Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Nov 1961, p. 7

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Ils, CLMS NOlicI OF tiR&T Kt1tNO OF OelSm List Vtfth' Rdat, test, ItOmi et mona, çbfflt Air id"a NOTICE lattdfgiveo thot of the Votera' List Aot, t900, and thoit t tale Dost ail, Rt 01 office ln thte Mooicipat Buitd- ing, MlBton, on te 2711 11 otO 1 October, 1961i, the liet of oi peroo eotitied to vote la the spid Moaticipalty ot muoicipot elevîloos, aons til such lisI te-. slt0 mains there for inspection. And t herelsy cot 01100 ot voters to taise imenediate proceedns t10 have aoy utilsaienta or errors rorlevord Croi to tare, thte teslat day fo rlpo ilg the 1ttt dey of Iloveouber, t16t. Dated at %Ittoo this llth day of Octtder, tI6t. c-24-2 TbhO Ml Att pertiono havie1 ctlms ag- atout the %otate of Hogto Pitzroy MacLeoo., ltl of the Town of Milton, In the Coooty of lttat, Redired Bruiter, deveasod w6o died onor abotthé 1tbh'dayof Jury, lI, are hèreSy boltISo tu seoid ta rteé oedeealgoed Ad- mmonitator Wlth the Wtt, Ao- orored un or belote the 1716 dey of -Novroober, 1961, their fRoues r. I KNIGHT'S DRY CLEANERS ILTD. satisfaction GooraOiteed t Dry Cleoning 6 Ekîrt Laonderlng taime day service If required t Aîterations and Repoirs 4 Rugs ond Drape§ experto, a Free Pick-up aod Detiunry t AIl work donc on ps-omises CALL TR 8-9941 DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE DRAPES *Dctiveed toyour home, ready lto hang.in 2eeko. *Espeetto, mode and fitdshed. t*Wivte ereco, of patterns IrMM rebich 10 phoooe. CAMPBELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE 228 Main Milton TE 8-6021 vîtf ELICTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC t INDIJ5TRIAL tCOMMERCIAL tDOMESTIC t ELECTEIC HEATINO Comp lefe Elecric Houe 66 Chartes St. Milton TE 8-9513 c-lt1-tf IXCAVATING Excavating & Grading TOP Soit Sand 'Gravet - Itne C. CATION TE 8-9313 rIEf PLOOR COVIRINOS RUGS AND CARPETS Oootily Broodlocet t Roum 56es t Watl lu Walt DARTMENT STORE TE &-021 228 Moi to IL c» YomttI Lie? Nfty wU Ndi " lita bbousfl Ê6S19~ me l Arot tedi lign0e w* et fit at * ti tm e fruit I eft1 pooii up et May tuf- telU S the1<1 dit4Y e Iatt Nuetm R4* l lifi,15 lmud OerM l te iséIle, of it OtI*M tUsfl trS vote aitlt rorv Cel 1Lt ydi lw,: KIe tli er lou dy or0twL55 MO. C. th".sA Cterk, way a 6-1 ToeosîtoffM aqteooR Ntuc fat htomt Prdt* a1 lt par tr of thtr AMIIIt loa. loyfediuret olr mss6n r -roscretdacrigt soid dte, 16 atadite rei ie ia- thé6 Elm da for 1t19d Blta Lr ote wi6 reord oty l 1,# t l ue, 16 t dl, Ilu Ip aI1 clairEsN ol th PA OFat D6Tatr! ib 1th d Caof a fbave ER notice.er 191. arld oaa de b e, 1 cto1 e t-4- 1901. aitsulihd.ti d31 o wnhi Ett W ofstoe nar Notic 1e Eto o ito Etee si, dmtert Wthe 16 ie Wit. Home the oef hed TMAtoINS0 cAnettof, hyc il sllt er Tmlalgor nh 16 Co ty etal N.v W.nore. c-2-3 too. Mr ed Wo , deod A. C. CANNON & SON GENERAL CGNtPACTORS Custoet Humes Repoire Atteralicos Modems Cophooeds Piano and Cree estimatco. Ycaev of expertrere. TR 8-4424 c-tf FA'J BENNETT & SON General Contractors SPECIALIZING IN atNewetHumes tGarages tAdditions t Ecreation Enoma t Eemodclliog " Cabinets TR. 8-6003 369 Highuida Dr., Milton Etepelt t id gâtltfactory CLEANING OFFICES AND STORES Watts and Att Types of Monre Par fee estimotes cait Milton Janitor Service TE 8-388 OIAikETAL ImON Milton Ornamental Iron ALUMINUM ond IRON RAILINOS BILL KELLY TE 8-9027 PAINTING MILTON PAINTER & DECORATOR Fee Estimotes TE 8-4851 M. SCLISI7ZI R. R. 3 Milton Heigts NAIRDRESSING PLASTERING "O WATKINS VOIGUE P LAÀST É iN1MO BEAUTiY SALON *Lathing trRpis* siocco, Specializing in Permuaoent Woves. Cci] TE 81 fer fee estietetes. Hoir Styting 189 Broote St., Milton. Haie Tlnting ct 140 MAIN STREET eI TR -Mi C-5-t PLUSBBIIIG AND NEATINS NAIR STLISTO CONSUMERS MECHANICAL FASHION BEAUTY HEATINO PLUMBINO LOUNGE ONflT METAL WGEK LOUNGE t Foced Air Hecoing * Oclit-icd haie stytists tHot Wctee Hectivg Intdividuel uîyîing : Plintg t Wetee Scfterees A, Cocktait shooupnos t Bothmcore Remadcttivg ti Hair cooditioning t Aie Cvnditinning * CotO o-cuieg t Sheco Motel Wcrk iceve air-vooted hy Coronado FREE ESTEMATES front Creot Hardreare LOW PAYMENT PLANS Speialstden raes PHONE 878-6611 TR 8-9533 Gr WritetP.d Box 1t12, Opeo Tocs. ced Thors. Eveetogo. M]oOt c-25-4 171 Main Stret Milton _______________ c-St-tf IIWINo MACIIINS DE'ATHSINGER DECATH SEWING MACHINES HAIR STYLISTS Rentais ho' 16e reek ce etoth MILTN PAZA Nccc ecachîves frcm 169.50. Re- MILTONPLAZA ,occiioccd modals frcm $19.50 *ModerncSSaloc *Tvlovg We araitoaks soicg *Ado-nevad SOclivî o-i c ocew Sionger fer as fltte as " Air-coiditiooed dryoeos $1.25 per reek. * Gnly soFT reolce ued SINGER SEWINO CENTRE Rous: ue&, Wd, ri. " .M. 172 Keo St.. N., OafkiliS Thors. 9-9 pet. SOL. 9-3 pe.. eeo -0 AMPLE PARKCING IN MILTON CALL TE 8-9541 216 Main St. TR 8-2501 FRED MILI.S oIe c-lu- oteldoht kt !If-2390 ft Ns.IwJ <~~LEAVit, q %V0IOD a il c4b ot ad noic abou tie a o tdoligy off Noveot10r 1OO,.the. sotitor for the Adiooro Wh lib nor ou the eEtte. d Mo. ctber 10, tart req-25-3 KEITH DURNAN TV AND RADIO Repatro it att moires o! tlevision and radio 2t7 Main treet TE 8-4445 c-tf JAMES STEWART TV Sales and Service FLEETWGGD Steeo - TV ond Radios Fcwrec-teonsfoemer opcroîcd t0 protono tube lie. NO DGWN FAYMENT Roof Termo 348 Kiofuleigh Ct.. Milton. TE 8-2452 c2 TR1ENCNINO BACKHOE WORK Treechiot and Weeping Bedu Sand - Grovet - Stone PIN CLORRIE . TE 8-6211 CLARENCE CATION TR 8-9313 c-Il TRAVEL SEItVICI Conadien Pocîfor hleoouuops 016cr steamohip lices and ailnsrepreoented. T. W. CASSON Res. CFPR.CoureIS. TE 8-2527 TR 8-4470 v-JO-tf UPNOLSTERNG Milton Upholsfering RE-UFHOLSTERING 11E-BUILDING Slip toders - chrome choirs. Coottet bult vheserfield suites. Prives ove reosonahie. Colt us for o fee colimale a 358 MAIN STREET TE 8-9099 a-Il WELL DRIUING WELL DRILLING J. B. RUTTAN I. R. 2, Milton, Gel. Phone Bortingten NEtoon 4-6023 WATCN REPAIES An Ailing Watch? Yo ccc depend an us fer preaisive o-oOch repaies O cil] milite. REccova-ce prives aI LLOYD DAVIS JEWELLERS 184 Mcin S1. Miln DIRECTORY ADVB*tIS1NG l l AVAILABLE ON fHIS SECTION AT RCON- OMOCAL RATES. PHONE FOe COMPLET B INFORMATION "l 11-Z141 èÀAMMMUWIILMI ANM The Canadien Cbaept.n, Thursday, Nevaeber 2, 1961 ftàdie *mark r,#. É4&Lê<1 , W#*.i r*, s O 85th 8irthday IWU VIU ~U1 I IW ~ai fly Mem. Gatrg. Iligla S . F ... D Mis Kthrîe oPedm, ee Fimson Riailroads, Ireland iad Mro. Arthor Norritto enter-m ml tbined on tdondoy afterooon The first 'morte" olabt lin6 telt otrieo t. j b* MoaIoN BIsa i otel on honor cf Mes. Ato oew lot aod ,clnter seaostol tî he lhlrd film. "No Longerl Eoidov, October 29th benI th alce an rouo tev e eotertRivrievnt aithe Slaoor *Aos Vanisht, atuto i enour, showe- riuth Sooday in fihe monill, 1h a hitbrtdy Abootn tovelvo tait- tolld in the aoditorio onFî- ed the iocreatio#ty importantuervice on the Choale ýa io 1.e ,edd ood my cord, day eveein,Octdver hum %olt fiort he North Aourricov docîedoondeethe oo c.aoof tlh oand giftu reere recescd 6bv Mru the Maor', mien prejector. MIr. todlo- are ploylog on Conadien Christin Busiess va Coin I. Mloore. Wu wi iote an cd Mru. Etc S. Allco, the Soperioteodeot Life, tvarticolory in the taîgiiF milte r f Ookhaill.. Garfiet dber Meoolovreho aioeebral. hred ohvc molliov oictreoand construction industries loi Broerled the covgiogand Mr Ied 6cr 03th birthdoy test Wedvev- fiOmo, twoc cil wch wre in col-- wnch h6ev terr Io bc porticol Betty-e totoîrd hai ogav. Mi oday. recoy more happy birthdays. ou ad une in block and white. oro, odopîd. Oiso,aic aio of an g an e 'Mr. and bIrs. Wiltiom McLoren Che hirst Oilm. Eoaitraderuý Chife tauie Iaovrd hcr vioon in t fin eai od isitorsovRer the weckend vasinblackoandvwhite and wa ev. D1. A. Poweltt, rector ci so,cl0What Lovea and WeSha f. thei neice and ehewc.Mr. avd an intee-tivodescription of the Grave Anglican Chrct in Mil- Smrt9isLoaî ace. aGeorge M, 1 Me,. Biche Sprivger, frn Vol. %Ocrk dune kv the despoîtcrs one, covdocîed the service in lthe Alite oflered pravcr an I 11h e cav Alberta. and maenovacecrevs oo the rhspet on toodoy oftersccv, tWrightrel -the seiiplr loîp O Friends of Mes. Witliam Rock Canadien faailic rcilvhoy in thé Ortober 22nd. Me-. Ptowell reati ,chich vIes Si.t cia. Chapt., e dre or.y tc6huerufoeis inMfl.tocrt ofhecortiOineet tuecitre tesos, PslmY erssl 41 f4. f ibn District Hospitol. We vcovh ero Canada. The olmîtc t of l end psdet Chopter 10 cf Si Mt. She-ridav (if Oakillw b Ier a spevdy recovery. avoseoro ibish film trou Itt t c uItoAsotet. Re dîliveed ariv ao ver fluent spake..dlv Suaday Gtesta clilch the ow oric Revrluree 10loit lelng aernion based on the cd oa-clu ,vviiirivo sermon, hcase 'Me. and airu, Robert MCFae- siîontcd. o-ocduAa*jktd the sereOI retors in theincident vol Christl Me ilve, of Coledooia suero Scodcy Bée tr m d aitai et agnia olo fy. At the;=eging vwith the dcîaev in the Terc w.~ovito Me. and Mes. Lloyd The secovd filmt trela¶d von of fils sereuv M. Feilce rehev hv ,caN wh er terosflord. Me. McFoelove cou, Land cf Wviccme", ohoued la drev, atteenton t0 the fo*ct Ilh!a ge. Mo- She-ridoa doo..iîe ouest ovolot, Kox esbyteeiav entour, the bcccly spcts ufth 1e loy ond Isopplonesu ore Objectie- locu veo-v sîtkivg tomprio Attversaryin Milton orevmany fmreeli tIcl casv feetoo the1 ilte rue cf Marly tpesons icivuavo the covl recaoii 3fromhibisvillage attendealtu, ear vcidt> cIa ivccr coachcvn bal finitjoy mus ot obv conc ii phiovytorli.c.iavîandIl Or. F. G. Stevwart cf Kitchencer, a lace ae,ov.ged hy teelaod's cused c'ith pieasOCO. Chis.t a, o ati o otîîom lites a Oformer Modeeaor of th, peu.TranspfrtlComany. Srting a is cithin the eech ofcalao Vocal Blit y bytverin Cttuech in Cavoda. Dablinfic 0. cttach made c ccnt- thmugh perucial fvliav.chiy ,cilh Afîiefiv hocislieI Sympthyof tis onnoant. pli cirecuit of' teivd, uloppiof Christ. A s oves theocavevvil h îhv Sav,alenouaî, ctob. 29li Symoty f ki c amo i ch lcv,,îa bvaaîy spots as-oevevlv o-ha reccrved ccciv hil eacdavîv, eclîovoal c is vvtended ta Mes. flhe] Bor- Bicrovo, Cc-lc. vchcvv a tourie reith jcy.,Christ depeodonvus tcilalin thc uitaaorcium r denvnîher-utrecn ho tat JaofMcv-r voIc shcc-v kissicg th1e Btaevey Io bc reilceusos co Hic la.hivg lai tta displaved flic usc broherin-aw he aieJoh Ma. 0cn,oa Kiiitcnva Galreay Bay, the aid la hrivg jtcf ta cr icillo talent.,c o - ic-ckenlocccv Lesi tning f Gelph. Hii-o ci Donvagil ccd scveclb men. Ký Wihcill. li tha rganis Me. cnd Mes. A. T. Mccre bcd Di«. andMrs. BriavMonteclc of -o ile-ia Si. Lcke'sAglican Chtirch i Bao-ivgtov D. Bcarcgon an rei nScloeday c chsit. IOWVILLR tBert Ba..kcî,hto. Me. Witivci Birthday greeliogs Oc, Mo-. inovacedaothe gatcîg andvlvdiic Lloyd Bcytey Marlece Iglos. I1 t L o~o he piano a.oOrefcirevl Beenda Cclieg. Gordcon M- Iitiale Blile JIUtdy Group iothe tavgc sacc bv Mr. BacPal n odnCutr ntnadM.Bcehm Weddivg AOniivesey geetiofs 14 M e t td P ie on Tp,,,Mi luoMr. ad Ms.egvinaldTeos Bfblrs. Ishbl Colson Oocterdorv Scvday o..vnic in -iot -avge oup of, oh Oh aisc -Me. cnd Mes. Haruvu Black- ovvleUid hr as1c f ch o-vgclae men. ogs r.oOcgio.wh tockovhooilbe 40vemcMr. LBrieafkscl hac haik s.ctt tvg-t Man. aoritav oslr, L rie o Sturavan wll c tatu [b mdwk ie siodo' Whîite pickivg apples cv tho _lacLocd o t fecafp. The c pc-cos cf Okîs cccl-IliLean lc sg ru bretc fvievds and reatives cosi ,tkac-htsb-faomchi -lccghaei 3cOa Sokc-,oo-rc* piavs. Biloco Bl.ow ai~~~ enacvii Haltîvcha locovers. carelo ohe Mic Ccaiscv fr00 freona oldda ftaa Wovoo.- Wivd. Il Wao- a Me. and Mrs. Lorcmc in He is aoc in Miliî Dicioîo.. Love-rcod His Las, ond Whcvo hcd a toirtfidcv divner Rccmcclo hehbooks, theocthesHytt-oark.cak o-tc ak.M.Btkvo il 1 - on ~Scn' and hat il lids cer yeople. Mesita Gvt re ak h ff uk.M.Bcel dyofr teir daughterttvevda The lirsi meeting 'las hvid a .Goge Culsnibas lcvoîibseaaoice altrclas,%o weMr. and Met.. Wallce Kinf. ccoh14ycpc vo-,vo Tc Hcstai. Kciih Cci- ortt Meeor' c po, The Mo-oc Mv.cc Ms. ch D Ca-n. ciicha a pepl fhiîama Tv acJr is a patio-ut vn Miltoi D- Flct,, ,chil, ha csang io G,-îccc Duvcan avd Bolit. - strict Hospitl. Dala Cccicac is Ta, oi De%-ootoo Glioocot Deoa SvoPalîf is vvlvdved Oc Mr. Lccuoiiae Youang fccyic' Ucicvl a patient in Miilcc Distict Hos- acod Bic-c Thiv Ht,îse. Theooî.; and Mrs. RobenLaking andMr. calcotd a, ooc.hicg schaal ail pitl aise alca.alosag odu Chooles Lntivng dvivýg ohair c.- 1a2 la .th, Fao. bi, Ocieo cent bereaveeertoof c i.trcc andocvtlH-,. docîhver Miss Gecco Lakior aI ORUMQUI G19e 01,eadtags Toono.Baleecn > oî vo Oars et hac Tceaoîc.~~ ~ ~~~~~ , , ~ I D... plgovM ilh-i% ., ct Husse Pront Hospi toi proieU vlmWOw Mii ,IUI. oî-h v ar vI Daaol Wordh Fi-vevds cf Evereol Mcrtoc are haca&Iv Cd Ru lih' cpo-Cvo Dao.das oih piaasvd tc, kcoc hoe is hcme dost o i* & nv bcuilu exprssio aLnd... ai th,>o>,v feco- opiîci. 9e reish him a endD priiizu bc rend spm'y revr. C -r e n rvr Ecoaidl, Loch, ond Miss Merna By Mms.A. Bal] odterhmeu h eet Thccvlti pvlofam wi a- caeu Irener cif Haitevo opevl the The Ncrth Trafalgar Commun co e F r etme bigte ilenoyahle ovc ced the talovts of cdéeeorItî^r.cvdeHre Iytbheld amsccessful eucr elorr ak g i hoetK RayE ho threv gentlcemen woc pro- son Ltas. invthe rc'W. Meery Scon fcîheroatActoo. .stcd il ccrc geaiv aid. Fricods of Miss Jeac MaLecco TueYcc-tvaoatttg iicck. Sevn-ot are scrry tu tooer ohe iv Sick. WC ICCc tables laerc ipay. ____________________________ ociot herva sycdy ecovc. The pri.. coivot-os Ocro, ladievs: tioci. Mr. A. Bli; vsecd, Mrs. 4119 G. t-ast - lvoît. Mes. M. Wiliam- so;on':frst Rutl Lcsive;R~TR second, 'Mei Dotiha . bord. Aiiav RO BE T R Rss.. A Il cfi csandwiches, Couple Iniured cakeanld Icciictc auucervd hy Coupl rnue .,i hre nte A ILTON In Car A-ccident 20beilb fedNvme Bf aira. George Fellettere 28. 5 tnnar OPTOMETRIST Wr cee scrry Oc report bat M. Oe os %a eda h and Mes. Docg Mcrden ac in OPecc e-- ioîîoo heol a of06e T NONC H PE GO Hamiltvon Gecrct Hoospiit v-tot 1aa Ma k. hictvcoot Mcpe cfntSTOANUCErt fEiO0 lace tacerotitons, asa restif e asi ccv îcl-iftovrc co ocitc of00 Hci a cofb paentstcrcadacuttoClck H0f NEW OFFICEAT Sunday cigt. Wr reito 06cm both and ot> iitt alort disfcusonevr 70 ST G OR E c speedy recor0 c atccîî isaccetoS U R GientSmithosprot tast weekend the traahcrs. 7 T E R ESS U R cith Me. and Mev. Lloyd Cargo BotatOd ctrotdav fo-ctivfv Oc and fcmity. Ros Flîirter, Toto-co Socreco.a GUELPH Mr. avd Mev. Gcefog feettîric Maucec Sweloca -v oo Davica and fcmitylvrc divttr gucsts 10n Wood, olîal irfdsIi Sevdcy ro-ciof ocith Me. ccd pasi coak. holoctiîatc ctrhrott- EVES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED Mrs. Becck Hctlt.and fami.> ing ibois c acLouisce FickaI Me. avd Mo-c, hocco-o Maddrv acd Ma, aoc B.oii. CONTACT LENBEI ccd Scott speci Soovdcc- euh Me. tchool Auditotrium and Mr". Bck Howeard avd TheaGradetudenîtsaottfPecv For Appointmeco -. Phone TAd4A618 Shaon Of Hcrevs Cesc Ufcrrv-chout. pecccld îthvr Mr. and Mes. Edgar Merstoati asuemnblu in tic jourc acdttcv-tm Hoau Dîoly Eccepo Wcdccsday aeidgirls f Buligvc, cisitc rdav c iorrc-ivg.CGratOWil hovday o-ilh Mo-. andl Mes. Jaeo tiaresc ca' M.C 0cr the11.. an Marshall. ootoi.h cpenca ccilî toe covgoof c Ge reo nkOTIc anN Miss Bell, Dochae tif Gelpho, O'Canada. G ogtowefie-6 anN vPevî fast reeiocd oîto the oveaa tof flOva hcuv yeuctcd WEDNESA - 9 A-.inta9 Pc Marsholls. , octobig cl. tha gOtOpeci-MO.AFi PM o9PM Mr. and Mo-. Ceaig Eoce aod cd a Haittîotc'eaokit and MON. girls pi t PM Diane of Horoby. ao-a îviciltttv ae. d itae Ch.alston. Paos- Foc Appaielmeal - Phone Tg 7-3971 au Soedoy wioto Mo-. ccd Mo-o. lusîetc pl-alolcol hvWi ECIeri Marschcalol cn oo. tacc n od hoîtîta Ceam ____________________________ Sovona v-isitons oof Me. ccd Raoica oailltaraeegie u Mes. fred Alexandr o-re Mo-. and ho%1thv Home ad Schccl Associa-____________________ Mes. Bilt ICithi, cd famiv tiont ciîto Mîc. J. Wilim Georgetown ccd miss Glati-. mckivg the> 000 acavîcilces Thcvc Shorli of Torcnto. oec ioac tto.lo sue to hcd Chombh Fuace o-ao aer 10 or 15 hookaccrd Anerecil foraca ls being in- incgîooi) rc.ElcVan dePal stlICId in Ziovreoreco Unitedt îas th> tnoea cttoo had ed G Me. and Met. Atlac fcltaevco haîcrai i eîon thea omuii Noen fatcrk n nWt,,, fi hil.. ccte col Fooair ccSnder Mo-. and Met. Vica Chatopati eyvrc a %ci vuceral alter N W A G M ccd deototeJov, %ecvstr in unSsdcv ailto IllecPlvevv Recalco U.. civitom eth0e M. ccd Mes. Peterco-crbes cf hoome o Mî-. ad Mev. M. William- IN 57 NUMBERS Van Kieek Hou., Ont, sprco o fae- sco wcarO toc lt.-0r'v sister Me%. days las( erk with M. ad M- Glcdvv Ccitou and Mi. cmd Mer. Win. Mct-cddrc. Chatrtir Lenhtoa. __ Or conralations tc Mo- eod Cccvralhionlu O M. and___ cf tooir son eeo lv, ccothee hbrote ihalo- ooaddicg convcoscef $ 6 0 0W grcvdsoc fer Mr. and M-c. fdgcr Nto-aco-e (1 Campbell. _r._and_____ RayFuler_____ ._ Freei Buses From Milton to p0,pp CEDAR GROVE INN P P Y November No. 6 Highwaoy Rt Frenlton DAY 3 & 4 TUES, NOV. 7 lIN MILlON Spvcsocod k1, FreeltîoAhlet soito I -ek.. ~<W4Ué9a~d- - v i 5AhI~ ilice TV ed RADIOI SERVICE ____CLLAURS SI 1MRi AJ ________ n 2, d n t

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