mos. Chf Frein. Mo. anti Mes. Jamnes Wetiserelt bail tee iy home for Christ- INSUR!E masuon day' Mr. and hies. Preti Hardaand T OD AY hoti tise family home for Christ- mas on SaMay. lia the. asai Air, ami Mes. Hollingemorts n-up. speit lise meteend anti Christ- mas Day wishMfr. and Un. Tom A.ý T. MOORE Hierberland fomilyofHnio, INSURANCI otitoes. staff and ail aur moof readees a Hoppy Noew Yeor. CAMPRLLYILU Phase ULaer 4.2271 Mon n-ho taIs tise big n-Sorts ___________________ saalîy are moe spokesmeo. MAT WESTEND MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGH9ER THAN THE PRICE CONTRARY TO ANY RUMORSVIOU MAY HAVE NéARD Wl WANT TO SAY W! ARE STAYING îN BUSINESS ROSS lIOL1MES, PROPiEftO DIAL TR 8-6501 111 W. wish to thank aIl our customers for their patronage during 1961 and extend to then preetingsa tnd bust wiches for the New Y.ar. ALLAN CLEMENTS & SON âRONTE aT. MILTON By Mms C R. lenore Sympatey lu estendadint Mes. Henry Kelly, Speynitie an tise does of lier faier, Wiliam Bacis nf Campisetivilte; alto tn Mes. Antesies anti fomily af Kilisoide in their recent hereove- ment. Mo. Snmttrtn n-lt ie miss- ed isy tee mannymilk sisippees lu tise district. Air. and Mes. Rd Daveopsot, Marry Webser ut Milton anti Mo. anti Mils. Witfred Kennedy cw Nasaagan-eya attandeti tise fan- eraI ut tes hrethar-in-lan- J., MI. Lslhnci, Mlfimico, lest n-mis. Mos. MeRenzle, Mies Nancy MrRmdze anti lKethtie re Christ- maa guests of 'Mr. anti Mes. Rnie Zoais and family. VA"tea Bonn With Mr. anti Mes. Stanley Brow-n more Mr anti Mes. Johe Bean-n anti family, Mo. anti Mes. Brille Wilsoin and soirs, anti Me. anti Mes. rnie Goaci ail children. Barinen. ite hie. and Mos. Rd Dacen- paretn-are Mo. anti Mes. Arthur Gaveopoot anti famtiy Mo. anti tee. Van Cale anti Davidi tR -Guaelphs, Mootin 'Dnvenpurt of Kitchener, Mo. mnd AIes. Mat Zimmoonnan asnd family ai Dan- dis. Wite Mo. anti Mos. Jise Irving for Christmas more Mr. anti Mou. Tai Meil anti cisiltres of Ottaw-a, Mr. anti Mos. Ron Ma- gen of Espanola, Mo. and Mms. Don 'Millu anti Toesmy ai Fio- !do, -Mo. anti Mms. Art Wilsonofa Milton, Thomas MaLean, Mo. anti Mes. Arnoldi Service, Laurie andt Kimnof Torontoand 'Mo. anti Mos. Frank Gaugis asti cisitirea. yole Vielteo Christmaes gnoess colts Mo. and' Mos. Chester Service on tise Sot. arday more Mo. anti Mos. Peter Matthems of Taroato, Mo. anti Mes. Alen Wilson, Mo. anti Mos. Raisons Musis anti Stephon ut Foot rie. Mo. anti Mes. Arnoldt Service. Laurte ant ime, of To. roula, Mo. andi Mos. R.ay lier- rir e, Ronny anti Martin, ai Mill- groveand Mr.andi Mos. ric Tolelok-a, Janet anti Davidi, of Milton. Mo. anti Mos. Roisert Gretige mere goests of Mo. asti Mos. Robsert Kirisy anti fomily la r- inle on Cheristmas Day. Mo. andi Mms. Chester Service sprut Chisitmas Day mils Mo. anti Mos. Ray Service anti socs ai Milîgoce. -Mo. anti Mos. Cliffooti Broms asti Miss Barbsara Bren-n mere dinner gorsus on Christmsas Day n-ils Mo. anti Mos. Douglas loy- ing, Milton. fa Honspital Etimord Irvingi is a patient ie Milton -District Hospital antiw '-Il lie theoeiforseeraln-eehs. Mo. andi Mes. Edigar Hon-ten. David. Wayne, Laura anti Lina more gtoents of Mo. asti Mes. J. J. Keanedy, Mita Pearl andt Miss Marie Keanedy, Martin li., Mit- ton. on Christmsas Day. GuogIs n-ith Mo. asti Mos. At- isert Petidie fo Christmas wr Mo. anti Mos. Davidi Avers anti family. Mos. Edmorti Irving, IIRITMAS EXPNSES? Why ses loi as Nslp You cas isorron-. $56,01 $212.57 $506.94 $1,000.00 Montisly Repaymentn $10,*00 $12.00 $22.00 $41.45 Mosey for ony usefal puopose Crescont Finance 181 MsAIN BT.. PHONE 878,2171 "DeaI Lnealiy le's Cheapeo" 1_____________ Il.t LIONY.OUPMIN Decorations Demonstration Given to Scotch 8tock W.t. By Mms E. M. Davempore =h metn coei mti carol The homne oi hirs. Robert sioga ania unei sch of Dretige n-o festiveiy tiecarateti sandwiches, cookies and Christ- fo tise Chistsmas meeting af mas cake was servedihy the coin. Scotch Blacks Womens' institute. msilice in charge. The roll caii was answered y the Complimets ofthe holiday sea- membeos givhsg a ahimas soir ar ecteodet ta ail or reati- verose. e rs. Miss Charlotte Turner gave a _____ deminratin on maising table anti door decorations for tse feon- IL e n .L tive seson anti shessd item ta % i..hSt' S W à y maire hon-s scit the differeit - G tpes of iison. Monti. pean Me- For Graoe i..mtren K ettle tnpared tise mnlo uIt sid.y ev ~ Itdrett cf ttsetu and litte thiaga 'tisat Geret AagticatCI mistintet maie Ctrcimn esa' uiichsestheir anmuali natly service anti rea tn Ms. liaidLansan lirthday parey fer tha Christ Tiesikas ho-n seret hitti, repiaclng tthe former Stan. ha rememhered with glfts for day Schaai party. Chistlsmas. Mrs. C. Service invit- A candieiighting ceremony isy ai the ladies ta the Hsinpial mAui- janior chair meeshers, a young iliary memhaeslip ton ti hae haeld people's speciai scosiip service. aitMms.K. Dick'sihome inJan- tesenafrontnLtre 2rendisy ary 6. Tise 601h anaicersoof laa- chorister Jim Moocer, an address cisanssof tise Wamens' Instittes sy Rector Rev. D.A. Powcell,and af Ontaria isplaned for Foison- tise proestation of pufte for tise ,ary 19 anti wiii ha held Mt the Christ childmeare highligts of the (oreen Elizabeth buoilding, Exib- celeisration. Aftern-aod tise con- ition park, Taranto. gregati mess ta lise Paoish MIl wheoe ail tise chi4dren t-eceived a Christmas stsn-kinn of s.andy. Mr. anti Ms. Jianalti Scatt oeil Tise sperial offering is being famitp of Hamilton and Mr. anti stin aasist in theacostof edo- Mos. Richard Moore of Roches- cattng a dtcnttyssstetoinînda. ,ter, N.Y. Gsests with Mo. and 'Mos. Stanley Anen- for Christmnas more Mr. aend Mos. Cisarles Har- « ff ockmid ris and cisiltiren ai Georgetawn. 'Mr. anti Mos. Aiser Peddic lar i Toronto on Saatiay to tel nuaimers Of sec Mes. Pedtile's fatiser, C. MiSler, Hf RD EOIL n-ho had lise mitiartune to fait, HIGH RATIS NGMRALSN and breaok hie rits.MMOI.EN AV G Mos. Dan MoiGihison is a foi- 62 Wale if., -Noeel, GALT ient in Miltas Ditrict Hoapitol. Télopae 6U-73U n-e wisis her a spetiytnoey THE PMLTON MINISTEMAL ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCE WUK 0F PRAYER SERV1C! SUNDAY, DEMBER 31lit 11. 15 P.M. IN KNHOX PMSBNTIRIAN CNURCN SPEAKER - REV. M. C. CHRISTfNSEN TUESDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 8&0 P.M. IN NIONWAY GOSPEL CNURCN SPEAKER - RfV. J. K. L. McGOWN THURSDAY, JANIJARY 4th, 8.00 P.M. IN GRACE ANGLICAN CNRJRCN SPEAKER - ffV. J. L. GRAHAM Ci-apeoattog Clorehes - REmmanuel Baptise Charcis Goaea Anglican Choreh is lldesay Gospel Churel, ilos Pooshyteean Chuesis anti St. PanEls Unaitedl Cluech. ST. LAWIRNCE FRUIT ANDO GROCUT STORUE BRUT WISHE PROM AIL OF US TO AUL 0F YOU MOR A HAPPY NEW YIAR Dettetana Rai Machntetnh CHICKENS APPI.ES bskt. 59c 29c IL n-t Ontario - 10 Iia. Slicad - th. POTATOES - 21c BOLOGNA - 31c Gond sa an-cet jsicy Banht ORANGES - 29c Lean Lain - lbs Donen PORK CHOPS -59C Plon Depasit IDEAL GINGER ALE --8 qt. $1_ t5-ne. Tien COUNTRY KIST PEAS -8 for $1 TI eo RESTI VO'S ZMy