et te *W% slOIM S rà uSD4 la the lCafn âftaoa et ch.' CasaooI CboMM afa j*" 4.aiIolis tâte Trowmahip ai Traie!- Deaaaahao, 194!, frLW. aw t Pte Oâtii faer the iltéàrl0g of umiWhpaWy ae rb "ed I ~~~ ~aIt1 palrtlIiettoce!sao- ait In tu alm WMa. 0 t or ooialo ia ap!thim. o aita . daii aiitn isonanen 19t QUESIONIS Tc, N wuur TAKE NOTICE. that tho Law' DUP AaxAt B vIcKMS, 7O THÉ Pironf Sitarpo aond Nichais for- i Te sal kg p 1lblie mictin ala! Acting SecretarY. Tako otice chai pac-sanf ta rnory iocated ai 146 Maio Si.. 4_cun 6 ifNa Thenn am d Mnicpa theorderof tantaronai. have pa hao6d the practinor oi c3 Cat eutl ofCnaiIVuIIa cipat Bocard, cthe Iailoing quqs- Gorge E. Eliioti, O.C., aond are t tl*auBoard THIE CORPORATION OP T1lE tios witi ho auhmliced ta the el- ia lcaiod ai 207 Mary Screeti a !I H 4tto eto TOWN8HIP 0F TRAFALGAR ec ' maciiaia t eTw fMitn - Oc»ý R~aoig ~ ~ 1l I bo cc-aated ity cte amaigamnation nhTc'niMii. Jih R~fk( EtoRws Bt-~ i~. uaâ~Acaîa.o.By-awNo.19 of9 cithe Tonship ai Trafalgar aodca Pegaoa ila.tto onerhaaca Act By oW16>9 h Toms ni Oakitnlio at the ere- yoar; 2-arw Fe ono traccan 19,0 n)4 By-Iaw ta proh.iba ahoeroton tin cta ho heid n the tlth day inian; Ptagail cultivacor; Per. .amd- oaf bulilinqs on racky, low- ni Dn'on'hor, t161; ,s ear hd; Pet-gcaaoo am W*lm OF fai Ais isa. Yng r yor st able clad. 1. An' 000o inar nf the tractor patloy; 26" ce-caca sr sa ias _g'IOCspSahaa or WHEREIAS Socis27-- nain the n'aigacinait Occited------- anc! traeote; toi. lartîcizon vaa ts asaahr fuigawl$r raot The Plaooing Aoct poovidos titat and Trafalgar hning Oakviiio, orH d 6ra a N#ia. Anser hy-tans n'ay ho passec! poohibit- Oakviiie-Trafaigao?BOW.ING drit c14aoo * km is.t lng che ereotias of huitding anW IN derto aeed ni. aosa oct.o tatae oroarti ta 2. Ano yaa in fanar ni the flaar- ....___________ . deon se'; l. harraws;~ 0 ber il lidafian ai lthe pubhieo ator sap- t tin'd farat an, hiWt apeed; Atlf~W'flNED*1P NOW THEREPORE T HE pty sn the manlcipaiity oroaced LowviIIa fa flat hep rack; drive bhko; lcay CONI FTECR0ý.b h mlanto f che Ce.8-.Kn le ais tedc!or; MoN. aaay coader; grain lOE ONWàM0 MIJNICIPAL TowNCn 0F mEvil anPOd.h th e iaaaTwn- Og Do gl -M h Ka 25i e id grihdor c1" pcate; 2. îaoaig 1 A holisabyoapdiota Faiday TION 0F VIHE TOWNSHIP OFc i oTaknilgao? hoes Toipl- C. . con co mitta; coeam 'aaortao; grain IUaeWi" dayotBVeSo*er, 1%1, TBAFALOAR enacta as iaiion'c who P olo aith a 22II hl N Cogatea; pltclccsssocic, 2,000 cNoAnd farîher cakte notice tlcat 479. S. King toc! tho mon 'ich hics le cha.; 2grils $caMM _________________20__ No perlansahatc orent asy the netaoniag officor apioe! 274 single aoc! 765 triplo. w. fi.and30 .;It .co chin: blidgoractractan' faor teai- faor ch0 sait otoccios miii attend Scan!iags: Biomers look 5 b snaiking ptow; caccer,, ateel dentat or commercilt asaoposes at cte Cosamasi5 Hiait in cthe ponts for 48 ta dace Go Geciers S Oeheel wagon; accsfiom; ,coi SWAP os iad choc is sahiect co Blond- Towacsiip aI Trafalgar os Pniclay 7 fao 401 12945 piofaii. Ridors i ohell&s; haïood ctihg box; no. f SH P ngr on landc n'hem., iy reao cthe cîcth day of Doconditor, 1961, for 30 aoc! Rackecs 2 far 22. C ai aae'et hog tesagis; boy fort, or iam oky o-lying, maoaity at 10 a'ciackitn te mrnngifor ieaes t mae oc pilp; n' oaleosWiter HrDec. -Marc 1 oas aalechaoacterthetenanîof cte appain'menc ai perans ta rai alumîailii; r.r serac Open Daîiy 9 - 6,- Pniday 9p.n'. consstucionof atagacory wa, attend aittheaallng places and Dec. 12-Eloca Canssonsoit iernil ofaolyat. allicles aofig pn'niiis nt a heii nifi te p 233 as77il nd ele lans.y Pao n 'I8AY, STRAW AND LIJMBER diany tliaisanof edahafof athea pe iten n'e 57 n'al Jobs the land Foi -6ton of hoced hay; O 5 ot artcles fecn' thimrbios '10 2. Any persnoconvicied af a nlerested in ani prnnoting ctethmei aJonCpldn oioîr eicborntan'e an cte nh a 282lsingle and!Dean Gray chI cooaeactraw; a qcaaocy ofo ibw treshers. boacbnof aoypoision of chia fiosc Quescion or the vnîiog in n'ith a 735 triple. drypisa iaahe. zc2h 4 Come, Looit, Sme, Boy, Rave. Bp-tan' sali ifofil and pay. al tho affirmatise or the coogaîcro pradn~Wiponiao5,T a qaosiciy of sn.w cirp cltn tan'- lthe disnrotian ni cte conicciog ontes2,dqusin Porirs 5,Baiidogs 53. 'Coilies p bqer, 2 ssi2t br12 a no.ait5of No. 6 Hwy. Miligrove Magistrae, apnaltyacot exceed- an, citeer seod31aia., Grnyhnods 39 ai 5= etnbr;aqatp f Mu 9401 n hcoocrddolr ecu DATED at Trafalgar ibis 241h aoc! Boccern 34. di u ~ ET. -2mlbsren and blcigmt v fcssfrecit Sn'nc-y c!ay ni Noveroa 161. ___________________ reconero-bie udrteSmaySHELDON A. PEATHEROSTONE Pnutr TiIOLISFRIUETC - Convictions Act. Retaocdng Oflicer. Doc. O-Titis morts ncones wr Bandi aier drilc; ceot bsooks; ptanes and ailier caipenter 3. Tis By-iam sali not come D2. M. CAMMI dnn'inacod by theo Bacîlt ian'iiy. hay kicives; n'eacct;ayies aI;frs itnbr t; sicem ni ap'a c h Dopai0 Recaoning Officer. An'niia Basseli med lthe ladies n'ilb 3 cr ytes;toès; ork, soves, arsetc; ito orc unil pprvedby hee-29-3 ber sicnglo of 220 a'nd trinleof f524 crmot aws; faoca ateseler; power oaaisagie grlsder; 6 kit- Onctario Municipal Board bac (221-167-157), Wiiired Bassoîl cap- tight doale psacieya; sitoalder chea chairs; coucit; 2rcigsbeta u ppvlshlb pod lthe mn mth bis 221 single p-n s rJaye;Ioo pt,4 his.dee t ae nl farce aoc! 545 (221-167-157) triple atnd caggisg cita les ie &to TERiME:Cas settens seith fn'n theo day ai tas passing. ui Edna Bassetl bac! ladies mowssn pipe oies; asoi; hlckaniith ctork day of sale, I Wu air gle ith 69. Peler Barra ltn'w taonits; biacaclth maseriat; 'NO reseove. Par' soic!. READ a iirst, second aoc! tird 'sn ion' wiit a 104. Routh Sînvr scet 'ceeita-a- lwamser J A BcIci-lr 2 HOMS, cime aoc! pasod ibis cocth day ai hadt te oniy actoer 200 gaine. score srales; 20' acaminan'ft- Aactaaneers, Augtst, 190. Standings: Maps taoL 7 for der; douhle patteys; ornait sun' TR 8-9233, Milton & 308, Aco-a. PA . awa S eve 3týdt hieBom de fraorne; apple dryer; bond awa; Daon MeMilton, doert. b-25-2 A . îI.LIPSTOE Esore. p63 n aenhi Bnm d S. . FATCEROONE ClritnalI;g la choir 21 total. Mops piil n'as 2562, Bronms 2386. Eas-Iy Birds Dor. 0-Aadrey Maon sat bier sinieof300 and tripleaof93 and R Eg Gray wiith bis single ai 275 and triple ni 698 n'orn caps fan ______________________ POOR OVRNOSStacndings: Jacst ank 7iar57 CLOO AOVRRSG HAM STYLISTS ORNAMENTAL MRON ta dale. Jonc's 2 fur 5f, Rnhys5 far 45 12903 piofalil, Rog's 2 fori KNIGHT'S RUGS VN OantdPAUiL Milton 39. iinian!synl.r DRY CLANfRS ITO. oAM 'Bat Sln '. N-lncti iaTre o! Satioactio GSas-ooeed -o'CARPETS ns Main Sc. - Miltao ra na rn Dor. 7-ay Rosas-yn ld the Qualty rSdoom Exprt Sylig *TiningALUMINUM and IRON RAILINOS ladies wiith bor 256 single and 669 ae Dry Cléaning O Ratyzs Baallatu *al RPrmaSyinen * Taing BILL KELLY TE 8-9827 213-256-200) tcriple. Mibo Boire- aRccccn'Siaea ~~~ ~den tWa!coat *PrmnnWrigceohn 'nos top singleoand a A!teratios ad Repaies DEPARTMENT STORE Fo ianmn ai-~ fan 58 la dato. Picr PaIn 2 for 5t. TE 8-6021 TR 8 -9931 QIL BURNERS Ding . Dong 2 for 46, Lorito " Rus ad Dape exerty 28 M in S. E c-1-t Stik 2 orr45. Cltir 5 far 41, a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Ruga aoc Drpstuscy mMlsO ,~JMMLO 30, Do Nais 2 for claad c-49-ciJMM LO 3 n al far 27. FASHON *Cieaisg * Repairs " Pree Pick-Up and DellveryIO BEAUTY c'"* Installation Mr. and Ms-s. Club GINAL24 Hoar Seriae Dec. il-Helen Garditoone led Ail mort done os prernisea LOUNGE Ail mort guarantoed aoc! iacsun'c. the ladies wiith itr 206 single and 535 tripla ,slo Pc! Scracd wscn CAIL TR 8-9941 A C. CANNON *i Ouatlied itair stylists TR 8-6797 b-7 igh for the mon miith 266 single * ldiic!sal stylisg c--i and 672 triple. ______________________Scandiçgs: Kiaitrs loait 5 for &SON * Coctail stan'paos 52_tdae,_____7_or_5,_Fint DRPIR* Hair cosditioniag 52SERN soc do2 fon'7r 50!an Pic lic0fo GENERAL CONTEACTORS * Cold morion PATRNO a 25 fo10odTsio o Junior Bowling BOWLING WINGS Der. 9-Wen!y Hardy led the girls witit a 220 single arc! 351 double. Woody itaid' tap avrage for the girls n'iib o 132. Gary Gras lompned the baya nith 184 single and 315 doubl. DniGray bas boys' higb overage n'ilh 156. Sancdings: Cran", moaite 3 fccr 25 ta dole. Peaoorsis 5 far 25, Spor. row'0 for 5, Blunbiccl',yforl1, Hawsi3',for 18,Canairi0for il. Robins 2 for 16 and Eaglas 2 for 14. CUSTOU MADE DRAPES *Dellveroc! co yosr hame, ready t0 ibang, in 2 weets. * Rpertly maile aod fiaisited. *Wide array of porteras Irans ici tca cheose. CAMPEELI'S DEPARTMENT STORE 228 Mais Milton TE Il02 c-11 tLECTRICAL EREVI MePHAIL ELECTRIC a INDIOSTEIAL a COMMERCIAL ai DOMESTIC a ELECTRIC NEATINO Complais Electric House M6 Chsarles SI. Milton TE "-513 FLOWERS OF ALL KINOS We c!esign floral dispînys far ssociitgs, fnmerai, syrcici ocsa- sions acnd noble arroanents. HORNBY (GREENHOIJSES LTD. Ri. E. 1, Horshy. c-3c-tf Caaton' Home& Repairo Altcraticos Modemn Cuphoando Plaos and ion' eslin'otes. Yoaos ofl exporteoce, TR 8-4424 c-ci'1 F. J. BENNETT & SON General Contractors SPECIALIZINO IN " NewHomnes a Gacrages aAddiios R ecn'atin Romis a Ren'odoiting ai Caitsî TR. 8-6003 369 Higitside Do., Mitoc c-4-tl NAIRDRUIINO VOGUE BEAUTY SALON Spocializiag i Pennatno Waves. Nan tyllog Noir Tiacisg 140 MAIN STREET TE 8-2461 c-52-li DIRECTORY ADVRtISING 18 AVAILABLE IN THIS0 SECTION AT ECON- OMICAL AATM. PHOE-i FOis CMLTINFORM6ATION TR 8-2341 Wo're oir-ccalec! hy Coronado fran' Crest Hardw'are Speniat stodeot raies TR 8-9533 Open Taes. aoc! Thuor%. Eveoisgs. 171 Main Street Milcon c-3i-cf DE'ATH HAIR STYLISTS BOB WATKINS P LAST ER IN O *Lactiog * Stunca * Repoirs Cati TE "6581 Iar Iree estirnates 189 Branle St., Mitton TV and RADIOSRIC KEITH DURNAN MILTON PLAZA Seao oat maitos i Junior Fas-mers aoc!r t ai a ftlvso Standings: Jack Porgosaon fou * odm aln Tnlni222,Main Street TE 844 5 for 42. Thornias Tositor S fa *Adsvaaced Scyiag c-cf 39 Johtn Wilson 2 iar 38 and Sait ti Air-conditiased dryeos _______________Picktil 7 ion 34. ti Occis sot veier nsad JAMES STEWART TV P. L. R. Girls Hauoat Tues., Wod., Fn.. 9.6 p.m. Sales and Service Dos. 7-Mary Hei pei rali hig Than. 9. pan Soi 93 .n'.single and trtple n'icb 288 aoc! 749 Thrs 99p.. at -3p.. FLEETWOOD Gthnr goond trils mare Wiin' AMPLE PARKING Sterea - TV aoc! Radina Haimos 689., Drelta MsPhai 673 Pn'sooioansoneo opnratoc!ta Ruth Parc! 606 and Alice Brusi T R 8-2501 prnlong tube lufe. 603. c 281-ct NO DOWN PAYMENT Standings: Lit Kasayabi laook Eosy Toc-nas points for 27 ta c!ate, Kath Coate 348 Kingalelgh Ca.. Milton. 2 for 24, Wiilie Wilson 7 facr 23 JANITOR SERVICE TE 8-2452 Gerlir Mouncin 7 fccr 22, Dana, c-25.5 Grnnie 0 for 20, Mary Hriyoi fan 20, Della MaPhail 4 for 19 r Expert and SaiisfaCtory P__t_________for__13. CLEANING TRENCHINO 1 PRîNTîNO OFFICES AND STORES BACKHOE WORK Watts asnd Ali Types of luons Trencbinu aoc! Wropiog Bodo TOP QUALITY Sand - Grave] - Stone FIN CURRIE - TR 8-621t COMMERCIAL PRINTINO For Iran estiates ca!! CLARENCE CATION TE 8.9313 clif We design an-i print distinative Milton Janitor Service busicnsncioeryccDirect malnd- TE 8-388 WELL DRILLINO ortisiar. bculletins - i auot, al e--tf mosi ony priating yan tnoy base. WELL DRILLING Alion' os la qoe an yor n'omit. ADVERT!SE YOUR BUSINESS J. B. RUTTAN The Conadian Champion SERVICE IN THIS IIANDY DIRECTOEy. RATES AS LOW R. E. 2, Milton, ont. DILLS PRINTINO & PUBLISH- ING CO. LTD. AS $1.00 Phtooe Buotiagasa NElson 4-4025 191 Main Sa., Miltcon. >reèfects, Oifficers IThe Canadien Champion, Thura., December 14th 1961 7 >Ian H.N.S. Bingo ing then no o lserncconct with one another. A moetnocf officiers and! pr- I___________________________ fecta of the Holy Rosary HoIysa 'ipme Society n'as heId Monday. Penembor 4. The main copica i SELF - STORING icaion w', the Turkey Bingo vh cntub ho hld inoHnlyW i d w lonnry Snhnnl Fridny, Donomber A u i u 5- Prenideci Jimi Laogedyk gave an l m n m i d w rognons reort on tho prono- a d D uK nons for tho Bingo. Ho ropcoiodan O R cat pnncncs aro bning dIs1cibai- c! arnnnd lasso. Fiicnon coritrys AN ALL TIME LOw, LOW PRICE nu n ilb wadda rz TILL DEC. 13 ONLY nr cch of tho 15 gamtes, Ad' nis on l iard ai $1.00o. Theonncroiice aise: ANY DOUBLE-HUNG WINDOW Up TO * piard Gerry Bnorman in bargeofa tc Mas Serviae Clos, 110 UNITED INCHES r woni ci hel ricn MItný eihi Studa scmk-M $1 9.95 Installea *dinsasseui, ccc Falhur T. 1. alIngicor'ssggstin, n spreaker SeIf.atoring doors af qaiop and precision, an ail Char, croanml Commun'niocn Break. Lose Piie as wl cal shich ks acing March IL. t s icoPoc ta ohlin a v nonspors cor roligiocs fignon. NO DOWN PAYMENT NEEDED * ncnroincîrncd choc the n.i 'That Lilolcar of Civiiîcatcion" TILL JUNE 1, 1962 lii ho presenied ac tho Doar'. or 3 orrln'osgnih FOR FREE ESTIMATES CAL. ni, adasgeto rmBb *ak h th Sgoni omiran' Bl iscl any male rrscdescs of Hal-1 D. ERVIN & SO NS 1n Comnlonial Mansrcs'hn arc TR 8-2648 * doridoi thac tho mombar- aimpescocmiîýca shsold gos tho Ynr Dealer n iAluminWindows and DnrsAlun';nm cc.1l non' mombrsol .1ailingn, An'ningn ard Sidin0 e Prisli and cantoct thon' * insîrucied secareary Charte.% OCOFO NOW AND ENJOh' THEM BEFORE CHRISTMAS hormis I scgrscin ai oaartute Weas repaicrd replac dnr hardies etc.,of anymae corun persccn n weeoitn hils strict l h tho porpaseo f brin0- J MEET Candidate for Mayor WM. E. "Bill" CARD ON CFTO-TV, Channel 9_ AT 12.30 NOON THIS FRIDAY, DEC. 15 Grand Opening Winner DON "SHADR" CURRI ni C.C. 3, Miltn. asccpîs the boys ta this 193 Dodge n'hish ho puoshased faor oly 99 CENTS ta 000 grand apocciog dtan' Monday. Cour- cillor Chanlin Menofy, oîght. dren' his win'iig ticket fcon' the doit'. Gn the oIft aeTed Jarabo and Mac Molioo, poopocotoos of MaKI55S CITîRS SERVICE. Wewish tochlitnieor ay ccston'osn'honmade ourgrand opn g schaorsh- ong sussosc ataour en'lcationonane St. Peohaps yau ldnd't iouraspcia potzino the doon'. bac youcc an STILL be a WINNER by heconng one ni oao HAPPY ccslnn'r 'tha good used crofrom ou lot. Son chose 1957 METEOR $1,050. eaa -bc pîtoshosei n'clh S50 dcccct anti $45 Innili th satisct.,a, ',di 1955 CHEV PICKUP Eqaipped scith n'icalr trs $29 mn'nly n'ich ano maney c!onn. 1955 LINCOLN 2cac bardtccptcibcsccci. cttta, h',b,*c,,g, Tant ci-t thi oue, ctstand - ,1hL L 1954 FORD 2tcocr haidcap clasast laf, t5$75. 1953 BUICK Sp i S27c.' 5 . M c E E CITIES SERVICE McKEEMOTOR SALES 26 Bs-onte. Milton TR 8-2552 e À i v -7-- 7 77- ý 1; _!- 1111_ o,.-_ý - -1 1 -- i ; - 1- - - 1 - 1 . -1 -, - "'