Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Dec 1961, p. 9

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HALTON DOMYTM Jacke Robertson, Tormy HunIer, Mery Lou Taylo- end Rd Segss-orte fers- lbe debeling -oas- of Haicen Junior Ferme-s, a nd t-hein fitst debete viesa sccessful oe os t-hep tt-eunced ageoeld rivais fros- Peel County Monday night. The tees- s-on eut-le dehating t-be pt-os and cees of tohether or eot part tîma fans nete injot-lous t-o agt-icultu-e* Hellee's tees-had alyein thefint round, andno- thot Peel isout ofconeenton they go on tomeet elther Victoria or Ontari Counes n tha quasI for the Prouincial te. 153 Groups PolIed Farm Forums Favor Marketing Aid 0f.t53 rogolar Fors-t Fores s divlded opinione ie seorrot er,reste-bled, cnemudilîrd le andspooial da-y greopstepot-groopeand eiget et-ceps gaveno varicue s-ye. BS-e 30 Fores-e ing lu dose, 91 regulor ced 41 ans-er. 0f the 43 speciel dole-y rrcomcs--nded poudieg ced good- speciollgropa le Ontario bout producer grcsps repucjdoa, enîf ieg cf ail mile, or blrcdieg and agroed thal the Ontario Doit-y oe groep opposod au cvr-cl nquoliaîeg prions. Tee Fcrums t-e- Prsdociog ledaslny sleould borve marketing plus; and oe group cus--end dilet quotas -le on at-oreS teille marketing pIcs, gare ce oser. Met-e thoan 2,100 fe-nen. OIl the Duit-y peucr- This s-as delorms-ned as o rest frias- people porlicipased le the groope, Il groupe rs-cs--ended of On tat-io Fat-s-Radie Pores- discussioe. duieg es-cf oite quotus. Fie prevnaclal-broodeosl. I2ecrs-be 4 te ces-s-et te question ce groupe -bcd no opinion, bol the on "Otario 'Mille Morkotieg cI bus- Iu dral cille tbe qiuo pro- alter 27 groupe faocd quotas le the Creseroades." hIes-, the coeseesus cf the t-e- cee lors- or ecothe-. Witb bulle Only six of tle 112 rogutot- gulor Fores o-ae dit sos-e fors- gruups tleorr s-re eus-erous Fores- et-mps disagrerd. There oflquota ssetseold b eLi- idras as Iu melleede cf setleg qotas acd lu whumet by sboold be giren. Toc regulcr ced lie o doit-y groope fct-ured lccieg A quco srttieg lu tho Centracl R Marketling Board . Gift ~~~Adcrtisieg, rmtohge S qsolily etandards, subsidirs ce butteoler, eclîcel mille ced gifle ut $10 cash i sot-plus le to-edf couareles lrd the beel cf suggestions fer deal- ofb t lse fgroup. Fory- O h d e thhte or m r et- A ua n 0o lthîespecial greope manenn e iglet quoliîy, Aplusprdcintintttsa - A rrduced cuele. 'l TRUST iSAVINGS COMPANY In ter Cae0ad9a0 touefcriosaeu 449 Brnt Steet 0 h aainmuiatrn 5 I BURL NGTON iudu&îry ieercsed ltrus- $14 bil- NE Xse4.1B8 lice ta $23.6 billuen, whitu rut M En. R. lstelttel Ras. TR 8.9335 profite do-lied frocn $825 mil- 1lion lu $245 toillion. Vol. 102.-No. 31. MILTON, ONTARIO, THUIRSDAY, DECEMBER 1416, 1961 Second Section Honor Merry, Alexander, Ford'. Wooclley at 4-H1111111111 Awards Night Club Icoder Addison Woodteyl duers trophy for bîgl on S-ioc Kroedonk, Jullce- Nure, Koîle red Mortin, Bill McCartoy Tooecrpesidret, pronided Corr and senior 4-H club mes-bors clutb Forogo th for bigb Fila, Dreuni jiL-y(ad MoDold AdTuo No - Bi lb p.o tey. Ernesi Aleoooder, ',o Fer tog e.ofrogp ao ecoe ooe rur Las-son, Bill Potterso. Lamr Pelîletu Lie- Aucti Agricoltorol Bcioty, aod Delmor Ford s-et-fie reog- Royal Bank trcpby for bigh con- leuberîtu, Dwight May and do Pelîntne-o Lorry Picel, Bill pe-esideel Nîno Broido ond sec- niord Fridoy for îir fines Lo- estant ie serd iodging coeti. Bt-cer floers. cecnis Sinclair Sinclair, Moar il1yn Sbr-uod, rtav-ooesurer Mrs C. W. Swuok- coben the Il 4-H Clobs al Haot- tien, Jasons 'Mt.Kay ociord for bc- cao high in Foocesty ord rccivo Cboolco TVanolos Grool .u (tii, hamor, Aclon Coîf aod Actes For. tort Cooefty heId their ennoal icg oomed chatmpion livroloce rd the W. H. Mut-e-y froph, d hrîr obol n u--oedlp-a nc amordls oioht or the Mitton Dis- ubocenon, Crntrol Ontario CaIlle Latry Gardhouccbgddy Wells. Marilyn Sbrrcuud rLc.Lihvrd 1t6 Mile Ct-tek Conservotion trict Higb Schuol. Breeders special, Duncan Robin. iuduo and. ccried tbe ttairy Cal- hbe Kimgueooy Kiioci Clltcu-Aîoiy, cboirceon Rubert Mor- 'As cîber club Inodore recoIn- son trcpby for top Doiry sow- luc toufle Artbor Laws euecic. orsbip. Mildt-ed -Martin ond Gaory oboîl, duecîrd peler musey tu ed leodership certificates fosr man cnd Berter clob tropey for ctaKefocybcolrsbîp. Gutulond recnioed sbowms-ooip tbr 4-H Fureîry club. The12ond tbeir yeors ie gsidiog the youth top Serine sbocton. Sie Completed ocordc. 16 Mile Ceel coiburitirs joietly of Hottes tbrosgb onosot po- Oven 12 Projecto Aoardod cmrificalcu fur coee- Snecond Yeor Memtbens opuosr tbr land jodgiog ces-poli- jectt, Mr. Woudtey recerired one Tbuse cueepleîieg over 12 pro- flctiugr se pooecl P o ut I eJ000 Sond four teotbers reioing lice. cuteetotiog 26 ycore as O ircîss-et-e Allen Brus-eddge 14, Haner, Marion HunIer, Rosell o-card o-et-e Jaet Aillee, Wayne Rotary Spoeoorshlp club leoder. Corolyn Goe-dleooe 15, Jo Hep- Motrocv, Suri Pickel, Jube Stoîl. Ailkiu. Fe-onk Aetbuey Jeon Rotarey Club Miltute, cboit-etn Ernest Alexonder cf Norvat. bure 16, 'Bob Me-e, Il Delneot Lieda So-aclbumei- Rd Voe Hou- Beaty, Robert Beoty, Derceet Car- Ed Chlortuf tbe ogricultu-ol o oteer of tbe Jereeyi<ouero- Fordt19, HorodFoersu19oand kolor, Donald Pecoce cnd Hat-1 rcyMutroyFatt.Duold Feter coetttitter, doeoerd prie-îorocey eey, Te-octet- ond Core Clube, t-e- Erorut Alexonder 23. Miss Got-d- uld Tltcueyeoe Kiuguecoy Kiconie clr , toce Frtnolro, Robot tu tbe Te-octue- club and Mr. Clut- ceivecd tbe J. R. Wbiteloce Ire- bouse ocu ocot-ded tbe Haltue Club scleclae-ebipu eot lu Mot-- Hepburn. lis- Huord, Billy Jack- ton preetrd ou osuord tu tbe pby presnted by tbe Kiegeswoy Co-Opratoive Soppliese tupby.cs lue Humr. Ed Vue Hckeloe, son, Mot-eus-e King, Cbîio KRue bgb s-es-ber ie tbe Cure clsb. Ris-unis Club t0 tbe ootstood- bigbintbe Frage lub. Don elcck andHarould Tusp- enduele.Sber-illiMurra-y, Kennte atnHlsenCu, rsd ing club mes-ber. By s-intog son, hilc Sou Pecoe-l on tbo Neelonde, Leslie Poocucle Robot T. H.u Hueei dna Club presit- tbe lropby, be is ecs-ieoted Hol-1 Ceeeplu 12n pt-couect- ee Millttn Haredîcare Te-cpby for big e Fddie. Juosue Sbet-ood Duneors te fi e-et fot-ses-bers ced lunes rersecîclice te National .111 Alexander Ici eer cf tbe ie Pultot club aud Rd Vae Hue Sletoood, Mouroen So-eres-on. reo ucioî osbece 4-H Club Wree. le lboeleing thel Kiegso-oy, Ris-nis scboloe-sbp kle leIcciîd thte Aclue Futago Netîy Trysseecce-. Tbeo Tre-eetna-buhst lcler mese- doecre. bo soid iî ws o go-est trd O be g roe Jersey Fors- Club pto. ce-. Rclpb Van Dalee, Gouedue Von bîbiîieg Holslte colt-es. Me-. Mo- buteur lu s-le tbe os-ard, epe- lt-c oe bib s-es-br cn tbe Jet- s-es-be ci Wabeo andule.e iclly wee Il ws-c preeted in cY calE club), 'Doeald s-atk- The 4-H Club toces- Gils-Wln oud- Ree elb er nd teclu-cb il butureof furs-er ogricutturol bhs-e-, Elecnut- Tayluor fs-i Oee l euieg [%to o lit-c pto uts coco Wilsou. Higb s-es-ber le Ibe Jor- nroDauiel Alen cInr Cru o~Cterfe and Cure clubs Hollue and Feel Goerneny Club, t-epeeotatit-e J. F. WbViteleele the Hclteu Laud Jodging cbield t-eSc SreCetot senco Foel-sobeDe secretat-y Due Joyce, donoted 3 G Eale lugsto, Mrra Dason etrb wed tbe EDnach lesbot-esblbiticcoanAn- clubs-cek. reee cIs roeive Stol. us-eF1. Colin Fllot., Gto-y Clairon co-ord. Billy Jacleson s-n us 0etcIIf. tlb Detru JEreeyt Blreodens' lPe STbcecu-ltiocel Gus-loed. Donald Hat-ris, Marc bssoei sod e od Holîoc Jereyt Club pe-esidet cie Hnarioe Jersey Brede spo- proe c ltig e a el Huco Auu King, Bryce- hlowmnsi s-ce ndJae dol. Wcrlo-icere Bordrs' C o. s-eet were Jas-es Ailkec. Jobs Marulecîll. Cleîtlu Mru Mild- e w Ibte Kiegsooy Ris-ce- Due Mulîbeos, dceuted $2 ta cial, arwic Seed orn ales Matin, i sCleub clarsipcnd the SJ recl ees-r-sbibiîing alJrey seoticI. Centracl Ontcrio Coutle Murracy co-ord fur bige le bu, cait and IbetDcc Mcîtbes-s te- Beredrspecil and theW.T. Adtos Caîf club. fl e -ot le e bige s-es-bec in Doles os-ced ce bigles-sein thse Ibte Jot-ery-Gueresey coîf club. Tratu Clb.Fit-et yea- s-es-bor wo roeic- Ontariou Aegus Beredors As- Te- y acter s Ccd das-rds-ere Donald Bre-o ud.ation, preeldeet Tus- Jac- Mooy As-ondee BceoB-der, M-getowBnu-- sec. duecîrd o speolal plate le Bob' -Met-ey. s-icr-preeidentof etg.BinBsel BueCls , ebe xiifga n Borfcand Trecue- clubs, presideel edgo Beltlac S E verî Bruce]Cules . csr-e-siiigene of the PuIclu ced Furt-etey clubs G-Kuelend rraycî Haro E Bre ai receiord c rcngtby Ciel cf os-onde. Hat GscD -a H e-nt,Le- Shotho Selnd He guI the Onturio Sberlbere a-.DnHcîulgcLs Ontar-iu Sburîeure Club. ropre Assoiatin spcial Katheriesnrd Hoogeebues-. Junce John- sruted by Refurd Gcrdbccsr, do-, Mot--y.bie istrs l-pb fereige ,toc. Bcarry Motiun. Murr-ay Mc- caîrd o pro te Sburteore releibi- le Beef. Brof clb trcpby for leigb - Caig. Juhn McGre. Ane MoGilli tue-e and ereecîd tbe C.N.F. Bref jodge. Scie tropey for biges r.EioeleNtrcle rc sbiold for bige novice le the judg- Swin jugeGrai trphyforPlillipe, Bey Rugcucldsue. Ray- ieg cos-petillue. hihscrjde. n eaie, Sarralf fers sued Stol., Curot Scckbcs-er, Ct-cl Ontarie Colîle Breed- bigle score lu Grole, Bs-cIl Bords - Vr-e Tbo-upsîî and lar-y Wai t-AsccîeDnaMfo, le-cpby Eut- bigî scoure lî S-aIl ersJoAssociaction,-iDuncanunuodcdrul Seede. Nue-val Junior Far-sere cfn thCn.E biMGeîd lu te bie do-t e Il clu b ors sel taeace le-eple fer obos-pien Mioden oftetoE Sil u ig o ut clu b omr. liceeloc o ed str. e-crt Trsphy Donors Hallue Nug Fruducere Associ- parts-rot cef Atcltue- Donec, ef Iruphire and cîleer lie.r preeldeeit Lloyd Moky, dopst- os-ard'fcae4vmig thtfolte omrî s-cd c -e ofllese ed tbe etucriocs ropbiy lu lthe Shortbore steer, Ie-to Octarie braige s-ion dleb s-es-ber. CaIlle Bereders' special, Jobe Hollue Ceocle- Cuecil, ýp-e. McAecde sad ol Will-î m ort -ced fer cbas-pioe secîrd be- Ccampell Sineclair, s ilet race Scie club s-es-- Serf es-s-ce, anai the nes- boîe-s-acofîthecgrcultu-al cohý be- and cs leader cf the s-be Couorteoy Agnw ernortial trophy toitleeo.lt-idrd fiuccial asis-upeetdth lbtoh for- beieg ccs-ed clu ele t rsbt Ibet upottewol ý ate cbas-pion ecice scs-s-a, of the four pIoge-as-. alec the Rosegale Fers-s t-c te Dols-ar Ford. citet cf a cue-li- Haltue Agricelu-ol Sociey e-e- the bige Jerey club s-es-ber. ficalu lue- cus-pîetieg M pret-stî pe-cued by pe-esidel W;ife-ed Ontario Jersey Club Holten di- ia s-rsbrr cf the Holstoen Croucîreand sut-sla-yl-truasjuer reue- Keen Flic. duoîrtd o boîtler, Te-aclur, Cure ced Scie clubs, t- t-de-. G. E. Roadlead, duucîed rtretoand crtifluale le fie-el yoar ced e-eceit-d c Helseie club 26 YEARS A LEADER, Addison Weedlof cf Milton s-as hoecred pt-lue s-cr lu Ihe Jere-Goro- s-osbers aed o laelle oed ceri- secial. Warwcice Cure secîal Fridaf ut Halenus ont-col 4-H club es-a-de iglet s-beri e s-as sut-. Puaat, Ss-icr. Holsein and lcl lu or s-es-bers s-bu os- M ac Ale a e r special cf 1., p esenîrd cile a lead er-ship as-erd f or- os cet-k s-ltb t-be Forage clubs. ei blîreicýZr e.y f. H. 'McGe truplef us bigle ie ycoeg fats- peuple cf t-be Cccely. Senilue Iade- as-ceg t-be Roques-cg Agricultu-al SocioîY, Ayrleire Callîr Club cf Det-ario Holstein club, Haltue Hcg Pro cont-fs 29 leaders, he oretls cile the 4-H PutaIe Club. reprerulud by Gat-ficld MuGilli- 1 Ceutied on Fage Toc REPEAT SPECIAL ~e~ Ladies' Corduroy Slims Pe~ I FOR HERFROM SUZANNE SHOPPE MILTON HOUSECOATS PYJAMAS SWEATERS BLOUSES SCARVES PANTIES Soce a secouse gift Eut- Pyjaumas cnd Nigles. swaesb an sagf aho reauo s-at-ecs in -aoe- toprel utefnywt ibn lecliday s-car. Cccefurîc- fleoy Elaneetlr os a Atrctv stls ad'o o hita l u t- ar juui the toîlu tIro- NCm et.Se lbx hic le quilted scîins, t-old ciglet.. u u etslcin I erlns catn an t-eo îo&er lîlut lu-i lugt. $.8and $3.98 $6.95 f0 $8. 9 1 FROM $3.98 FROM $1 .98 FROM 79c OPEN A CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT NO MONEY DOWN AND TERMS TO SUIT SLIPS HOSIERY SLIMS PARTY DRESSES Yesr stock gers upole ¾Creas-yni et rst ery yogi-e ber ss-eiegeeas The idocalleisu-ecar Po r thtvr peca p a elscatos aed IcI- tifui ced fiatloriegly fasb- evrpplradinci- prydesgeorgl ftrrs. îles linerie lu gît-e lueubîr. Ail cusc e furîclele o-ced sît-otchle scto. ed frta evt-lrl pi-ide, lu Icar o-iîl ceele. sîucde. Sue-e lu peuse. bg p ry H n o S n fi tI. FRO 98c$S.98 fo $14.95 OPEN EVENINGS, TILL SATURDAY CLOSED AT 6 P.M. 9 P.M. SUZANNE SHOPPE MILTON PLAZA *9 Froc Parking For 1,000 Cars S Firit in Fashion and Value * Froc Gift Wrapping S Bonus Dollar Coupons Stretch Your Budget meoaaaaasRasokS~anSsatSoantaae~eaoSRsItaaasssshRmkonSoSSsRao.mk~nOsOtR,.a.asa.>A~ -~ ------- o.

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