Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Nov 1961, p. 5

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Tise fient Iulte soedlate- hsockey failt busy. TIhe Raiders oulsisot. A pIaijbA vrealanc gante of tise teaàdn, bically osal outecbked, 0sd istssspthé bntnsUIWttyUNe cteden to ptpdToesdsp osigit ut tise aren dlsorgnolosg ?Mitn coisub oUs ploksd op bis noorins: puce tobere oison Milton Meocisants and Is off to a sinsfilae slndt as Othse iseft off lOuit searlon. George- Geo gtawn Xalders plnyed t0 an yesrs sellb a vosok defience is tsso gpols wece by Nlrk Ferri, 94 île. stain probile, c RlaiyS, 'anSI Douglas Richs- JjrPVM Tise gaine was an exhibition Playlng coacis Price slressed ait ardsbn ths trinsgles; a b)aie t0 Non.à 6-ose ttto ulls4. tilt for tise two clubis and gave tise hockey club's bsaqnet Wed- Grd Tisoopson and a trio bY N.V op îeasi TsonooTsi tise resahees a chsanre t10look ocer nesdof h ut oeek tirat the club Junior Beaumsont.nutoa ewihTrtnTitr tiseir prospects for tise comng wonid lie tise isaedest oorklog, NOTES: In tise peoalty deont iY sotia snnpit ra tarot. Wiîs lise scisedole open- fastest skatring cois Miltoo bas Abssu thlis cins Raders enfloct. asTce osieTsrtu a lag Friday nigist ti Milttoo wlts tvr seas. Wite lise lento sbooed aIl D_ Mionrs to tisa flocal otlts ossty gamnis 000 fronts tise loe Bradford Tords tise vioilor,, play- a walered donnn versioe of Ibis sio, oble lise Merisants gatisered 0fg sBUftgtotests. Jack le0 coachs Jacis frira was sy oo tise nigt'o play aisis of tise tise fient tniscnnduct penalty of 2egso ss9oppnf1.tii looiig ocr aoute 20 hsocisey mors oas door e tieir asen end the pear wtoil Jackfrire daig 16th 9. be piocers, ait of obont dressed and of tise ire trylsg ta lie op a isonor...Tise playingg coacis Marins~1s Weiglesoorlis hre gladies' bts singe tt 184 vïhl16 tmade appearaores ai vorloos scoring play or too. Itosaner. oippurnttî toi ted wis fisls ltse Boî htayce sa top lite game iotercots. oison tisey did gel goiog tise sbarp- tons ncored nganst and nolsilp 1011 ttis k i. oy tseneselb Rtem Tises In sooters olish tise club tiade no qoesîlonred tise officialing of re- Witotals iis luglte md, Johni The Raiders looised mors lise toistaiso t0 cr001 for elgist goals. Oeree Bruce Hoodý aod linesmas Wilsoni had353snleed. tll libeller club on tise nigist as Ibey EUS TalUf Cliff -Houston ... frire Oile i t 235 tandn Ck ee. o o isamned tise Mercisants sn tiseir Jacis Robserts, Larry Shakber, bi tise sonresiseet but iseiped os Stanl date,: Jabs Ferguson 7look ooo end of tise lisi tinte af tee Vie Rosser, Art Melânson, Blair 100 goals isy bis littentatet . 3, Tioîto Tasiset 2 for 18 and tinie, and bept bots Barry Biiey Constanstin and Bois Muera y oms top hockey ptuyers are lined labo Tickto r 3 and fred Leacer f obo sisared lise tallied for tise greonsired Mil- u vasils- lise lout club toits Jde ocis ce 0fr 3 netminding ai isaif a gante earbi ton club. 7dz, fornter Bramptons uno »Iton, M it atopayOU8 t "B" out t0 tise oorisoats as i0 Oct. 3t-Irene Ladouceur 1 ed Blair Constantin of Burtinston tise ladies astis 263 sisngle sait W6 ------ is1 waws Juine "Bts"... . Bois miale. lifcis CisltsO bàaI tai> Muty and VlcRosser incanIPs a*ints single vassi 285 and UNt jfront Dasdnn, couid 6e top ad. Gowisg took isigis triple isnas ditions os oil Daooy Farrell in a ltis 715. lise club ltlestot seasoo . . A 39 Io dote, fdlssers have 3t, taUIt- local esecotine a isetter piclure Husies 21. It was 43 pears 000 tiss t sisouid tant t 0011 notre thni tis eend ouIàw gietieBoes 4 reod 22 ad tisaI lise firtt Artoistice Day oas opinion. A s osua i il ofît 6e a Scorisg ln tise gaine sato tise Non. 3 - Dot Carter isod Iodles' iseld, wisenona Nocentier Il, 1910 disnet metreiog and a chance for cisîtors taise lise lead four tintes Itigis single and triple whiite Jiffi a trace Oas rearbed eodiug tise eceryooe to discaus lise carrent on thse firsi period 10 lead 4-3 aI Powell look top single and triple fist orld wnt. Noto ratfed Re- isours, lise end of lise rante . .. Courat baos fer fise 3150. tentbeaoce Day it a fitting ho. DARTS oas lied 6.6 at tise close of tise Standinsu Bloorers lois 5 for noir, tise doate earis year is set Tise Big Boppers are stif the secosd, thse Mesctisî sont in 29 ta date, Go-Getters 2 for 17, acide ohe e reryooe joins lo, relt t brlli, evn tiougis lise fronl't oI tise final fratrie tiser Rousis Riders 4 for 14 and Rock' getiser t10 v pas and pray. liephat isero ju e let Do Ricisardson toafin and rt 3 for 10 f3103 pinfatl. erao g ichei fraise maon. suafa score whiîe iss troo oasamn et tog oti IhirfelowtoO~ hot and tisey lead t6é eigist sisort . (tord Tisonpsoo pot Martyr &îrds Twroly secro years lter tise Irato frague wilh 48 poirts. Thte sn a sitsitar fine dispfof ltis ýNon. 3 - Jone's attd Reg's Secood wocfd toor eoded ln o Boppers ctalnned Il p oints nfatt' juot acr s minute left in lise picisrd op tisse points on tise day,, Nocannier Il ilt sec th do olii ty irniae3 gi . He e.sttted tsru gis tisird aiheodl of Roisys isy taking cotradies of the Legioti POT tri- pois. Witdoats nlîisough tftey rentre, roorded lise defenre andfie bute Io tisose obo gave the"glaotfopensgcsf1f~inhgsio iv. JrGudsweoe'il fines. Robelo toaiîîlaioed a isotd On tante tinte Friday for tise seasoo siogle colts 301 atnd Reg Tisontas Tbey oi be jolord by mny secoond place wtu 42 poitnts fol' apeoer, theo fient of 15 hsonte gaines liadt iigis triple cf 675. RohY aillerocitiarot of lise toton obo ord lty Reboin cr116 36. Tird in tise nchedufe, n 9.45 f.to. Cisildu cdi tise ladies wiîh 331 and ai'.o gave in saine way. This. ns îiti Rrisrts 1. tise 'Ledoitis entry osarp. 747. wisen thr otntonpher of thr day'. ond fbey isepl rigbl ap thero in 0 Sadns a slo o wbn tbeve ttoogreolt wrs ncr tr taniv with eight pois 37oiftfm'nt"-oc taosyi ate,~ Jacs's 5ois34 20e firaftc erded oilfb serraef faico front tise Legioo etry. 0,SfP. entry. Happy G ang ennrrg- 37 far dat, uo's 2 ýfoc 28, Regos in fand emories O.S. aFalingstoci are tird ed on top of tise heap cous a 'for 22 aod Leo's 5for 171(3147 The paradc toiti tooce off froto toits 34 points. alter the 0,SfP. big I1 poits taison agaiosf fait' piofall. tise Lrgion ai 10.30 am. t.hatp croto lok eigbt points fromto he eting Ofd Veto. antd ait coterades acr ascof ta titliogbrook squad ta clitois lob N&TSRI foppies oece flot sotd P. L. Robertsonl Girls itnout, ifposibler.The' s.fe,-fleie.ThecLegoteteits 32 intown on Frdnnigt beause No. 2 -Tseseonodseries vce ai tho Ccnoaph cl be hfiel point'. foifocord by to'.t ploce Ri- of tise taufty oraitier but Toppy '.forted Ibis oeeb wlish Danna ai I a.m . vis.Cbafrtanmrpors a bcisi sarle o reobe, Lii rstezycisi and Ktath At nigbi thec tctctao Armintioe EUCHRE tise istood ced poppirs as Botor. Coates teociog imb a firstpioce lity dioner tolifib efd atndt i achre ntanding as of onst day ... Of296 embiers' aines lie coit five pts ttuac. arts you plan Io attend if '.ootd 'be Torsday îtight 1'. as fol toto': Hip- on tise hourd thrrc are suitl 26 Defarestloois iigis single bottners isn tu fr1 theto snom rtgttt PT Gtang 46: 0.Sf. 2 43; O14 obo hsane bl paid ibis year'a toits 271 obife Betty Seeeey bad aovay, an a paoisrd bail os anti. Socat'. 41; 0,Sf. I 38 Blue Sus. does . . . Most of lisese People higb triple ai 7106. Otiser gond. oipaied., lIto MIfman of Londo aou 3.4; Lotoiardin 32; Gi d Trou isave rnteey forgottro s0 tooyie triples neere t2eetle M0u1an~ coul be the sts speakser of fisc 30; Tigeto 24; Cao. Tire Service il wond 6e a god ides ta msen- Cotss.tfMoi.fa roeoiog. 23: fd Vers 14. lion tieirttantsblere... Coo' forest 594 and Airefl ruishO .Mooday tightisi tOc anaofi Big coin of tise nigitsi mo.tade rade Roger 'ftoirty lu in Oaci- Standittgs: Dostna Greoite, Lit. nomtioations triabi and tOi'. is hy the O.S.P. I riat then el gon bospitl obete bie isas Kaszycisi aod Kaths Coates lois on time cohco ait tortois' locok Il poits' or cicr olhcc iserttfor tbepa.toiie ,Asc)ta strt te seie, ar unn on tise bospita is 1sf o honorory lois 4, Gerlie 'Mountain 3, WiI- ____________ tctoier Bill Serofisi toisi'.n fie Wilnon 2, Mary Heipef 2 and lise Milton District hospifaf . .. Poila McPhsail 2. k y Thehalltis reeioittga couple of Oct 20 - De5s, 0e goofed! lmk t ui oirg ts OCKO, 1newc sigos ai presno f. criii obeo Soteeree slong the fine, w eooPfefed sbooid 6c eortoto msseti nentiosiog finr Tai Gnn Tise nbedote in lise Milton bn Speottor vs. Rotes Tues Dec sis. s Dont forget Satardac hall iigis single and triple coith dufta Hocisrn rogue gel'.112, Gien c'. T.L. cr'lt .oring aI 10.30 aI tise Legion. 297 and 697. RExcuse os, Tai. dc'eno cis o paic' ot gomes. Tise (tien v'.. QOnenofon, Ramu ns. Icaguecconlicof .in sixtescoiti Gcrc'yn: Tan'.. Dcc. 19,OQucenton Iwoo gome'. pfoycd rach Tocnday cv.. Rores, (tecry. vis. Speotator; and Thccr'.rfo nighf. Thor. Dec, 21, Spectofor ns. Gien, T. L. Robec'ton ho'. bbc drfcod' P.L.R. os. (terrys, Thac'. Dec, 29, iog oisatpiansbip tiry and tOny, Rom'. ns, Ouenon, (tien ns. ore bsrik aiong citis ruonerop (terrys; Toues. Jas. 2, Sperlator Gorennion Mdcaorso f Hateiffon: os. P.L.R., Gar noton cu. (terryn; Oakrili Raton; Occ'c vslMiltoo); TOur. Jon. 4, (tien vs. Ronts, P,. (tien Wiliam., ond Hamilton LR. cv.. Gareitston; Tors. Jan. Specltor. 9, teryn vs. Ratis, T.L.R. ns. EacO tclub tciit bc caiicdl opon Gtien; Char. Jan. If, Octrys ns, oa ploy 20 gomn'. in Ohe cscfoto P.L.R.. Spccoor cs. Ouceonstoo; witO fisc top toc' tram'.inothe Toro. ion. 16, Ooeentoo c'. 010 final s.tonding meeting in tOc Ram'. cv.. Sperfatot'; TOur, Jon. luaaoe plta> vfi. tu ronieni foc' 1f, T.L.R. c'.. Rote', (tien nu. fisc Ptcd Ac'm'.trong Meootai Specocoîo; Tue'.. Jon. 23, Sper' ltpiy. Fttitrccrng ns fOe fcoguc tatot vs. Oec'ry'.. Rates nu. f.L.N.; oohcdafo: TOur. Jon. 25 Oerc".s vs. Gtien, Thuoc. Nov'. 9, 8.10 Gtien vsn. f.L.N. cv.. Sptct.boc; Tuen. ian. Racon, 9.25 P.L.R. vs. Ooecnnton; 3f, Oocen'.coo on. F.L.N., Rates Tues. Nov. f4. (toto' n'.. Ram'., vs. Giecn: Thur. Fcis. 1, (lerryu T.L.R. cv.. Gien: Thuc' Nov. f6, v. Ouccooton, Oprofatorvs Gcry'. ts. P.L.N., hpecotor vsn. Rant'; Tors, Feb 6, Gien vs., (Juccnnlon; Tou. Nov'. 2f, Ouren- ,L.R., Oucenston c'.. Spectator; c'. v. Gicn, Rote' c'. Spec Thurt. Pris. 8, Oien v'. Qorensn, ftur; That'. Nov. 23, f L.R. cs. Rate' cv.. Occrys; Tors. Fris. 13, Rote'. (tien v'.. Speot.tttc' Toc'.. Ooccostoo v'.. Rates, Oerryv vs. Nav. 28, Opecact v'.. Gcro'., Spectotor; TOut' Fris. 15, Sper. Roîno on. fP.L.N.; Thoc'. Noc'. 30. caoo r'.. Ginn, f.L.N. vs. Gertys; Oc.'tcyc vs.. Gien, P.L.R. vsn. Spec Toes.. Pcb. 2f, Noîtt v'.. Coeons- lao;Tuco. Dec. 5, Ooccn'.fon ton, Oies vs. Gertys: Thur'. Fris. v'. .fL.., Rooo c'.. Giecn; Thuc'. 22, Speccobor c'.. P.L.R., Qoeens-' Dec. 7, esv. Oc c"c o, ocooon. ton r'.. Onron, OUR TOYLAND US NOW OPEN NEW STOCK US AREUVUNG DAILY Por Ilant Se"oftms SIup Ne as VesnSUss'dal Cfetand 247 (12), Coi lero Pecnots Octoer 1 Th leguetigisi' 245, feggy Moît-ol 230 1207), Ocie r 31 -gi Tis ee age r Pelares Diogoati 223. fut Mac- ened sap ogut lsis eek Cafersisal 228, Joonoc Hccod 2fr (2001, OSoff ad Frd Mflu strePi Malpis 239. (tond tripie'. corc Jonc srorn points and moced i010 O Go-id 65f. Ico Mc.Cfcttood 642 cnd seconud place lie, four points iscc Ponna Clcmnconî 623. Ctc.i Eltt'. 3604 TiTers. Flyero isad 3648 Pin« %%!th 74 and Suonîco Pinn nous fait, second isigist, bol hâtif t6e 80, Oece foc bocfcr. of thso cocri. tofoforione ut playisg a mil bof Stantdings- finiseads look 5 for 'Miltont Bewfaoay retn wblih 35 Soutieiots 5 for 33, Hccf'hoi'. had fa 3787haggregeaoand 1ock 2 fot 28, Kingpin'. 5 foc 28, Head- fin ftats tseleaer. Otyeight pins 2 toc 27. Poacpion 2 for' 26, peints separote lise firtf secen Drifters 2 Iot24 and ol Kci trains.5 for 23. S. Rigo badl top triple oltis o fille 093 toiie M. Casarin thmcw 24 Club isigis single ai 363. Other good No.1Pi aeryhdig single gantes wer S. Zappas 335, snole ibihs R.eeccth ho d C. Auogr 321, E. Tufelaisa 318, S. Bieth' cerc ok tcigh tripl a0 Rigo311and . MConnil 91.601 (163-213-225î. Morg Wil'.on hall Gttod triples wer M. Cnaain 880.o 205 ard 213 and fin kTeadi R. Toleloisa 791. M. Mconneli isad 244 and 216. 739, H. MorIon 738 and P. Hardy Standing'.: B.V.'c cl ouis 32 747. Four steek hlgis oece M. points, E.DOn havec 24, M.A.' f9 Cosorin's 363 single and N. and T.T.". f. Brown's 902 triple. !Statndings: TiTers lobk 2 foc HoIse Rosar 34 ta date, Chartes Hotl 7 for' 30, Fred Mifis 7 for 30, Milton Non, 2 - Tt rfortoor leoador, Soofnoay 5 for 29, Meitsr Lorky Stc'tkc'n, bort a bail nigOl for 27, Jets 2 foc 27, Wiffc Milk and woood op in roati posiion. Transsport O for 20 ond Canadioo Hoishis' .1 imhcd po'.cw tonna Tic'e S foc 20f loto secotnd by'.ccc.pingnecn iront tOc fatcc iag Crlio' wo Ladiea Special are noo in fifts l-foe. Ptfttr Tots Nov. 2-Tse second series start' a iro pint thoorgc n d .I cdtiistoeeswitsAudreyntoing ary pom".tn oagin tt qsicblY Into th5e lear] by laising ii M atmeo cipo îttn loot secen frtn Gladys. TiseIna and ti singderntripl 54 r ad4fcort Joan are closs isebind toits ficcth M ies it 25oc'c4 fl 49iteo earis.Mihe ovree]dfimn Ofadys Meesîti bâai top single wtu 280 acnd 710. olts 269. Gliser gond gantes toem Standing'.: Pillet Pain loob 5 Kay Shsields 210, Joan Waters 209, for 2f. Pin Up'. f furc if and Do, Bcîty Hntcisoo 2.52, Econoc Ding Dongs 5 foir. 3f. Ltofo SIc r'.e Paigniish 239, Donna Ketchen 240 (204 Marg Bars239 andNancy Kanerca 210. Donna Ktcien faut fop tripl e oit b 623. Eyn'onoe Dat' gfni'.i bard tise otsec' occr-6f -- triple wic b a 613 effort. V i tebriLUt Standings: Audrey ba'. 7 tn date, Thiscto 5 I 2693 pinfoilf, Joon 5, Erconor 2, Potina 2 and Ofadys f. YOUR BUDGET Pindusfêrs Nov. 3 Betty Hosseffeidi foct WITH tOn ladies cous top single anri tc'iple of 234 and 604 (12 2158-234) A criife Art Maiy5 f]ed tise toen scits a 239 single and 514 triple (131- 144-239). Otiser 2N0 or ocer gatoen 201. Orea! Losee 05an RtshO ti rOM lr 201. 0 e air Rtse L wcei's ow boo et' astis 93. Standings: Braosslook 5 with Prom apinffatî of 3079 for 14 ta date. ,ýU?5istefr 2. Mopv ioo isave 5. Non. 6-Pinseadv dnaiotafned F N N I . ing 01cr coiie Scaîîfeiusonsîoed FI A C ripsi seiitd, atuo taking firc.IIManS. Tse 72U Kîngpin. toed loto a bhird place 11ManS. Poe8827 lie oltis Hotsoto. "Deal localby In' Ciseaper' laoi Pronms ad biai sningle and triple ois 279 and 664. Gibet' over'20 gatos orre lne Gould __________ 266 (208), Donna Ciemenin 266 (241). Rouy Shanon 251, loy Mc- STOPS quufl SCOURS IN HOURS Terramycin k&]D SCOURaS TAU3LECTS Sans mnep Sp prevestng ntasted eod ostitf animals. Terrantycis A & O Scoae8 Taisîsto pronide potest antiblaîlO. action ngainnt lise toidesî range of scoars-canning kactria plua tise vitateins mst seedeti Sp netoan d nicb animnale. Tsernntycin slarta l tourS Insîntî sn tise slomncs and Intesins agninst isarmfal knctsria tisaI caase scoaîing nnd atna gels anissais kack as this ail oeed-e quidIly. Terranspoin la aisc absorbe i nIa the bload streat ee ietIl continuen tn figist infection tisrnugisns tisa spaten. Atideti sitantins prontate appetile and avod critical nitantin defficiencias. Peent costly acoura damage, onninînin weigist and condition by using Terromccin A & O Scours Taibets. Recommerded fat' catoos. caille, pigs, ' amiss and fot--seat-mg animais, Afeyt Sans a sapplt on band. Fall directions on package. Araiaiste wserecee antimal beollis pradaclo ares gafa * ANIMAL HEALT PODUCYS Animoal Pormula - peu"5 P0emnila *"* AnIi.SEs5 PT U molits 05600 freassprla far Atas - A a b sia 4 W Tan asIns 1 4.eaahO. .Odto% val W PPAar Rea.aeh CaaIIbe ag Mone Pl~fah FWnnhUg -j REMEMBRANCE DAY PARADE AND November il * PARADE LEAVES LEGION HALL AT 10.30 AM. * SERVICE AT CENOTAPH STARTS AT 11 A.M. Ait VETERANS WEtCOME TO JOIN THE PARADE F7MEBER TO WAE A POPPY ON OPYDAY F eUlay ad Snlssrday NIViMER3AND 4 LORNE SCOTS PIPE BAND and MILTON GIRLS' PIPE BAND U N ATTINDANCE EIANCN NO. 136 0F TNE CANADIAN MEbON NUMEOT UQUESTS THE STORE- REPIES TO XEMAIN CLOSED DURIN19 TNE NOUES OF 10.80 A.M. - 11.30 A.M. TNAT REMEMBRANCE 1SAY MAY BE OSSRVSD FITTINGLY ANNIJAL ARMISICE I>AY BANQIJI AT 7P.M. lKIS 1$4.00 PIÈR tOVKI' -- $2.00 >1k PLAfl -I 2 for 29, Celtlcs O for 22, Gaels 3 Cipnunks 0. Ly5 R % for 33 to date, Hot Sis 7 for 31, lise girls wlts a III Ui.* Nots 2furl1S. BOYS,& st l Junior Bowling ov. ",,d,,ngsM BOWLING WINGS Foxes 11, Bears 9, Wolves 7, Bes- Nov. 4-Lyooo Goodiaris had cor' 3, Raccoons 3 and Lions 2. high itnle and dooblei otheb GeorgesMaxwcell bssightaerage girls tcith 164 and 308. Gord Moi. vritht 122. lin took boys' bigh siogir bonors wtolt 177 white Boonie Gray lhrew top double at 323. Stoodings:Auhrz Ag em t Cc' ooki 3 fur Il oa datr. Coo. uhrz Agem n ariesl t or 10, Sporrows 5 for 10, On Area Fire Calis Hak l ot, 10, Eagles for 7,j fraoo s y for 5 (1210 piofolîl, A by-loto oohorioiog the sige- Robin 2fur 4and Bloobirds ô ingotoan areemet wtth rtl5 for3. Toonhi t poy for rural ie Oct. 21-Sonoin Choîlton hod czii., loton Acton Firo Deporstment girls.' bigh s.ingle nith 151 cohile ca. opprot'ed Mondan 6v Iona. Lyrdo Wright ilrrcc high double saaweyaTcto cwnsip couriil. i: of 261.' For thr bots, Tot or'w dot tbte octo hv.1w, an inrreaised had lop sogletof 211 and Donoieracote toit! hc poid for townnship Grtay hod best dtoble wtu 367. lirecal GOt. 28-Jodv Thoson htd Cooocif agreti t0 sendi Clerk girfo' bigb single ond dooble tcitb Doo MctMillao t, 'tbe oneday 172 and 3l5 while Tomo Frco loti t'derrotand Provincial Trodeand bho boy'. coih 199 ond 328. todo'.lrtal Cooforooce in Toron. GIRLS, 8 to Il to, ood arrooged for prograts Not'. 4 - Standings.: Hockie. for the rot-notbraoro day observ,. bercy Hooodn and Top Cal, amtoooota Hitonville Saturday. tied wtih 13, Yogi Berc' have 11, Accooot'. totatiing $600 and o Donald Dockf0, Bugs.Oonnir'.5,oad '.opc'ittrteoet" vocrher OoioisDcoco'.5, Flioc'.fooo'0Oand for $2,398.09 weretopprovr, NOMINATION a nd ELECTION Toke notie tha by ordor of Thse Ootario Monicipal Board, anomi nto eetn wfl5 Fbeeldo aise Coto muniy Hal in the TownshipofTrafalgar betwsen lise hors of 7.00 p.m and 830fp . the eening of Monday, Norotober 20, 1961, for thse nomintion of candidates for lte offices of Mayor, Reos, Depoty Reee, two Couttcillos for eaohof the four Wrds, two membes of Board of Eduton for eaohofthe four wstds, ond foot meotisers of thbe Pobic Utilttes Coto- missiotn for the tom Monicipolity formed by the amaol- gamatiott of Oolcoille and Trafalgar. And loîther, lobe notice ibol if more tisso the re- quited nutttor of candidates are rtomirtsted sod do net oiihdtoo' occording ta statule, o pol wili bo beld between thehours of ten o'clock in the foreroon and etghî o'clockin jttho ofiernoon on Monday, Gocetober dtli, 1961. Ancd loriter toke notice, tisaiif a poi s reqoled on adoonce poil oi be fteld for persans eniied bp la t coin ihereot or Satorday, Oeoember 2nd e îoeer the tours of ntne o'clockitn tise forenoon snd fice o'clockisn the ofiernoon ai the Municipal Office of Oakvtlle for eleciors of tho Toton of Oaboills, sod ai the Monicipal Offices, Trofolgar, for elerlors of the Towsnship of Trafalgar. DATED ai Trafalgar ibis ibfh dsy of November, 1961 S. A. feaihersionie, Reiorning Officer. D. M. Comm, Depoiy Rtirnieg Officor.

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